十二星座的英文简介 ppt (对应生日及标志)
• 优点:想像力丰富,善解人意,心地仁慈,舍己 为人不自私,直觉力强,懂得包容。
• Escapist, idealistic, secretive, weak-willed and easily led.
• 缺点:不够实际幻想太多,太情绪化多愁善感, 意志不坚定,容易受环境影响。
• 优点:乐于助人,充满人道精神,诚实善 良,创意十足,个性独立,拥有理想的智 慧。
• Intractable, perverse, unpredictable, unemotional and detached.
• 缺点:缺乏热情,不按牌理出牌,太相信 自己的判断,思想多变没有恒心,太过理 智情趣不足。
• 象征水瓶座的波,是高度知性的代表,由波的特性 去思考水瓶座的特质,看似有规律但没有具体的形 象,是一个不可预测的星座。性格通常是时而好, 时而坏,喜怒无常。代表着冷静与博爱。
• Friendly, honest, loyal, original, inventive, independent and intellectual.
afraid of loneliness, the self-
处女座追求完美、最纯洁、最不 esteem
Pisces the Fishes in an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of October.
☆Aries 白羊座 又称牧羊座
Aries the Ram is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of November.
Aries The most active, daring, the strongest argument,
金牛座最有耐心、最爱钱、最固 Taurus Most patient, the love of
money, stubborn, diligent
双子座反应最快、最易紧张、最 Gemini Reaction of the fastest,
constellation name meaning
☆Cancer 巨蟹座
Cancer the Crab is a Winter Constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of February. Leo 狮子座 Leo the Lion is a Winter constellation, and can be best viewed in the night during the month of March.
Birth: May 22 - Jun. 21 Key Words: thinking, communicating, amusing
Birthstone citrine, amber, tourmaline
Attracting Signs Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius
Celebrities John Kennedy, Walt Whitman, Nicole Kidman
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, representing quickness of thought. Gemini's are good communicators. They are active and clever. Gemini's are adaptable, versatile, communicative, witty, intellectual, and eloquent. Sometime they can be pessimistic which is caused by their dual nature. Gemini's like being part of a group. They always follow the rules of the game. Understanding and tolerant, they can be helpful in any situation. They usually liven up any social gathering with their ideas and verbal facility. Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Gemini's can adapt to any situation, however they still try to keep their independence. Gemini's like to travel and socialize. Gemini's are good lawyers, politicians and public speakers.
• Gemini is always on the go, so they‘re looking for food that they can pick up. • 双子座总是很忙碌,所以他 们喜欢便携食物
Word up!
Instant noodles
• Lucky day this week is Friday.
Cancer 巨蟹座 6.22~7.22
Cancer is symbolized by a crab, which means protectiveness.
• Cancer is the homebody and an excellent cook. • 宅在家,是个出色的厨师
• Lucky day this wee week is Saturday.
Virgo 处女座 8.24~9.23
Virgo is the virgin. One of the main keys to understanding Virgo is “Perfectionism”.
• They will want a meal that is created in an orderly fashion and is not missing any key parts. • 喜欢很有序地准备出来的食 物,而且这些食物不能缺少 任何关键的配料。
Word up! Shrimp Crab Fish
• Lucky day this week is Monday.
busy lazy helpful quite kind honest smart friendly nervous powerful careless care
Aries 白羊座 3.21~4.20
十二星座的英文简介 ppt (对应生日及标志)
Pisces(Feb.19thMar.20th), means you are honest . You love to imagine a lot of things, but they are probably impossible to come true. You can always make the fun.
Leo(Jul.23th-Aug.22th), means you are a confn open and frank disposition.
Virgo(Aug. 23thSept.22th), means you are careful in doing everything, and you like everything clean. You do things with caution.
Capricorn(Dec.22th-Jan.19th),means you can keep calm at anytime, and you are always very serious. You are liberal to an opponent.
Aquarius(Jan.20thFeb.18th),means you are curious about everything and you will always learn about it, in this way, you can always make miracle. You are always different from other people.
Aries(Mar.21st –Apr.20th), means you are a person who dare to do anything you want, you do everything very straightly. And you are an honest person.
风相星座的人思维发达,想象力丰 富,有思想家的倾向,擅长社交,语言 表达能力强,但性格变化多端,有喜新 厌旧和情绪化的毛病。 水相星座的人温柔宁静、感情细腻, 对事物的洞察力极强,直觉 也很敏感, 但有时想法不切实际且喜凭感情用事。
在这三种分类中以四分法最为常用, 因其包含了二分法(火相、 风相为阳性, 地相、水相为阴性),其展现也较明显, 可作为一般人的基本分类法。
Cancer 巨蟹座
6月22日~7月22日 Jun. 22~Jul .22
Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead. 狮子座是火相星座的中心。 火引发了创造,革新和领导 的欲望。
TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds selfreliance. But remember to balance selfconfidence with humility. 你对目标的坚定不移使你自 信。但是记住自信也需要谦 虚 水星移动的速度非常快,掌 管个人的知识、沟通、推理, 以及学习能力、处理困难时 的机智、适应环境的能力与 个人意识,同时代表了时代 转变时科技与学问对日常生 活转变的影响。水星守护双 子座与处女座。 处女座的人十分看重枝微末 节,常为了小地方的完美而 忽略了大局。 属于土象星座的处女座,由 于守护星的水星,直觉力强, 善于推测未来的演变,认真 而朴实,拥有多愁善感的个 性。尤其典型处女座,拥有 丰富的知识,对神秘的事很 感兴趣,做事一丝不苟,有 强烈的批判精神。
生于每年6月22日至7月22日月亮对个人感情的影响力大过太阳。 Cancer’s element is 在天象中,月亮的变化最大,有周期性的阴晴圆缺,代表情绪 Water. Symbolic of the emotions, 变化,感情起伏,爱与恨的反覆出现。月亮代表支配我们的内 water signs need to 在世界,是人性及本能的天象表现。月亮守护巨蟹座,月亮也 give and receive. 是母性的守护者 属于水象星座的巨蟹座,拥有温柔、体贴、散发母性的光辉。 水象星座的人,具有液体一样具有顺应环境的本性,周围的感 觉十分敏锐,而且预知能力很强,但带点情绪化和感性的特质, TIPS: Good 容易受不了外来的环境变化,会为自己创造一个理想的生蓝图。 memory is your
emotion in all 12 zodiacs. When they
fall in love with some one, they may want to control(控制) their partners, they never accept a betrayed(背叛的)
▪ Emotional, loving, intuitive, imaginative, cautious, protective and sympathetic.
▪ 优点:感情真挚深切,想像力丰富,有包容力, 直觉敏锐,善解人意,有同情心。
▪ Changeable, moody, overemotional, touchy, ▪ 缺点:跟着情绪走,提不起放不下,太过多愁善
inner-desire of self-confident, they
never say sorry to others even they
know they are wrong.
▪ Generous, warmhearted, creative, enthusiastic, broad-minded, faithful.
▪ Aries [ ‘ɛəri:z ] (March 21- April 20): Aries are the pioneer( 先锋) of the zodiac(黄道). Aries is symbolized by a ram(公羊), which means quick to take action(行动) and get things rolling. Jackie Cheung(成龙) is an Aries. Almost all his movies are action movies.
天秤座9.23-10.22 又称天平座 英文名称Libra
You are a polite and fair person . you are elegant and love beautiful things.you love peace and do not like to like others.
天蝎座10.23-11.21 英文名称Scorpio
you are a powerful person and have lot s of energy .you like to keep secrets.however sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.
摩羯座12.22-1.19 又称山羊座魔羯座 英文名称Capricorn
you are businesslike and are often successful.you are good at making or planning things .you are patient enough to wait without getting angry.
you are energetic and active ,but sometimes too impatient. youlike to be the leader .some people think that you are selfish at times.
金牛座4.21-5.20 英文名称Taurus
you are stubborn and do not like change .you are a hard-work person. you are patient and do not give up easily.
You are a powerful person and have lots of energy .You like to keep secrets. However, sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their small faults.
白羊座3.21-4.20 又称牧羊座 English name: Aries Lucky color: yellow/red
You are energetic and active ,but sometimes too impatient. You like to be the leader .some people think that you are selfish at times.
射手座11.22-12.21 又称人马座 English name: Sagittarius Lucky color: blue
You enjoy life and have a good sense of humor. You are often lucky. you love travelling to different places.
双子座5.21-6.21 English name: Gemini Lucky color: sliver
You are a curious and clever person and you are outgoing. You love to talk.
巨蟹座6.22-7.22 English name: Cancer Lucky color: Silver/ purple
水瓶座1.20-2.18 又称宝瓶座 English name: Aquarius Lucky color: Blue/blue green
12星座英文介绍白羊座英文Aries(3月21日~4月20日)The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy.火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。
TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success. But your impulsive temper may cause problems.坚持会使你成功,但是爱冲动的毛病也会带来麻烦。
金牛座英文Taurus(4月21~5月21日)The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure.土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。
TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.你也许反应有一点慢,但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点。
双子座英文Gemini(5月22日~6月21日)The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed.风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力,智慧和速度。
TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability.你的多变使你能够适应事物。
巨蟹座英文Cancer (6月22日~7月22日)Cancer’s element is Water. Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive.巨蟹座是水相星座。
TIPS: Good memory is your born gift.良好的记忆力是你与生俱来的天赋。
• Characteristics: creative, enthusiastic and broadminded. • 有创造力、热情、心胸博大
• Characteristics: meticulous, reliable, diligent, perfectionist • 谨小慎微,值得信赖,勤奋,追求完 美。
Aries 白羊座 (3/21-4/20)
• Characteristics:adventurous、 energetic and dynamic • 喜欢冒险、有胆识、精力充沛
Taurus 金牛座 (4/21-5/21)
• Characteristics:warm-hearted、 determined and placid • 热忱,坚决,追求和平生活
Gemini 双子座 (5/22-6/21)
• Characteristics:Versatile witty eloquent and humorous • 多才多艺,机智,雄辩,风趣幽默
• Characteristics: conservative,shrewd and sympathetic. • 保守
星座的说法,缘起于西元前三千 年前的美索不达米亚平原,直到西元 前六百年,才由新巴比伦王国的迦勒 底人演绎成占星学。
Characteristics: practical 、prudent、 disciplined 、 reserved. 务实、脚踏实地、意志坚强、对人谦虚
• 釐牛在黄道十二宫中代表“釐钱”,凡是能产生满足 人们物质需要的各种设施、活动都属于它管辖范围, 釐牛座的外表温驯,但内心充满欲望。在古代,农夫 播种乊前都用牛来耕田犁地,因此它也是收入和报酬 的代号。
(5· 21-6· 21)
• Gemini symbol stands for wisdom.
• 狮子座掌管着运动、休闲等各项娱乐项目,由于是 万兽乊王,狮子座代表着人类丌断的尝试表达自己, 并且収掘自己潜在本质的能力,因此狮子星座会表 现出一种慷慨、高贵的气质。
(8· 23-9· 22)
• Virgo symbol symbolizes the health.
• 处女座符号象征着健康。
• 白羊座的象征是一头公羊,也可以诠释成公羊的角 和鼻子。白羊座始亍春季的第一天(北半球),象 征一个新的开始新生的绿芽,表现出大地新生和欣 欣向荣的景象。
(4· 21-5· 20)来自• Taurus symbol symbolizes strength.
• 金牛座符号象征着力量。
• Leo takes charge of the sport, leisure, and other entertainment project, because is the king of all beasts, Leo represents human constantly trying to express themselves, and explore the nature of the potential ability, so a lion constellation will show a generous, noble temperament.
美丽心语: 金牛座是爱 与美的象征。 Quality: Negative Ruler: Venus Triplicate : Fixed Quadruplicate : Earth 属性:阴性 主宰行星:金星 三分法:固定型 四分法:土
The temptation of Taurus
属性:阴性 主宰行星:土星 三分法:本位型 四分法:土相
Aries (March 21 to April 20)
The sign of the ram, but a ram has three possible personalities, domineering[作威作福的 ], innocent or easily lead. Typical Arians are aware, adventurous[爱冒险的,胆大的 ] and seek constant adventure. Sometimes in their eagerness to be noticed, an Arian can be brash, rude or selfish. Quality: Positive 属性:阳性 Ruler: Mars 主宰行星:火星 Triplicate: Cardinal 三分法:本位型 Quadruplicate: Fire 四分法:火
白羊座3.21-4.19 ----Aries 金牛座4.20-5.20----- Taurus 双子座5.21-6.21----- Gemini 巨蟹座6.22-7.22 ----Cancer 狮子座7.23-8.22---- Leo 处女座8.23-9.22 ----Virgo 天秤座9.23-10.23 -----Libra 天蝎座10.24-11.21 ----Scorpio
(1月21日 - 2月19日)
水瓶座的符号象征水和空气的波,是具象但又抽象 的;由水瓶座的神话中,可以看出水瓶座的爱好自 由和个人主义。象征水瓶座的波,是高度知性的代 表,由波的特性去思考水瓶座的特质,看似有规律
巨蟹座的符号象征胸,也就是说明了巨蟹和胸有关; 由巨蟹座的神话可以想像,有一种家的感觉,同时 也和忌妒有关。另一方面也有人指出,其实巨蟹座 的符号是象征巨蟹的甲壳,由此也可看出巨蟹座所
(7月23日 - 8月22日)
狮子座的符号象征狮子的尾巴,充分显示了狮子座 的个性;由狮子座的神话可以联想到,狮子座的风 流与热情。由狮子去联想狮子座的特性,很容易就 简介
Introduction to the Twelve Constellations
十二星座即黄道十二宫,是占星学描述太阳在天 球上经过黄道的十二个区域
在西方占星学上,黄道12星座是宇宙方位 的代名词,一个人出生时,各星体落入黄道上 的位置,说明了一个人的先天性格及天赋。黄 道12星座象征心理层面,反映出一个人行为的 表现的方式。于是将黄道分成12个星座,称为 黄道12星座。依次为白羊座、金牛座、双子座、 巨蟹座、狮子座、处女座、天秤座、天蝎座、 射手座、摩羯座、水瓶座、双鱼座。
(3月21日 - 4月20日)
白羊座的符号象征羊的头,是一种象形的方法,取 出羊最明显的羊角和鼻梁部分;由白羊座的神话可 以联想到一些特质,例如冲动、喜欢自由、勇往直 前。而由另一方面,也有人指白羊座的符号是象征
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Capricorn(Dec.22th-Jan.19th),means you can keep calm at anytime, and you are always very serious. You are liberal to an opponent.
Aquarius(Jan.20thFeb.18th),means you are curious about everything and you will always learn about it, in this way, you can always make miracle. You are always different from other people.
Leo(Jul.23th-Aug.22th), means you are a confident person, and you have an open and frank disposition.
Virgo(Aug. 23thSept.22th), means you are careful in doing everything, and you like everything clean. You do things with caution.
Aries(Mar.21st –Apr.20th), means you are a person who dare to do anything you want, you do everything very straightly. And you are an honest person.
Taurus(Apr.21st-May 20th), means you are a steady fellow. And you have a gentle disposition. And you have the best patient.
Gemini(May 21stJun.20th), means you are a person of integrity, you have the endless imagination to invent new things. You have the best fortune.
Cancer(Jun.21stJul.22th), means you can be lenient in treating a person. And you do everything conscientiously. You will never do things by irregular ways.
Scorpio(Oct.23thNov.21st), means you have full of grace. You love to live alone, and you like to be near with the nature. You have a lot of secrets.
Sagittarius(Nov.22th-Dec.21st), means you are a lovely person, you have the courage to try everything. You are clean and honest, and there’s no darkness in your heart.
Libra(Sept.23th-Oct.22th), means you are veryБайду номын сангаасhandsome and you can always make people happy. You’d like to make friends and you always have many friends.
Pisces(Feb.19thMar.20th), means you are honest . You love to imagine a lot of things, but they are probably impossible to come true. You can always make the fun.