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1. Purpose (目的)
This file provides a proper maintenance instruction for all projects of Flextronics(Shanghai) iron.. 本文件指导伟创力(上海)各项目使用的电烙铁的测量和日常维护.
2. Scope (范围)
All iron use in all projects of Flextronics(Shanghai). 本文件适用于伟创力(上海)的所有电烙铁
3. Definition (定义)
4. Responsibility (职责)
4.1 Operator do daily maintenance for iron after using and keep equipment clean. 4.1 每日使用完电烙铁后由操作员进行日维护,保持设备的整洁。

4.2 Iron maintained once a month by EE technician and check by EE engineer. 4.2 电烙铁每周维护一次,由设备技术员完成,设备工程师检查。

5. Maintenance Item (维护内容)
5.1 Daily Maintenance Items 5.1 日维护内容
5.1.1 Check if iron run normally and clean it. (Insure iron no power, Iron temperature already cooling) 5.1.1检查设备各部件是否使用正常,缺失;并进行清洁(确保电烙铁未接通电源,且电烙铁已经冷却)。

5.1.2 Take iron head form iron. Clean-paper clean iron head and iron frame. 5.1.2 取下烙铁头. 使用清洁纸清洁烙铁头及烙铁架表面。

5.1.3 Install iron head in iron .
5.1.3 装回烙铁头,注意安装到位。

5.1.4 After finishing iron daily maintenance. And write related record in the daily maintenance checklist. 5.1.4 电烙铁日维护完,在电烙铁日维护记录表上做好相应的记录.
5.2 Weekly Maintenance Items 5.2 周维护内容
5.2.1 Inspect and clean iron head , 5.2.1 检查和清洁电烙铁头.
5.2.2 Open iron power. Iron rise temperature. 5.2.2 接通电烙铁电源.让烙铁升温.
5.2.3 Wait temperature stabilization,using clean-sponge clean iron head,and inspect iron head have oxide of black.
5.2.3 温度稳定后,用清洁的海绵清洁电烙铁头,并检查烙铁头上是否有黑色氧化物.
5.2.4 If tinning of iron head part have oxide of black.It can new tinning of iron ing clean-sponge clean iron head again. so repeat clean.wipe off till oxide.then plating new tinning.
5.2.4 如果烙铁头的镀锡部分含有黑色氧化物.可镀上新锡层,再用清洁海绵清洁烙铁头.如此重复清理,直到彻底去除氧化物为止, 然后再镀上新锡层.
5.2.5 If iron head distortion or incapable wipe off oxide. Iron head must change new iron head.(Advert:Don't using file dele oxide of iron head.)
5.2.5 如果烙铁头变形或无法去除氧化物,必须更换新的烙铁头.(注意:切勿用锉刀等削除烙铁头上的氧化物.)
5.3 meterage Items 5.3 测量内容
5.3.1 Inspect the iron temperature meter is in valid for calibration. 5.3.1检查电烙铁测温仪(HAKKO-191)是否在有校验期内.
5.3.2 Setup the temperature of iron. According to TQCI specification .and calibrate it three times.If readings is out of specification.repeat to do 5.3 item.
5.3.2将电烙铁的温度值设定在TQCI 规定范围内取中间值.加锡并在测温仪上测量三次,若有不合格.需要重新设定.
5.3.3 Fill the readings of meterage in checklist after finishing setup of iron temperature. 5.3.3 测量完电烙铁后.在维护记录表上填写测量值等相关记录.
5.3.4 Stick the maintenamce label on the iron after finishing iron weekly maintenance.Fix temperature button with glue. And write related record in the weekly maintenance check list.
5.3.4 电烙铁周维护完,贴上维护标签(如下图所示)、并用胶把温度调节钮固定,然后在维护标签和维护记录表上做好相应的记录.
6. Tooling/Equipment (工具)
7. Reference (参考文件)
8. Attachment (附页)
8.1电烙铁的日维护记录Iron Daily Maintenance Checklist
8.2电烙铁的周维护记录Iron Weekly Maintenance Checklist
Retention Period(years):10
Retention Period(years):10
Iron Weekly Maintenance Checklist。
