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任务一(Task 1):完形填空真题演练

Method 1:the context上下文语境

例1 Whenever we hear about “the homeless”, most of us think of the Developing World. But the 36 is that homeless is everywhere. For example, how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a 37 country like Germany?

36. A. result B. truth C. reason D. idea

37. A. traditional B. developing C. typical D. wealthy

例2 Kurt and Rita receive no 52 for their hard work. “We feel like parents,” says Rita, “and parents shouldn’t expect money for helping their children. The love we get on the streets is our salary.”

52. A. permission B. payment C. direction D. support

Method 2:cultural background and common sense 文化背景和常识

例…Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “I’m too (47.old),”they say. Yes, children do learn languages more 48 than adults…

48.A. closely B. quickly C. privately D. quietly

Method 3:words distinction and collocations 词义辨析和固定搭配

例1 I remember as a child I said something 40 about somebody, and my father said, “Any time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you.”

40. A. unkind B. unnecessary C. unimportant D. unusual

例2 “You shouldn’t swim today”, the man (45 advised), "there is a storm coming up.”

“You should mind your own 46 !”Diane replied and walked into the gentle waves.

46. A. business B. swimsuit C. friends D. parents

Method 4:grammar analysis 语法分析

例…I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 1960s, 38 children from different races and religious played and studied together in harmony.

38. A. why B. which C. how D. when

Method 5:logical analysis 逻辑分析

例1 … A pair of gloves may be a 20 thing , but it can make a big difference in winter.

20. A. small B. useful C. delightful D. comforting

例2 … Several years later, Charlotte said she wanted to be a (4.doctor), Her husband supported her decision. 5 , Canadian medical schools did not (6.accept) women students at that time. 5. A. Besides B. Unfortunately C. Otherwise D. Eventually

任务二(Task 2):语法填空真题演练

Skills for filling: without given words纯空格的做题技巧

Skill 1:without subject or object → pronoun(缺主语或宾语时填代词)

例keeping in touch with our friends is an important part of friendship. This does not mean have to write or call our friends everyday.

Skill 2:在名词或adj+名词前设空填限定词(冠词,形容词性物主代词或不定冠词)例The parents were shocked by news that their son needed operation on his knee. Skill 3:关注固定词组和习惯搭配

例I have an appointment Dr. Smith, but I need to change it.

Skill 4:连词(并列连词或从属连词)

例The next day, my brother and I went to the beach we watched some people play volleyball.

Skills for filling: with given words有提示词的做题技巧

Skill 1:给出动词原形

例1Mary will never forget the first time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in class one day, (wear)sunglasses.

例2 The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers

(repair) one of the main pipes.

Skill 2:给出形容词或副词

例Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is (clean) than ever. Skill 3:词类转化

例…..for most of us the changes are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be (patience).


1. I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was and when I was 14 he said, “You’re never going to be anything but a failure. ”

A. bright

B. useless

C. simple

D. hopeful

2. That is what a hobby means, I guess. It is something we like to do in our spare time simply for the

______ of it. The value in dollars is not important; we do it for the pleasure it gives us.

A. benefit

B. good

C. fun

D. interest

3. On days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves.

A. sunny

B. rainy

C. cloudy

D. snowy

4. In Greece, women had little freedom. Wealthy women hardly left their houses, but

they___ ___ (allow) to attend weddings and some festivals.

5. The ____ __ why I was sad was that he didn't understand me.

6. It would be ___ ___ (believe) that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends!
