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Different outputs can correspond to the same inner structure.
Port Royal
Within the Cartesian tradition exemplified by the grammarians of Port Royal, the deep structure is what constitutes the meaning (sense) in the mind.
The inner/outer aspect of language
According to Port Royal grammarians we must distinguish between language having an inner and an outer aspect.
Hence we distinguish between a sentence qua expression of a thought and the physical shape of a sentence (i.e. an utterance).
7 Universal Grammar
Slides on the net at: http://http-server.carleton.ca/~ecorazza/
http://httpserver.carleton.ca/~ecorazza/online_courses/Mind_World_and _knowledge/
2. How is such knowledge acquired?
3. How is such knowledge put to use?
4. What are the physical mechanisms that serve as the material basis?
Deep vs. Surface Structure
To show the structure of the mind the grammar should reflect properties of all minds, it should be universal.
Mental Grammar
The deep structure is often only implicit and does not get expressed. It is only represented in the mind.
Chomsky’s Epiphenomenalism about Language
Language vs. Grammar
“Grammar” is a precise definite term while “language” is a vague and derivative term which we could well dispense of, without much loss.
Transformation Rules
There are transformation rules operating from deep to surface structure. It is the linguist’s job to figure out these rules.
The grammarians of Port Royal are the first to recognize the two systems of rules:
The same deep structure can be realized differently in different languages (e.g.: “Video canem currentum” and “Je vois un chien qui court”).
The rules of this grammar are not represented in the language user: they are simply there. Yet they must be “learned”. But see poverty of the stimulus argument.
1. A base system generating deep structure.
2. A transformational system mapping these deep structures into surface structure.
UG corresponds to the deep structure. Since it is the expression of though, it is common to all languages.
The grammar in someone mind/brain is real while language is not.
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The aim of linguistics can be summarized by four questions.
1. What constitutes knowledge of language?
It is thus universal. Hence Universal Grammar, UG.
The transformation rules converting the deep structure into surface structure may differ from language to language.
Port Royal Grammar (1660)
It is heavily influenced by Descartes.
It aims to propose the general form of any possible grammar.
In so doing it elaborates the universal structure underlying the “natural manner in which we express our thoughts”.