新西兰英文介绍(地理历史城市及毛利文化,附带英文演讲稿) ppt资料

1. North Island
Mount Ruapehu is the highest mountain in the North Island (2,797 m), which is still alive. Closely related to the repeated volcanic activities are the rich resources of geothermal power in the North Island. Here, plenty of hot springs and geysers could be found as a result of the underground heat.
National flag of New Zealand
2. National anthem of New Zealand
“God Defend New Zealand” is one of the national anthems of New Zealand, together with “God Save the Queen”. Although they have equal status, “God Defend New Zealand” is the anthem that is in common use and is popularly referred to as the national anthem. “God Defend New Zealand” was written as a poem in the 1870s by Irish-born, Victorian-raised immigrant Thomas Bracken of Dunedin. A competition to compose music for the poem was held in 1876 with a prize of ten guineas. The winner of the competition was the Tasmanian-born John Joseph Woods of Lawrence, New Zealand, who composed the melody
新西兰毛利人文化 英文(PPT文档)

———New Zealand(新西兰) native(土著)
Culture of New Zealand:Maori
1,The Maori are the native people living in the New Zealand and comprise about 14 percent of t he country's population.
Haka dance
• The haka ,which was originall y used as a WAR CRY(作战 时的呐喊) and as a preparat ion before battle,is character ized by heavy stomping(跺脚) , loud chanting(喊叫), and aggressive body movements.
The Maori of rank did not acquire his 'real' face until he had been tattooed. Indeed, personal tattoo patterns were often remembered rather than facial characteristics.
2,The Maori first arrived here in voyaging canoes from their ancestral homeland of Hawaiki(哈
瓦基) over 1000 years ago.
let we know them
1,Skin: A little brown 2,their body is brawny 3,there are all kinds of tattoo(刺青) on their bodies or faces 4,when they dance,the man is naked only with a grass skirt (草 裙),but the woman often wear a black and white coat between red hue(色彩) with a diamond(菱形的) picture on the front

Lake Taupo
The Clutha: the largest river in New Zealand
The Clutha
Lady Knox Geyser: The north central region of New Zealand’s North Island is an area of active volcanism. In addition to three active volcanoes, there are geysers, like the Lady Knox Geyser, mud pools, and hot springs.
Mount Cook
Lake Taupo sits in central North Island. It covers 606 sq km; it is 40 km long and 27 km wide. In the surrounding area are numerous geysers and hot springs.
XVI. New Zealand
In Chapter XVI we are going to study 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Geography 16.3 History 16.4 Government and Politics 16.5 Maoritanga 16.6 Economy
The European history begins in the 17th century. Abel Tasman: a Dutch navigator, the first European to visit New Zealand in 1642 Captain James Cook: the first Englishman to visit New Zealand in 1769

New Zealand geography & geologySpectacular glaciers, picturesque fiords, rugged mountains, vast plains, rolling hillsides, subtropical forest, volcanic plateau, miles of coastline with gorgeous sandy beaches - it’s all here. No wonder New Zealand is becoming so popular as a location for movies.Lying in the south-west Pacific, New Zealand consists of two main islands - the North Island and the South Island. Stewart Island and many smaller islands lie offshore.The North Island of New Zealand has a 'spine' of mountain ranges running through the middle, with gentle rolling farmland on both sides. The central North Island is dominated by the Volcanic Plateau, an active volcanic and thermal area. The massive Southern Alps form the backbone of the South Island. To the east of the Southern Alps is the rolling farmland of Otago and Southland, and the vast, flat Canterbury Plains.Discover summer in New Zealand:All things sun, sea &sandOpposite to that of the northern hemisphere, New Zealand’s balmy summer season runs from December to February. With average high temperatures ranging from 70F to 90FBeing an island nation, you’re never far from the sea inNew Zealand. Make the most of long, hot summer days with beach picnics, kayaking, snorkelling, sailing or swimming – the list is endless!During this time of year our native Pohutukawa tree blooms a vibrant red, justifying its name as New Zealand’s ‘Christmas Tree’.Swim with dolphins, walk coastal trails and feast on delicious seafood – for kiwis, summer is all about indulgence and celebrations.It’s a great time of year to learn to surf. Placeslike Raglan, Taranaki and Mount Maunganui are surfing meccas.Rotorua’s world-famous mountain biking trails, dotted with enormous Redwood Trees, are dappled with shade – the perfect way to stay cool!Heli hiking on ancient Franz Josef Glacier is a great activity for the hotter months, when there are clear skies and little rain.Stroll the quaint French-colonial streets of Akaroa, the site ofNew Zealand’s first and only French colony.Being high season, booking in advance for accommodation, tours and transport is highly recommended. New Zealand’s sun can be harsher than in other parts of the world. If you’re outside exploring, wearing sunscreen with a high SPF is highly recommended to avoid sunburn.Queenstown is one of New Zealand's top visitor destinations and if you come to the region you'll understand why.Queenstown sits on the shore of crystal clear Lake Wakatipu among dramatic alpine ranges; it’s rumoured that gold prospectors - captivated by the majestic beauty of the surrounding mountains and rivers - gave this now cosmopolitan town its name.With a smorgasbord of outdoor activities, Queenstown is the home of the ultimate adventure bucket list. There’s skiing in thewinter and activities such as bungy jumping, sky diving, canyon swinging, jet boating, horse trekking and river rafting all year round.It has also become a renowned cycling destination,providing everything from easy scenic tracks to backcountry trails, road rides to heli-biking and the Southern Hemisphere’s only gondola accessed downhill mountain biking.If hardcore adventure isn't your thing, there are plenty of mellow options available. Experience one of the many walking and hiking trails, sightseeing tours or indulge yourself with spa treatments, boutique shopping and excellent food and wine.A popular holiday spot at any time of the year, Queenstown is renowned for its four distinctive seasons. Winter brings crisp, blue-sky days, spring retains the snow but blooms into longer, warmer days, summer offers sunshine and long twilights, and autumn a burst of brilliant red and gold.Queenstown is rated internationally as one of the world’s top holiday destinations and in 2014 was named New Zealand’s number one destination in the Travellers’ Choice Destinations by TripAdvisor as well as the second best destination in the South Pacific.Head out of Queenstown and the drama of the CentralOtago landscape unfolds around you. If you’re a Lord of theRings fan you’ll recognise many Middle-earth locations here. Nearby Arrowtown’s gold-mining history is alive and vibrant; visit the Lakes District Museum or go gold panning. At the northern tip of Lake Wakatipu is rural Glenorchy and Paradise Valley. From here it’s a short drive into the Mt Aspiring National Park and the start of some of New Zealand’s great walks.New Zealand's friendly and down-to-earth people will be one of the things you treasure most about your visit.With a patchwork history of Māori, European, Pacific Island and Asian cultures, New Zealand has become a melting-pot population - but one with some uniting features that make it unique in the world.Today, of the 4.4 million New Zealanders (informally known as Kiwis), approximately 69% are of European descent, 14.6% are indigenous Māori, 9.2% Asian and 6.9% non-Māori Pacific Islanders.Geographically, over three-quarters of the population live in the North Island, with one-third of the total population living in Auckland. The other main cities of Wellington, Christchurch and Hamilton are where the majority of the remaining Kiwis dwell.新西兰地理和地形雄伟的冰川,如画般的海湾,嶙峋的高峰,广阔的平原,起伏的山坡,亚热带从林,火山高原,几英里由沙滩勾勒出的海岸线,都在这,难怪新西兰作为拍摄电影的地点变得如此受欢迎。

国树四翅槐,在新西兰以沿河 国花银蕨(fern,koru)在毛利传
几维鸟又名奇异鸟,学名为鹬鸵(Yu Tuo)。新西兰最早 的居民毛利人将这种叫声为“kiwi!kiwi!kiwi!”的鸟命 名为奇异鸟。这种不会飞的鸟大小有如母鸡,有一个细长 的喙和细如毛发的羽毛。其力量惊人,可以将同类踢出 1·5米远。
边的红色五角星,四颗星排列均不对称。新西兰是英联邦成员国, “米”字图案表明同英国的传统关系;四颗星表示南十字星座, 表明该国位于南半球,同时还象征独立和希望。
新西兰国徽的中心图案为盾徽。 盾面上有五组图案;四颗五角 星代表南十字星座,象征新西 兰;麦捆代表农业;羊代表该 国发达的畜牧业;交叉的斧头 象征该国的工业和矿业;三只 扬帆的船表示该国海上贸易的 重要性。盾徽右侧为手持武器 的毛利人,左侧是持有国旗的 欧洲移民妇女;上方有一顶英 国伊丽莎白女王二世加冕典礼 时用的王冠,象征英国女王也 是新西兰的国家元首;下方为 新西兰蕨类植物,绶带上用英 文写着“新西兰”。
惠灵顿附近群山连绵,满目苍翠,碧海青天,景色季丽。气候温和, 四季如春。惠灵顿气候温和湿润,是南太平洋地区著名的旅游胜地, 人口约45万,与澳大利亚的悉尼和墨尔本同为大洋洲的文化中心。

Welcome to New Zealand 英语介绍新西兰ppt

Natural beauty
ocean and seas
hills and mountains
hot springs
Natural beauty
Geography, Land and Environment
3 4
The New Zealanders and Maori Culture
Kia ora――您好 Kia ora tatou――大家好 Tena koe――向您问好(问候一个人) Tena koutou――向大家问好 Haere mai――欢迎 Nau mai――欢迎 Kei te pehea koe――近来可好? Kei te pai――好 Tino pai――很好 Haere ra――再见 Ka kite ano――下次再见(再见) Hei konei ra――回头见
Kia ora means ‘welcome’ in New Zealand - and when New Zealanders touch noses, they’re offering peace, friendship and hospitality.
Kia ora
Welcome to New Zealand
Getting to New Zealand by plane:
from Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong
The southernmost star-watching station in the world ——Mt John Observatory
World Records in New Zealand

2. South Island
Different from the volcanoes and hot springs in the North Island, the South Island is famous for its more than 360 glaciers. Among them, the 29-kilometer long Tasman Glacier is the largest and most impressive. Glacial activity in the Southern Alps has resulted in the formation of many lakes. As many of these lakes are surrounded by extremely rugged mountains, they are famous for the grandeur of their alpine settings. Lake Te Anau is the largest lake in the South Island and Lake Wakatipu the second largest. Most of the rivers of the South Island originate in the glacial lakes of the Southern Alps and flow generally southeastward to empty into the Pacific Ocean. The Clutha River (336 km) is the largest river of the island.
1. North Island
The largest lake in New Zealand is Lake Taupo. It is 40 kilometers long and 27 kilometers wide. Formed in the crater of an extinct volcano, Lake Taupo is one with many hot springs and spectacular scenery.
新西兰New Zealand(英文)

and Education
It was founded in 1883, ranks 50 in the world. It is the best university of New Zealand, for its departments are the largest.
奥克兰大学创立于1883年,排在世 界高校排名前50位,是新西兰最好 的大学。
died by the two world wars and
unique exhibition of Maori ethnic handicrafts . The museum is a Gothic
building with rich furnishings , a total
of three floors. A majestic Memorial Monument stands in front of the museum ,where a grand memorial ceremony will be held on April 25 of each year.
Auckland museum
It is located in Oakland Park , and it
is a museum collecting historical and
national heritage , which is designed to commemorate the soldiers who
Sky Tower
It was Built in 1996.It is the tallest building with 328 meters high in the southern h e m i s p h e r e b y f a r. Multi - viewing platform on the tower , with highpowered telescopes can be convenient for visitors to enjoy the panoramic views of Auckland, the multilingual broadcasting services and interactive technology equipment as well as audiovisual exhibition.

• New Zealand Airline's symbol use is also one of maori marks “tests Lu” (one kind of fern immature bud, is symbolizing hope).
About the film
• The Hobbit • Narnia Koku Monogatari Lion to Majo
• The first known European is arrived in New Zealand by the Dutch (Abel Tasman Janszoon Tasman) leads the fleet, in 1642, north and south west of the island is air.
• Agricultural products mainly in the economic country means beef, lamb, pork and chicken are can reasonable price for the kid sou have no deceit.
• . In addition, many international food imports, in compliance with the immigration habits and taste, especially from Asian immigrants.
• The country is famous for its natural beauty and scenic attractions, from snow-capped mountains, glaciers and fiords to thermal geysers, volcanoes, sub-tropical rainforests and magnificent sandy beaches.

第六部分新西兰 Part Six New ZealandChapter33.New Zealand(capital: Wellington)惠灵顿1)新西兰的地理位置New Zealand’s geography:新西兰地处南太平洋,位于赤道和南极之间New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean,halfway between the equator and the South Pole.新西兰的面积与英国和日本相近。
它有2个主要的岛,北岛和南岛The size of the country is similar to Britain or Japan.It has two main islands:North Island and South Island新西兰位于国际日期变更线以西,所以它是世界上第一个迎接新一天到来的国家。
New Zealand is just west of the Internationnal Date Line,so it is the first country to get the new day.最高的山峰是库克山,海拔3764米。
The highest peak is Mt Cook,3764M. Lake Taupo is the largest lake in New Zealand南岛最大的河流是克鲁沙河,北岛最大的河流有2个,是怀卡托河和黄加雷河。
The largest rivers in South Island is the Clutha,and in the North Island is the Waikato and the wanganui.地震和火山是新西兰最严重的自然灾害。
Earthquakes and volcanoes are the most serious potential natural disasters.2)气候特征Characteristics of New Zealand’s climate;①气候温和generally temperates.②多样,最北端是亚热带气候,南岛一些山区则是亚寒带气候varied climate: In the far north it is subtropical and in some mountainous areas of South Island it is subarctic③.常年下雨Rain falls all year round新西兰阳光最充足的城镇是纳尔逊,西海岸的降雨量最大。
新西兰英文介绍(地理历史城市及毛利文化 附带英文演讲稿)

The Tattoo Tradition(纹身习俗)
The tattoo of the Maori people is not only a kind of decoration, but also a sign of social status.
• Maori Haka Dance: Theatrical performances are a celebrated part of the Maori culture in New Zealand today. Here a Maori storyteller dressed in a traditional costume performs the haka
In 1769, James Cook claimed New Zealand for England.
The Treaty of Waitangi
On Feb 6th, 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed by Maori people and British settlers.
First : Second :
Third :
New Zealand, It has two main islands: North Island and South Island
capital :Wellington
the most important city :Auckland
The new Zealand
New Zealand Houses: The red and white house shown here is probably owned by a Maori family.

毛利人的信仰体系以祖 先和自然神灵为核心, 强调人与自然的和谐共 处,这种精神信仰是毛 利文化的根基。
新西兰政府制定了一系列法规和政策,以保护毛利人的文化遗产 和传统知识。
政府在学校和社区中推广毛利语教育,鼓励毛利人使用自己的语言 ,以保持文化的连续性。
03 毛利人的艺术与工艺
毛利人的木雕艺术源远流长,作品包括人像、神像、工具 、装饰品等。他们擅长使用独特的雕刻技巧,如浅浮雕和 深浮雕,来展现生动的形象和细腻的细节。
毛利人也以骨雕闻名,使用鲸鱼骨、海豹骨等材料雕刻出 各种精美的饰品和工具。这些作品通常具有象征意义,如 代表力量、财富或地位。
毛利舞蹈是毛利文化的重要组成 部分,具有高度的艺术性和表现 力。舞蹈动作通常与歌曲和故事 相配合,展现出毛利人的力量、
04 毛利人的社会结构与信仰
毛利人家庭通常由父母和 子女组成,扩展家庭也很 常见,包括祖父母、叔伯 姑舅等亲属。
新西兰各地设有许多毛利文化景点,如毛利村落、毛利会堂等,吸 引游客前来参观。
旅游景点常有毛利文化表演,如毛利战舞、毛利歌舞等,让游客领 略毛利文化的文化体验活动,如学习毛利语言、制作毛利工艺品 等,深入了解毛利文化。

Where is New Zealand locபைடு நூலகம்ted?
New Zealand is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, midway between the Equator and the South Pole. It is part of the Pacific Islands, or Oceania, which refers to a grouping of thousands of islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is also considered part of Polynesia, one of three major divisions of the Pacific Islands. Its nearest neighbor is Australia, which is approximately 1,600 kilometers west to it. Similar in size to Japan or Britain, New Zealand occupies a land area of 270,500 square kilometers. The northern and southern extremities of the country are 1,600 kilometers apart, but no part of this country is more than 120 kilometers from the sea.
What do you need to know about New Zealand? Where is New Zealand located? What are the geographical features of New Zealand? What are the types of climate in New Zealand? What are the unique plants and animals in New Zealand? How is the population distributed in New Zealand? What are the major ethnic groups and their languages? What are the main religions in New Zealand?

• 奥克兰位于新西兰北岛,依海而建,景色 优美,是新西兰第一大城市,人口约11万。 奥克兰四周被海洋和火山环抱,有美丽的 港湾和壮观的大桥,这里吸引了世界各国 的帆船爱好者,奥克兰是全世界拥有私人 船只比率最高的城市,有“帆船之都”的 美誉(每年1月的帆船竞赛场面十...
signed by Maori people and British settlers.
National Flag of Australia
National Flag of New Zealand
Silver Fern 银蕨
Kiwi 几维鸟
Maori Version
English Version
E Ihowa Atua, (Ihoa) O ngä iwi mätou rä, Äta whakarongona; Me aroha noa. Kia hua ko te pai; Kia tau tö atawhai; Manaakitia mai Aotearoa.
God of Nations, at thy feet. In the bonds of love we meet. Hear our voices, we entreat, God Defend our free land. Guard Pacific's triple star,
Geothermal Resources
Rivers in New Zealand are not very long but they run swiftly.

Culture of New Zealand:Maori
• The Maori are the native people living in the New Zealand and comprise about 14 percent of the country's population.They have their own typical Maori culture,which refers to all the elements of the rich culture heritage of the indigenous(本土的) people in New Zealand,including their language,customs and tradition.They have their own language,reo Maori,which is also one of the offical languages of New Zealand.
Haka dance
Haka dance
• The haka ,which was originally used as a WAR CRY and as a preparation before battle,is characterized by heavy stomping(跺脚), loud chanting(喊叫), and aggressive body movements.The haka is the most widely known performance which is used by the All Blacks (New Zealand's national rugby team) to challenritanga(毛利人文化和风俗习惯)
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In 1769, James Cook claimed New Zealand for England.
The Treaty of Waitangi
On Feb 6th, 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed by Maori people and British settlers.
First : Second :
Third :
New Zealand, It has two main islands: North Island and South Island
capital :Wellington
the most important city :Auckland
The new Zealand
It is the back garden of God , a finally Pure
Land in the world
——New Zealand
Tourism&Famous Cities
Capital—Wellington(惠灵顿) The largest city—Auckland(奥克兰)
• History • Beautiful places • maoriness(毛利人的风俗和文化习惯)
in tenth century BC, Polynesians(波 利尼西亚人) came to New Zealand and become the natives .
In 1642, Abel Tasman, a Dutch sailor, discovered both North Island and South Island and named them New Zealand.
City of Jalor(帆船)
surrounded by oceans and volcanoes
Place for the production of movie——The lord of the ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ings
Ancient and magical culture of Maori
New Zealand Houses: The red and white house shown here is probably owned by a Maori family.
By touching the noses, not only the sincere welcome is expressed, but also the breath is felt, which means the hosts and the guests share the life.
The Tattoo Tradition(纹身习俗)
The tattoo of the Maori people is not only a kind of decoration, but also a sign of social status.
• Maori Haka Dance: Theatrical performances are a celebrated part of the Maori culture in New Zealand today. Here a Maori storyteller dressed in a traditional costume performs the haka