



Unit 7一、练习答案I. Cloze (20 points)1—5: CDBBD6—10: CCBAD11—15: BCAAD16—20: BCADDII. Grammar & Vocabulary (30 points) 21—25: CCDCD26—30: DCBAD31—35: ADCAC36—40: BCBAB41—45: DACAD46—50: BCDABIII. Reading Comprehension (20 points) 51—55: ADBBC56—60: ABDCC61—65: DBACD66—70: ADCBDIV.Writing (30 points)Section A: CompositionShould Citizens Be Granted Full Right to Whatever Name They Choose?I think citizens should be granted full right to whatever name they choose as long as the name meets the requirement of the law. But naming with a Chinese characters plus an English letter, as the father of the graduate student did, is not a good idea. It is not very appropriate and normal.Normally, our names consist of three Chinese characters, which is quite different from the names in other countries. The first one is the family name. The second one is the generation name and the last one is the given name. This is the general rule for a Chinese name. In fact, nowadays, a lot of people omit the generation name. However, this is acceptable. The student had trouble in transferring her hukou because of her name. This trouble is caused by not following the rules of writing personal names.What’s more, our Chinese characters are unique without numbers that can not be the same with other languages. But the English letters are different from Chinese characters. If we use the letters, the pronunciation is a big problem, because those letters can also be found in other languages with differentpronunciations. There is no standard how they should be pronounced.Personal names are also a kind of traditional culture in China, which consist of the information of your family and the hopes of our parents. In order to protect our culture and respect the tradition, we should stick to our nation’s standard form of personal names.Section B: Note-WritingUnit 8一、词汇短语Text Arigorous [] adj. 严格的,严厉的;严酷的,严峻的【例句】He makes a rigorous study of the plant in the area. 他对该地的植物进行了慎密的研究。



Unit 1一、词汇短语Text Astatuette [] n. 小雕像【词组】a china statuette瓷雕【例句】A china statuette of a shepherdess stood on the table. 桌上有一个牧羊女的小瓷像。

eternal [] adj. 永恒的,不朽的;无穷的,无限的【例句】①She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life. 她终生感激他的救命之恩。

②I am tired of your eternal arguments. 我讨厌你那没完没了的争论。

【助记】外部(external)世界是永恒的(eternal)诱惑【派生】eternally adv. 永恒地;不朽地eternity n. 来世,来生;不朽;永世lest [] conj. 惟恐,免得【例句】He took a flashlight lest it should get dark before he returned.为了预防回来以前天就黑了,所以他带着手电筒。

leopard [] n. 豹;美洲豹【词组】snow leopard 雪豹spring [] n. 春天;弹簧,发条,弹性;根源,源泉;泉水v. 跳,跃,使跳跃【例句】She sprang out of her chair to greet her father. 她从椅子上跳起来迎接她父亲。

【词组】in spring 在春天spring up 涌现,发生,出现spring from 起源于,出身于spring sth. on sb. 向某人突然说出或提出某事物(令人惊奇或猝不及防)muscular [] adj. 肌肉的;肌肉发达的;强健的【例句】Like most female athletes, she was lean and muscular.像大多数女运动员一样,她精瘦而健壮。



Lesson Two Waiting for the PoliceKey to exercises1. TranslateInto Chinese1.夜生活2.吃和住3.供吃住的寄宿舍4.一秒钟都不到5.玻璃弹子6.抽打死马(做徒劳无益的事)7.阿司匹林片8.在此情况下9.提前,事先10.走过场11.楼梯间平台的窗户12.紧气氛13.毛线针14.梦游15.飞机翼展Into English1.to whip up a little interest2.to keep the ball rolling3.to set the ball rolling4.an eccentric millionaire5.to allot capital6.to tighten one’s belt7.to make a remark8.to stretch out one’s hand9.to moisten one’s lips10.to complain of the weather11.to plunge the stick into the sand12.to turn on me13.to get on one’s nerve14.to put something out of someone’s mind15.to come off the hook16.to do a crossword puzzle17.to blow one’s nose18.to powder one’s nose19.to give an alibi2. Replace the italicized derogatory words int eh following sentences with commendatory ones.1. slim2. robust3. famous4. orator5. wonderful/terrific/superb/excellent6. beauty7. mansion8. innocent; kind-hearted9. principle10. revolutionaries11. debates12. boom13. thrifty; honesty or common decency14. Discussion15. Stability16. regulate3. Translate1.It is a miracle how our company has become a multinational in such a short span of time.2.The average life span in that country has increased from 42 years to 50 years in a matter oftwo decades.3.The conflict between the two countries has spanned more than half a century.4.There are four bridges spanning the river.5.I’m much obliged to you. Without your help, I would never have finished the book.6.No, you are not obliged to go to the party. You don’t have to go if you don’twant to.7.She’s always ready to oblige when people come to her for help.8.In the valley is a small lake right between a meadow and a hill. It is a perfect spot for a picnic.9.Sitting in a shady spot, he soon dozed off.10.He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bad down by the roadside.11.It was a white shirt with blue spots. It looked quite pretty.12.The detective spotted the suspect, and he walked over and arrested him.13.One of the balloons popped, and it gave me quiet a start.14.It is very impolite to keep popping in and out of the classroom when the class is still going on.15.When he saw the young man ready to pay for the BMW in cash, his eyes almost popped outof his head.16.In those countries, water is worth a lot more than oil. Friends will often bring ten dollars’worth of water as a gift.17.When this project is completed, it will benefit about a hundred thousand people. It will bewell worth the effort and investment.18.This movie is not worth seeing twice. In fact, it is not worth seeing at all.19.I think it is worthwhile to visit that place. I hear they have kept all their traditional houseintact – houses that were built in Ming-Qing styles.20.Jia Baoyu was sick and tired of being his father’s worthy son. He yearned for freedom.4. Put the most appropriate words in the blanks.1-6 B D A B B D7-12 B A CC A D5. Tell the difference between the following pairs or groups of words.1. 1) earnest/ serious2) serious3) serious4) earnest/serious5) serious2. 1) make full use of2) took advantage of3) take advantage of4) take full advantage of/ make full use of5) take advantage of6) make some use of3. 1) weird2) strange3) eccentric4) odd5) strange/unusual/odd; peculiar/weird4. 1) advise2) advised3) suggest4) proposed5) suggest6) propose7) proposes/suggests5. 1) always/constantly2) regularly3) normally/usually4) constantly5) always6) regularly; always7) normally/usually6. Study the following sentences and point out what it is that is being exaggerated.1.how startled she was2.the fat that she never seemed to stop knitting3.how he has been touring the world to give lectures for money4.how all food is removed or destroyed leaving nothing for the enemy5.his poor shooting6.his chronic tardiness7.his dumbness8.the strong smell of the cheese9.his eagerness to please powerful people10.his complete absence of moral considerations in his attempt to grab money11.my hunger12.difficulties in life13.the number of people14.the amount of medicine15.the heavy pompous word7. Choose the best word or phrase for each blank from the four supplied in brackets.1.While2.average3.under4.being5.mutual6.favorable7.account8.status9.relate10.stay11.On12.actual13.friendly14.nervousness15.inMore work on the Text1.Grammar in context1.1) In the circumstances: explanatory2) approximately: explanatory3) as you know: afterthought4) and Mr. Houghton was ruined, there was no doubt about that: afterthought5) he explained: afterthought6) the trick of interrupting here: explanatory7) in fact: transitional8) I’ve often wondered: afterthought9) for his part: transitional10)it’s true: afterthought11) if anyone should ask my opinion: afterthought12) ‘for its part’ and ‘on the other hand’: both transitional2.Study and summarize ways of making suggestions.Using a question:1)Shouldn’t…2)Shall we…5)Why don’t you/weUsing an imperative sentence:6) Suppose we…7) Let’s…Using ‘suggest/propose’’3)I propose…4) I suggested…2.Insert the appropriate parenthetical expression into the sentences from the list below.1.In fact2.Especially at an advanced level3.It was that long, I am sure4.Of course5.However6.On the other hand7.I suppose8.Forty-five years ago9.Whether invited or not10.For example11.Voluntarily orinvoluntarily12.It had been tested only onceplete the senteces below by translating the Chinese in the brackets.1.I suggest/propose we break up for two weeks.2.Shouldn’t we get a lawyer3.Why don’t you go and have a look in4.Suppose we take/ Let’s take5.Why don’t we just stay home/ Let’s just stay home6.Take a shortcut through the sports-ground7.We propsoe that the UN security Council meet at the earliest possible time8.Shouldn’t they be informed of9.Let’s/ why don’t we draw lots10.Shall we set a limit4.Translate1.It seems the patient has no relatives in this city.2.It’s easy to make friends but difficult to keep them.3.He can always understand what his friends are thinking and worrying about.4.Perhaps it wasn’t Xiao Jiang at all who had left the tap running all night.5.The boy had no idea how he had become an old man in half a day.6.I wonder how Wang Ning has been doing in London. I havent heard from him for almost ayear.7.It doesn’t matter what family you were born into. The real test is how far you can go fromwhere you started.8.She simply couldn’t believe what she saw. It was only yesterday that the twin towers werestanding there.9.Juror No. 8 pointed out that it might have been someone else who had stabbed the boy’s fatherto death.10.In the market economy, it is primarily by idividuals and firms rather tha by governmentagencies that decisions about what to produce, how much to produce are made.5.1. are making, were considered, are, are being used, d on’t compact, have, starting, do2. will work, is, are , reproduces, deplete, is, are fueled, add3. can move, don’t tear, skin, will never take, are6.1-5 C D B C A6-10 D C A B B11-16 D A D C A B。



Unit1Phrase1.猛然敲门bang the door2.向国王陛下欢呼cheer His Majesty3.凝视那雕像contemplate the statue4.设计/发明一种新方法devise a new way5.获得一种名声gain a reputation6.鼓舞人民inspire the people7.低下头sink one’s head8.象征/代表国家symbolize the nation9.暖和双手warm one’s hands10.毁了某人的健康ruin one’s health11.扮演重要的角色play an important role/part in12.解决这个问题settle the issueSentence1.I know I could rely on my brother to stand by me whatever happened.我知道,不管发生什么情况,我都可以依靠兄弟的支持。

2.As a rule, the younger generation tends to be more interested in the present rather than thepast unlike the older generation, but both generations will stand to lose if they do not respect the other’s needs.一般来说,年轻一代与老一辈不同,他们对现在而不是对过去感兴趣。


3.The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating the whole nation.中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。

4.In traditional Chinese art and literature, the bamboo and the pine tree always symbolize moreintegrity and uprightness.在中国的传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿。



大学英语精读第三版第四册课后习题答案大学英语精读第三版第四册Unit11)A thoughtful person thinks before speaking and considers the feelings of others.2)The library is closing,We might as well/may as well/could as well go home.3)I don’t like to draw your attention to the fact that there is some Sense after all in the speaker's nonsense.4)Harry has a vivid imagination;he can make up marvelous stories.5)Although Margie was swimming so well, she failed to win the first prize and had to settle for the second.6)I'm quite determined to have the thing finished and done with before leaving the office.7)Competitive sports are recommended to young adults to prepare them for the competitive world of college and business.8)It pains/pained me to admit that I was such a fool as to repeat the mistake.9)My boss paid me and added a bonus for the new customers I had signedup.10)A soldier should never shrink from the duty of defending his country even in the face of certain death.11)Due to exceptionally bad weather, the ship arrived late and thedelivery goods was not on time.12)My wife was rather embarrassed when she overheard some of our guestssay they didn't like the meal she’d cooked for them.13)People in my hometown tend to eat more sour food on hot summer dayspresumably because it could help quench their thirst(解渴).14)In the United States it is quite easy to find a place for rent butthe high cost keeps many young people away.15)The professor was reluctant to stop grading the stack of papers onher desk,but she was really too tired to read on.16)Bacteria reproduce themselves by splitting into two.Unit21)The changes in the firm's policy will have to be fundamental if they are to have any effect on its future.2)Last month I deposited 50 yuan in my savings account,but this monthI had to draw 200 to pay for he mp3 player.3)State financial support given in the form of scholarships hasstimulated the students to greater efforts.4)If you spare half an hour for exerci ses every day you’ll soon be backin good condition/in condition.5)The U.S. dollar fell yesterday against most foreign currencies.6)A country should its natural resources by fighting against waste.7)You can increase a tyre’s grip in winter by slightly lowering itspressure.8)Scientists conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the1930s.9)Rhythm is a basic component of music and language.10)Large amounts of food imports placed a great strain(沉重负担) on thecountry's gold reserve.11)When we’re together a ll he talks about is business.I wish he weremore romantic.12)The first quarter results reflect continued improvements inproductivity.13)The teacher tried to encourage her students to become less dependenton her because she knew they would sooner or late have to take care of themselves.14)Every country considers its internal affairs to be its ownResponsibility.unit31)To support his argument the diplomat cited an article of the Charter(宪章) of the United Nations.2)Credulous people might accept that theory,but as for me,I don’t believe one halt of it.3)Some people tend to,exaggerate when they talk about their own achievements.4)Statements made in anger We often regrettable but difficult to take back.5)Sometimes the preface to a novel or a play is more interesting than the work itself.6)My father always justified his behavior by felling us what his father had taught him to do when he was a child.7)The sun had sunk below the horizon When we arrived at the village.8)accept the authority of our parents when we are young,but mature we may begin to question their advice.9)Since she didn't reply yet you should follow up your letter witha phone call.10)This principle advanced by Lenin remains an incontrovertible(颠扑不破的)truth.11)The meeting was late because the speaker talked on and on about hisfamily,his travels,his publications and so forth.12)No one could say how the magician was able to pull a rabbit out of his hat until he later threw light on/shed light on his tricks.13)It's no good pressing he r;sh doesn’t like to be hurried.14)Asian children usually shoulder the burden of caring for their parents when they grow old and not look after themselves.unit41)It took quite a while for the tour guide to herd the scattering of tourists into a minibus.2)Henry was a poor dancer; he kept treading on the toes of his partner.3)Not only passengers sitting at the font of taxis but also those traveling in the rear must be restrained where a seat belt is available.4)I thought he was joking must be when he said Helen was pregnant,but she really is.5)The committee needs to be in communication with the program designer,especially at the very beginning of thedevelopment.6)Even though he couldn't swim,he managed to make it to the river bank.7)We turned one last time to wave to Mr. And Mrs.Johnson when the train began to pull out of the station.8)Standing before the door he was fumbling/fumbled in his pocket for the key.9)It is not easy to make sense of the maze(错综复杂的)of facts and figures concerning the project.10)Fortunately our town is blessed with an excellent location,a busy highway intersection.11)The plane had already started its descent when the pilot received orders to abort his landing.12)Nowadays countries vary enormously in their supply of early education programs.Unit51)Her suggestion may sound reasonable to in you,but everybody else 's eyes I’m afraid it may seem ridiculous.2)Some doctors believe it is brutal to tell dying patients the truth abouttheir condition because they may become so distressed as to commit suicide.3)We note with satisfaction that all these activities have helped topromote mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries.4)Contrary to the belief of some doctors,even very old and sick peoplewant to know the details of their illness so that they can prepare for death in their own special way.5)Corruption in government is not tolerated in any country that wants to achieve rapid economic growth and improve the life of its citizens.6)Mary betrays her friends by going back on her words.7)The author brings the first chapter of his book to a close by givinga brie account of the advances science has made since liberation.8)In that accident Julian risked her own life to help a disabled woman.9)It pays in the long to introduce new techniques.10)Mrs.Queen gave us a distorted account of what had happened;that’s why we no longer believe in the sincerity of her utterances.11)In every country parents always remember the first time their child utters the word "Mama"or"Dad".12)At times the oral English class was noisy, with everyone participating in an activity at the same time,but at others,the class just sat there and didn't say anything.Unit61)Months of training were a necessary prelude to the championship bout(拳击竞标赛).2)It’s important that everyone on the project keeps to the schedule.3)Seeing that they were very busy then,we took our leave very quicklylest we should be in the way/get in the way.4)Applications should be addressed to the committee and not to individuals.5)The teacher singled out Jennifer for special praise,for she was good at writing short,clear sentences arranged in logical sequence.6)A special commission will be set up within three months to study the question of how to preserve historical houses in the city.7)Her appearance isn’t relevant to whether she can be a good teacher.8)It is not very easy to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own.9)So graceful was the dancer that she just seemed to glide over the floor. l0)The ultimate object of scientific inquiry is to discover the laws of nature.11)The driver was still conscious when the ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident.12)Despite continual pain,he refused all drugs.13)Reading between the lines,her husband figured out that she was still bitter about his recent behaviour in spite of the apparently cheerful tone of the letter.14)Owning sets of books is useless unless you read them.15)My aunt almost fainted when she was told that what she bought at a very high price was not the original drawing,but just a copy of it.Unit71)The nurse on duty hurried to Mr.Spenser's ward in answer to his bell.2)Catching sight of its mother,the little child stopped crying and toddled to meet her.3)The football players were trying to make an impression on the national coach.4)Banks have to think of ways of making long-term savings more attractive individuals and businesses.5)Though he had done a day s hard work,he said he wasn’t in the least tired.6)Mr.David in the habit of knitting his brows whenever he concentrates on a difficult problem.7)Mother always taught me to be thrifty and not to live beyond my means8)Fruit is best and cheapest when it is in season9)All of a sudden the train jerked to a stop and in the same instant Everyone on the train knew that something must have gone wrong.10)We would have succeeded in fulfilling the task ahead of schedule if the weather had not taken a hand in/a hand in our plan.11)The two kidnappers him into the back of a jeep and then drove off at full speed.12)The night was very dark,and suddenly a of lightning lit the sky.l3)The Browns were very hospitable to us when we visited Chicago in the summer of 1995.They showed us around most of the city.14)Ways must be found to assure our children a decent start in life. l5)In some countries,the constitution forbid the military use of nuclear energy.Unit81)Some teachers claim that recreation is necessary for children to be able to earn in school but others do not feel that leisure activity is all that imporat.2)In order to stabilize the economy,the government hasworked hard to lower the rate of inflation.3)At first thought the problem may seem far too involved but it can certainly be solved when seriously dealt with.4)There is no commercial excuse for hunting an endangered species,such as the whale,out of existence.5)Manmade or artificial fibers(纤维)such as nylon(尼龙)are not as popular nowadays as natural fibers like wool or cotton.6)The book is too difficult for the children.We are trying to simplify it.7)The film has been exposed light.How can you expect the photographs to develop?8)It seems to me that the Americans are a highly mobile people.Most of them like to travel whenever they get the chance.9)The convenience of living underground may not be attractive to people who cannot stand being away from natural sunlight.10)“Did you say you agreed with him?”“Yes,but mind you,I didn’t make any commitment.”11)As these vases are handmade,each one varies slightly.12)After such a long delay the house was finally ready for occupation.Unit91)Throughout history people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.2)The stream was quite shallow so we were able to wade(涉水)across sit.3)The mountains acted as a natural barrier to the spread of the highly infectious disease.4)Western culture has been greatly enriched by contact withthe civilizations of Asia and Africa.5)I’ve read very little about your work,so I hope you’ll forgive my ignorance.6)Since the war that country has been divided;it is no one political entity.7)Can you specify longer the dimensions of the room?"a Well,it is 10 feet wide,l6 feet long and 12 feet high.8)The gambler had fled to Canada and was beyond the grasp of his creditors.9)When we had the extension to our house built,the concept for it was ours,but we employed an architect to realize it for us.10)How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains a mystery.11)In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson said that human rights included the preservation of life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness.12)If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement.l3)He has an inquiring mind and he's never satisfied until he gets to the root of things.l4)The plate fell to the floor,sending bits of china flying in all directions.15)Jane spent the five-minute break between games collecting her wits /gathering her wits and rethinking her strategy for the second half of the match.l6)The pilot and several passengers were held prisoner by the gunmen for 57 hours.。



大学英语精读第三版第四册答案Unit11) thoughtful2) might as well/may as well/could as well3) draw your attention to4) marvelous5) settle for6) done with7) Competitive competitive8) pains/pained9) bonus10) shrink11) delivery12) overheard13) sour14) for rent15) stack16) reproduce1) inquired2) informed3) awful4) settle for5) trash6) claimed7) Normally8) a piece of cake9) be done with10) enable11) am entitled12) quite a while1) ask for2) was set up/has been set up3) pulled up4) gives off5) was held up6) keep up7) ran over8) made up9) be left out10) cut off1) It pained Jenny to learn of Jim's refusal to help her with the translation.2) The extra work to be assigned to you will greatly cut into your spare time.3) We'd been at the job for hours, but we hardly made a dent in it.4) You have no business saying those nasty things about Dick.5) We might as well listen to the radio program since there isn't anything interesting on television.1) standee2) payee3) grantee4) addressee5) a person who is absent6) a person who is being trained7) a divorced person8) a person who is appointed1) output2) breakdown3) setup4) Takeoff5) drawbacks6) breakthrough7) cutback8) takeover1) paper, store, shop, case, cream2) making, keeping, bathing, conditioning, walking3) market, way, stop, board/smith, ground4) pill, water, material, point, machine5) pour, look/put/come, come,6) out, back/up, through/down/out1) a dozen years2) dozens of times3) two dozen passengers4) dozens of phone calls5) three dozen boxes6) a dozen bottles/a dozen bottles of wine1) a great deal of pain "has been caused by evils which have never happened"2) the elderly lady Miss Morris quarrelled with was none other than her future mother-in-law3) this essay is well-written except for a few grammatical mistakes4) I just caught the train in time5) You can't eat your cake and have it too1) You ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal.2) Uncle Rob should have known better than to trust that treacherous son of his.3) Sally is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on fancy goods.4) Miss Miller certainly knows better than to explore the desert all alone.5) His college sons should have known better than to try to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodily harm.6) You ought to know better than to go out in this freezing weather in those thin clothes. You'll get frozen.1) delivery2) a piece of cake3) inquire4) pulling up5) stacks6) deadline7) marvelous8) enable9) cut into10) settle for11) settled our accounts12) minimum13) known better than1) advertisement/ad2) read3) No4) like5) words6) towards7) which8) sizes9) sitting10) water11) bottle12) one13) started14) passed15) run/pass16) into17) coming18) if19) quit20) hour21) wrote翻译1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。



大学英语精读第三版第四册课后习题答案Unit 1 prehension 1.c 2.b 3. d 4.c 5. b 6. c 7. a 8.d III. V ocabulary 1. 3) draw your attention to 1) thoughtful 2) might as well/may as well/could as well 4) marvelous 5) settle for 6) done with 7) Competitive competitive 8) pains/pained 9) bonus 10) shrink 11) delivery 12) overheard 13) sour 14) for rent 15) stack 16) reproduce 2. 1) inquired 2) informed 3) awful 4) settle for 5) trash 6) claimed 7) Normally 8) a piece of cake 9) be done with 10) enable 11) am entitled 12) quite a while 3. 1) ask for 2) was set up/has been set up 3) pulled up 4) gives off 5) was held up 6) keep up 7) ran over 8) made up 9) be left out 10) cut off 4. 1) It pained Jenny to learn of Jim's refusal to help her with the translation. 2) The extra work to be assigned to you will greatly cut into your spare time. 3) We'd been at the job for hours, but we hardly made a dent in it. 4) You have no business saying those nasty things about Dick. 5) We might as well listen to the radio program since there isn't anything interesting on television. IV IV. . 1. 1) standee 2) payee 3) grantee 4) addressee 5) a person who is absent 6) a person who is being trained 7) a divorced person 8) a person who is appointed 2. 1) output 2) breakdown 3) setup 4) Takeoff 5) drawbacks 6) breakthrough 7) cutback 8) takeover 3. 1) paper, store, shop, case, cream 2) making, keeping, bathing, conditioning, walking 3) market, way, stop, board/smith, ground 4) pill, water, material, point, machine 5) pour, look/put/come, come, 6) out, back/up, through/down/out V. 1) a dozen years 2) dozens of times 3) two dozen passengers 4) dozens of phone calls 5) three dozen boxes 6) a dozen bottles/a dozen bottles of wine VI. 1. 1) a great deal of pain "has been caused by evils which have never happened" 2) the elderly lady Miss Morris quarrelled with was none other than her future mother-in-law 3) this essay is well-written except for a few grammatical mistakes 4) I just caught the train in time 5) You can't eat your cake and have it too 2. 1) You ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal. 2) Uncle Rob should have known better than to trust that treacherous son of his. 3) Sally is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on fancy goods. 4) Miss Miller certainly knows better than to explore the desert all alone. 5) His college sons should have known better than to try to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodily harm. 6) You ought to know better than to go out in this freezing weather in those thin clothes. You'll get frozen. VII. Cloze 1. 1) delivery 2) a piece of cake 3) inquire 4) pulling up 5) stacks 6) deadline 7) marvelous 8) enable 9) cut into 10) settle for 11) settled our accounts 12) minimum 13) known better than 2. 1) advertisement/ad 2) read 3) No 4) like 5) words 6) towards 7) which 8) sizes 9) sitting 10) water 11) bottle 12) one 13) started 14) passed 15) run/pass 16) into 17) coming 18) if 19) quit 20) hour 21) wrote VIII.翻译翻译1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。



Unit1Phrase1.猛然敲门bang the door2.向国王陛下欢呼cheer His Majesty3.凝视那雕像contemplate the statue4.设计/发明一种新方法devise a new way5.获得一种名声gain a reputation6.鼓舞人民inspire the people7.低下头sink one’s head8.象征/代表国家symbolize the nation9.暖和双手warm one’s hands10.毁了某人的健康ruin one’s health11.扮演重要的角色play an important role/part in12.解决这个问题settle the issueSentence1.I know I could rely on my brother to stand by me whatever happened.我知道,不管发生什么情况,我都可以依靠兄弟的支持。

2.As a rule, the younger generation tends to be more interested in the present rather than thepast unlike the older generation, but both generations will stand to lose if they do not respect the other’s needs.一般来说,年轻一代与老一辈不同,他们对现在而不是对过去感兴趣。


3.The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating the whole nation.中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。

4.In traditional Chinese art and literature, the bamboo and the pine tree always symbolize moreintegrity and uprightness.在中国的传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿。



大学英语精读第四册第三版答案大学英语精读第四册第三版答案【篇一:大学英语精读4答案】教育出版社董亚芬主编1) thoughtful2) might as well/may as well/could as well3) draw your attention to4) marvelous5) settle for6) done with7) competitive competitive8) pains/pained9) bonus10) shrink11) delivery12) overheard13) sour14) for rent15) stack16) reproduce1) inquired2) informed3) awful4) settle for5) trash6) claimed7) normally8) a piece of cake9) be done with10) enable11) am entitled12) quite a while1) ask for2) was set up/has been set up3) pulled up4) gives off5) was held up6) keep up7) ranover8) made up9) be left out10) cutoff1) it pained jenny to learn of jims refusal to helpher with the translation.2) the extra work to be assigned to you will greatlycut into your spare time.3) wed been at the job for hours, but we hardly madea dent in it.4) you have no business saying those nasty thingsabout dick.5) we might as well listen to the radio program sincethere isnt anything interesting on television.1) standee2) payee3) grantee4) addressee5) a person who is absent6) a person who is being trained7) a divorced person8) a person who is appointed1) output2) breakdown3) setup4) takeoff5) drawbacks6) breakthrough7) cutback8) takeover1) paper, store, shop, case, cream2) making, keeping, bathing, conditioning, walking3) market, way, stop, board/smith, ground4) pill, water, material, point, machine5) pour, look/put/come, come,6) out, back/up, through/down/out1) a dozen years2) dozens of times3) two dozen passengers4) dozens of phone calls5) three dozen boxes6) a dozen bottles/a dozen bottles of wine1) a great deal of pain has been caused by evilswhich have never happened2) the elderly lady miss morris quarrelled with wasnone other than her future mother-in-law3) this essay is well-written except for a fewgrammatical mistakes4) i just caught the train in time5) you cant eat your cake and have it too1) you ought to know better than to go swimmingstraight aftera meal.2) uncle rob should have known better than to trustthat treacherous son of his.3) sally is old enough to know better than to spendall her money on fancy goods.4) miss miller certainly knows better than to explorethe desert all alone.5) his college sons should have known better than totry to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodilyharm.6) you ought to know better than to go out in thisfreezing weather in those thin clothes. youll get frozen.1) delivery2) a piece of cake3) inquire4) pulling up5) stacks6) deadline7) marvelous8) enable9) cut into10) settle for11) settled our accounts12) minimum13) known better than1) advertisement/ad2) read3) no4) like5) words6) towards7) which8) sizes9) sitting10) water11) bottle12) one13) started14) passed15) run/pass16) into17) coming18) if19) quit20) hour21) wrote翻译1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。



Unit1Phrase1.猛然敲门bang the door2.向国王陛下欢呼cheer His Majesty3.凝视那雕像contemplate the statue4.设计/发明一种新方法devise a new way5.获得一种名声gain a reputation6.鼓舞人民inspire the people7.低下头sink one’s head8.象征/代表国家symbolize the nation9.暖和双手warm one’s hands10.毁了某人的健康ruin one’s health11.扮演重要的角色play an important role/part in12.解决这个问题settle the issueSentence1.I know I could rely on my brother to stand by me whatever happened.我知道,不管发生什么情况,我都可以依靠兄弟的支持。

2.As a rule, the younger generation tends to be more interested in the present rather than thepast unlike the older generation, but both generations will stand to lose if they do not respect the other’s needs.一般来说,年轻一代与老一辈不同,他们对现在而不是对过去感兴趣。


3.The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating the whole nation.中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。

4.In traditional Chinese art and literature, the bamboo and the pine tree always symbolize moreintegrity and uprightness.在中国的传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿。



Key to Exercise of Unit FourP.107 ex.39. to put back one’s head10.to put down a drink11. in case12.to squint at sth. Out of the corner of one’s eye13. to stand next to sth.14. to be lost in the contemplation of sth.15. to feel like sth.16. with---and all17. round the corner18.by this/that time19. to start off20. to walk abreast21. to be at one’s ease22. to weave sb. In23. to save sb. From24. to talk one’s heart to sb.25. not for all the money in the world26.to knock sb. Down27. to say sth. In a strained voice28.to get beyond sb.29. for God’s sake30. to do sth. By accidentP.108.5 March the words or expressions in the two columns that have similar meanings.A. 1=B. 4 A. 2=B. 6A. 3=B. 8 A. 4 =B. 10 A.A. 5=B. 12 A. 6=B. 11A.7=B. 15 A. 8=B.17A.9=B. 16 A.10 =B. 1A.11=B. 3 A.12=B. 7A.13=B. 18 A.14=B. 20A.15=B. 5 A. 16=B. 14A.17.=B. 9 A.18=B. 2A.19=B. 13 A.20 =B. 196. Give the equivalent of the following in British English.1. lift2.flat3. lorry4. autumn5.trousers6. term7. film8. cinema9. motorbike 10. sweet 11. cock 12. toilet13. pavement 14. clever 15. cheque 16. boot 17. railway 18. undergroundP.113 More Work on the Test1.T ranslate1.)Into Chinese1.难以解决的问题2.一本难以看懂的书3.一个爱交际的女人4.黑市5.黑色幽默6.害群之马7.黑人权利8.缺少表达能力的人9.全国性运动10.赞扬或恭维的话11.调皮的男孩12.某些大人物们13.种族隔离的学校14.他的无可争议的权威15.一个地位很高的人士16.公海17.上流社会18.机密消息19.冷淡而缺少人情味的门20.冷淡的公文式的信21.真诚的羡慕22.不自然的,紧张的说话的声音2)Into English1. to celebrate the Golden Jubilee2. to excite admiration3. to touch the conscience4. to win the prize5. to receive the reprimand6. to omit the words7. to renounce the prizes8. to avert a crisis9. to attend the ceremony10. to exhibit a works of art11. to indulge the pleasures12. to guard a child13. to feel up to it14. to bring sth. to a close15. to weave sb. in16. to save sb. from a situation17. to talk out one’s heart to sb.18. to knock sb. down19. to pour sb. a drink20. to raise (lift ) one’s glass二.Translate1.Import of the country’s beef wassuspended because of the mad cowscare.2.During the war, they had to suspendthe construction of the railway.2.it was a serious offence to take drugs, Robert was suspended from school for two weeks.3.She was reading in a hammock suspended from two tree branches.4.T he sales suspension has brought us heavy losses.5.T his is perhaps the longest suspension bridge in Asia.6.T he author is very good at creating suspense.7.H e used to watch wit great envy children of wealthy people go to school.8.I rather envy their school for its beautiful campus.9.S he averted her face so that people would not see her blush.10.He has always had an aversion to publicity.11.The government’s policy succeeded in averting a serious economic recession. 12.Michael Jordan is the envy of many black kids.13.Every summer, hundreds of thousands of people are sent to guard the riverbanks against floods.14.it was not easy to get the golden apple, for it was guarded by a furious giant. 15.Xicheng was practically unguarded so Zhuge Liang narrowly escaped being captured.16.The prisoners of war killed the guards and escaped into the woods.17.He is probably the greatest guard in the history of basketball.18.They took Americans off guard by launching a sudden attack on a Sunday. 19.There were two armed soldiers standing guard at the bridge.20.Napoleon exhibited his military talent early in life.21.These exhibits are all insured and carefully guarded.22.When the exhibition is over, the exhibit will be given to the host country as gifts.23.She is going to exhibit some of her most recent sculptures at the National Art Gallery.四.Put the most appropriate words in the blanks.1. C2. A3. B4. A5. D6. B7. C 8. D 9. A五.Study the difference between thefollowing pairs or groups of words1. 1) renounce 2) announce3) renounce 4)denounce2. 1) avoid , prevent 2) prevent3. 1) divided 2) segregated3)divided 4)separated4. 1) personage 2) person3) personality 4)person5. 1)complementary 2) complimentary 3) complimentary 4) compliment6. 1) secret 2) confidential3) secret 4) confidential, secret七.Choose the best word or phrase for each blank from the four supplied in brackets.1.sensible2. larger3. Unfortunately4. original5. receipt6. rejoin7. viciously 8. demanded 9. marched 10. assumed 11. cases 12. get away 13. protest 14. had spoken to15. couldn’t really have comfortedMore Work on the Text二.Complete the following sentences with the right form of theverb in the brackets.1.is2. are3. was4. frightens5. are6. is7. were all8. was9. knows10. are 11. are, am 12. is13. was 14. has 15. is, is三.Rewrite the sentences using the pattern shown in the example.1.It is now believed that foreign languageare most easily learnt by children under14.2.It is reported that the negotiationsbetween the two countries had made headway.3.It has been confirmed that a majorbreakthrough has been achieved in cancer research.4.It is strongly recommended that fishingin the lake be strictly forbidden during the spring season.5.It is agreed among the rival companiesthat joint efforts should be made to prevent the price of color TV from going through the floor.6.It shouldn’t be assumed that all ourproblems will be resolved overnight.7.It is generally assumed that depressionaffects a person’s health in many ways. 8.It was announced yesterday that a newtax law would be imposed beginning next year.9.In ancient times, it was believed that theheart , not the brain, was the center of thought.10.It is predicted (in a medical report) thenumber of AIDS victims in Asia will increase sharply in the next decade.四.Translate the sentences intoEnglish1.It’s widely rumored that Linda’s beingpromoted.2.It is estimated that the project will costRMB three billion.3.It is assumed that the Labor Party willremain in power.4.It was proposed a few years ago thatthe president be elected for one term only.5.It was announced that another bridgeacross the Yangtze would be built next year.6.it was believed even then that theabnormal state of affairs wouldn’t last long.二.Paying special attention to subject –verb agreement.1. The jury is having trouble reaching a verdict.2. Whenever either of us is in a tightcorner, we always come to each other’s help.3. Statistics are facts obtained from analyzing information given in numbers.4. Statistics is a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of information expressed in numbers.5. Neither his friends and nor his father was admitted by Tsinghai University.6. Xiao Li is one of the best foot players at our university who have ever participated in intercollegiate championships.五.Put in appropriate connectives. 1.as, where, that/which, if/whether , but.if2.When, if, Then, that/which, than六.Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.1.B2. A3. A4. D5. C6. A7. D8.C9.C 1O.C 11. B 12.D 13. A 14. D 15.B 16 C。



现代大学英语精读4课后答案(外语教学出版社)Lesson One Thinking as a HobbyAnswers:I. I have concluded that there were three grades of thinking since I was a child, while myself could not think at all. The subject of thinking was first brought up to me by my headmaster, in whose study I was shown the statuettes of Venus, leopard and the Thinker, which stands for love, nature and pure thought respectively. I was demanded to learn thinking there. People like Mr. Houghten provided me the image of Grade-three thinking, which is often full of unconscious prejudice, ignorance and hypocrisy. The grade-two thinker tends to find the deficiencies of the others, and may enjoy moments of delight, but it does not make for personal security. A still higher grade of thought demands people set out to find the truth and get it .Though these grade-one thinkers were few, I aspired to become one of them and devised a coherent moral and logical system for living. I stood to lose a great deal for my determination, but finally I dropped my hobby and turned professional in that.II.1 . C2 . C3 . D4 . D5 . C6 .B7 .C 8. D 9 .D 10. D 11. B 12 .D 13 .D 14 .B 15 . C 16 .D 17 .B 18 .D 19 . D 20 .CIII. OmittedLesson Two Waiting for the PoliceAnswers:Ⅰ.Oral workⅡ.Vocabulary⒈ Choose the right word and put it in the proper form1)earnest/serious serious serious earnest/serious earnest/serious2)make full use of took advantage of take advantage of make full use of take advantage of make some use of3)advise advised suggest proposed suggest propose suggest⒉Put the missing word2)will work is are reproduces deplete add3)can move don’t tear skin will never take areⅢ.Grammar workChoose the right expression1) in fact 2)especially at an advanced level2) it was that long ,I am sure 4)of course5)however 6)on the other hand7)I suppose 8)whether invited or notⅣ.Wr itten work (omitted)Ⅴ.Translation1) It is miracle how our company has developed into a multinationalinsuch a short span of time2) The average life span of that country has increased from 42years to 50 years in matter of two decades.3) The conflict between the two countries has spanned morethanhalfA century4)There are four bridges spanning the river.5)I’m much obliged to you .Without your help, I would never have finished the book.6)No,you are not obliged to go to the party. You don’t have to go if youdon’t want to.7)She’s always ready to oblige when people come to her help. 8)In the valley is a small lack right between a meadow and a hill. It is aperfect spot for picnic.9)Sitting in that shady spot he soon dozed off.10)He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bag by the roadside.Lesson Three Why Historians DisagreeAnswersI. Oral workII. Vocabulary Test1. Choose the right word and put it in the proper form1) Historic historical2) Limited restricted3) Sensitive sensible2. Reading Comprehension1. P phenomenon2. B strength3. E tropical4. L bringing5. K starvation6. Jdestructive7. N worth 8. An estimate 9. O strikeIII. Grammar workComplete the following sentences with the most likely answer.1. C2.C3.A4.C5.CLesson Four A Drink in the PassageI. Oral work (omitted)II. Vocabulary Test:1 Translate1) into Chinese.(1)难以解决的两难困境(2)一本难以看懂的书(3)一个爱交际的女人(4)黑市(5)黑色幽默(6)害群之马2) into English(1)to celebrate its Golden Jubilee(2)to excite admiration(3)to touch the conscience(4)to win the prize(5)to receive a reprimand(6)to omit the words2. Study the difference between the following pairs or groupsof words.1)(1)renounce (2)announce (3)renounce (4)denounced2)(1)avoid; prevent (2)prevent (3)avoid (4)averted/ avoided/ preventedIII. Grammar work1. Complete the following sentences with the right from of the verb in the brackets.(1) is (2) are (3)was (4)frightens2. Translate the sentences into English.1) Using “It is/ was said/ believed, etc.” to express general beliefs.(1)It’s widely rumored that Linda’s getting promoted.(2)It is estimated that the project will cost RMB three billion.(3)It is assumed that the Labor Party will remain in power.(4)It was proposed a few years ago that the president be elected for one term only.2) Paying special attention to subject-verb agreement.(1)The jury is having trouble reaching a verdict.(2)Whenever either of us is in a tight corner, we always come to each other’s help.(3)Statistics are facts obtained from analyzing information given in numbers.(4)Statistics is a branch of mathematics concerned with the studyof information that is expressed in numbers.3. Put in appropriate connectives.(1)as , where , that/which, if/ whether, but , if.4. Complete each of the following sentences with the mostlikely answer.(1) B (2)A (3)ALesson Five Man of the MomentAnswersI. Oral workII. Vocabulary1)intoChinesea.假日别墅b.著名的电视明星C.下流语言d.黄色故事e.银行抢劫f.生产双沉玻璃的公司2) Into EnglishA .to trickle down her legsB .to puff like a whaleC .to melt down like snowD .to sum up the sceneE .to do their interviewF . to bear resentment3) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbsa. down; up .b. inC. to; by; for d. back; to4)Tell the difference between the following pairs or groups of words.a. tormented/torturedb. torturec. tormenting/torturing2.a. murmuringb. mutterc. murmuringd. mutteringIII. Translatea. We need to increase our oil import in the coming years to meet the growingDemand for energyb. Our profit has increased by 20% in the past two years.c. The number of privately-owned cars has increased five times(fivefold ) in five years.d. The number of mobile phone owners in our city has increased from 20 thousandto about half a million in less than 5 years.e. S he propped her bike against a tree.Lesson Six Groundless BeliefsAnswersI. Oral Work:(1)T hey are based on mere tradition, or on somebody’s strong statement without the support of proof unsupported by even the slightest trace of proof.(2)B ut if they were exchanged when they were infants and brought up in different homes and under different influences, then the staunchest Roman Catholic would be the staunchest Presbyterian, and vice versa. This shows that our beliefs are largely influenced by our surroundings.Ⅱ.Vocabulary1.Translate1) into Chinese(1)非理性因素(2)过去的好日子(3)思想模式(4)陈旧的故事(5)思路(6)鲜明的对比(7)强烈发满足感(8)感情上的联想(9)一场恶吵(10)酸葡萄2) into English(1)to classify propositions (2) to hold an opinion (3) to establish convictions(4) to reverse the process (5) to question the truth (6) to adopt a new belief(7) to demonstrate the contrary (8)to credit the fact (9) to entertain an opinion(10) to acquire wealth2.Put appropriate prepositions or adverbs in the blanks1) out/over 2)on/upon 3)at; about 4)off 5)on; off3.Translate1) We will achieve this result at any cost.2)Our economy began to grow by leaps and bounds as a result of the reform and open policy.3)His repressive policies only resulted in his quick fall.4) Many of our present problems in a way to dispose of nuclear waste.5) The fact that you like somebody may dispose you to like hisideas also.4.Complete the following sentences.1) were brought up in a different country; think and behave like a native of that country.2) will produce ten million kilowatts of power annually.3) that she did not care for office work4)the boy stabbing his own father5) postpone my retirement for another yearⅢ.GrammarComplete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets1) When young 2)unless forbidden 3)If cooked in tomato sauce 4) Once out of trouble 5) When urged2. Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.1)A 2)A 3)C 4)C/D 5)BL esson Seven Spring Sowing AnswersⅠOral WorkⅡVocabulary test1 Show the difference between the following pairs or groups ofwords1)(1)bosom (2)chest (3)breast (4)breast(5)bosom (6)bosom (7)chest2)(1)scattered (2)spread (3)spread (4)scatterⅢGrammar1) Reading, called, printed, used, refers, presented, bedownloaded, used2) Had not passed ,was, was hidden, hung, suspended, walked,holding, worked, leading,came, be seenⅣWritten WorkWrite a short essay of 150-200words commending on the hardships and joys of farmers as described in the story.Hardships and Joys of FarmersThe farmers love the land appreciate and joys of agrarianliving and they also have toEndure the hardships the agrarian living. They have strong wistfulness and ardor of the spring,because they are looking forward to the good results achieved from a spring sowing. In thespring, they are experiencing the hardworking, however, on to prove summer, in the autumn, thewill get a big harvest. Full of hope, the man try to prove their manhood by plowing the field 10hours a day to conquer the land . They feel afraid of the earth, the peasant’s slave master that would keep them chained to hard work and poverty all her life until they died and buried in the earth. Once in a while, they want to break the chains on them as peasants. But because of the developing conditions and background of the society then, they can’t choose their own destiny .In order to survive the society, they can but to work in the field day after day, year after year.ⅤTranslation1) Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded infooling Sima Yi who did not know that the city was really unguarded.2) If you compare American students with Chinese students,you’ll find some interesting similarities and differences.3) You can see that the students are bursting with question.4) Zhan Tianyou was a man of many talents. But he is bestremembered as the man who has helped to design and build China’s first railway line.Lesson Eight Globalization’s Dual PowerAnswers1 . Translateinto Chinese(1). 时髦字眼(2)债券融资(3)跨境兼并与收购额(4)国际收支(盈余)(5)规模经济(6)可怕的前景(7)民众强烈的反应(8)缺少共同的议事日程(9)申请加入(10)推广技术into English(1)national sovereignty (2)trade negotiations(3) ever-declining coasts (4) economic forecasts(5) in one critical respect (6) financial markets(7) an ensuing financial crisis (8) after adjusting for inflation(9) the Institute of International Finance(10) office buildingsII. Note the difference between the following pairs or groups of words:1)(1) surpass (2) exceeded (3) surpassed (4) exceeding (5) surpass(6) exceeding2)(1) threat (2) menace /thereat (3) threats (4) menace /thereat (5) threatIII. Grammar in the ContextComplete with the most likely answer1.D2.B3.C4.A5.CIV. Written worksWrite an essay of about 200words on the topic.What is your understanding of globalization? In what way do you think it will affect your career?In my opinion, Globalization describes the growth in international exchange and interdependence. With growing flows of trade and capital investment there is the possibility of moving beyond an inter-national economy. Each member of the world community becomes more and more integrated and inter-dependent. Globalization also refers to a process of removing government-imposed restrictions on movements between countriesin order to create an open, borderless world economy.Of course, Globalization, to a large extent, ensured that China’s economy would develop in a balanced way by keeping pace with the world economy. Increased globalization has brought the world vast investment space in China and thus boosted China’s eco nomic growth. What the globalization brought to us is both opportunity and challenge.will affect my future career too. With the development of economic globalization and international communication, English becomes more and more important .The fast pace of globalization presents huge opportunities for those who participate proactively in this internationalization process. As a English major, I want to take par in this process. I want to be a qualified and excellent interpreter after graduation. Interpreters, like translators are bridges between different cultures. In the co ntext of today’s globalization, their roles are particularly important. Whether a business will succeed or how successful a business will be depends on them to a certain extent. I will do my best to matter English in order to help international businessmanwork more efficiently. I will be devoted to my study and future career. So globalization will have great effects on my career.V. Translate(1) O ur company projected an 8% growth rate next year.(2) China is projected to be the world’s workshop in 10 years. Butthat should not make us smug.(3) Y ou can project your slides on the wall.(4) H e tried to project himself as a strong man in the electioncampaign.(5) I sometimes try to project myself into the future when I shallbecome a mother myself.(6) T he building of the dam is a multibillion-dollar project.(7) W e have a strong team of six people working on this project.(8) I’m greatly relieved to hear the news.(9) O ne way to relieve your distress is to keep yourself busy.(10) Diogenes would relieve himself by the roadside just like adog.Lesson Nine The Most Dangerous Game AnswersI. Oral work.II. Vocabulary Test.Put the most appropriate words in the blanks.1)at bay/in check 2)away 3)out4)gave way 5)rolled; on 6)intent7)on; pressed/plunged/forced himself 8)rests9)struck; ran 10)stock 11)straightened12)froze; trigger 13)slid/climbed/tumbled14)replace 15)winding/leadingIII. Grammar workComplete the sentences using a where-clause.1) where you are2) where I can not agree with you3) where there is enough light4)where he came from; where two big rivers joined5)where his house had been/used to be6)where survival of many of its institutions of higher learningdepends much on overseas students7)where we could find the type of person our boss wants8)toward where her children are playing9)where he had gone10)the shop where he bought the medicineIV. Written work“The Most Dangerous Game” was written in 1924. The incidents described in the story take place shortly after World War I and the Russian October Revolution. Zaroff was a Cossack general under the Czarist regime, which had been overthrown. After he flees his country, he spends all of his time hunting.Sanger Rainsford is a well-known American big-game hunter who fought in France during the war and has published works on hunting. Despite the dissimilarities in the backgrounds and personalities of these two men, their conception of hunting is alike. Rainsford think s th at “the world is made up of hunters(and the hunted. Zaroff believes “life is for the strong”.Lesson Ten The TelephoneAnswers:I. Omitted.II. OmittedIV. Quiz1.D2.C3.D4.D5.AV. Written workThe InternetWhen I was a little child in a small village, I never knew what telephone was and what electricity was. At that time, when I wanted。



大学英语精读第三版第四册课后答案【全部】大学英语精读第三版第四册Book4 Unit1答案上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编1) thoughtful2) might as well/may as well/could as well3) draw your attention to4) marvelous5) settle for6) done with7) Competitive competitive8) pains/pained9) bonus10) shrink11) delivery12) overheard13) sour14) for rent15) stack16) reproduce1) inquired2) informed3) awful4) settle for5) trash6) claimed7) Normally8) a piece of cake9) be done with10) enable11) am entitled12) quite a while1) ask for2) was set up/has been set up3) pulled up4) gives off5) was held up6) keep up7) ran over8) made up9) be left out10) cut off1) It pained Jenny to learn of Jim's refusal to help her with the translation.2) The extra work to be assigned to you will greatly cut into your spare time.3) We'd been at the job for hours, but we hardly made a dent in it.4) You have no business saying those nasty things about Dick.5) We might as well listen to the radio program since there isn't anything interesting on television.1) standee2) payee3) grantee4) addressee5) a person who is absent6) a person who is being trained7) a divorced person8) a person who is appointed1) output2) breakdown3) setup4) Takeoff5) drawbacks6) breakthrough7) cutback8) takeover1) paper, store, shop, case, cream2) making, keeping, bathing, conditioning, walking3) market, way, stop, board/smith, ground4) pill, water, material, point, machine5) pour, look/put/come, come,6) out, back/up, through/down/out1) a dozen years2) dozens of times3) two dozen passengers4) dozens of phone calls5) three dozen boxes6) a dozen bottles/a dozen bottles of wine1) a great deal of pain "has been caused by evils which have never happened"2) the elderly lady Miss Morris quarrelled with was none other than her future mother-in-law3) this essay is well-written except for a few grammatical mistakes4) I just caught the train in time5) You can't eat your cake and have it too1) You ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal.2) Uncle Rob should have known better than to trust that treacherous son of his.3) Sally is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on fancy goods.4) Miss Miller certainly knows better than to explore the desert all alone.5) His college sons should have known better than to try to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodily harm.6) You ought to know better than to go out in this freezing weather in those thin clothes. You'll get frozen.1) delivery2) a piece of cake3) inquire4) pulling up5) stacks6) deadline7) marvelous8) enable9) cut into10) settle for11) settled our accounts12) minimum13) known better than1) advertisement/ad2) read3) No4) like5) words6) towards7) which8) sizes9) sitting10) water11) bottle12) one13) started14) passed15) run/pass16) into17) coming18) if19) quit20) hour21) wrote翻译1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。



大学英语精读4课后答案第一题:Passage 11.When was the manuscript found?The manuscript was found in 1945.2.Where was the manuscript found?The manuscript was found in a cave near the Dead Sea in Palestine.3.What language is the manuscript written in?The manuscript is written in Hebrew.Passage 21.Who was St. Augustine?St. Augustine was a philosopher and theologian from the Roman Empire.2.What did St. Augustine believe about the origin of evil?St. Augustine believed that evil is the absence or deprivation of good.3.What is the problem of evil?The problem of evil is the question of how to reconcile the existence of evil with the existence of a benevolent and omniscient God.第二题:Passage 11.What is the main idea of the passage?The main idea of the passage is the discovery of an ancient manuscript and its significance.2.What is the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls?The Dead Sea Scrolls are important because they provide valuable insights into the religious beliefs and practices of ancient Jewish communities.3.How did the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls impact biblicalscholarship?The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls revolutionized biblical scholarship by providing new evidence and perspectives on the development of the Hebrew Bible.Passage 21.What is the main argument presented by St. Augustine?The main argument presented by St. Augustine is that evil exists due to the fallen nature of humanity and the misuse of free will.2.How does St. Augustine respond to the problem of evil?St. Augustine responds to the problem of evil by asserting that God allows evil to exist as part of His larger plan for human redemption.3.What are the implications of St. Augustine’s view on the problem ofevil?St. Augustine’s view implies that evil is n ot a separate entity opposed to God, but rather a distortion of the good. It also emphasizes the importance of human responsibility in the existence of evil.第三题:Passage 11.How was the manuscript preserved in the cave?The manuscript was preserved in the cave due to the dry climate and sealed containers.2.What does the manuscript reveal about Jewish life during that time?The manuscript reveals details about Jewish religious practices, beliefs, and texts during the time period in which it was written.3.What other ancient texts were found in the same area as the Dead SeaScrolls?Other ancient texts found in the same area as the Dead Sea Scrolls include texts from the Hebrew Bible, as well as non-biblical Jewish texts.Passage 21.How does St. Augustine explain the existence of evil?St. Augustine explains the existence of evil as a result of the misuse of free will by human beings.2.What is the role of God in St. Augustine’s explanation of evil?In St. Augustine’s explanation, God a llows evil to exist as a consequence of granting humans free will, which is necessary for moral responsibility.3.What is the significance of St. Augustine’s view on evil?St. Augustine’s view on evil has had a profound impact on Christian theology and philosophy, as it provides a framework for understanding the coexistence of evil and a benevolent God.第四题:Passage 11.What is the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls for understandingancient Jewish communities?The Dead Sea Scrolls provide valuable insights into the religious beliefs, practices, and texts of ancient Jewish communities. They contribute to our understanding of the development of Judaism during that time period.2.How do the Dead Sea Scrolls compare to other ancient texts?The Dead Sea Scrolls are unique because they include both biblical and non-biblical texts, providing a comprehensive view of Jewish life during the time they were written.3.What challenges did scholars face in deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls?Scholars faced challenges in deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls due to their fragmentary nature, the deterioration of the parchment, and the complexity of the Hebrew language used in the manuscripts.Passage 21.How does St. Augustine’s view on evil differ from other theor ies?St. Augustine’s view on evil differs from other theories by emphasizing the fallen nature of humanity and the role of free will in the existence of evil.2.What are some objections to St. Augustine’s viewpoint?Some objections to St. Augustine’s viewpoint include the difficulty of reconciling a benevolent God with the existence of evil and the responsibility of God in creatinga world with the potential for evil.3.How can St. Augustine’s view on evil be applied in modern contexts?St. Augustine’s view on evil can be applied in modern contexts by providing a framework for understanding the nature of evil and the importance of personal accountability in the face of evil actions and choices.结束语以上是关于大学英语精读4课后答案的内容,包括两篇文章的答案以及相关讨论。



Unit1 Never Give In, Never, Never, Never Text comprehensionI. BII. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. TVocabularyI. 1. gladden my heart2. situation; circumstances3. threat4. splendid; heroic5. sudden small movement because of pain or fearII. 1. put through2. addressed himself to3. was going through4. Throwing our minds back to5. yielded to6. close our account7. ups and downs8. misfortunesIII. 1. catastrophically2. deceptive3. convictions4. apparently5. Perseverance6. desperation7. unflinchingly8. courageousIV. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. AV. 1. threat (danger)2. happy(successful)3. position4. seemingly5. defeat(failure)6. retreat (shrink, withdraw)7. praise (commend, laud)8. destroyVI. 1. current2. shown3. frequently4. depressed5. try harder6. takes inGrammarI. 1. The school teaches shorthand, bookkeeping and the use of business machines.2. The sentence is difficult to understand not because of the technical vocabulary but because of the faulty syntax.3. Marian could not decide whether to start college right after high school or to get a job first.4. The Allies decided to invade Italy and then to launch a massive assault on the Normandy coast.5. The actor was stunned not only by the noise of booing but also by the sight of flying tomatoes.6. Smoking cigarettes can be as dangerous as playing Russian roulette.7. The trip to the city is neither long nor expensive.8. You must either stay home or go with us.9. The course consists of several lectures, three written reports, and two impromptu oral presentations.10. The requirements for a chemistry degree are not as strict as the requirements/those for a medical degree.II. 1. Heidi Ross was both rich and powerful.2. Most of the floggings and lynchings occur at harvest time, when first hangs heavy and ripe, when the leaves are red and gold, when nuts fall from the trees, when the earth offers its best.3. I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.4. Black people in America have been neglected and underestimated for years, but their recent accomplishments in a variety of fields have made “black power” real and black pride possible.5. New students will register on Monday; second-year students will register on Tuesday, and senior students will register on Wednesday.6. The actor taught his students how to read, how to stand, how to cry and how to talk with fans.7. We cannot be worried about or terrified of the difficulties in life.8. The factory workers were ready, able, and determined to do a great job.III. 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. BIV. 1. Secretaries do not want flowers but the recognition of their abilities to help management to get more done at less cost, thus contributing to profitability. They would, therefore, like to be recognized as professional coworkers.2. In Medieval times intelligent men frequently became priests. They did so to gain influential positions, for, in spite of the number of bishops from royal families, the Church was a democratic institution in which ability could make its way.3. I miss the open fire now that most houses have central heating. Central heating provides warmth but it does not provide a focal point in a room, which depresses me.V. have run/have been running; began; has taken; takes; returned; was; became; screamed; left/were leaving; have never seenTranslationI. 1. 但我们必须学会同样善于应付短暂而干脆与漫长而艰难的局面。

现代大学英语精读(4)课后习题参考答案Unit 1 to Unit 5复习课程

现代大学英语精读(4)课后习题参考答案Unit 1 to Unit 5复习课程

(1)浴巾 (2)(美)小学 (3)永恒的真理 (4)文件柜 (5)纯属无稽之谈 (6)违规行为 (7)常客 (8)新鲜空气 (9)格调很高的独自(一个人唱高调) (10)一种固定的观点 (11)时事(当前国内外大事) (12)身体障碍 (13)可怕吓人的风 (14)令人厌恶的景象 (15)言语障碍(16)使人兴奋冲动的爱国激情 (17)无情的人侵者 (18)首相(19)国际联盟(国联) (20)思维过程(思想方式) (21)条理清楚的文章 (22)一个完整的体系 (23)一位口译好手(24)一种不可阻挡的趋向 (25)烂苹果(26)根据事实(启示)写成的 (27)一位点头之交现代大学英语精读(4)课后习题参考答案Unit 1 to Unit 5Unit 1I Translate_Phrases1) Into Chinese2) Into EnglishⅡ. Translate_Vocabulary1) I knew I could expect my brother to stand by me whatever happened.2) As a general rule, young people tend to be more interested in the present and the future. 3) Both sides will stand to lose if they do not compromise.4) It is our hope to integrate all the courses and teaching materials.5) The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation. 6) In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo stands for moral integrity and uprightness. 7) The great majority of the people stand for reform.(1) to sink one's head (2) to sink the ship (3) to contemplate the meaning of life (4) to catch the light (5) to ruin one's health (6) to ruin the country (7) to bang the desk (8) to play a prominent role (9) to hold a prominent position (10) a pious Buddhist (11) to gain a reputation (12) to satisfy one's ego(13) to give sb the third degree (14) to devise a teaching method (15) to slide a gun into sb's hand8) Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years, and the country prospered under her rule.9) The truth is always in the hands of a small minority at first. That's the rule.10) Democracy means that the majority rules, but the minority's right to disagree is also respected. These two basic rules are of equal importance.11) A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically.12) The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home.13) The road was muddy. He slipped and fell into the river.14) One day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broke when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand.15) The Court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes.16) The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled ancient scholars for more than a thousand years.17) The hutongs are an integral part of old Beijing.18) Days slipped by and I still had not made much progress.19) He weighed every word carefully lest he should make a mistake.20) Her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.Ⅲ. Translate_Grammar1) You can force a student to attend classes, but you cannot force him to think.Or: You can force a student to attend classes, but not to think.2) The study of literature can help you to understand not only other people but also yourself.3) You can improve your writing by reading good models and by practicing writing.4) In the Middle Ages, people believed that the earth was flat and that it was the center of the universe.5) I can afford neither the time nor the money to play golf with those big cheeses.6) Xiao Jin could not decide whether to apply for graduate studies right after college or to get a job first.7) Love cures people-both those who give it and those who receive it.8) Excellent firms don't believe in perfection, only in constant improvement and constant change.9) Many things cannot be learned in the classroom, such as planning one's time, working on one's own and managing one's own affairs.10) In the past ten years people, especially old people, have been concerned more about their health than about their income.Ⅳ. Paraphrase1) Nature had endow everybody except me the ability to think which is born with.2) You could hear that the fresh air had to struggle with difficulty to find its way to his chest, because he was unaccustomed to this as his lungs had been harmed by drinking. His body would lose balance and his face would become pale as a result of the unexpected visit of the wind. He would go back to his desk unsteadily and fall into the chair, unable to do anything for the rest of the morning.3) Mr. Houghton’s deeds told me that he was not ruled by thought; instead, he would feela strong urge to turn his head and look at the girls.4) Technically speaking, it is as skillful as most businessmen’s golf playing, as honest as most politicians’ purpose, and as consistent as most books’ content.5) As they are everywhere and so daunting in number that we’d better not offend them.6) Humans enjoy following the crowd as it can bring them peace, security, comfort and harmony, which is like cows eating grass on the same side of a hill.7) Our Prime Minister was a hypocrite to say that the imprisonment of the two major leaders of Free-India Movement-Nehru and Gandhi-was good for India. The American politicians were dissimulators to talk about peace but refuse to join the League of Nations. Those moments made me feel happy.8) I slid my arm around her waist and whispered that if we were talking about the number of people who believed in a certain religion, I believed the Buddhists were greater in number. My “indecent” behavior and the daunting number of the Buddhists scared her away.9) What had happened to Ruth and me now happened again. Although some close friends of mine still stuck by me, my grad-one thinking scared away many of my acquaintances.(1)夜生活 (2)吃和住(3)供吃住的寄宿舍 (4)一秒钟都不到 (5)玻璃弹子(6)抽打死马 (做徒劳无益的事) (7)阿司匹林片 (8)在此情况下 (9)提前/事先 (10)走过场(11)楼梯间平台的窗户 (12)紧张气氛 (13)毛线针 (14)梦游 (15)飞机翼展Unit 2I Translate_Phrases1) Into Chinese 2) Into EnglishⅡ. Translate_Vocabulary1) It is a miracle how our company has become a multinational in such a short span of time.2) The average life span in that country has increased from 42 years to 50 years in a matter of two decades.3) The conflict between the two countries has spanned more than half a century. 4) There are four bridges spanning the river.5) I’m much obliged t o you. Without your help, I would never have finished the book. 6) No, you are not obliged to go to the party. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. 7) She’s always ready to oblige when people come to her for help.8) In the valley is a small lake right between a meadow and a hill. It is a perfect spot for a picnic.9) Sitting in a shady spot, he soon dozed off.10) He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bad down by the roadside.(1) to whip up a little interest (2) to keep the ball rolling (3) to set the ball rolling (4) an eccentric millionaire (5) to allot capital(6) to tighten one’s belt (7) to make a remark(8) to stretch out one’s hand (9) to moisten one’s lips(10) to complain of the weather(11) to plunge the stick into the sand (12) to turn on me(13) to get on one’s nerve(14) to put something out of someone’s mind (15) to come off the hook (16) to do a crossword puzzle (17) to blow one’s nose (18) to powder one’s nose (19) to give an alibi11) It was a white shirt with blue spots. It looked quite pretty.12) The detective spotted the suspect, and he walked over and arrested him.13) One of the balloons popped, and it gave me quiet a start.14) It is very impolite to keep popping in and out of the classroom when the class is still going on.15) When he saw the young man ready to pay for the BMW in cash, his eyes almost popped out of his head.16) In those countries, water is worth a lot more than oil. Friends will often bring ten dollars’ worth of water as a gift.17) When this project is completed, it will benefit about a hundred thousand people. It will be well worth the effort and investment.18) This movie is not worth seeing twice. In fact, it is not worth seeing at all.19) I think it is worthwhile to visit that place. I hear they have kept all their traditional house intact – houses that were built in Ming-Qing styles.20) Jia Baoyu was sick and tired of being his father’s worthy son. He yearned for freedom.Ⅲ. Translate_Grammar1) It seems the patient has no relatives in this city.2) It’s easy to make friends but difficult to keep them.3) He can always understand what his friends are thinking and worrying about.4) Perhaps it wasn’t Xiao Jiang at all who had left the tap running all night.5) The boy had no idea how he had become an old man in half a day.6) I wonder how Wang Ning has been doing in London. I haven’t heard from him for almost a year.7) It doesn’t matter what family you were born into. The real test is how far you can go from where you started.8) She simply couldn’t be lieve what she saw. It was only yesterday that the twin towers were standing there.9) Juror No. 8 pointed out that it might have been someone else who had stabbed the boy’s father to death.10) In the market economy, it is primarily by individuals and firms rather than by government agencies that decisions about what to produce, how much to produce are made.Ⅳ. Paraphrase1) Bella was young and pretty and was seen as the beauty of the boarding-house, but no one had shown any particular interest in her.2) Mr. Penbury was intelligent, but no one in the boarding-house liked him for that. He was too smart for them, and everybody felt annoyed.3) But Mrs. Mayton would not tolerate any silence for more than three minutes. So when no one broke the silence within three minutes she lost her patience and, turning to Penbury and asked.4) Mr. Calthrop was urging Mr. Penbury to give an answer immediately so that he would not have the time to make up a story.5. the weapon went right through his heart.6) We all know you are a sleep walker, so you may commit the murder in your sleep.7) Mr. Penbury advises Mr. Calthrop not to put so much emphasis on his statement when talking to the police if he does not want to arouse their suspicion about his story.8) “No,” Miss Wicks answered, “I have come to put an end to your cough.”Unit 3I Translate_Phrases1) Into Chinese2) Into EnglishⅡ. Translate_Vocabulary1) The cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown.2) The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists.(1)专业的历史工作者 (2)基于常识的反应 (3)事物的这种状况 (4)意见不一的历史学家(5)已经准备好了的现成的东西 (6)一个个人喜好不同的问题 (7)截然不同的观点 (8)民间故事 (9)书面文件(10)过去的遗留物 (11)人的动机和行为 (12)复杂和精细 (13)商船(14)一旦发生潜艇战 (15)一个粗糙的理论 (16)好战的行为;战争行为 (17)宣传机器 (18)德国外交部长 (19)实力平衡 (20)(事物的)因果 (21)海岸炮兵(22)终极关怀 (23)(事物的)近因 (24)人们常说的一句话(25)不会出错的解释 (26)绝对有效的模式 (27)永不停止的探索(28)一个难以达到但又十分诱人的目标(1) to gain new insights (2) to revise one’s ideas (3) to trace the cause(4) to begin from this premise (5) to open fire on/at(6) to give equal weight to sth. (7) to support a certain view (8) to influence the government (9) to destroy the balance of power (10) to form an alliance (11) to repay the loans(12) to contemplate war (13) to fill in the gaps (14) to conclude the quest(15) to view sth from a certain perspective(16) to benefit from the comparison (17) to eliminate from the comparison (18) to dig into the problem (19) to be immersed in a vast sea(20) to stem from a different point of view (21) to be destined to do sth. (22) to ignore the fact(23) to make an assumption (24) to defeat the enemy(25) to win back one’s lost territory (26) to sink a boat(27) to intercept the secret message (28) to piece together evidence (29) to approximate the truth (30) to master new techniques3) He devoted all his life to the cause of environmental protection.4) The river has caused us a lot of trouble in history.5) What do you think caused the upsurge in international terrorism?6) We must try and unite with those who have opposed us.7) There is always opposition to any progress and reform.8) Some people are always opposed to new things.9) A lot of those loans were never repaid. That high ratio of bad debts finally led to the financial crisis in this second economic power in the world.10) The Business Bank now offers a special loan to students who can’t pay for their education.11) The boy asked Mrs. Stow for the loan of her binoculars.12) She concluded her speech by saying that she hoped she could come again someday and see more of the country.13) As soon as they concluded the investigation, they were to report to the Security Council.14) During his visit, he will conclude a new trade agreement with India.15) Based on those reasonable doubts, the jury had to conclude that the boy was not guilty.16) She is flying to New York by way of Tokyo.17) I’d like to say a few words about the situation in the sixties of the last century by way of an introduction to the movie.18) They decided to recall their ambassador by way of protest.Ⅲ. Translate_Grammar1) Heroes and heroines are people with unusual qualities.2) Celebrities are people who become famous because of publicity through the media.3) In China's mainland, "sweetheart" often refers to a person's husband or wife.4) A fair-weather friend is one who will desert you as soon as you are in trouble.5) Broadly speaking, money refers to anything generally accepted in exchange for other goods and services.6) An armchair revolutionary is one who talks about revolution, but who doesn’t put what he says into practice.7) Professor Lu says that a good teacher is one who does all he/she can to make himself/herself unnecessary for the students.8) Economics is defined as the social science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.9) DVD is a disk on which large amounts of information, esp. photographs and video can be stored in a computer.10) The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines "workaholic" as "a person who works most of the time and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things".Ⅳ. Paraphrase1) Most students usually come to have their first experience of the study of history throughthe reading of a thick history textbook and soon are overwhelmed by a large number of names, dates, events and statistics.2) People used to believe history study was just an effort of memorizing “facts. “Now history means different things to different people, because they choose the best description and interpretation according to their own preferences among those given by historians.3) They cannot help feeling that two absolutely opposite ideas about an event cannot both be correct, but they do not have the ability to judge which one is right.4) They will come across the historical interception of the “Zimmerman Note. “In that telegraph, the German foreign secretary gave order to German minister in Mexico and asked him to propose an alliance with Mexico Government in case there would be war and to promise that Mexico Government would like to help Mexico win back the land that was taken away from Mexico by the US in the Mexico war.5) We can get rid of all disagreements if our knowledge could give us a perfect model that completely explained human behavior. Unfortunately, such model does not exist.Unit 4I Translate_Phrases1) Into Chinese2) Into EnglishⅡ. Translate_Vocabulary1. Import of that country’s beef was suspend ed because of the mad cow scare.2. During the war, they had to suspend the construction of the railway.3. It was a serious offence to take drugs. Robert was suspend ed from school for two weeks.4. She was reading in a hammock suspend ed from two tree branches.5. The sales suspension has brought us heavy losses.6. This is perhaps the longest suspension bridge in Asia.7. The author is very good at creating suspense .8. He used to watch with great envy children of wealthy people go to school. 9. I rather envy their school for its beautiful campus.10. She avert ed her face so that people would not see her blush.(1)难以解决的两难困境 (2)一本难以看懂的书 (3)一个爱交际的女人 (4)黑市 (5)黑色幽默 (6)害群之马 (7)黑人权力 (8)缺少表达能力的人 (9)全国性的运动 (10)赞扬和恭维的话 (11)调皮的男孩 (12)某些大人物们 (13)种族隔离的学校 (14)他的无可争议的权威 (15)一个地位很高的人士 (16)公海 (17)上流社会 (18)机密消息(19)冷淡而缺少人情味的门 (20)冷淡的公文式的信 (21)真诚的羡慕(22)不自然的额、紧张的说话声1) to celebrate its Golden Jubilee 2) to excite admiration 3) to touch the conscience 4) to win the prize 5) to receive a reprimand 6) to omit the words7) to renounce their prizes 8) to avert a crisis9) to attend the ceremony 10) to exhibit a work of art11) to indulge in pleasures 12) to guard a child 13) to feel up to it14) to bring sth to a cloze 15) to wave sb in16) to save sb from a situation 17) to talk out one’s heart to sb 18) to knock sb down 19) to pour sb a drink20) to raise (lift) one’s glass11. He has always had an aversion to publicity.12. The government's policy succeeded in avert ing a serious economic recession.13. Michael Jordan is the envy of many black kids.14. Every summer, hundreds of thousands of people are sent to guard the riverbanks against floods.15. It was not easy to get the golden apple, for it was guard ed by a ferocious giant.16. Xicheng was practically un guard ed so Zhuge Liang narrowly escaped being captured.17. The prisoners of war killed the guard s and escaped into the woods.18. He is probably the greatest guard in the history of basketball.19. They took the Americans off guard by launching a sudden attack on a Sunday.20. There were two armed soldiers standing guard at the bridge.21. Napoleon exhibit ed (his) military talent early in life.22. These exhibit s are all insured and carefully guarded.23. When the exhibition is over, the exhibits will be given to the host country as gifts.24. She is going to exhibit some of her most recent sculptures at the National Art Gallery.Ⅲ. Translate_Grammar1) Using “It is/was said/believed, etc.” to express general beliefs.1) It's widely rumored that Linda's being promoted.2) It is estimated that the project will cost RMB three billion.3) It is assumed that the Labor Party will remain in power.4) It was proposed a few years ago that the president be elected for one term only.5) It was announced that another bridge across the Yangtse would be built next year.6) It was believed that even them that the abnormal state of affairs wouldn’t last long. 2) Paying special attention ton subject-verb agreement.1) The jury is having trouble reaching a verdict.2) Whenever either of us is in a tight corner, we always come to each other’s help.3) Statistics are facts obtained from analyzing information given in numbers.4) Statistics is a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of information that is expressed in numbers.5) Neither his friends and nor his father was surprised when he was admitted by Tsinghua University.6) Xiao Li is one of best football players at our university who have ever participated in intercollegiate championships.Ⅳ. Paraphrase1) “My parents, my wife’s parents and our priest all thought that I’d pretend to be not feeling well enough as an excuse to be absent from the awarding ceremony. So I decided not to attend the ceremony.”2) “I’m a sculptor, and I don’t want to show any antagonistic feeling towards the whiteworld by receiving an award.”3) In Orlando you (the blacks) gradually develop a throat as strong as iron.4) So I thought I’d go and see my sculpture in the window and have some pleasant feelings of pride by enjoying my own work, which is natural to human beings.5) “What is extraordinary about the wonderful sculpture is that it is made by a black man like you. Do yo u know?”6) “She knows that her child will live a hard life in South Africa because they are black people.”7) I didn’t want to drink because if the police caught me drinking late at night I would be in great trouble.8) He wasn’t afraid of being seen walking with a black man.9) I answered “Yes”, but actually I didn’t want to tell him the truth.10) Drinking in the passage was certainly beyond my expectation. What was in my mind was not what you may be thinking…11) “Our country is beautiful. But the apartheid made me very sad.”12) as though they wanted to communicate with me emotionally but didn’t know the way to do it13) And I thought it was a sad thing, because if you don’t understand each other and don’t care for each other, they will hurt each other someday.14) Nobody knows what he was thinking. But I was thinking that he was much like a man trying to run but couldn’t because he was still not completely free from racist prejudices which were dragging his feet like iron shoes.Unit 5I Translate_Phrases1) Into Chinese2) Into EnglishⅡ. Translate_Vocabulary1. We need to increase our oil import in the coming years to meet the growing demand for energy.2. Our profits have increase d by 20% over the past two years.3. The number of privately-owned cars has increase d five times (fivefold) in five years.(1)假日别墅 (2)著名的电视明星 (3)下流语言 (4)黄色故事 (5)银行抢劫 (6)生产双层玻璃的公司 (7)联合抵押 (8)一句气话 (9)永远达不到的目标 (10)乡村音乐和西部音乐 (11)加重了的潜水腰带 (12)心碎的(13)一切以自我为中心的人 (14)光是重量 (15)光凭运气 (16)纯粹是胡言 (17)军号声 (18)人工呼吸 (19)一溜气泡(20一丁点儿的关心1) to trickle down her legs 2) to puff like a whale 3) to melt like snow 4) to sum up the scene 5) to do their interview 6) to bear resentment7) to feel sick in the stomach 8) to come in like thunder 9) to drift away gradually 10) to value one’s opinion11) t o increase one’s standing with sb 12) to have a liking for sb 13) to pull oneself together 14) to serve dinner15) to tackle an armed robber 16) to stick with sb17) to fasten the seatbelt / a belt18) to abuse one’s wife19) to screw his way around 20) to lay a finger on sb21) to catch sb trying to do sth 22) to try the kiss of life23) to heaven oneself up 24) to float to the surface25) to thrush about under the water 26) to prop oneself against 27) to break surface 28) to seize hold of sth 29) to haul oneself up 30) to pinion one’s arms 31) to fend sb off 32) to land a blow33) to stay under in the water4. The number of mobile phone owners in our city has increase d from 20 thousand to about half a million in less than 5 years.5. She prop ped her bike against a tree.6. The local economy is largely prop ped up by tourism.7. He was fast asleep with his head prop ped on a big rock.8. You need strong prop s to keep the tower from leaning any further.9. Flight 901 is due to land at the airport at 8:55.10. Many foreign observers say that the next man to land on the moon may very well be a Chinese.11. One of the stones they threw land ed on the head of a young soldier.12. If you go on like this, you will land yourself in a jail.13. I land ed a powerful punch to his chin and sent him sprawling.14. When you approach a drowning person, you must not let him grip your hands.15. Reports of the sudden appearance of these whales grip ped the interest of the whole city.16. If she lost grip on the rope, she’d fall 1000 feet to sure death.17. You must keep a grip on yourself. Don’t despair.18. Our government did everything possible to defend the value of our currency.19. The total value of our exports to that country in the first nine months this year has reached $94 billion.20. A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.21. At college, students acquire certain values. This is an important part of their education.22. If you value your life, quit smoking!23. This painting is value d at $20 million.Ⅲ. Paraphrase1) The man Nerys was engaged to leave her after she had become disfigured. But before the bank raid, he behaved like a lover. Many man, not just me, could have done the same if we had engaged with her.2) This man loved her only because she was beautiful. So he left her when she was no longer beautiful.3) We used to love this music when we were in love.4) I’m sorry abo ut what happened to Netys.5) I didn’t mean to hurt you by offering money, because I know it’s impossible for us to compensate in any way for the distress and suffering that Nerys and you have gone through.6) You don’t accept our help only because Vic was responsible for her suffering.7) You are with a hero if you are looking for a hero and that’s Vic rather than me, so don’t leave him.8) I love Vic very much. I feel guilty about this because Vic is your husband.9) Sharon, I can assure you that this experience is transient and won’t last long. We allhave the feeling when we are young.10) You never hear people speak ill of you, do you? People gossip about you.11) You know clearly that you have been hurting her.12) Beware of your manners. Stop shouting at me!13) If Sharon gets drowned, you will be held responsible.14) I will make you pay what you have done to me. You will be punished for what you have done to me.15) Sharon,you’d better not do anything. You have done enough to him.。



大学英语精读 41)t houghtful2)m ight as well/may as well/could as well3)d raw your attention to4)m arvelous5)s ettle for6)d one with7)C ompetitive competitive) pains/pained9)b onus11) delivery10)s hrink12)o verheard13)s our14)f or rent15)s tack16)r eproduce1)i nquired2)i nformed3)a wful4)s ettle for5)t rash6)c laimed9) be done with7)N ormally) a piece of cake10)e nable11)a m entitled12)q uite a while1)a sk for2)w as set up/has been set up3)p ulled up4)g ives off5)w as held up6)k eep up7)r an over9) be done with) made up9)b e left out10)c ut off4) addressee1)I t pained Jenny to learn of Jim's refusal to help her with the translation.2)T he extra work to be assigned to you will greatly cut into your spare time.3)W e'd been at the job for hours, but we hardly made a dent in it.4)Y ou have no business saying those nasty things about Dick.5)W e might as well listen to the radio program since there isn't anything interesting on television.1)s tandee2)p ayee3)g rantee5)a person who is absent6)a person who is being trained7)a divorced person) a person who is appointed1)o utput2)b reakdown3)s etup4)T akeoff5)d rawbacks6)b reakthrough7)c utback) takeover4) addressee1)p aper, store, shop, case, cream2)m aking, keeping, bathing, conditioning, walking3)m arket, way, stop, board/smith, ground4)p ill, water, material, point, machine5)p our, look/put/come, come,6)o ut, back/up, through/down/out1)a dozen years2)d ozens of times3)t wo dozen passengers4)d ozens of phone calls5)t hree dozen boxes6) a dozen bottles/a dozen bottles of wine1)a great deal of pain "has been caused by evils which have never happened"2)t he elderly lady Miss Morris quarrelled with was none other than her future mother-in-law3)t his essay is well-written except for a few grammatical mistakes4)I just caught the train in time5)Y ou can't eat your cake and have it too1)Y ou ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal.2)U ncle Rob should have known better than to trust that treacherous son of his.3)S ally is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on fancy goods.4)M iss Miller certainly knows better than to explore the desert all alone.5)H is college sons should have known better than to try to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodily harm.6)Y ou ought to know better than to go out in this freezing weather in those thin clothes. You'll get frozen.1)d elivery2)a piece of cake4) pulling up3)i nquire5)s tacks6)d eadline7)m arvelous) enable9)c ut into10)s ettle for11)s ettled our accounts12)m inimum13)k nown better than1)a dvertisement/ad2)r ead5) words3)N o4)l ike5) words6) towards7) which) sizes9)s itting10)w ater11)b ottle12)o ne13)s tarted14)p assed15)r un/pass16)i nto17)c oming18)i f20) hour6) towards 19)q uit20) hour21) wrote翻译1)我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。



大学英语精读4课后答案IV Key to the Exercises of Lesson FourPre-classII.Listen to the recording of the text, read it through, and then fill in the blanks in the following sentences to see whether you have grasped the main ideas of the article.1. fairy tale; Oscar Wilde; Irish; nightingale; reddest rose; life-blood2. a red rose; his love would not dance with him; it was winter; desperate3. help the student; would not have any red rose; agree to sing to it by moonlight with her breastagainst a thorn; it pierced her heart; her heart’s blood 4. true love was better even than life; sacrifice her life 5. died; his love; had agreed to dance; red jewels 6. stupid; practical; to his booksMore Work on the Text II Vocabulary1. Practice using the rules of word formation1) Examine how the compound nouns from the text are formed. Work out their meanings. Add more words that are formed in the same way. These compound nouns are formed by noun +noun2) Examine how the word “sincerity ” is formed. Find out the meaning of the noun suffix “-ty ” with the help of a dictionary. sincerity: sincere + -tyThe suffix “-ty ”, from French, is used to form abstract nouns thatrefer to the state of having aparticular quality or sth. that has that quality. e.g. certain+ -ty certaintyNote: “-ity ” is an variant form of “-ty ”3) Turn the following adjectives into nouns ending with “-ty ” or “-ity ” and thenvice versa. Add more words to the list. Adjective able available certain cruel curious relativeNoun abilityAdjective absurd capable human responsible original possible probalbe specialNoun absurdity capability humanity responsibility originality possibility probability specialtyavailability certainty cruelty curiousity relativityvisible visibility4) Complete the sentence with the words in the brackets in their noun froms.(1) construction (2) Creativity (3) motivation (4) difference(5) investment (6) capabilities (7) activity (8) humanity(9) Poverty (12) Politeness(10) ignorance (13) Curiosity (11) sincerity (14) shortness2. Give words or expressions with similar meanings.1) to freeze 2) precious 3) soft4) low/soft/weak 5) to throw/ to toss/to cast6) big/gigantic/huge/large7) to cut/to cut short/to cut off/to destroy 8) ache/plain9) area/field/patch/space/section/lot 10) to pick/to pull off11) exactly12) true/genuine/actual13) foolish/stupid/unwise/dumb/brainless 14) to watch over/to lookafter/to control/to preside over/to manage/to direct/to guide15) to shake/to shiver/to quiver16) to sob/to cry17) miserable/unhappy/pitiful/unfortunate/sorrowful/broken-hearted3. List words from the text that are related to flowers, trees, wild life and precious stones.Words related to flowers and trees: petal, bud, rose, daisy, grass, meadow, grove, oak, thron, daffodil, spray, bloomWords related to wild lofe: butterfly, dove, lizard, nightingale, nest, mermaiden Words related to precious stones: coral, crystal, emerald, opal,ruby4. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in theirproper form.To look out to sail acorss/through a place (a garden) for want of sth. tofly over to a place Night after night to build sth. out of sth.to sing of sb./sth to give a ballto hold sb,. in one’s arms to lean uponto dance to the sound of music to fling oneself down to flutter about something of a (cynic) to soar into the airto pass through a placeto set sb. against sb. else/sth. to lean downto ebb awayto press close against sth. to shoot through sb./(said of pain)5. Comoplete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms.1) of his own wil 4) For want of 7) compared tol2) blind with 3) pressed, against 5) in return 6) lingered on 8) was fond of, something of 9) Compared toto stain sth. with sth. else to be dear to sb. to be compared to to sweep over a place to ask of sb. in return to look up to be fond of to lie down of one’s own will a burst of music to linger onto go with (said of color) upon one’s words10) For want of 11) compared to 12) blue with6. Put the following into Enghlish1) to give/hold/have a ball2) to give/hold/have/throw a party 3) to give a press conference4) to bury the treasures5) to bury/cover one;s face in one’s hands 6) to pluck/pick the flowers 7) to pay the price 1) go ahead 5) going on2) go by 6) went on with8) to press the doorbell9) to sacrifice/give/lay down one’s life 10) to nip the buds 11) topierce the heart 12) to deny the fact 13) to deny the charge 14) to fill upthe bottle 3) went off 7) gone over4) going up8) going through7. Complete the sentences with the following phrasal verbs of “go ” in their proper forms.9) gon into 10) go with, go together 8. Give the figures in English.1) ten thousand2) twenty-three thousand3) one hundred thousand4) one hundred and eighty thousand 5) five hundred thousand/half a million 6) two hundred and fifty thousand/a quarter of a millionand a half million 9) fifteen million10) seventy million11) three hundred million12) one billion and three hundred million/one point three billion 13) thirty-two billion7) two million 14) five hundred billion/half a billion 8) three million and five hundred 15) seven trillion thousand/three point five milliion/three9. Give the meaning of the underlined parts in the senteices below. Note how the meaningare different in a different context. (1) 清了清(嗓子) (2) 放晴了(3) 清醒清醒(头脑) (4) 还清(债务) (5) 清楚的 (6) 牢房(7) 细胞(8) 登机(9) 董事(委员)会 (10) 伙食 (11) 木板10. Examine the uses of “see ” and “go ” in the sentences below . List possible uses of thesewords and then make sentences after the models.Other posible uses of “see ” and “go ”see: to see sb./sth. + adj.to see sb. do sth. to see sb.doing sth. to see sth.doneto see + why/if/that-clause to see to sth.to see to it + that-clasue go: to go + adj/adv.to go + present participle (phrase)11. Give the sentence patterns of the underlined part in the sentences below, and then usingthe patterns, rewrite the sentences that follow. Sentence pattern: imperative +and + clause Imperative + or +clause One possibility of the sentences:1) Read Lu Xun and your mind will include a piece of his.2) Drink tomato juice for some time and you will not be afarid of seeing blood. 3) Rest for a while and your headache will be gone.4) Give Jimmy less money, or he will develop some bad habit. 5) Improve the quality of your product, or you will lose your market. 6) Punish these people severely, or illegal tradein wild life will never stop. 7) Take this opportunity, our you will live to regret it.8) Stop polluting our rivers and lakes immediately, or we will be in deep trouble. 12. Put in the missing words.(1) lives (5) heard (9) calmed (13) slower (17) create(2) noticed (6) to(3) but (7) plant(4) or (8) by (12) seems (16) be(10) used (14) shopping (18) to(11) dollars (15) weekendsIII Grammar1. Understand how grammar helps to create meaning in context.1) Observe these inverted sentences and learn why inversion is used.Inverted is used(1) with the introductory word here(2) fo rrhetorical purpose –-for emphrasis(3) after an adverbial of place(4) with the introductory word there (5) same as (2) (6) same as (2) (7) same as (2) (8) same as (2) (9) same as (4)(10) because the subject is too long while the verb too short (11) same as (3)(12) because the subject has a modifier and also for emphasis (13) same as (3), (10) and (12) (14) same as (12)Note: Inversion for rhetorical purposes chiefly occurs in works of literature. Most of the inverted sentences in this text are highly rhetorical and a little old-fashioned. This type of inversion should avoidedin everyday speech and informal writing.2) Observe the relative clauses in these sentences and find out in whatway theyare special. The relative clauses in the 10 sentences fall into twotypes:a. Those that modify pronouns insteadof nouns. In such relative clauses that, not which, isused for things, and when it functions as the object of the clause, it is often omitted. But when it is the subject, it cannot be left out. (This isalso true when the relative clause modifies a noun.) all the sentences except (4) belong to this type.b. Those that modify nouns with a superlative adjective. The rules forsuch clauses are thesame as those mentioned in a.2. Combine each pair of the sentences as shown in the example.1) Xiao Fang is the smartest girl I’ve ever known.2) This is the most fantastic story I’ve ever heard.3) 15,000 yuan is the lowest price we can offer for this laptop. 4) Pearl Harbor is the best American film I’ve seen for quite a while. 5) Lin is the most easy-going professor I’ve ever met. 6) The storm last night was theworst I can remember.7) I think Dialogue is the most thought-provoking takk show CCTV offers. 8)I think Mr. Cui is the wittiest talk show host you can find at the moment.9) In the 1930s, nursing and teaching were the best jobs capable womencould dream of. 10) These are the most delious noodles we’ve had since a long time ago.3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, using“all/everything,etc + a relative clause”. 1) The doctors did all they could2) I don’t always agree with everyting he says 3) anything they ask for4) All he got from a week of hard work 5) All that is written in his wife’s letter 6) Nothing the doctors said 7) anything you suggest8) Something he read in a popular magazine 9) All that can be done is done 10) anything the artist painted11) something that never existed before 4. Learn how to use modals.1) Find out what notion eachof the modals expresses.(1) possibility (2) belief (3) negative possibility(4) ability (7) negative possibility(5) possibility, ability (8 possibility)(6) possibility(9) possibility, possible necessity(10) necessity (11) subjective certainty (12) subject certainty (13) necessity (because of importance)2) Put in the blanks proper modals listed below.(1) can ’t (ability) (2) must (obligation) (3) mustn ’t (obl igation)(4) must (obligation, had to (necessity)(5) cannot (possibility), can (possibility)(6) May (permission, can’t (permission, might (possibility) (7) can (possibility, must (obligation)(8) can/may (possibility, must (subject certainty)(9) might (possibility), hav to (necessity), can’t (possibility) (10) could (possibility), could (possibility), might (possibility) (11) must (necessity), can’t (possibility), have to (necessity)Note: According to the Oxford Advanced Learner ’s Dictionary, the 2000 edition, there isn ’t much difference between “must ” and “have to” inAmerican Englsih. The latter is more common, espically in speech. In British English there is a difference betw een them. “Must ” is use to talk aboutwhat the speaker or listener wants, and “have (got) to” about the rules,laws and other people’s wishes. There are no past or future form of “must ”.5. Put in proper prepositions.1) through 5) through As2) over 6) Over/In/During, into3) like 7) through4) As, like 8) over9) as, from, without, around, As, with, with, to10) with, for, Besides/Apart form, at, at, between, of, on, round/around 6. Identify and correct the mistake in each of the sentences.1) Something (that) a witness asid dduring the trial has been bothering me.2) Many parents mistakenly believe that the more toys children have, the more creative they will be.3) A house without a book is like a room without a window. 4) He was soglad to see his old friend that tears ran down his cheeks.5) People believe that tomorrow’s car will be bigger, faster, and more comfortable than before. 6) Both on land and at sea, helicopters have rescued many people. 7) Jim is intelligent, but not as hard-working as his sister.8) The most humorous person (that) I’ve ever met is my teacher of Chinese.9) I don’t believe an old man of 80 could be so strong as thoknock down a door. 10) All that the people want are lasting peace and social progress.IV Written WorkDescribe the plane crash briefly in about 130 words, with emphasis on the behavior of “th eman in the water”. Sample:。

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3. is some sense after all in the
speaker’s nonsense.
5. was swimming so well, she failed to win the first prize and had to
are recommended to young adults to prepare them for the
of certain death.
not on time.
because it could help quench their thirst.
many young people away.
Unit 2
to greater efforts.
4. for exercises every day you’ll soon be
13. The teacher tried to encourage her students to
Unit 5
everybody else’s I’m
because they may become so distressed as to commit suicide.
3. We note with satisfaction that all these activities have helped to mutual
account of what had happened; that’s why we no longer believe in the sincerity of her utterances.
the same time, but at other, the class just sat there and didn’t say anything.
Unit 6
your own.
11. The driver was the ambulance arrived at the scene of the
14. Owning books is useless unless you read them.
Unit 7
4. Banks have to think of ways of making long-term savings to
individuals and businesses.
concentrates on a difficult problem.
knew that something must have gone wrong.
11. him into the back of a jeep and then drove off at full
Unit 8
of inflation.
when seriously dealt with.
or artificial fibers such as nylon are not as popular nowadays as natural fibers like wool or cotton.
8. It seems to me that the Americans to
9. The
stand being away from natural sunlight.
10. “Did you say you agreed with him?” “Yes, but I didn’t make any
Unit 10
3. Timothy’s letters indicate that he loved his daughter her and her
look for a larger auditorium.
11. Thomas Jefferson argued that the greatest you can make to your
country is to preserve freedom by continuing your education and taking care that。
