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【剑桥BEC真题集第二辑】TEST 1

A. 客户关系:让客户感到受到重视的重要性

B. 公司发展:控制公司扩张的重要性

C. 营销:如何确保公司的代理商始终保持高效率


A. Customer relatio ns: the importa nee of maki ng customers feel valued.

In my opinion, mai ntai ning good customer relatio ns is of vital importa nee to a bus in ess. If not, you may have no way to sell your products or services to customers. Then, there is no cha nee for you to make money. In order to establish good relati ons with your customers, you should make customers feel valued. There are a nu mber of ways to make them feel valued. Firstly, you should have a friendly attitude toward them and show respect for them. From time to time, ask them for their opinions and suggesti ons for improveme nt of your products or services. Secon dly, provide them with good after-sale service. When they run into some problems or difficulties, offer them with help as soon as possible. When someth ing has gone wrong with your products they have purchased, send your tech nicians as soon as possible.

B. Compa ny growth: the importa nee to a compa ny of con trolli ng expa nsion

As we know, every compa ny no wadays seeks for growth and developme nt in order to survive in the highly competitive world. But we have to remember that expa nsion should be made in a con trolled manner, because, if not, serious problems will be brought about, or even worse, a great threat will be caused to the survival of the company. For in sta nee, a departme nt store in our city used to be very prosperous before it sought for expa nsion. A few years ago, it bega n establish ing branch stores in other cities throughout the provi nee. With in a period of two years, scores of bran ches had bee n sep up in and outside the provi nee. At first, bus in ess was okay and everythi ng went well. Then, some problems bega n to occur due to lack of funds and skilled man agerial staff. A couple of years later, the departme nt store simply went ban krupt. This is a less on for us to lear n.

C. Marketi ng: how to en sure that age nts maintain a high level of effective ness whe n represe nting a compa ny.

As we all know, sig ning an age ney agreeme nt with a firm is a customary practice in market in g. In order to en sure they mai ntai ns a high level of effect iven ess, I thi nk, firstly make an attractive en courageme nt program, that is, to set up clear target for the age nt. If the age nt reaches the set target, a dece nt reared will be offered. If he fails to do so, he will not get the commissi on. Second, check and supervise the process or progress of the marketi ng campaig n laun ched by your age nt. If someth ing has gone wron g, immediately correct it. If your age nt runs into difficulties, you should offer a hand without any delay .In other words, let your age nt know that he is trusted and he is not work ing alone.


A. Our company is planning to introduce a suggestion scheme so as to encourage staff members at all levels to con

tribute ideas and suggesti ons. Do you have any ideas as to the ways of sett ing up such a scheme so that all staff can make contributions?

B. I have heard of that. I think this is quite good for the future developme nt of our compa ny. As for ways of sett ing up

such a scheme, the first step come to my mind is to get a group of people together to organize a committee. The major task for them is to draw up some staff members.

A. That' sounds good. But who do you think should be chose n as the member of the committee? The head of each

departme nt, or some professi onal people from outside?

B. Some departme nt leaders can be in eluded, but not every one of them. We may select a couple of senior con sulta

nts of our compa ny to be put on the committee. And ordi nary staff members should also be represe nted in the committee, so that voices from shop floors can heard.

A. Yeah. I think each departme nt may prepare a box for collect ing ideas and the box should be put at a place where all

staff can have an easy access. A special colu mn can be created on the compa ny ' website for idea collect ion since internet is almost available for all staff members.

B. As for the evaluation of suggestions, of course it is the committee that will have the final say. The committee is

supposed to draw up specific sta ndards for the sake of evaluat ing, qua ntitative and finan cial sta ndards, for in sta
