


Unit8 单元知识点归纳


1、be full of 充满

2、throw…into 扔进

3、play a part in 在……起作用

4、throw away 扔掉

5、cut down 减少

6、make a difference 起作用;有影响

7、lead to 导致

8、cut off 切除

9、not only…but also…不但……而且……

10、be harmful to 对……有害

11、at the top of 在……顶部或顶端

12、scientific study 科学研究

13、take part in 参加

14、help out 帮助解决难题

15、turn off 关掉

16、pay for 付费;付出代价

17、add up 加起来

18、take action 采取行动

19、put sth. to good use 好好利用

20、pull ... down 拆下,摧毁

21、upside down 上下颠倒

22、bring back 恢复,使想起,归还

23、turn off the light 关灯

24、have a creative mind 有一个创新的头脑

25、waste time doing 浪费时间做某事

26、win a prize ( for ) 赢得……奖

27、set up 创建

28、be known/famous for 因……而著名

29、build/make ... out of 从……改造

30、as usual 和往常一样





主语+ be + 现在分词(be 的形式随主语的变化而变化)(3)基本用法:


②表示现阶段一直进行的动作。这类动词常常是延续性动词。常于at present, this week, these days等连用。




(2)基本结构:主语+ have / has + 过去分词



②表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态一直延续到现在,还可能继续下去。常常与since, for, in the past + 时间名词,in the last +时间名词等时间状语连用,而且谓语动词要求是延续性动词。



(1)一般现在时是被动语态:am / is / are + 过去分词

(2)现在完成时的被动式:have / has + been + 过去分词

(3)现在进行时的被动式:am/ is/ are + being + 过去分词(4)一般过去时的被动式:was / were + 过去分词

(5)过去进行时的被动式:was / were + being + 过去分词(6)过去完成时的被动式:had + been + 过去分词


will / be going to be+ 过去分词


情态动词+be +动词的过去分词。


情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,如认为“可能”、“应当”、“必要”等。情态动词本身有一定的意义,但不能单独作谓语,也没有人称和数的变化。后面一般跟动词原形。五、used to 结构

used to意为“过去常常做某事”,指的是过去的习惯性动作,目的在于与现在形成对照。used to是个情态动词,其中的to是不定式符号,后面跟动词原形。在美式英语中。它的疑问式是:Did +主语+use to do sth.?否定式是:主语+didn't use..。在英式英语中,它的疑问式应当是:Used +主语+to sth.?否定式应当是used not to或use(d)n't to。

He used to stay up late. 他过去常熬到很晚。

used to 结构

used to意为“过去常常做某事”,指的是过去的习惯性动作,目的在于与现在形成对照。used to是个情态动词,其中的to是不定式符号,后面跟动词原形。


它的疑问式是:Did +主语+use to do sth.

否定式是:主语+didn't use.


它的疑问式应当是:Used +主语+to sth.

否定式应当是used not to.


1、harmful 形容词,意为“有害的”。常构成短语

be harmful to “对……有害的”。

Staying up often is harmful to your health. 经常熬夜对你的健康有害。


harm 名词,意为“害处”。常用构成短语

do harm to “对……有害”,相当于be harmful to.

Too much smoking does harm to his health. = Too much smoking is harmful to his health. 吸烟过多对他的健康有害。

2、辨析:join, join in 和take part in

Join 加入组织,团体,党派等,有作为其中的一个成员的含义;后面也可以加表示人的名词,表示和某人一起参加某活动

join in 加入一种具体活动。

take aprt in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。

Will you join us in the discussion? 你参加我们的讨论吗?She joined the Young Pioneers. 她加入了少先队。

Why didn't you join in the talk last night?


Did you take part in the sports meet? 你参加运动会了吗?


⑴afford是动词,意为“买得起,担负得起”,通常与can, could, be able to连用,多用于否定句中。

They couldn’t afford $50 for a ticket. 他们拿不出50美元买一张票。


We can’t afford to go abroad this summer. 今年夏天我们没有足够的钱出国。

4、Not only…but also…意为“不但…而且…”



(b) 主谓一致原则:not only…but also..连接两个

主语时,谓语动词在人称和数上要与but also


(c) 倒装原则:not only…but also…连接两个并列分句时,not only 置于句首,表示强调,其引导的句子要用部分倒装,即将谓语动词的一部分(情态动词,助动词等)放在句子的前面,而but also后的句子用正常语序。

Not only he but also I am interested in pop music.

Not only do I feel good about helping people, but also I get to spend time doing what I love to do.

5、辨析:need to be done; need doing与need to do

⑴need doing=need to be done "需要被…"现在


to be done。

My watch needs repairing. =My watch needs

to be repaired.我的表需要修了。



He needs to get up early. 他需要早起。


1、—We are trying to save the earth 我们正尽力挽救地球?

2、—The river used to be so clean. 这条河过去很干净。

3、The air is badly polluted. 河水已被严重的污染。

Unit9 重难点讲解


1、帮助解决困难help out

2、商量,商讨talk …over

3、度过,通过get through

4、在某人的帮助下with the help of sb / with one’s help

5、注意… pay attention (to)…

6、偶遇陌生人meet up with strangers

7、和某人共度时光spend time with sb .

8、做某事有困难have trouble/problems/difficulty doing sth.

9、一次十分钟的盹 a ten—minute nap

10、保持健康stay/keep healthy

11、做出自己的决定make one’s own decisions

12、网上聊天chat online / chat on the Internet

13、与…分享share sth .with sb .

14、为了做某事in order to do sth,


小学三年级英语:知识点归纳知识归纳是一个不错的学习计划,把知识归纳总结可以帮助自己更方便学习提高效率,减少许多不必要的时间。下面就一起来看看归纳的知识点吧!希望同学们可以学习一下! 一、单词 Unit1学习文具:pen(钢笔)pencil(铅笔)pencil-case(铅笔盒)ruler (尺子)eraser(橡皮)crayon(蜡笔)book(书)bag(书包)sharpener (卷笔刀)school(学校) Unit2身体部位:head(头)face(脸)nose(鼻子)mouth(嘴)eye (眼睛)leg(腿)ear(耳朵)arm(胳膊)finger(手指)leg(腿)foot(脚)body(身体) Unit3颜色:red(红色的)yellow(黄色的)green(绿色的)blue (蓝色的)purple(紫色的)white(白色的)black(黑色的)orange (橙色的)pink(粉色的)brown(棕色的) Unit4动物:cat(猫)dog(狗)monkey(猴子)panda(熊猫)rabbit(兔子)duck(鸭子)pig(猪)bird(鸟)bear(熊)elephant (大象)mouse(老鼠)squirrel(松鼠) Unit5食物:cake(蛋糕)bread(面包)hotdog(热狗)hamburger (汉堡包)chicken(鸡肉)Frenchfries(炸薯条)coke(可乐)juice(果汁)milk(牛奶)water(水)tea(茶)coffee(咖啡)

Unit6数字:one(一)two(二)three(三)four(四)five(五)six(六)seven(七)eight(八)nine(九)ten(十)doll(玩具娃娃)boat(小船)ball(球)kite(风筝)balloon(气球)car (小汽车)plane(飞机) 二。对话、 1、向别人问好应该说——A:Hello!(你好!) B:Hi!(你好!) 2、问别人的名字应该说-——A:What‘syourname?你的名字是什么? B:Myname‘sChenJie.我的名字是陈洁。 3、跟别人分手应该说——A:Bye.\Goodbye!(再见) B:Seeyou.(再见)\Goodbye.(再见) 4、A:Ihaveapencil\bag\ruler我有一只铅笔\书包\尺子。 B:Metoo.我也有。 5、早上相见应该说-——A:Goodmorning.早上好! B:Goodmorning!早上好! 6、下午相见应该说——A:Goodafternoon!下午好! B:Goodafternoon!下午好! 7、跟新朋友第一次见面——A:Nicetomeetyou!见到你很高兴。 B:Nicetomeetyou,too!见到你也很高兴! 8、A:Let‘sgotoschool!让我们一起去上学! B:OK!好的。


鲁教版九年级英语单词表Unit 1 heel n. 鞋跟;足跟 scoop n. 勺;铲子 electricity n. 电;电能 style n. 样式;款式 pleasure n. 高兴;愉快 zipper n. (= zip) 拉链;拉锁 daily adj. 每日的;日常的 have a point 有道理 website n. 网站 pioneer n.先锋;先驱 list v. 列表;列清单n. 名单;清单 mention v. 提到;说到 accidental adj. 偶然的;意外的 by accident 偶然;意外地 nearly adv.几乎;差不多 ruler n. 统治者;支配者 boil v. 煮沸;烧开 remain v. 保持不变;剩余 smell n. 气味v. (smelt smelled )发出??气味;闻到 saint n. 圣人;圣徒 national adj.国家的;民族的 trade n. 贸易;交易v. 做买卖;从事贸易 take place 发生;出现 doubt n. 疑惑;疑问v. 怀疑 without doubt 毫无疑问;的确 fridge n. 冰箱 low adj. 低的;矮的 somebody pron. 某人n. 重要人物 lock v. 锁上;锁住n. 锁 earthquake n. 地震 sudden adj. 突然(的) all of a sudden 突然;猛地 bell n. 钟(声);铃(声) biscuit n. 饼干 cookie n. 曲奇饼 musical adj. 音乐的;有音乐天赋的 instrument n. 器械;仪器;工具 crispy adj. 脆的;酥脆的 salty adj. 咸的


1.现在进行时态: 结构:主语+be动词+动词ing+其他 2. 现在分词的构成规则如下: 1)一般动词后直接加-ing.如: reading, watching, seeing 2)以不发音的e结尾的词去掉e再加-ing. 如: make—making write—writing 3)以重读、闭音、单辅音字母结尾的词,双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing. 如: get-getting swim-swimming put-putting run-running 3.用法: 1)表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。(不能指状态。) 2)表示现阶段正在进行,而此刻不一定在进行的动作。(以these days 为代表) 3)表即将发生的动作。这类词有:come, go, leave, arrive等,常与表 将来的时间状语连用。 4.常见标志: 1) 句中有:now, at the moment,these days, look,listen等如: He is doing his homework now. Look, what is the girl drawing 5. 现在进行时的一般疑问句及回答:一般疑问句把be动词提前;回答用Yes, 主语+be或No, 主语+be+not。如: Are you making the bed Yes, I am. Is the girl drawing a picture No, she isn’t. 6. 现在进行时的否定句:在be动词后加not。 如:They are cleaning the classroom. →They aren’t cleaning the classroom. 7. 对现在进行时的谓语动词提问,常用“what…doing”。 如:He is reading a book. →What is he doin g .


三年级上重点知识归纳 Unit 1 1.show me your pencil / ruler/ eras er/ crayon/ pen. 让我看看你的铅笔/尺子/橡皮/蜡笔/钢笔。 2. open your pencil--case. 打开你的铅笔盒。 close your book .合上你 sho w me your sharpener. 让我看看你的卷笔刀。 carry your bag. 背起你的书包。 go to school . 去上学。 Unit 2. 3 Touch your head./ nose/ eye/ mouth/ ear. 摸摸你的头/鼻子/眼睛/嘴巴/耳朵。 4. Clap your hands. 拍拍你的手。Snap your fingers. 打响你的手指。 Wave your arms. 挥挥动你的胳膊。Cross your legs. 翘翘你的双腿。 Shake your body. 扭扭你的身体。Stamp y our foot. 跺跺你的脚。 Unit 3. 5.Show me your red/ blue / green / yellow / purple crayon.给我看看你的红/蓝/绿/黄/紫色蜡笔。 6.Black, black. Stand up. 黑色,黑色,站起来(起立)

Pink , pink. Sit down. 粉红色,粉红色,坐下 Brown, brown. Touch the ground. 棕色,棕色,摸摸地板。 Orange, orange. Touch your he ad. 橙色,橙色,摸摸你的头。 White, white. Turn around. 白色,白色,转个圈。模仿小猫/鸭子/熊猫/猴子/兔子/小狗表演。 8. Hunt like a mouse. 像老鼠一样搜寻。 Walk like a elephan t. 像大象一样走路。 Climb like a bear. 像狗熊一样爬 Fly like a bird. 像小鸟一样飞。 Jump like a squirrel. 像松鼠一样跳。 Unit5. 9 .Show me your hamburger. 让我看看你的汉堡包。 Pass me the French fries. 把炸薯条递给我。 Cut the bread. 切面包。 Eat the hot dog. 吃热狗。 Sm ell the chicken. 闻闻鸡肉。 Make the cake. 做蛋糕。 10. pour the water 倒水。 Smell the coffee 闻闻咖啡。


Unit 1 sitcom ['s?tk?m] n.情景喜剧 soap [s??p] n.肥皂;肥皂剧educational [ed?u'ke???nl] adj.教育的;有教育意义 plan [pl?n] n.计划;方法v.打算;计划hope [h??p] .希望;期望;盼望n.希望discussion [d?'sk??n] n.讨论;谈论stand [st?nd] v.站立;忍受 happen ['h?p?n] vi.发生;碰巧;偶遇;expect[?k'spekt] v.预期;期待;盼望joke [d???k] n.笑话;玩笑v.开玩笑comedy ['k?m?di] n.喜剧;滑稽; find out查明、弄清 meaningless ['mi:n??l?s] adj.无意义的;不重要的 action ['?k?n] n.行为;活动 cartoon kɑ'tu:n] n.卡通;漫画culture ['k?lt??(r)] n.栽培;文化;教养famous ['fe?m?s] adj.著名的;有名的appear [?'p??(r)] vi.出现;出版;显得become [b?'k?m] v.变成;成为 rich [r?t?] adj.富有的;富饶的;丰富的successful [s?k'sesfl] adj.成功的;圆满的 may[ me?] aux.可以,能够;可能,也许might [ma?t] aux.可能;也许;may 的过去式 main [me?n] adj.主要的;最重要的reason ['ri:zn] n.原因;理由 film [f?lm] n.电影 unlucky [?n'l?ki] adj.倒霉的;不幸的;不吉利的 lose [lu:z] vt.丢失;失败vi.失败ready ['redi] adj.准备好的;乐意的character ['k?r?kt?(r)] n.个性;品质;人物; simple ['s?mpl] adj.简单的;朴素的;单纯的;笨的 army ['ɑ:mi] n.军队;陆军;一大批action movie动作片 be ready to愿意迅速做某事 dress up装扮;乔装打扮 take sb.’s place代替;替换 do a good job 工作干得好;做得好Unit 2


小学三年级英语重点句型汇总 ★We have a new friend today. 今天我们来了一位新朋友。 Where are you from? 你来自哪里? I’m from America. 我来自美国。Happy Women’s Day! 妇女节快乐!(3.8) Who’s that woman? She’s my mother. 那位女士是谁?她是我的妈妈。Who’s that man? He’s my father. 那位男士是谁?他是我的爸爸。Who’s this girl? She’s my sister. 那个女孩是谁?她是我的姐妹。Wow, how funny! 哇,真有趣! How many kites can you see? 你能看见多少只风筝? I can see 12. 我能看见12只。 How many crayons do you have? 你有多少只蜡笔? I have 16 crayons! 我有16只蜡笔。Do you like peaches? Yes, I do . 你喜欢桃吗?是的,我喜欢。 Do you like oranges? No, I don’t. 你喜欢橘子吗?不,我不喜欢。 Can I have an apple, please? Certainly! 我能吃只苹果吗?当然! Where is my car? On your desk? No! It’s under the chair. 我的小汽车在哪儿?在你的课桌上?不!它在椅子下面。 Excuse me. Can I use your pencil? No problem. 打扰一下,我能用用你的铅笔吗?没问题。 It has a long nose and a short tail. 它有一只长鼻子和一条短尾巴。 The giraffe is tall. The deer is short. 长颈鹿高高的,鹿是矮小的。 Happy Children’sDay!儿童节快乐!(6.1) ★能听懂会做以下指令。(Let’s do)Say “OK” Touch you knee Look and see make a “D” Drink some tea 说“OK 摸摸膝盖看一看 做一个“D”字形喝茶 come and follow me Draw a tree Have a seat fly a kite read after me 跟我来画棵树坐下来放风筝跟我读 say “goodbye” raise your leg jump kick clap with me close your eye 说再见抬抬腿跳一跳踢一踢拍手闭眼 show me ten listen to me pour the tea Look at me I can say from A to T 秀出十听我说喝茶看我我能从A说到T Show me ABCDE Point to FGHIJ Type JKLMN Colour OPQRS Circle STUVW 把ABCDE秀给我指着FGHIJ 打出JKLMN 给OPQRS涂上颜色圈出STUVW I can say from A to W make yourself tall make your eyes big make your arms long 我能从A说到W 把你自己变高把眼睛变大把胳膊变长 make yourself short make your eyes small make your arms short jump 16 times 把你自己变矮把眼睛变小 把胳膊变短16 次 bounce 20 times Open it and see 拍20次打开它看看 ★句子对对碰。 1. How many books do you have? I have nineteen. 2. Who's that man? He's my teacher. 3. Who’s that woman? She’s my grandmother. 4. Where is my ruler? It's on the desk.


初三英语(下)听力材料 Unit 2:How do you study for a test? Section A,1b Boy 1: Hey Gang.There's a big test on Tuesday.I really need some help.Can you tell me how do you study for a big test? V oices: Sure!Yes.Sure we will. Boy 1: You did really well on the last English test,didn't you Mei? Mei: Yeah,I did OK. Boy 1: Well,how did you study? Mei: By making flashcards. Boy 1: May be I'll try that.How did you study,Pierre? Pierre: By asking the teacher for help.She was really happy I asked. Boy 1: That's interesting.How do you study,Antonio? Antonio:I like to study by listening to tapes.But sometimes my mother thinks I'm listening to music.And then she gets mad. Boy 1: Oh,well... 2a,2b Girl 1: Welcome to the English club.Today we're going to talk about the best ways to learn English.Who has an idea? Boy 1: Do you learn English by watching English-language videos? Girl 2: No.It's too hard to understand the voices. Boy 1: What about keeping a diary in English?Do you learn English that way? Girl 2: I think so.It helps to write English every day. Girl 3: Have you ever studied with a group? Girl 2: Yes,I have!I've learnd a lot that way. Girl 1: Do you ever practice conversations with friends? Girl 2: Oh,yes,It improves my speaking skills. Boy 1: What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? Girl 3: I do that sometimes.I think it help. Boy 2: I do too.And I always look up new words in a dictionary. Girl 3: That's a great idea! Section B,2a,2b Ms Mitchell: You look worried,Paul. Paul: I am,Ms Mitchell.I'm having trouble learning English. Ms Mitchell: You said you liked English.What's the problem? Paul: I can't get the pronunciation right. Ms Mitchell: Well,listening can help.Why don't you borrow the teacher's tapes?You can listen to them at home and repeat the sentences that are difficult for you. Paul: That's a good idea.But what about all the new words?I forget a lot of new words. Ms Mitchell: You can always write the new words in your note book and study them at home.You can even study in the train on the way to school. Paul: That might really help!Thanks. Ms Mitchell: Can you understand when people talk to you? Paul: Well,no.Not always.Sometimes I just don't uunderstand what people are saying. Ms Mitchell: Why don't you join an English language club to practice speaking English?The English club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Paul: Maybe I'll go.The only other problem I have is that I don't get much writing practice. Ms Mitchell: Maybe you should find a penpal. Paul: That sounds like a fun way to practice writing.Thanks Ms Mitchell! Unit3 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A,1b Conversation 1 Bob: Mario,is that you? Mario: Yeah,it is.It's Bob!Hey,guys,it's Bob!I haven't seen you for four years. Bob: Yeah.I'm here with my parents.We're visiting for a couple of days.Wow Mario,you look different! You used to be short,didn't you? Mario: Yes ,I di .Now I'm tall.And so are you! Bob: That's ture...And you used to wear glasses. Mario: You have a grat memory.Now I wear contact lenses! Conversation 2 Bob: Hey,Amy,it's great to see you. Amy: Hi,Bob.How are you? Bob: Fine .Wow,you've changed! Amy: Really?How? Bob: Well,you used to have short hair. Amy: You remember that?Yes,I did. Bob: And you used to be really tall! Amy: Not any more.You're taller than me now,Bob. Conversation 3 Tina: Hiya,Bob. Bon: Hi,Tina.You've changed too. Tina: Oh,yeah? Bob: You have blonde har! Tina: Yeah,it used to be red,didn't it? Bob: And it's straight! Tina: It used to be curly. 2a,2b Paula: Hey,Steve!Over here!Don't you remember me? Steve: Oh,wow!you're Paula,aren't you? Paula: That's right. Steve: But you used tobe really quiet,didn't you? Paula: Yeah.I wasn't very outgoing. Steve: No,you weren't .But you were always friendly.Wait a minute!Did you use to play the piano? Paula: Yes, I did.But now I'm more interested in sports.I play soccer and I'm on the swim team. Steve: Wow!People sure change. Section B 2a,2b Girl 1: My six-year -old brother started school this week. Boy 1: He's really lucky.Life was great when I was six . Girl 1: Really?Why? Boy 1: Oh,schoolwork is rally easy. Girl 1: Not for me.I didn't use to like tests,Now I don't worry about tests. Boy 1: And we used to play every day after school.Now we just study all the time. Girl 1: Yeah,but we used to walk to school.Now we have to take the bus. Boy 1: I remember one bab thing.I used to hate gym.Now I love gym class. Girl 1: Me,too


四年级知识点总结 Unit 1 语音:j--/ / jump,juice,June,July w--/ / well,warm,winter,wear U--/ / music,menu,cute,computer 词汇:(1)核心词汇:中国来自她;她的生活;居住 (2)国家:加拿大美国英国澳大利亚印度法国 城市:渥太华伦敦华盛顿市形容词:著名的 句型:(1)你叫什么名字?我的名字叫吉姆。 (2)你来自哪里?我来自加拿大。(3)你住在哪里?我住在渥太华。(4)欢迎来到中国。(5)伦敦是著名的。 (6)她来自哪里?她来自澳大利亚。(7)他来自哪里?他来自伦敦。(8)他来自美国吗?不,他不是。他来自法国。 wh开头的疑问词: 疑问代词:what 什么who 谁which 哪个whose 谁的 疑问副词: when 什么时候where 哪里why 为什么 Unit 2 语音:y--/ / yes,your,year,yellow s--/ / his,please,these,Tuesday e--/ / egg,get,bed,help 词汇:动词:弄干净;擦干净洗;冲洗水;给…...浇水 名词:鞋窗户衣服花家务劳动一餐(饭)盘子 感叹词:美味的 句型:(1)你会刷你的鞋吗?是的,我会。

(2)你会擦窗户吗?不,我不会,(3)让我们做家务劳动吧! (3)你正在做什么?我正在洗衣服。(5)你正在做饭吗?是的。我正在烹饪鸡肉。(6)妈妈正在做什么?她正在洗盘子。(7)我做不好。(8)午饭准备好了。 语法:现在进行时be(am/is/are)+动词-ing 正在做... 短语:做家务劳动刷我的鞋擦窗户擦地板洗衣服做饭 烹饪鸡肉浇花洗盘子打扫厨房玩电脑游戏做面包 Unit 3 语音:c--/ /nice,rice,face,dance c--/ /cap,call,cold,come 词汇:动词:想要吃等;等待喝;饮名词:面条食物土豆汤西红柿分;分钟;片刻蛋糕;糕点水果香蕉比萨饼梨子其他:到外面;在外某物 句型:(1)你(们)想要吃什么?我/我们想要吃饺子。(2)你(们)想要什么?我/我们想要米饭和土豆。


pen (钢笔) pencil (铅笔) pencil-case ( 铅笔盒) ruler(尺子) eraser(橡皮) crayon (蜡笔) book (书) bag (书包) sharpener (卷笔刀) school (学校) head (头) face( 脸) nose (鼻子) mouth (嘴) eye (眼睛)leg (腿) ear (耳朵) arm (胳膊)finger (手指) leg (腿) foot (脚)body (身体) red (红色的) yellow (黄色的)green (绿色的)blue (蓝色的) purple (紫色的) white (白色的) black (黑色的) orange (橙色的) pink (粉色的)brown (棕色的) cat (猫)dog (狗)monkey (猴子)panda (熊猫)rabbit( 兔子) duck (鸭子)pig (猪)bird (鸟) bear (熊)elephant (大象)mouse (老鼠)squirrel (松鼠) cake (蛋糕)bread (面包) hot dog (热狗) hamburger (汉堡包) chicken (鸡肉) French fries (炸薯条)coke (可乐)juice (果汁)milk (牛奶)water (水)tea (茶) coffee (咖啡) one (一) two (二) three (三)four (四) five (五)six( 六)seven (七) eight (八) nine( 九) ten( 十)doll (玩具娃娃) boat (小船)ball (球) kite (风筝)balloon (气球) car (小汽车)plane (飞机) 二.***牢记下面的对话,会让你的英语说得更好!更棒! ***配对:你能给下列问句配上合适的答句? 1、向别人问好应该说――A: Hello! (你好!) B: Hi! (你好!) 2、问别人的名字应该说-――A:What’s your name?你的名字是什么? B:My name’s Chen Jie. 我的名字是陈洁。 3、跟别人分手应该说――A: Bye.\ Good bye! (再见) B: See you.(再见) \ Goodbye.(再见) 4、A: I have a pencil\ bag\ruler 我有一只铅笔\书包\尺子。 B: Me too . 我也有。 5、早上相见应该说-――A: Good morning. 早上好! B: Good morning! 早上好! 6、下午相见应该说――A: Good afternoon! 下午好! B: Good afternoon! 下午好! 7、跟新朋友第一次见面――A: Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴。 B: Nice to meet you,too! 见到你也很高兴! 8、A: Let’s go to school! 让我们一起去上学! B: OK! 好的。 9、看见久未见面的朋友或者别人身体不舒服,你该这么打招呼-A: How are you? 你好吗? B: Fine,thank you我很好,谢谢你。 10、A: Let’s paint. 让我们画画。 B: Great! 棒极了! 11、A: Look I have a rabbit\monkey. 看,我有一只兔子\猴子。 B: Cool\Super \ Great \ Wow! 酷\超级好\棒极了\好厉害. 12、你想看下别人的东西,你该这么说――A: May I have a look? 我可以看一看吗? B: Sure. Here you are! 当然可以。给你! 13、请别人吃东西,你该这么说――A: Have some French fries. 吃一些炸薯条。 B: Thank you.\ No, thanks. 谢谢你。\不,谢谢你。


Unit8 SectionA(1a-2d)精品教案 I. Presentation Show the picture of the earth and tell students the earth is polluted now. For example: (1) The factories that burn coal pollute the air with a lot of black smoke. (2) Factories put waste into the river. (3) People should throw away litter in the bin. (4)There are more cars on the road. II. Learning Here are some words related to different kinds of pollution. Write them in the box below. Then add more words. loud music cars rubbish planes littering ships factories smoking building houses mobile phones noise pollution air pollution water pollution ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________


鲁教版初中英语教材结构分析 张店二中宋锋 一、教材的编排结构及编写意图 鲁教版初中英语教材分六年级上、下册,七年级上、下册,八年级上、下册及九年级 全册,共七册。其中,六年级上、下册及七年级上、下册每册各10个单元,八年级上、下册每册各8个单元,九年级全册共12各单元。每个单元分为Section A、Section B和Self Check 三部分,八年级和九年级教材在每个单元后面各增加一篇Reading。 Section A 这部分以一幅展示新功能在实际生活中运用的图画开篇,该图引出了学生在操练新语言 时需要用到的重点词汇。所有重点单词都在图中描绘出来,因此学生不需要解释或翻译就能 理解它们。新的表达方式呈现在人物头上的气泡中,从而使学生很容易理解和操练新语言。 接下来是几个循序渐进的操练活动。学生独立、结对或组成小组完成多中练习,每个 活动都围绕着目标语言,以一种简单而容易理解的方式展开。 每单元第二页的下端呈现的是一个语法聚焦框,该表格清晰呈现了对本单元语法点使 用的总结。第三页以一个互动活动结束,该活动采用游戏或其它全班活动的方式,学生在互相合作使用目标语言中完成本部分的学习。 Section B 这部分在循环A部分所呈现的语言同时,引出新的词汇。同时,B部分的活动帮助学生整合新的目标语言和前面单元学过的语言。这一循环强化了前面的语言学习,同时为新语言学习提供了更多操练的机会。 Self Check 这部分为自我检测,学生可以在课堂上完成,也可以作为课后作业完成。这些活动让 学生复习了所有重点词汇以及新学的语法项目。 Reading 通过一篇长篇课文的学习,进一步强化巩固本单元的语法和其它知识点,同时提高学 生的阅读理解的能力和写作能力。 二、各册教材主要话题、单元语言结构以及语言功能目标列表 六年级英语(上) 本教材共有10个单元,每单元分为Section A、Section B和Self Check三部分。 教材各部分编排结构及编写意图 Section A 1a呈现本单元的重点单词、语法结构及功能1b呈现任务型听力练习 1c结对练习核心对话 2a、2b呈现的是多种听力练习 2c呈现不同任务的结对练习 Grammar Focus呈现语法功能重点 3a—4b提供多种课堂活动 Section B 1a词汇扩展 1b新旧知识的综合运用


三年级英语知识点汇总(一)人称代词和物主代词 一、人称代词

二、物主代词 形容词性物主代词(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名词, 而名词性物主代词(mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs则相当于形容词性物主代词+名词,故其后不必加名词。如: -Is this your book? -No,it isn’t,it’s hers(her book). (Jim’s,Tom’s,Maria’s ) 【练习】 一、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。 1. This is(my / I)mother. 2. Nice to meet(your / you). 3.(He / His)name is Mark. 4. What’s(she / her)name? 5. Excuse(me / my / I). 6. Are(your / you)Miss Li? 7.(I/ My)am Ben. 8.(She / Her)is my sister. 9. Fine , thank(your / you). 10. How old is(he / his)? 二、用所给代词的正确形式填空。 1. These are ______ ( he ) brothers. 2. That is _______( she ) sister. 3. Lily is _______ ( Lucy ) sister.

4. Tom, this is _____ ( me ) cousin, Mary. 5. Now _____________(her parent)are in America. 6. Those __________ ( child ) are _____ ( I ) father’s students. 7. Do you know______ ( it ) name? 8. Mike and Tom __________ ( be ) friends. 9. Thanks for helping ________( I ). 10. ______(Ann安)mother is ______(we) teacher. 三、单项选择。 ( )1. My family ____ a big family. My family ____all here. A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is ( )2. This is __________. A. a picture of family B. a picture of my family C. a family’s picture D. a family of my picture ( )3. Let’s __________ good friends. A. be B. are C. is D. am ( )4. Is she your aunt? Yes, __________. A. she’s B. her is C. she is D. he is ( )5. Are __________ coats yours?Yes, they are . A. they B. these C. this D. there ( )6. Is that __________ uncle? No, it isn’t A. he B. she C. her D. hers ( )7. Mrs. Green is __________ grandmother.


鲁教版初三英语下册第一单元测试试题卷 Unit 1 Have you ever been to an amusement park? 【模拟试题】(答题时间:100分钟) I.语言运用。 (I)填入has /have been 或has/have gone. 1. Harry:I saw you in Annabel’s Restaurant last night. Diana:No, it wasn’t me. I ____ never _____ there. 2. Sam:Sally and T im are on holiday, aren’t they? Where _____ they _____? Sue:To Florida, again. Sam:How many times ______ they __________ there? Sue:This is their third visit. 3. Joe:Can I have an apple, please? Mary:We haven’t got any. I ______not _____ to the shops today. 4. Alan:Where’s Tony? Mary:He’s got a headache so he _____________ to bed. 5. Steve: (on the phone)Can I speak to Jill, please? Lynn:She’s out, I’m afraid. She __________ to the cinema this evening. Steve:Again? She ________ already __________ to the cinema three times this week. (II)用for 或since填空 1. Jill has been in Ireland _________ Monday. 2. Jill has been in Ireland _______ three days. 3. My aunt has lived in Australia_______15days. 4. Margaret is in her office. She has been there _______7 o’clock. 5. India has been an independent country ______ 1974. 6. The bus is late. We’ve been waiting ______ 20 minutes. 7. Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty______ many years. 8. Mike has been ill ________ a long time. He has been in hospital ______ October. (III)用for或since完成下列句子。 例:Jill is in Ireland now. She arrived there three days ago.
