



1)分词分为现在分词和过去分词,其否定形式为not + 分词。现在分词有一般式和完成式。一般式用来指和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生的行为;完成式(having + 过去分词)用来指在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作。如:

Being a student, he was interested in books.

Having studied in university for 3 years, he knows the way very well.


The question being discussed is important.

Having been criticized by the teacher, Li Ming gave up smoking.




The man standing by the windows is our teacher.

The excited people rushed into the building.


The teacher criticized the student who had broken the window.



The working people are the wisest.

The farmers working here are very busy.


I have brought very exciting news to you.

This is the most exciting story that I have ever read.


Did you tell the children playing there not to make any noise ?

Did you tell the children who were playing there not to make any noise ?

The American president visiting China now will return on Saturday.

The American president who is visiting China now will return on Saturday.

有些现在分词作定语时表示经常性动作或现在(或当时)的状态。此类现在人词若改为定语从句宜用一般时态,而不宜用进行时态。如:They stayed at a hotel standing (which stood) by the lake.

The temple standing (that stood) on top of the hill was built in the Ming Dynasty.


Look! The girl singing is Alice and one dancing is Mary.


Barking dogs seldom bite.

The person translating the songs can speak seven languages.


We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here.



This is a book written by a famous Chinese writer.

He is a man loved by all.

如果指的动作现在正在发生或是与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,可用现在分词的被动形式作定语。如:We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here.


You are invited to a party to be given at our institute at 6: 00 next Sunday evening.



Being a student, I must study hard. (原因)

While reading the book, he nodded from time to time. (时间)

The teacher stood there, surrounded by the students. (方式)

分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致。如果分词与句子的主语是主动关系,用doing表示与谓语动词同时发生或进行的动作,用having done表示在谓语动词之前发生的动作。如果分词与句子的主语是被动关系,则用done强调在谓语动词之前发生的动作,也可用having been done.


有时“with(without)+ 名词(或代词宾语)+ 分词”的结构,表示伴随状况。如:

He lay half dead, with all his ribs broken.

当分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语不同时,分词前必须加上自己的主语,此结构被称为独立主格结构。如:Time permitting, I will finish another lesson.


The news is inspiring.

The glass is broken.


We saw the teacher making the experiment.


I saw the girl getting on the bus.

I saw the girl get into the car and drive off.

注意:“have + 宾语+ 现在分词”表示主体使客体处于某状态或干什么事;“have + 宾语+ 过去分词”表示动作是别人做的或与主体意志无关。如:

He had his clothes washed. (他叫别人洗了衣服。)

We had the fire burning all day. (我们使火燃烧了一整天。)



独立主格结构的构成方式为:名词普通格或代词主格+ 现在分词/过去分词/不定式/名词/形容词/副词/介词短语等。


1.名词(或代词)+ 现在分词


The man lay there, his hands trembling.

有时,现在分词being或having been在独立主格结构中可以省略。如:

The weather(being)fine, we decided to go on an outing.

2.名词(或代词)+ 过去分词


The girls lay on her back, her hands crossed under her head.

3.名词(或代词)+ 形容词(短语)

形容词(短语)在独立主格结构中说明前面名词或代词的性质、状态等。如:The floor wet, we had to stay outside for a while.

4.名词(或代词)+ 副词


The meeting over, we all went home.

5.名词(或代词)+ 介词短语

The teacher came in, a book in his hand.

6.名词(或代词)+ 不定式(短语)


He suggested going for a picnic, Mary to provide the food.


The boy sat quietly in the office, (his) eyes closed/(a) book in (his) hand.




His homework done(=After his homework was done),Mary decided to go shopping. 2)表示原因

There being no buses(=Because there were no buses),we had to walk home.


Weather permitting(=If weather permits),we’ll go to play basketball.


He sat at the table, head down.


Many people joined in the work, some of them women and children.


Close to the bank, we saw deep pools, the water blue like the sky.

(三)有时用with/without引导的复合结构作状语,在句中可作定语或状语。如:Do you know the girl with a basket on her back ?


英语语法——独立主格 一、独立主格结构的特点 独立主格结构是一个名词或代词(作为逻辑主语),加上一个形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、不定式等在句中作状语。它有以下三个特点: (1) 独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 (2) 名词或代词与后面的形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、不定式等存在逻辑上的主谓关系。 (3) 独立主格结构一般用逗号与主句分开,但与主句之间不能使用任何连接词。 二、独立主格结构的形式 英语中,独立主格结构的形式是:名词或代词跟形容词、副词、介词短语、非谓语动词连在一起,构成独立主格结构。 1. 名词 / 代词 + 不定式。如: A house to be built, we must save every cent. 由于要建一座房子,我们必须节省每一分钱。Now here is Li Lei, Wei Fang to come tomorrow. 现在李蕾来了,魏方明天到。 2. 名词 / 代词 + -ing分词。如: The bus coming here soon, we should get everything ready. 汽车很快就要来了,我们应该把一切事情准备好。 Mother being ill, Li Lei was very worried. 母亲病了,李蕾非常焦急。 3. 名词 / 代词 + 动词的过去分词。如: His cup broken, he used his bowl instead. 茶杯破了,他就用碗来代替。 4. 名词 / 代词 + 形容词。如: The ground muddy, we should be careful. 地面泞泥,我们应该小心。 5. 名词 / 代词 + 副词。如: The class over, we all went out to play. 下课后,我们都出去玩。 6. 名词 / 代词 + 介词短语。如: Glasses in his hand, he asked where his glasses were. 手里拿着眼镜,他问他的眼镜哪去了。 三、独立主格结构的句法功能 独立主格结构在句子中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件和伴随等情况。 1. 作时间状语 School over, the students went home. 放学后,学生们都回家了。


过去分词专项训练 Part1: Fill in the blanks 1. When_______(ask) why he was late, he went red.(脸红了) 2. Deeply ____ (move) by the story, she began to cry. 3. He walked out of the house,_______ (follow)by his pet dog ______(name )Snoopy. 4. When______ (travel), you should take care of your health. 5. Although________ (shock) at the nationwide milk crisis, many mothers still showed they would choose the brands of milk powder cautiously instead of saying “no” to it. party. 6. Even if______ (invite), I won’t attend the evening = Even if I______ (invite), I won’t attend the evening party. 7 _______(dress )in white, she looks really pretty. 8 ________(see) the picture, I couldn’t help thinking of his good old days. 9 Can you see the boy ___________ (question) by the police now? 10 The building ___________ (complete) at the end of this year will be our library. 3. At last the man managed to make himself ___ with his ____ French. A. understood; broken B. understand; break C. understanding; breaking D. understand; broken 4. _____ to be one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, the computer is playing a more and more important role in social life. A. Considered B. Considering C. To consider D. Consider 5. Prices of daily goods ________ through a computer can be lower than store prices. A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying 6. Daring, Can’t you get _________ quickly, only fifteen minutes for the party! A. changing B. change C. to be changed D. changed 7. We must study as much as possible to meet the needs of a _________ world we face. A. ever-changed B. ever-change C. ever-changes D. ever-changing 8 The ________ story of the hero _______ everyone to tears. A. moving; moved B. moving; moving C. moved; moved D. moved; moving 9. After the storm there were quite a few ______ trees on the ground. Many people saw them ______ down when the storm came up. A. fallen; fall B. fallen; fallen C. fallen; to fall D. falling; fall 10. To our great grief, there were more than 10 million people _______ in the Wen Chuang earthquake. A. killing B. to be killed C. killed D. having been killed em big at all. 11 _____ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesn’t se A Compare B When comparing C Comparing D When compared 12. If one third of a person’s blood _______, they may die. A. lost B is lost C. is losing D. loses tudents ____ outside to come in right away. 13. It’s time for the class meeting. Tell the s A. playing B. to play C. played D. who play 14. ____ drivers are a danger to the safety of the public. A. Drank B. Drunk C. Drinking D. Drink - 1 - / 3


高中英语语法通霸3: 独立主格结构和with的复合结构 考点1.独立主格结构的构成 A.独立主格结构可以看作是把一个分句破坏了谓语 前面我们学过,两个分句放在一起而不用句子连词连接只以逗号隔开,这样的句子是错误的(参看P. 错误!未定义书签。错误!未找到引用源。)。 His homework was finished, he went out to play.× 这时,我们可以把一个分句的谓语破坏掉,把其谓语变成非谓语或不用动词。上句可以变为: His homework finished, he went out to play. 这样,这个分句被破坏后就成了独立主格结构。独立主格结构可以使句子更简练,有利于表达复杂内容。 破坏谓语的方法:含有be的,把be去掉(主系表结构表原因的,be也可变为being);不含be的,谓语和主语是主动关系的,把谓语变为现在分词;是被动关系的,把谓语变为过去分词;谓语表将来动作的,变为不定式。 练习:合并下列句子,把画线句子改为独立主格结构。 1.His wife was ill. He had to stay at home. 2.He arrived at home. His face was red. 3.My homework was finished. I went out to play football with my friends. 4.I rode a bike along the street. My dog was following me. 5.I had to stay at home. A lot of homework had to be done. 6.It rained last Sunday. I had to stay at home. B.独立主格结构的构成 ①名词(代词)+现在分词(与前面构成主动关系) Weatherpermitting,wearegoingtovisityou tomorrow. ②名词(代词)+过去分词(与前面构成被动关系) The test finished, we began our holiday. ③名词(代词)+不定式(表将来) He suggested going for a picnic, Mary to provide the food. ④名词(代词)+副词The game over, the crowd rushed to the exit. ⑤名词(代词)+形容词A hunter came in, his face red with cold. ⑥名词(代词) +介词短语 Hecameoutofthelibrary,alargebookunderhisarm. ⑦名词(代词) +名词The villagers, most of them women and children, were killed that night. 考点2.with的复合结构与独立主格结构的区别和联系看下面两个句子: ①W ith the traffic light green, the bus got moving. (前面粗体部分是with的复合结构)②The traffic light green, the bus got moving. (前面粗体部分是独立主格结构) 可以看出,作状语时,独立主格结构和with的复合结构在用法上是相同的,可以通过添、去with相互转换。但是作定语时,常用with的复合结构。 The woman with a baby on her back is my aunt. 背上背孩子的那个女的是我阿姨。 在独立主格结构中,当介词是in时,其前后的两个名词均可以不加任何成分(如物主代词或冠词),也不用复数。 但 with 的复合结构不受限制。 A robber burst into the room, knife in hand. A policeman ran after him, with a stick in his hand. 1.With a lot of difficult problems ______, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. settledB. settling C. to settle D. being settled 2.With all the magazines I needed ______, I left the post office. A. buying B. to buy C. bought D. to be bought 3.With electricity ______, we couldn’t drive the machine. A. was cut off B. being cut off C. cut off D. having cut off 4.Everything ______ into consideration, they believed themselves more and returned to their positions. A. to takeB. takenC. to be takenD. taking 5.______ more and more forests damaged, some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out. A. AsB. ForC. WithD. By 6.【2010山东】The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already ______ for a meal to be cooked. A. laid B. laying C. to lay D. being laid 7.Many students ______ around, I explained the story into details. A. stood B. standing C. to stand D. were standing 8.【2012辽宁】The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog ______ them. A. to follow B. following C. followed D. follows 9.Tom looked at Jenny, tears ______ his eyes, and shouted the words ______ in his heart for years. A. filling; having been hidden B. filled; hidden C. filling; hidden D. filled; hiding 10.With the boy ______ the way, we had no trouble ______ the way ______ to ZhongshanPark. A. leading; finding; leading B. to lead; found; to lead C. led; finding; led D. leading; found; led 11.______, he had to stay at home q329950885 looking after her. A. Being ill B. His wife was ill C. His wife being ill D. Because he was ill 12.______,John returned to school from his hometown. A. The summer vacation being over B. The summer


独立主格 10.1 独立主格 (一):独立主格结构的构成: 名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词; 名词(代词)+形容词; 名词(代词)+副词; 名词(代词)+不定式; 名词(代词) +介词短语构成。 (二)独立主格结构的特点: 1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词等是主谓关系。 3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。 举例: The test finished, we began our holiday. = When the test was finished, we began our holiday. 考试结束了,我们开始放假。 The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. = After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. 总统被谋杀了,举国上下沉浸在悲哀之中。 Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. 如果天气允许,我们明天去看你。 This done, we went home. 工作完成后,我们才回家。 The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier. 会议结束后,每个人都想早点回家。 He came into the room, his ears red with cold. 他回到了房子里,耳朵冻坏了。 He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 他夹着本厚书,走出了图书馆 10.2With的复合结构作独立主格 表伴随时,既可用分词的独立结构,也可用with的复合结构。 with +名词(代词)+现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语 举例: He stood there, his hand raised. = He stood there, with his hand raise. 典型例题 The murder was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back。

英语语法 -ing分词的用法

英语语法-ing分词的用法 ing分词的用法 1、-ing分词的构成 -ing分词是由动词原形加词尾-ing构成。-ing分词同样有时态和语态的变化,通常有下表几种形式(以do为例): 一般式完成式 主动形式doing 主动形式having done 被动形式being done 被动形式having been done -ing分词的否定形式是由not 加-ing分词构成。如: Not knowing his address, I could do nothing but stay at home and wait. 不知道他的地址,我只好在家里等着。 His not coming made all of us angry. 他没来使我们大家都很生气。 2. -ing分词的一般式和完成式: -ing分词的一般式表示和谓语动词所表示的动作同时进行的动作;完成式表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作。如: Being a student, he was interested in books. 作为一个学生,他对书本很感兴趣。 Not having studied his lessons very hard, he failed the examinations. 因为没有努力学习功课,他考试不及格。 3. -ing分词的被动式: -ing分词的被动式表示它的逻辑主语是-ing分词动作的承受者。根据-ing分词动作发生的时间,-ing分词的被动式有一般被动式(being done)和完成被动式(having been done)。如:The question being discussed is very important. 正在被讨论的问题很重要。 Having been criticized by the teacher, he gave up smoking. 被老师批评以后,他把烟戒了。 注意:在need, want, require, be worth等动词(短语)后,作宾语的-ing分词常用主动形式来表示被动含义。如: Your shoes need cleaning. = Your shoes need to be cleaned. 你的鞋需要清洗一下了。 This book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一看。 4. -ing分词的语法作用 -ing分词一方面具有动词的性质,另一方面也相当于一个名词或形容词、副词,在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语和补语等。 1)–ing分词(短语)作主语: Laying eggs is the ant queen's full-time job. 产卵是蚁后的专职工作。 Saying is easier than doing. 说比做容易。 在下面两种结构中,-ing分词也作主语。 ①为了保持句子平衡,通常用作形式主语,而把真实主语放在句末。如: It is no use crying over spilt milk. 作无益的后悔是没有用的。 It's a waste of time arguing about it. 辩论这事是浪费时间。 ②在There is no结构中,通常用-ing分词。如: There is no joking about such matters. 这种事开不得玩笑。


英语语法详解ed分词(三) Her eyes filled with tears, she did not notice his ing. 18) This , we went out to play. [A] was done[B] did[C] was dong[D] done 19) all his followers dead, the mander was taken by his enemy. [A] For[B] As[C] Because of[D] With 1) B为正确答案。空档前是一完整的句子,在没有连词的情况下,不能填充A和D;根据题意,"利息"是"通过…(被)挣来的",有被动之意,所以选B。 2) B为正确答案。此句的意思是"房子"被"遗弃,没人住",是被动的意义,而A和C都不符合这一点。D是动词不定式,一般表示将来或具体动作,所以D也不对。 3) D错。应去掉多余的"is",使-ED分词"examined"作后置定 语修饰"object"。C处并没有错。"present"是形容词,它与后面的 成分构成形容词短语修饰限定前面的"the ratio…carbon"。 4) D为正确答案。这句话前半句的-ED分词相当于一个时间状 语从句"When he was inaugurated a second time …",主句的主语应当是人,所以A和D为可能选项,但A中的look forward to后应跟名词,那么只有D为正确选项。 5) A为正确答案。本句的意思是"在显微镜下看,雪花……",显然这里的看是"被观察"之义。B、C、D都表示主动,A为正确选项。


第八章独立主格结构 非谓语动词作状语时,它的逻辑主语应该是句子的主语。但有时非谓语动词带有自己的主语,从而在结构上与主语不发生关系,我们称之为独立主格结构(Absolute Construction)。其实,所谓“独立主格结构”也并非真正独立,它还是一种从属的结构。 一、非谓语动词独立主格结构 在独立主格结构中,非谓语动词和它前面的名词或代词存在着逻辑上的主谓关系。 Such an able man to help you,you will surely succeed sooner or later. 有这么能干的人来帮你, 你迟早一定会成功的。(such an able man和to help you 之间存在着主谓关系) = Since such an able man will help you, you will surely succeed sooner or later. He seating himself at the desk, his mother began to tell him a story. 他在书桌旁坐好后,他母亲开始给他讲故事。(seating himself at the desk拥有了自己的逻辑主语he,注意是“主格”) = When he seated himself at the desk, his mother began to tell him a story. The key to the bike lost, he had to walk to school. 由于丢了自行车钥匙,他只好步行去学校。(lost 的逻辑主语是the key,lost 也可以用完成式having been lost) = Because the key to the bike had been lost, he had to walk to school. A.不定式“独立主格结构” 在“逻辑主语+动词不定式”结构中,动词不定式和它前面的名词或代词存在着逻辑上的主谓关系。这种结构也可用一个从句或并列分句来表达。 1.动词不定式用主动的形式 在独立主格结构中,动词不定式和它前面的名词或代词存在着逻辑上的主谓关系。 His mother to come tonight,he is busy preparing the dinner. 他母亲今晚要来,他正在忙着准备饭菜。(= As his mother is to come tonight, he is busy preparing the dinner.) ——will you go to the comcert tonight 你今晚去听音乐会吗? ——sorry.So many exerise-books to check,I rially can't afford any time. 对不起,有这多的作业要批,我真的抽不出时间。 (=Because I shall check so many exercise-books tonight,I really can't afford any time.) The four of us agreed on a division of labour,each to translate a quarter of the book. 我们四人同意分工干,每人翻译全书的四分之一。 (=The four of us agreed on a division of labour and each is to translate a quarter of the book.)Many trees,flowers,and grass to be planted,our newly-built school will look even more beautiful. 种上许多的树,花和草后,我们新建的学校将看上去更美。(=If many trees,flowers,and grass are planted,our newly-built school will look even more beautiful.) B.-ing形式“独立主格结构”


2016年必考英语语法——独立主格 1.独立主格与状语从句的转换 当状语从句的主语与主句的主语不是指同一个对象时,可用独立主格结构取代状语从句,但不再保留连词。如: Afterclasswasover(=Classbeingover/Classover),thestudentssoonlefttheclassroom.下课后,学生很快离开了教室。 2.不能省略being(havingbeen)的情形 在下列两种情况下,独立主格结构中的being(或havingbeen)不能省略: (1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语是代词时。如: ItbeingSunday,wewenttochurch.因为是星期天,我们去了做礼拜。 (2)在Therebeing+名词的结构中。如: Therebeingnobus,wehadtogohomeonfoot.因为没有公共汽车,所以我们不得不步行回家。 3.通常不用物主代词或冠词 在“名词(或代词)+介词短语”构成的独立主格结构中,一般不用形容词性物主代词和冠词。如: MissSmithenteredtheclassroom,bookinhand.史密斯先生走进了课室,手里拿着一本书。 比较with的复合结构:MissSmithenteredtheclassroom,withabookinhishand.

4.独立主格结构没有所有格形式 Thechief-editorarriving,webeganthemeeting.主编来了,我们开始开会。 比较动名词复合结构: Thechief-editor’sarrivingmadeusverysurprised. 5.独立主格的时态问题 独立主格结构作时间或原因状语时,可用完成时,表示该动作发生在谓语之前。如: Thelistenershavingtakentheirseats,theconcertbegan.听众坐好后,音乐会开始了。 Tomhavingbeenlateoverandover,hisbosswasverydisappointed.由于汤姆一再迟到,他的老板非常失望。


英语语法归纳之非谓语动词(动名词) 敬告: 以下内容,不参加高考等有语法题(语法单选、语法填空、短文改错等)考试的应用类学员无须深究,知道该语法结构的存在,及其充当的句子成分和功能即可,应多花时间练习听说读写,否则就背离了语言学习真正目的。应试类学员有时间可以比较分析,基本搞懂。 过去分词长什么样?规则的情况下与动词过去式相同,当然有不规则的情况;过去分词可以充当定语、状语、补语、定语,不可能充当主语、宾语; 过去分词不像现在分词有多种体现时态和语态的形式,只有一种形式done表示。 1、过去分词可以充当主谓宾补句型中的宾语补语;它与宾语是被动关系,或者说它与宾语是动宾关系。 (1) We found the fish eaten by our cat. (2) I can’t make myself understood because of my poor English. 2、过去分词可以充当定语;充当定语当然是修饰主语、宾语等名性的结构;表达过去分词的动作是被动的或完成,或即被动又完成的。 (1) The party had last night (which was had last night) was very cheerful. (2) USA is a developed country (a country which has been developed). (3) A great number of students questioned (who had been questioned) said they were forced to practice the piano. 3、过分词可以充当状语,它与主句主语是被动关系,或者说它与主句的主语是动宾关系; 过去分词一般只强调被动动作而不强调时间,多用于条件和原因状语;(1) Taken in time, the medicine will turn out to be very effective. If the medicine is taken in time, it will turn out to be very effective. (2) Offered an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous.


学习必备欢迎下载 20XX届高三英语语法复习(11) 非谓语动词---过去分词(III) 一、不规则动词过去分词表 (1)AAA型 cost(花费)cost cost cut(割)cut cut hit(打)hit hit hurt 伤害)hurt hurt let(让)let let put(放)put put read (读)read read (2) AAB型 beat(跳动)beat beaten (3) ABA型 become(变成)became become come(来)came come run(跑)ran run (4) ABB型 dig(挖)dug dug get(得到)got got hang(吊死)hanged hanged hang(悬挂)hung hung hold(抓住)held held shine(照耀)shone shone sit(坐)sat sat win (赢)won won meet(遇见)met met keep (保持)kept kept sleep(睡)slept slept sweep(扫)swept swept feel(感觉)felt felt smell(闻)smelt smelt leave(离开)left left build(建设)built built lend(借出)lent lent send (传送)sent sent spend(花费)spent spent lose (丢失)lost lost burn (燃烧)burnt burnt learn(学习)learnt learnt mean(意思是)meant meant catch(抓住)caught caught teach(教)taught taught bring(带来)brought brought fight (战斗)fought fought buy(买)bought bought think(想)thought thought hear (听见)heard heard sell(卖)sold sold tell(告诉)told told say(说)said said find(找到)found found have/has(有)had had make(制造)made made stand(站)stood stood understand明白understood understood (5) ABC型 begin(开始)began begun drink(喝)drank drunk ring(铃响)rang rung sing (唱)sang sung swim(游泳)swam swum blow(吹)blew blown draw (画)drew drawn fly(飞)flew flown grow(生长)grew grown know(知道)knew known throw(投掷)threw thrown show(出示)showed shown break(打破)broke broken choose(选择)chose chosen forget(忘记)forgot forgotten (forgot) speak(说,讲)spoke spoken wake(醒)woke woke drive(驾驶)drove driven eat(吃)ate eaten fall(落下)fell fallen give(给)gave given rise(升高)rose risen take(取)took taken mistake(弄错)mistook mistaken ride(骑)rode ridden write(写)wrote written do(做)did done go(去)went gone lie(平躺)lay lain see(看见)saw seen wear (穿)wore worn be ( am, is, are )(是)was, were been 二、形式与含义


2019高考英语语法:withwithout引导的独立主格结 构 withwithout 引导的独立主格结构 介词withwithout +宾语+宾语的补足语可以构成独立主格结构,上面讨论过的独立主格结构的几种情况在此结构中都能体现。 A.with+名词代词+形容词 He doesn誸like to sleep with the windows open. 他不喜欢开着窗子睡觉。 = He doesn誸like to sleep when the windows are open. He stood in the rain, with his clothes wet. 他站在雨中,衣服湿透了。 = He stood in the rain, and his clothes were wet. 注意: 在”with+名词代词+形容词”构成的独立主格结构中,也可用已形容词化的-ing形式或-ed形式。 With his son so disappointing,the old man felt unhappy. 由于儿子如此令人失望,老人感到很不快乐。 With his father well-known, the boy didn誸want to study. 父亲如此出名,儿子不想读书。 B.with+名词代词+副词 Our school looks even more beautiful with all the lights on. 所有的灯都打开时,我们的学校看上去更美。

= Our school looks even more beautiful ifwhen all the lights are on. The boy was walking, with his father ahead. 父亲在前,小孩在后走着。 = The boy was walking and his father was ahead. C.with+名词代词+介词短语 He stood at the door, with a computer in his hand.或 He stood at the door, computer in hand. 他站在门口,手里拿着一部电脑。 = He stood at the door, and a computer was in his hand. Vincent sat at the desk, with a pen in his mouth.或 Vincent sat at the desk, pen in mouth. 文森特坐在课桌前,嘴里衔着一支笔。 = Vincent sat at the desk, and he had a pen in his mouth. D.with+名词代词+动词的-ed形式 With his homework done, Peter went out to play. 作业做好了,彼得出去玩了。 = When his homework was done, Peter went out to play. With the signal given, the train started. 信号发出了,火车开始起动了。 = After the signal was given, the train started. I wouldn誸dare go home without the job finished. 工作还没完成,我不敢回家。


高考英语语法:独立主格 一.构成: n / pron.+ 不定式/ 现在分词/过去分词/ 形容词/ 副词/ 介词短语. 其中前一部分是后一部分的逻辑主语 二.用法: 独立主格结构通常用逗号与主句隔开, 位置比较灵活, 主要用于书面语, 特别是文学体裁, 在口语中较为罕见. 独立主格结构在句中通常作状语, 表示方式, 时间, 原因, 条件等 独立主格结构都可变为with / without + O + OC的结构 1.n / pron +不定式 a. A num ber of officials f ollowed the emperor, some to hold his robe. 2. n / pron +现在分词 a. Today being Sunday, we have no school. b. Time permitting, we’ll stay longer. c. He lay on his back, his eyes looking straight upwar d. d. Spring having come, it is getting warmer and w armer. e. The last bus having gone, we had to walked home. 3. n / pron +过去分词 a. All things considered, I think I should not have taken the jo b. b. His homework done, Jim decided to go and see the play. c. Her shirt caught on a nail, she could not move. 4. n / pron +形容词 a. The manager sat quietly in the office, ( his ) eyes closed. 5. n / pron +副词 a. The meetin g over, all the workers went home.


动词-ed分词的用法 一、基本概念 1.分词的定义 1.动词的-ed 分词即过去分词,是由动词的过去分词构成,一般只有一种形式。 2.过去分词的语法作用:过去分词一方面具有动词的性质,另一方面也相当于一个形容词或副词(相当于被动语),在句中可以作表语、定语、状语和补足语。 1)过去分词作表语,主要表示主语的心理感觉或所处的状态。如: Don't touch the glass because it is broken. 不要碰那个杯子,它是坏的(它是被打坏的)。He is quite pleased with the design of the dress. 她很喜欢那礼服的式样。 2)过去分词做定语:单个的过去分词作定语一般放在名词的前面,相当于一个定语从句。 如:The excited people rushed into the building. 激动的人们奔进了大楼。 (excited people 被激动了的人) We need more qualified teachers. 我们需要更多合格的教师。(被资质认证过的老师,或经过资质认证的老师。)过去分词短语作定语通常放在被修饰的词后面,相当于一个定语从句。如: Is there anything planned for tomorrow? 明天有什么活动吗? The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager. 外国专家提出来的建议被经理采纳了。 过去分词作定语也可用作非限制性定语,前后用逗号隔开。如: The books, written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people. 这些书是鲁迅写的,受到了许多中国人民的喜爱。 The meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success. 这次会议获得很大的成功,共有一千个学生出席了。 3)过去分词做状语: -ed 分词和-ing 分词作状语一样,也可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。 ①表时间,相当于一个时间状语从句,有时过去分词前可加连词when 或while 来强调时 间概念。如: Seen from the top of the hill, the city looked like a big garden. 从山顶上看,这个城市
