
Part II Structure

Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2


Section A

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences numbered 16 to 25. Y ou are required to complete

each one by deciding on the most appropriate word

or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C), and

D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter

on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the



B 1. The troubled country borrowed a _____ amount of money from the fund to restore its economy.

A. considering

B. considerable

C. considerate

D. considered

C 2. Children are often very _____ in their use of color.

A. imaginary

B. imaginable

C. imaginative

D. imagining

C 3. Scientists are searching for the oldest tree _____ because it can teach them a great deal about many things.

A. living

B. live

C. alive

D. lively

D 4. No two people in the world see things exactly ________.

A. alikely

B. like

C. likely

D. alike

C 5. Nothing is more telling of a serious political crisis than the fact that Taiwan wants to declare its ______.

A. dependence

B. depending

C. independence

D. dependant

A 6. A good text should stir the reader’s mind into ______ from the time he reads the title.

A. activity

B. act

C. action

D. acting

A 7. It is a lot better to have more _____ on this matter than to keep it private and hidden.

A. openness

B. open

C. opening

D. openly

C 8. Achieving a ______ balance between work and home is essential to everybody.

A. satisfied

B. satisfiable

C. satisfying

D. satisfaction

C 9. It is necessary to build modern power stations which will produce electricity as ______ as possible.

A. efficient

B. effective

C. efficiently

D. inefficient

C 10. Natural gas is now largely used for the _____ of heat.

A. product B productiveness

C. production D productivity

D 11. “Do you know whose child this is?”“It’s________ .”

A. the child of my uncle

B. a child of my uncle’s children

C. my uncle child

D. a child of my uncle’s

A 12. He took _____ as to which university he will enter.

A. his father’s advice

B. an advice of his father

C. his father’s advices

D. his father advice

C 13. The city of Shanghai is composed of nineteen administrative units and

counties, one of which is separated from ______ by water.

A. others

B. other ones

C. the others

D. another

D 14. Of the total population of the province, approximately ______ are the Han

nationality, and ______ are minority nationalities.

A. seven-eight… one eight

B. seventh-eight… first-eight

C. seven-eighths… one-eights

D. seven-eighths… one-eighth

C 15. Mrs. Nancy has to cope with _____ her father’s problems and her


A. not only

B. neither

C. both

D. either

D 16. Jean could be a very attractive girl, but she _____ to her clothes.

A. is paying no attention

B. would pay no attention

C. paid no attention

D. pays no attention

D 17. Only Cathy knows what we shall do next. We can do nothing until she

_____ here tomorrow.

A. will be

B. shall be

C. is being

D. is

A 18. To achieve unity______ the goal of our nation since we won independence

in 1949.

A. has been

B. is

C. was

D. has been being

B 19. It is not impossible to reach an agreement if both sides ______ a positive

and co-operative attitude.

A. will take up

B. take up

C. are to take up

D. will have taken up

D 20. ----- Susie hasn’t written to us for such a long time.

------ What do you suppose _______ to her?

A. having happened

B. that happened

C. to happen

D. happened

A 21. By the time he went to the college in the fall of 1993, he ______ a good

command of English.

A. had had

B. has had

C. had

D. would have

B 22. Affected by the bad news, many stocks were quite a bit cheaper than they

_____ a day earlier.

A. have been

B. had been

C. were

D. would have been

A 23. Scientists ______ the disease for many years before they found a cure for


A. had been studying

B. have studied

C. have been studying

D. studied

C 24. ---President Jiang will be here for a short visit tomorrow.

----Oh, I thought that he _____ today.

A. comes

B. is coming

C. was coming

D. will come

B 25. ----Are you going to Richard’s birthday party?

-----Y es. By then I _____ my homework.

A. had finished

B. will have finished

C. would have finished

D. finished

C 26. A play is a story that _____ to be presented by actors on a stage.

A. intending

B. that intends

C. is intended

D. that is intending

C 27. _____ without effort is in general read without pleasure.

A. Writing

B. That is written

C. What is written

D. To write

D 28. Although the mission was to be kept a secret, it ______ to the press.

A. reveal

B. revealed

C. reveals

D. was revealed

A 29. The secretary opened the mail which _____ that morning.

A. had been delivered

B. delivered

C. had delivered

D. is delivered

B 30. The laborers _______ to work overtime to increase the profits of their


A. expected them

B. were expected

C. who were expected

D. they expected

A 31. We _____ our evening meal at half past seven yesterday, and then we

watched a film on television.

A. had

B. are having

C. have had

D. were having

D 32. Whenever we visited them, they ____ television.

A. have watched

B. watch

C. watched

D. were watching

B 33. This was an arid desert _______.

A. until it was irrigated

B. before it was irrigated

C. until it had been irrigated

D. before it is irrigated

C 34. I didn’t meet Mary White at the party. She _____ by the time I arrived.

A. was left

B. left

C. had left

D. was leaving

C 35. Although she ______ law for only a little over eight years, Florence Allen

became in 1992 the first woman to sit on a state supreme court.

A. will practise

B. practices

C. had practiced

D. has been practicing

B 36. “What did Mr. Wang say?”

“He said that he _____ the agreement since eight o’clock.”

A. was drafting

B. had been drafting

C. drafted

D. has been drafting

D 37. The Managing Director said that improving relations with the association

would not be easy, but that they _____ to try.

A. would have decided

B. decide

C. have decided

D. had decided

D 38. Will you have completed the course when you_____ for the exam?

A. will sit

B. would sit

C. were sitting

D. sit

C 39. Grandpa hoped that his grand-children ______ him at weekends.

A. visit

B. will visit

C. would visit

D. visited

C 40. Michael said he _____ of going back home the next month.

A. think

B. thinks

C. was thinking

D. has thought

D 41. We won’t go unless you _____ soon.

A. coming

B. came

C. will come

D. come

D 42. By the time the course end, _______ a lot about Britain.

A. we’ll learn

B. we are learning

C. we have learned

D. we’ll have learnt

D 43. Whenever I ______ these days, I always carry my raincoat.

A. shall go out

B. am going out

C. would go out

D. go out

B 44. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he ______ until yesterday.

A. will come

B. was coming

C. had been coming

D. comes

D 45. When you _____ the furniture, please tell me.

A. will finish to move

B. finish to move

C. will finish moving

D. have finished moving

A 46. If she doesn’t tell him the truth now, he’ll simply keep on asking her until

she _______.

A. does

B. has done

C. will do

D. would do

D 47. If you smoke in a non-smoking section, people _______.

A. have objected

B. objected

C. must object

D. will object

D 48. She left the reception early because she ______ get up early the next


A. needed

B. might

C. used to

D. had to

D 49. It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you _______ it.

A. mustn’t have done

B. wouldn’t have done

C. mightn’t have done

D. did n’t have to do

B50. I bought a new house last year, but I _____ my old house yet, so at the

moment I have two houses.

A. did not sell

B. have not sold

C. had not sold

D. do not sell


C 1. Tom, you are so lazy! This work ______ hours ago.

A. should finish

B. must have finished

C. should have been finished

D. might have finished

B 2. Richard went to the shop because he _______ a suit for his job interview.

A. need to buy

B. needed to buy

C. needed buy

D. did need buy

B3. I _______, but I don’t any more.

A. used to smoking

B. used to smoke

C. was used to smoke

D. was used to smoking

A 4. A traveler who once set his foot on that land ______ the great changes

happening there.

A. must have noticed

B. must notice

C. must be noticing

D. would have noticed

D 5. The room is in a terrible mess; it _____ cleaned.

A. mustn’t be

B. mustn’t have been

C. can’t be

D. can’t have been

D 6. The formal opening ceremony of the exhibition ______ hours ago.

A. ought to be begun

B. ought to begin

C. ought to have been begun

D. ought to have begun B 7. Y ou _____ such a long essay. The teacher only asked us to write 300 words.

and you have written 600.

A. mustn’t have written

B. needn’t have written

C. didn’t have to write

D. didn’t need to write

A 8. ---I saw Jane at the party last night.

---Y ou _____ her because she had gone abroad with her parents.

A. couldn’t have seen

B. couldn’t see

C. mustn’t have seen

D. needn’t have seen

C 9. The film was wonderful, you _____ it.

A. must go to see

B. must have gone to see

C. should have gone to see

D. may see

C 10. --- Bob earns more in one day than I do in a week.

---He _____ very wealthy.

A. must have been

B. has to be

C. must be

D. has to have been

D 11. What are you doing now? Y ou ______ your textbook instead of wasting

time on the novel.

A. should have been reading

B. should read

C. should have read

D. should be reading

A 12. --- What can I do for you?

--- If you ___ see Mr. Allen, give him my regards.

A. should

B. would

C. shall

D. will

B 13. Since the flight has been cancelled because of bad weather, we ___ by


A. ought to have gone

B. might as well go

C. had better to go

D. would rather not

D14. It’s claimed that as many as 2 billion people _____ the opening game of the 1998 World Cup held in France.

A. should watch

B. may watch

C. might watch

D. may have watched

C 15. These cells cannot be used any more. Y ou _____ them in some dry place.

A. need to put

B. could put

C. should have put

D. must have put


A1. Last year, Matt earned _____ his brother who has a better position.

A. twice as much as

B. twice much than

C. twice as many as

D. twice as more as

A2. “______ haste, ______ speed” is a good advice he often gives us.

A. More, less

B. Much, little

C. Most, least

D. The more, the least D 3. The bike made in our factory is _____ the one that we saw at the exhibition.

A. much more superior than

B. much superior than

C. more superior to

D. much superior to

A 4. The higher a mountaineer climbs, _________.

A. the thinner the air will become

B. thinner air will be there

C. there will be thinner air

D. the air will become thinner

B 5. My new glasses cost me ____ the last pair that I bought.

A. times three

B. three times more than

C. three times as much so

D. as much three times as

C 6. The bookshop is ______ a place of business for some.

A. much than

B. few than

C. more than

D. little than

A 7. Among the three students he reads the text _____ distinctly.

A. most

B. more

C. much

D. many

C 8. Most people consider going to bed early to be more reasonable _____.

A. than staying up lately

B. than to stay up lately.

C. than staying up late

D. that to stay up late

A 9. Lee has spent 20 minutes on the problem, but he wishes he were given

____ .

A. another 20 minutes

B. one other 20 minutes

C. the same amount also

D. more 20 minutes

B 10. Those educators were welcomed _____ than they had expected.

A. warmlier

B. more warmly

C. warmly

D. warm

C 11. The news was _____ to us all.

A. surprised

B. to be surprised

C. surprising

D. be surprised

B 12. I was carried ______ by the beautiful music.

A. out

B. away

C. up

D. on

D 13. The examination wasn’t very difficult, but it was ____ long.

A. too much

B. so much

C. very much

D. much too

A14. “ The café is too noisy.”

“ Y es, let’s go ______ for a cup of coffee.”

A. somewhere else

B. to somewhere else

C. another place

D. some other place

B 15. The railway station is three miles ____ from the department store.

A. far

B. away

C. distant

D. far distant


C 1. Water, when boiled, always gives _____ steam.

A. in

B. up

C. off

D. away

A 2.The highest mountain in the world is nearly 9 kilometers _____ sea level.

A. above

B. on

C. in

D. over

B 3. There is no excuse ____ the driver’s running the red light.

A. to

B. for

C. about

D. on

B 4. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning ____ traffic jam.

A. in line with

B. in case of

C. for the sake of

D. at the risk of C 5. Not long ago, a person whom I know very well was ______ an accident.

A. related to

B. included in

C. involved in

D. subjected to

B 6. Our teacher has been strict ____ himself as well as ____ his students.

A. on…on

B. with…with

C. with…on

D. on…with

D 7. Unlike adults, children find little difficulty _____ imitating sounds in foreign language.

A. with

B. on

C. at

D. in

C 8. His opinion was contrary ____ ours, but he said that he would work well with us

A. from

B. to

C. with

D. of

A 9. Y our composition is very good ____ a few spelling mistakes.

A. except for

B. except

C. without

D. but for

D 10. After driving for 20 miles, he suddenly realized that he had been driving ____the wrong direction.

A. to

B. on

C. at

D. in

B 11. Having been out of work for a long time, my father didn’t find any job ____ recently.

A. since

B. until

C. after

D. before

C 12. They failed in the experiment ______ carelessness.

A. with

B. by

C. through

D. of

A 13. The little girl was shivering ____ cold.

A. with

B. from

C. for

D. at

C 15. Let’s have a talk,_________?

A. do we

B. don’t we

C. shall we

D. will you

C 16. Somebody borrowed my coat yesterday,_____?

A. did he

B. did they

C. didn’t they

D. didn’t it

B17. There won’t be any trouble, _______?

A. will it be

B. will they

C. will there not

D. is there

B 18. He must have finished his assignment yesterday, __________?

A. hasn’t he

B. didn’t he

C. must he

D. haven’t he

C 19. It is the first time that your brother has been to China, ______?

A. isn’t he

B. isn’t it

C. hasn’t he

D. isn’t this

B 20. Y ou told me I had passed the exam, _____?

A. hadn’t I

B. didn’t you

C. had I

D. did you


A 1. Gestures are the only means by the deaf and dumb for communication.

A. that is used

B. which is used

C. that are used

D. which are used

B 2. Three-fourth of the surface of the earth _____.

A. is the sea

B. is sea

C. are the sea

D. are sea C 3. Jane is the only one of the younger girls who ______ in the band.

A. had played

B. has played

C. plays

D. will play A4. A singer and dancer _____ to attend our meeting.

A. is coming

B. are coming

C. will be coming

D. are going to

C 5. One out of twenty ______.

A. badly damaged

B. were badly damaged

C. was badly damaged

D. has badly damaged

A6. The population of Shanghai _____ very fast!

A. is increasing

B. are increased

C. are increasing

D. is being increased

C 7. The rest of the magazine _____ within half an hour.

A. is sold out

B. are sold out

C. was sold out

D. were sold out

C 8. Making mistakes and learning to correct them ____ a part of life.

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. being

C 9. Many a man _____ life is meaningless without a purpose.

A. think

B. thinks

C. to have thought

D. have thought

B 10. John as well as Jack _____ just been back from an important meeting.

A. have

B. has

C. are

D. is

B 11. Only by working hard, ____ make much progress in your study.

A. you can

B. can you

C. you will

D. you could

B 12. Nowhere in the world as at home.

A. so much warmth can be found

B. can a person find so much warmth

C. a person can find so much warmth

D. no one can find so much warmth

D 13. By no means ____ him to go swimming alone.

A. I cannot allow

B. we can allow

C. would I allow

D. can I allow

A 14. it be fine tomorrow, we would go swimming.

A. Should

B. If

C. Had

D. When

C 15. Here is ____ I am looking for.

A. very reference book

B. very the reference book

C. the very reference book

D. a very reference book

A 16. Hardly ____ she started complaining.

A. had he arrived when

B. he had arrived when

C. did he arrive when

D. does he arrive when

B 17. I don’t like coffee, and_______.

A. she doesn’t too

B. neither does she

C. either doesn’t she

D. she doesn’t neither

B 18. So absorbed in his study that his parents often has to force him to break for sports and games.

A. the student becomes

B. does the student become

C. becomes the student

D. the student does become

A 19. On top of the mountain _______.

A. stands a temple

B. a temple stands

C. will stand a temple

D. a temple is standing

C 20. I seldom go to the beach for summer vacation, .

A. my girl friend doesn’t too

B. my girl friend does, too

C. nor does my girl friend

D. so does my girl friend

D 21. did they realize that they had made an important discovery in science.

A. A few

B. A little

C. Few

D. Little

B 22. It was this dictionary________ I bought yesterday.

A. whom

B. who

C. that

D. /

A23. It was between 1830 and 1835 modern newspaper was born.

A. that

B. when

C. during

D. at which time

D 24. It is the knowledge from books as well as our life experience us understand the world around us.

A. which helps

B. which help

C. that help

D. that helps

B 25. Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages _______ them well.

A. you can learn

B. can you learn

C. that you can learn

D. and you can learn

B 26. _______he knows much about English language.

A. Y oung he is

B. Y oung as he is

C. As young he is

D. Y oung as is he

B 27. It was with great joy he received the news that his long lost son would soon return home.

A. how

B. that

C. because

D. what

A 28. had the supermarket opened than people were flocking to shop


A. No sooner

B. Nowhere

C. Hardly

D. If

C 29. Only when he had done it that he had made a mistake.

A. he then realized

B. he realized

C. did he realize

D. before he realize

A 30. that should be given priority to.

A. It is what the government has decided

B. It is the government has decided

C. It is only the government has decided

D. It is what has the government decided

D 31. Either you or your mother mistaken.

A. has

B. were

C. are

D. is

A 32. The audience dressed in a variety of ways, some in suits and

dresses, some in jeans.

A. were

B. have

C. has

D. was

B 33. to the Summer Palace.

A. All but him and I are going

B. All but he and I are going

C. All but him and me are going

D. All but he and I am going C34. Bread and butter their daily food.

A. are

B. is being

C. is

D. were

C 35. As we know, all animals need air, and .

A. so plants do

B. nor do plants

C. so do plants

D. plants need so

B 36. It was in 1965 my father joined the Party.

A. when

B. that

C. while

D. what

C 37. Mr. Smith’s “Selected Poem”in 1992.

A. were first published

B. has been first published

C. was first published

D. had first been published

D 38. It’s one of those problems that difficult to solve.

A. is

B. be

C. was

D. are

A 39. By no means look down the poor.

A. should we

B. we should

C. we shall

D. we can

B 40. No longer to waste its natural resources.

A. the world can afford

B. can the world afford

C. does the world can afford

D. do the world can afford

C 41. Not until the early 1900s_______ to vote in the United States.

A. women were allowed

B. they allowed women

C. were women allowed

D. when women were allowed

D 42. The youth more practical than our generation was.

A. has

B. is

C. have been

D. are

B 43. More than 40 percent of the population in that city workers.

A. is

B. are

C. works as

D. has been

C 44. It was in Y an’an Maozedong laid a sound foundation for our Chinese revolution.

A. where

B. in which

C. that

D. anywhere

A 45. A great many people present at the meeting.

A. were

B. was

C. had being

D. have being

B 46.He is the only one of the students the truth.

A. who know

B. who knows

C. that know

D. that knowing

C 47. It was not I but you who the first to run to the goal in that competition.

A. was

B. was going to

C. were

D. were going to

A 48. Seldom any mistake during my past fifteen years of service here.

A. did I make

B. should I make

C. I did make

D. would I make

A 49. Y oung he was, he was equal to the task.

A. as

B. although

C. since

D. unless

B 50. Only recently to realize the dangers caffeine(咖啡因) might bring to our health.

A. that scientists began

B. have scientists begun

C. scientists have begun

D. that did scientists begin


B 1. If he ______ the late film last night, he _____ so sleepy now.

A. did not see, would not be

B. had not seen, would not be

C. were not to see, were not

D. had not seen, would not have been B 2. Isn’t it high time ______ responsibly, with our nation’s future in mind?

A. we live

B. we lived

C. we should live

D. we are living

A 3. Should it rain, the crops ____.

A. would be saved

B. would have been saved

C. will be saved

D. had been saved

A 4. ---Would you like to come to my hometown for a visit?

----If I _____ a week off.

A. had

B. have had

C. had had

D. would have

C 5. She made the demand that she _______ at once.

A. leaves

B. left

C. leave

D. be left

A 6. It is required that anyone who has earned more than 1,000 yuan each month ______ pay income taxes.

A. have to

B. has to

C. will have to

D. must A 7. It is essential that every child________ the same educational opportunities.

A. have

B. has

C. will be given

D. is given

A 8. -----She wouldn’t take her medicine last night, would she?


A. No, but I wish she had

B. No, but I wish she wouldn’t

C. Y es, I wish she did

D. No, but I wish she drank

C 9.------Why didn’t you come to school in time for Prof. Brown’s lecture?

------I would have but I ______ rather late.

A. had got up

B. get up

C. got up

D. have got up

B 10. Y ou ________ earlier, the train left 3 minutes ago.

A. would come

B. should have come

C. may come

D. have come A11. I would rather you ______ him anything about it.

A. didn’t tell

B. hadn’t told

C. tell

D. would tell A 12. She would prefer that she ________ at home last night.

A. had not stayed

B. did not stay

C. wouldn’t stay

D. haven’t stayed

B 13. He took his umbrella with him in case it _______ .

A. would rain

B. should rain

C. rain

D. rained

D 14. It is high time we ______ to college.

A. go back

B. have gone back

C. should go back

D. went back

C15. The doctor suggested that she _______ take a trip.

A. took

B. has taken

C. should take

D. would take A16. It is required that the machine_______.

A. be tested

B. would be tested

C. test

D. tested

B 17. Without a computer, they ________ their calculation so quickly.

A. should not have finished

B. would not have finished

C. did not finish

D. have not finished

C 18. ______ he here this afternoon, I would go with him.

A. Is

B. Be

C. Were

D. Has been

D 19. He often treats me as if I _______ a child.

A. am

B. have been

C. was

D. were

B 20. I wish I ______ him the news.

A. haven’t told

B. hadn’t told

C. didn’t tell

D. wouldn’t tell A 21. If he _____ her, he _____her about it.

A. were to meet…would tell

B. would meet…tell

C. meet…told

D. met… told

C 22. I _______ talk that way if I were Peter.

A. didn’t

B. won’t

C. wouldn’t

D. couldn’t

A 23. _________, I’d have told you.

A. Had I known it

B. If I knew it

C. If I have known it

D. Should I know it

B 24. She demands that her students _______ on time to every class.

A. were

B. be

C. had to be

D. must be

B 25. I requested that my passport ______ as soon as possible.

A. would be sent

B. be sent

C. could be sent

D. had been sent

C 26. It is strange that such a thing ______ in your school.

A. will happen

B. happens

C. should happen

D. happened

C 27. Y ou look so tired tonight. It is time you ________.

A. go to bed

B. may go to bed

C. went to bed

D. going to bed

D 28. It is high time we _______ everything ready.

A. get

B. were to get

C. had to get

D. got

B 29. My suggestion is that a doctor _____ immediately.

A. is sent for

B. be sent for

C. will be sent for

D. can be sent for

B 30. I would have invited her to the party. But I ______ her well.

A. don’t know

B. didn’t know

C. doesn’t know

D. hadn’t known

C 31. He was very busy yesterday. Otherwise, he _______ to the meeting.

A. would come

B. came

C. would have come

D. should come

A 32. It is absolutely necessary that we ______ a meeting tomorrow.

A. have

B. had

C. will have

D. have had

D 33. I can’t stand him. He always talks as though he ______ everything.

A. knows

B. know

C. should know

D. knew A 34. If I ______ that wire, I _____instantly.

A. were to touch…would be killed

B. touched…will kill

C. touched…be killed

D. had touched…would be killed

D 35. It is essential that these application forms ______ as early as possible.

A. must be sent

B. will be sent

C. are sent

D. be sent

A36. ________ the fog, we should have reached our destination in time.

A. But for

B. In case of

C. Because of

D. In spite of

B 37. Jim would gain weight but he ________ enough.

A. hadn’t eaten

B. doesn’t eat

C. shouldn’t eat

D. wouldn’t eat D 38. He told me how he had given me shelter and food without which I ______ of hunger.

A. will die

B. would be died

C. would die

D. would have died

B 39. Every attention must be paid to him, lest he ____ he is inferior to others.

A. felt

B. should feel

C. would feel

D. feels

B 40. If he had followed the doctor’s advice, he ____ quite all right now.

A. would have been

B. would be

C. will be

D. is

B 41. It was really dangerous; you ______ him seriously.

A. may have injured

B. might have injured

C. could have injured

D. must have injured

A42. Mary _____ received my letter. Otherwise she would have replied before now.

A. couldn’t have

B. shouldn’t have

C. has

D. ought to have

B 43. She says she’d rather he ______ today instead of yesterday.

A. will leave

B. left

C. had left

D. should leave

D 44. He must have had an accident, or he ______ then.

A. would be here

B. had to be here

C. should be here

D. would have been here C 45. Our proposal is that he _______ the holiday at the seaside.

A. spends

B. is spending

C. spend

D. will spend

C 46. Jill would just rather we ______ now, but we must go to work.

A. not leave

B. had not left

C. didn’t leave

D. not to be left

B 47. Don’t you think it’s high time someone______ him to stop behaving like


A. will tell

B. told

C. should tell

D. tells D 48. If only I ______ how to operate a computer!

A. learn

B. would learn

C. have learned

D. had learned

C 49. Everybody has arrived. It’s time we _______.

A. would start

B. shall start

C. started

D. had start

B 50. But for the rain, we ______ a pleasant journey.

A. will have

B. should have had

C. would have

D. must have had


D 1. He tried many times to escape from prison, _________each time.

A. unfortunately caught

B. having been caught

C. always being caught

D. only to be caught

A 2. Mother caught him _____ from the shop and scolded him severely.

A. stealing

B. stolen

C. to steal

D. steal

C 3. The reason for his important discovery in science is _____in his immense knowledge and original thinking.

A. to find

B. finding

C. to be found

D. to be find

B 4. With more and more students attending colleges, higher education seems_____ a primary concern in recent years.

A. to become

B. to have become

C. having become

D. becoming

A 5. ______, there was nothing for it but to swim across.

A. The bridge having been destroyed

B. The bridge was destroyed

C. The bridge to be destroyed

D. The bridge had been destroyed

D 6. English and computer_____ two useful tools in preparing for one’s career, we should do our best to have a good command of them.

A. have been

B. are

C. which are

D. being

A 7. ______ the entrance exam, he was offered an opportunity to study international finance and economics at this university.

A. Having passed

B. Passed

C. Passing

D. Being passing

D 8. She complained of____ a smaller amount of money for doing the same work as others .

A. having paid

B. being to pay paid

C. paying

D. being paid

A9. The man arrested denied____ part in the murder of the President.

A. having taken

B. to have taken

C. taking

D. to take

A 10. _____ another generation from that of their parents, young people have different tastes, ideas and beliefs.

A. Belonging to

B. Belonged to

C. They belong to

D. They belonging to

D 11. There are plenty of expensive mountain bikes here for people_______.

A. who spend their money on

B. to spend their money

C. on which to spend their money

D. to spend their money on C 12. Can you do anything but _____ silly questions?

A. to ask

B. asking

C. ask

D. being asked A 13. Many people are talking about the film, I’d like it______ the most successful one this year.

A. to be

B. being

C. be

D. been

B 14. All things ____, the planned trip will have to be called off.

A. be considered

B. considered

C. considering

D. having considered

C 15. The way to learn a language is to practise _______ it as often as possible.

A. to speak

B. speak

C. speaking

D. being speaking

D 16. He wore dark glasses to avoid _____.

A. having been recognized

B. to be recognized

C. recognize

D. being recognized

B 17. It was suggested that a special committee of five members ________ to investigate the case.

A. are appointed

B. be appointed

C. appointed

D. would appoint

B 18. It’s no use ____ me not to worry.

A. you tell

B. your telling

C. for you to have told

D. having told

D 19. I can still recall ___________ with him many years ago.

A. to stay

B. to staying

C. to have stayed

D. having stayed

C 20. Anyone carrying guns was prohibited _______ the building.

A. to enter

B. entering

C. from entering

D. not to enter

B 21. At first, she wasn’t used _________and would find excuses for her mistakes.

A. to be criticized

B. to being criticized

C. to criticizing

D. to criticize

C 22. He had his son _________the violin two hours every day.

A. to play

B. playing

C. play

D. played

D 23. ____________, the mountain looks like an elephant.

A. Having seen from a distance

B. Seeing from a distance

C. Having been seen from a distance

D. Seen from a distance

B 24. __________in the spaceship, the spaceman saw the Great Wall of China. A. While traveled B. While traveling

C. If traveled

D. To travel

D 25. __________in 1192, the bridge is over 700 years old.

A. To be built

B. Being built

C. Building

D. Built

C 26. We consider him ________ very helpful to us in the experiment.

A. as to be

B. as being

C. to be

D. being

B 27. __________as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention. A. Being published B. Published

C. Publishing

D. To be published

B 28. Nobody likes_____________.

A. to speak ill of

B. to be spoken ill of

C. speaking ill of

D. spoken ill of

A 29. The little boys were seen ____ “for keeps” in the corner

A. to play

B. playing

C. play

D. played

D 30. I am glad ________a visit to him last week.

A. paying

B. to pay

C. having paid

D. to have paid A31. To play fair is as important as ____________.

A. to play well

B. play well

C. we play well

D. playing well

C 32. We did not expect our offer _______so quickly.

A. rejected

B. to reject

C. to be rejected

D. rejecting C 33. The _____ football match made us _____.

A. excited…exciting

B. exciting…exciting

C. exciting…excited

D. excited…excited

D 34. _________the truth, she is really tired with cooking.

A. I am to tell

B. Told

C. Telling

D. To tell

B 35. Mr. White was seen ________the Palace Museum.

A. enter

B. to enter

C. entered

D. to entering

A 36. I saw Mary ________the house.

A. open the door and go into

B. to open the door and to go into

C. open the door and to go into

D. open the door and went into

C 37. The rain kept him ________to the football game.

A. to go

B. of going

C. from going

D. off going

A 38. I’m not used _______to like that.

A. to being spoken

B. to be spoken

C. being spoken

D. to speaking

B 39. Would you mind _________ here?

A. me smoke

B. my smoking

C. I smoke

D. to smoke

A 40. I think_______ at the train station will surprise Aunt Kate.

A. your being

B. you are

C. you being

D. you to be

A 41. Could you tell me the topic ____ at tomorrow’s meeting?

A. to be discussed

B. being discussed

C. discussed

D. to discuss

D 42. They wouldn’t allow him ________across the enemy line.

A. risk going

B. risking to go

C. going to risk

D. to risk going

B 43. The scientists were waiting to see the problem__________.

A. settle

B. settled

C. to settle

D. settling

B 44. Returning to the room, ______________.

A. the book was lost

B. I found the book missing

C. the book was missing C. I found the losing book

C 45. Mr. Wang has two __________sons; one has got married and the other has gone abroad.

A. grow-up

B. growing-up

C. grown-up

D. grew-up

B 46. ________time is _______ forever.

A. Lost; losing

B. Lost; lost
