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“Agriculture, Countryside and Farmer” issues三农问题
"bringing in" and "going out" “引进来”和“走出去”政策
"eight do's" and "eight don'ts" “八个坚持、八个反对”
Four Cardinal Principles 四项基本原则
Four modernizations 四个现代化(农、工、国防、科技)
"one china, one Taiwan" “一中一台”
“one country, two systems”“一国两制”
“south -south cooperation”“南南合作”
"Taiwan independence" “台湾独立”
"two Chinas" “两个中国”
“Three Represents”“三个代表”
three direct links (mail, air and shipping services and trad e) (两岸)直接三通
the eight-point proposal 八项主张
the five principles of peaceful coexistence 和平共处五项原则
the fourth plenary session 四中全会
the ninth five-year plan (1996-2000) “九五”计划
the tenth five-year plan (2001-2005) “十五”计划
the third plenary session of the eleventh central committee 十一届三中全会
the three major historical tasks 三大历史任务
the three Sino-Us joint communiqués《中美三个联合公报》
three favorables 三个有利于
16th party congress 十六大
23 million Taiwan compatriots 两千三百万台湾同胞
a well-off standard 小康水平
a well-off society 小康社会
advance the development of the western region 推进西部大开发advances with the times 与时代发展同步伐
at the proper time and to an appropriate degree 适时适度
attempts to split the country 各种分裂图谋
blazing new trails in a pioneering spirit 开拓创新
build a well-off society in an all-round way 全面建设小康社会
building a moderately prosperous society in all respects 全面建设小康社会
build a clean and honest government 廉政建设
build a conservation-minded society 建设(资源)节约型社会
china's cross-century development 我国的跨世纪发展
china's international standing 我国的国际地位
china's overall national strength 我国综合国力
citizens' participation in political affairs 公民政治参与
civic duty 公民职责
civil rights / civil liberties 公民权利、自由
civil servants 公务员
creativity, cohesion and fighting capacity 创造力、凝聚力和战斗力
cross-straits negotiations 两岸谈判
cross-straits relations 两岸关系
crucial historical juncture 重大历史关头
democratic decision-making 民主决策
democratic elections 民主选举
democratic management 民主管理
Democratic Progressive Party 民进党
democratic supervision 民主监督
Deng Xiaoping theory 邓小平理论
deputy to the National People's Congress 全国人大代表
extensive and profound 博大精深
extravagance and waste 铺张浪费
falsification 弄虚作假
family planning 计划生育
federations of industry 工商联
fetters of subjectivism and metaphysics 主观主义和形而上学的桎梏
fight against "Taiwan Independence"反对“台独”
good-neighborly relationship 睦邻友好
government functions 政府职能
government institutions 政府机构
government intervention 政府干预
government organs 政府机构
(have) a good government and a united people 政通人和
historic breakthrough 历史性突破
hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping theory 高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜
honesty 诚实守信
honesty and high efficiency 廉洁高效
Hong Kong And Macao special administrative regions 香港、澳门特别行政区
ideological and moral education 思想道德建设
intellectuals 知识分子
intensify functions 强化功能
international organizations 国际性组织
international situation 国际形势
iron out differences 化解歧见
keep pace with the times 与时俱进
kingpin 支撑
long-term peace and order 长治久安
long-term social stability and solidarity 长期社会安定团结
Macao 澳门
Mao Zedong thought 毛泽东思想
Marxism Leninism 马克思列宁主义
mass organizations 人民团体
masters of the country 当家作主
material and cultural needs of the people 人民的物质文化需要material and spiritual civilization 物质文明和精神文明
media and publicity work 宣传舆论工作
moral kingpin 精神支撑
morality, intelligence, physique and art 德智体美
national rejuvenation through science and education 科教兴国national reunification 祖国统一
national spirit 民族精神
negotiations on peaceful reunification 和平统一谈判neighborhood committee 居委会
NPC member 人大代表
our compatriots in Taiwan 台湾同胞
our compatriots in the Hong Kong SAR 香港特别行政区同胞
our compatriots in the Macao SAR 澳门特别行政区同胞
patriots from all walks of life 各界爱国人士
patriotic democratic personages 爱国民主人士
patriotic united front 爱国统一战线
peace and development 和平与发展
(副)总统, (vice-)president
(副)主席, (vice-)chairman/chairperson
总书记, General secretary
(副)委员长, (vice)chairman
(副)总理, (vice)premier
(副)部长, (vice)minister
(副)主任, (deputy)director
(副)局长, (vice)bureau-director
(副)省长, (vice)provincial governor
(副)市长, (vice)mayor/mayoress
(副)县长, (vice)head of a county
(副)处长, (deputy) division chief
(副)科长, (deputy)section chief
政治思想教育, Political and ideological education
思想政治工作, Political and ideological work
共产主义道德品质, Communist ethics
中共中央, The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
西部开发, The development of China’s west
国务院开发研究中心, The Development Research Center of the State Coun cil
发展是硬道理, Development is the absolute/cardinal truth.
“三个代表”思想, The “Three Represents” theory
党的基本路线, The Party’s basic line
自觉与党中央保持一致, To conscientiously be in line with the Party ce nter
跨世纪领导干部, Cross-century leadership
领导干部要讲政治, Leading cadres should be politically minded
领导干部要讲学习, Leading cadres should highlight the importance of l earning
领导干部要讲正气, Leading cadres should adhere to moral integrity
官僚主义工作作风, Working styles of bureaucracy
相互包庇, Cover each other’s demerits
改革的步子更大些, Take bolder and wider steps in reform
政治体制改革, The reform in the political system
政治民主化, Political democratization
居委会, Neighborhood committee
民政部门, The ministry of civil affairs
实事求是, Call a spade a spade (to seek truth on the basis of facts)
解放思想, Emancipate the mind
转变观念, Transform the old mindset
在官方的监督下, Under official surveillance
地方保护主义, Regional protectionism
拜金主义, Money worship/mammonism
形式主义, Formalism
行贿, Practice bribery
索贿, Demand briberies from
受礼, Receive gifts
反对贪污受贿, To fight against corruption and bribery
走过场, Make it a mere ceremony/formality
居功自傲, To pride oneself on past achievements/become conceited due to one’s merits
唯利是图, Profit-motivated/profit seeking
血洗耻辱, To wipe out the disgrace
德才兼备, With/showing both professional ability and political integr ity
道德准则, Ethical code
抓住时机, Seize the right/current opportunity
蔚然成风, To become a common practice
合法权益, Lawful rights and interests
廉洁自律, To perform one’s duty honestly and faithfully
反腐倡廉, To combat corruption and build up a clean and honest govern ment
廉政建设, To build up a clean government
贪污腐败, Corruption
惩治腐败, To combat corruption
政治腐败, Political corrosion/degeneration
腐化堕落, Morally degenerate
生活腐化, Lead a lavish and dissolute/dissipated life
推卸责任, The shift responsibilities to others
豪华住宅, A luxurious residence
扫黄运动, An anti-pornography campaign
以权谋私, To abuse one’s power for personal interests
权钱交易, To trade power for money
违法乱纪, Violate laws and disciplines
侵吞公款, Embezzlement of public funds
公款吃喝, To enjoy banquets on public expense
公款出国旅游, Sightseeing tours abroad on public funds
不得人心, To lose popularity among the people
引起公愤, To provoke popular indignation
和稀泥, To blur the line between right and wrong
扯皮, Dispute over trifles
拉山头, To form a faction
穿小鞋, Give sb. a pair of light shoes to wear/make things hard for s b. by abusing one’s power
挨整(成为众矢之的), To become the target of attack/be under fire
请客送礼, To invite guests to dinner and give tem gifts
拉关系, Try to establish a rapport with sb.
走后门, To get in by the back door
托人情, Ask an influential figure to help arrange sth.
找后台, Seek back stage boss
嫉贤妒能, To be jealous and envious of capable persons
拖拉的工作作风, Tardy and dilatory working style
提高…意识, To heighte n one’s awareness of
暂行条例, Interim regulations
留党察看, To remain on probation within the party
免除党内职务, Removal from posts in the party
严重警告, Serious warning
对外开放, Open up to the out-side world
长治久安, To maintain long-term/lasting stability and security
有紧迫感, To have a sense of urgency
维持现状, To maintain the status quo
跟上时代的步伐, To keep pace of the times/to keep abreast with the ti mes
和平演变, Peaceful evolution
主权, Sovereignty
举动/举措, Move
基本法, Basic law
香港总督, Governor of Hong Kong
行政长官, Chief executive
台湾问题, The Taiwan issue
各界人士, Public figures from all circles
各界代表, Representative personages of various circles
一贯立场, Consistent stand
和平统一, Peaceful reunification
和平建设, Peaceful construction
基本出发点, The ultimate aim of …
台湾当局, The Taiwan authorities
购买军火, To purchase/order ammunitions
扩军备战, Arms race
军事挑衅, Military provocation
历史遗留问题, Questions left over from past history
保证顺利回归, To guarantee/ensure the smooth return of
完成中华民族统一大业, To achieve the peaceful reunification of the Ch inese nation
坚持一个中国立场, To adhere to one-China position
反对“两个中国”, To be opposed to “two Chinas”
我们神圣的领土台湾回归祖国的怀抱, The return of our sacred territory, Taiwan to the embrace of the motherland
与国际接轨, To integrate … with the international standards/norms an d practices/to conform to international norms and practices
欧洲议会, European Parliament
欧盟, European Union
欧洲政治联盟, European Political Union
政府机构, Government institutions
机构臃肿, Overstaffed government organization
人浮于事, Have more hands than needed
任人唯贤, To appoint people on their merits
国家机关, State agency
常务委员会, The standing committee
劳动局, Labor bureau
劳动部, The ministry of labor
人事处, The personnel division
少数民族, Ethnic groups
民主改革, Democratic reform
中国专家, Chinese expert
中国问题专家, China expert
加强行政管理, Strengthen administrative management
办理审批程序, To go through all the procedures of approval
简化审批手续, Simplify/streamline the procedures of approval
全国大会, National Congress
全体会议, A plenary session
人民大会堂, The Great Hall of the People
全国人民代表大会, The National People’s Congress
中国人民政治协商会议, Chinese People’s Political Cons ultative Confer ence
国务院主管部门, The competent/incumbent department of the State Counc il
中华全国总工会, All-China Federation of Trade Unions
世界知识产权组织, World Intellectual Property Organization 中华全国青年联合会, All-China Federation of Youth
国家海洋局, The State Oceanographic Administration
国家海洋公园, National marine park
交通部, The Ministry of Transportation。
