
1Leisure activities in the UKLeisure activities in earlier centuries were largely conditioned by the rural and agricultural nature of British life. Village communities were isolated and transport was either poor or non-existent. People were consequently restricted to their villages and obliged to create their own entertainments. Some of the activities were home-based, while others were enjoyed by the whole village. These might be added to by itinerant players, who traveled the countryside and provided a range of alternative spectator entertainments.Improved transportation and road conditions from the eighteenth century onwards enabled the rural population to travel to neighboring towns where they took advantage of a variety of amusements. Spectator activities increased with the industrialization of the nineteenth century, as theatres, music halls and sports developed and became available to more people. The establishment of railway systems and the formation of bus companies initiated the pattern of cheap one-day trips around the country and to the seaside, which were to grow into the mass charter and package tours of contemporary Britain. The arrival of radio, film and television in the twentieth century resulted in a further huge professional entertainment industry. In all these changes, the mixture of participatory, spectator and home-based leisure activities has continued. Many contemporary pursuits have their roots in the cultural and social behavior of the past, such as boxing, wrestling, cricket, football, and a wide range of athletic sports. Dancing, amateur theatre and musical events were essential parts of rural life, and were often associated with the changing agricultural seasons. The traditions of hunting, shooting and fishing have long been practiced in British country life, in addition to a number of blood sports, such as dog and cock fighting and bear baiting, which are now illegal.There is a wide variety of sports in Britain today, which cater for large numbers of spectators and participators. Some of these are minority sports, while others appeal to majority tastes. Amateur and professional football/soccer is played throughout most of the year, and also at international level. The professional game has developed into a large family-oriented spectator sport, but has suffered in recent years from hooliganism, declining attendances and financial crises. Rugby football is a popular winter pastime, and is divided into two types. Rugby Union is confined to amateur clubs, while Rugby League is played by professional teams, mainly in the north of England. Both types of rugby are also played internationally. Cricket is a summer sport in Britain, but the England team also plays in the winter months in the Commonwealth countries. It is both an amateur and professional sport. The senior game is now mainly professional and is largely confined to the English and Welsh countrysides which play in the country championships.There are many other sports which reflect the diversity of interests in British life. Among these are golf, horse racing, hunting, riding, fishing, shooting, tennis, hockey, bowls, darts, snooker, athletics, swimming, sailing, mountaineering, walking, ice sports, motor-car and motor-cycle racing, and rally driving. American football and basketball are increasingly popular due to television exposure.The sporting notion of “a healthy mind in a healthy body” has long been a principle of British education. All schools are supposed to provide physical recreation, and a reasonable range of sports is usually available to school children. Schools may play soccer, rugby, hockey or netball during the summer. Some schools may be better provided with sporting facilities than others, and offer a wider range of sports. However, there have been recent complaints from parents that team games and competitive sports are declining in state schools. School reorganization and the creation of large comprehensives have reduced the amount of inter-school competition, which used to be a feature of education; some left-wing councils are apparently opposed to competitive expression; there is a shortage of playing fields; and a lack of adequate equipment. The position is particularly acute in the inner city areas, and is of concern to those parents who feel that their children are being prevented from expressing their normal physical natures. They maintain that the state school system is failing to provide sporting provision for children, and some parents turn to the independent sector, which is usually well-provided with sports facilities. The “arts” once had a somewhat precious and exclusive image associated with notions of high culture, which were usually the province of the middle and upper classes. The growth of mass and popular culture has increased the potential audience for a wider range of cultural activities, and the availability and scope of the arts has spread to greater numbers of people. Pop concerts, folk and ethnic music, and youth culture pastimes occupy a considerable amount of young people’s leisure time, as well as contributing to trade, exports and the British image nationally and internationally. These activities may be amateur or professional and continue the mixture of participatory, spectator and home-based entertainment.There is a wide range of museums and art galleries in Britain, which provide for a variety of tastes. In the past, entry to most of the public museums was free of charge, but in recent years entrance fees have been charged by some institutions. This development has led to less accessibility to national educational and cultural heritage, which should be available to all without charge. But museums and art galleries are also finding it difficult to operate with limited funds, and are dependent on local government grants and Arts Council subsidies.In addition to these cultural and sporting pastimes, the British enjoy a variety of other leisure activities. More people have more free time, which results from a 35-40 hour working week, and more diversified opportunities are now available.Do-it-yourself hobbies, such as house painting, decorating and gardening, are very popular, as are going out for meals and visiting the pub. The pub, as an institution, has changed groups and tastes. The licensing hours, which apply to open times for the sale of alcohol, have been liberalized by the government to bring England and Wales into line with Scotland. But in recent years, the establishment of wine bars, various forms of clubs, discotheques and dance halls has meant a considerable amount of competition for the traditional pubs.Holidays and where to spend them have become an important part of British life, accompanied by more leisure time and money for the majority of the people. Many people prefer to organize their own holidays and make use of the good air and seacommunications between Britain and the continent. In Britain itself exist different forms of holiday, from the traditional “Bed& Breakfast” at a seaside boarding house, to hotels, caravan sites and camping. Increased car ownership has allowed greater travel possibilities. Today, more than three-fifths of households have the use of at least one car, and 16 percent have two or more.A public opinion poll in 1990 showed that Britain’s cultural life was thriving, and that a large number of people participated in a variety of available pastimes. We can report that the nation is in no telly-induced trance. Its tastes mix watching and doing, “high”and “low” cultures, with a richness that contradicts the stereotypes of the British as divided between mindless lager louts and equally money-grubbing consumers. The mix we have found will not please everybody. Not enough football for some, not enough opera for others. But that is what we should expect in the culture of a whole nation.在英国休闲活动在早期世纪的休闲活动主要条件由英国生活的农村和农业的性质。

TRAITS OF THE KEY PLAYERS核心员工的特征What exactly is a key play?核心员工究竟是什么样子的?A “Key Player” is a phrase that I've heard about from employers during just about every search I've conducted.几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。
I asked a client — a hiring manager involved in recent search — to define it for me.我请一位客户——一位正参与研究的人事部经理,给我解释一下。
“Every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on to get the job done.“每家公司都有少数几个这样的员工,在某个专业领域,你可以指望他们把活儿干好。
On my team of seven process engineers and biologists, I've got two or three whom I just couldn't live without,” he said.在我的小组中,有七名化工流程工程师和生物学家,其中有那么两三个人是我赖以生存的,”他说,“Key players are essential to my organization.“他们对我的公司而言不可或缺。
And when we hire your company to recruit for us, we expect that you'll be going into other companies and finding just:当请你们公司替我们招募新人的时候,我们期待你们会去其他公司找这样的人:the staff that another manager will not want to see leave.其他公司经理不想失去的员工。

Unit1 从能力到责任[全文翻译]1 当代的大学生对他们在社会中所扮演的角色的认识模糊不清。
2 最终而言,大学教育素质的衡量取决于毕业生是否愿意为他们所处的社会和赖以生存的城市作出贡献。
5 类似的一头雾水的感觉,公众曾经尝试过。

第一课1. metaphors of highway and frontiers 高速公路和前沿领域的比喻2. 无边无际的虚拟空间 giant and unbounded world of virtual realestate3. capture the popular imagination 使民众为之神往4.规范网页和网站 regulate the website and the webpage5.interprete the nature of cyberspace 说明虚拟空间的本质6. 政客们实施的标准 standers enforced by politicians7. sign up for subscription 注册使用8. 限制孩子光临某些网站 restrict childrends’ access to somewebsite9.cause conflict in the terrestrial communities 在现实的社区中引起冲突10.干涉别人的爱好 interfer with anyone else’ hobby1.In their withdrawal, much of the heavy equipment had to be left behind.在撤退时,他们不得不把许多重型装备丢弃。
2.The last government has left behind a long train of problems.上届政府遗留下一大堆问题。
3.You have to follow closely if you want to avoid being left behind. 你如果不想落在后面,就得紧紧跟随。
4. I’ll leave behind these little details for you to settle.这些细枝末节我留待你去解决了。

新视角研究生英语第一册课后翻译(完整版)Unit 11.餐饮行业与电影行业的共同之处在于其小型企业的失败率很高。
The restaurant industry has one thing in common with the film industry: the high failure rate among its small business.2.他的伟大在于他具有非凡的能力,集科学家和实业家的品质于一身。
His greatness lies in his outstanding ability to connect the qualities of a scientist with those of an industrialist.3.像工作单位取代居住地一样,我们的种族身份已被职业身份所取代。
We have replaced ethnic identity with professional identity, the way we replaced neighborhoods with workplace, which is quite obvious among the mobile professions.4.显然,任何一家大公司的老板都不可能事事亲力亲为,需要找一些方法把他们的理念传达给他人。
Plainly, in any large enterprise the boss cannot be directly involved in everything, and some means have to be found to transfer his belief to others.5.没有任何人愿意再过那种自己无法控制、要别人认可、任人摆布的日子了。
No one was willing to experience the feeling of being out of control and dependent on someone else’s approval, at someone else’s mercy.6.人们渴望一种成就感,渴望有能力凭自己的手、自己的脑、自己的意志办成事情。

外研版英语Book1全部英汉互译单词带音标Module 1academic [,ækə'demik] adj. 学术的province ['prɒvins] n. 省enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'æstik] adj.热心的,amazing [ə'meiziŋ] adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的information [,infə'meiʃən] n. 消息website [ web’sait] n.网站;网址brilliant ['briljənt] adj.(口语)极好的comprehension [,kɒmpri'henʃən] n. 理解,领悟instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n.(常作复数)指示;说明method ['meθəd] n. 方法bored ['bɒ: d] adj.厌烦的;厌倦的embarrassed [im'bærəst] adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的attitude ['ætitju:d] n. 态度behaviour [bi'heivjə] n. 行为;举动previous ['pri:viəs] adj.以前的;从前的description [di'skripʃən] n.记述;描述amazed [ə'meizd] adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的embarrassing [im'bærəsiŋ] adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的technology [tek'nɒlədʒi] n. 技术impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻correction [kə'rekʃən] n. 改正;纠正encouragement [in'kʌridʒmənt] n. 鼓励;激励enjoyment [in'dʒɒimənt] n.享受;乐趣fluency ['flu:ənsi] n.流利;流畅misunderstanding [,misʌndə'stændiŋ] n. 误解disappointed [,disə'pɒintid] adj. 失望的disappointing [,disə'pɒintiŋ] adj.令人失望的system ['sistəm] n. 制度;体系;系统teenager ['ti:nidʒə] n.少年disappear [,disə'piə] vi. 消失move [mu:v] adj.搬家assistant [ə'sistənt] n. 助手, 助理cover ['kʌvə] vt.包含diploma [di'pləumə] n. 文凭, 毕业证书Module 2amusing [ə'mju:ziŋ] adj. 有趣的;可笑的energetic [,enə'dʒetik] adj. 精力充沛的intelligent [in'telidʒənt] adj. 聪明的nervous ['nə:vəs] adj.紧张的;焦虑的organized ['ɒ:gənaizd] adj.有组织的;有系统的patient ['peiʃənt] adj.耐心的serious ['siəriəs] adj. 严肃的shy [ʃai] adj.害羞的;羞怯的strict [strikt] a. 严格的;严厉的impression [im'preʃən] n. 印象avoid [ə'vɒid] vt.(故意)避开hate [heit] vt.讨厌;不喜欢incorrectly [,inkə'rektli] adv.不正确地completely [kəm'pli:tli] adv. 十分地;完全地immediately [i'mi:diətli] adv.立即;即刻appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit] vt.感激admit [əd'mit] vt. 承认scientific [,saiən'tifik] adj. 科学的literature ['litərətʃə] n. 文学loudly ['laudli] adv. 大声地wave [weiv] vt.挥(手);招(手)joke [dʒəuk] n. 玩笑;笑话summary ['sʌməri] n.总结;摘要;提要respect [ri'spekt] vt.&n.尊敬;尊重grade [greid] n.(美)成绩;分数headmaster ['hed'mɑ:stə] n.校长headmistress ['hed'mistris] n.女校长period ['piəriəd] n.一段时间revision [ri'viʒən] n.复习translation [træns'leiʃən] n. 翻译timetable ['taimteibl] n. 时间表topic ['tɒpik] n.话题;题目vacation [vei'keiʃən] n. 假期revise [ri'vaiz] vt.温习(功课)discipline ['disiplin] n.纪律relationship [ri'leiʃənʃip] n. 关系formal ['fɒ:məl] adj. 正式的relaxed [ri'lækst] adj.轻松的;松懈的;宽松的similarly ['similəli] adv.同样地,类似地Module 3helicopter ['helikɒptə] n.直升飞机motorbike ['məutə, baik] n.摩托车tram [træm] n.电车distance ['distəns] n. 距离abandoned [ə'bændənd] adj.被遗弃的camel ['kæml] n. 骆驼cassette [kæ'set] n.录音带desert ['dezət] n. 沙漠diamond ['daiəmənd] n. 钻石expert ['ekspə:t] n. 专家midnight ['midnait] n. 半夜product ['prɒdʌkt] n. 产品scenery ['si:nəri] n. 风景; 景色shoot [ʃu:t] vt.(shot,shot)射杀soil [sɒil] n. 土壤journey ['dʒə:ni] n. 旅程train [trein] vt. 训练circus ['sə:kəs] n. 马戏团seaside ['si:said] n. 海滨stadium ['steidiəm] n. 运动场;体育场eagle ['i:gl] n. 鹰frighten ['fraitn] vt.是吃惊;惊吓kindergarten ['kində,gɑ:tn] n.幼儿园apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt] n.(美)公寓;单元住宅cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] n. 卡通;漫画interview ['intəvju:] n.面试;面谈interviewer ['intəvju:ə] n.(面试时的)主考官;面谈者event [i'vent] n. 事件exhausted [ig'zɒ:stid] adj.疲惫不堪的downtown ['daun'taun] adj.商业区的;市中心的vacuum [`'vækjuəm] n. 真空;空白rail [reil] n.铁轨ceremony ['seriməni] n.仪式track [træk] n. 轨道souvenir [,su:və'niə] n. 纪念品Module 4survey [sə'vei] n. 调查neighbourhood n.四邻local ['ləukəl] adj.地方的;局部的suburb ['sʌbə:b] n.城郊;郊区hometown [həum'taun] n.家乡attractive [ə'træktiv] adj.有吸引力的;吸引人的fortunate ['fɒ:tʃənit] adj.幸运的;吉祥的pretty ['priti] adv.很;相当sound [saund] vi.听起来tourist ['tuərist]n.旅游者;观光客bother ['bɒðə] vt.打扰;烦扰;麻烦nuisance ['nju:sns] n.令人讨厌的人或事rent [rent] n. 租金district ['distrikt] n.地域;区域;行政区approach [ə'prəutʃ] vt. 接近harbour n.海港gorgeous ['gɒ:dʒəs] adj.美丽的;宜人的architecture ['ɑ:kitektʃə] n. 建筑starve [stɑ:v] vi.饿死park [pɑ:k] vt. 停车traffic ['træfik] n. 交通committee [kə'miti] n. 委员会organization ['ɒ:gənai'zʃən] n.组织unemployed [,ʌnim'plɒid] adj.失业的;没有工作的household ['haushəuld] n.家属;家人occupation [,ɒkju'peiʃən] n. 职业professional [prə'feʃənl] adj.专业的manual ['mænjuəl] adj.用手的;手的employment [im'plɒimənt] n.就业;工作;职业gallery ['gæləri] n.美术馆;画廊exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ] vt. 交换fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ] adj. 迷人的, 吸引人的afford [ə'fɒ:d] vt. 买得起;有能力支付survive [sə'vaiv] vi.死里逃生;大难不死contact ['kɒntækt] vt.联络;联系(某人)Module 5liquid ['likwid] n. 液体expand [ik'spænd] vi.膨胀contract ['kɒntrækt] vi.收缩substance ['sʌbstəns] n. 物质mixture ['mikstʃə] n.混合物oxygen ['ɒksədʒən] n. 氧气electricity [,ilek'trisiti] n. 电stage [steidʒ] n. 阶段;时期conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən] n. 结论aim [eim] n. 目标;目的reaction [ri'ækʃən] n. 反应electrical [i'lektrikəl] adj.与电有关的;用电的equipment [i'kwipmənt] n. 设备;装备react [ri'ækt] vi.(化学)反应potassium n. 钾sodium ['səudiəm] n. 钠calcium ['kælsiəm] n. 钙magnesium [mæg'ni:ziəm] n. 镁aluminium [,ælju'miniəm] n. 铝zinc [ziŋk] n. 锌partial ['pɑ:ʃəl] adj.部分的;局部的copper ['kɒpə] n. 铜oxide ['ɒksaid] n. 氧化物rust [rʌst] vi. 生锈boil [bɒil] vt.生锈ordinary ['ɒ:dinəri] adj. 普通的;平常的steam [sti:m] n. 蒸汽;水气float [fləut] vi.漂浮form [fɒ:m] vi.形成dissolve [di'zɒlv] vt. 溶解;分解;分离balance ['bæləns] n.天平crucible ['kru:sibl] n. 坩锅tongs [tɒŋz] (复)夹子;小钳子flame [fleim] n. 火焰facility [fə'siliti] n.(常作复数)设备;工具lecture ['lektʃə] n. 演讲department [di'pɑ:tmənt] n.(大学的)科、系astonished [ə'stɒniʃt] adj.吃惊的;惊愕的Module 6contain [kən'tein] vt. 包含;包括access ['ækses] n.接近;通路crash [kræʃ] vi.(计算机)崩溃keyword ['ki: , wə:d] n.密码;口令log [lɒg] vt.记录;登录software ['sɒftwєə] n. 软件breakdown ['breikdaun] n.故障source [sɒ:s] n.来源;出处accessible [ək'sesəbl] adj.可进入的;可使用的data ['deitə] n.(复)数据defence [di'fens] n.保护;防卫create [kri:'eit] vt. 创造;发明network ['netwə:k] n. 网络via [vaiə] prep.途径;经由percentage [pə'sentidʒ] n.百分数;百分率design [di'zain] vt. 设计document ['dɒkjumənt] n. 文件invention [in'venʃən] n. 发明permission [pə'miʃən] n. 许可military ['militəri] adj.军事的;军队的concentrate ['kɒnsəntreit] vi.集中(注意力、思想等)definite ['definit] adj. 明确的fantastic [fæn'tæstik] adj.极好的;美妙的independent [,indi'pendənt] adj.独立的essay ['esei] n.文章pass [pæs] vt.超过frequently ['fri:kwəntli] adv.时常;经常disadvantage [,disəd'vɑ:ntidʒ] n.弊端;缺点average ['ævəridʒ] adj.平均的statistics [stə'tistiks] n.(复)统计数字shorten ['ʃɒ:tn] vt.缩短sideways ['saidweiz] adv.横着地;斜着地。

Unit 11.The impact of saying good-bye and actually leaving did not hit me until the day of my departure.1.直到动身的那一天,我才感到告别和真正离家对我所产生的影响。
2.Its strength woke me an hour before my alarm clock would.2. 这是我比闹钟预定的时间提前一小时醒来。
3.The entire day was like that: a powerful awakening of whom and what I would truly miss.3.一整天都是这样:我突然感到自己将会怀念许多人和事。
4. Most importantly, I would be forced to say farewell to the ones who raised me.4.最重要的是,我将被迫与生我养我的人分别。
5. All at once, the glorious hype about becoming independent and free became my sole, scary reality.5.突然间,我那些渴望独立和自由的豪言壮语变成了可怕的事实。
6. I suppose that goes with the territory of enrolling in a university six hours from home.6.我想那可能是因为我要到一所离家又六小时车程的大学去上学的缘故。
7.Upon my decision to do so, in fact, all my personal problems had seemed to fade.7.事实上,在我决定离家的时候,我所有的个人问题仿佛都烟消云散了。
8.No one ever said divorce was easy.8.谁都知道离婚不是件容易的事。

UNIT11. Recently, one of us had the opportunity to speak with a medical student about a research rotation that the student was planning to do. She would be working with Dr. Z, who had given her the project of writing a paper for which he had designed the protocol, collected the data, and compiled the results. The student was to do a literature search and write the first draft of the manuscript. For this she would become first author on the final publication. When concerns were raised about the proposed project, Dr. Z was shocked. "l thought I was doing her a favor," he said innocently, "and besides, I hate writing!"2. Dr. Z is perhaps a bit naive. Certainly, most researchers would know that the student's work would not merit first authorship. They would know that "gift" authorship is not an acceptable research practice. However, an earlier experience in our work makes us wonder. Several years ago, in conjunction with the grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Pott Secondary Education (FIPSE), a team of philosophers and scientists at Dartmouth College 2 ran a University Seminar series for faculty on the topic "Ethical Issues in scientific Research."At one seminar, a senior researcher (let's call him Professor R) argued a similar position to that of Dr. Z. In this case Professor R knew that "gift" authorship, authorship without a significant research contribution, was an unacceptable research practice. However, he had a reason to give authorship to his student.The student had worked for several years on a project suggested by him and the project had yielded to publishable data. Believing that he had a duty to the student to ensure a publication, Professor R had given the student some data that he himself had collected and told the student to write it up. The student had worked hard, he said, albeit on another project, and the student would do the writing. Thus, he reasoned, the authorship was not a "gift."3. These two stories point up a major reason for encouraging courses in research ethics: Good intentions do not necessarily result in ethical decisions. Both of the faculty members in the above scenarios "meant well." In both cases, the faculty members truly believed that what they were doing was morally acceptable. In the first case, Dr. Z's indefensible error was that he was unaware of the conventions of the field.In particular, he seemed blissfully oblivious to the meaning of first authorship. In the second case, Professor R was do ng what he thought best for the student without taking into consideration that moral. ty is a public system and that his actions with regard to a single student have public consequences for the practice of science as a profession.4. Well-meaning scientists, such as those just mentioned, can, with the best of intentions, make unethical decisions. In some cases, such decisions may lead individuals to become embroiled in cases of 1. 最近,我们当中的一员有机会与一名医科学生谈论她正计划要做的一个实验室轮转项目。

不久,咱们乃至不必键入指令,只需高声提出问题,运算机就会打印或说出答案,如此,人们就可实现即时的 "文化脱盲"。
美中不足的是,因特网没有质量操纵手腕; "任何人都能够拨弄"。

1、爸爸把双手放在小汤姆的肩上以示鼓励Dad put his hands on little Tom’s shoulders to show his support.2、你还太年轻无法明辨是非。
You are too young to distinguish right or wrong.3、他的邻居得知她家的困难后,都主动对她伸出援助之手。
After her neighbors learnt about her family difficulties,they offered her a helping hand.4、除非他们被迫离开,否则他们不走。
Unless (they are)compelled,they will not go.5、他们精彩的演讲博得了满堂彩。
His remarkable speech brought down the house.6、他是个败家子,老给家里惹麻烦。
He is a black sheep,always bringing trouble to his family.7、这个国家是保持一个整体,还是陷入内战导致分裂,还要拭目以待。
It remains to be seen whether the country stays in one piece or is driven to civil war and partition.8、限制沟通是鼠目寸光的表现。
Ristricting communication is a symptom of short-sighted thinking.9、采用这种新装置可以大大的提高效率。
The adoption of this new device will greatly improve the efficiency.10、他并不满足与他现有的成就。
He is not content with his present achievements.11、我们不应该利用别人的无知。

研究生综合英语1Cloze翻译(范文大全)第一篇:研究生综合英语1Cloze翻译Unit 718岁之前,我们的座右铭响亮又清楚:“我必须要脱离我的父母。
Unit 8对于大多数人来说,工作是我们的生活的中心,是我们生活的主要方面。

大学研究生英文系列教程综合英语上册课文原文及翻译课文一:HelloHello, everyone! Today, I'm going to introduce myself. My name is Sarah Smith. I am from London, England. I am 25 years old. I am a graduate student majoring in English literature. I am very interested in reading books and writing poems. In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano and traveling to different countries. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and studying together.你好,大家!今天我要介绍一下我自己。
我的名字是Sarah Smith。
课文二:My Hobbies我叫Mark Johnson。
课文三:My FamilyHello, everyone! Let me tell you about my family. I have a small family. There are four members in my family. My parents, my younger brother, and me. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They are both very loving and caring. My younger brother is in high school and he is very smart. We all live together in a small house. We always support and help each other. I am very grateful to have such a loving family.大家好!让我告诉你们关于我的家庭。
研究生英语系列教材上unit1 原文+翻译

TRAITS OF THE KEY PLAYERS核心员工的特征What exactly is a key play?核心员工究竟是什么样子的?A “Key Player” is a phrase that I've heard about from employers during just about every search I've conducted.几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。
I asked a client — a hiring manager involved in recent search — to define it for me.我请一位客户——一位正参与研究的人事部经理,给我解释一下。
“Every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on to get the job done.“每家公司都有少数几个这样的员工,在某个专业领域,你可以指望他们把活儿干好。
On my team of seven process engineers and biologists, I've got two or three whom I just couldn't live without,” he said.在我的小组中,有七名化工流程工程师和生物学家,其中有那么两三个人是我赖以生存的,”他说,“Key players are essential to my organization.“他们对我的公司而言不可或缺。
And when we hire your company to recruit for us, we expect that you'll be going into other companies and finding just:当请你们公司替我们招募新人的时候,我们期待你们会去其他公司找这样的人:the staff that another manager will not want to see leave.其他公司经理不想失去的员工。

研究生综合英语(上)课文翻译研究生综合英语(上)课文翻译1 ”。
法说一这同赞特豪9 。
险风受承能工员求要业企度忍容险风?3征特8 ”。
’地的目‘达到地快更要是就一之法方的胜取司公“?说特豪”?行进在样同也争竞?时小42天一?天7周一?天563年一着味意那?行进在终始意生?时小42天一?天7周一?天563年一“7 。
人稿撰的稿写繁频坛论站网给位一是特豪-唐感迫紧?2征特6 。
”者作合“成变转”户干单“ 从法看的你对司公使能?”我“是不而?”们我“词代用使地明开时绩业述描在你上加?法方个这。

新发展研究生英语1课文翻译Unit 1 Human Reflections婚姻为什么会失败安妮·洛芙安妮·洛芙是美国女权主义作家,因《主妇狂想曲》、《恩慈》等小说而著名。
研究生英语教材—第一册 课文翻译及翻译练习参考

《研究生英语阅读教程》上册课文翻译及翻译练习答案Unit OneWestern Legal SystemPassage AThe Law and the PoorⅤ. Translation1. By this measure, emerging Asia's middle class remains relatively small.2. I would take issue with you on your statement that we know all the facts about this matter.3. Far from admitting his own mistake, he falsely accused his critic.4. Despite some failures, our firm has had quite a good year on balance.5. You could call in the twelve guys who had access to the report.6. Lawyers are less than 1% of American adults, but they are well-represented in government. Both the president and the vice-president trained as lawyers. So did 55% of senators and 100% of Supreme Court justices. There are advantages to having a bit of legal expertise among those who write and execute the nation’s laws, or assess their constitutionality. But there is also a potential conflict of interest.课文翻译法律与穷人印度内阁于12月通过了一项名为―食品权利‖的议案,一旦通过,该法案将赋予印度三分之二的人口获得廉价食品的权利。
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班级:自研1303班学号:1049721303699 姓名:郭心悦Unit 11.公益广告中的口号和形象不仅令人难忘,而且能引起广泛关注,激励人们采取行动。
The slogans and characters in the public service messages are more than memorable—they raise awareness, inspire individuals to take action.2.大学教育的最终结果应该由学生在课堂的种种表现来衡量,他们是否精于知识的运用,是否接受了扎实的基础教育,是否在某一特殊领域称职。
The final outcomes of university education should be measured by the student’s performance in classroom as they become proficient in the use of knowledge, acquire a solid basic education and become competent in a specific field.3.美丽的校园为我们提供一个理想空间,让我们沉思找到灵感,以助我们更好地旅行。
The beautiful campus provides an ideal space for contemplation and inspiration to aid us in that journey.4.在知识之旅上,你们不是独行者。
It is vital to develop an action plan and timetable early in the process in order to allow for an orderly transition of responsibilities. You’ll not be expected to undertake thisintellectual journey on your own. We have an exceptional faculty and staff, dedicated to the search for knowledge and understanding, who will support and encourage you in your journey.5.人们的生活离不开自然,这是自然资源保护论者的第一原则。
People cannot live without nature: this is the first principle of the conservationists. But people cannot live in nature without changing it.6.世界经济飞速发展以及经济和科技领域的激烈竞争,对教育提出了强有力的挑战。
The soaring development of science and technology worldwide, as well as fierce competition in economic and technological fields have addressed a tough challenge to education.7.由于欧盟设定了严格标准以减少垃圾填埋并提倡包装的循环利用,包装行业目前受到了从未有过的严格监督。
The packing industry now suffer from scrutiny as never before, because EU has see tough targets to reduce landfilling and increase recycling.8.中国与发达国家在科技领域存在着差距,因此必须依赖科技和教育的发展来推行可持续发展战略。
There is a gap between China and advanced countries in the area of science and technology, so it must depend on science,technology and education to carry out a sustainable development strategy.Unit 3有人说这个世界是男人的天下,然而,根据市场调查公司NPD的研究,大多数购物和娱乐消费都是由女人做主的。
”Someone says it’s the man’s world, but women actually make most purchasing and entertainment decisions, according to a study by market research firm NPD. As is known to people long ago, women decide most of the clothes for the family and home furnishings, but this study of 51000 American families showed that surprising faces of other purchasing decisions broken down by gender.When men facing choosing movies, restaurants and television shows,they usually turn to women for advice,according to the survey.What’s more,the data indicated that women also decide where to sit in a movie theatre, where to shop for food and which guests will be invited to come to the family home. In fact, men can only have words on which electronics and family car to purchase and setting household budgets. The gender differences in purchasing could have implications for advertising, media and education companies, said NPD chief analyst Marshal Cohen,who presided over the survey.Cohen said:”Anyone who managing a band, marketing a product or working for an advertising agency must pay close attention to the changes in consumer dynamics.”Unit 51.我对这部影片里的任何角色都难以认同。
I can’t agree with any characters in this film.2.数月来他经历挫折而不断努力,终于有了收获。
After months of frustration, his perseverance was finally rewarded.3.她把她的意思解释得清清楚楚。
She made her meaning crystal clear.4.像大多数的夫妻一样,他俩的婚姻波折迭起,但生活就是这样。
Like most married couples they’ve had their ups and downs, but life is like this.5.经过寒冷的冬天,大家都渴望天气有所好转。
Everyone is yearning for a better change of weather, after sucha cold winter.6.这个广告是针对儿童设计的。
This advertisement is calculated to appeal to children.7.这种骚乱仅仅是人们不满的一种表露而已。
This riot is only one manifestation of people’s discontent.8.原始人用尖石头块和兽骨为自己制作原始的工具。
Primitive man use sharp stones and animal bones to make primitive tools for himself.Unit 7Historically, Jeep’s reputation as a go-anywhere vehicle dates back to the Second World War when the original Jeeps, supplied by the Willys company, carried allied forces through the Pacific and Europe.在历史上,吉普车以能在任何地方行驶闻名于世,这种美名的由来可以追溯到二战时期,当时,由威利斯公司提供的原始的吉普车能载着盟军部队,在太平洋沿岸和欧洲战场自由行驶。
The Macquarie Dictionary of Motoring says the name Jeep stemmed from the United States Army’s decision to call the vehicle GP, for General Purpose vehicle. The name was eventually corrupted to “jeep” from the pronunciation of the letters GP, and became a trademark owned by the Willys company.《麦氏汽车驾驶大全》一书记载,“吉普”这个名字源于美军决定把这种车叫做GP(General Purpose)即多功能汽车。