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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------many developing countries are increasingly expanding their tourism industry. Why is this the case? Is it a positive development?

International tourism is now the world’s biggest industry. Unfortunately,it creates tension more than makes people understand the different culture.To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion.


Recent figure shows that international travel has become the world's biggest industry,earning over 100 billion dollars in profits annually.



a.Tourism industry can stimulate/strengthen/boost local economy

Tourism industry plays a crucial role in increasing economic growth or lifting a country out of economic crisis

Places of interest can attract people from far to see it..Those tourists spend a large amount of money on accommodation, tours, and souvenirs .Therefore, hotel ,food, and entertainment industries can boom,which can help the entire industries of the nation grow.

2. 提高人们生活水平

.with the boom of Tourism,the living standard of local people also increases. Tourism can create more job opportunities for the local residents especially in hotels , travel agencies and entertainment.

When people have much more money in their pockets, they can afford bigger houses, higher quality education and better health care. Besides, the money tourists spend can be used as financial resources for basic service of citizens. Tourism help those countries improve infrastructure.. Road ,water and electricity systems as well as public transit can be improved.


International tourism helps people to have a deeper/better understanding of other culture and religion.

most Chinese used to have little understanding about what the outside world looked like.

They have no idea about the lifestyles or customs of people from foreign countries.

As international travel heats up in China, more and more foreign travelers visit China.

Their visit make it possible for more Chinese to get close to foreigners and learn their language, lifestyle and dress style.

Most of today's Chinese have a wider view of the world than the Chinese in the past.

similarly, travelers also explore Chinese culture and broader their horizon.



Some people are open to diverse cultures while others are not.

People from different cultures have different customs. In some cases, the local people might have considered the behaviors of foreigners as hostile and unfriendly, so they may do something to hurt them.

Some foreign tourists do not respect the local customs . As a result, conflicts arise

language barrier may cause misunderstanding ,which in turn will lead to tension between local peoples and foreign guests.

some people are so strongly attached to their culture and national identity that they feel threatened by foreigners


1. Tourism brought many problems . The main problem is the damage to the environment.

2. Most countries develop tourism at the cost of natural environment.

3. They destroy forests in order to make room for roads and hotels.

4. Hotels use up a lot of water and electricity, leaving local residents more prone to water shortage.


It is highly recommended that travellers should learn the necessary customs and habits before they take off.

It is highly recommended that the government should take steps to preserve
