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Her college students have a high opinion of her : "kate was an outsanding girl, versatile, full of movement energy.
两人同往瑞士滑雪胜地度假滑雪。两 人以3分钟长吻宣告恋情,王室没作 出否认,恋情正式曝光。
Kate was companied by her father ,and entered the Westminster Abbey.
当地时间2011年4月29日10点半左右在威斯敏斯特大教堂 进行宣誓。
In Westminster Abbey they were making wedding vows.
Two people to go skiing in switzerland to ski resort for three minutes. two men with long kiss in the affair, not to deny that an official exposure.
2011年4月29日威廉王子与凯特 正式步入婚姻殿堂,这也是一场 新世纪的“童话婚礼”.
12点左右,英国伦敦白金汉宫门前挤满了围观 群众。
当地时间4月29日12点半,威廉王子与凯特出现在白金汉宫阳台上, 向院外的人们挥手致意。
April 29 12: 30 , prince william and kate waved to people on the balcon inbuckingham palace.
当地时间8点整,婚礼仪式正式开始。皇家卫兵列队通过白 金汉宫前的林荫大道

8 o'clock the ceremony began. the royal palace guards marched through the boulevard before the buckingham palace.
与多数“80后”的活泼的英 国少女不同,凯特仿佛不爱 出门,念书十分用功
Differrent from other girls who are very lively , she didn't like going out and read very hard.
大学同学这样评价她:“凯特 绝对是个出众的女孩,A等生, 多才多艺,充满运动活力
凯特·米德尔顿平民出身端庄淑女。后来父母两人 靠做生意,使得他们成为百万富翁.
Kate Middleton was born in a common family but was a dignified and fair maiden. Later his parents went into business making they become amillionaire.
当地时间9点左右,威廉王子在哈里王子的陪同下,乘车前往威斯敏斯特 教堂。
9 o'clock , the prince william drove to westminster abbey.
About ten o'clock , kate middleton also tookethe car to go to church from the hotel.
April 29 prince william get married with kate.This is the "fairy wedding in a new century.
Now let us enjoy the scene of their marriage.
April 29 12: 30 , prince william kissed kate two times on the balcony in buckingham palace.
当地时间4月29日12点半,威廉王子在白金汉宫阳台上2次亲吻 凯特。
Their kisses made us can't help thinking of that on july 29, 1981,the prince william's father, prince charles, kissed diana at the same place .
他们的接吻让人不禁想起1981年7月29日,威廉王子的父亲查尔斯王储在同 样的地点亲吻戴安娜王妃。
The kiss
小时我们都曾沉浸在灰姑娘的故事里, 而在现实生活我们终于见证到这一切。 首先让我们先看看他们的故事。
As a child ,we drown ourself in the cinderella's stories。But in reality we witness these now. Firstly, let us read their stories.
Prince william and kate exchange ring
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Prince william and kate went out the Westminster Abbey.
About midnight, the palace was filled with spectators before the buckingham palace.
威廉·亚瑟·,当今英国王储威尔 士亲王查尔斯和威尔士王妃戴安 娜的长子.他从出世之日起便深 受英国民众爱戴.
William Arthur ,the Britain's prince charles and diana's eldest son.From the date of birth, he was deeply loved by the British pepole.
Prince william with a light heart waved to the people in westminster abbey.
Kate get into the westminster abbey