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Less precise but
more llaitnerdary and
emotive than country
Stylistic level Degree of emphasis Emotional coloring
Tone Collocation
Stylistic level P17
Compare the following sentences
After a double attempt to insert himself through the window, Michael conceded failure.
Part II
Part II Diction
Levels of Words A The Meaning of Words B General and Specific Words C
Idioms D Figures of Speech E
Dictionaries F
Levels of Words
they are more informative and expressive than general words. E.G.
a good man --- kind, honest, just, generous, sympathetic,
brave, warm-hearted, selfless, honorable
Clip 1:
Clip 2:
To learn
Common Or Formal ?
《五彩缤纷》的刘导:Director Liu from Multicolor 嘉宾:distinguished guest 中央电视台的春节晚会:CCTV Spring Festival Gala 普通人: a(n) ordinary/common person 签名:signature 影迷:fans 演艺圈:entertainment circle 是是非非:gossip 冷冷清清的过日子:live in peace 委托我们全权代理:authorize us to be your representative
• Definition --- comparison between 2 distinctly different things and the comparison is
indicated by the word as or like.
• E.G. • O my love’s like a red, red rose. • That man can’t be trusted. He’s as slippery as
The Meaning of Words
denotative connotative
An area of land
and ictsopuonpturlyation
and government
Peonpalteioonf a
The government
or politisctaalte
The violin virtuoso’s performance on the cello wawsasaarbeigalfabilourme b.
TThheeaauuthtohrohrashmasadpeuatlifaettimerer’sifsictudloytoifnftilom hhiesrtobryo, aonkdathnedknsohwelecdogme sehse huaps awccituhmulated sisotmemepeprreedtbtyyagfoinoedseindseeaosf .juSdhgme erneta. Sllhye gArpdfmwiieoalcdomovcrnerorsoeostit.eesfrtTshstd.hooahainanefwtfsngjoeuhygwsoftoi-tlolenumufrcp.hisogh,sehvaartpeacetctrnseohruhrwetdsoosi;enraetlghrnloehtaayorensehfalnpiefllyarrm,sbiygidlssoeho.ouutmfseghuntooecrhttorhourer
To learn
Idea Sharing
Common Or Formal ?
我们就是吃这碗饭的:That’s just our work. 对售后服务进行摸底:ask sb. for feedback on after
service 神通广大:powerful 起诉:sue sb. 名誉权:reputation right 三炒两炒把你炒红了:You’ll become famous again with

Compare: Big / Large
P18 Classroom Activities
• 1. If there is an accident or incident that may be covered by this policy, notify us in writing as soon as possible. You can give this notice to any of our authorized agents.
• Small / Little • Small is objective, while little may imply a
feeling of fondness. • Modest / Humble • Both indicate a lack of pride, but
modesty is a virtue and humbleness is not. Humble often connotes undue selfdepreciation.
• 1. Do not take the Chinese equivalent. • 2. English words that may be
translated into the same Chinese expression are not necessarily synonymous.
those negative reports. 沾你的光:count on you 我也得吃饭:I have to survive. 特别走红:very hot
Informal / Slang words
They seldom appear in formal writing, and in literary works their main use is to record people’s thoughts and dialogues.
After two tries at climbing in through, Michael gave up.
Words can be: roughly, formal, general, and slang in terms of style.
Formal words
Definition: Can be called learned words, or literary words, or “big” words.
General and Specific Words
General Words are recapitulative. Specific Words are detailed. ------help to make writing clear, exact, vivid, and striking, for
Usage: Formal writing. Feature: Three or more than three syllables. Examples: recognition / characteristically /
elevated / monolithic / investigation / incipient / inclination / noncasual
• 2. wait for a second / withdraw / stop • 3. 1) friends/ colleagues colloquial • 2) colleagues formal • 3) head of the department
most formal
Emotional coloring Tone
• Formal (Big)/ Informal (Small) Words • EG: • The communication between them is
extremely hard to understand for a little kid. • Their talk is nonsense.
Common words
Definition: those that people use every day, and appear in all kinks of writing.
The following clips are chosen from a Chinese movie. Watch and choose one of them to dub in English.
E.g P14
Figures of Speech
Simile Metaphor Personification Metonymy Synecdoche Alliteration
Overstatement Understatement
Transferred Epithet
Function --- natural and idiomatic 1. informal or colloquial in style, can be used in conversation;
some should be used with care 2. clichés, no longer fresh or interesting.
• Habitually used with certain words
• A large/ big amount of money. • A large/ big number of people. • He is a man with large / great courage. • I have big/ great confidence in myself.
good food --- tasty, delicious, nourishing, rich, wholesome,
fresh, appetizing, abundant
Definition --- a fixed group of words with a special meaning which is different from the meaning of the words that from it. (none of the words can be changed to form another understandable phrase.)
Slang words are highly informal; they may be vivid and interesting, but they may, when used inappropriately, make the write or speaker sound offensive or funny.