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An example: This paper presents an analysis of the principles of magnetic refrigeration with application to air conditioning. A comparison with conventional evaporation-condensation gas cycle device is presented. Conclusions concerning the applicability of magnetic refrigeration to air conditioning are made. 由上述可见,指示性摘要的优点是文字短小,言简 意赅,容易写作,但突出的缺点是信息量较少。一 般研究性论文很少使用指示性摘要。综述性论文、 图书介绍尤其是艺术评论等多用指示性摘要。
VI. Writing of abstract 1.首句的撰写 首句的撰写 摘要的首句应该简单陈述研究目的。若标题已清晰表 达出研究目的,首句则不要重复或解释标题的内容。 此时摘要可以直接从方法部分开始写。 Suggested opening statements: The paper explores / looks at / deals with … The purpose of this paper is to … The paper reports a study of … A study was made of …
An example: This paper explores the history of one company and its bid for survival in the rapidly changing world of today. It examines the plastics industry in America and the position of the company within it, detailing the growth of the company over the past 50 years and the expansion of the product range and facilities to the present time. The philosophy of management is explained and related to other industrialized countries. Consideration is given to possible future trends and the direction the company should now take in the light of world and local developments.
信息性摘要主要报道论文的研究目的、研究方法、研究结果与 信息性摘要 结论。它是论文全文的高度浓缩,相当于论文的简介或概要, 但它又不是简单对原文篇幅进行按比例的缩减,而是要进行深 入加工。 信息性摘要要向读者介绍研究的实际方法和结果,通常应提供 信息性摘要 尽可能多的定量或定性信息,能定量表述的一定要全部定量化, 仅定性描述是不够的,要充分反映论文的创新之处。信息性摘 要可以看作是指示性摘要的扩展。
VII. Voice & Tense
1.科技论文主要说明事实,一般用被动语态。但由 于主动语态比被动语态语感强,表达有力,所以在 可能的情况下,尽量用动词的主动语态。 2.通常认为用过去时态描述作者的工作,用现在时态 描述所做的结论。其他复合时态较少用到。
VIII. The characteristics of abstract writing: 完整:complete in and of itself; that is, it should be able to serve as a stand-alone description which provides a complete picture of the resource at the selected level of specificity; 通俗易懂:comprehensive in its representation of the key concepts or significant content that are present in the resource; 精练准确: concise, precise, and accurate in its use of terminology; 清晰、紧凑、客观: written in a clear, terse, noncritical style; 结构符合逻辑: logically structured in its presentation of the selected data ere requirements for writing abstracts for academic papers to be published or to be presented in conferences? Abstracts are required by many publications because editors need orientation, and readers use abstracts as guides to see if the contents are relevant to their interests. Abstracts are required for papers at many conferences as well. Conference committee reviewers need them to view your research areas. Whether the abstracts attract the reviewers’ interest often determines whether the papers are accepted by the conference.
2. 方法与结果部分的撰写 结果是研究同行最关注的部分,因而结果部分常 常占摘要的主要部分。若研究是由一系列实验组 成,所得结果则尽可能都合并起来共同给出。若 研究的焦点是新方法或新技术,则摘要的大部分 应该用于对方法进行详尽描述,结果可以写得简 单些,只占摘要的一小部分。
3.讨论和结论部分的撰写 讨论和结论部分的撰写 虽然讨论(discussion)部分在论文的正文中很重 要,但是在摘要中只需要结论(results)部分, 不需要讨论。 结论通常采用直接陈述的方式,例如: It is concluded that… The paper / study suggests… The results suggest / show that… The findings reflect …
Abstract Writing
Abstract Writing(摘要写作)
I. What is an abstract? An abstract of an article, document, or speech is a short piece of writing that gives the main points of it. An abstract is a concise (short and clear) summary of your work. “A well prepared abstract enables readers to identify the basic content of a document quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests, and thus to decide whether they need to read the document in its entirety” (American National Standards Institute, 1979).
III. Types of Abstracts: A. Indicative Abstract / Descriptive Abstract(指 示性摘要/说明性摘要): An indicative abstract merely describes what the report is about. It does not give any specific information about the problem, method, results, or conclusions. (usually under 100 words) 指示性摘要只讲述论文或报告的主题思想,不涉及或 指示性摘要 很少涉及细节问题,但要指明文献的论题和所取得成 果的性质及所达到的水平。
The problems are discussed under the following six headings: Background History Decisions Reasons Current position The future The paper concludes that a successful company cannot confine itself to its standard products; it should show its willingness to accept more difficult products.
IV. Elements of Abstract(摘要的要素) (摘要的要素) Abstracts should state the objectives of the project, describe the methods used, summarize the significant findings and state the implications of the findings (Day, 1988). 1. Objective or purpose (研究目的) 2. Process and Methods (研究过程与采用的方法) 3. Results or findings (主要结果或发现) 4. Conclusion (主要结论和推论)
B. Informative Abstract(信息性摘要,当今绝大部分 (信息性摘要, 的科技期刊和会议论文都要求作者提供该种摘要): An informative abstract is a more useful type of abstract, which gives as much of the important particular information as can be crammed into the word limit. ( usually 150~250 words )
V. Steps of abstract writing(写作步骤)
信息性摘要通常在完成论文以后再写。具体步骤如下: 1.以写摘要为目的,阅读全文,拟定草稿 . a. 寻找引言部分中的目的和讨论部分中的结论。 b. 找出方法部分中包含关键词的信息,并将其精简为 关键词和短语,使之足以确定(但不是解释)论文 所用的方法。 c. 寻找讨论部分或结果部分中的结果。 d. 将以上所寻找出的信息进行汇编(compile)。但 忌照抄原文主要部分的句子,摘要力求简洁。
2.以准确简练为目的,修改草稿 . a. 检查摘要的4要素是否齐全。 b. 删除多余信息。不应有正文中未涉及的内容。 c. 校订准确性,以确保数据、量、值、符号等与正文中的一 致,同时确保摘要中再没有需要定义或解释的术语以及晦涩 难懂的词汇。 d. 修改语法、单词拼写等错误。另外,尽量不使用不必要的修 饰词, 如:in detail, briefly, new, here, mainly … at a high pressure of 2 kPa → at 2 kPa …is discussed and studied in detail → … is discussed accuracy of measurement → measurement accuracy e. 改进论点之间的转折/过渡,使之成为有机整体,提高可读性。 3.反复通读与修改,使摘要内容完整、语言流畅。 4.打印出最终文稿,再次阅读,发现解决不足之处