西方服装发展史 英文版 PPT文字解说
Gorgeous Metamorphosis----Costumes埃及The ancient Egypt is one of human civilization birthplace, its characteristics of dress are simple, concise, and abundant Straight lines and pleats is the main feature.美索Mesopotamia is the cradle of Middle East civilization, Sumerian is one of the representatives of the Mesopotamian culture. And they mainly wear a kind of wool dress with tassel. Babylon was built after the Sumerians dynasty, ancient Babylon dynasty dress fabrics is mainly cotton and flax, wool is noble's main fabrics.波斯Persian dress inherited Babylon, Assyria style, and give up the intertwining fashion of Babylon, taking away the Assyrian straight tube tight type. Fabrics is basic use flax, wool fabric etc.希腊The main Characteristics of the ancient Greek costumes are graceful and elegant, advocating the gently beautiful woman.The ancient Greek dress fabrics is used mostly wool fabric, followed by the flax fabric. White is the main color, tie-in red, blue, yellow, purple design, and the designed decorations covers all kinds of plants, animals, graphics, and geometric figure.罗马The Roman worship is purple, but the same with Greece, white and ivory is main body. There are also some differences between Men and women’s costumes. Ancient Rome developed a kind of clothing calledPala only for women citizens, which is made of linen. Toga is the largest world’s clothes, and according to the Roman law, only male Roman citizens can wear Toga made of wool fabrics.拜占庭Early Byzantine clothing continued the basic style of the Roman empire, white is the most main color. But with the development and popularization of Christian culture, colors of costumes become more and more magnificent, and tassel, trim and gem decoration is very popular. The most important Byzantine characteristic is its well-developed enamel technology. The color is flowery, gorgeous.哥特式Gothic style during the middle ages is the most representative style. It is based on the architecture of the cathedral characteristics as the representative of the name.文艺The human body curvaceous became the key aesthetic ideas of Renaissance clothingThe lady clothing focus moves down, upper body is the slender waist, down the body like scents exaggerated. This kind of style with Oriental silk, folding fan, and exquisite clothing accessories, constitute the theme of Renaissance’s dress.Men's costume is just the opposite巴洛克Baroque is the most bright crazy period of Men's clothingThe period of man regard the beauty as their life. They chase all exciting color and decorations for example the exaggeration about wigs, wearornate lapel, all kinds of lace big turndown, silk and so on. This period costumes have been discarded Renaissance style, completely into the world of feminine beauty.洛可可During the period of Rococo, splendid attire pushed women to the luxuriant acme . Women’s dress emphasis on mild adornment and full of colorful jade, flashy for women dress of decoration.Men's clothing basic inherited the form of the baroque period, just abandoned the heavy and complicated adornment, gradually absorbed English gentleman style, simple rigorous practical。
The clothing was not only a reflection of the empress dowager's status, but also a symbol of the power and authority of the imperial family Designs often include images of dragons and phoenixes, which were considered auspicious in Chinese culture
Women's Clothห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ng
The empress dowager's clothing was characterized by its compliance and grandeur It is often included in rich designs, vibrant colors, and lustrous materials such as silk and jade
Clothing patterns and colors
Animal patterns
The use of animal motifs on clothing was common during the Tang dynasty Lions, dragons, phoenixes, and cloud patterns were often used to symbolize power, good luck, and the province
Cloud patterns
服装 《洛丽塔》-课件
元素总结 蕾丝 荷叶边 蝴蝶结 领结 束腰 蓬蓬裙
泡泡袖 花纹
准备比原本边缘更多的布料,通过均匀的聚集,将它们用 缝纫机固定在布料上。
布料聚集会产生长短不一的褶皱,褶皱会从上到下,或者 从下往上,荷叶边边缘呈波浪状。
绩 ,
服装最能直观地表现人物特色,能展现每个人的身份/年龄/性格/年代等信息。年代和地域是服装最主要的两 个特点
洛丽塔是一种服饰类型,主要风格为甜美,古典,哥特 等等。
甜美洛丽塔(Sweet Lolita)
以粉红、粉蓝、白色等粉色系列为主,衣料选用大量 蕾丝,务求缔造出洋娃娃般的可爱和烂漫,走在大街 上也不算太张扬。
· 洛可可风格服装 造型:紧身胸衣和裙撑缔造了洛可可女装浪漫、迷人的华贵风 情。袖子由肩部到肘部是窄紧贴体的,蕾丝边饰由肘部垂下, 自然的张开。
人们常把洛可可风格的女装比喻成“盛大的花 篮”,在这个花篮里除了鲜花、蕾丝,还有蝴蝶 结和缎带。 它不仅运用在女装中,还大量频繁地 出现在男装中,创造了男装装饰的鼎盛时代 男装的背心尤为精致,蕾丝领环也是必不可少的。 这种经常是由蕾丝花边制成的装饰物,有时也直 接钉在领口上。
洛丽塔 长裙
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Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lolee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
pink. “You mean ,” she said, with agonized emphasis, “you are giving us 4000 ducks?” I covered my shed. I felt them winding though my fingers and down my chin, and burning me, and my nose got clogged, and I could not stop, and then she touched my wrist.
洛丽塔,我的生命之光,我的 欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵 魂。洛—丽—塔:舌尖向上, 分三步,从上颚往下轻轻落在 牙齿上。洛。丽。塔。
初 次 见 到 洛 丽 塔
I find it most difficult to express with adequate force that flash, that shiver, that impact of passionate recognition. In the course of the sun-shot moment that my glance slithered over the kneeling child (her eyes blinking over those stern dark spectacles-the little Herr Doktor who was to cure me of all my aches ) while I passed by her in my adult disguise (a great big handsome hunk of movie land manhood), the vacuum of my soul managed to suck in every detail of her bright beauty, and there I checked against the features of my dead bride.
• dress and personal adornment is a culture, it can reflect a nature’s cultural level and the material
civilization level of development .
• dress and personal adornment have a strong performance function. People can judge one’s status and self-restraint though his dress in the public. Dress can express our inner pursuit of beauty and self aesthetic feeling. it can also enhance people’s appearance and temperament. Thus, dress is a way to unify your beauty both inner and outer.
Ⅲ . the principle of coordination
• This principle means dress should be harmonious and decent, it should match with not only people’s figure but also his age and color.
In sixteenth Century, after the discovery of the new route, the overseas trade was developed, and the British national strength became stronger and stronger. The dress of the British royal family was not only rich and magnificent, but also revealed the germination of hedonism. The British monarchs and nobles all over the sixteenth Century extremely prefer lace.
The biggest change in women's skirts is the need for fixed fixtures in the past, while some women have been relieved of too much hard material for the first time in one hundred years to form the cloth from the waist to the edge. Women's clothing also flourished with ribbons and lace like men's wear, but the most fashionable ornaments and clothes were still pearls.
Throughout the sixteenth Century, the most distinctive hat of the British dress is the time to reach the peak. British women also pour their enthusiasm on the headwear.
第一种是Sweet Love Lolita, 以粉红、粉蓝、白色等粉色系 列为主,大量蕾丝、刺绣与皱褶叠加,务求缔造出洋娃娃般的 可爱和浪漫 第二种是 Elegant Gothic Lolita ,即“歌特”,同“洛可可” 一样,也是几世纪前的审美风格,从宗教、建筑到音乐、绘 画乃至近现代的电影、时装,无所不包,爱伦玻的小说、吸血 鬼主题、以及歌特乐队,恐怕是现代人 最常接触的歌特元素 了,主色为黑与白,是歌特与Lolita的混合,从而获得双重效 果,特征是想表达神秘优雅的感觉,通常配以十字架银器、黑 色指甲和眼影。 第三种是 Classic Lolita ,与Sweet Love Lolita有点相似,但 以简约色调为主,着重剪裁以表达清雅的心思,裙身的蕾丝花 边会较 Sweet Love Lolita为少,而荷叶褶是最大的特色,流 露出高贵典雅的格调。许多指南推荐新入Lolita之道的姑娘, 可以试一试Classic Lolita造型,走渐进式路线;这正是得益于 此款的简约模式。Lolita是文化多元化的产物,Lolita内部的多 元化也不会停步。
The end
Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Victorian maiden (Classical Lolita)
• 名称的含义是“维多利亚时代的女性”, 也是其的设计理念。有更加幼龄向设计风 格的姐妹品牌Beth,以及开发设计专营小 物的附属品牌VM。Juliette et Justine的设 计师中村真理和Mary Magdalene的设计师 田中利絵子都是先后从Victrian maiden独立 出去创建各自的洋装品牌的。
• Baby的设计多以粉色和浅 蓝色、类似童装风格的 One-piece(连衣裙)居 多。除了One-piece(连 衣裙)、Jumper Skirt (背心裙)、Skirt(半身 裙)、Coat(外套)、 Blouse(衬衫)之外,也 有头饰、戒指之类的饰品, 同时也出售鞋子、袜子乃 至泳衣,涉及范围广泛。 最近姬风Lolita设计增多。 有姐妹品牌ALICE and the PIRATES。此外,矶部曾 经供职的アツキオオニシ 旗下的童话题材设计“不 可思议之国的爱丽丝”也 是人气品牌。
Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lolee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
《洛丽塔》又名《白人鳏夫的自 白》。小说描述的是一位从法国移 民美国的中年男子亨伯特 (Humbert )在少年时期,与一 14岁的少女安娜贝儿发生了一段 初恋,最后安娜贝儿因伤寒而早夭, 造就了亨伯特的恋童癖。亨伯特最 先被一名富有的寡妇抛弃,后来又 迷恋上女房东Charlotte Haze的12 岁女儿洛丽塔(Lolita),亲呼她 为小妖精。 由于儿时的阴影,亨伯特对洛 丽塔无法自拔,为了亲近这名早熟、 热情的小女孩,亨柏特娶女房东为 妻,成为洛丽塔的继父。小说中的 女孩原名桃乐莉· 海兹(Dolores Haze),西班牙文发音的小名为 洛丽塔(Lolita)或洛(Lo),因 此作为书名。
洛丽塔,我的生命之光,我的 欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵 魂。洛—丽—塔:舌尖向上, 分三步,从上颚往下轻轻落在 牙齿上。洛。丽。塔。
初 次 见 到 洛 丽 塔
I find it most difficult to express with adequate force that flash, that shiver, that impact of passionate recognition. In the course of the sun-shot moment that my glance slithered over the kneeling child (her eyes blinking over those stern dark spectacles-the little Herr Doktor who was to cure me of all my aches ) while I passed by her in my adult disguise (a great big handsome hunk of movie land manhood), the vacuum of my soul managed to suck in every detail of her bright beauty, and there I checked against the features of my dead bride.
tailcoat (燕尾服)
Scottish kilt
Scottish kilt(基尔特)
The kilt is a knee-length garment with pleats(褶) at the rear, originating in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century. Since the 19th century it has become associated with the wider culture of Scotland in general, or with Celtic heritage even more broadly. It is made of woolens cloth in a tartan(方格花纹) pattern.
The bowler hat, also known as a coke hat, is a hard felt hat with a rounded crown originally created in 1849.
Traditionally, the British nobility(贵族阶 级),distinguished celebrities have to wear this hat.
clothes in
Victorian Period
blower hat
tailcoat (燕尾服)
scottish kilt
(基尔特)Biblioteka Bowler hat(波乐帽)
庞克萝莉 h. NAOTO 服装
庞克萝莉 h. NAOTO 服装
• 和风萝莉 和风萝莉是传统日式服装与萝莉风格的结 合。通常将和服与裙子作一结合,或者将 和服的下半身改造成萝莉风格的样式。和 风萝莉此一名称系源自于将日本称为“和” 的传统。
中国风萝莉 中国风萝莉(旗萝莉) 中国风萝莉(旗萝莉)与 和风萝莉类似, 和风萝莉类似,它结合了 萝莉与中国传统服装, 萝莉与中国传统服装,例 如旗袍或凤仙装等。 如旗袍或凤仙装等
古典萝莉 男性和女性的古典萝莉例子。注意人的隐形眼镜 古典萝莉(Classical Lolita)是萝莉风格的一种次分类,它是由维多利亚 风(Victorian fashion,维多利亚时代的女装风格)、巴洛克风及洛可可风 所获得的灵感而来的。此一风格不同于甜美萝莉所散发出的天真烂漫,而呈 现出更为成熟的风采,它以花朵或花朵似的造型为主题,具有深沈且柔和的 颜色,纤细的样式及法国皇宫式的腰身。使用的颜色包括全白、古典白、粉 红、葡萄酒红、蓝、咖啡、黑色等,其配件包括发箍、花朵头饰、女用手提 包、及迷你的帽饰。 然而,“哥德萝莉”中的典型样式:黑白搭配的女仆装、以及爱丽丝梦游仙 境,爱丽丝式的围裙却也经常被错误地贴上古典萝莉的标签。 知名的古典萝莉品牌包括Innocent World, Mary Magdalene 和 Victorian Maiden。- d7
• 庞克萝莉 • 庞克萝莉(Punk lolita)是结合了庞克文化基础 的萝莉风格。主要是基于庞克衣着,例如破烂的 布料,彩格布,安全扣和链子,screen-printed 的布料和短发都合并于萝莉。不过,显示在很多 的庞克衣着的Gothic & Lolita Bible 就不是庞 克萝莉,只是恭维的风格。许多日本庞克品牌受 伦敦的著名Camden Town市场影响,并且相似的衣 物可能在那里发现并较少价格。庞克萝莉又是联 系薇薇安·魏斯伍德,就算其不是萝莉设计师, 也有细目和收集萝莉的感觉,尤其她在日本收集。 " 知名的庞克萝莉品牌包括A+Lidel, Putumayo, h. NAOTO 和 Na+H.
In the 1990s, the term "Lolita" was coined to describe this fashion style, which was further popularized by fashion magazines and music videos
The internet has played a critical role in the global spread of Lolita fashion, with numerical websites, social media platforms, and communities dedicated to the fashion trend
Lorita Clothing Culture English Introduction Courseware
• Introduction to Lolita Fashion • Lolita Fashion Styles • Materials and Colors of Lolita
Fashion • Brands and Stores of Lolita
Black and white
Black and white are also popular colors in Lolita fashion Black is often used for formal Lolita outfits, while white is commonly seen in case Lolita clothing or as an account color
The fashion trend is particularly popular among young girls and women aged between 10 and 30 years old
lolita洛丽塔服装调研 品牌种类消费人群ppt课件
【特征】粉色系列装+玫瑰色腮红+圆头平底鞋 P+lea彩se色ad长d袜tit+le大in量he蕾re丝
共性:宅、具有浓烈少女情怀、喜欢可爱的东西、不太喜欢 普通大众的服装鞋饰、热爱日本 消费能力是否是收入吻合:大多不吻合 很多妹子会去买几千的LOLITA服饰,但普通衣服五六百就会 觉得贵。 收入主要以父母给的生活费/零花钱为主,平均生活费都在 1500-2500左右。 lo装往往一条裙子就要1500+、包包1000+、鞋子500+、 BB帽等头饰300+、伞200+,全套加起来近4000元(日牌)。 哪怕是国内品牌全套加起来也需要1000左右。 一套衣服就已经花去大半生活费,甚至超出上千。 国内消费者数量:72000+ 杭州消费者数量:300+
“在早晨,她就是洛,普普通通的洛,穿一只袜子,身高四尺十寸。穿 上宽松裤时,她是洛拉。在学校里她是多丽。正式签名时她是多洛雷斯。 可在我的怀里,她永远是洛丽塔。洛丽塔,我的生命之光,我的欲念之火。 我的罪恶,我的灵魂。”
洛丽塔就是这样一个少女,甜美、童真而又充满性感和诱惑。 但洛丽塔风格的服饰实际起源于简化版17-18世纪西方宫廷服饰,设计 灵感来自法国洛可可和英国维多利亚时期对蕾丝的热爱和细节上的执着。 人们说的“洛丽塔”女孩是那些穿着超短裙,化着成熟妆容但又留着少 女刘海的女生,简单来说就是“少女强穿女郎装”的情况。但是当“洛丽 塔”流传到了日本,日本人就将其当成天真可爱少女的代名词,统一将14 岁以下的女孩称为“洛丽塔代”,而且态度变成“女郎强穿少女装”,即 成熟女人对青涩女孩的向往。因此,洛丽塔服饰已演变为蕾丝、荷叶边、 雪纺、粉嫩色、大花朵、蓬蓬裙、泡泡袖、珠片、刺绣、背带裤、连帽衫、 小塔裙……一切童装元素井喷似的纠集。
In many formal occasions, daily entertainment occasions,Scottish people will choose to wear this dress to attend.
Some schools also choose
this kind of dress as
Over the years tailcoats of varying types have evolved into forms of formal dress.
Typical clothes in
clothes in
Victorian Period
blower hat
Today, in the streets of major cities, such hats have been rare, but not disappeared.
Typical clothes in
clothes in
Victorian Period
blower hat
Victorian style are from 1837 to 1901, during the reign(统治 时期) of Queen.
In the conservative Victorian era, the need for pure culture , women must put their tightly wrapped.
tailcoat (燕尾服)
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Gothic Lolita
Classic Lolita
Classic Lolita in a simple, less Lace and more cutting is given priority to, more than skirt lotus leaf fold, expresses the nobility is elegant, mature and easy feeling, like a girl full of temperament noble Is also the only one that can retain the essence of rococo and Victoria Lolita, through the floral and pink to show the elegant taste, and more than black and white is separate.
Lolita fashion is a fashion subculture originating in Japan that is based on Victorian and Edwardian clothing, but the style has expanded greatly beyond Japan.
For me, Lolita fashion is the young girl heart and princess dream weaving clothes, each Lolita fashion style of dress is full of fantasy.
The origin of Lolita fashioFra bibliotek style.
What’s the definition of fashion?
Fashion is a period of popular culture and social environment, the fashion trend, is the expression of the popular culture. Fashionable things can refer to any of the things in life, such as fashionable hair style, fashion, lifestyle, fashion brand, stylish clothing, and so on. A period of the social environment of advocating popular culture, changing characteristic is young, personality, and the public recognition and follow suit.
Sweet Love Lolita
Gothic Lolita
Gothic Lolita is given priority to with black and white, a little less compared with Sweet Love Lolita childlike innocence, more diffuse the horrors of death and grace, out of the mystery terror, pessimism and despair.
What is my understanding of the fashion?
About the dress
Today there are a lot of clothing styles are fashionable, but my favorite and think the most fashionable Lolita fashion style clothing.
Lolita fashion clothing mainly divided into several kinds of style.
Sweet Love Lolita
Sweet Love Lolita has a Sweet and lovely. Give priority to with pink, take a lot of Lace, made ruffled skirt, can show the image of cute doll.
In the 1990s, brands such as Princess Princess began to rise in popularity. This popularity was in part furthered by the success of early visual kei bands throughout Japan, with icons such as Mana of Malice Mizer founding lolita inspired magizines.which prompted the style to become popularized in Tokyo with Japanese youth. In many ways, the spread of a youthful aesthetic could be seen as a modest parallel to the rise of the kinderwhore aesthetic and the influence of visually distinct "girl power" style of the Spice Girls throughout the west. Visually, the aesthetic is generally far more elaborate and leans towards more modest stylings than the youth focused fashion of the 90s.