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Unit 5 Grammar
1. 省略句的定义
省略是为了避免重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧 密连接的一种语法修辞手段。省略在语言中,尤 其在对话中,是一种十分普遍的现象。
2. 句子成分的省略
省略前提:主谓宾,定状表,如有重复可删掉。 省略原则:词语省略后,不致令人费解。 省略类型: 1. 心照不宣型(用于祈使句和某些现成的简单句中); 2. 承前省后型(用于对话、并列句和动词不定式中); 3. 可有可无型(用于宾从中的that、定从中作宾语
的whom,which,that和某些状从中); 4. 虚拟倒装型(只用于需要倒装的虚拟条件句中)。
省略一个从句或从句的一部分,可用so 或 not代替。常 用于此类的动词有believe , think, expect, guess, hope, imagine, suppose, say, tell等以及appear, seem, afraid etc.
(1) –Is he coming back tonight? --I think so (2) –She must be busy now? --If so, she can’t
. go with us.
(3) –Is she feeling better today? --I’m afraid not.
(4) –Do you think he will attend the meeting? --I guess not.
省略作宾语的不定式短语,只保留to,但如果该 宾语是动词be或完成时态,则须在之后加上be或 have:
(1) –Are you going there?--Yes, I’d like to
(go there).
(2) He didn’t give me the chance, though he had promised to
(3) –Are you an engineer? (--Ngo,ivbuet I mwanet the ch. ance).
(4) –He htason’tbfienished the task yet. --Well, he ought
to have
I know that he is a student.
(2) 在定语从句中,that在从句中作宾语时可省略.另外,凡 是进行时态和被动语态的定语从句都可省略关系代词和 be 动词。 He likes the songs (that) Andy Lau sings. He likes the songs (that are) sung by Andy Lau.
2、在某些状语从句中,从句的主语与主句的主语 一致时,可省去“主语+be”部分
(1)When(he was)still a boy of 10, he had to work
day and night.
(2)She tried her best though (she was) rather
poor in health. (3)While (you are) cycling,(you)don’t forget the traffic lights.
• 2. 英语中有一些固定的省略结构:
• a) 在以if, when, though, as if(好象) 等连词引导的从句中,如从句中的主要动词 是be ,常将主语it 和动词be 省略。
• If it is necessary, we shall send a telegram home. 如有必要,我们就往家 里打电报。it is
• Whenever it is possible, he will come to my help. 他一有可能就来帮助我。
3、连词if在部分虚拟条件句中可省略,但后面的 语序有变化。
(1) HIafdTthheeyyhhaaddhtaimd etime , they would certainly
have come and help us.
(2) Were I you, I would do the work better
If I were you
(3)Should there be a flood, what should we do?
If there should be a flood,
• 1. 省略句可同时省掉句子几个成份 • What exciting news! (= What
exciting news it is!) 多么令人激动 的消息啊! • Pity he’s failed. (= It is a pity that he’s failed.) 很遗憾,他失败 了。 • I like him more than her. (= I like him more than I like her.)
• 2. 被省略的部分一般可以在句子中补上, 但有时省略结构已经定型,如果把省略部分 补上,反而不合乎习惯。
• He is taller than I am. 他比我高。 (am之后省略tall,补上不合习惯)
• No parking. 禁止停车。(告示用语 = No parking is allowed here.)
• 有一些习惯表达很难补上所省略的部分: • Not at all. 不用谢。 • No matter. 不要紧。 • Thanks. 谢谢。
1. I haven’t seen you for ages. 2. It sounds like a good idea. 3. I am sorry to hear that. 4. walk this way, please! 5. Would you like joining us for a walk? 6. Would you like some more tea? 7. It doesn’t matter. 8. It is a pity you couldn’t come. 9. What/Such terrible weather! 10. Are you going to the supermarket?