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alliance------ the first Triumvirate (三头同盟)
Pompey (庞贝)
Crassus (克拉苏)
﹨— The gentry
Marcus Bibulus (毕布路斯 )

Gallic Wars (高卢战争)
A aggressive war against Gaul (高卢) .
庞培 Pompey
Caesar fell in love with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra .
Caesar was now master of Rome and made himself consul and dictator. He used his power to carry out muchneeded reforms, the most important of which was his reform of the calendar.
The Death of Caesar
Mar 15th 44 b.c
Caesar’s was killed.
His works
During his lifetime, Caesar was regarded as one of the best orators(演讲家) and prose(散文) authors in Latin—even Cicero(西塞罗) spoke highly of Caesar's rhetoric and style. Only Caesar's war commentaries have survived.
His works
• The Commentarii de Bello Gallico, usually known in English as The Gallic Wars 《高卢战记》
To enlarge the continent and aggrandize himself.
Civil War
After that, the human world is a tragedy; not to cross the river, is my own ruin.
Run away to Egypt and Killed by Egyptian
Julius Caesar
Veni , vidi , vici . I came, I saw, I conquered.
Born and family Political life Caesar’s reforms The death of Caesar Caesar’s works Assessment
The calendar at the time was regulated by the movement of the moon, and this had resulted in a great deal of disorder. Caesar replaced this calendar with the Egyptian calendar, which was regulated by the sun. He set the length of the year to 365.25 days by adding an intercalary/leap day at the end of February every fourth year.
Relieving Debt Enlarging the senate Building the Forum Iulium
Caesar’s Reforms
public works :
built forum(公共讨论的广场) and many other public works
reform of the calendar (儒略历)
The Death of Caesar
His success and ambition alienated strongly republican senators. A group of these, led by Cassius and Brutus, assassinated Caesar on the Ides of March 44 BC.
Political life:on the way up
69BC:Quaestor ( 财务官吏)
65BC:Aedile (行政官)
62BC:Praetor (执政官)
69bc:His aunt and wife both died. Then he left for 6S3pBaiCn:forHweorrakn. for election to the post of Pontifex
Distinguished and influential family
Born: in Rome on July 12 or 13 100 BC in a Noble family Relatives: many of his relatives plays the role as Consul (执政官 ) , grand justice (大法官) and so on Uncle: Sextus Julius the grand justice (大法官) Aunt: Julia married famous Gaius Marius(马略) Father : ministor of finaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ce and viceroy(总督) Mother: from a powerful noble family
Maximus(大祭司长), chief priest of the Roman state
rel6ig2ioBn C. : Caesar was appointed to govern Spain,
probably with proconsular(总督) powers .
60BC:Three overlords form an