马关条约,也叫马关支配条约(The Treaty ofMAGuan),是一份在中国清朝时期与英国签署的条约,于1858年9月26日在北京签署。
3.The regime of GuoMin Party: (1)GuoMin Party represents the interest of bureaucratic capitalism and big landlords (2)China became one of the five permanent members of UN Security Council. (3) In Yalta Agreement, China had to allow the independence of Outer Mongolia.
New China ( 1949 ~
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1. From 1949 to early 1950th (1)Chinese people have enjoyed independent diplomacy for the first time and they could control their own fate from then on. (2)The Soviet was the first country to recognize new China (3)“Draft Final Communique of the Asian-African Conference” (also known as the “Bandung Declaration”) (万隆宣言) (4)Premier Zhou brought forth “Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (和平共处五项原则)
The history of China’s diplomacy
Old China (1861 ~ 1949) : 1. Qing Dynasty: (1)The Ministry of Foreign Affairs(总理各国事务衙门) was born in 1861。 (2)In April 1895, Qing Dynasty signed the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki(马关条约). (3) In 1901, the government of Qing Dynasty signed the socalled Boxer Indemnity .(辛丑条约) 2. 1912~1927 China still suffered from unfair treaty imposed on Chinese people because of her weakness . e.g. In 1919, China was severely shamed in Paris Peace Conference
中日马关条约(The Treaty of Shimonoseki)The Treaty of Shimonoseki(1895)The first paragraphChinese that North Korea the country is indeed no lack of independent country, where it is a loss of its independent system, such as the country toChinese repair contribution ceremony, and later the entire line must waste.Second paragraphChinese will open the right of local management, and the local military fortress all factories and all public objects, never let onThis.First, under the delimitation of Fengtian province within the south to the Yalu River where the river back against Anping estuary, and transferred to the mouth of the PhoenixPhoenix City, Haicheng, and Yingkou, to the south line into place. All the cities that are open before are included in the demarcation line.The line reaches the Liaohe River in Yingkou, and flowsdownstream to Haikou, with each other as the center of the river. The South and the north shore of the Yellow Sea bay,The islands in Fengtian were also made.Two. The island of Taiwan and all its affiliated islands.Three, the Penghu islands, the British Greene time longitude Baishijiu degrees up to 120 degrees, and thirty-three degrees north latitude to twoIslands between fourteen degrees.Third paragraphMap and its adhesion contained in the preceding paragraph, delimit boundaries, wait until this about approval reversed, the two countries should send officials to the twoFor the public, with the border demarcation Committee, on the spot investigation, determine. In case of closing the national boundaries about terrain or geographyHave to love the inconvenience, each member when properly refers to change. The members of the committee should be dealt with promptly as soon as possibleThe year end, but in each of the members has better delimitation, the governments of the two countries without a look before, should according to the covenantBoundary delimitation is positive.Fourth paragraphChinese about the library Pingyin and Erwanwanliang in Japan, as the military compensation. This paragraph is divided into eight times. The first fifty millionTwo, the exchange should be made within six months after the approval of this agreement. The second fifty million and two shall be exchanged for twelve months after the approval of this AgreementInternal cross clearing. The balance shall be divided equally into six equal years and payable annually.Second times within three years, third times within four years, fourth times within five years, fifth times within six yearsQing, sixth times within seven years to pay clear. The annual marks are exchanged after the approval of this agreement. After the first indemnity came to Qing dynasty,The amount of money paid for each year should be increased by five per yearListen to china. In the three year since the date of ratification of the treaty, all the internal energy can be paid off, unless the interest payments have been paid or two yearsHalf or less than two and a half years later, the remaininginterest is still free.Fifth paragraphAfter the ratification of this agreement, within two years, Japan will allow China to transfer to the people of other places who wish to move to other placesHe sold all but the industry receded out of bounds, yet after full migration, action should be regarded as Japanese subjects. Another province of Taiwan should beFor the approval of about after the exchange, the two parties immediately minister to Taiwan, only about two months after the approval of a clear transfer.Sixth paragraphIn Japan all the Charter, so time and self is never waste. As soon as the Chinese about about after the approval of supipes and PlenipotentiaryThe full minister appointed by the Institute shall enter into a treaty of shipping and a land trade charter in conjunction with it. The new Contracting chapter of the two countries should be based on ChinaWith the west of the line to see the charter. Since the date of ratification of the exchange, the new Contracting chapter has not been implemented, all of JapanThe official and commercial ships sailing craft subjects overland trading, and China most available country gift of vision protection, all is.About China will open to two sections of assignment, and sealed plenipotentiary date, six months before.First, this Chinese has opened ports, should be set under the quasi everywhere, standing as a trading port to the Japanese people toThirdly, to make business process. Set all ports, according to the Haikou business are opened or open to the mainland town of Zhang ChengyiWe should enjoy all the merits, benefits, benefits and so on.(1) Jingzhou Prefecture, Hubei, Shashi. (two) Sichuan ProvinceChongqing prefecture. (three) Suzhou Prefecture, Jiangsu province. (four) Hangzhou Prefecture, Zhejiang province. The Japanese government has to send consular officers to the front officeMouth stationed.Second. The Japanese ships have to drive down the port to accompany the passengers to transport goods: (1) tracing the Yangtze River from Hubei, Yichang, and so onChongqing Prefecture of Sichuan province. (two) from theShanghai and Suzhou canal and into the Wusongjiang palace in Hangzhou prefecture. China and Japan have not agreedOn the voyage charter before export shipping according to foreign ship Chinese inland waterway line to see the articles of Association for illumination.Third, Japanese subjects purchase goods and goods in the mainland of China, if they are destined for their own goods, or will import goods to the mainland, desireInterim deposit stack, except it lose tax bills sent all the features of travel, temporary rented warehouse inventory.Fourth, Japanese citizens have engaged in the process in China port cities took the machine manufacturing, and will let downImport only pay the import tax. Japanese subjects made all the goods in China, transporting inland taxes and inland taxesClass Shiite, and Chinese with mainland and hosting the benefits that date warehouse goods transported into the Chinese subjects for development, to be excellentExamples are excluded, and they are all the same.Then for plus let things be added rules, namely loading referred to in this subsection treaty in sailing.Seventh paragraphThe Japanese Army shall, within three months after the exchange is approved by the Japanese army, withdraw it, but shall be dealt with in accordance with the sub clause.Eighth paragraphIn order to ensure the earnest implementation of the provisions within the agreement, the Japanese army was allowed to temporarily defend the Weihai Wei of Shandong province. Also in ChinaThe Chinese government and the Japanese government have confirmed that the first and 22 reparations have been cleared up and the exchange of commercial vessels has been approved and exchangedJapan will be allowed to withdraw the army as soon as possible. If China doesn'tThat is to say, Japan will not withdraw the army until the end of the Qing dynasty.Ninth paragraphThe two countries should exchange about approval, will be all the prisoners were returned. China will be sent back to Japan by Japanese captives, not yetTo abuse or if a sin. China will probably release Japaneseagents who believe that military spies or suspected Japanese are releasedAbout the Japanese army battle involves all the China subjects, almost to the authorities, and ordered a company shall not be good to catch.Tenth paragraphWhen the exchange date is approved, it should be based on the interest rate war.Eleventh paragraphSince it was approved by his Majesty the great emperor of the Qing Dynasty and His Majesty the great Imperial Emperor of Japan, he was appointed to the twenty-one year of Guangxu ten, AprilFour, the Japanese Meiji twenty-eight years at the beginning of May eight, the Yantai exchange. For which the two countries signed a plenipotentiary to.Abide by.The Qing Dynasty imperial first plenipotentiary Prince Taifu Wen Huadian bachelor Beiyang minister who a Zhili Governor Su Yi countLi HongzhangThe Qing Dynasty imperial plenipotentiary envoys dingdaibefore twoLi JingfangThe Prime Minister of the great Japanese Empire, the Prime Minister of the cabinet, from two first rank countItou HirofumiThe Japanese Empire solely for the Minister of foreign affairs minister from two Hoon a ViscountLu AozongguangTwenty-one years of Guangxu in March 23rdThe two write off claims.Twenty-eight years of Meiji April 17th。
英文马关条约Treaty of Shimonoseki2005年4月17日是马关条约签订110周年。
110年前的今天,北洋大臣李鸿章在日本马关签订了《马关条约》(Treaty of Shimonoseki),割让辽东半岛、台湾及澎湖列岛给日本;赔偿日本军费银二亿两……Shimonoseki, Treaty of, Apr. 17, 1895, ending the First Sino-Japanese War. It was negotiated and signed by Ito Hirobumi for Japan and Li Hung-chang for China. Harsh terms were imposed on a badly defeated China. The treaty provided for the end of Chinese suzerainty over Korea, giving Korea independence, and for the cession to Japan of Taiwan, the Pescadores islands, and Port Arthur and the Liaodong peninsula. Japan also imposed a large indemnity and forced China to open five new treaty ports.A week after the treaty was signed, however, Russia, France, and Germany together—in the so-called Triple Intervention—demanded that Japan renounce claims to Port Arthur and the Liaodong peninsula. Japan reluctantly agreed (Nov., 1895), but China was forced to pay an additional indemnity.1895年4月17日签订的马关条约,结束了第一次中日战争。
作 者 简介 :权 赫 秀 ( 1 9 6 2 一 ) ,男 ,朝 鲜族 , 吉林 磐 石 人 ,辽 宁 大学 历 史学 院教 授 、博 士 导 师 , 辽 宁
O F S H I M O N O S E K I ,1 8 9 5 ” ,④ 意为 “ 下之 关条约 , 1 8 9 5 ”,似乎不 是原来 就有 的正式条 约名称 ,极有 可能是
① 外耪省编 纂:《 日本外交文言》 第二十八卷第二册 , 柬京 日本国除速合馅畲 , 昭和二十八年 , 第3 7 1页;海关总署《中 外旧约章 大全》编 纂委 员会编 : 《 中外 旧约章 大全》第 1 分卷 ( 1 6 8 9 -1 9 0 2年)下册 ,北 京:中国海关 出版 社 ,2 0 0 4年 ,
“ 媾和 条约 ,此处暂 以前述 中文资料 为准,至 于如何产 生上述 条约名称差异 ,仍有待 于进 一步查核 。 ③ 外榜省鳊 纂 : 《日本外交文言》 第二十八 卷第二册 ,第 3 6 3页。
④ C in h a T h e Ma r i i t me C u s t o ms , T r e a i t e s , C o n v e n i t o n s , e t c . , C h i n a nd a F o r d n g S t a t e s , V o 1 . Ⅱ, S e c o n d E d i i t o n , P . 5 9 0 ; 海 关总 署
《 中外旧约章 大全》编 纂委 员会编 : 《 中外旧约章 大全》 第 1 分卷 ( 1 6 8 9 — 1 9 0 2年)下册 ,第 1 2 2 1页。
五口通商条约英文版本TREATY OF KANAGAWABetween the United States of America and the Empire of JapanThe United States of America and the Empire of Japan, desiring to establish good relations and promote commerce between the two nations, have agreed to the following terms:Article IThe Empire of Japan agrees to open the following ports for the purposes of trade: Shimoda and Hakodate. These ports shall be open to American vessels for a period of one year starting from the signing of this treaty.Article IIAmerican ships shall be granted the freedom to enter any ports or harbors in Japan for the purposes of taking on provisions, repairs, or for any other urgent necessity.Article IIIThe United States shall be allowed to station a consul at Shimoda to protect the rights and interests of American citizens and to promote trade between the two nations. The Empire of Japan shall extend the same privileges and immunities to the American consul as are provided to consuls of other countries.Article IVThe United States and Japan agree to the principles of extraterritoriality, which means that American citizens residing in Japan shall be subject to American laws and jurisdiction, ratherthan Japanese laws.Article VThe United States and Japan agree to provide assistance and protection to each other's ships in case of shipwreck, piracy, or any other emergencies. They also agree to cooperate in suppressing piracy in the waters around their respective territories.Article VIIf any American ships or citizens suffer injuries or damages within Japanese territory, the Japanese government shall pay full and prompt compensation to the aggrieved parties. Likewise, if any Japanese ships or citizens suffer injuries or damages within American territory, the United States government shall pay full and prompt compensation to the aggrieved parties.Article VIIThis treaty shall be ratified by the governments of both the United States and the Empire of Japan, and shall take effect immediately upon exchange of ratifications.Done at Kanagawa, this thirty-first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four.__________________________________Matthew C. PerryCommodore, United States Navy__________________________________Hayashi AkiraAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Empire of Japan。
中华人民共和国外交部声明Foreign Ministry statement2012年9月10日,日本政府不顾中方一再严正交涉,宣布“购买”钓鱼岛及其附属的南小岛和北小岛,实施所谓“国有化”。
Regardless of repeated strong representations of the Chinese side, the Japanese government announced on 10 September 2012 the “purchase” of the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated Nan Xiaodao and Bei Xiaodao and the implementation of the so-called “nationalization” of the islands. This constitutes a gross violation of China’s sovereignty over its own territory and is highly offensive to the 1.3 billion Chinese people. It seriously tramples on historical facts and international jurisprudence. The Chinese government and people express firm opposition to and strong protest against the Japanese move.钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来就是中国的神圣领土,有史为凭、有法为据。
《马关条约》(Treaty of Shimonoseki)是1895年4月17日(光绪二十年3月23日)中国清政府与日本签订的条约。
Diaoyu islands and near seas contain plenty of oil resources . It aslo has enormous economic value in other aspects. Zhejiang, Fujian and Taiwan fishermen often go to this area fishing . In addition, it has military value.
the Diaoyu Islands and other
islands to U.S.
• On September 8th in 1951,Japan and America signed the Treaty of San Francisco.
In 1970, The United States return back the jurisdiction of ryukyu(琉球) islands and also give Japan DiaoYu islands. In 1972, China and Japan deferred discussing the problem.
30-08-2012 US claims it has no position on Diaoyu islands
Japan plan to buy Diaoyu islands
09-03-2012 China stands firm on Diaoyu Islands issue China urges US not to take sides in Diaoyu Islands
3.The origin
of the debate
颐和园之美:古典园林的魅力与韵味Nestled in the heart of Beijing, the Summer Palace, or Yiheyuan, stands as a testament to the splendor and elegance of classical Chinese gardening. A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Summer Palace embodies the essence of imperial园林艺术, combining natural beauty with meticulous human design.A visit to the Summer Palace is a journey through history, culture, and natural beauty. The vast complex, once the private resort of the imperial family, now welcomes millions of visitors each year who come to appreciate its timeless charm.The Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake form the core of the Summer Palace. The hill, with its lush vegetation and scenic pavilions, offers a panoramic view of the surrounding gardens and the distant cityscape. The Kunming Lake, on the other hand, reflects the beauty of the surrounding buildings, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere.The Summer Palace is famous for its intricate architectural details and beautiful landscapes. The Hall of Supreme Harmony, with its richly decorated ceiling and elaborate carvings, is a prime example of imperial architecture. The Seventeen Arches Bridge, spanning the Kunming Lake, offers a picturesque view of the water andthe surrounding foliage.In addition to its visual splendor, the Summer Palace also holds significant historical value. It was here that many important events in Chinese history unfolded,including the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.The Summer Palace is not just a place of historical and cultural significance; it is also a haven for nature lovers. The gardens are a sanctuary for wildlife, and the park is a popular destination for birdwatchers and photographers.Visiting the Summer Palace is an unforgettable experience. It offers a unique glimpse into the grandeur of imperial China, the beauty of natural landscapes, and the depth of Chinese culture and history. Whether one comes to appreciate the artistry of the gardens, to explore thehistorical significance of the site, or simply to enjoy a peaceful stroll in a beautiful setting, the Summer Palaceis sure to leave a lasting impression.**颐和园之美:古典园林的魅力与韵味**颐和园,又称夏宫,坐落在北京的心脏地带,是中国古典园林艺术的辉煌与优雅的见证。
• 第三款 前項所載及粘附本約之地圖所劃疆界,俟本 約批准互換之後,兩國應各選派官員二名以上為公同 劃定疆界委員,就此踏勘確定疆界,若遇本約所訂疆 界於地形或治理所關有礙難不便等情,各該委員等當 妥為參酌更定。 • 各該委員等當從速辦理界務,以期奉委之後限一年竣 事,但遇各該委員等有所更定劃界,兩國政府經認准 以前,應據本約所定劃界為正。
• 第七款 日本軍隊現駐中國境內者應於本約批准互換 之後三個月內撤回,但須依照次項所定辦理。 • 第八款 中國為保明認真實行約內所定條款,聽允日 本軍隊暫行佔守山東省威海衛,又於中國將本約所訂 第一第二兩次賠項交清,通商行船約章亦經批准互換 之後,中國政府與日本政府確定周全妥善辦法將通商 口岸關稅作為剩項並息之抵押, • 日本可允撤回軍隊,倘中國政府不即確定抵押辦法, 則未經交清末次賠項日本,應不允撤回軍隊,但通商 行船約章未經批准互換以前雖交經賠項,日本仍不撤 回軍隊。
• 《馬關條約》是《南京條約》以來最屈辱的賣國條約。 • 它給中國人民帶來極大的災難,加深了中國的半殖民 地化和民族危機,也決定了台灣淪為日本殖民地的命 運。 • 5月2日,清廷批准《馬關條約》,8日,派換約大臣 伍廷芳、聯芳與日方伊東美久治在煙台換約。 • 10日,日政府即派海軍大將樺山資紀為台灣總督兼海 陸軍司令官和接收台灣全權委員。 • 清廷亦派李經方為交割台灣全權委員。
• 《馬關條約》第2款規定: • 中國將「台灣全島及所有附屬各島嶼」和「澎湖列 島」,「永遠讓與日本」; • 第5款規定:「本約批准互換之後,限二年內,日本 准中國讓與地方人民,願遷居讓與地方之外者,任便 變賣所有產業,退去界外。 • 但限滿之後尚未遷徙者,酌宜視為日本臣民。」 • 「又台灣一省,應于本條約批准互換後,兩國立即各 派大員至台灣,限于本約批准互換後兩個月內交接清 楚。」 • 其具體內容如下:(摘自《清光緒中日交涉史料》)
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Who, after having exchanged their full powers, which were found to be in good and proper form, have agreed to the following Articles:—
(b) The island of Formosa, together with all islands appertaining or belonging to the said island of Formosa.
(c) The Pescadores Group, that is to say, all islands lying between the 119th and 120th degrees of longitude east of Greenwich and the 23rd and 24th degrees of north latitude.
His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Count ITO Hirobumi, Junii, Grand Cross of the Imperial Order of Paullownia, Minister President of State; and Viscount MUTSU Munemitsu, Junii, First Class of the Imperial Order of the Sacred Treasure, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs.
Treaty of Shimonoseki
2005年4月17日是马关条约签订110周年。110年前的今天,北洋大臣李鸿章在日本马关签订了《马关条约》(Treaty of Shimonoseki),割让辽东半岛、台湾及澎湖列岛给日本;赔偿日本军费银二亿两……
Shimonoseki, Treaty of, Apr. 17, 1895, ending the First Sino-Japanese War. It was negotiated and signed by Ito Hirobumi for Japan and Li Hung-chang for China. Harsh terms were imposed on a badly defeated China. The treaty provided for the end of Chinese suzerainty over Korea, giving Korea independence, and for the cession to Japan of Taiwan, the Pescadores islands, and Port Arthur and the Liaodong peninsula. Japan also imposed a large indemnity and forced China to open five new treaty ports. A week after the treaty was signed, however, Russia, France, and Germany together—in the so-called Triple Intervention—demanded that Japan renounce claims to Port Arthur and the Liaodong peninsula. Japan reluctantly agreed (Nov., 1895), but China was forced to pay an additional indemnity.
This cession also includes all islands appertaining or belonging to the province of Fêngtien situated in the eastern portion of the Bay of Liao-tung and the northern portion of the Yellow Sea.
The line of demarcation begins at the mouth of the River Yalu and ascends that stream to the mouth of the River An-ping [Anping], from thence the line runs to Fêng-huang [Fenghuang], from thence to Hai-cheng [Haizheng?], from thence to Ying-kow [Yinzhou?], forming a line which describes the southern portion of the territory. The places above named are included in the ceded territory. When the line reaches the River Liao at Ying-kow, it follows the course of the stream to its mouth, where it terminates. The mid-channel of the River Liao shall be taken as the line of demarcation.
Article 2
China cedes to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty the following territories, together with all fortifications, arsenals, and public property thereon:
马关条约(Treaty of Shimonoseki)原文节录
His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and His Majesty the Emperor of China, desiring to restore the blessings of peace to their countries and subjects and to remove all cause for future complications, have named as their Plenipotentiaries for the purpose of concluding a Treaty of Peace, that is to say:
Article 1
China recognises definitively the full and complete independence and autonomy of Korea, and, in consequence, the payment of tribute and the performance of ceremonies and formalities by Korea to China, in derogation of such independence and autonomy, shall wholly cease for the future.
… portion of the province of Fêngtien [Fengtian] within the following boundaries [Liaodong agreement in November 1895 deleted this and replaced it with an indemnity of 30 million taels of silver to be paid Japan]:
And His Majesty the Emperor of China, LI Hung-chang, Senior Tutor to the Heir Apparent, Senior Grand Secretary of State, Minister Superintendent of Trade for the Northern Ports of China, Viceroy of the province of Chili, and Earl of the First Rank; and LI Ching-fong, Ex-Minister of the Diplomatic Service, of the Second Official Rank: