

d-link dir100说明书

d-link dir100说明书

产品概述……………………………………………………………4 包装内容……………............................................................ …. .4 系统要求.................................................................................4 介绍....................................................................... … … .…5 … … 特征....................................................................................….5 . 硬件概述 ........................................................... … … … .....7 … … … 前面板.............................................................................. … .7 … 后面板.................................................................................. …8 . 技术介绍.................................................... .................. ...........9 宽带路由器技术介绍 ...................................................... … .....9 … 防火墙介绍 .

D-Link 智能型交换机 说明书

D-Link 智能型交换机 说明书

關於本指南本指南提供設定D-Link 智慧型交換器的的說明,請注意您購買的產品可能與下列說明有些許差異。


步驟 1 – 打開包裝小心打開包裝後,請參閱包裝內容物資料,確認所有品項數量正確以及均正常沒有損壞,假如有任何品項遺失或損壞,請聯絡當地的零售商更換。

- D-Link Web 智慧型交換器。

- 機架固定架。

- 電源線。

- 使用手冊光碟片(包含SmartConsole Utility program)。

- 多國語言版設定指南。

步驟2 – 交換器安裝為了讓交換器安裝與運作安全,建議您以下幾件事情:♦檢查電源線的外表,並確認AC電源連接插頭是安全的。




圖 1. 安裝橡膠腳墊機架安裝交換器可以安裝在EIA標準尺寸的19吋機架,安裝時,請將利用螺絲將機架固定架固定鎖緊在交換器的側面(兩邊均要安裝)。

圖 2. 固定機架固定架然後,使用包裝內所提供的螺絲,將交換器鎖到機架上面。

圖 3. 安裝交換器到標準尺寸的機架步驟3 – 將AC電源線連接至交換器您可以連接AC電源線至交換器後方的的電源插孔(電源插孔最好具備接地或高壓保護機制)圖 4. 將交換器電源插上牆壁插座電源中斷為了預防危險,如果發生電源中斷,請立即拔掉插座,當電源回覆,請將電源插上。

管理設定D-Link Web 智慧型交換器使用Web-based Management Utility,可以經由設備上的任何網路連接埠管理,或可以透過任何電腦使用SmartConsole Utility進行管理。

假如您僅想要管理一部D-Link Web 智慧型交換器,Web-Based Management Utility將會是比較好的選擇,每部交換器會取得自己的IP 位址,可以讓Web-Based Management Utility或SNMP網路管理者或電腦在相同的IP網段進行通訊溝通之用。



D-Link交换机设备安全性功能配置手册友讯网络D-Link2012年4月目录1、风暴抑制 (2)1)广播抑制 (2)2)组播抑制 (4)3)未知单播抑制 (5)2、Safe Guide配置 (8)1)配置需求 (8)2)配置过程 (8)3)测试验证 (9)3、MAC地址绑定配置 (10)1)配置需求 (10)2)配置思路 (10)3)验证测试 (11)4、IP+MAC+PORT绑定 (12)1)组网需求 (12)2)组网图 (12)3)配置步骤 (12)5、DHCP_Snooping (17)1)功能介绍 (17)2)功能作用 (17)3)配置范例 (18)6、端口隔离配置 (21)1)配置要求 (21)2)配置实例 (21)1、风暴抑制风暴抑制是防止交换机的端口被局域网中的广播、组播或者一个物理端口上的单播风暴所破坏。






2、输入以下命令:config traffic control 1:1-1:10 broadcast enable:在交换机第一个端口至第十个端口开启广播抑制。

threshold 128000 action shutdown :当交换机作用端口接收到超过每秒128000个数据包时,关闭该端口。




D-Link 交换机设备管理设置快速配置手册友讯网络D-Link2012年10月目录1、Console管理模式 (2)2、Telnet模式 (5)3、WEB界面管理 (8)D-Link交换机支持3种管理配置方法,分别是Console管理(命令行CLI方式)、Telnet配置(命令行CLI方式)和WEB界面(菜单图形方式)配置。









例如!配置只允许192.168.0.0/这个网段的地址通过telnet访问交换机Dlink(config)#login-access-list telnet、WEB界面管理部分用户对命令行CLI方式配置交换机方式比较陌生,可以使用WEB界面来配置交换机。


如果WEB管理未开启,可通过Console或者Telnet方式下执行enable web命令开启。

D-Link PDS-700 Series 用户手册说明书

D-Link PDS-700 Series 用户手册说明书

English/ August 2011/ Version 1.2 For PDS-700 SeriesWhat’s in the shipping package? The package includes the following items:PDS-700 Series Quick Start Guide(This Document)Software CD CA-0910 Cable1.Power Supply: +10 ~ +30 V DC. (Ex: DP-665)2.Ethernet Hub. (Ex: NS-205)3.Make sure your PC has workable network settings.4.Disable or well configure your Windows firewall and Anti-Virusfirewall first, else the “Search Servers” on page 3 may not work. (Please contact with your system Administrator) Preparations for devicesConnecting the Power and Host PC1.Wire “RxD1” and “TxD1” of the PDS-700 for self-test.2.Connect both the PDS-700 and your computer to the samesub network or the same Ethernet Switch, and power the PDS-700 on.Installing software on your PCInstall VxComm Utility:The software is located at:CD: \NAPDOS\Driver\VxComm_Driver/pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/driver/vxcomm_driver/ ArrayConfiguring Ethernet Settings1.Double click the VxComm Utility shortcut on the desktop.2.Click “Search Servers” button to search your PDS-700.3.Double-Click the PDS-700 to configure the Ethernet Settings.Click “Search Servers” Double-Click your PDS-7004. Contact your Network Administrator to get correct network configuration. Modify the network settings and then click “OK ”. The PDS-700 will restart it-self immediately.Configuring Virtual COM Ports1. Wait 2 seconds and the click the “Search Servers” buttonagain to ensure the PDS-700 is working well with new configuration.Check your PDS-700 onthe list2.Click the “Add Server[s]” button. Assign a COM Port numberand click “OK” to save your settings.number3.Click on PDS-700 name and check the virtual COM portmappings on the PC.Check COM port4.Click “Tools” >> “Restart Driver”, and then click the“Restart Driver” button.Testing your PDS-7001.Right click Port 1 and then choose the “Open COM Port”item.2.Check that the configuration of the COM Port is correct andthen click the “Open COM” button.3.Type a string in the send field then click the “Send” button. Ifa response is received, it will be displayed in the received field.Response Message4.If the test is successful, then your COM port program shouldnow be able to work with this Virtual COM Port.Related InformationPDS-700 Series Product Page:/products/Industrial/pds/PDS-700_Series.htmPDS-700 Documentations:CD:\Napdos\PDS\PDS-700\document\/pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/pds/pds-700/document/PDS-700 firmware:CD:\Napdos\PDS\PDS-700\Demo\Firmware\/pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/pds/pds-700/demo/firmware/ NS-205 and DP-665 Product Page (optional):/products/Switch/industrial/ns-205.htm/products/Accessories/power_supply/dp-665.htm Note!!。

D-LINK DES-1008P交换机 说明书

D-LINK DES-1008P交换机 说明书

8-PORT DESKTOP SWITCH WITH 4 PoE PORTS The D-Link 8-Port Desktop Switch with 4 PoE Ports DES-1008P enables both home and office users to easily connect and supply power to Power over Ethernet (PoE) devices such as wireless Access Points (AP), IP cameras, and IP phones while adding more Ethernet devices like computers, printers, and Network Attached Storage (NAS) onto a network. Built with home and small business users in mind, this compact PoE switch operates quietly, making it ideal for use in virtually any room or office.POWER OVER ETHERNET IEEE 802.3af The DES-1008P features 4 10/100BASE-TX ports that support the IEEE 802.3af PoE protocol. Each of the 4 PoE ports can supply up to 15.4 Watts, a total PoE budget of 56 Watts, allowing users to attach an IEEE 802.3af compliant device to the DES-1008P without requiring additional power. This eliminates the need of having to place networking devices within close proximity of a power outlet and minimizes cable clutter in awkward places such as ceilings or walls. For devices that are not 802.3af compliant, a PoE adapter, such as D-Link’s DWL-P50 can be used to enable the non-compliant device to receive power through the DES-1008P .SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE No configuration is required and installation is quick and easy. Support for auto-MDI/MDI-X on all ports eliminates the need for crossover cables for connection to another switch or hub. Auto-Negotiation on each port senses the link speed of a network device (either 10Mbps or 100Mbps) and intelligently adjusts for compatibility and optimal performance. When an IEEE 802.3af compliant device is attached, power supplied to that device will be automatically adjusted to fit the device. The DES-1008P also features diagnostic LEDs, which display status and activity, allowing you to quickly detect and correct problems on the network. With wire-speed filtering and store-and-forward switching, the DES-1008P also maximizes network performance while minimizing the transmission of bad network packets. Combining the convenience of PoE, superior performance, and ease of use, the D-Link 8-Port Desktop Switch with 4 PoE Ports DES-1008P is the ideal choice for adding PoE device to both a home or a small business network.up to56Watts of PoE (Power over Ethernet)WHAT THIS PRODUCT DOESThe D-Link DES-1008P is an 8-Port 10/100Mbps PoE Ethernet Switch with four PoE Ports that can provide power to PoE-enabled devices such as wireless Access Points (AP), IP phones and IP cameras. You can also add other Ethernet devices like computers, printers, and Network Attached Storage (NAS) onto your network. This device runs ultra-quiet, making it ideal for both home and small office use. In addition, it can be wall mounted to save desktop space.HASSLE-FREE SETUPThe DES-1008P is a plug-and-play device requiring no configuration, which makes setup simple and hassle-free. Connect multiple computers and share files, music, and video across your home or smalloffice network, or create a multi-player gaming environment.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDES-1008PD-Link Worldwide OfficesRelease 01 (Apr. 2007) TEL: 1-800-326-1688TEL: 1-905-8295033TEL: 44-20-8955-9000TEL: 49-6196-77990TEL: 33 1 30 23 86 88TEL: 31-10-282-1445TEL: 32(0)2 517 7111TEL: 41 (0) 1 832 11 00TEL: 46-(0)8564-61900TEL: 45-43-969040TEL: 47 99 300 100TEL: 358-10 309 8840TEL: 39-02-2900-0676U.S.ACanadaEurope, UK & IrelandGermanyFranceNetherlandsBelgium & LuxemburgSwitzerlandSwedenDenmarkNorwayFinlandItalyFAX: 1-866-743-4905FAX: 1-905-8295223FAX: 44-20-8955-9002FAX: 49-6196-7799300FAX: 33 1 30 23 86 89FAX: 31-10-282-1331FAX: 32(0)2 517 6500FAX: 41 (0) 1 832 11 01FAX: 46-(0)8564-61901FAX: 45-43-424347FAX: 47 22 30 95 80FAX: 358-10 309 8841FAX: 39-02-2900-1723SpainPortugalGreeceCzech RepublicHungaryPolandSingaporeAustraliaIndiaMiddle East (Dubai)EgyptTurkeyIranTEL: 34 93 409 0770TEL: 351 21 8688493TEL: 30 210 9914 512TEL: 420 224 247 500TEL: 36 (0) 1 461 30 00TEL: 48 (0) 22 583 92 7TEL: 65-6774-6233TEL: 61-2-8899-1800TEL: 91-22-2652 6696TEL: 971-4-391-6480TEL: 202-291-9035TEL: 90-212-289-5659TEL: 90-212-289-5659FAX: 34 93 491 0795FAX: 30 210 9916902FAX: 36 (0) 1 461 30 09FAX: 48 (0) 22 583 92 76FAX: 65-6774-63225FAX: 61-2-8899-1868FAX: 91-22-2652 8914FAX: 971-4-390-8881FAX: 202-291-9051FAX: 90-212-289-7606FAX: 90-212-289-7606PakistanIsraelLatin AmericaBrazilSouth AfricaRussiaJapanKoreaChinaTaiwanHeadquartersTEL: 92-21-454-8158TEL: 972-9-9715700TEL: 56-2-5838-950TEL: 55-11-2185-9300TEL: 27-12-665-2165TEL: 7-495-744-0099TEL: 81-3-5781-0963TEL: 82-2-890-5491TEL: 86-10-58635800TEL: 886-2-6600-0123TEL: 886-2-6600-0123FAX: 92-21-453-5103FAX: 972-9-9715601FAX: 56-2-5838953FAX: 55-11-2185-9322FAX: 27-12-665-2186FAX: 7-495-744-0099FAX: 81-3-5781-0965FAX: 82-2-890-549FAX: 86-10-58635799FAX: 886-2-6600-3939FAX: 886-2-6600-9898INETWORK STANDARDS+ IEEE: 802.3 Ethernet, 802.3u Fast Ethernet+ IEEE 802.3x Flow Control+ IEEE 802.3af Power over EthernetDEVICE INTERFACES+ 4 RJ-45 10/100BASE-TX ports with 802.3af PoE+ 4 RJ-45 10/100BASE-TX ports without 802.3af PoE+ Power adapter socketPERFORMANCE+ MAC Address Table: 1K+ Switch Fabric: 1.6Gbps+ Transmission Method: Store-and-forward+ Packet Buffer Memory: 96KB DIAGNOSTIC LEDS+ Per Unit: Power/PoE Max+ Per Port: Activity/Link & Speed+ PoE port: Power/StatusELECTRICAL+ Power Supply: 48V DC/1.45A (throughexternal power adapter)+ Max Power Consumption: 62.3 Wattsmax+ PoE budget: Up to 15.4 Watts maxper port (for Ports 1 to Port 4 only); 56Watts totalTEMPERATURE+ Operating: 0˚ to 40˚C (32˚- 104˚F)+ Storage:-10˚ to 70˚C (14˚-158˚F)OPERATING HUMIDITY10% to 90% RH non-condensingSTORAGE HUMIDITY5% to 90% non-condensingDIMENSIONS171 (W) x 98 (D) x 29 (H) mm(6.73 x 3.86 x 1.14 inches)WEIGHT454 grams (1 lb)CERTIFICATIONS+ FCC Class B+ CE+ VCCISAFETY+ LVD。

D-link des-3828三层交换机入门设置

D-link des-3828三层交换机入门设置

D-link des-3828三层交换机入门设置买了台dlink的des-3828三层交换,一看说明书,头有点大了,全部e文。





1.设置三层交换机的地址config ipif System address注意其中system的第一个s要大写,否则他要告诉你错误接口名称2.输入命令的时候如果你没有输全,系统会提示你,但是在命令行中你前面输入的变成了空的,你需要按up键头,记得修改最后要使用save,否则你的交换机一旦重启,你的设置信息就没有了。

3.创建用户create account admin web下面提示输入密码,设置你需要的密码记得要save一下,reboot重新启动后进入,使用show account看以下你的帐户是不是在里面.如果你不高兴,或者觉得刚才起的名字不好,就可以使用delete account web将他删除掉。

先要看看自己现在是以和身份登陆到系统的,请使用show session命令查看如果你使用web管理,记得第一步就是创建用户(admin权限),然后logout后,使用此用户进入进行设置,否则你的所有保存都是无效的。

4.显示交换机的一些基本信息如果你想了解交换的一些基本信息,比较方便和全一点的是使用show switch如果你考虑安全因素,想关闭掉web和telnet连接到交换机管理使用disable telnet,disable web关闭掉,如果开启就使用enable5.重置交换机的信息作为初学,肯定会在里面乱设置,最后你希望回到出厂设置,des3824不提供硬件上的重置按钮,需要在系统中重置.命令很简单reset config或者reset system6.显示交换机现在端口的情况show ports下面进行到交换机二层及三层属性设置7.创建vlan在这前,你需要对你的网络结构有清晰的思路,比如我的两个网段,192.168.0.*,192.168.2.*,mask 都是255.255.255.0所以先使用以下命令创建vlancreate vlan vlan1 tag 11create vlan vlan2 tag 12注意tag 1已经被系统默认的default vlan用掉了,所以你不能再使用它了。

D-Link DES-1228 交换机 快速说明书

D-Link DES-1228 交换机 快速说明书

Before Your BeginThis Quick Installation Guide gives step-by-step instructions for setting up the D-Link DES-1228 Fast Ethernet Smart Switch. The model you have purchased may appear slightly different from those shown in the illustrations. For more detailed information about the switch, its components, making network connections and technicalspecifications, please refer to the User’s Manual on the CD included with your switch.Check Your Package ContentsThese are the items included with your DES-1228 purchase:©2006 D-Link Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Software and specifications subject to change without notice.Using a power supply with a different voltage rating will damage and voidDES-1228D-Link 24-Port 10/100Mbps with 4 10/100/1000Base-T ports and 2 Combo SFPSmart Switch2Setup for the DES-1228 Fast Ethernet Smart SwitchBefore physically installing the switch, please make note of the following recommendations:A. Install the DES-1228 in a fairly cool and dry place. TechnicalSpecifications such as operating temperatures and, other important information can be found in the manual located on the supplied CD. B. Install the DES-1228 in a site free from strong electromagnetic fieldgenerators (such as motors), vibration, dust, and direct exposure to sunlight.C. Leave at least 10cm (about 4 inches) of space at the front and rearof the switch for ventilation.D. Visually inspect the DC power jack and make sure that it is fullysecured to the power adapter.E. Install the DES-1228 on a sturdy, level surface that can support itsweight, or in an EIA standard-size equipment rack. F. When installing the Switch on a level surface, attach the rubber feetto the bottom of each device. The rubber feet cushion the switch and protect the switch case from scratching.Attach the adhesive rubber pads to the bottomRack MountingThe DES-1228 can be mounted in an EIA standard-size, 19-inch rack, which can be placed in a wiring closet with other equipment. Attach the mounting brackets to both sides of the Switch (one at each side), andsecure them with the provided screws.Use the screws provided. Then use screws provided with theequipment rack to mount the Switch in the rack.Mount the Switch in the rackConnecting Network CablesThe D E S-1228 has 24 ports that support 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet;it also has 4 10/100/1000Base-T Ports and 2 Combo SFPs. It runsfull/half duplex transfer mode for 10/100Mbps and full duplex transfermode for 1000Mbps. Each port on the DES-1228 supports Auto-MDI/MDI-X. Auto-MDI/MDI-X is a feature that enables the switch toauto sense what kind of cable is used on a port (straight or crossover).This allows any type of cables to be used with the switch regardlessof what device is being connected.AC PowerThe Switch utilizes an AC power supply of 100~240V AC, 50~60Hz. Thepower switch is located at the rear of the unit adjacent to the AC powerconnector and the system fan. The switch’s power supply will adjust tothe local power source automatically and may be turned on withouthaving any or all LAN segment cables connected.3Connecting The DES-1228 Fast Ethernet Smart Switch To YourNetworkFront Panel10/100 Base-TX Mini GBIC PortsTwisted-Pair Ports┌──────────────┐┌┘└────────┘└──┘LED Indicators 10/100/1000 Base-T Twisted Pair Ports 10/100 BASE-TX Twisted Pair Ports (Port 1~24) The DES-1228 is equipped with 24 Fast Ethernet twisted pair portsthat are auto-negotiable 10/100Mbps and also support auto MDI/MDIXcrossover detection. All these 24 ports can operate in half- and full-duplex modes.10/100/1000 BASE-T / Mini GBIC Combo Ports (OptionPort 25~26)The Switch is also equipped with two combo 10/100/1000 Base-T /Mini GBIC ports, supporting optional 100BASE-FX or 1000BASE-SX/LX Mini GBIC modules for fiber uplinks.10/100/1000 BASE-T Twisted Pair Ports (Port 27~28) Finally there are 2 Gigabit twisted pair ports that are auto negotiable10/100/1000Mbps with full auto MDI/MDIX crossover detection supportthat can also operate in half- and full- duplex modes.[Note: If the port is set to “Forced Mode”, Auto-MDI/MDIX isdisabled]45LED IndicatorsLED stands for L ight-E mitting D iode .The front panel LEDs provides instant status feedback and simplifies monitoring and troubleshooting tasks.LED indicators of the SwitchPower LEDsOn When the Power LED light is on, the Switch is receiving power.OffWhen the Power LED light is off, the power cord is not or improperly connected.CPU LEDs ( Management Indicator)Blinking When the CPU is working, the CPU LED is blinking. OffThe CPU is idle.Ports 1 ~ 24 Status LEDsLink/Act OnWhen the Link/Act LED light is on, the respective port is successfully connected to an Ethernet network.Blinking When the Link/Act LED is blinking, the port istransmitting or receiving data on the Ethernet network. Off Nolink. 100Mbps OnWhen the 100Mbps LED light is on, the respectiveport is connected to a 100Mbps Fast Ethernet network.OffWhen the respective port is connected to a 10Mbps Ethernet or no link.Option Ports 25~26 10/100/1000 Base-T / Mini-GBIC Status LEDsFX LinkOn When the FX Link LED light is on, the respectiveport is connected to a 100 or 1000Mbps Ethernetnetwork.Off No link or linking the copper ports.Link/ActOn When the respective combo port is connected to anetwork, the Link/Act LED light is on.Blinking When the LED is blinking, the respective comboport is transmitting or receiving data on a network.link.Off No1000MbpsOn When1000Mbps LED light’s on, the respectivetheport is connected to a 1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernetnetwork.Off When the respective port is connected to the100Mbps Fast Ethernet or no link.100MbpsOn When the 100Mbps LED lights on, the respectiveport is connected to a 100Mbps Fast Ethernetnetwork.port is connected to aOff Whenrespectivethe1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet network or no link.Ports 27~28 10/100/1000 Base-T LEDsLink/ActOn When the Link/Act LED light is on, the respectiveport is successfully connected to an Ethernetnetwork.Blinking When the Link/Act LED is blinking, the port istransmitting or receiving data on the Ethernetnetwork.link.Off No671000MbpsOn When the 1000Mbps LED light is on, the respectiveport is connected to a 1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet network. OffWhen the respective port is connected to a 10Mbps Ethernet or 100Mbps Fast Ethernet network, or no link.100Mbps OnWhen the 100Mbps LED light is on, the respective port is connected to a 100Mbps Fast Ethernet network.Off When the respective port is connected to a 10Mbps Ethernet or 1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet network.Installing the SmartConsole UtilityThe SmartConsole Utility allows a user to monitor and configure multiple D-Link Web-Smart Switches from a workstation connected to the network. Follow these steps to install the SmartConsole Utility: 1. Insert the Utility CD in the CD-Rom Drive. 2. From the Start menu on the Windows desktop, choose Run . 3. In the Run dialog box, type D:\SmartConsole Utility\setup.exe( where D:\ represents the drive letter of your CD-ROM) your CD-Rom drive is located) and click OK . 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the utility.5. Upon completion, go to Program Files -> SmartConsole Utilityand execute the SmartConsole utility. (Figure 1.)Figure 1. SmartConsole Utility8Configuring the SwitchThe DES-1228 has a Web GUI interface for smart switch configuration. The Switch can be configured through the Web Browser. A network administrator can manage, control and monitor the switch from the local LAN. This section indicates how to configure the Switch to enable its smart functions.Note: Use Internet Explorer 5.5 or above to properly access and view the configuration..LoginIn order to login and configure the switch via an Ethernet connection, the PC must have an IP address in the same range as the switch. For example, if the switch has an IP address of, the PC should have an IP address of 192.168.0.x (where x is a number between 2 and 254), and a subnet mask of your web browser and enter (the factory-default IP address) in the address box. Then press <Enter>.The web configuration can also be accessed through the SmartConsoleUtility. Open the SmartConsole Utility and double-click the switch as it appears in the Monitor List. This will automatically load the webconfiguration in your web browser.When the following logon box appears, enter "admin" for the password. Press Ok to enter the main configuration window. (Figure 3.)Figure 3Figure 29Once you have successfully logged in, the device status page will appear. (Figure 4)Setup MenuAll configuration options on the switch are accessed through the Setup menu on the left side of the screen (Figure 5). Click on the setup item that you want to configure. The menu contains the following options: System Setting, Trap Setting, Port Setting, SNMP Setting, Password Access Control, 802.1Q VLAN, Trunking, IGMP Snooping, 802.1DSpanning Tree, Port Mirroring, 802.1p Default Priority, Safeguard Engine, Broadcast Storm Control, 802.1X Setting, Static MAC, Dynamic Forwarding Table and Statistics. (Figure 5).Figure 5Figure 4ToolYou can also find the Tool menu on the main page (Figure 6). Click on it and scroll down as shown in Figure 6, and you can see four options: Reset, Config Backup & Restore, Firmware Backup & Upload and System Reboot.Figure 610。

D-Link DIR-815 用户手册说明书

D-Link DIR-815 用户手册说明书
无线设置................................................................. 32 手动无线设置......................................................... 33
802.11n/b/g (2.4GHz) .......................................... 33 802.11n/a (5GHz) ................................................ 34 IPv6......................................................................... 40 工具......................................................................... 52 管理员................................................................. 52 动态 DNS............................................................. 57 系统检测............................................................. 58 计划..................................................................... 59 状态......................................................................... 60 设备信息............................................................. 60 日志..................................................................... 61 统计..................................................................... 62 Internet会话......................................................... 63 无线..................................................................... 64 IPv6..................................................................... 65 支持......................................................................... 66



D-Link 交换机设备系统设置快速配置手册友讯网络D-Link2012年4月目录1、管理用户及密码配置 (2)1)创建admin 用户dlink (2)2)创建普通用户test (2)2、端口状态及速率配置 (2)1)查看17号端口状态 (2)2)查看所有端口状态 (3)3)设置17号端口速率 (5)3、管理IP地址配置 (6)4、默认网关配置 (6)5、系统版本查看 (6)6、固件升级 (8)7、备份和恢复配置 (8)8、恢复出厂设置 (9)1、管理用户及密码配置1)创建admin 用户dlinkDES-3800:admin#create account admin dlink Command: create account admin dlink提示输入密码:Enter a case-sensitive new password:*****Enter the new password again for confirmation:***** Success.2)创建普通用户testDES-3800:admin#create account user test Command: create account user test提示输入用户密码Enter a case-sensitive new password:****Enter the new password again for confirmation:**** Success.2、端口状态及速率配置1)查看17号端口状态DES-3800:admin#show ports 17Command: show ports 17Port Port Settings Connection AddressState Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Learning------ -------- --------------------- --------------------- --------17 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled2)查看所有端口状态Command: show portsPort Port Settings Connection AddressState Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Learning------ -------- --------------------- --------------------- --------1 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled2 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled3 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down4 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled5 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled6 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled7 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled8 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled9 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled10 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled11 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled12 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled13 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled14 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down15 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled16 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled17 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled18 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled19 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled20 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled翻页按空格键,退出按Q键3)设置17号端口速率DES-3800:admin#config ports 17 speedCommand: config ports 17 speed根据提示可以选择的端口速率有以下几种,可以选择的填写。



UPD-LINK SWITCH通用配置手册0、设置管理员帐户#create account admin/user<username> admin/user是用户类型Enter a case-sensitive new password:***Enter the new password again for confirmation:***Success.#delete account <username>#show account1、配置交换机默认IP地址和所属VLANconfig ipif System ipaddress vlan V302、配置SNMPcreate snmp community test view CommunityView read_onlycreate snmp community testw view CommunityView read_writeshow snmp community3、配置VLAN#create vlan v30 tag 30 其中,v30是VLAN Name ,30是VLAN ID (VID)#config vlan v30 add untagged 1:23-1:24 PORT 23、24添加到vlan v30中,并打上untagged标记#config vlan v30 advertisement enable4、端口配置语法:config ports [<portlist | all> [speed [auto | 10_half | 10_full | 100_half | 100_full | 1000_full {[master | slave]} ] | flow_control [enable | disable] | learning [enable | disable] state [enable | disable] description <desc 32> | clear]例:#config ports 23-24 speed 100_half learning enable state enable flow_control enable5、配置链路聚合组语法:#create link_aggregation group_id <value 1-32> {type [lacp | static]}#config link_aggregation group_id <value 1-32> {master_port <port> | ports <portlist> | state [enable |disable]例:#config link_aggregation group_id 1 master_port 1:5 ports 1:5-1:7, 1:96、端口镜像enable mirrorconfig mirror port <port> [add/delete] source ports <portlist> [rx/tx/both]<port>监控端口;source ports 被监控端口7、软件升级download firmware 升级firmwareupload configuration <filename> 上传配置到TFTP服务器download configuration <filename> 从TFTP服务器下载配置8、Ip Interface的配置语法:creat ipif <ipif name > <network address > <vlan name > state enable例:creat ipif test vlan100 state enableconfig ipif System ipaddress vlan v309、MAC绑定到交换机端口(手动添加MAC,这些MAC的终端可以使用此端口)Used to create a static entry to the unicast MAC address forwarding table (database)1、语法:create fdb <vlan_name 32> <macaddr> [port <port>] 建立静态fdb条目例:create fdb default 00-00-00-00-01-02 port 2:52、语法:config ports learning disable 关掉端口学习功能10、MAC锁定到交换机端口(设定使用端口的终端-MAC的数量,并锁定当前连接的终端-MAC为许可用户)语法:config port_security ports [<portlist>| all ] {admin_state [enable | disable] | max_learning_addr <max_lock_no 0-64> | lock_address_mode [Permanent | DeleteOnTimeout | DeleteOnReset]}例:config port_security ports 1:16 admin_state enable max_learning_addr 10 lock_address_mode DeleteOnReset11、traffic_segmentation(同一VLAN内端口隔离功能)语法:config traffic_segmentation [<portlist>| all] forward_list [null | all | <portlist>]例:config traffic_segmentation 1:1 forward_list 1:1-1:10 (Port1可以和Port1-10通讯,和Port 11-24隔离)12、带宽控制语法:config bandwidth_control [<portlist> | all] {rx_rate [no_limit | <value 1-999>] | tx_rate [no_limit | <value 1-999>]} 单位为Mbps13、创建IP interface语法:create ipif <ipif_name 12> ipaddress <network_address> vlan <vlan_name 32> state [enable | disable]例:create ipif p1 ipaddress Trinity state enable14、设置静态路由语法:create iproute <network_address> <ipaddr> {<metric 1-65535>} {[primary | backup]}<network_address> . IP address and netmask of the IP interface that is the destination of the route.<ipaddr> . The gateway IP address for the next hop router.语法:create iproute default <ipaddr> {<metric 1-65535>}15、ACL访问控制列表1、创建access_profileDXS-3350SR:4#create access_profile ip destination_ip_mask profile_id 12、建立access条目DXS-3350SR:4#config access_profile profile_id 1 add access_id 1 ip destination_ip port 1:16 deny16、IP-MAC BindingThe IP-MAC Binding commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.Commandcreate address_binding ip_mac ipaddress <ipaddr> mac_address <macaddr>config address_binding ip_mac ipaddress <ipaddr> mac_address <macaddr>config address_binding ip_mac ports [<portlist> | all] state [enable | disable]showeg:enable address_binding acl_mode Enable IP-MAC Port Binding ACL Modecreate address_binding ip_mac ipaddress mac_address 00-15-F2-A9-0B-C2 ports 1 mode acl ⎝ To set up a IP-MAC Port Binding Rule config address_binding ip_mac ports 1-10 state enable ⎝ Enable active portshow address_binding ip_macshow address_binding ports17、策略路由create access_profile profile_id 1 ip source_ip_mask access_profile profile_id 1 add access_id 1 ip source_ip port 1create policy_route name 1config policy_route name 1 acl profile_id 1 access_id 1 nexthop state enable18、DHCP Servercreate dhcp pool testconfig dhcp pool network_addr test dhcp pool dns_server_address test dhcp pool netbios_node_type test broadcastconfig dhcp pool default_router test dhcp pool lease test 1 1 1config dhcp ping_packets 5config dhcp ping_timeout 500enable dhcp_server19、修改交换机名称config command_prompt <name>20、线缆检测diag_cable ports <portlist>21、三层组播协议enable igmp_snoopingconfig igmp_snooping all state enableconfig igmp all state enableenable DVMRPconfig DVMRP all state enable22、开启DHCP Server Screening功能config filter dhcp_server add permit server_ip client_mac 00-90-27-e0-67-27 port 1:1-1:24 config filter dhcp_server ports <端口> state enable23、开启DHCP中继功能enable dhcp_relayconfig dhcp_relay add ipif <三层接口名称> <DHCP服务器的IP>24、保存配置文件upload cfg_toTFTP <TFTP IP地址> dest_file c:\cfg\DGS-3420.cf。




bandwidth-control { ingress | egress } target-rate //注意:ingress翻译本意为入口,实际就是端口上传速率,反之egress翻译本意为出口,实际就是端口下载速率!no bandwidth-control { ingress | egress }【参数说明】target-rate:对端口发送报文限制的总速率,取值范围为64~1024000,单位为Kbps【命令模式】端口配置模式【使用指南】使用本命令用来进行端口限速,对端口接收或发送报文的总速率进行限制。

【举例】!下面的命令对快速以太网端口1 下载限速为4Mbps、上传限速2Mbps 的操作:第一步:进入全局配置模式:zengjun#configure terminal第二步:进入以太网端口1zengjun(config)#interface ethernet 0/0/1第三步:对以太网端口1 进行上传限速1Mbps 的操作zengjun(config-if-ethernet-0/0/1)#bandwidth-control ingress 1024第四步:对以太网端口1 进行下载限速4Mbps 的操作zengjun(config-if-ethernet-0/0/1)#bandwidth-control egress 4096show bandwidth-control interface该命令用来显示所有端口的带宽控制【使用指南】使用本命令用来显示所有端口的带宽控制情况。

【举例】zengjun#show bandwidth-control interfacePort Egress bandwidth control Ingress bandwidth controle0/0/1 4096K 1024Ke0/0/2 disable disablee0/0/3 disable disablee0/0/4 disable disable e0/0/5 disable disable e0/0/6 disable disable e0/0/7 disable disable e0/0/8 disable disable e0/0/9 disable disable e0/0/10 disable disable e0/0/11 disable disable e0/0/12 disable disable e0/0/13 disable disable e0/0/14 disable disable e0/0/15 disable disable e0/0/16 disable disable e0/1/1 disable disable e0/1/2 disable disableTotal entries: 18.实操配置以一台DLink交换机分别承载二个以上不同类网络的操作配置1.组网需求:使用一台Dlink交换机分别承载BOSS内网、CMNET外网,为杜绝两网直接混用存在的安全隐患和网络广播风暴,以划分二个不同vlan进行隔离,隔保网络安全。



D-Link 交换机设备二层功能快速配置手册友讯网络D-Link2012年4月目录1、生成树协议 (2)1)生成树概述 (2)2)组网图示: (2)3)CLI配置步骤: (3)2、多生成树MSTP (4)1)组网示意图: (5)2)CLI配置步骤: (5)3、VLAN功能配置 (8)1)基于端口的VLAN配置 (8)2)管理VLAN配置 (10)3)VLAN标记(VLAN Trunk)配置 (10)4)最大VLAN数量和可配置范围检验 (11)5)VLAN状态查看 (12)4、端口镜像配置 (15)1)配置镜像 (15)2)开启端口镜像功能 (15)3)查看端口镜像配置信息 (16)4)删除端口镜像配置 (16)5)关闭端口镜像功能 (16)5、环路检测配置 (18)1)基于端口的LBD (18)2)基于VLAN的LBD (21)6、组播IGMP Snooping配置 (24)1)查看igmp_snooping状态 (24)2)交换机全局启用/关闭igmp_snooping功能 (24)3)启用/关闭某个vlan的igmp_snooping状态 (25)4)配置实例: (25)7、端口带宽控制配置 (26)8、堆叠配置 (27)1)虚拟堆叠(SIM)配置及适用机型 (27)2)按机型描述物理堆叠配置及堆叠方法说明 (36)1、生成树协议1)生成树概述(1)标准生成树STP标准生成树(STP)协议可以在保持物理连接成环的情况下有效的消除网络中的环路,并实现网络链路冗余备份功能。































D-LINK网络交换机的CLI的配置说明书D-LINK网络交换机的CLI的配置说明书Show 命令可以查看交换机的各项的配置(交换机无法查看整体的当前和保存的配置信息)Create 命令可以创建交换的信息Config 命令可以对这些参数进行配置Delete命令可以删除所配制的参数Reboot 命令对交换机进行重新启动Save 命令保存交换机的配置信息的修改Reset 命令清空配置信息reset system 不仅清空运行时配置,还将把曾经保存过的配置全部清空,reset config仅清空运行时配置.Create account [admin|user]<username> 创建admin或user 级别的用户,回车输入两次密码创建输入为空密码Create account <username> 修改已创建的username用户,回车输入旧密码,在输入两次新密码Show account 可以看到你所创建的用户Show switch 可以查看交换机的信息Show iproute 查看路由表Show vlan 查看VLAN条目[enable|disable] telnet 23 此命令开启|删除telnet功能enable mac_notification 默认是关闭MAC地址通告的show ipif 查看交换机的配置接口信息config ipif System ipaddress修改System接口的IP地址注意接口名System的大小写备份/恢复配置download configuration c:/xuekang/setting.txt 从192.168.0.157上下载配置文件upload configuration c:/xuekang/setting.txt 到192.168.0.157上上穿配置文件端口镜像的设定config mirror port 1:5 [add|delete] sourece port 1:1-1:5 把1-5断口加到5端口上做镜像(默认关闭)链路聚合配置create link_aggregation group_id 1 创建一个聚合组1config link_aggregation group_id 1 master_port 5 ports 5-7,9创建MAC地址的绑定create arpentry 00-56-b5-45-B5-4H 为主机绑定IPdelete arpentry 删除IP的绑定show arpentry 查看某些主机的绑定CLI SWITCH LAYER3 VLAN 设定(以下Command 請注意大小寫)config vlan default delete 1-24 ->将default Vlan 移除,否則Port 在不带tag 的狀況下,将無法继续以下的Vlan 設定。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

UPD-LINK SWITCH通用配置手册0、设置管理员帐户#create account admin/user<username> admin/user是用户类型Enter a case-sensitive new password:***Enter the new password again for confirmation:***Success.#delete account <username>#show account1、配置交换机默认IP地址和所属VLANconfig ipif System ipaddress vlan V302、配置SNMPcreate snmp community test view CommunityView read_onlycreate snmp community testw view CommunityView read_writeshow snmp community3、配置VLAN#create vlan v30 tag 30 其中,v30是VLAN Name ,30是VLAN ID (VID)#config vlan v30 add untagged 1:23-1:24 PORT 23、24添加到vlan v30中,并打上untagged标记#config vlan v30 advertisement enable4、端口配置语法:config ports [<portlist | all> [speed [auto | 10_half | 10_full | 100_half | 100_full | 1000_full {[master | slave]} ] | flow_control [enable | disable] | learning [enable | disable] state [enable | disable] description <desc 32> | clear]例:#config ports 23-24 speed 100_half learning enable state enable flow_control enable5、配置链路聚合组语法:#create link_aggregation group_id <value 1-32> {type [lacp | static]}#config link_aggregation group_id <value 1-32> {master_port <port> | ports <portlist> | state [enable |disable]例:#config link_aggregation group_id 1 master_port 1:5 ports 1:5-1:7, 1:96、端口镜像enable mirrorconfig mirror port <port> [add/delete] source ports <portlist> [rx/tx/both]<port>监控端口;source ports 被监控端口7、软件升级download firmware 升级firmwareupload configuration <filename> 上传配置到TFTP服务器download configuration <filename> 从TFTP服务器下载配置8、Ip Interface的配置语法:creat ipif <ipif name > <network address > <vlan name > state enable例:creat ipif test vlan100 state enableconfig ipif System ipaddress vlan v309、MAC绑定到交换机端口(手动添加MAC,这些MAC的终端可以使用此端口)Used to create a static entry to the unicast MAC address forwarding table (database)1、语法:create fdb <vlan_name 32> <macaddr> [port <port>] 建立静态fdb条目例:create fdb default 00-00-00-00-01-02 port 2:52、语法:config ports learning disable 关掉端口学习功能10、MAC锁定到交换机端口(设定使用端口的终端-MAC的数量,并锁定当前连接的终端-MAC为许可用户)语法:config port_security ports [<portlist>| all ] {admin_state [enable | disable] | max_learning_addr <max_lock_no 0-64> | lock_address_mode [Permanent | DeleteOnTimeout | DeleteOnReset]}例:config port_security ports 1:16 admin_state enable max_learning_addr 10 lock_address_mode DeleteOnReset11、traffic_segmentation(同一VLAN内端口隔离功能)语法:config traffic_segmentation [<portlist>| all] forward_list [null | all | <portlist>]例:config traffic_segmentation 1:1 forward_list 1:1-1:10 (Port1可以和Port1-10通讯,和Port 11-24隔离)12、带宽控制语法:config bandwidth_control [<portlist> | all] {rx_rate [no_limit | <value 1-999>] | tx_rate [no_limit | <value 1-999>]} 单位为Mbps13、创建IP interface语法:create ipif <ipif_name 12> ipaddress <network_address> vlan <vlan_name 32> state [enable | disable]例:create ipif p1 ipaddress Trinity state enable14、设置静态路由语法:create iproute <network_address> <ipaddr> {<metric 1-65535>} {[primary | backup]}<network_address> . IP address and netmask of the IP interface that is the destination of the route.<ipaddr> . The gateway IP address for the next hop router.语法:create iproute default <ipaddr> {<metric 1-65535>}15、ACL访问控制列表1、创建access_profileDXS-3350SR:4#create access_profile ip destination_ip_mask profile_id 12、建立access条目DXS-3350SR:4#config access_profile profile_id 1 add access_id 1 ip destination_ip port 1:16 deny16、IP-MAC BindingThe IP-MAC Binding commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.Commandcreate address_binding ip_mac ipaddress <ipaddr> mac_address <macaddr>config address_binding ip_mac ipaddress <ipaddr> mac_address <macaddr>config address_binding ip_mac ports [<portlist> | all] state [enable | disable]showeg:enable address_binding acl_mode Enable IP-MAC Port Binding ACL Modecreate address_binding ip_mac ipaddress mac_address 00-15-F2-A9-0B-C2 ports 1 mode acl ⎝ To set up a IP-MAC Port Binding Rule config address_binding ip_mac ports 1-10 state enable ⎝ Enable active portshow address_binding ip_macshow address_binding ports17、策略路由create access_profile profile_id 1 ip source_ip_mask access_profile profile_id 1 add access_id 1 ip source_ip port 1create policy_route name 1config policy_route name 1 acl profile_id 1 access_id 1 nexthop state enable18、DHCP Servercreate dhcp pool testconfig dhcp pool network_addr test dhcp pool dns_server_address test dhcp pool netbios_node_type test broadcastconfig dhcp pool default_router test dhcp pool lease test 1 1 1config dhcp ping_packets 5config dhcp ping_timeout 500enable dhcp_server19、修改交换机名称config command_prompt <name>20、线缆检测diag_cable ports <portlist>21、三层组播协议enable igmp_snoopingconfig igmp_snooping all state enableconfig igmp all state enableenable DVMRPconfig DVMRP all state enable22、开启DHCP Server Screening功能config filter dhcp_server add permit server_ip client_mac 00-90-27-e0-67-27 port 1:1-1:24 config filter dhcp_server ports <端口> state enable23、开启DHCP中继功能enable dhcp_relayconfig dhcp_relay add ipif <三层接口名称> <DHCP服务器的IP>24、保存配置文件upload cfg_toTFTP <TFTP IP地址> dest_file c:\cfg\DGS-3420.cf。
