嫦娥三号发射英文PPT China launches Chang'e-3 lunar probe

与“嫦娥一号”的探月轨道不 同,将来“嫦娥三号”卫星将 不再采取多次变轨的方式,而 是直接飞往月球。“嫦娥三号” 要携带探测器在月球着陆,实 现月面巡视、月夜生存等重大 突破,开展月表地形地貌与地 成分等探测活动。根据中国探 月工程三步走的规划。2013年 实现月球软着陆探测自动巡视 勘察。
中国科学院院士欧阳自远明确表示 ,中国的探月工程共分为“无人月球 探测”、“载人登月”和“建立月球基地”三个阶段。欧阳自远透露说,我 国在2017年将有望实现月球采样与返回,对登陆地点附近区域的月球表面的 资料进行更加详细的积累和收集,从而完成无人探月工程中“绕、落、回” 的三个探测阶段,为下一步载人探月奠定基础 。 “嫦娥五号”将实现中国第一次月球采样返回。而全国人大代表、探月工 程副总设计师兼探月工程三期总设计师胡浩透露,备受关注的载人登月计划 仍未正式立项,但各方关于这一问题的看法已趋于一致 。
名为“玉兔”号的月球车将以每小时200米的速度和每一“步”7米左右的节 奏巡视月ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ,并与留在落月点的着陆器一起,开展月表形貌和地质构造、月 面物质成分和可利用资源、地球等离子体层等科学探测,大约任务时间为3个 月。
16日之后,嫦娥三号迎来月昼高温考验。月球车转入“午休”模式,为应对 高温,只保留部分分系统工作,移动等分系统则停止工作。而着陆器热控能 力强,月午状态仍能工作,地形地貌相机对嫦娥三号探测器着陆点进行了 360°环拍,获得了全景照片,其他有效载荷也都开展了相应的科学探测 。 据嫦娥三号任务探测器系统主任设计师刘恩海介绍,全景图片是用 60张照片 分三次拼接而成,分别为0°,往下倾斜15°和30°三个角度拍摄而成,而 选择这个角度正是因为可以由近到远清晰地看清楚。

China's first moon rover, Yutu, or Jade Rabbit, separated from the lander early on Sunday, several hours after the Chang'e-3 probe soft-landed on the lunar surface. The 140 kg six-wheeled rover touched the lunar surface at 4:35 a.m., leaving deep trace on the loose lunar soil. The process was recorded by the camera on the lander and the images were sent to the earth, according to the Beijing Aerospace Control Center. After the separation, the rover and lander will take photos of each other and start their own scientific explorations. Engineers made final checks of the environment of the landing site, the situation of the probe and the solar incidence angle late night on Saturday and sent signals of separation to Chang'e-3. Yutu, atop the probe, extended its solar panel and started to drive slowly to the transfer mechanism at 3:10. The transfer mechanism unlocked at 4:06 with one side reaching the moon's surface, allowing the rover to descend to the surface following a ladder mechanism. Chang'e-3 landed on the moon's Sinus Iridum, or the Bay of Rainbows, at 9:11 p.m. Saturday, making China the third country in the world to carry out such a rover mission after the United States and former Soviet Union. In ancient Chinese mythology, Yutu was the white pet rabbit of the lunar goddess Chang'e. The name for the rover was selected following an online poll that collected several million votes from people around the world. The rover, 1.5 meters long with its two wings folded, 1 m in width and 1.1 m in height, is a highly efficient robot controlled by the command center from the earth. It will face challenges including temperature differences of more than 300 degrees Celsius on the moon. Yutu will survey the moon's geological structure and surface substances and look for natural resources for three months, while the lander will conduct in-situ exploration at the landing site for one year. 【新闻快讯】 12⽉14⽇21时11分, 嫦娥三号探测器成功落⽉,中国探测器⾸次登上地外天体,这标志着我国已成为世界上第三个实现⽉球软着陆的国家。

在人类探索太空的海浪,我们勇敢的中国人民从 来没有停止前进的步伐。在短短半个世纪以来, 中国的航空计划取得了举世瞩目的成功。让我 们回顾一下中国的月球探测器计划岗位描述的 历史 In the waves of human exploration into space, our brave chinese people have never stopped the pace of advancing. In just half a century, china has made remarkable aviation exploration success. Let’s review china’s lunar probe program exporation history.
2007年的10月24日,“嫦 娥一号”成功发射。这 是中国航天活动的第三 个里程碑,标志着中国月 球探索计划已经迈出了 第一步。
October 1,2010,chang’II fly into space with the hope of Chinese people, which attracts worldwide attention. Exploration satellite (探测卫星)that carries high-resolution (高分辨率的) cameras will test key technologies to provide HD photo(高清照片) for the landing of chang’e III.
伟大的设计和 伟大的考虑(国 家) 人们的维持和 支持 金融保障体系 优秀的科学家 完美的合作 独立开发(最重 要的原因)

la unche dຫໍສະໝຸດ 2013 C ha ng ' e la unche -3 d C ha ng 'e 2010 -2 Created a full
high-resolution map of the moon and highdefinition images of the lunar landscape.
Yutu is a white pet rabbit
The rover has two wings, stands on six wheels, weighs 140 kg and will be powered by solar energy.
The timeline of China's lunar mission development:
la unche d C ha ng 'e 2007 -1 Retrieved lunar
data and carried out an initial mapping of the surface.
Moon rover's name
After a month-long (from Sept 25 to Oct 25 ) online poll, 190,000 proposals were received . By a 14-member jury board selected the ten most popular , the final result has been announced in November 26.
China's lunar mission
China's lunar mission is divided into three stages: orbiting, landing, and return

1 2 3 4
Space Technology Economy Politics
by Lina Ally Fiona Eileen
The Long March-3B
carrier rocket carrying China's Chang'e-3 lunar probe月球探测器 blasts off 发射from the launch pad at Xichang Satellite Launch Center西昌
Southwest China's Sichuan Province, Dec 2, 2013.
-SPACE DREAM主讲人:Lina Ally
China announces Chang'e-3 mission "complete success"
and return to work after a while.
About the Moon Rover 月球车
Directiona l Antenna panoramic cameras navigation camera X-band transmitting antenna
+Y solar wing
The sense
The successful “soft landing” of China’s Chang’e 3 lunar probe(月球探测器) is the first such landing in nearly four decades. This makes China the third nation to carry out such a mission(使 命) after the United States and the former Soviet Union.

The probe entered the earth-moon transfer orbit as
scheduled [‘ʃedjuːld](预定的), with a perigee [’perɪdʒiː](近地点) of 200 kilometers and apogee [‘æpədʒiː](最高点 )of 380,000 kilometers.
If the lunar mission is successful, China will become
the third country, after the United States and the former Soviet [‘sovɪ’ɛt] union(前苏联), to softland on the moon. But it is still far from catching up with the established space superpowers, whose moon landings date back more than four decades. China's space exploration will not stop at the moon, our target is deep space. China will share the technological achievements of its manned space program with other nations, it will boost our exchanges and cooperation with other nations.
Chang'e-3 launches successfully!
外研版八年级英语下册 Module 3 unit2课件 (4)

Let’s learn something about Chinese space program.
Who is he? He is China’s first astronaut.
The Shenzhou V spacecraft orbited the Earth 14 times at an altitude of 343 kilometres. The space flight lasted 21 hours by Yang Liwei in October, 2003. Yang Liwei was called “China’s first astronaut”. China became the third country to independently send humans into space.
Chang’e -1 in 2007
Chang’e -2 in 2010
Chang’e -3 in 2013
China's first lunar rover (月球车) named Yutu
Now Chinese space plans currently include a permanent Chinese space station in 2020 and crewed expeditions to the Moon and Mars.
环绕地球飞行的宇 航员每“天”可以 看见16次日出和16 次日落。
1986年1月28日, “挑战者”号航天 飞机在肯尼迪航天 中心发射升空不久 后爆炸。
The Chinese Lunar Exபைடு நூலகம்loration Program (CLEP) (中国探月), also known as the Chang'e program, is an ongoing series of robotic Moon missions by the China National Space Administration (CNSA).
2020年新人教版必修三《Unit 4 Space Exploration》单元课件全套

Just be my star ohh You’ll be a star ohh I’ll take you far ohh Just be my star ohh Turn it up Let the music take you high Feel the love
Put your hearts up to the sky Every time that the music plays It’s a sweet escape When you feel this way You know it’s right When the music plays
A: Exactly, it has been a long history, from 1957 to now. The USSR became 3. _t_h_e_f_ir_s_t_c_o_u_n_t_r_y_t_o__la_u_n_c_h_ _s_a_te_l_li_te_(第一个发射卫星的国家)and successfully orbited around Earth. B: Do you know when did China send humans into space?
You know it’s right Live your life No need to dim your light Don’t think twice When it feels alright Let’s get lost in the stars And dance on the moon tonight
5. What is the man going to do? A. Go on the . B. Make a phone call. C. Take a train trip. 答案: 1~5. CACBA
外研版八年级下册Module3 Unit2课件ppt

None of us has / have been to Sanya. 我们都没去过三亚。
— I’m hungry. Is there any bread in the fridge? — _____, but we have cakes. Would you like to have one? A. Some B. Much C. None D. Nothing
group galaxy universe
n. 系统;体系 星系;(尤指) 太阳系
n. 群;组 n. 星系 n. 宇宙
Words and expressions
light n. 光;光线;光亮 impossible adj. (事情)办不
到的,不可能的 out adv. 在远方 communicate v. 联系;交流
一. 用方框中的单词的正确形式完成下列 句子。
billion cost planet
alone none 1. _N_o_n__e of the students has been to
Australia. 2. A: How much is your new coat.
B: It _c_o_s_t _ me 150 yuan.
系统:system 群:group
那个: that
在远方:out communicate none
Check(√) the true sentences.
1. The earth is a star.
2. The sun is a star.
3. There is more than one galaxy in the

The probe has already entered the designated orbit,andthe launch was successful.
Chang'e-3 is expected to land on the moon in mid-December to become China's first spacecraft to soft land on the surface of anextraterrestrial[ˌekstrətəˈrestr陆,成为中国首个实现外星球软着陆的宇宙飞行器。
It is also the first moon lander launched in the 21st(twenty-first)century.
The probe entered the earth-moon transfer orbit['ɔ:bɪt]as scheduled['skedʒuːl],with aperigee[ˈperɪdʒi:]of 200 kilometers andapogeeˈ[æpədʒi:]of 380,000(three hunred and eighties thousand)kilometers.
The probe's carrier, anenhancedLong March-3B rocket, blasted[ˈblɑ:stɪd]off from the Xichang Satellite['sætəlaɪt]Launch Center in southwest China at 1:30 a.m(half past one AM).
Chinese_Space_Program(中国航天工程英文版) ppt课件

CZ-4 series: launching SSO meteorological satellite.
General View of Long March series
CZ-1 CZ-2
CZ-3 CZ-A CZ-3B CZ-4A CZ-4B FB-1
CZ-1 series: launching small size satelite.
CZ-2 series: launching LEO or GTO satelite and spacecraft.
CZ-3 series: using hydrogenoxygen burning engine; launching HEO communication satelite.
SJ-1 SJ-5
SJ-2 Shi Jian series satelite
First satelite in China
Dong Fang HongⅠ
Api Yuan-1-01
Zhong Xing-22
★Applied satellite: Most satelites launched in China are applied satelites. They include meteorological satellite, communication satellite, earth resources satellite and so on.

3. That proves that China has made great progress in its space industry. prove “证明,证实”(动词) 用法: ① prove + that 从句 “证明…” ② prove to be + 形容词“后来 被发现是” ③ prove +sb./sth.+ (to be ) + 形容词 “证明某人/某物…” ④ prove sth. to sb. “向某人证明某事” 这证明我是对的。 练习:a. This proves that I was right. 译:______________ 最后他的话证明是正确的。 b. His words proved to be right at last. 译:_____________ c. She has proved everyone wrong.译:________________ 她已经证明大家都错了。 d. 只要给我一次机会,我就会证明给你看。 give me a chance prove to you Just ____ ____ ____ _____ and I’ll ______ it _____ _____. make some /great / rapid progress in (doing ) sth. 在(做)某事 方面取得一些/很大/快的进步 make one’s bed make mistakes make sure make friends make money make a decision make tea make faces 1.) Mike的汉语进步很快 Mike is making great progress inChinese. _________________ 2.) 中国在控制污染方面已经取得了一些进步。 has made some _____ _____ China _____ _____ _____progress in controlling pollution.

• A man named Wanhu in Ming Dynasty wanted to fly to the sky but he failed and dead.
How to realize the dream?
With the dream and the technology, our brave Chinese people have never stopped the pace of advancing in the waves of human exploration into space.
In just half a century, China has made remarkable success.
The plan of the program
Our lunar exploration program " The Chang'e Program " started in 2004. China's lunar exploration program consists of,chang’e II flied into space with the hope of Chinese people, which attracted worldwide attention. Exploration satellite that carried high-resolution cameras tested key technologies to provide HD photo for the landing of Chang’e III.
HD photo of Dan Nie Er crater (丹聂耳 撞击坑)
local image maps of the Sinus Iridum (虹湾) , the Pre-landing zone of the chang’e III

• There are three steps of China's moon exploration program. • The launch of Chang'e-1 was the first step in the country's three-stage moon mission, which will lead to a moon landing and launch of a moon rover(漫游者) in 2012 or thereabouts. • The second phase of the space program aims at soft landing. • In the third phase, another rover will land on the moon and return to Earth with lunar soil and stone samples for scientific research in about 2017.
country in the world to independently launch satellite following the USSR,
USA, France and Japan.
Shenzhou 5
• Shenzhou5 manned spaceship indigenously( 国产地) developed by China, was launched into space at 9:00 am (Beijing Time) on October 15, 2003 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. It was China's first manned spaceflight mission. And this launch made China the third nation in the world to independently develop manned spaceflight, after Russia and the : The Fifth Academy of the National Defense Ministry -- the country's first rocket research institution – was founded, symbolizing the birth of the Chinese space industry.

Thank you
More than 80 percent of technologies and products of the mission are newly developed. The Chang'e-3 will lay a solid foundation for manned lunar orbit mission and manned lunar landing. Chang'e-3, comprising a lander and a moon rover called "Yutu" (Jade Rabbit).
A telescope was set up on the moon, for the first time in human history, to observe the plasmasphere over the Earth and survey the moon surface through radar. It is also the first moon lander launched in the 21st century. The lunar probe mission is of great scientific and economic significance
Basic information
New wn
China launched the Chang'e-3 lunar probe with the country's first moon rover aboard early on Monday,December 2nd,2013. The probe's carrier, an enhanced Long March3B rocket, blasted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China at 1:30 a.m.

16. finish doing sth
I finished cleaning the room at 7 o’clock.
You must finish reading this book this week. enjoy / like doing sth 喜欢做...
17. stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情; stop to do sth 停止(正做的事情)去做另外 一件事
5. 他眼里的光消失了. The light in his eye went out. 6. “无人”攻击并损伤了我的眼睛! Nobody attacked and damaged my eye! 7.那时我们悄悄地爬进了大长颈鹿的口袋. At that time, we secretly climbed the giant kangaroos’ pocket.
Find the meanings C1.Put one word in each blank. 1 ---Did Gork take a long time to fall asleep? ---No. He fell asleep almost______________. immediately 2 ---Did Peters start speaking before Captain King finished speaking? interrupted ---Yes. Peters ___________Captain King. 3.---Did Captain King try to hurt Gork? ---Yes. He damaged __________his eye. 4 ---After the captain and his men________ secretly climbed into the kangaroos’ pockets, they were no longer prisoners. Right? free 5.---That’s right. They were_________

英语嫦娥奔月课件嫦娥奔月的故事相信我们大家都听说过,那么如果用英语讲一讲嫦娥奔月的故事?下面一起去看看吧!嫦娥奔月嫦娥奔月(chang'e Flying to the Moon)是中国古代的美丽传说。
了解嫦娥的遭遇后,人们在月下设香案(incense burner table),祈求嫦娥幸运、平安。
翻译参考:The legend Chang'e Flying to the Moon is a beautiful tale of ancient China.Chang'e was the wife of the legendary hero Hou Yi. In China, Chang'e means the moon, and the Chinese nation has always had special emotion towards the moon derived from the associations of Chang'e, which has even influenced the nation in all aspects. When getting to know what happened to Chang'e, common people of that time put their incense burner tables under the moon and prayed for luck and safety to the kind lady. So, the custom of worshiping the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival is quite popular among folks. Later, other legendsabout the moon, such as Wu Gang Chopping Trees and Moon Raadfdsit Grinding Medicine,were created. In addition, people also like to make interesting patterns of these tales on moon cakes.技巧点拨:1.源自:可用be derived from表达,其中derive意为“起源”,和orginate同义。

launched Chang'e-3
Chang'e-1 launched
Retrieved lunar data and carried out an initial mapping of the surface.
2010 Created a full high-resolution map of the moon and highdefinition images of the lunar landscape.
Wu Bingyu
What is Chang'e—3?
Chang'e—3 , a lunar probe. Moon (登月探测器) rover
In addition to several cameras, Chang'e-3 will carry a near-ultraviolet astronomical telescope(近紫外天文望远 镜) to observe stars.The telescope will observe the universe "farther and clearer". It's carrier is Long March-3B.
Moon rover's name
After a month-long (from Sept 25 to Oct 25 ) online poll, 190,000 proposals were received . By a 14-member jury board selected the ten most popular , the final result has been announced in November 26.
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Brandon S: This may create problems if they start mining the moon or colonizing it. Who polices the moon? What if the moon is damaged or destroyed? How would that impact earth - tidout!
If the US 'government' weren't filled with thieves and robbers, the USA could also afford to do something in space.
Omid: Have China or any other country ever tried to prevent US from technological achievements? So why US always try to prevent other nations from developing their technologies and make progress?
Paragraph 7-9:
Chinese scientists have discussed the possibility of sending a human to the moon some time after 2020. In China's latest manned space mission in June, three astronauts spent 15 days in orbit and docked(对接) with an experimental space laboratory, part of Beijing's quest to build a working space station by 2020. If the lunar mission is successful, China will become the third country, after the United States and the former Soviet Union, to soft-land on the moon.
China launches first moon mission
(CNN) -- China launched its first lunar probe early Monday, which, if all goes well, will make it only the third nation -- after the United States and the Soviet Union -- to soft-land on the moon.
Paragraph 4: If all goes smoothly, the rover will conduct geological surveys and search for natural resources after the probe touches down on the moon in mid-December as China's first spacecraft to make a soft landing(软 着陆) beyond Earth.
Paragraph 2:
The Chang'e-3 lunar probe, which includes the Yutu or Jade Rabbit buggy(月球车), blasted off(发射升空) on board an enhanced Long March-3B carrier rocket(长征三号运载火箭) from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in China's southwestern Sichuan province at 1:30am.
Indian Netizens
Prasant Swain (India): We will send a tiger to the moon :D
potterbond007 (United Kingdom):
The moon?? We have already got upto Mars..
Debi Acharya (Bhubaneswar): China is also in the space race. They may claim moon to belong to China in times to come.
Q.2 What is the Yutu(or Jade Rabbit)? Yutu is a lunar rover(月球 探测车), a space exploration vehicle designed to move across the surface of the Moon. It's carried by the Chang'e-3 lunar probe. It is China's first lunar rover.
Basic Knowledge
Q.1 What is the Chang'e-3? Chang'e-3 is a lunar probe(月球探测器) used for observations and exploration of the moon. The mission is operated by the China National Space Administration (CNSA,中国国家航天局), incorporating a robotic lander (着陆器) and a rover(月球车).
Paragraph 10-12: But it is still far from catching up with the established space superpowers, whose moon landings date back more than four decades. Beijing insists its space programme is for peaceful purposes, but the US Department of Defence has made clear it wants to prevent China's increasing space capabilities giving it any strategic advantage. China says it will share the technological achievements of its manned space programme with other nations, especially developing ones, and will offer to train astronauts from other countries.
Sandeep Pari (Bangalore): so now space war between asian countries India to mars and China to moon We have chosen Mars they have chosen moon .....!!!!
Robert Ducker: There is no reason for Americans to wish China anything but great success. I doubt NASA would have got the money to land on the moon were we not in a race with the Soviet Union. Also be reminded that India has a craft traveling to Mars at this time. BooBoo:
The rover
The robotic lander
China launches lunar probe carrying 'Jade Rabbit'
Beijing:China launched its first ever extraterrestrial(地球外的) landing craft into orbit en route(在途中) for the moon in the small hours of Monday, in a major milestone for its space programme.
source: /docs/guides/canvas/
In the United States, scientists are concerned the Chinese mission could interfere with a NASA study of the moon's dust environment(粉尘环境). Chang'e3's descent(降落) is likely to create a noticeable plume on the moon's surface that could skew(影响其 准确性) the results of research already being carried out by NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE)(月球大气和粉尘探 测器), Jeff Plescia, chair of NASA's Lunar Exploration Analysis Group told , a space news site.