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到目前为止,我们云中广播台已经举办了三期知行 文化沙龙。接下来,我将为大家简单介绍一下前几 期沙龙活动的宣传海报和活动现场情况。
我们的中基老师王老师作为首 期嘉宾,为我们讲解怎么学好 中医,旁边的是海老师,讲课 也是生动活泼,十分幽默
Our teacher wang in the teacher as the first guest, explain for us how to learn Chinese medicine, is next to Hai teacher, his lectures also lively and humor
The fourth phase of the Cultural salon activities will be held in our school teahouse, theme is the thinking of traditional Chinese medicine, for the entire school teachers and students. If you want to learn Chinese medicine, welcome to join, the specific time we will be in the form of posters。
活动还没有开始,同学们的心里就开始 热血沸腾了,这是汪老师的那期,人数
has yet to start, the students began to have a 。Activity boiling passion, in the heart the period, this is wang teacher are booked

ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
目前,我们云中广播台正在筹办第四期知行文 化沙龙活动,预计将在本月下旬举办。本期主 讲是秦竹教授,秦竹老师将心理学与中医紧密 联系,还对美容,饮食养生颇有研究;同时, 她可以说是本校方剂学研究的佼佼者。

秦竹,女,1964年生,教授,硕士生导师, 学科带头人,骨干教师,云南省高校教学名 师,云南省师德先进个人,云南省优秀教师, 现任云南中医学院中医方剂学教研室主任, 兼任中西医结合医学心理学教研室主任,云 南省省级重点学科方向带头人,中华医学会 方剂学分会委员,云南省中西医结合学会心 身医学分会副主任委员兼秘书长(筹),国 家自然科学基金委生命科学部中医药学评议 专家,云南省科技厅科技专家库专家,云南 省一类精品课程负责人。 主要承担方剂学教学、科研及临床工作, 主讲研究生、日校本专科生、成人教育及留 学生等不同专业层次的《方剂学》、《美容 方剂学》、《中医食疗养生学》、《医学心 理学》、《美容心理学》等课程。主要研究 方向:1、中医方剂组方配伍规律研究;2、 情志致病机理及心身疾病防治方药研究。3、 中医食疗养生理论研究
汪老师的幽默故事,把同学 们逗得都很开心,我们在听 临床经验的同时,也调节好 了自己的心情。
Wang teacher's humorous story, provoke the students are very happy, we are listening to the clinical experience at the same time, also adjust oneself mood.
You see how much students listened
Miss Yang is doing the college students' career planning, very experienced, miss this period, I'm afraid is a kind of regret, he told how lifelike!
杨老师是做大学生职业规划 的,非常有经验,错过了这 期,恐怕是一种遗憾,他讲 的多么栩栩如生啊!
At present, the radio station is preparing to hold the fourth phase of cultural salon activity, is expected to be held in late this month. This speaker is professor Qin Zhu,Qin Zhu teacher will psychology is closely linked with Chinese medicine, also for beauty, health food has a research; At the same time, she is our best formulas of Chinese medicine research.
文化沙龙是沙龙活动的一种,是指一些志趣相投的有一 定身份地位的人,相聚在一起,针对自己感兴趣的文化、 思想等方面的议题,相互探讨、交流的一种非正式的聚 会活动。
Our organization to carry out the “transition” culture salon activities. Breaking the previous hope through cultural salon form, said “the stage, the audience” the lack of communication. Build a into the teacher, breaking the silence, think hard, asking questions of cultural feast。

第四期活动将在本校茶室举办,主题是中医思维,面向全 校师生。如果你想学好中医,欢迎届时参加,具体时间我 们将会以海报等形式通知!
我们组织开展“知行”文化沙龙活动。希望通过文 化沙龙的形式,打破以往"台上讲、台下听"缺乏交流 的情况。营造一场走进老师,打破沉默,认真思考, 积极发问的文化盛宴
So far, our radio station has held three phase of cultural salon. Next, I will provide you a brief introduction of previous salon activity propaganda posters and site condition.
Culture salon is one of the salon activity, has certain status refers to some like-minded people, get together, for they are interested in culture, thoughts and other issues, to discuss and exchange an informal party activities.