



would/ might/ could+动词原形
I wish (that) I were a bird. I wish (that) I could fly.
I wish (that) I had forgotten it.
2.用于表示命令、建议、要求等一类词后面的宾语从句。 insist, order, command, suggest, advise, propose, require, request, demand, decide 等 We suggested that the meeting (should) be put off. They insisted that the boy (should) go with them. 注意:suggest 当表示“暗示、表明“讲时,insist 表示”坚持认为“之意时,应用陈述语气。 The smile on his face suggested that he was satisfied with our work.
想迫使对方做出明确答复时,将来进行时可以 显得比一般将来时will更委婉客气。
3. Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. 介词at通常用于小型集体活动之前,比较大型的活动会用介词in。 at a meeting(在会议上);at a concert(在音乐会上);at a wedding(在婚礼上)等等。 4. Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. unsmiling的反义词是smiling(微笑的,喜气洋洋的)。有些形容 词前面可以加上前缀un-l来表示相反的意思,比如: comfortable-uncomfortable;true-untrue;interesting- uninteresting等等。 5. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. Take a seat和take one’s seat都表示“让某人坐下”,这种用 法要比sit down更加正式。 by/beside是贴近的旁边;而near是有一段距离的附近。所以,句 子中的beside可以用by互换



3. If I ______ you, I ______ more attention to English idioms
and phrases.
A. was; shall pay
B. am; will pay
C. would be; would pay D. were; would pay
4. —Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday? —I ______, but I had an unexpected visitor. A. had B. would C. was going to D. did
① v. 使……固定、安装 fix the picture on the wall She fixed a handle on the door. ② v. 修理 fix on使(目光、注意力等)集中于,盯着 fix one's eyes on sth./ one's eyes be fixed on sth.盯着……目不转睛 All the eyes were fixed on the blackboard.
2).If he had taken my advice,he would not have made such a mistake. 如果他听我的劝告的话,就不会犯这样的错误了。(事实:没有听我的话)
1. I don’t think that I shall fail. But if I ______, I would try again. A. should fail B. would fail
2.Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. unsmiling adj. 不笑的 unsmiling的反义词为 smiling 有些形容词前面可以加上前缀un-来表示相反的意义:


6. spend your holiday abroad 去国外度假
‘In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner.’ 7. in despair 失望
Focus on grammar
1. If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it.
句则推测想象的结果。 与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句 结构: if从句------一般过去时(be用were) 主句-------过去将来时(would/could/might/should+do) eg: If you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner. If I were you, I would not go to the party.
A. But
B. Although C. How
D. What
Fill in the blanks 1
Food and talk Last week at a dinner party, the _h_o_s_te_s_s___ asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. Mrs. Rumbold was a large, _u_n_s_m_il_in_g__ lady in a __t_ig_h_t__ black dress. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. Her eyes were __f_ix_e_d__on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. I tried to make conversation. 'A new play is coming to "The __G_lo_b_e__" soon,' I said. 'Will you be seeing it?' 'No,' she answered. 'Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year?' I asked 'No,' she answered. 'Will you be staying in England?' I asked. 'No,' she answered. In _d_e_s_p_ai_r_, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner. 'Young man,' she answered, “if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!"

新概念二 第40课课件

新概念二 第40课课件

• 1. Now that I am free,I can
music for a while.
• 2. When I entered the room, my father
from his paper and smiled at me.
• 3. I can't hear you clearly enough. May I bring my chair
2.fix v.凝视 ·fix ones eyes on sth盯着.….目不转睛 ·习惯用被动 表达为:one’s eyes be fixed on sth ·Eg:所有的眼睛都盯着黑板。 All the eyes were fixed on the blackboard. fix:①固定,②修理: Fix the picture on the wall.
when I took my seat beside her.
Her eyes were
her plate and
, she
. I tried to
'A new play is coming to “The Globe" soon,'I said.'Will you be seeing it?'
'No,' she answered.
* 条件句
在第16课的语法中,我们学习了第1类条件句,它谈论将有可能发生的事情, 并且考虑其将来的真实结果。它的一般形式如下所示: You'll miss the train if you don't hurry. 你如果不抓紧时间会误了火车的。 (主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时或其他形式的现在时) 第2类条件句的形式与第一类不同,if从句中用一般过去时,谈论想像的情况, 主句用 would+动词原形,推测想像的结果; If it rained tomorrow, we'd stay at home. 如果明天下雨,我们将呆在家里。

新概念英语第二册Lesson 40 (共53张PPT)

新概念英语第二册Lesson 40 (共53张PPT)
• ask sb to do sth. • 请求sb.做sth.

• Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady • in a tight black dress.
• 修饰人外形的口语化形容词(体积) • big/large/huge
• Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady • in a tight black dress.
Lesson 40 Food and talk
Words and expressions hostess, unsmiling, tight Grammar 虚拟语气
Introduce the word
• T: Today we'll listen t a story about a man who goes to a dinner party.
• What did you ask her next? • Whether she would be spending her holidays
abroad this year.
New words and expressions
New words and expressions
hostess n.
• In despair, I asked her whether she was • enjoying her dinner. •
• In despair, I asked her whether she was • enjoying her dinner. •



Glass touch/finish No glass touch/take a sip
Listen and answer questions
1.Where did the writer sit at the dinner party?
The writer was sitting next to Mrs.Rumbold.
They sang songs by the
campfire. 他们围着篝火在唱歌.
2.Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating.
be busy with sth 忙于某事 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 be careful with sth 小心某事 be careful doing sth 小心做某事
Lesson 40
Food and talk
do a) 可以用来代替一些常用动词如 paint,study,wash,tidy,clean,comb,brush等,意思必须根据上下文 内容和它的宾语来决定:
do the room do the dishes do one’s hair do one’s nails do one’s teeth do one’s best do one’s duty do sb a favour do odd jobs do business do a painting/portrait



1. The lady beside me was busy ____ fault with everyone . a. find b. to find c. finding d. to be finding
2. Can you recognize the lady _____ the pink dress ? a. in b. on c. with d. by
b. he wanted to know if Mrs. Rumbold was going abroad c. he wanted to be sociable d. he always talks too much
2. Which word best describes Mrs. Rumbold ? She was ______ a. hungry b. polite c. rude d. talkative
4 用于状语从句 as if, as though 5 用于定语从句 6 用于简单句
动词形式 从句 时间 与现在事实相反
动词过去式(be的 would 过去式一般用were) should + 动词原形 could might had +过去分词 would should have+过去分词 could might
盼望做某事 铁路专线
special railway line
Lesson 40
Food and talk
main course
Are they delicio us
Lesson 40
Food and talk



• 入座后姿式端正,脚踏在本人座位下,不可任意 伸直,手肘不得靠桌缘, 或将手放在邻座椅背上。
中方 ❖ 客齐后导客入席,以左为上,视为首席,相对首座为二座,首座之下
为三座,二座之下为四座。 西方 ❖ 一般说来,面对门的离门最远的那个座位是女主人的,与之相对的是
男主人的座位。女主人右手边的座位是第一主宾席,一般是位先生; 男主人右边的座位是第二主宾席、一般是主宾的夫人。女主人左边的 座位是第三主宾席,男主人的左边的座位是第四主宾席。
New words and expressions:
hostess unsmiling tight fix globe despair
n. 女主人 adj. 不笑的,严肃的 adj. 紧身的 v. 凝视 n. 地球 n. 绝望
★hostess n.女主人
1) n.待客的主人
hostess 女主人
• 进餐时不要打嗝,也不要出现其他声音。如果出现打喷嚏、肠鸣等不由 自主的声响时,就要说一声“真不好意思”、“对不起”、“请原凉”之 类的话,以示歉意。
如果要给客人或长辈布菜.最 好用公筷.也可以把离客人或长 辈远的菜肴送到他们跟前,按我 们中华民族的习惯.菜是一个一 个往上端的.如果同桌有领导,老 人,客人的话.每当上来一个新菜 时就请他们先动筷子.或着轮流 请他们先动筷子.以表示对他们 的重视.
★ globe n.球,球状物;地球(earth);地球仪
circle the globe 环地球一圈 all over the globe 全世界



unsmiling VS serious unsmiling: 强调面部表情僵硬,不笑。 serious:可以指事情重大,也可以修饰人,表示因 为问题比较严重而需要承担责任导致的严肃
tight adj.紧身的
Page 21
Page 34
2.Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.
In引导短语作定语、表语,表示状态、特征 未来的生活 the life in the future 去旅馆的路上 the way to the hotel
companion:a person who has similar tastes, interests, etc. to your own and whose company you enjoy
Was Mrs.Rumbold a good companion at dinner? No, she wasn’t.
despair n. 绝望
in despair 绝望地 他绝望地离开了家乡。 He left his hometown in despair.
despairing adj.绝望的 绝望的表情 a despairing look
Language Point
unsmiling smiling 有些形容词前面可以加上前缀un-来表示相反的意义: comfortable (舒服的)/uncomfortable(不舒服的) true(真实的)/untrue(不真实的) interesting(有趣的)/uninteresting(无趣味的)



a) Houses b) Chewing c) Obese d) Etiquette(礼仪)
5) "Exactly" is a synonym(同义) for:
a) I owe you one b) You're wrong
c) You hit the nail on the head (一针见血) d) I really don't owe you one
Eating Etiquette (A)进餐礼节
•1) Never eat too quickly. Take your time. The slower yoቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ eat, the more polite you seem.
•2) Never rest your elbows on the table when you eat. That is considered uncultured or rude.
•colloquially(用白话) known as "bangers"(香肠) •distinctive(与众不同的) in that they are usually made from fresh meats and rarely smoked, dried, or strongly flavoured(被调味). • Following the post World War II period, sausages tended to contain low-quality meat, fat, and rusk.
Now listen to the story and answer the following question : Was Mrs.Rumbold a good companion at dinner?



'A new play is coming to "The Globe" soon,' I said. 'Will you be seeing it?' 'No,' she answered. 'Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year?' I asked. 'No,' she answered. 'Will you be staying in England?' I asked. 'No,' she answered.
If I ___h_a_d___(have) supernatural abilities,
I_w__o__u_l_d__b_e__l_i_k_e(adore) by all people in my school.
Food and talk
In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner. 'Young man,' she answered, 'if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!"
(2)修理 repair mend 修补(洞) fix (精密复杂) My watch has stopped it must be fixed.
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if条件句可分为两类,一类为真实条件句, 假设的情况是可以发生的;一类为非真实 条件句。表示的是假设的或实际可能性不 大的情况,故采用虚拟语气。
1.真实条件句 从句 主句 一般现在时 主+shall/will+v.原 If he comes, he will bring his bag.
Glass touch/finish
No glass touch/take a sip
Listen and answer questions
1.Where did the writer sit at the dinner party? The writer was sitting next to Mrs.Rumbold. 2.How was the conversation between the writer and Mrs.Rumble? The conversation didn’t go very well. 3.Did Mrs.Rumble answer the writer’s question? No,she didn’t.
Food and talk
Last week at a dinner party,the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs.Rumbold.Mrs.Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating.I tried to make conversation.
2.Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. • be busy with sth 忙于某事 • be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 • be careful with sth 小心某事 • be careful doing sth 小心做某事 He is busy washing clothes. My brother is busy with his homework. 3.“A new play is coming to ‘ The Globe’ soon,” I said. “Will you be seeing it?” (1) 用现在进行时来表示接近的未来,“即将 用将来进行时来提问,尤其是提出问题但又不 想迫使对方做出明确答复时,将来进行时可以 会”。
昨天下课后,我的老师安排我坐在丽丽的旁边。丽丽 是一个勤奋的学生。当我坐到她旁边时,她甚至没从书 桌上抬起头来。她双眼关注于她的作业本,不一会儿她 开始奋笔疾书。我试着找她讲讲话。 “有一部新影片即将在大影院上映了,”我说, “你会去看吗?”“不会的,”她回答。 “你五一会回去吗?”我问到。“不会的,”她回答。 “那么你就呆在这里啦?”我问到。“不会的,”她 回答。 我绝望了,于是我问她是否喜欢这儿的校园生活。 “我的朋友,”她回答,“如果你多学习少讲话,咱 俩都会喜欢这儿的校园生活!”
4.fix v.凝视;盯着 fix at =stare at=gaze at The kid is fixing at his new toy. vt.固定,安装 She fixed a handle on the door. vt.修理 I am able to fix the computer.
5.globle n.地球 adj. globlal The globle village 地球村 6.despair n.失望,绝望 in despair vi.绝望,丧失信心 He despairs of winning a scholarship. 他已不抱赢得奖学金的希望了。
精品句赏析: 1.The hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold.
1.She asked, “Did he go home?” She asked if/whether he had gone home. 2.She asked, “Why did he leave?” She asked why he had left. 3.He asked, “When will she come back?” He asked when she would come back.
1.hostess n. 女主人 host n. 男主人 actress 女演员 actor 男演员 goddess 女神 God 上帝 2.unsmiling adj. 不笑的,严肃的 Brook is an unsmiling man. serious adj. 严肃的
3.tight adj. 紧身的 The woman in a tight skirt is an air hostess. 补充:adj.吝啬的 The old man is tight with money.
Yesterday after class, my teacher asked me to sit next to Lily. Lily was a hardworking student. She did not even look up from her desk when I took my seat besides her. Her eyes were fixed on her exercise book and in a short time, she was busy writing. I tried to make conversation. ‘A new film is coming to The Grand Cinema soon,’ I said. ’Will you be seeing it?’ ,’No,’ he answered.
‘Will you be staying in England?’ I asked. ‘No,’ she answered. In despair,I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner. ‘Young man,’ she answered, ‘if you ate more and talked less, we would both enioy our
4.______ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often. A. If it is not B. Were it not C. If it had not been D. If they have not 5.You didn’t let me drive. If we ______ in turn, you ______ so tired. A. drove ; didn’t get B. drove ; wouldn’t get C. were driving ; wouldn’t get D. had driven ; wouldn’t have got 6.If she had worked harder, she ______. A.would succeed B.B. had succeeded C. should succeed D. would have succeed
The west
Knives and forks
One’s own plate Completely finished
Dish order Cold dishes/meat or vegetable courses/soup/main food Hosts Toasting
Put food into the plates of their guests
2.非真实条件句(虚拟语气) (1)与现在事实相反 从句 主句 一般过去时 主+should/would+v.原 If they were here, they would help me. (2)与将来事实相反,或者将来不可能发生的 从句 主句 一般过去时 主+should/would+v.原 If it snowed tomorrow,I would stay at home.
ask sb to “在附近”: next to, beside, do sth
by, close to, near, nearby等. The man next to me was drunk too much. 坐在我旁边的那个男人喝太多 They sang songs by the campfire. 他们围着篝火在唱歌.
‘A new play is coming to “The Globe” soon,’ I said.’Will you be seeing it?’ ‘No,’ she answered. ‘Will you be spending your holiday abroad this year?’I asked. ‘No,’ she answered.
‘Will you be spending your May Day out?’I asked. ’No,’ he answered. ‘Will you be staying in here? ’I asked. ’No,’ he answered. In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her school life here. ‘My friend,’ she answered ,’if you learned more and talked less, we would both enjoy our school life!’