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Chapter 1 Colonial America

★1607 Jamestown, Virginia:the first permanent English settlement in America

★1620 Plymouth, Massachusetts: the second permanent English settlement in America

★Captain John Smith: the first American writer writing in English

★Anne Bradstreet: the first American woman poet

Major work: The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America (1650)

Contemplations (9) on P. 17 (熟悉这首诗歌)

To My Dear and Loving Husband《致我亲爱的丈夫》

★Philis Wheatley: the first black woman poet in American literature

★Edward Taylor: the most famous poet in the colonial period

Huswifery on P. 19 (熟悉这首诗歌)

★Roger Williams: The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience (1644)

Translated the Bible into the Indian tongue

★John Winthrop: ―Model of Christian Charity‖(〈基督慈善之典范〉)

The History of New England (two volumes, 1825, 1826)

(〈新英格兰史〉) 1630 --- 1649 in diary

★Thomas Paine: Common Sense, The American Crisis, The Rights of Man, The Age of Reason ★Philip Freneau: Poet of the American Revolution

The Wild Honeysuckle, The Indian Burying Ground, The Dying Indian: Tomo


★Charles Brockden Brown: the first important American novelist

Wieland, Edgar Huntly, Ormond, Aurthur Mervyn

Chapter 2 Edwards, Franklin, Crevecoeur

★the 18th century: Age of Reason and Enlightenment

★Jonathan Edwards: America’s first systematic philosopher

The Freedom of the Will, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

★Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac


★Hector St. John de Crevecoeur: Letters from an American Farmer

Chapter 3 American Romanticism, Irving, Cooper

★Washington Irving: the first American writer to win international acclaim

The Sketch Book: Rip V an Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

★James Fenimore Cooper: Leatherstocking Tales (五个故事的题目)

Natty Bumpo (人物形象)

Chapter 4 New England Transcendentalism, Emerson, Thoreau ★Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature (the Bible and manifesto of New England Transcendentalism)

The American Scholar (America’s Declaration of Intellectual


★Henry David Thoreau: Walden, or Life in the Woods

Chapter 5 Hawthorne, Melville

★Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter, Twice-Told Tales, The House of the Seven Gables, The Blithedale Romance, The Marble Faun, Young Goodman Brown

★Herman Melville: Moby Dick, Omoo, Mardi, Redburn, White Jacket, Pierre

Chapter 6 Whitman, Dickinson

★Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass; free verse; Song of Myself

★Emily Dickinson: Of the 1775 poems, only 7 poems were published in her lifetime.


Chapter 7 Edgar Allan Poe

★Edgar Allan Poe: The Fall of the House of Usher, The Philosophy of Composition, The Poetic Principle, The Raven,To Helen
