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Antarctic Adventure
Escape from the Antarctic
Return to the Antarctic
Rescue successfully (成功
Now let us appreciate the eight brave sled dogs !
The oldest old Jack is very good at playing cards, by the beautiful black and white flower dog Sally plays.
译文:年纪最大的老杰克以擅长打牌, 由漂亮的黑白花犬萨利扮演。
Hello,It is my time !
I will tell you a story about 8 sled dogs
Some things that seem to be difficult to change. For example, when people face a crisis, they often put their own lives in the first place.In the no-win situations, They put the other animal
译文:像母亲一般坚强的玛雅是雪橇犬的首领, 由漂亮的银灰色犬科迪扮演。作为表演经验最 为丰富的雪橇犬,它曾参加拍摄过电影《冰狗 任务》和《马考姆一家》
Max is initially a nondescript sled dog, but he becomes the leader of the sled dogs later. His talent shows itself in the bad environment .And he was played by the six-year-old D·J, D · is very lively. J
Shadow is the fastest dog, played by the beautiful NOBLE, 3-year-old NOBLE is the most faithful dog actor
译文:影子是跑得最快的狗,由漂亮的 贵族扮演,3岁的贵族是最忠实的狗 演员
Limbs developed simpleminded SHORITE by the white three-yearold dog Jasper plays, it was a stray dog, get to the movie chance to make it be overjoyed, as it quickly found that the snow is the most fun thing in the world
有些事情似乎很难改变。例如,当人 们面临危机时,往往把自己的生命放 在第一位,在两难的情况下,往往以 其他动物的生命为代价,即使他们刚 刚救了自己的命 。
In order to search for a crashed mysterious stone, a team of three scientists began their trip of Antarctic expedition , of course, there must be sled dogs. They had to leave the Antarctic because of the snowstorm. The expedition safely returned to the base finally. However, the sled dogs are abandoned. Jerry thinks even if the dogs have been dead, he would find them. Because only in this way can he achieve inner peace. He decided to return to the Antarctic depend on his own strength! No matter how difficult it is. When Jerry back to the base, the six survived sled dogs reunited
译文: 当杰里回到基地,和6只雪橇犬 重逢的场景,让我激动的流泪, 几乎想欢呼。你知道,他们生活 在荒芜,死寂的雪地里,他们并 肩作战,从未失去对生的渴望, 并且仍然相信主人会回来。我爱 上了这8个可爱的雪橇犬,我认 为人与动物之间的感情有时是更 长久的。
Here are some scenes from the movie
When Jerry back to the base, the six survived sled dogs reunited, the scene makes me excited to tears, almost want to cheer. You know, they live in the desert, dead snow, they fought side by side, never lost their longing to live, and still believe that the master will come back. I fell in love with the 8 lovely sled dogs, I think the love between man and animals is sometimes more long.
译文:迈克斯最初是一条毫不起眼的雪橇犬后来 在恶劣的环境中脱颖而出,成为雪橇犬的首领。 它的扮演者是6岁犬D· J,D· J活泼好动
TRUMAN looks like Dewey. They are twin brothers, he was played by the 3year-old stray dogs Seteka .when he acts the first film, he begins to enjoy the Canada duck 译文:特鲁门长相酷似杜威,是它的 孪生兄弟,由3岁流浪犬塞特卡扮演, 在他拍摄第一部电影的同时,它也发 现自己对美味的加拿大鸭情有独衷。
Energetic redຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduhairy dog Bark is a hard-working sled dog, he is very clever and sensible, he is also the largest dog in the film, weighing over 120 pounds 译文:精力旺盛的红毛犬巴克是一条 吃苦耐劳的雪橇犬,他聪明伶俐著称, 同时它也是影片中个头最大的狗,体 重超过120磅。
Do you remember these dogs ?
Scene 1
Motherly strong Maya is the leader of sled dogs, played by the beautiful silver grey dog Cody. As the performance of the most experienced sled dog, she participated in the movies 《冰狗任务》and 《马考姆 一家》
译文:四肢发达头脑简单的小不点由白色3岁犬 贾斯伯扮演,它曾是一条流浪犬,获得参加出演 电影的机会令它喜出望外,因为它很快发现雪是 世界上最好玩的东西。
Dewey is one of the twin brothers, he have never seen snow before starting to film acting training! But he soon fell in love with snow and ice and cold, and never let go of any sled opportunity 译文:杜威是片中那对亲密无间的孪 生兄弟之一,在开始参加影片表演训 练之前从未见过雪!但它很快就喜欢 上了冰雪和寒冷,而且从来都不肯放 过任何拉雪橇的机会。