


教学目标 教学方法 教学资源
教学内容 教学过程 教学评估与反思
掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读速度 和准确性
培养阅读兴趣,增加阅读量, 拓宽知识面
培养阅读思维,提高理解和分 析能力
培养跨文化意识,提高跨文化 交际能力
激发学生阅读兴 趣,提高阅读积 极性
引导学生养成良 好的阅读习惯, 培养自主阅读能 力
英语教学网站:提供丰富的教学资源和在线课程 英语学习论坛:交流学习心得,提高英语水平 在线词典和翻译工具:方便快捷地查找单词和翻译句子 英语学习社交媒体:与全球英语学习者互动交流,拓展国际视野
教室设施:提供舒适的学习环境,包括桌椅、白板等 图书馆资源:提供丰富的英语阅读材料和书籍 电子资源:利用多媒体设备如投影仪、电脑等提供视听材料 网络资源:利用互联网获取更多的英语阅读材料和教学资源
定义:合作探究法是 一种以学生为主体, 通过小组合作、讨论、 调查等方式探究知识 的教学方法。
特点:注重学生的主 动性和参与性,培养 学生的合作能力和探 究精神,提高学生的 学习效果。
实施步骤:分组、布 置任务、小组讨论、 汇报交流、教师总结 。
适用范围:适用于需 要探究、发现和解决 问题的学科领域,尤 其适合于英语阅读教 学设计。
教学评价:通 过课堂表现、 小组讨论和跨 文化交流实践 等多种方式, 评价学生的跨 文化交流意识
主题相关:选 择与教学目标 主题相关的阅
难度适中:确 保阅读材料的 难度适中,适 合学生的英语
多样性:选择 不同类型的阅 读材料,如小 说、新闻、科





I. 教学目标设定在设计英语阅读教学大纲时,需要明确以下教学目标:1. 提高学生的词汇量和阅读理解能力。

2. 培养学生批判性思维和解决问题的能力。

3. 培养学生对文学和各种文本形式的兴趣。

4. 培养学生独立阅读和自主学习的能力。

II. 课程安排本教学大纲将英语阅读教学分为以下几个模块:1. 词汇拓展与积累- 通过词汇学习和拓展,帮助学生认识和理解更多的英语单词和短语。

- 利用词汇游戏、图片识记等互动活动,提高学生的词汇掌握程度。

2. 阅读技巧训练- 引导学生学习阅读的不同技巧,如扫读、略读、细读等。

- 提供不同难度的阅读材料,让学生逐渐提高阅读速度和准确性。

3. 阅读理解- 练习学生的阅读理解能力,通过回答问题、填空、摘要等练习提高学生对文章的理解和归纳能力。

- 鼓励学生运用所学知识和阅读技巧解决实际问题。

4. 扩展阅读- 提供各种不同主题和类型的阅读材料,如新闻报道、科技文章、文学作品等,培养学生对不同领域的兴趣和理解能力。

- 鼓励学生进行跟进研究和进一步的探索,拓宽知识面。

5. 文化阅读- 引导学生通过阅读了解不同国家和地区的文化。

- 探讨文化背景对于理解文本的影响。

- 通过文化阅读提高学生的跨文化交际能力。

III. 教学评估通过以下方式对学生的英语阅读能力进行评估:1. 综合测试:包括词汇考核、阅读理解题目等。

2. 阅读日志:要求学生每周完成一定量的阅读,并记录自己的阅读心得和收获。

3. 项目作业:根据教师指定的主题或材料,学生需要独立完成一篇小短文并进行展示。





















英语阅读II 教学大纲

英语阅读II  教学大纲


[适用对象]英语专业一年级学生[先修课程与后续课程]先修课程:英语阅读I后续课程:商务英语阅读I[开课单位] 外国语学院(二)课程简介《英语阅读II》为《英语阅读I》的后续课程,是专业基础课之一,配合《综合英语》课培养学生阅读能力的重要课程,也是学生进一步学习高级阶段专业课的基础。



知识目标:学生通过学习了解并掌握1. 阅读材料中出现的重点词汇、常用短语;2. 阅读材料中出现的词根、词缀;3. 阅读材料所成在的文化背景知识;4. 相关阅读技巧和策略。

能力目标:学生通过学习锻炼1. 篇章理解能力和翻译能力;2. 相关阅读技巧;3. 自主思考和思辨能力;4. 语言综合应用能力;5. 欣赏性和批判性阅读能力以及研究型阅读能力。

素质目标:学生通过学习1. 养成良好的阅读习惯;2. 培养有效的阅读意识;3. 提高语言和思想鉴赏力。





(七)学时分配表二、本文Unit 1 Getting to Places教学目的与要求:Students will1. read and understand the article “A Portrait of the Modern Nomad”;2. learn and practice identifying the writer’s purpose and making predictions;3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and translating exercises;4. learn and practice the following roots: vid, vis, sum, sumpt, mot, moe, lect, lig, spect.教学重点与难点:教学重点:1. understanding the article “A Portrait of the Modern Nomad”;2. reading skills and strategies: identifying the writer’s purpose and makingpredictions;3. roots: vid, vis, sum, sumpt, mot, moe, lect, lig, spect.教学难点:reading skills and strategies; long sentence translation of “A Portrait of the Modern Nomad”学时:4第1节 A Portrait of the Modern Nomad1. background of the article2. key words and expressions explanation第2节 A Portrait of the Modern Nomad1. discourse analysis2. long sentence translation第3节 A Portrait of the Modern Nomad1. discourse analysis and summary2. after-reading exercises3. word formation: roots第4节reading skills and strategies1. How to identify the writer’s purpose2. How to make predictions辅助教学环节:1. preview activity: reading pictures and vocabulary workshop2. further reading: Urban TravelUnit 2 Dealing with People教学目的与要求:Students will1. read and understand the article “The Empathy Jolt”;2. learn and practice outlining and diagraming;3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and translating exercises;4. discuss on generation gap.教学重点与难点:教学重点:1. understanding the article “The Empathy Jolt”2. reading skills and strategies: outlining and diagraming3. discuss on generation gap.教学难点:reading skills and strategies; long sentence translation of “The Empathy Jolt”学时:4第1节The Empathy Jolt1. background of the article2. key words and expressions explanation第2节The Empathy Jolt1. discourse analysis2. long sentence translation第3节The Empathy Jolt1. discourse analysis and summary2. after-reading exercises3. discussion: generation gap第4节reading skills and strategies1. How to use outline to structure ideas2. how to use the diagram to highlight key points辅助教学环节:1. preview activity: reading pictures and vocabulary workshop2. further reading: Saying NOUnit 3 House and Home教学目的与要求:Students will1. read and understand the article “The Bad News About Green Architecture”;2. learn and practice recognizing and interpreting syntax meaning and the grammatical mood;3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and translating exercises;4. discuss: green building.教学重点与难点:教学重点:1. understanding the article “The Bad News About Green Architecture”2. reading skills and strategies: recognizing and interpreting syntax meaning and the grammatical mood;3. discussion: green building教学难点:reading skills and strategies; long sentence translation of “The Bad News About Green Architecture”学时:4第1节The Bad News About Green Architecture1. background of the article2. key words and expressions explanation第2节The Bad News About Green Architecture1. discourse analysis2. long sentence translation第3节The Bad News About Green Architecture1. discourse analysis and summary2. after-reading exercises3. discussion: green architecture第4节reading skills and strategies1. recognize and interpret syntax meaning2. recognize and interpret the grammatical mood辅助教学环节:1. preview activity: reading statements and vocabulary workshop2. further reading: On House and InteriorsUnit 4 Education教学目的与要求:Students will1. read and understand the article “Tiger Moms: Is Tough Parenting Really the Answer?”;2. learn and practice identifying discourse markers;3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and translating exercises;4. discuss: what is the essence of the tiger parenting approach? Do you agree on this approach?教学重点与难点:教学重点:1. understanding the article “Tiger Moms: Is Tough Parenting Really the Answer?”2. reading skills and strategies identifying discourse markers;3. education discussion教学难点:reading skills and strategies; long sentence translation of “Tiger Moms: Is Tough Parenting Really the Answer?”学时:4第1节Tiger Moms: Is Tough Parenting Really the Answer?1. background of the article2. key words and expressions explanation第2节Tiger Moms: Is Tough Parenting Really the Answer?1. discourse analysis2. long sentence translation第3节Tiger Moms: Is Tough Parenting Really the Answer?1. discourse analysis and summary2. after-reading exercises3. discussion: what is the essence of the tiger parenting approach? Do you agree on this approach?第4节reading skills and strategiesLearn to identify discourse markers辅助教学环节:1. preview activity: reading statements and vocabulary workshop2. further reading: The Parrot’s TrainingUnit 5 Animals教学目的与要求:Students will1. read and understand the article “My Life with the Chimpanzees”;2. learn and practice recognizing and appreciating figurative expressions;3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and translating exercises;4. discuss: the coexistence of human beings and animals.教学重点与难点:教学重点:1. understanding the article “My Life with the Chimpanzees”2. reading skills and strategies: recognizing and appreciating figurative expressions;3. discussion: the coexistence of human beings and animals.教学难点:reading skills and strategies; long sentence translation of “My Life with the Chimpanzees”学时:4第1节My Life with the Chimpanzees1. background of the article2. key words and expressions explanation第2节My Life with the Chimpanzees1. discourse analysis2. long sentence translation第3节My Life with the Chimpanzees1. discourse analysis and summary2. after-reading exercises3. the coexistence of human beings and animals.第4节reading skills and strategiesrecognizing and appreciating figurative expressions辅助教学环节:1. preview activity: reading pictures and vocabulary workshop2. further reading: A Street Cat Named BobUnit 6 Celebrations教学目的与要求:Students will1. read and understand the article “How to Tell If Your Relationship Will Survive the Holidays?”;2. learn and practice recogniging the writer’s assumptions and making inferences;3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and translating exercises;4. discuss: making good impression on holidays.教学重点与难点:教学重点:1. understanding the article “How to Tell If Your Relationship Will Survive the Holidays?”2. reading skills and strategies: recognizing the writer’s assumptions and making inferences;3. discussion: making good impression on holidays.教学难点:reading skills and strategies; long sentence translation of “How to Tell If Your Relationship Will Survive the Holidays?”学时:4第1节How to Tell If Your Relationship Will Survive the Holidays?1. background of the article2. key words and expressions explanation第2节How to Tell If Your Relationship Will Survive the Holidays?1. discourse analysis2. long sentence translation第3节How to Tell If Your Relationship Will Survive the Holidays?1. discourse analysis and summary2. after-reading exercises3. discussion: making good impression on holidays.第4节reading skills and strategiesrecognizing the writer’s assumptions and making inferences辅助教学环节:1. preview activity: reading pictures and vocabulary workshop2. further reading: Memories of ChristmasUnit 7 Food and Drink教学目的与要求:Students will1. read and understand the article “Thoughts on Food and Culture”;2. learn and practice interpreting the writer’s tone and appreciating humor in literary works;3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and translating exercises;4. discuss: everything about human beings is basically related with food.教学重点与难点:教学重点:1. understanding the article “Thoughts on Food and Culture”2. reading skills and strategies: interpreting the writer’s tone and appreciating humor in literary works;3. discussion: everything about human beings is basically related with food.教学难点:reading skills and strategies; long sentence translation of “Thoughts on Food and Culture”学时:4第1节Thoughts on Food and Culture1. background of the article2. key words and expressions explanation第2节Thoughts on Food and Culture1. discourse analysis2. long sentence translation第3节Thoughts on Food and Culture1. discourse analysis and summary2. after-reading exercises3. discussion: everything about human beings is basically related with food.第4节reading skills and strategiesinterpreting the writer’s tone and appreciating humor in literary works;辅助教学环节:1. preview activity: reading quotations and vocabulary workshop2. further reading: Eating Well: Less Science, More Common SenseUnit 8 Health and Medicine教学目的与要求:Students will1. read and understand the article “Pill-popping Replaces Healthy Habits”;2. learn and practice drawing conclusions;3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and translating exercises;4. discuss: pharmaceutical marketing教学重点与难点:教学重点:1. understanding the article “Pill-popping Replaces Healthy Habits”2. reading skills and strategies: drawing conclusions;3. discussion: pharmaceutical marketing教学难点:reading skills and strategies; long sentence translation of “Pill-poppingReplaces Healthy Habits”学时:4第1节Pill-popping Replaces Healthy Habits1. background of the article2. key words and expressions explanation第2节Pill-popping Replaces Healthy Habits1. discourse analysis2. long sentence translation第3节Pill-popping Replaces Healthy Habits1. discourse analysis and summary2. after-reading exercises3. discussion: pharmaceutical marketing第4节reading skills and strategiesDrawing conclusions辅助教学环节:1. preview activity: reading statements and vocabulary workshop2. further reading: Is Sugar the New Tobacco?三、附录(一)建议使用的教材及教学参考资料教材:新交际英语阅读教程2,董志善,外语教学与研究出版社,2018。



英语阅读教学设计大纲1. 概述1.1 引言1.2 目的和重要性2. 教学目标2.1 主要目标2.2 具体目标3. 教学内容3.1 文本选择与分类3.2 阅读技巧和策略3.3 词汇和语法知识的应用4. 教学方法4.1 教学策略4.1.1 预测推测策略4.1.2 上下文推断策略4.1.3 猜词义策略4.2 教材布置4.3 练习设计4.3.1 课堂练习4.3.2 作业设计5. 课堂活动设计5.1 活动一:快速阅读5.2 活动二:仔细阅读5.3 活动三:讨论与交流6. 评价与考核6.1 评价指标6.2 评价方法7. 教学资源7.1 教具与工具7.2 学习资料8. 时间安排9. 教学反思10. 结语根据上述大纲,以下为详细的教学设计:1. 概述1.1 引言在全球化的背景下,英语阅读技能对学生的语言学习和学术发展至关重要。

1.2 目的和重要性本教学设计旨在帮助学生掌握英语阅读的基本技巧和策略,提高他们的阅读能力和理解能力。

2. 教学目标2.1 主要目标- 提高学生的阅读速度和准确性- 培养学生的阅读理解能力- 培养学生的独立思考和批判性思维能力2.2 具体目标- 学会使用预测推测策略来帮助理解文本- 学会根据上下文推断词义- 学会运用词汇和语法知识来解决阅读难题3. 教学内容3.1 文本选择与分类- 选择适合学生能力水平的英语阅读材料- 分类文本,例如新闻报道、科学文章等3.2 阅读技巧和策略- 阅读前预测文本内容- 阅读中根据上下文进行推测- 阅读时使用词汇和语法知识来解决难点3.3 词汇和语法知识的应用- 学习和掌握与阅读相关的常用词汇和短语- 学习和掌握与阅读相关的语法知识,例如复合句的理解和运用等4. 教学方法4.1 教学策略4.1.1 预测推测策略在阅读前,学生根据标题、首段和图片等信息,预测文本的大意和主要内容。

4.1.2 上下文推断策略学生通过阅读文本上下文,从语境中推断词义、短语意义以及句子和段落的含义。



英语阅读1课程教学大纲课程编号:04022021课程名称:英语阅读1/English Extensive Reading 1学时:32 学分:2.0适用专业:英语(师范)专业/翻译专业开课学期:1开课部门:外国语学院先修课程:无考核要求:闭卷考试成绩比例:卷面70%,平时30%使用教材及主要参考书:1.王守仁、赵文书、康文凯/编,《泛读教程1(学生用书)》(第2版),上海外语教育出版社,2014年6月。













《英语阅读II》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:18090172课程名称:英语阅读II英文名称:English Fast Reading课程类别:专业技能课学时:32学时学分:2学分适用对象: 英语专业考核方式:考查先修课程:无二、课程简介本课程是针对英语专业一年级开设的阅读课程,课程的特征体现在“泛”和“读”两个方面。




This course is a reading program intended for first year English majors. “Extensive” and “reading” are two aspects of this course. In the aspect of “extensive”, the reading materials cover various areas, such as society, history, culture, literary, art, religion, politics, economics, technology, sports, environmental protection, custom, etc. Moreover, the reading materials are of various genres, ranging from narration, exposition, argumentation, news report, advertisement, novel to poem and drama. As for the aspect of “reading”, this course, with a focus on developing reading ability and reading speed, provides lots of reading practice, covering reading skills of close reading, skimming and scanning.三、课程性质与教学目的本课程是针对英语专业一年级开设的阅读课程,旨在帮助学生通过大量阅读来提高水平,扩大知识面。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Section C 主要用于快速阅读训练,要求严格在规定时间内完成。
课堂教学主要是通过学生按要求在不预习前提下完成Section A(20---25分钟)来培养良好阅读习惯;通过对Section A中词汇练习及阅读思考题的讲解,教授有关阅读方法。如:根据上下文判断生词的词义,熟悉英语句子结构,了解内容题材与中心思想的区别;把握文本中心思想;阅读速度和逻辑推导;对文本的批评鉴赏能力等。
6. Unit 6 Language :Text: Vocabulary Change
Section 2:Unit 7—Unit12
重点和难点: Scanning (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)
1. Unit t 7 Space :Text: Has the Bright Promise of the Space Program Faded?
4. Unit 8 Native Peoples:
Text: Native American Influences on Modern American culture
Section 3:Unit 9—Unit 12
重点和难点:Understanding Sentences (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)
3. Unit 8 Science & Fiction :Text: Jules Verne’s Trip to the Moon
4. Unit 9 First Aid :Text: First Aid
5. Unit 10 Marriage :Text: You Will Have a Good Life
教学要求:Section A 要求在课堂上处理,学生不要预习。
Section B供课外阅读,课堂上进行检查。
Section 1:Unit1—Unit 4
重点和难点: Context Clue to Word Meaning I (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)
1. Unit 1 University Student Life:Text On being a Student
2. Unit 2 Culture Shock:Text Making a Culture Change
3. Unit 13 Examinations :Text: Types of Examinations
4. Unit 14 Intellectual Property:Text: Copyright
5. Unit 15 Law :Text: The Matter of McVeigh
6. Unit 16 World War II :
4. Unit 12 Agriculture :Text: The Agricultural revolution
Section 4:Unit 13—Unit 18
重点和难点:Distinguishing Topic from Main Idea (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)
1. Unit 13 Psychology:Text: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
6. Unit 12 Environment :Text: Reducing Emission
Section 3: Unit 13—Unit18
重点和难点: Drawing Inferences (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)
1. Unit 13 Medicine :Text: The Interaction of Body and Mind
1. Unit 9 Bible Stories:Text: The Story of Creation
2. Unit 10 Festivals and Holidays:Text: Christmas
3. Unit 11 Advertisements:
Text: The Advertising Standards Authority: An advertising Watchdog
3. Unit 3 Body Language :Text: Signals Without Words
4. Unit 4 Animals :Text: Little Brother of the Wolf
5. Unit 5 History :Text: Some Theories of History
Section 1:Unit 1—Unit 5
重点和难点:Finding the Main Idea (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)
1. Unit 1 Reading :Text: A Few Questions About Reading
2. Unit 2 Music :Text: Music’s History May show a Path to future Peace
2. Unit 14 Mysteries:Text: Have You Ever seen a UFO
3. Unit 15 Computer:Text: Multimedia Language-Learning CD ROMS
4. Unit 16 Physical Fitness:Text: Some Myths about Physical Fitness
5. Unit 17 Pseudoscience Text : Analyze Yourself with the Help of Doodles
6. Unit 18 Fiction :Text: Whitewashing Aunt Polly’s Fence
本册目的与要求: 第二册重点培养学生把握文本中心思想的能力。
英文名称:Extensive Reading
“英语泛读”是供高等学校英语专业一、二年级使用的基础课程,泛读课的特征体现在“泛”与“读”两个方面,就“泛”而言,泛读课 所选的语言材料的内容呈百科知识性,包括社会生活各个方面;同时语言材料的文体呈多样性,既有文学作品,又有记叙文、说明文、议论文、新闻、广告等语言风格不同的各类文章;就“读”而言,泛读课的重要任务是指导学生掌握各种阅读方法,从而提高理解的准确性,加快阅读速度。
2. Unit 14 Evolution :Text: Charles Darwin and the Evolutionary Revolution
3. Unit 15 Transportation :Text: Frank Turner
4. Unit 16 Time :Text: The Calendar
3. Unit 3 Movies:Text How Do the Movies Do It
4. Unit 4 Food:Text A Food Tour of the United States
Section 2: Unit 5—Unit 8
重点和难点: Context Clue to Word meaning II (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)
Text: A Cross-Cultural Context: Americans, Germans, and English
5. Unit 11 Information Retrieval
Text: The Management of Knowledge: Libraries can Transform Communities
1. Unit 5 Business:Text: Levi Strauss & Company
2. Unit 6 Sports:Text: Football fans and Football Violence
3. Unit 7 Shyness:Text: Overcome shyness
3. Unit 3 Generation :Text: The Law vs. the Piano
4. Unit 4 Names :Text: Your Name Is Your Destiny
5.Unit 5 Weather and Climate :Text: What Makes the weather?
5. Unit 17 Television :Text: Daytime TV Talk Shows—What’s Their appeal?
6. Unit 18 Poetry :Text: IntroduБайду номын сангаасtion to Poetry
Section 2: Unit 6—Unit 10
重点和难点: Recognizing the Pattern of Details (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)
1. Unit 6 The African-Americans :Text: Martin Luther King
2. Unit 7 Greek Stories :Text: Orpheus and Eurydice
Text: Edward R. Murrow Reports on Britain Under the Bombs