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By Yu Guangzhong

When I was a child, my homesickness was a small stamp, Linking Mum at the other end and me this.

When I grown up, I remained homesick, but it became a ticket by which I sailed to and from my bride at the other end.

Then homesickness took the shape of a grave, Mum inside of it and me outside.

Now I’m still homesick, but it is a narrow strait Separating me on this side and the mainland on the other.


by C. G. Rossetti What is pink? A rose is pink

By the fountain's brink.

What is red? A poppy's red

In its barley bed.

What is blue? The sky is blue Where the clouds float thro'. What is white? A swan is white Sailing in the light.

What is yellow? Pears are yellow, Rich and ripe and mellow.

What is green? The grass is green, With small flowers between. What is violet? Clouds are violet In the summer twilight.

What is orange? Why, an orange, Just an orange!

The Swing

by R. L. Stevenson

(Part I)

How do you like to go up in a swing, Up in the air so blue?

Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing Ever a child can do.。

(Part II)

Up in the air and over the wall,

Till I can see so wide,

River and trees and cattle and all Over the countryside----

(Part III)

Till I look down on the garden green Down on the roof so brown

Up in the air I go flying again

Up in the air and down!

When Day Is Done

by Tagore

If the day is done ,

If birds sing no more .

If the wind has fiagged tired ,

Then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me , Even as thou hast wrapt the earth with The coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed ,

The petals of the drooping lotus at dusk.

From the traverer ,

Whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended ,

Whose garment is torn and dust-laden , Whose strength is exhausted, remove shame and poverty ,

And renew his life like a flower under

The cover of thy kindly night .
