
考研英语⼗⼤常⽤词汇书考研英语⼗⼤常⽤词汇书推荐 ⽬前,市场上考研英语单词书品种很多。
考研英语⼗⼤常⽤词汇书篇1 1、《新东⽅·考研英语词汇词根+联想记忆法(便携版)》——俞敏洪编著 本书完整收录考研英语⼤纲词汇,将词汇按照难度分为核⼼单词和简单单词(即⾼中⽔平单词),补充超纲单词。
2、《新东⽅·考研英语词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版)》——俞敏洪编著 本书完整收录⼤纲词汇,按难度区分核⼼单词和简单单词,补充超纲单词;精选单词释义,标注常考释义,核⼼单词“乱序”编排并提供考频;采⽤“词根+联想”记忆法,辅以词源讲解和幽默插图;总结常见搭配、同/反义词和形近单词,提供近义词辨析;列举真题例句,汇总历年真题中出现的长难句,以句讲词,以词引句;附录汇总易混淆词对、⼗年真题阅读词汇、常⽤缩写词以及国家(或地区)、语⾔、国民、国籍及洲名表,帮助考⽣最⼤限度地扫除答题过程中的词汇障碍。

2010年星火英语巧记速记整理-方便记忆(全部)2010年星火英语巧记速记整理-方便记忆(全部)扩大词汇量Aabandon abdomen abide absurd academic academician academy acrobat acrobatic acrobatics acute adjacent adore aesthetic, esthetic ( develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically) affiliate afford affordable afterward(s) agony aid aim aisle album AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) alcohol ale all (all but all out with all) alphabet alphabetic(al) altitude ammunition anecdote angel anger anguish annoy annoyance antenna apparatus appeal appealing appetite arbitrary archive area arena argue argument array arrive arrival (depart arrive ) (departure arrival) arrogance arrogant artery vein artillery ask assassin assassinate assassination athlete athletic atlas attain attitude auxiliary aviation awe awesome awful awkward axe axis \Bbachelor spinster bachelor ( a Bachelor of Arts ) master ( a Mater of Science ) doctor ( a Doctor of Literature) bacon bacterium badminton baffle balance balcony bamboo bang banner flag banquet barber bargain bark barn barren beam beauty belong belongings bench bet beverage bias prejudice (bias toward/for against) (be biased/in favour of) Bible bibliography bill bin bingo biscuit bishop biscuit bishop bizarre blackmail blade blame blaze bleak blink bloc blouse blunt blur blush boast boastful bolt bonus boom boost booth bore boring botanical botany bottle bottom bottomless bounce bowel bowling boycott boyhood brain branch brew brewery bribebribery bride bright brighten brilliant brim bring brink brisk brittle broker brook broom brown browse browser bruise brunch brush bubble (bubble economy ) buck (buck up) bucket buffet snack bug bulletin notice bully burden load tax burdensome burglar burial burst bury bush beat about the bush business on business no holiday bust but button buzzCcable calorie cancel canvas carbohydrate carbon cardinal carpet carve categorycater cathedral catholic cement cemetery census censor censorship cereal ceremony chain chamber chance by chance take a chance chancellor chaos (in chaos)( in a mess) chaotic chap chapel check (check in) (check out) chew chin china (piece of china) choke cholesterol chorus (in chorus ) chunk (a slice of bread) clan (race clan tribe) clap claw nail clay clergy click cliff climax clinical cloak coast coastal clone clumsy cluster coalition coarse coat cocaine coke coil collar college collide collision colonel column comb comedy comet comic comedy------comedy tragedy----tragic commence complexion compliment condolence condom confederation Confucian Confucianism console contaminate pollute contemplate contrive cork corner corridor cosmetic cosy/cozy cottage couple coupon crawl crazy crew cricket crisp crown crowning crude cruel cruelty crumble crust cry crystal cube square curb cubic cucumber cue cunning curb curfew curse curve cute cynicalDdamp dare dart dash database datum dawn debris decay decree deem defiance (in defiance) defy degree delicacy delicate demonstrate deplore deteriorate deterioration devil diamond diet dietary digital dilemma diligent dirty disciplinary disciplinedisciplined discreet discrepancy disguise disgust disgusting dismay dispatch, dispatch disperse dissipated distil(l) dive(submerge plunge) divine divorce separation ( sue for a divorce) dock dodge dot drain drainage drastic dread dreadful dream dreamy drill drum dull dwarf dwell (dwell on /upon) dweller welling dye dynamic(al) dynasty (found/establish a dynasty)Eearnest ebb echo eclipse ecosystem edge ego elastic elasticity elite embark endanger endangered endeavo(u)r endorse enhance enthusiasm enthusiastic entire entity environment episode epoch equip (furnish, equip, decorate, ornament) equipment erase escort eternal ethnic eve evil exaggerate exam examine excerpt excite exciting excited excitement exile exotic expect expectation unexpected Ffable fabulous faculty fade faint fairy fake fast fasten fatigue fatty feather federal federation feeble ferry fertile feudal fever fibre/-ber fierce filter filtrate finger fish ( fish for) fisherman fist flame flank flap flare flash flaw flingflavo(u)r =smell + taste flip flood floor foam fog foggy foil fold forestry forge fork formidable fossil foster foul fountain fragrance frame franc frantic fraud freight friction frost (fog snow frost hail ) frown fruit fruitful frustrate (discourage) (foil, defeat) fry fume fun (for/in fun) (make fun of) function functional funny fur fuss (make a fuss of)Gga(u)ge gadget galaxy gallery gallon gallop (amble trot canter gallop) gamble gang gap garbage rubbish garbage garden garlic garment gasp gear germ get ghost giggle giraffeglamo(u)r gland gloom gloomy glossary glue golf goods gorgeous gossip gown grab grant granted greedy greet greeting grid grill grin grind groan grocery groove gross gruel guitar gut gym gymnasiumHhacker hail halt hamburger hammer hamper harassment harbour harness (utilize) harsh hatch haunt hazard hazardous heap heave hedge heel herd herb heroin hibernate hide hierarchy hierarchical hijack hike hip hitherto hoist holly honesty hook hop hormone horn hound hour hourly hover howl huddle hug hum hurl hurt hypocrisy (hypocrite hypocritical) hysterical Iice on thin ice break the ice ice-cream icon ignite ill illness illusion illustrate imperative impetus impromptu indulge inevitable infant adult inferior ingredient inhale innocent innocence insane instead interim interval at iissue item itself by itself ivoryJjail, gaol jam jar jargon jaw jazz jeans jelly jeopardize/-ise jerk jewel jewellery, jewelry Jewish jog jigsaw jog juice juicy jungle junior junk juvenileKkeen kettle key kick kid kindergarten kidnap kit kitchen knob Llabel lace lag lag behind lamb lane lash latent lantern launch laundry lavatory leak leap leave ( leave alone leave behind leave off leave out) leftist legacy leisure lend lens lesbian lest level licence/-cse lick lieutenant limb limp litter loan locust lodge loom loop lordship lorry loyalty lubricate lumber lure allure Mmad magazine maiden mailbox malfunction malicious mall mammal marble march marsh marshal Marxist Marxism Marxist marvelous mask grassland meadow pasture meditate meditation melody member membership menace mere merely merit metaphor milk metaphor milk cream cheese powdered milk dairy milky Milky Way moan mock moment for the moment in a moment the moment that as soon as motherhood mosaic moss mourn mouth mug municipal murmur mute mutterN,Onail naked nap napkin narrow nasty neat needle Negro nestle nickel niece nil noble nod noisy noun noodle nuisance numb nylon oak oar oath obscure obese obesity obscene obsession obsolete obstacle odd odds odo(u)r olive omelette /omelet onward opaque opium optic optical orbit orchestra ornament orphan ounce ouch oust outdoors oval oven owl ox ozone Ppace pad paddle page pail palm pamphlet panic panorama pant pants parachute parade paradise parallel parasite parcel park parkingparliament passive pasture parliament passive pasture pat patch patent pause pave pavement paw pearl pebble peculiar be peculiar to peculiarity peel peep penetrate penny perfume permeate pest pet petition petitioner petty pharmacy phenomenon phoenix pie pierce pilgrim pillar pillow pin pinch pint pioneer piracy pirate piston pitch plague planet planetary plausible plaza plea make a plea for on the plea of plead pledge plot plough, plow plug plumber plunge pneumonia poison polish poll pope porcelain poultry pound pour powder preach preface premium preparation prepare prestige prey prick priest probe prompt prone pronoun proconsul prolocutor propagandamake propaganda for / propagate humanism prose psychiatrist psychiatry puff cream puff powder puff a puff of smoke pull puppet pure purify purse push puzzle pyramidQquarrel queer quench extinguish queue quit quiver quiz quotaRRack racke rag rags raid rake random rap rash rather raw razor rear rebel rebellion reciprocal reckless reckon reckon on reckon with recruit recruitment reed refrain refrigerator refuge refugee refute rehearsal rehearse relevant reluctance, reluctancy reluctant remember repertoire reproach rescue rescuer reshuffle retrieval retrieve rib ribbon rid get rid of riddle ridge rightist ridiculous rigid rigorous rim ring ring road riot risk risky roar roast robe robust rocket rod role roof rooster root roughly row ruby rude rug ruin rumo(u)r rush rust ruthlessSsabotage sack salute sanction sandstorm sandwich sane sarcasm sarcastic satire savage saying scan scanner scandal scare scarf scent schedule scheme project scold reproach beating and scolding scorn scout scramble scratch scream screw scrub scrutiny sculpture seal seam burst at the seams come/fall/break apart at the seams seed secular seekseize catch capture semester seminar send send for send in send off session shabby shaft shake shake off shaky shallow shampoo share shaver shear sheet shift shiver shock shout shove shrewd shrink shrub shrug sick sickness siege sieve silicon siren skeleton skeptical / skeptical sketch skim skin skip slack slam slap slash slaughter sleeve slender slight slim thin lean skinny slogan slot slum sly smart smash smooth smuggle snack snap snatchsnatch up sniff snowball snowman soak soar sober sock soda sofa soil earth solemn solemnity solicitor spade span spare spice spicy spill spinal spine spiral spit splash splendid split spoil sponge sport sportsman =athlete salesman statesman spokesman sportsman spread sprinkle sprout spur square squirrel stab stack stadium staff stain stainless staple stare starve steady steak steer drive stem stereo stern stiff still sting stipulate stir stoop strategy straw strenuous stretch stride take in one`s stride strife string strive strife struggle stubborn stuff stumble stumble across/on/upon sturdy style pattern type subsidiary subsidy subtle suck sudden all of a sudden suddenly sulfur, sulphur summon superb support supportive surgery survey susceptible swallow swamp swarm sway sweep swell swift sword swift sword symposium syndromeTtaboo tackle tag talent tangle tank tap tape tar tariff tease temple tempo tenant tentative thanks thanksgiving thermal thermos thigh thorn threshold thrift thrill thriller thrive throne thrust thumb thunder tick tickle tide tidy tilt toast toilet token toll tongue torch toss touch tough tow towel toxic tradition traditional traffic tragedy tragic trait tram tramp transcontinental transient trap trash treason trend tribe tribunal trigger trim trolley, trolly troop tropic tropical trousers trumpet trunk tube tuberculosis tuck tug tumble tumour twinkleU,VUgly ulcer ultimate unbutton unfold unless uproar Utopia ,utopia vaccinate valve vanilla velocity velvet vertical veteran veto vibrate vicinity violinist virus volcano voucher vulgar vulnerableW,Y,ZWage waist wander wardrobe wax weapon weather wedge weed weep weird weld whale whip whirl whisky whisper whistle wicked wing wink wipe wire wireless wish wizard woolen wording worm worried wound yacht Yankee/yank yawn yell yield yoga yoghurt yummy zebra zero zigzag zinc zip zone zoological zoom 考研英语词汇1.able ablility disable enable unable absorb2.absorb absorbent absorbing absorbed absorption3.abundant abundance abound redundant4.accident incident accidental accidentally incidental incidentally incidenceCoincede conincidence coincidental5.acquaint acquaintance6.act act action active activate activity transact transaction actioninteract interaction inteactive react reaction reactor act actor actress acrual actually actuality actuality exact agency agent agenda agitate 7.adapt adopt apt aptitude opt option optional optimum optimismoptimist optimistic pessimism pessimist pesssimistic8.add addition additional additive9.address addresser/-or addressee10.admire admirable admiration11.advance advance advancement advance advanced advantagedisadvantage advantageous disadvantageous12.adventure aduenturer adventurous venture13.advice advise advisable advisory14.agree agreeable agreement disagree15.agriculture agronomy acre cultivate culture culturalmulticultural16.air airline airway aircraft airplane aerial aeroplane aerospaceaeronautics17.alert on (the)alert (for/against) inertia18.allow allowance make allowance for19.ally ally alliance allied alloy rally20.alter alternate alternative alternately alternatively alien alienateadulterate adulteration21.ambulance ambition ambitious ambassador ambassador embassyambiguous ambiguity22.among(gt) mingle mix mix up mixture < mix mingle blend merge>23.ample amplify amplification amp;ifier24.analyse/-yze analysis analyst analytic(al) analytically paralyse/-yze25.ancient ancestor ancestral ancestry anterior anticipate anticipationantique26.angle triangle rectangle triangular rectangular ankle anchor27.animal animate animated unanimous28.answer swear29.appear appearance apparent disappear transparent30.apply appliance application applicant applicable applied31.approach approximate approximately32.arc arcade arch33.army arm disarm armament alarm34.arrange arrangement range rank the rank and file35.art artist artistic artful artificial artifice craft crafty handicraft aircraftspacecraft36.article articulate37.assistant assist assistance consist consistent consistency inconsistencyexist existence coexistence insist persist persistence persistent resist resistance resistant resistor subsist subsistence transistor38.astonish stun amaze amazing39.atmosphere atmospheric sphere hemisphere40.atom atomic anatomy41.attack tack attach be attached to attachment detach42.attend attendance take attendance attendant attention attentive tend43.august inaugurate augment auction44.author authority authoritative authorize authentic authenticity45.auto automatic automation automobile autonomy autonomous46.avenge revenge vengeance avoid avoidance void devoid47.back background backup backward know...backward48.bad badly worse from bad to worse49.worsen worst at the worst50.bake baker bakery batch51.ball balloon ballot belly baseball basketball football softballvolleyball ball ballet52.bank banker banknote bankrupt bankruptcy53.bar barbecue barricade barricer barrel embarrass54.bare barely55.base basis on the basis of basic basically basement56.57.classmate mate match matchless58.clean cleanness cleaning clean cleanly59.clear clearing clear-cut clear clearly clarify clarification clarity declare declaration60.climb clamp clasp clip clench cling clutch61.clock o`clock clockwise anti-clockwise62.close closet disclose disclosure enclose enclosure include inclusion inclusiveexclude exclusion exclusive exclusively conclude conclusion conclusive perclude preclusion close close closely名词动词变化规则:collide —collision conclude —conclusioncorrode — corrosion erode — erosion exclude — exclusion explode — explosion include—inclusion invade—invasioninvade —invasion persuade —persuaion preclude—preclusion63.cloth clothe clothes clothing laundry tailor64.cock cocktail peacock chicken65.cofee cafe cafeteria canteen66.collect collection collective collectivism divide individual individualiam recollectrecollection67.colony colonial colonist colonialist colonize/doc/7611179638.html,bine combination/doc/7611179638.html,e incomeoutcome become overcome upcoming welcome/doc/7611179638.html,fort comfortable comforting/doc/7611179638.html,mand commander commander-in-chief commandeer demand demanding/doc/7611179638.html,mittee commit commitment commission (board committee commission the security council jury congress parliament)/doc/7611179638.html,mon commonplace commonsense uncommon common commonwealthcommunism communique community communicate communication immune immunize/doc/7611179638.html,pany companion companionship accompany pan panel/doc/7611179638.html,pare comparison comparable comparative/doc/7611179638.html,pel compulsion compulsory compulsory education expel (expulsion) (expulsive)propel (propulsion propulsive) propeller repel (repulsion repulsive) impulse pulse/doc/7611179638.html,pete competition competitive competitor78.4单元1.dark darken darkness2.date out-of-date outdate up-to-date update3.daze dazzle dizzy doze dozy4.deal dealer5.debt indebted6.December decade (decade dec =10 century cent=100) decimal dean7.decide decision decisive decided concise precise precision insecticide suicide8.decorate decoration decorative decent decency9.deep deepen deeply depth dip10.defeat feat11.defence fence12.defend defendant defence/-nse defensive offend offence/-nse offensive13.delete indelible14.delicious elicit15.delight delighted delightful16.democracy democrat democratic epidemic17.dense condense condensation vapor evaporate evaporation condenser densely density18.dentist dental indent19.deny denial20.depend dependent dependence independent independently independence21.describe description ascribe ascription prescribe prescription subscribe subscribersubscription manuscript script scrape skyscraper scrap22.desert desert assert assertion assertive insert insertion23.desire desirable desirous undesirable desirability24.develop development envelop envelope25.devote devotion vote voter26.dialog(ue) analog(ue) analogy catalog(ue) logic logicalillogical ecology ecologicalgeology methodology psychology psychological colloquial eloquent apology apologize/-ise apologetic27.dictation dictate dictator28.dictionary diction addict addicted addictive contradict predict verdict dedicatededication indicate indication indicative index29.die dying dead deadly death30.different difference differ differentiate differential indifferent indifference conferenceinfer inference offer prefer preferable preference refer reference referee suffer suffering transfer31.difficult difficulty facile facilitate facility equipment32.dig ditch33.dignity indignant indignation34.dinner dine35.direct directly indirect direction director directory erect insurrection resurrectinsurgency insurgent surge36.disappoint despair disappointing disappointment37.dish disk,disc disco38.dismiss dismissal missile mission emit emission omit omission submit submissionsubmissive transmit transmission intermittent39.distinguish distinction distinct distinctive distinguishable distinguished extinguish extinctextinction instinct40.disturb disturbance turbine turbulence turbulent41.divide dividend division individual subdivide widow (wine—vine ) (win—invincible )(wade—invade ) (waste—devastate )42.do undo deed indeed43.doctor doctrine document documentary dogma dogmatic orthodox paradox44.dog dog-eared dogged hot-dog45.double duple duplicate diploma diplomat diplomatic dub multiple multiplymultiplication46.doubt doubtful doubtless undoubtedly dubious suspect suspicion suspicious47.drama dramatic dramatically48.draw drawback drawer drawing withdraw drawdrawing room draft overdraw overdraft draught drag dragon haul overhaul49.dress dressmaker hairdresser undress50.drink drunk drunken drunkard drown eat edible51.drive driver driveway drift52.drop dropout drip53.dry dryer,drier drought54.during durable duration endure endurance enduring55.dust dustbin dusty56.duty dutiful undutiful due overdue undue5单元1.earn earnings2.earth earthen earthenware earthly earthquake3.easy easy uneasy disease ease4.economy economics economic economical economically economize5.edit edition editor editorial6.either neither neutral neutralize neutron negation negative7.elect election elector electoral collect select selection selective delegate delegationelegant eligible neglect neglectful negligible intellect intelligible intellectualintelligence intelligent8.electricity electric electrical electrician electrify photoelectric electrode electronelectronic electronics9.element elemental elementary10.emphasis emphasize/-ise emphatic emphatically phase11.empire emperor empress imperial imperialism imperialist12.employ employer employee employment unemployment13.empty exempt exemption14.energy energetic energize erg allergic synergic15.engage engagement mortgage16.engine engineer engineering17.enter entrance entry18.entertain entertainment19.envy jealousy envious jealous20.equal equality inequality unequal equally equation equator equivalent adequateinadequate adequacy inadequacy21.essence essential essentially22.estimate estimation overestimate underestimate esteem23.event eventual eventually eventful (an eventful year)24.example sample exemplify exemplary25.excellent excellence excel26.except exception exceptional27.exercise exert28.exhaust exhaustion exhausted exhausting exhaustive29.exhibition inhibit prohibit prohibition30.exit circuit initial initially initiate initiative transit transition31.expand expanse expansion (get bigger grow enlarge expand inflate) ( get smallerreduce shrink contract deflate)32.experience experienced inexperienced expert peril perish33.experiment experimental experimentally experimentation34.explain explanation explanatory35.explode explosion explosive applaud applause36.eye eyebrow eyesight37.face facet facial interface surface superficial38.fact factor affect affection affect affectation effect effective effectively defectdefection defective deficit perfect perfection perfectly infect infection infectious39.factory artifact,artefact manufacture manufacturer40.fair unfair fairly41.faith faithful faithless42.fall fall fell fell spring spring offspring43.family familiar familiarize44.famous fame infamous45.fan fanatical fancy fantasy fantastical46.fare fare farewell47.fascism fascinate fascinating48.fashion fashionable49.fate fateful fatal fatality50.fault default faultless faulty51.favo(u)r favo(u)rite favo(u)rable disfavo(u)r52.fear fearful fearless53.feast festive festival54.fellow fellowship55.fight fighter56.figure configuration figment fiction57.find finding58.fine refine refined refinery59.finish final finally finalize fine finance financial confine define definition definitedefinitely indefinite definitive finite infinite infinitely infinitive infinity60.fire fireman fireplace firewall firewood firework gunfire6单元1.firm affirm affirmation affirmative confirm confirmation firm2.fit fitting outfit fitness unfit3.fix affix prefix suffix fixed fixture4.flat flatter flatten inflation deflation5.flex flexible flexibly flexibility flex(i)-time reflect reflection, reflexion reflex6.flow outflow overflow affluent fluid flush superfluous influence influential flutterfluctuate7.flower flourish flour8.fly flight flee flight9.focus focal suffocate10.folk folklore flock11.follow following12.food feed feedback13.fool befool foolish folly14.foot footing footstep expedition pedal pedestrian15.forbid forbidding bid16.force forceful enforce forcible enforce reinforce effort fort fortify17.form conform conformity deform deformation formal formality format formationformula formulate forum perform performance reform transform transformer uniform information inform18.fortune fortunate fortunately misfortune unfortunate unfortunately19.found foundation fund funding refund fundamental profound profundity20.fraction fracture frament fragile frangible frail infringe21.free carefree freedom free freely22.frequent frequently frequency23.fresh freshman refresh refreshing refreshment24.friend friendly friendship25.frighten fright frightful26.front confront confrontation frontier upfront27.full fill filling fulfill fully28.furniture furnish29.gas gaseous gasoline,gasolene30.gene genetic gender genius genuine homogeneous heterogeneous ingenious ingenuitygenerate generation generator degenerate regenerative gentle gently generous generosity hydrogen nitrogen oxygen benign malignant pregnant31.general generally generalize/-ise generalization/-isation32.geography geographer geographic(al) geology geometry calligraphy graph graphicparagraph photograph telegraph33.giant gigantic34.give forgive given gift gifted pardon donate donation donor endow35.globe global globalize36.glory glorious glorify glare gleam glitter glow glance glimpse37.go bygone easygoing foregoing go-between ongoing outgoing undergo38.good well better best goodness39.gold golden/doc/7611179638.html,ernment govern governor (county) magistrate mayor governor41.grace graceful gracious disgrace disgraceful grateful gratitude congratulatecongratulation42.grade graduate graduation postgraduate (tutor ) undergraduate(undergraduate —graduate—postgraduate ) degrade upgrade gradual gradually43.grammar grammatical diagram gram(me) kilogram(me) program(me) ( program—item )( alphabet—letter ) ( foliage—leaf ) (scenery—scene )44.grasp grip grope45.grass grassroots graze46.ground background playground underground47.grow grown-up growth48.guard bodyguard safeguard regard disregard regarding regardless garage garrisonguardian ward guarantee warrant award reward49.guide guidance guidebook guideline misguide50.guilt guilty51.habit habitual habitat inhabit inhabitant52.hair haircut hairdresser hairy53.half halve behalf quarter quarterly quart quartz quarter headquarters54.hand beforehand handbag handful handicap handle handkerchief handmade handsomehandout handset handshake handwriting handy underhand emancipate manipulate manner manoeuvre /maneuver manual apprehend apprehension comprehend comprehension comprehensive commend recommend recommendation55.hang hinge56.hard harden hardware hardship hardy hard hardly57.harm harmful harmless58.harmony harmonic harmonious7单元1.hate hateful hatred kind-kindred2.have behave behavio(u)r behavio(u)ral3.head head on keep one`s head lose one`s head ahead heading headlineheadphone overhead4.headache ache backache heartache stomachache toothache5.health healthy healthcare heal whole on the whole wholeness wholesome wholly6.hear hearing hearsay overhear listen listener7.heart at heart heart and soul heartfelt hearty light-hearted sweetheart8.help can`t /couldn`t help help oneself(to) helpful helpless helping9.hero heroine heroic heroism10.hesitate hesitant hesitation adhesive cohesive adhere adherence cohere coherent heirheiress heritable heritage inherent succeed honorary11.high height heighten highly12.history historian historic historical13.hold uphold holdup withhold holder shareholder stockholder14.hole hollow hell helmet15.holiday holy16.home homeless homely homemade homework dome domestic dominatedomination dominant dominance predominant domain17.hono(u)r in honor of on one`s honor hono(u)rable honorary dishono(u)r18.horizon horizontal19.horrible horrify horror terrible terrify terror terrorism terrorist terrific terriblyterritory terrain20.hot hotly heat heating warm warm up warmth21.hotel motel hostel host hostess hostage hospital hospitality hospitable host hostilehostility22.house greenhouse warehouse household housewife housework house housing23.human humane humanism humanist humanitarian humanity humankind exhumeinhume humble humiliate humid (wet→ humid→ damp→ moist)humidify humidity humo(u)r humorous24.hungry hunger famine (hunger---hungry) ( thirst---thirsty)25.hunt hint suggestion hint。


大学英语词汇星火式巧记速记(1~6+级)word文件格式很好的英语词汇速记法英语星火式巧记速记系列新大纲大学英语词汇星火式巧记速记(1~6 级)马德高卢福林主编无绪制作世界图书出版公司西安. 北京. 广州. 上海=================================================acquaintance 认识,了解Make the acquaintance of sib.与某人结识。
=Make sb’s acquaintance Have a nodding acquaintance with sb.与某人有点头之交。
vt 使了解,使认识,介绍acquaint 搭配有二:1.用反身代词oneself 2.用被动形式。
I’ve acquainted myself with their customs.I’ve been acquainted with their customs.Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于空谈。
注:act 与action 常可替换,act 不过常指具体的动作,action 而却常指抽象的行为。
act 与action 在与下类似的短语中不能换用。
in the act of stealing 在偷窃时take action 采取行动。
advantageous 有利的。
Nothing venture, nothing gain.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
记住:生命危险或经济风险大时就用venture; 想使人心振奋,寻求刺激性的冒险就用adventure.prophecy 预言civilization 多指物质文明;culture 多指精神文明。
agree with 持有相同的意见agree to 愿意接受某事或允许某事发生。
acre 英亩:the building stands in twelve acres of ground.. 该建筑物占地12 英亩。

1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇方便打印版1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇(研友Ruben整理)able ability disable disabled enable unable Word List 1absorb absorbent absorbing absorption abundant abundance abound redundant acquaintance acquaint act action active activate activist activity transact transaction action interact interaction react reaction act actor actress enact actual actually exact act enact agency agent agenda adapt adopt apt opt option optional optimum optimism optimist optimistic add. addition additional advance advanced advance advancement advantage advantageous disadvantage adventure venture advice advise advisable age aged teenager agree agreeable agreement disagreeagriculture acre agronomy cultivate culture air aircraft airplaneairfield airport airline airway aerial aeroplane allow allowance ally alliance alloy rally alphabet alphabetic(al) alter alternate alternative alien alienate ambulance ambition ambitious ambassador embassy ambiguous among(st) mingle mix mixture ample amplify amplifier analyse/yzeanalysis analyst analytic(al) analytically electrolyse/yze paralyse/yze ancient ancestor ancestry anterior anticipate antique angle rectangle triangle ankle anchor angry anger animal animate animated unanimous answer swear ant antenna anxious anxiety appear appearance disappear apparent transparent transparency apply appliance applicable Word List 2 applicant application approach approximate approximately proximate proximity arc arcade arch argue argument army arm? arm? disarm armo(u)ralarm arrange arrangement range ranger rank arrive arrival art artist artistic artificial craft handicraft aircraft spacecraft article articulate astonish stun amaze amazing amazement atmosphere sphere hemisphere atom atomic attack tack attach detach attend tend attendance attendant attention August inaugurate augment auction author authority authoritative authorize/ise authentic authenticate auto automatic automation automobile autonomy autonomous avenge revenge avoid void devoid back background backward bad badly worse worst bag baggage handbag bake baker bakery batch ball? balloon ballot belly bullet basketball baseball volleyball ball? ballet bank? bank? banker banking bankrupt bankruptcy bar barrack barrel barrier barricade embarrass embarrassing embarrassment barrister bare barely base database basis basic basically basement bath bathe be being bear? bear? born birth bearing beat bat? bat? battle batter battery combat debate beautiful beauty because cause accuse accused excuse bed embed before fore former first foremost Word List 3foreground forehead forecast foresee forward forth straightforward forthcoming henceforth beg beggar begin beginner beginning end ending endless behind hind hinder hindrance- 1 -1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇(研友Ruben整理)believe belief below low lower? lower? beneath underneath bible bibliography bicycle cycle? cycle? cyclone recycle encyclop(a)edia cylinder circle circular circulate circulation circuit circuscircumstance biology biochemistry antibiotic biography autobiography bit bite bait biting bitter blackboard board aboard cupboard keyboard board border blanket blank blind blend blunder blood bloody bleed blow? blow? blast body anybody nobody somebody embody boil boiler book booklet handbook notebook textbook bow? bow? elbow rainbow bracket brace bracelet embrace bracket brace brandy brand break breakdown breakthrough outbreak brake broken breach breath breathe breed brood brief abbreviate abbreviation brevity bring upbringing broad abroad broadcast broaden breadth build building rebuild shipbuilding bureau bureaucracy bureaucrat bureaucratic burn burner sunburn bury burial burrow busy business calculate calculator calculation calendar calculus calcium call recall socalled challenge reconcile reconciliation council counsel camp campaign campus champion Word List 4champagne canal channel candle kindle candidate candy cane sugarcane canoe cannon capable capability incapable capital cape captain caption chapter precipitate escape capture captive capacity capsule cabbage cabin cabinet car carry carrier career carpenter carriage cart caravan van cargo charge discharge chariot card discard postcard cartoon chart charter care careful careless chary charity charitable cherish cure accurate accuracy curious curiosity secure security case? briefcase suitcase cassette cash cashier case? casual casually casualty occasion occasional occasionally cast broadcast forecast telecast catch chase purchase cautious caution precaution cave cavern cavity concave excavatecell cellar conceal cent century percent percentage centigrade centimetre/ter center/tre central concentrate concentration eccentric certainly certain ascertain certainty certificate certify chair armchair chairman change exchange character characteristic characterize/ise charming charm cheer cheerful chemistry chemist chemical chief achieve achievement child childhood childish childlike choose Word List 5 choice chop chip Christmas Christ Christian cigar cigaret(te) city citizen citizenship civil civilian civil civilize/ise civilization/isatioclaim reclaim exclaim exclamation proclaimnproclamation class classic classical classify classification classmate mate match? match? matchless clean cleanly clear clearance clarify clarity declare declaration climb clamp clasp clip? clip? cling clutch clock o'clock clockwise close? closet disclose enclose enclosure include- 2 -1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇(研友Ruben整理)inclusion inclusive exclude exclusion exclusive exclusively conclude conclusion In conclusion, preclude preclusion close? close? closelycloth clothes clothe clothing cloud cloudy coat overcoat raincoat cock cocktail peacock chick chicken chuck chuckle coffee cafe cafeteria colony colonial colonialist colonist colour colo(u)rful combine combination come income outcome become overcome welcome comfort comfortable comforting command commander demand mandate mandatorycommittee commit? commit? commitment commission common commonplace commonsense common commonwealth commune communism communist community communicate communication telecommunicatiimmune immunize company accompany Word List 6onscompanion pan panel compare comparison comparable comparative compel compulsion compulsory expel propel propeller repel expulsion expulsive propulsion propulsive repulsion repulsive impulse pulse compete competition competitive competent competence complain complaint concern concerning concerned discern discerning condition airconditional unconditionaconfidence confident confidential conflict conditioning lafflict inflict connect connection/exiconquer conqueror conquest onconsider considering considerable considerate consideration contain container content? content? contents contempt contemptible contemptuous continue continual continuous continuation continuance continuity cook cooker cool chill chilly copper cop copy copyright cope cord chord corps corpse corporate corporation incorporate incorporated correct rectify rectification cost costly count? account accountant accounting counter? discount compute computer dispute reputation deputy count? county viscount country countryside country counter? counterpart encounter contradict contradiction contrary contrast control controversycontroversial courage courageous discourage encourage encouragemencourse intercourse excursetexcursion curriculum current currency incur occur occurrence recur court courteous courtesy cover coverage discover uncover recover recovery cow? cowboy cow? coward cowardly crack clash crash crush create Word List 7 creative creation creator creature creation recreate recreation concrete discrete credit credible incredible credulous incredulous creep cripple crime criminal discriminatediscriminatiocriticalncritic crisis criticism criticize/ise criterion cross acrosscrossing crossroads crucify crucial cruise cruiser custom accustom accustomed customary customer costume cut haircut shortcut damn condemn damage indemnify danger dangerous endanger dare daring date out of date up to date update day daily everyday diary dial daze dazzle - 3 -1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇(研友Ruben整理)dizzy doze dozy deaf deafen dear darling December decade decimal dean decide decision decisive decided insecticide suicide concise precise precision scissors decorate decent deep deepen deeply depth dip defeat feat defence fence? fence? defend defendant defence/nse defensive offend offence/nse offensive delicious elicit democracy democrat democratic epidemic dense condense density dentist dental indent denydenial depend dependent dependence independent independencdescribe description ascribe ascriptioneprescribe prescription subscribe subscription manuscript script scrabble scrub scrape scrap desert? desert? assert insert desire desirable desirous develop development develop envelop envelope devote vote dialog(ue) catalog(ue) monolog(ue) prolog(ue) epilog(ue) analogy logic logical colloquial eloquent apology apologize/ise apologetic dictation dictate dictator dictatorship Word List 8dictionary diction addict addicted contradict predict verdict dedicate indicate indication indicative index die dead deadly death different difference differ differentiate indifferent confer conference infer inference offer prefer preferable preference refer referee reference suffer transfer transference difficult difficulty facile facilitate facility dig ditch dignity indignant indignation dinner dine dining room direct directly indirect direction director directory erect rectangle rectangular dirty dirt disappoint disappointment disappointing discuss discussion dish disk,disc disco discus dismiss missile emit emission omit omission submit submission transmit transmission distinguish distinct distinction extinguish extinct extinction instinct disturb disturbance perturb turbine turbulent divide dividend individual subdivide division divisor widow do undo deed indeed doctor doctrine document door indoor outdoor double duple duplicate diploma diplomat diplomatic dual triple multiple multiply multiplication multitude doubtdoubtful doubtless undoubtedly dubious drama dramatic dramatics draw drawback drawer drawing withdraw draw draft overdraw overdraft drag draggle dragon dread dreadful dreadfully dress dressing dressmaker hairdresser undressdrink drunk drunken drunkard eat edible Word List 9inedible drive driver drift drop drip dry drought during durable duration endure endurance duty due earn earnings earth earthquake east north south west northeast northwest southeast southwest eastern northern southern western easy uneasy disease ease economy economics economic economical edit edition editor editorial either neither neutral negative elect election collect collection collective select selection delegate elegant eligible neglect negligible intellect intelligible intellectual intelligence- 4 -1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇(研友Ruben整理)intelligent electricity electric electrical electrician electron electronic email electronics element elementary emphasis emphasize/ise emphatic phase empire emperor empress imperial imperialism imperialist employ employer employee employment unemployment empty exempt exemption energy energetic engage engagement gage mortgage mortgagor mortgagee engine engineer engineering enter entrance entry entertain entertainmenenthusiasm enthusiastic envy jealousytenvious jealous equal equality inequality unequal adequate equate equation equator equivalent equip equipment error erroneous essence essential essentially estimate overestimate underestimate esteem evening eve event eventual eventually exam/examination examine example sample exemplify exemplary except exception exceptional excite exciting excitement exercise exert exhaust exhausted exhausting exhaustive exhibition exhibit inhibit prohibit prohibition exit circuit initial initially initiate Word List 10initiative transit transition expand expanse expansion expect expectation unexpected aspect inspect perspective prospect prospective retrospect spectacle spectacular spectator spectrum suspect speculate speculator conspicuous suspicious suspicion despise experience experienced expert expertise empirical perilous perish experiment experimental experimentation explain explanation explode explosion explosive applaud applause face facet surface superficial fact factual factor affect effect affection effective perfect perfection defect defective infect infectious office officer official efficient efficiency sufficient sufficiency suffice deficient deficiency deficit proficient proficiency benefit profit beneficial profitable feasible featurefactory facture manufacture manufacturer fail failure fair unfair fairly faith faithful faithfully fall spring offspring family familiar familiarity familiarize famous fame fancy fantasy fantastic far farther further fare? fare? farewell welfare fascism fascinate fascinating fashion fashionable fast fasten fastener fate fateful fatal faultfaultless faulty default favo(u)r favo(u)rite favo(u)rable fear fearful fearless feast festive festival feel feeling fellow fellowship figure configuration figment fiction find finding fine? refine refinery finish final finally fine? finance financial confine define definition definite definitely indefinite definitive finite infinite fire fireman fireplace firework firm? Word List 11affirm affirmation affirmative confirm confirmation infirm firm?fish fisherman fishery fit fitting outfit fix fixture flame flare flash flat? flat? flatter inflation deflation flex flexible flex(i)timereflect reflection/exion flow overflow fluent fluid flush influence influential influenza flu fluctuate flutter flower flourish flour- 5 -1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇(研友Ruben整理)floral florid fly? fly? butterfly dragonfly firefly flight? flee flight? fold unfold follow follower following food feed feedback fool foolish foot centipede expedition pedal pedestrian forbid bid force forceful enforce? forcible enforce? reinforce effort fort form conform formal format formation formula formulate forum perform performance reform transform uniform information inform fortune fortunatefortunately misfortune unfortunately found foundation fund fundamental refund profound profundity fragment fragile fraction fracture refract free freedom free freely frequent frequently frequency fresh refresh refreshment friend friendly friendship front confront frontier fruitfruitful full fill fulfil(l) fun funny Funny looking furniture furnish fury rage furious outrage game gamble garden gardener kindergarten yard courtyard orchard gas gaseous gasify gasoline gene genetic genius ingenious genuine Homogeneouheterogeneous generate generation generator sdegenerate regenerative pregnant general In general, I agree with generallyyou. generalize/ise generalization,generous generosity hydrogen nitrogen oxygenisationgeography geology geometry graph graphic paragraph Word List 12photograph telegraph get forget getaway Get together giant gigantic give forgive given gift pardon donate donation endow globe global glory glorious glorify glare gleam glisten glitter glow glance glimpse go foregoing undergo gold golden good well better best goodness government govern governor governess grace graceful gracious grateful gratitude congratulate congratulation grade graduate graduation postgraduate undergraduate centigrade degrade upgrade gradual gradually grain granary grammar diagram telegram gram(me) kilogram(me program(me) grand grandfather grandmother grandson granddaughter grasp grip grope grass graze? graze? green evergreen greenhouse greet greeting ground background foreground playground underground grow grownup growth outgrow guard bodyguard safeguard regard disregard regardless regarding garage guardian ward guarantee warrant warrantee warrantor warranty awardreward guide guidance guideline guilt guilty habit cohabit inhabit inhabitant hair haircut half halve behalf quarter? quarterly quart quartz quarter? headquarters Hamburg hamburger hand beforehand handbook handful handicap handkerchief handle handsome handwriting handy shorthand manicure manipulate manoeuvre/maneumanual manuscriptverapprehend comprehend comprehensicomprehensivcommend recommend recommendatioon e n- 6 -1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇(研友Ruben整理)hang hinge hard harden hardware hardship hardy hard hardly harm harmful harmless haste hasten hasty hate hateful hatred have behave Word List 13 head ahead overhead heading headline headmaster headphone headache ache backache heartache stomachache toothache health healthy heal whole wholesome wholly hear hearing overhear heart hearty heartily help helpful helpless hero heroine heroic heroism hesitate cohesive adhere cohere coherent heir heiress heritable heritage inherit inherent high height heighten highly haughty history historian historichistorical hold uphold withhold hole hollow hell helmet holiday holy home dome domestic dominate dominant predominant domain dominionhono(u)r hono(u)rable honorary hope hopeful hopeless horizon horizontal hot heat heating warm warming warmth hotel motel hostel host? hostesshostage hospital hospitality hospitable host? hostile hostility house household housekeeper housewife greenhouse warehouse house housing how anyhow somehow however human humane humanity humanitarian humanitarianis m exhume inhume humble humiliate humid humidity humo(u)r humorous hump bump lump plump? stump? dump pump plump? stump? thump hungry hunger thirsty thirst hunt hint hurry hurricane husband band? band? bandage bind bond bound? bound? boundary bundle ice icecream icy idea ideal idealism ideology idol idolise/ize identical identify identification identity ill sick illness sickness imagine imaginable imaginary imaginative imagination image imitate imitation important importance import VIP, V.I.P. in out inner outer innermost outermost inward outward within without interior exterior intimate? intimate? extreme internal external inn utter? utter? utmost accident incident accidental accidentally WordList 14incidental incidentally incidence coincide coincidence increase increasingly decrease industry industrial industrious industrialize/ise industrializatidestroyon destruction destructive construct construction constructive structure instruct instruction instructor insect section intersection sector segment sex sexual homosexual sexy instrument instrumental interest interested interesting uninterested disinterested interfere interference interrupt abrupt bankrupt corrupt disrupt erupt ruptureintroduce introduction conduct conductor deduce deduct educate education induce reduce reduction conduct conductor semiconductoinduce rinduction reduce reduction invent invention inventor inviteinvitation jack hijack/highjajewel jewel(le)ry join adjoin ck- 7 -1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇(研友Ruben整理)conjoin joint junction conjunction journey journal journalist journalism joy enjoy enjoyable joyful rejoice judge judg(e)ment judicial prejudice jury injure injury just justice justify justification adjust adjustment keep housekeeper shopkeeper kind kindness mankind knee lap? kneel overlap knot knit knob know knowledge acknowledge wellknownlabo(u)r collaborate collaboration elaborate laboratory land inland landlord landscape mainland lapse collapse elapse large enlarge largely late later latest latter last? last? lately laugh laughter law inlaw lawyer legal illegal legislation legitimate illegitimate lax relax Relax. release lay delay layer layout relay lead leader leadership leading mislead Word List 15 leaf leaflet league colleague obligation oblige religion religious liable liability lean? lean? decline incline learn learned learning lecture dialect dialectic(s) allege legend legendarylet inlet outlet letter literal literally literacy literate illiterate literary literator literature liberation liberate liberal libertydeliver delivery deliberate equilibrium lie? lie? lier liar underlyinglife live? alive live? living lively livelihood living revive survive survival vivid evil lift shoplift aloft lofty elevate elevator lever levy alleviate levity relieve relief grave? grave? gravity aggravate grieve grief light? daylight sunlight highlight lighten? lightning enlighten light? lighten? like? dislike like? alike unlike likely likelihood likewise limit limitation limited eliminate preliminary line linear liner deadline guideline headline online outline streamline underline linen line file profile link linking liquid liquify,liquefy liquor load download overload unload local allocate locate location locality lock deadlock locker long length lengthen linger along longitude prolong look outlook overlook lose loss loose loosen loud loudspeaker aloud loud loudly love beloved lovely lover luck lucky unlucky machine machinery mechanic mechanical mechanics mechanism magic magical magnet Word List 16magnetic magnetism magnificent magnify magnitude magnate major majestic majesty mail E-mail mailbox maintain maintenance detain retain retention sustain sustenance make makeup male female masculine feminine man chairman fireman fishman gentleman layman policeman postman salesman sportsman workman woman manage management manager many much more moreover furthermore most almost mostly little less least mark remark marked remarkable margin marginal marginally marry marriage marriageable married wed wedding Marx Marxism Marxist mass massive massacre - 8 -1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇(研友Ruben整理)math(s) mathematics mathematical mathematician matter pattern material materialism maternal paternal matron patron compatriot patriot patriotic mature immature premature maturity may maybe might? might? mighty almighty meal mill measure measurement commensurate dimension immense medicine dose medical remedy meet meeting melt melted molten member membership memory commemoratmemorial memorize/ise remember mendeamend emend merchant merchandise commerce commercial merge emerge emergency immerge submerge immerse emerse message messenger mission missionary metal metallic metallurgy medal meter? centimetre/ter kilometre/ter millimetre/ter metric diameter parameter arithmetic geometry symmetry meter? thermometer multimeter middle amid midst midday midnight mediate? immediate immediately intermediate? medieval Mediterraneamedium media mediate? intermediate?nmedian mean? meantime meanwhile means? means? mean? meaning migrate migrant immigrate emigrate immigrant emigrant military militant militia million millionaire mind remind comment commentary mental mentality psychology mention mine mineral undermine mini miniature minibus minute? WordList17minute? diminish minus minor major minority majority minimum maximum minimal maximal minimize/ise maximize mayor minister ministry administer administration administrative mirror mirage miracle miraculous miserablecommiserate misery miss missing model mode modern modernize/ise module mo(u)ld mood moderate modest modify accommodate accommodation commodity moist moisture mole molecule molecular Monday monarch monarchy monopoly monopolize monotonous moment momentum money monetary mint moon month monthly moral immoral unmoral morality virtue virtual virtually mountain mount dismount amount mouse m(o)ustache muscle muscular mouth murmur mutter mumble move moved moving movie movement remove removal motor motorist motel emotion emotional locomotive motion motive motivate demote promote remote automate automatic mobile automobile mobilise/ize mob Mr Mrs Miss Ms mister master masterpiece mistress magisterial magistrate sir senior senate senator mud muddle muddy music musical musician amuse amusement amusing muse museum mutual commute commutation commuter mystery mysterious mystify mystic name namely nickname surname nominal nominate nomination nominee anonymous antonym synonym nation national international internationalism internationalinationality stnature natural naturally naive renaissance navy naval navigate navigation near nearby nearly necessary necessarily unnecessary necessity necessitate neighbo(u)r neighbo(u)rhood nerve nervous - 9 -1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇(研友Ruben整理)net network Internet never ever everlasting forever night fortnight midnight nightmare overnight normal abnormal normally normalize norm enormous note notice Word List 18notable noticeable noted notorious notice notify note denotenotation notion noun pronoun renown renowned now nowadays new news renew novel? novel? novelty innovate innovation innovative renovate number numerical numerous innumerable enumerate nurse nursery nourish nurture nut chestnut peanut walnut nuclear nucleus obey obedience obedient audible audience audio auditorium occupy occupation oil gasoline/ene petroleum petrol old elder elderly adolescence adolescent adult on onto upon one alone lone lonely lonesome once onion only anyone everyone someone none oneself unite union reunion unify unification unity unanimous unique unit open opening operate operation operational operative operator cooperate cooperation cooperative order disorder orderly ordinal coordinate subordinate oracle oral orator ordinary extraordinary extraordinarily extra organ organic organism organize/ise organization/isatorigin original originate orient? oriental orient? ion orientation other another otherwise over overall overcoat overcome overflow overtake overwhelm overwhelming overthrow overturn overload overestimate own owner ownership owe owing pack package packet packed compact impact page propagate propaganda pain No pains,no painful painless paintgains.painter painting pair repair impair peer? peer? paper newspaper paperback part participate participant Word List 19partial impartial partially partly particle particular particularly counterpart party partner copartner partnership portion proportionproportional apart apartment compartment depart departure department impart partition pass bypass compass overpass passage passenger surpass pastime past paste toothpaste pastry patient patience impatientinpatient compatible incompatible pay payable payment repay peace peaceful appease pacific pacify people popular pop populate population perhaps happen happening mishap period periodic periodical permit permission permissible admit admission person personal personality personally personnel persuade persuasion persuasive philosophy philosopher sophisticated sophomore physics physicist physician physical physiology physiological pick? pick? pickpocket peck peak at the peak. pick? poke picnic picnicker picture depict pile compile compiler accumulate cumulative place displace replace replacement displacement plain plan plane planate plant plantation interplant transplant plastic plaster plate numberplate tinplate plateau platform play player please pleasant- 10 -1~6级全新大学英语星火式巧记速记词汇(研友Ruben整理)pleasure plenty plentiful complete complement complementacomplyrysupplement supplementary supply accomplish implement plus surplus poem poet poetry point standpoint viewpoint Word List 20appoint appointment punctual puncture punch pole polar polite metropolitan metropolis politics political politician polity policy pollute pollution dilute poor poverty rich enrich port airport seaportexport import opportunity passport porch deport portable portertransport transportation position compose composite composition deposit dispose disposal disposition expose exposure exposition impose oppose opposite pose posture preposition propose proposal proposition purpose suppose symposium component opponent postpone compound? compound? thesis hypothesis synthesis possess possession assess assessment possible probable impossible improbable probability possibility possibly probably potential potentiality post? postage postman post? poster post? post? power horsepower powerful practice practise practicable practical practically pray prayer pre prior priority primary primarily prime premier primitive prepare preparation preparatory present absent presence absence present presence present presentation presently represent representation representative press compress compression depress depression suppress express? express? expression expressive impress impression impressive oppress oppression pressure repression price appreciate appreciative appreciable depreciate precious prize praise appraise appraisal prince princess principal principle prison imprison prisoner comprise enterprise entrepreneur private deprive privacy privilegeproceed procession process microprocessor procedure proceeding Word List 21precede precedent preceding exceed excess excessive exceeding excessively exceedingly concede concession recede recession access。


We had to wait. Even Paulo and his friends could not help us.
The first month was not too bad as most of the farmers continued to use us; their crops were rich, waiting to be picked. Then some men from Madrid visited all of the farms, and maybe half of the farmers stopped using uwere sorry, and we understood them.
星火英语 考研英语词汇必背2014

星火英语考研英语词汇必背2014全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack who loved learning English. He used to struggle with his English classes in primary school, but one day he discovered a magical book called "Starfire English Kao Yan English Hui Bi Bei 2014" that changed everything.The book was filled with fun and easy-to-understand English lessons that helped Jack improve his language skills tremendously. From grammar rules to vocabulary words, Jack soaked up all the knowledge like a sponge. He even started practicing speaking with his friends and family, using the phrases and expressions he learned from the book.As Jack's English skills grew, so did his confidence. He became the star student in his English class and even volunteered to help his classmates with their homework. His teachers were amazed at his progress and praised him for his hard work and dedication.On the day of the English exam, Jack felt nervous but excited. He remembered all the lessons from the "Starfire English Kao Yan English Hui Bi Bei 2014" book and tackled the exam with ease. When the results came out, Jack was delighted to see that he had scored the highest in the class.Thanks to the magical book, Jack's English journey had a happy ending. He continued to study hard and eventually became fluent in English, fulfilling his dream of studying abroad and becoming a successful bilingual professional. And they all lived happily ever after.The end.篇2Title: My Thoughts on Star Fire EnglishHey guys, have you heard about Star Fire English? It's this awesome program that helps us learn English in a fun and easy way. I want to share with you my thoughts on Star Fire English and why I think it's so cool.First of all, the teachers at Star Fire English are really nice and friendly. They make learning English interesting and exciting. They use games, songs, and activities to help us remember newwords and grammar rules. It doesn't feel like studying at all, it feels like playing!Secondly, the lessons are well-organized and easy to follow. The teachers explain things in a simple way that we can understand. They also give us lots of practice exercises to help us improve our English skills. I feel more confident speaking and writing in English since I started studying at Star Fire English.Another thing I love about Star Fire English is the cool rewards we get for doing well in class. We can earn stickers, prizes, and even certificates for our hard work. It makes me want to study even harder and do my best in every lesson.In conclusion, I think Star Fire English is amazing and I'm so glad I joined this program. I feel like I'm becoming better at English every day and it's all thanks to Star Fire English. I can't wait to see how much more I'll improve in the future!That's all for now, guys. Thanks for listening to my thoughts on Star Fire English. Bye!篇3Oh my goodness, the Star Fire English Kao Yan English Vocabulary Must-Know in 2014 is super important and I have towrite an article about it! It's like, so long though, but I gotta do it for school.So, like, in 2014, there was this super cool vocabulary list that you had to remember for the Kao Yan English test. It was like, full of all these awesome words that you had to know to do well on the test. And like, if you knew all these words, you were like, super smart!I remember studying all these words with my friends. We made up all these fun games to help us remember them. Like, one time we made a song using all the words and we sang it over and over again until we knew them all.Some of the words were really hard though. Like, "ubiquitous" and "conundrum". I had to ask my teacher to explain them to me like a million times before I finally understood what they meant. But, like, it was totally worth it because I did really well on the test!I think studying vocabulary is really important because it helps you understand what you're reading and writing better. It's like unlocking a whole new world of words that you can use to express yourself. So, even though it's a lot of work, it's totally worth it in the end!So, like, if you're studying for the Kao Yan English test, make sure you know all the words on the Star Fire English Vocabulary Must-Know list for 2014. It'll totally help you do your best on the test! Good luck!篇4Hello everyone, today I want to share with you some important words and phrases from the Star Fire English 2014 exam. These are super important if you want to do well in the English test, so let's dive in!First off, let's talk about vocabulary. It's like having a big toolbox full of words that you can use to express yourself. The more words you know, the better you can communicate. So make sure to learn new words every day and practice using them in sentences.Next up, let's chat about grammar. It may sound boring, but trust me, it's super important. Grammar is like the rules of the English language - it helps you put words together in the right way so that others can understand you. So make sure to study grammar and practice making sentences.Now, let's move on to reading comprehension. This is when you read a passage and answer questions about it. It's importantto understand the main idea of the passage and pick out key details. So practice reading different types of texts and answering questions to improve your skills.Last but not least, let's talk about writing. Writing is a great way to express your thoughts and ideas. Practice writing essays, emails, and stories to improve your writing skills. Remember to pay attention to spelling, punctuation, and grammar.In conclusion, preparing for the Star Fire English exam requires dedication and hard work. But with practice and determination, you can ace the test. So keep studying, practicing, and never give up! Good luck!篇5Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the "Star Fire English 2014" for the postgraduate entrance exam!So, have you heard of this book before? It's super important for all of us who want to take the entrance exam for postgraduate studies. It's like a superpower that can help us improve our English skills and ace the exam!In this book, there are so many useful words, phrases, and grammar points that we need to know. It covers everything fromreading to writing, listening to speaking. It's like a magic spell that will help us become masters of English!One of the coolest things about this book is that it has a lot of practice exercises. These exercises will help us test our knowledge and make sure we understand everything we've learned. It's like playing a game while we're studying!By using this book, we can improve our English skills step by step. We can also learn how to write better essays, understand difficult passages, and even speak more fluently. It's like having a secret weapon that will help us succeed in the exam!So, let's all work hard and study with the "Star Fire English 2014"! With this amazing book by our side, we can definitely achieve our goal of passing the postgraduate entrance exam with flying colors!篇6Oh my goodness! There are so many words to write! Let's get started with this essay about the 2014 "Star Fire English" exam!First of all, let me tell you about this exam. It's a big test that lots of people take to try and get into a good graduate school.The English part is really important because English is such a useful language to know.In the exam, there are lots of different sections to test your English skills. You have to read passages and answer questions about them, listen to recordings and answer questions, and write essays on given topics. It's a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun to show off how much English you know!One tip for studying for this exam is to practice your English every day. You can read English books, watch English movies, and talk to people in English. The more you practice, the better you'll do on the exam.So, if you're thinking about taking the "Star Fire English" exam, just remember to study hard and have fun with it. You can do it! Good luck!篇7Hey guys, today I want to share with you some important tips from the "Spark English 2014" for the Graduate English Exam.I know it sounds super boring, but trust me, these tips will help you ace your exam!First tip is to start early. Don't wait until the last minute to start studying. Make a study schedule and stick to it. This will help you cover all the material and have enough time to review before the exam.Second tip is to practice, practice, practice. The more you practice, the more familiar you will become with the types of questions that will be on the exam. This will help you feel more confident on exam day.Third tip is to focus on your weaknesses. Don't just study the things you are already good at. Spend extra time on the topics that you find challenging. This will help you improve and perform better on those areas.Fourth tip is to take care of yourself. Make sure you get enough rest, eat healthy, and exercise regularly. A healthy body and mind will help you stay focused and perform better on the exam.And last tip is to stay positive. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Stay motivated and don't let any setbacks discourage you. You got this!So there you have it, guys. Follow these tips and you will be well on your way to acing your Graduate English Exam. Good luck!篇8Dear everyone,I'm here to share with you some really cool stuff about the "Star Fire English" app that I just found out. It's super helpful for studying English, especially for the "College Entrance Examination" in 2014. So, let me tell you all about it.First off, this app has tons of vocabulary and grammar exercises that are perfect for practicing for the exam. It also has a lot of practice tests that will help you get better at reading, listening, and writing in English. Plus, there are even some fun games that can help you improve your English skills while having a good time.Another awesome thing about this app is that it has a feature called "Flashcards" that helps you learn new words and phrases in a fun and easy way. You can also track your progress and see how much you've improved over time.Overall, I think the "Star Fire English" app is a great tool for anyone who wants to do well on the College Entrance Examination in 2014. It's fun, easy to use, and best of all, it really works. So, if you're looking for a way to boost your English skills, be sure to check out this awesome app.That's all for now. Thanks for listening, and good luck with your English studies!Yours sincerely,(A happy and satisfied user of the "Star Fire English" app)篇9Oh wow, like seriously guys, I gotta tell you about this super cool thing called the "Star Fire English Exam" that all the big kids are talking about. It's like this really important test that helps you get into the best colleges and stuff. So, like, pay attention 'cause I'm about to tell you all about it.First off, this test is like a big deal for anyone who wants to go to grad school and study English stuff. You gotta know all about grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing. It's not easy, but if you study hard and practice lots, you can totally ace it!One tip I heard is to make sure you read lots of English books and practice speaking and writing every day. That way, you'll get better at English and be ready for anything the test throws at you. Oh, and don't forget to use flashcards to help you remember all those tricky words.I heard that the 2014 exam was super tough, but lots of people did really well on it. So, if you wanna be one of the cool kids who passes with flying colors, start studying now and don't give up. Remember, you got this!Alright, that's all I gotta say about the Star Fire English Exam. Good luck, my fellow little scholars! Let's rock this test together!篇10Title: My Experience with Starlight EnglishHello everyone! I want to share with you my experience with Starlight English, a special English program that helped me prepare for the postgraduate entrance exam. Enjoy!I first heard about Starlight English from my teacher at school. He said that the program was designed to help students improve their English skills and prepare for exams like thepostgraduate entrance exam. I was a bit nervous at first, but I decided to give it a try.The classes at Starlight English were so much fun! The teachers were all friendly and patient, and they made learning English enjoyable. We did a lot of activities like games, role-plays, and group discussions. I felt more confident speaking English after each class.One of the best parts of Starlight English was the study materials. They had a wide range of resources, including textbooks, practice tests, and online exercises. I spent a lot of time studying and practicing, and I could see my English skills improving every day.After several months of hard work, I finally took the postgraduate entrance exam. Thanks to Starlight English, I felt well-prepared and confident. And you know what? I passed the exam with flying colors!I am so grateful to Starlight English for helping me achieve my goal. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who wants to improve their English skills. Thank you, Starlight English, for lighting up my English learning journey!。

星火英语四级词汇表·巧记·速记·精练·十倍速Word List 01able a.能够;能力出众的ability n.能力;才能disabled a.残疾的enable vt.使能够unable a.无法absorb vt.吸收;使全神贯注;同化absorbent a.吸收的absorbing a.引人入胜的absorbed a.全神贯注的acquaintance n.认识;泛泛之交acquaint vt.使了解act1 vi.行动;起作用;扮演vt.假装act2 n.行为action1 n.行为;情节active a.积极的;起作用的activate vt.激活activist n.积极分子activity n.活跃;活动transact vt.做交易transaction n.交易action2 n.作用interact vi.相互作用interaction n.相互作用react vi.作出反应;过敏reaction n.反应;抗拒act3 n.(一)幕actor n.男演员actress n.女演员act4 n.法令enact1 vt.扮演enact2 vt.通过(法律)actual a.实际的actually ad.实际上exact a.准确的agency n.代理处;专门机构agent n.代理人;间谍;动因;剂agenda n.议事日程adapt v.适合;改编adopt vt.采取;收养;批准apt a.恰当的;有…倾向的;聪明的opt vi.选择option n.选择(权)optional a.可以任选的optimist n.乐观(主义)者optimistic a.乐观(主义)的add vt.增加;把…加起来addition n.加法;增加的人(或物) additional a.额外的advance vi.前进;上涨vt.预付;提前;提出advance a.预先的advanced a.先进的;高级的;晚期的advance n.进展;预付款advancement n.推动advantage n.优势advantageous a.有利的disadvantage n.不利条件adventure n.奇遇venture n.企业vi.冒险vt.敢于advice n.忠告advise v.忠告;建议;通知advisable a.明智的advisory a.咨询的age n.年龄;时期;老年v.(使)变老;(使)成熟aged a.…岁的 a.年迈的teenager n.青少年agree vt.同意agreeable a.同意的;愉悦的agreement n.协定;同意;一致disagree vi.不同意;不符agriculture n.农业cultivate vt.耕作;培养cultivation n.耕作;培养culture n.培育;文化cultural a.教养的;文化(上)的air n.空气;天空;神态vt.使通风;晾干aircraft n.航空器airplane n.飞机airfield n.飞机场airport n.机场airline n.航空公司airway n.航线;气道aerial a.空气中的n.天线aeroplane n.飞机allow vt.允许;同意给;承认allowance n.津贴ally v.(使)结盟n.同盟者;支持者alliance n.结盟rally v.集合;恢复健康n.集会;公路汽车赛1alphabet n.字母(表)alphabetic(al) a.按字母(表)顺序的alter vt.改变alternative a.两者择一的;非传统的n.可供选择的事物amaze vt.使惊奇amazing a.令(人)惊愕的amazement n.惊奇ambulance n.救护车ambition n.雄心;野心ambitious a.有雄心的;有野心的mbassador n.大使embassy n.大使馆;使馆全体人员analyse/-yze vt.分析analysis n.分析analytic(al) a.分析(性)的analytically ad.以分析的方法ancient a.古老的;年老的ancestor n.祖先;原型anterior a.前面的anticipate vt.预料;先于…行动antique a.古董的n.古董angle n.角;观点vt.把…放成一角度;从(某角度)报道triangle n.三角形ankle n.(脚)踝anchor n.锚;给安全感之物(或人)v.抛锚;把…系住;担任主持人angry a.愤怒的anger n.怒火vt.激怒answer v.回答n.答案swear v.发誓;咒骂anxious a.焦虑的;渴望的anxiety n.焦虑;渴望appear vi.出现;似乎;出版appearance n.露面;外观disappear vi.消失apparent a.表面上的;显然的transparent a.透明的;显而易见的Word List 02apply vi.申请vt.应用;涂appliance n.电器applicant n.申请人application n.申请(表);应用applicable a.合适的applied a.实用的approach v.靠近n.接近;途径;方法approximate a.大约的vi.接近vt.估计approximately ad.大约argue v.争论argument n.争论;理由army n.军队;大群arm1 n.武器vt.以(武器)装备;支持arm2 n.臂;扶手disarm v.解除武装alarm n.惊恐;报警器;警报vt.使惊恐arrange v.安排;整理arrangement n.安排;整理range n.排列;一系列;山脉;范围v.变动;涉及rank n.行列;地位;成员v.把…分等;排列arrive vi.到达;达成arrival n.到达(者)art n.艺术;美术;技艺;文科artist n.艺术家;美术家artistic a.艺术(家)的;美术(家)的;有艺术性的artful a.精巧的;施展巧计的artificial a.人工的;假装的craft n.工艺;航空器handicraft n.手工艺(品)aircraft n.航空器spacecraft n.宇宙飞船assistant n.助手;助教a.助理的assist v.帮助assistance n.帮助consist v.由…组成;在于;与…一致consistent a.前后一致的consistency n.连贯性exist v.存在;维持生存existence n.存在;生活insist v.坚持persist v.顽强地坚持;维持persistence n.坚持;持续存在resist v.抵抗;抵制resistance n.抵抗;抵抗力;电阻resistant a.抵抗的resistor n.电阻器atmosphere n.大气(层);空气;气氛sphere n.球(体)范围2hemisphere n.地球的半球;大脑半球atom n.原子atomic a.原子(能)的attack v.攻击n.发作tack n.大头钉;方针vt.钉住;附加attach vt.把…固定;与…有关联detach vt.拆卸attend vt.出席;照料vi.注意attendance n.出席人数;参加;服侍attention n.注意;立正姿势author n.作者;创造者authority n.权力;专家;官方authoritative a.专断的;权威性的authorize vt.授权authentic a.真正的;可靠的auto n.汽车automate vt.使(工厂、作业等)自动化automatic a.自动的;不假思索n.自动手枪automobile n.汽车background n.背景backward a.向后的;落后的ad.向后bad a.坏的;质量差的;邪恶的badly ad.差;严重地worse a./ad.更坏(的)worst a./ad.最坏(的)bag n.纸袋vt.把…装进袋子baggage n.行李handbag n.手提包bake vt.烤baker n.面包师傅bakery n.面包店ball1 n.球vt.做成球状balloon n.气球ballot n.选票;投票表决;投票总数v.(使)投票表决belly n.肚子bullet n.子弹basketball n.篮球baseball n.棒球softball n.垒球volleyball n.排球ball2 n.舞会ballet n.芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团bank1 n.银行vt.把(钱)存入银行bank2 n.岸;堆banker n.银行家banking n.银行业bankrupt a.破产的;完全缺乏vt.使破产n.破产者bankruptcy n.破产bar n.酒吧;条;栅栏vt.封;禁止barrel n.桶;枪管barrier n.关卡;障碍;屏障embarrass vt.使窘迫bare a.裸体的;光秃秃的vt.揭开bare a.刚刚够的barely ad.仅仅;几乎不base n.底座;基础;基地vt.以…为基础basis n.基础basic a.基本的n.基本原理basically ad.从根本上说basement n.地下室bath n.沐浴;浴缸v.洗澡bathe vt.给…洗澡;用清洗vi.游泳be v.(就)是;(存)在being n.存在;生物bear1 vt.带有;承担责任;忍受;生育bear2 n.熊;(对股市行情)看跌的人born a.天生的birth n.出生;出身;起源bearing n.举止;方位;轴承beat vt.敲打;打败vi.跳动n.节拍bat1 n.(棒球)球棒;(乒乓球)球拍bat2 n.蝙蝠batter v.连续猛击n.面糊battery n.排炮;电池(组);一批battle n.战斗;斗争vi.搏斗combat n.战斗v.与…搏斗debate v./n.辩论beautiful a.美丽的;出色的beauty n.美(丽);美人because conj.因为cause n.理由;事业vt.引起accuse vt.指控excuse n.借口v.原谅;(使)免除;为…辩解3bed n.床;河床;花坛v.把…固定在embed vt.把…嵌入;使深留脑中Word List 03before 在…以前;在…前面fore a.在前部的former a.以前的n.前者first ad.首先det.首要的foremost a.最重要的forehead n.前额forecast vt./n.预报forth ad.向前forward a.向前的;前面ad.向前;往后vt.发送beg v.乞讨;恳求beggar n.乞丐vt.使贫穷begin v.开始beginner n.初学者beginning n.开始;前兆end n.结尾;末端v.结束ending n.结尾endless a.无休止的behind prep.在…后面;落后于;支持ad.在背后;在原处hind a.后面的hinder vt.妨碍believe v .相信;认为真实belief n.相信;信仰below 在…下面;少于ad.在下面low a.低的;低等的;消沉ad.低;低声地n.低水平lower1 a.较低的;下面的lower2 vt.降低beneath prep.在…下面ad.在…掩盖下underneath prep./ad.在…下面n.底部bicycle n.自行车cycle1 n.自行车vi.骑自行车cyclist n.骑自行车的人cycle2 n./v.循环recycle v.回收利用encyclop(a)edia n.百科全书circle n.圆圈;vt.围绕…画圈vi.盘旋circular a.圆形的;绕圈的n.印刷信函circulate v.(使)循环;传播circulation n.流通;发行量;循环circuit n.环行道;电路;环行circumstance n.条件;境况bit1 n.一点;小量bit2 n.比特bite v.咬n.咬伤;咬下的一口biting a.刺骨的bitter a.充满仇恨的;使人悲痛的;严寒的;味苦的blackboard n.黑板board n.木板;委员会;伙食vt.上(船、车或飞机) vi.登机;膳宿aboard ./ad.在船(或飞机、车)上cupboard n.橱柜keyboard n.键盘board n.船舷border n.镶边;边界vt.给…加上边;毗邻vi.近似;接壤blanket n.毛毯blank n.空白a.空白的;不理解的blind a.瞎的;视而不见的;盲目n.窗帘blend v.融合n.混合物blood n.血;血统bloody a.流血的;残暴ad.非常vt.使(某人)受伤(流血)bleed vi.流血vt.长期榨取blow1 v.吹;吹奏;(使)爆炸blow2 n.猛击blast n.爆炸;一股vt.炸毁boil v.煮沸;烧开boiler n.锅炉;煮器book n.书;本子;账目vt.预订booklet n.小册子bookmark n.书签;收藏夹handbook n.指南notebook n.笔记本textbook n.教科书bow1 n.弓;蝴蝶结bow2 vi./n.鞠躬vt.低头;使弯曲elbow n.肘vt.用肘推rainbow n.彩虹bracket n.括号brace n.大括号4embrace v./n.拥抱;欣然接受brandy n.白兰地酒brand vt.打烙印;丑化n.品牌break v.破碎;打断;违犯;透露n.休息时间breakdown n.破裂;衰竭;故障;分类breakthrough n.突破outbreak n爆发brake v.刹(车) n.闸breath n.呼吸的空气;轻微流动breathe v.呼吸;低声说brief a.短暂的;简短,简单的vt.向…作简要的介绍n.摘要abbreviate vt.缩短abbreviation n.缩略brevity n.简洁;短暂bring vt.带来upbringing n.养育broad a.宽阔的;广泛的abroad ad.到(在)国外;广为流传broadcast n.广播节目vt.播音broaden v.加宽breadth n.宽度brute n.牲畜;残酷的人a.蛮干不动脑筋的brutal a.残暴的;冷酷的brutality n.残暴build vt.建造;开发vi.逐渐增强n.体形building n.建筑(物) shipbuilding n.造船(业) bump v.碰;颠簸地行驶n.碰撞声;肿块;隆起dump1 n.垃圾堆dumpling n.饺子;矮胖子lump n.肿块v.(使)成块;把…归并在一起stump1 n.树桩;残根v.使为难;作巡回演说dump2 v.倾倒;倾销;抛弃pump n.泵vt.输送stump2 vi.脚步重重地走thump v.捶击burn v.燃烧n.烧伤burner n.炉子sunburn n.晒伤busy a.繁忙的;(电话线)正被占用business n.商业;企业;职责calculate v.计算;推测calculator n.计算器calculation n.计算;估计calculus n.微积分;结石calendar n.日历call v..称呼;打电话给;召至某处;喊;访问recall v.回想起;召回so-called a.所谓的challenge vt.向…挑战;对…质疑n.挑战(书);质疑reconcile vt.使和谐一致;妥协council n.地方议会counsel n.劝告;律师vt.劝告consult v.请教;商议;查询consultant n.会诊医师;顾问Word List 04camp n.营地vi.野营campaign n.战役;运动vi.参加运动campus n.(大学)校园champion n.冠军canal n.运河channel n.海峡;频道;途径candle n.蜡烛kindle v.点燃candidate n.候选人;考生candy n.糖果cane n.茎;手杖canoe n.独木舟vi.划独木舟capable a.有能力的capability n.能力incapable a.没有能力的capital n.首都capital a.大写的n.大写(字母);首要的n.资本;斩首的cape n.海角captain n.首领;船长chapter n.章escape v.逃跑;漏出n.逃避capture vt.捕获;夺得;占领capacity n.容量;能力;职位5cabbage n.卷心菜cabin n.小木屋;船舱cabinet n.陈列柜;政府内阁car n.小汽车;车厢carry vt.运送;传送carrier n.运输工具;带菌者;载物架career vi.疾驰n.生涯;职业carpenter n.木匠carriage n.四轮马车;客车厢cart n.手推车caravan n.旅行拖车;旅行队van n.面包车cargo n.货物charge vt.要价;控告;使担职责;充电vi.收费;冲锋n.价钱;控告;掌管;电荷discharge v.解雇;排出n.获准离开;排出(物) chariot n.战车card n.卡片;请帖;纸牌;办法discard vt.抛弃postcard n.明信片cartoon n.漫画;动画片chart n.图表;海图vt.记录;绘制…地图charter n.宪章;特许状vt.租care v.关心;关注;喜欢n.小心;照顾;忧虑careful a.小心的careless a.粗心的;随便的;不关心的caring a.关心他人的Medicare n.老年保健医疗chary a.小心谨慎的charity n.慈善团体;施舍;宽容charitable a.慈善的cure vt.治愈;矫正n.治疗;药(剂) accurate a.精确的accuracy n.精确curious a.好奇的;奇特的curiosity n.好奇心;奇物secure a.安心的;牢固的vt.取得;使安全;缚牢security n.保障;抵押品;证券case1 n.箱briefcase n.公文包suitcase n.手提箱cassette n.盒式录音带cash n.现金vt.兑现支票cashier n.出纳case2 n.情况casual a.偶然的;随便的;漫不经心的casually ad.偶然地occasion n.时机;盛会;起因occasional a.偶然的occasionally ad.偶尔cast vt.投;浇铸;蜕皮n.演员表;石膏;铸件broadcast v./n.播音forecast vt./n.预报podcast n.播客telecast v.电视广播webcast n./v.网络播放catch vt.接住;赶上;领会;感染chase n./vt.追逐;追求purchase vt./n.购买cautious a.小心的caution n.小心;警告precaution n.预防celebrate v.庆祝;歌颂celebrated a.著名的celebrity n.著名;名流cell n.细胞;单间牢房cellular a.由细胞组成的seal1 n.封条;印记vt.(密)封seal2 n.海豹conceal vt.隐藏cellar n.地窖;酒窖cent n.分cent n.百century n.世纪percent n.百分之…percentage n.百分比centigrade a./n.摄氏温度计(的) centimetre n.厘米center/-tre n.中心;聚焦点v.集中于central a.中央的;首要的centralise vt.集权控制concentrate v.集中;聚集;浓缩n.浓缩物concentration n.专注;集中;浓度certainly ad.确定;当然certain a.必定的;确信的ascertain vt.查明certainty n.确信;必然的事6certificate n.证(明)书certify vt.证明;颁发证书给change v.改变;兑换n.替代;找给的零钱exchange n.交换;汇兑vt.调换;交流character n.特征;性格;角色;(汉)字characteristic a.典型的n.特征characterize vt.是…的特征;描述特性charming a.令人着魔的charm vt. 迷住;使…受魔法保护n.魅力;符咒chief n.酋长;首领a.主要的achieve vt.完成vi.成功achievement n.完成;成就child n.孩子;儿童childhood n.童年childish a.孩子的;幼稚的childlike a.天真的Word List 05choose vt.选择;情愿choice n.选择(权a.精选的chop v.砍n.排骨chip vt.削下n碎片;炸土豆条;缺口Christmas n.圣诞节Christ n.基督Christian n.基督徒a.基督教的city n.城市citizen n.市民citizenship n.公民权;国籍civil1 a.公民的;平民的;民事的civilian n.平民civil2 a.文明的civilize,-ise vt.使文明civilization,-isation n.文明claim vt.声称;要求;夺去n.索赔exclaim v.呼喊proclaim vt.宣告;显示class n.阶级;种类;班级classic a.最优秀的;典型的n.名著classical a.古典的classify vt.把…分类classification n.分类;类别classmate n.同班同学mate n.伙伴;配偶v.(使)交配match1 n.对手;比赛v.匹配match2 n.火柴matchless a.无敌的clean1 a.清洁的;公正的;熟练的clean2 ad.彻底地cleanly ad.清洁地;干净利落地clear a.清楚的;确信的vt.清除;证明…无罪;批准clearance n.清除;间隙;兑现;批准clearing n.林中空地clarify vt.澄清clarity n.清楚declare v.宣布;宣称;申报declaration n.宣布;宣言;申报close1 v.关闭;结束n.结束closet n.贮藏室vt.把…引进密室会谈 a.秘密的disclose vt.揭露enclose vt.围住;随函附上include vt.包括inclusion n.包括inclusive a.包括一切的exclude vt.不包括exclusion n.除外exclusive a.高级的;独有的;不包括…的n.独家新闻conclude v.结束;缔结;推断出conclusion n.结尾;缔结;推论close2 a.接近的;亲密的;不通风的close3 ad.接近地closely ad.接近地;紧密地cloth n.布料;抹布clothes n.衣服clothe vt.给…穿衣服;给…提供衣服clothing n.服装cock n.公鸡;龙头cocktail n.鸡尾酒;餐前开胃小吃;混合物peacock n.孔雀chick n.小鸡chicken n.小鸡;鸡肉chuck vi.咯咯叫chuckle v.咯咯地笑colony n.殖民地;聚居区;群体colonial a.殖民的colonialist a./n.殖民主义者(的)colonist n.殖民地定居者combine v.联合n.联合企业(或团体);联7合收割机combination n.联合(体)come vi.来到;发生;实现income n.收入outcome n.结果become vi.变成vt.适合overcome vt.克服;压倒welcome vt./n./int.欢迎a.受欢迎的comfort n.舒适;安慰vt.安慰comfortable a.舒服的comforting a.令人安慰的command 、vt.命令;控制;俯瞰.命令;掌握commander n.指挥官demand vt./n.强烈要求;需求(量) demanding a.要求高的committee n.委员会;委员commit1 vt.使承诺;花(钱或时间) commit2 vt.犯(罪),干(坏事) commitment n.奉献;承担责任;承诺commission n.委托;佣金;委员会common1 a.通常的common2 a.共有的;共同的commune n.公社communism n.共产主义communist n.共产主义a.共产主义的community n.团体;社区;群体communicate v.交流;传播communication n.交流;通讯telecommunications n.电信immune a.有免疫力的;免除的Word List 06company n.公司;同伴;(一)群accompany vt.陪伴;伴随;为…伴奏companion n.同伴pan n.平底锅panel n.嵌板;控制板;专家咨询组compare vt.比较;把…比作vi.相比comparison n.比较;比喻comparable a.比得上的;可比较的comparative a.比较的compel vt.强迫expel vt.驱逐;排出;把…开除propel vt.推进impulse n.冲动;动力;推动力pulse n.脉搏vi.搏动compete vi.竞争competition n.竞争;比赛competitive a.竞争的;有竞争力的competent a.有能力的competence n.能力complain v.抱怨complaint n.抱怨;疾病complete a.完整的vt.完成incomplete a.不完整的complement vt.补充;与…相配n.补充;补语complementary a.补充的supplement vt.增补n.增补(物);增刊supplementary a.增补的supply vt.供给n.供应(量);补给品accomplish vt.完成implement vt.执行n.工具computer n.计算机microcomputer n.微型计算机computerize v.用电脑处理compute v.计算dispute n./v.争论deputy n.副职reputation n.名声concern vt.涉及;使担心n.关心;重要的事concerning prep.关于concerned a.有关的;关切的confidence n.信心;秘密confident a.确信的,自信的confidential a.秘密的connect vt.联系;连接vi.联运connection n.联系;接通;熟人consider v.认为;考虑;关心considerable a.相当大的considerate a.体贴的consideration n.仔细考虑;体贴contain vt.包含;控制container n.容器content1 n.含量;内容contents n.所含之物;目录content2 a.满意的vt./n.(使)满意contented a.满足的continue vt.继续vi.延伸continual a.频频的continuous a.连续的continuity n.连续(性)cool a.凉的;冷静的v.(使)变凉;(使)冷静下来8chill vt.使很冷;使恐n.风寒;寒冷chilly a.寒冷的copper n.铜;铜币cop n.警察copy n.复印件;(一)本vt.复印;模仿copyright n.版权cope vi.处理cord n.(细)绳;灯芯绒裤cordless a.无电线的chord n.和弦;弦cost n.成本;代价vt.价钱为;使付出(代价) costly a.昂贵的count1 vt.计算;包括;认为account n.账户;叙述;报告vi.说明;占accountant n.会计accounting n.会计(行业) countdown n.倒计时counter1 n.柜台;计算器;筹码discount vt.打折扣n.折扣count2 n.伯爵county n.郡;县country n.农村countryside n.农村country n.国家counter2 vt.对抗ad.对立地encounter vt./n.遭遇contradict vt.反驳;相矛盾contradiction n.矛盾;反驳contrary a.相反的n.相反(事物) contrast vt./n.对比;悬殊差别vi.形成对比control vt./n.克制;控制(能力);控制(装置) controversy n.争论controversial a.引起争论的courage n.勇气discourage vt.使泄气;阻止encourage vt.鼓励;鼓动encouragement n.鼓励course n.课程;过程;(一)道(菜) intercourse n.交际;性交excursion n.集体远足curriculum n.全部课程current a流行的;现在n.流;电流;潮流currency n.货币;流行incur vt.招致occur vi.发生;存在于;被想到occurrence n.发生的事情;出现concur v.同时发生;同意recur vi.再发生court n.法庭;球场;院子courtroom n.法庭courteous a.有礼貌的courtesy n.谦恭有礼;有礼貌的举止cover n.盖子;封面;覆盖(物)vt.包括;行;报道coverage n.覆盖范围;新闻报道;包括discover vt.发现uncover vt.揭露;揭开盖子recover vi.恢复vt.寻回;弥补recovery n.痊愈;寻回cow1 n.母牛cowboy n.牧童cow2 vt.恫吓coward n.胆小鬼cowardly a.胆怯的crack n.裂缝;噼啪声v.(使)破裂clash n.撞击(声)vi.冲突;不协调crash v.撞击;倒闭n.碰撞(声) crush vt.压碎;镇压Word List 07create vt.创造;引起creative a.创造(性)的creation1 n.创造;创造的作品creator n.造物主;创造者creature n.生物creation2 n.天地万物recreate v.(使)消遣recreation n.娱乐concrete n.混凝土a.具体的credit n.信用;贷方;荣誉;学分vt.相信;把…记入贷方;把…归功于credible a.可信的incredible a.难以置信的;极好的creep vi.爬行;蹑手蹑脚地走cripple n.跛子vt.使跛;严重削弱crime n.罪criminal a.犯罪的n.罪犯discriminate v.区别;歧视discrimination n.歧视;辨别力9critical a.批评的;决定性的critic n.批评家crisis n.危机criticism n.批评;评论(文章) criticize/-ise vt.批评;评论cross .穿越;(使)交叉;(使)杂交n.十字架 a.易怒的across prep.穿过;在…对面ad.在对面;从一边到另一边crossing n.十字路口;横渡crossroads n.十字路口crucify v.把(耶稣)钉在十字架上;折磨crucial a.决定性的cruise n.航游vi.巡航;缓慢巡行custom n.习惯;海关;光顾accustomed a.习惯于…的;通常的customary a.习惯的customer n.顾客costume n.服装;戏装cut vt.切;削减n.伤口;削减haircut n.理发shortcut n.捷径damn int.讨厌vt.该死;严厉批评condemn vt.谴责;宣判danger n.危险(事物)dangerous a.危险的endanger vt.危害dare vt.敢;向…挑战aux.v.竟敢daring a.勇敢的date n.日期;约会vi.追溯(到) out-of-date a.过时的outdate vt.使过时up-to-date a.最新的;包含最新信息的update v.更新n.最新信息December n.12月decade n.十年decimal a.十进位的n.小数dean n.学院院长;教长decide v.决定;判决decision n.决定;决断(力)decisive a.决定性的;果断的decided a.明确的insecticide n.杀虫剂suicide n.自杀;自取灭亡concise a.简洁的precise a.精确的;严谨的precision n.精确scissors n.剪刀decorate vt.装饰decoration n.装饰;装饰品decent a.尚好的;得体的deep a.深的;浓的;深奥的ad.深深地deeply ad.深深地;非常depth n.深(度);渊博dip vt.浸vi.落下n.衰退defend vt.保卫;为…辩护defence/-nse n.防御;答辩defensive a.防御的n.防势offend v.冒犯;使厌恶;违犯offence/-nse n.犯罪;冒犯offensive a.冒犯的;攻击性的n.进攻delight n.快乐;令人高兴的东西vt.使高兴delighted a.高兴的delightful a.令人愉快的democracy n.民主政体;民主国家democrat n.民主主义者;民主党人democratic a.民主的epidemic a.传染性的n.流行病;泛滥dense a.密集的;密度大的condense v.浓缩;压缩density n.密集;密度deny vt.否认;拒绝给予denial n.否认;拒绝depend vi.依靠;决定于dependent a.依靠的;取决于…的dependence n.依靠independent a.独立的;公正的;不相关的independence n.独立describe vt.描述;画出description n.描写;类型prescribe v.开(处方);规定prescription n.处方manuscript n.手抄本;手稿script n.剧本;笔迹scrape v.刮掉n.刮desire vt.渴望n.愿望desirable a.值得向往的;可取的desirous a.渴望的develop v.发展;开发development n.发展;研制;事态发展;新建住宅区10develop v.患病;显现envelop vt.包住envelope n.信封devote vt.献身,致力于vote v.投票n.选票;选举dialog(ue) n.对话catalog(ue) n.目录vt.编入目录logic n.逻辑(学)logical a.符合逻辑的;合乎常理的psychology n.心理(学)psychological a.心理(学)的apology n.道歉apologize/-ise vi.道歉apologetic a.道歉的Word List 08dictation n.口述;听写dictate v.口授;命令n.规定dictator n.独裁者dictionary n.词典diction n.措辞addict n.吸毒成瘾的人;对…入迷的人addicted a.上了瘾的contradict vt.反驳;相矛盾contradiction n.矛盾;反驳predict vt.预言dedicate vt.把(一生等)献给;题献辞于(著作等)上indicate vt.指示;表明indication n.指示;迹象index v.指示n.索引;指数die vi.死亡;消失dead a.死的;无感觉的deadly a.致命的;极度的;不共戴天的ad.非常death n.死亡;终止different a.不同的difference n.差别;差额;分歧differ vi.不同于;发生分歧differentiate vi.区别;区别对待vt.表明…间的差别indifferent a.冷漠的;一般的confer v.商讨授予某人conference n.会议;讨论infer vt.推论inference n.结论;推论offer vt.给予;提议n.提供(物);报价prefer vt.更喜欢preferable a.更可取的preference n喜爱偏爱的事物(或人)优先(权) refer v.(引…去)参考;提交(…仲裁) referee n.裁判;仲裁者;介绍人reference n.提到;参考;介绍信suffer vt.遭受;承受vi.受痛苦;受损suffering n.疼痛;苦恼transfer v./n.转移;调动;转车transference n.转移;调动difficult a.困难的;不易相处的difficulty n.困难;困境facile a.易做的facilitate vt.促进facility n.便利;设备dig n.戳;挖苦v.挖;探究ditch n.沟direct a.直接的;坦率的;正好的vt.针对;指示;指导directly ad.直接地;立即;正好地indirect a.间接的;婉转的direction n.方向;用法说明(书);指引;管理director n.导演;董事;主管directory n.公司名录;号码簿erect vt.竖立;建造a.直立的dirty a.肮脏的;下流的v.弄脏dirt n.尘土disappoint vt.使失望;破灭disappointing a.令人失望的disappointment n.失望;令人失望的人或物discuss vt.讨论discussion n.讨论dismiss vt.解散;解雇;消除;驳回missile n.导弹;发射物emit vt.发出emission n.射出;散发物omit vt.省略;遗漏omission n.省略submit vt.提交;主张vi.听从submission n.提交;服从transmit v.播送;传送;传染transmission n.播送;传送;传染distinguish v.区分;看清;使杰出distinction n.差别distinct a.截然不同的;清楚的distinctive a.与众不同的11distinguishable a.可辨别的distinguished a.卓越的extinguish vt.熄灭;消灭extinct a.已废弃的;灭绝的extinction n.灭绝instinct n.本能;直觉disturb vt.打扰;使不安disturbance n.骚乱;干扰;烦恼divide v.分开;分配;使产生分歧n.分歧;分界线individual n.个体a.单独的subdivide v.再分division n.分开;分配;分歧;部门widow n.寡妇do vt.做;引起;学习vi.进展;适合undo vt.解开;取消deed n.行为;契约indeed ad.真正地;实际上dog n.狗dog-eared a.卷角的door n.门indoor a./ad.(在)室内(的)outdoor a.户外的ad.在户外n.野外double a.双重的;双人的n.两倍;双打v.加倍;折叠duple a.双重的diploma n.(毕业)文凭diplomatic a.外交的;有手腕的multiple a.多种多样的n.倍数multiply v.(使)倍增;乘doubt n.疑惑vt.怀疑doubtful a.怀疑的;未定的undoubtedly ad.必定drama n.戏;戏剧dramatic a.戏剧性的;引人注目的dramatics n.夸张的行为draw vt.画;拉;提取;吸引n.抽签drawer n.抽屉drawing n.图画;绘画draw n.平局vi.打成平局draft n.草图;汇票;征兵vt.起草;征募drag vt.拉;迫使dragon n.龙dress n.衣服;女装v.(给…)穿衣;包扎;给…加作料dressmaker n.裁缝hairdresser n.理发师undress v.脱衣服n.裸体Word List 09drink v.喝n.饮料,酒drunk a.(酒)醉的;陶醉的drunken a.(酒)醉的drive v.驾驶;驱n.驱车旅行;大道;干劲driver n.驾驶员drift vi.漂流n.水流;吹积物;趋势drop v.(使)落下;(使)降低;(使)停止n.下降;(一)滴;微量drip vi.滴n.滴水声;滴下的液体dry a.干(燥)的;口渴的vt.使干dryer,drier n.脱水机drought n.旱灾during prep.在…期间durable a.耐用的duration n.期间endure v i.持续vt.忍受dust n.尘土v.擦去dustbin n.垃圾箱dusty a.布满灰尘的;陈旧的duty n.责任;职责;关税dutiful a.尽职的;孝顺的due a.应到的;应给的;适当的earth n.地球;陆地;土earthquake n.地震northeast n./a.东北(方)(的) ad.向东北northwest n./a.西北(方)(的)ad.向西北southeast n./a.东南(方)(的)ad.向东南southwest n./a.西南(方)(的ad.向西南eastern a.东方的northern a.北方的southern a.南方的western a.西方的westerner n.西方人;西部人easy a.容易的easy a.舒适的uneasy a.担心的disease n.疾病;弊端ease n.容易;悠闲v.缓和economy n.经济;节约economist n.经济学家12economics n.经济学;经济情况economic a.经济(学)的economical a.节约的edit vt.编辑;剪辑;主编edition n.版本editor n.编者editorial a.编辑的n.社论either det./pron.任一ad.也(不) neither conj./ad.也不det./pron.两者都不neutral a.中立的;中性的negative a.否定的;负面的n.底片;负数elect vt.选举;选择election n.选举elector n.选民collect vt.收集;取vi.聚合a./ad.(打电话)由对方付费(的) collection n.收集;收藏品;聚集collective a.集体的n.集体select vt.选择a.精选的selection n.选择;被挑选的人(或物) delegate n.代表v.选举…为代表;授(权) delegation n.代表团elegant a .优美的;简洁的neglect v.忽视;疏忽n.忽略negligible a.微不足道的intellect n.智力;才智非凡的人intellectual n.知识分子a.智力的intelligible a.可理解的intelligence n.智力;情报intelligent a.聪明的electricity n.电electric a.电的electrical a.用电的electron n.电子electronic a.电子的electronics n.电子学;电子设备element n.成分;元素;基础elementary a.基本的;初级的emphasis n.强调emphasize/-ise vt.强调phase n.方面;(月)相;阶段empire n.帝国emperor n.皇帝empress n.皇后imperial a.帝王的;英制的imperialism n.帝国主义imperialist n.帝国主义者employ v./n.雇用;使用employer n.雇主employee n.雇员employment n.雇用;职业unemployment n.失业(人数)energy n.精力;能量energetic a.精力充沛的erg n.尔格allergic a.过敏性的engine n.发动机;火车头engineer n.工程师vt.策划;设计engineering n.工程(学)enter v.进入;参加;登记entrance n.入口;进入entry n.入口处;进入;登记entertain v.使欢乐;招待entertainment n.娱乐;招待envy vt./n.妒忌jealousy n.妒忌envious a.羡慕的jealous a.妒忌的;精心守护的equal a.相等的;胜任的n.同等的人vt.等于;比得上equality n.平等inequality n.不平等unequal a.不相等的adequate a.足够的;胜任的inadequate a.不充足的equate v.(使)相等equation n.等式;相等equivalent a.等价的;相等的n.相等物equip vt.装备;使有准备equipment n.装备essence n.本质;精髓essential a.绝对必要的;本质的n.要素;必需品estimate vt.估计n.估量overestimate vt./n.高估underestimate vt./n.低估event n.事件;比赛项目eventual a.最终的eventually ad.终于exam n.考试examine vt.调查;测验example n.例子;榜样sample n.样品vt.从…抽样;品尝exemplify vt.是…的榜样或典型;举例证明13excellent a.优秀的excellence n.优秀excel v.胜过;突出except prep.除…外conj.除了;只是exception n.例外exceptional a.例外的;卓越的excite vt.使兴奋;引起exciting a.令人兴奋的excitement n.兴奋;令人兴奋的事exercise n./v.锻炼;运用exert vt.尽(力);运用exhibition n.展览exhibit vt.展览;显示n.展览品prohibit vt.阻止prohibition n.禁止Word List 10exit n.出口;退出vi.离开circuit n.环形道;环行;电路initial a.开始的n.首字母initially ad.最初initiative n.主动性;倡议;主动权expand v.扩大;膨胀expanse n.广阔expansion n.扩大;膨胀expect vt.预料;盼望expectation n.期待;希望unexpected a.意外的aspect n.面貌;方面;朝向inspect vt.检查perspective n.透视法;远景;观点prospect n.前景;前途;有望获胜者prospective a.预期的spectacle n.眼镜;壮观的景象;演出spectacular a.壮观的n.壮观的演出spectator n.观众suspect v .推测;对…表示怀疑n.嫌疑犯 a.可疑的speculate v.投机;推测speculator n.投机者suspicious a.猜疑的;可疑的suspicion n.怀疑;一点儿experience n.经验;经历vt.经历experienced a.有经验的expert n.专家 a.熟练的expertise n.专门知识experiment n.实验vi.做实验experimental a.实验(性)的experimentation n.实验explain v.解释explanation n.解释explode v.(使)爆炸;发怒;激增explosion n.爆炸;激增explosive a.易爆炸的;极易引起冲n.炸药applaud v.(向…)鼓掌;称赞applause n.鼓掌face n.脸;外貌;表面vt.面向;面临facet n.一个方面;琢面facial a.面部的surface n.表面;外表vi.浮出水面;浮现superficial a.表面的;肤浅的fact n.事实factual a.真实的factor n.因素affect vt.影响;感动effect n.影响;效果affection n.喜爱effective a.有效的defect n.缺陷vi.背叛perfect a.完美的;完全的;完成时的v.使完美perfection n.完美infect vt.传染infection n.传染(病)infectious a.传染(性)的;有感染力的factory n.工厂manufacture vt.制造manufacturer n.制造商fail vi.失败;不及格;出故障vt.没有通过;使失望failure n.失败;故障fair a.公平的;相当大的;金发的n.露天游乐场;博览会unfair a.不公平的fairly ad.公平地;相当地faith n.信心;信仰faithful a.忠诚的;可信任的;如实的faithfully ad.忠诚地fall vi.落下;跌倒;变成;倾斜n.下降;瀑布;垮台fall n. 秋季spring n.弹簧;跳;(源)泉,春天vi.突然行动;涌现vt.突然提出14family n.家;家属;语族familiar a.熟悉的;随便的familiarity n.亲密;熟悉famous a.著名的fame n.(好)名声fancy v./n.想象;幻想a.别致的;昂贵的n.喜爱fantasy n.想象;想象的产物fantastic a.异想天开的;奇异的far ad.久;很大程度上a.遥远的farther ad.更远地;进一步a.更远的further ad.进一步;而且;更远vt.促进fare1 n.票价fare2 vi.过日子;进展farewell int.再会n.欢送会welfare n.福利;福利救济fascism n.法西斯主义fascinate vt.迷住fascinating a.迷人的fashion n.方式;流行款式fashionable a.流行的fast a.快的ad.快;紧紧地fasten vt.扎牢fastener n.扣件fate n.命运;厄运fateful a.命运攸关的fatal a.致命的fault n.过失;缺点;故障vt.挑剔faultless a.无缺点的faulty a.有缺点的favo(u)r n./vt.喜爱;赞同vt.有利于favo(u)rite a.特别喜爱的n.最喜欢的人favo(u)rable a.有利的;赞许的fear n .害怕vt.担心fearful a.担心的;可怕的fearless a.无畏的feel vi.感觉;摸索vt.摸;认为n.手感feeling n.感情;感觉figure n.体形人物肖像;数字vt.计算;认为figment n.虚构的事物fiction n.虚构的事;小说find vt.找到;认为;判决n.发现物finding n.调查的结果;裁决fine a.美好的;细微的;晴朗的;健康的refine vt.精炼;使优美refinery n.精炼厂Word List 11fire n 火vi.开枪vt.射出;解雇fireman n.消防队员fireplace n.壁炉firewall n.防火墙firewood n.木柴firework n.烟火;烟火表演firm1 a.结实的;稳固的;坚决的v.使坚固confirm vt.使确信;证实;批准confirmation n.证实,确认infirm a.病弱的firm2 n.公司fix vt.固定;安排;修理fixture n.固定装置;固定在某位置的人flat1 a.平坦的;平淡的;固定的ad.平直地;直截了当地flat2 n.一套房间inflation n.充气;通货膨胀deflation n.放气;通货紧缩flex v.弯曲flexible a.易弯曲的;可变通的flexibility n.灵活性;弹性flex(i)time n.弹性工作时间(制)reflect v.反射;反映;显示reflection,-exion n.反射;映像;反映flow vi.流(动);飘拂n.流(动) overflow v漫出;挤满n.溢流管;容纳不下的物fluent a.流利的fluid n.流体a.流动的flush v.脸红;冲洗n.脸红influence n.影响力;有影响的人.影响influential a.有很大影响(力)的influenza n.流感flu n.流感fluctuate vi.波动flower n.花(朵vi.开花;成熟flourish vi.繁荣vt.挥舞flour n.面粉fly1 vi.飞翔;乘飞机;飘扬vt.驾驶;空运fly2 n.苍蝇flight1 n.飞行;航班;空中航行;一段楼梯flee v.逃避flight2 n.逃跑folk n.人们a.民间的folklore n.民间传说flock n.羊或鸟群;一大群v.群集15follow v.倾听;遵照;沿着…行进follower n.追随者following a.接着的;下述的n.拥护者food n.食物,食品feed vt.喂养;供给vi.进食n.饲料feedback n.反馈意见fool n.蠢人vt.欺骗vi.干蠢事foolish a.愚蠢的forbid vt.禁止bid v.命令;向(某人)问候;出价n.努力force n.强大效力;武力vt.强迫forceful a.强制的forcible a.强迫的enforce1 vt.强制执行enforce2 vt.强迫reinforce vt.增强effort n.努力fort n.城堡form n.类型;形式;表格v.形成conform vi.遵守;符合formal a.形式上的;正式的format n.设计;版式vt.使格式化formation n.形成;形成物;队形formula n.公式;配方;方案formulate vt.用公式表示;构想出;确切表达forum n.论坛perform vt.履行;表演performance n.履行;演出;工作情况reform v./n.改革transform vt.使改变形态;使改观uniform n.制服a.一致的information n.消息inform vt.通知fortune n.命运;巨款fortunate a.幸运的fortunately ad.幸运地misfortune n.不幸;灾难unfortunate a.不幸的;遗憾的unfortunately ad.遗憾地found vt.创办;以…为基础foundation n.基础;地基;创建;基金会fund n.基金;资金;储备vt.为…提供资金refundv. 退还n.退款fundamental a.基本的n.基本原理profound a.深奥的;知识渊博的;深远的profundity n.深度;深奥的话fraction n.小部分;分数fracture n.裂缝v.(使)断裂refract v.折射fragment n.碎片v.(使)碎裂fragile a.易碎的;脆弱的;虚弱的free1 a.自由的;空闲的;免费的vt.使自由freedom n.自由free2 a.免费地;自由地freely ad.自由地frequent a.频繁的frequently ad.频繁地frequency n.频率;频繁fresh a.新近的;新鲜的;精神饱满的refresh v.(使)恢复精力refreshment n.饮料;恢复活力friend n.朋友friendly a.友好的friendship n.友谊front a.前面的n.前面;前线v.面向confront vt.遭遇;面对;使对质frontier n.边境;前沿;边远地区fruit n.水果;成果fruitful a.多产的full a.充满的;完全的fill vt.装满;堵塞;满足fulfil(l) vt.使满意;实现;执行fun n.乐趣;有趣的事a.有趣的funny a.奇怪的;有趣的;稍感不适的furniture n.家具furnish vt.在…内布置家具;提供game n.游戏;比赛;猎物gamble vi./n.赌博;碰运气vt.赌garden n.花园;公园vi.做园艺工作gardener n.园丁kindergarten n.幼儿园yard n.院子courtyard n.院子gas n.气体;毒气;汽油vt.用毒气杀死;给(汽车)加油gaseous a.气态的gasify v.(使)气化gasoline/-ene n.汽油gene n.基因gender n.性别;(语法的)性genetic a.遗传(学)的n.遗传学16。

词汇类:1.考研英语词汇复习指南(另配磁带) 谢振元中国人民大学出版社2.星火英语:考研英语词汇星火式巧记速记精练马德高中国海洋大学出版社3.考研必备系列丛书:英语词汇一本全白洁张锦芯学苑出版社4.考研词汇掌中宝:考试虫5.考试大纲高教社6.考研英语词汇王长喜学苑出版社听力类:1.2005《听力专项突破》(配6盘磁带)白洁人大出版2.考研英语2005年版英语词汇轻松过关曹其军3.考研英语听力步步高(配6盘磁带)索玉柱4.考试虫系列:磨耳朵考研英语听力词汇王若平黄淑琳5.英语高分突破朱泰祺作文类:1.硕士研究生英语入学考试万能作文2.考研英语写作策略与高分范文作者:胡敏汪海涛3.新概念英语2、34.考研英语写作专项突破田育英中国人民大学出版社研究生考试基础课参考书目【二】政治1.毛泽东:《改造我们的学习》2.毛泽东:《在中国共产党第七届中央委员会第二次全体会议上的报告》3.邓小平:《坚持四项基本原则》4.邓小平:《在武昌、深圳、珠海、上海等地的谈话要点》5.江泽民:《创新的关键在人才》6.江泽民:《不断推进教育创新》7.胡锦涛:《在庆祝清华大学建校100周年大会上的讲话》8.胡锦涛:《在庆祝中国共产党成立90周年大会上的讲话》研究生考试基础课参考书目【三】数学《数学复习全书》李永乐等《数学历年真题解析》李永乐等《数学基础过关660题》李永乐等《线性代数辅导讲义》李永乐等《全真模拟经典400题》李永乐李正元《高等数学》同济大学数学系《线性代数》同济大学数学系《概率论与数理统计》浙江大学盛骤等《高数18讲》张宇《数学决胜冲刺6+2》李永乐等。

judg(e)ment n.评价;审判;判断(力)
prejudice n.偏见 vt.使有偏见;损害
jury n.陪审团;评判委员会
just ad.刚才;仅仅;正好 a.公正的;恰当的
justice n.公正;司法
justify vt.证明…正当(或有理)
heal vt.治愈;(使)结束 vi.痊愈
whole a.全部的 n.全部
wholesome a.有益于健康的
wholly ad.全面地
hear vt.听见;审理;听说 vi.收到…的信
hearing n.听力;审讯;申辩的机会
heart n.心;感情;要点
hearty a.亲切的;丰盛的
husband n.丈夫
band1 vt.用带绑扎 n.带;段;条纹
band2 n.管乐队;群
bandage n.绷带 vt.用绷带绑扎
bind vt.捆绑;使结合;约束;装订
bond n.纽带;债券;契约 v.(使)结合
bound1 a.受约束的
vt.成为…的界线 n.界限
abrupt a.突然的;唐突的
bankrupt a.破产的;完全缺乏
vt.使破产 n.破产者
introduce vt.介绍;引进;提出
introduction n.介绍;引进;引言
conduct v.引导;指挥(乐队);经营
conductor n.指挥,售票员
home n.家;家乡;原产地
a.家庭的;主场的 ad.回家;回本国;正中目标
我曾经喜欢过你,现在我依然爱你希望月亮照得到的地方都可以留下你的笑容那些飘满雪的冬天,那个不带伞的少年,那句被门挡住的誓言,那串被雪覆盖的再见星火英语四级词汇表·巧记·速记·精练Word List 01able a.能够;能力出众的ability n.能力;才能disabled a.残疾的enable vt.使能够unable a.无法absorb vt.吸收;使全神贯注;同化absorbent a.吸收的absorbing a.引人入胜的absorbed a.全神贯注的acquaintance n.认识;泛泛之交acquaint vt.使了解act1 vi.行动;起作用;扮演 vt.假装act2 n.行为action1 n.行为;情节active a.积极的;起作用的activate vt.激活activist n.积极分子activity n.活跃;活动transact vt.做交易transaction n.交易action2 n.作用interact vi.相互作用interaction n.相互作用react vi.作出反应;过敏reaction n.反应;抗拒act3 n.(一)幕actor n.男演员actress n.女演员act4 n.法令enact1 vt.扮演enact2 vt.通过(法律)actual a.实际的actually ad.实际上exact a.准确的agency n.代理处;专门机构agent n.代理人;间谍;动因;剂agenda n.议事日程adapt v.适合;改编adopt vt.采取;收养;批准apt a.恰当的;有…倾向的;聪明的opt vi.选择option n.选择(权)optional a.可以任选的optimist n.乐观(主义)者optimistic a.乐观(主义)的add vt.增加;把…加起来addition n.加法;增加的人(或物) additional a.额外的advance vi.前进;上涨vt.预付;提前;提出advance a.预先的advanced a.先进的;高级的;晚期的advance n.进展;预付款advancement n.推动advantage n.优势advantageous a.有利的disadvantage n.不利条件adventure n.奇遇venture n.企业 vi.冒险 vt.敢于advice n.忠告advise v.忠告;建议;通知advisable a.明智的advisory a.咨询的age n.年龄;时期;老年v.(使)变老;(使)成熟aged a.…岁的 a.年迈的teenager n.青少年agree vt.同意agreeable a.同意的;愉悦的agreement n.协定;同意;一致disagree vi.不同意;不符agriculture n.农业cultivate vt.耕作;培养cultivation n.耕作;培养culture n.培育;文化cultural a.教养的;文化(上)的air n.空气;天空;神态vt.使通风;晾干aircraft n.航空器airplane n.飞机airfield n.飞机场airport n.机场airline n.航空公司airway n.航线;气道aerial a.空气中的 n.天线aeroplane n.飞机allow vt.允许;同意给;承认allowance n.津贴ally v.(使)结盟 n.同盟者;支持者alliance n.结盟rally v.集合;恢复健康n.集会;公路汽车赛alphabet n.字母(表)alphabetic(al) a.按字母(表)顺序的alter vt.改变alternative a.两者择一的;非传统的n.可供选择的事物amaze vt.使惊奇amazing a.令(人)惊愕的amazement n.惊奇ambulance n.救护车ambition n.雄心;野心ambitious a.有雄心的;有野心的mbassador n.大使embassy n.大使馆;使馆全体人员analyse/-yze vt.分析analysis n.分析analytic(al) a.分析(性)的analytically ad.以分析的方法ancient a.古老的;年老的ancestor n.祖先;原型anterior a.前面的anticipate vt.预料;先于…行动antique a.古董的 n.古董angle n.角;观点vt.把…放置成一角度;从(某角度)报道triangle n.三角形ankle n.(脚)踝anchor n.锚;给人安全感之物(或人) v.抛(锚);把…系住;担任主持人angry a.愤怒的anger n.怒火 vt.激怒answer v.回答 n.答案swear v.发誓;咒骂anxious a.焦虑的;渴望的anxiety n.焦虑;渴望appear vi.出现;似乎;出版appearance n.露面;外观disappear vi.消失apparent a.表面上的;显然的transparent a.透明的;显而易见的Word List 02apply vi.申请 vt.应用;涂appliance n.电器applicant n.申请人application n.申请(表);应用applicable a.合适的applied a.实用的approach v.靠近 n.接近;途径;方法approximate a.大约的vi.接近 vt.估计approximately ad.大约argue v.争论argument n.争论;理由army n.军队;大群arm1 n.武器 vt.以(武器)装备;支持arm2 n.臂;扶手disarm v.解除武装alarm n.惊恐;报警器;警报 vt.使惊恐arrange v.安排;整理arrangement n.安排;整理range n.排列;一系列;山脉;范围v.变动;涉及rank n.行列;地位;成员v.把…分等;排列arrive vi.到达;达成arrival n.到达(者)art n.艺术;美术;技艺;文科artist n.艺术家;美术家artistic a.艺术(家)的;美术(家)的;有艺术性的artful a.精巧的;施展巧计的artificial a.人工的;假装的craft n.工艺;航空器handicraft n.手工艺(品)aircraft n.航空器spacecraft n.宇宙飞船assistant n.助手;助教 a.助理的assist v.帮助assistance n.帮助consist v.由…组成;在于;与…一致consistent a.前后一致的consistency n.连贯性exist v.存在;维持生存existence n.存在;生活insist v.坚持persist v.顽强地坚持;维持persistence n.坚持;持续存在resist v.抵抗;抵制resistance n.抵抗;抵抗力;电阻resistant a.抵抗的resistor n.电阻器atmosphere n.大气(层);空气;气氛sphere n.球(体); 范围hemisphere n.地球的半球;大脑半球atom n.原子atomic a.原子(能)的attack v.攻击 n.发作tack n.大头钉;方针 vt.钉住;附加attach vt.把…固定;与…有关联detach vt.拆卸attend vt.出席;照料 vi.注意attendance n.出席人数;参加;服侍attention n.注意;立正姿势author n.作者;创造者authority n.权力;专家;官方authoritative a.专断的;权威性的authorize vt.授权authentic a.真正的;可靠的auto n.汽车automate vt.使(工厂、作业等)自动化automatic a.自动的;不假思索的 n.自动手枪automobile n.汽车back ad.回原处;向后;以前n.背(面) v.(使)后退;支持background n.背景backward a.向后的;落后的 ad.向后bad a.坏的;质量差的;邪恶的badly ad.差;严重地worse a./ad.更坏(的)worst a./ad.最坏(的)bag n.纸袋 vt.把…装进袋子baggage n.行李handbag n.手提包bake vt.烤baker n.面包师傅bakery n.面包店ball1 n.球 vt.做成球状balloon n.气球ballot n.选票;投票表决;投票总数v.(使)投票表决belly n.肚子bullet n.子弹basketball n.篮球baseball n.棒球softball n.垒球volleyball n.排球ball2 n.舞会ballet n.芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团bank1 n.银行 vt.把(钱)存入银行bank2 n.岸;堆banker n.银行家banking n.银行业bankrupt a.破产的;完全缺乏vt.使破产 n.破产者bankruptcy n.破产bar n.酒吧;条;栅栏 vt.封;禁止barrel n.桶;枪管barrier n.关卡;障碍;屏障embarrass vt.使窘迫bare a.裸体的;光秃秃的 vt.揭开bare a.刚刚够的barely ad.仅仅;几乎不base n.底座;基础;基地vt.以…为基础basis n.基础basic a.基本的 n.基本原理basically ad.从根本上说basement n.地下室bath n.沐浴;浴缸 v.洗澡bathe vt.给…洗澡;用水清洗vi.游泳be v.(就)是;(存)在being n.存在;生物bear1 vt.带有;承担责任;忍受;生育bear2 n.熊;(对股市行情)看跌的人born a.天生的birth n.出生;出身;起源bearing n.举止;方位;轴承beat vt.敲打;打败 vi.跳动 n.节拍bat1 n.(棒球)球棒;(乒乓球)球拍bat2 n.蝙蝠batter v.连续猛击 n.面糊battery n.排炮;电池(组);一批battle n.战斗;斗争 vi.搏斗combat n.战斗 v.与…搏斗debate v./n.辩论beautiful a.美丽的;出色的beauty n.美(丽);美人because conj.因为cause n.理由;事业 vt.引起accuse vt.指控excuse n.借口v.原谅;(使)免除;为…辩解bed n.床;河床;花坛v.把…固定在embed vt.把…嵌入;使深留脑中Word List 03before prep.在…以前;在…前面fore a.在前部的former a.以前的 n.前者first ad.首先 det.首要的 num.第一foremost a.最重要的forehead n.前额forecast vt./n.预报forth ad.向前forward a.向前的;前面的ad.向前;往后 vt.发送beg v.乞讨;恳求beggar n.乞丐 vt.使贫穷begin v.开始beginner n.初学者beginning n.开始;前兆end n.结尾;末端 v.结束ending n.结尾endless a.无休止的behind prep.在…后面;落后于;支持ad.在背后;在原处hind a.后面的hinder vt.妨碍believe v.相信;认为真实belief n.相信;信仰below prep.在…下面;少于 ad.在下面low a.低的;低等的;消沉的ad.低;低声地 n.低水平lower1 a.较低的;下面的lower2 vt.降低beneath prep.在…下面 ad.在…掩盖下underneath prep./ad.在…下面 n.底部bicycle n.自行车cycle1 n.自行车 vi.骑自行车cyclist n.骑自行车的人cycle2 n./v.循环recycle v.回收利用encyclop(a)edia n.百科全书circle n.圆圈;圈子vt.围绕…画圈 vi.盘旋circular a.圆形的;绕圈的 n.印刷信函circulate v.(使)循环;传播circulation n.流通; 发行量;循环circuit n.环行道;电路;环行circumstance n.条件;境况bit1 n.一点;小量bit2 n.比特bite v.咬 n.咬伤;咬下的一口biting a.刺骨的bitter a.充满仇恨的;使人悲痛的;严寒的;味苦的blackboard n.黑板board n.木板;委员会;伙食vt.上(船、车或飞机) vi.登机;膳宿aboard prep./ad.在船(或飞机、车)上cupboard n.橱柜keyboard n.键盘board n.船舷border n.镶边;边界vt.给…加上边;毗邻 vi.近似;接壤blanket n.毛毯blank n.空白 a.空白的;不理解的blind a.瞎的;视而不见的;盲目的vt.使失明;使失去判断力 n.窗帘blend v.融合 n.混合物blood n.血;血统bloody a.流血的;残暴的ad.非常 vt.使(某人)受伤(流血) bleed vi.流血 vt.长期榨取blow1 v.吹;吹奏;(使)爆炸blow2 n.猛击blast n.爆炸;一股 vt.炸毁boil v.煮沸;烧开boiler n.锅炉;煮器book n.书;本子;账目 vt.预订booklet n.小册子bookmark n.书签;收藏夹handbook n.指南notebook n.笔记本textbook n.教科书bow1 n.弓;蝴蝶结bow2 vi./n.鞠躬 vt.低头;使弯曲elbow n.肘 vt.用肘推rainbow n.彩虹bracket n.括号brace n.大括号embrace v./n.拥抱;欣然接受brandy n.白兰地酒brand vt.打烙印;丑化 n.品牌break v.破碎;打断;违犯;透露n.休息时间breakdown n.破裂;衰竭;故障;分类breakthrough n.突破outbreak n.爆发brake v.刹(车) n.闸breath n.呼吸的空气;轻微流动breathe v.呼吸;低声说brief a.短暂的;简短,简单的vt.向…作简要的介绍 n.摘要abbreviate vt.缩短abbreviation n.缩略brevity n.简洁;短暂bring vt.带来upbringing n.养育broad a.宽阔的;广泛的abroad ad.到(在)国外;广为流传broadcast n.广播节目 vt.播音broaden v.加宽breadth n.宽度brute n.牲畜;残酷的人a.蛮干不动脑筋的brutal a.残暴的;冷酷的brutality n.残暴build vt.建造;开发vi.逐渐增强 n.体形building n.建筑(物)shipbuilding n.造船(业)bump v.碰;颠簸地行驶n.碰撞声;肿块;隆起dump1 n.垃圾堆dumpling n.饺子;矮胖子lump n.肿块v.(使)成块;把…归并在一起stump1 n.树桩;残根 v.使为难;作巡回演说dump2 v.倾倒;倾销;抛弃pump n.泵 vt.输送stump2 vi.脚步重重地走thump v.捶击burn v.燃烧 n.烧伤burner n.炉子sunburn n.晒伤busy a.繁忙的;(电话线)正被占用的business n.商业;企业;职责calculate v.计算;推测calculator n.计算器calculation n.计算;估计calculus n.微积分;结石calendar n.日历call v..称呼;打电话给;召至某处;喊;访问recall v.回想起;召回so-called a.所谓的challenge vt.向…挑战;对…质疑n.挑战(书);质疑reconcile vt.使和谐一致;妥协council n.地方议会counsel n.劝告;律师 vt.劝告consult v.请教;商议;查询consultant n.会诊医师;顾问Word List 04camp n.营地 vi.野营campaign n.战役;运动 vi.参加运动campus n.(大学)校园champion n.冠军canal n.运河channel n.海峡;频道;途径candle n.蜡烛kindle v.点燃candidate n.候选人;考生candy n.糖果cane n.茎;手杖canoe n.独木舟 vi.划独木舟capable a.有能力的capability n.能力incapable a.没有能力的capital n.首都capital a.大写的n.大写(字母);首要的 n.资本;斩首的cape n.海角captain n.首领;船长chapter n.章escape v.逃跑;漏出 n.逃避capture vt.捕获;夺得;占领capacity n.容量;能力;职位cabbage n.卷心菜cabin n.小木屋;船舱cabinet n.陈列柜;政府内阁car n.小汽车;车厢carry vt.运送;传送carrier n.运输工具;带菌者;载物架career vi.疾驰 n.生涯;职业carpenter n.木匠carriage n.四轮马车;客车厢cart n.手推车caravan n.旅行拖车;旅行队van n.面包车cargo n.货物charge vt.要价;控告;使承担职责;充电vi.收费;冲锋 n.价钱;控告;掌管;电荷discharge v.解雇;排出 n.获准离开;排出(物) chariot n.战车card n.卡片;请帖;纸牌;办法discard vt.抛弃postcard n.明信片cartoon n.漫画;动画片chart n.图表;海图 vt.记录;绘制…地图charter n.宪章;特许状 vt.租care v.关心;关注;喜欢 n.小心;照顾;忧虑careful a.小心的careless a.粗心的;随便的;不关心的caring a.关心他人的Medicare n.老年保健医疗chary a.小心谨慎的charity n.慈善团体;施舍;宽容charitable a.慈善的cure vt.治愈;矫正 n.治疗;药(剂)accurate a.精确的accuracy n.精确curious a.好奇的;奇特的curiosity n.好奇心;奇物secure a.安心的;牢固的vt.取得;使安全;缚牢security n.保障;抵押品;证券case1 n.箱briefcase n.公文包suitcase n.手提箱cassette n.盒式录音带cash n.现金 vt.兑现支票cashier n.出纳case2 n.情况casual a.偶然的;随便的;漫不经心的casually ad.偶然地occasion n.时机;盛会;起因occasional a.偶然的occasionally ad.偶尔cast vt.投;浇铸;蜕皮n.演员表;石膏;铸件broadcast v./n.播音forecast vt./n.预报podcast n.播客telecast v.电视广播webcast n./v.网络播放catch vt.接住;赶上;领会;感染chase n./vt.追逐;追求purchase vt./n.购买cautious a.小心的caution n.小心;警告precaution n.预防celebrate v.庆祝;歌颂celebrated a.著名的celebrity n.著名;名流cell n.细胞;单间牢房cellular a.由细胞组成的seal1 n.封条;印记 vt.(密)封seal2 n.海豹conceal vt.隐藏cellar n.地窖;酒窖cent n.分cent n.百century n.世纪percent n.百分之…percentage n.百分比centigrade a./n.摄氏温度计(的) centimetre n.厘米center/-tre n.中心;聚焦点 v.集中于central a.中央的;首要的centralise vt.集权控制concentrate v.集中;聚集;浓缩 n.浓缩物concentration n.专注;集中;浓度certainly ad.确定;当然certain a.必定的;确信的ascertain vt.查明certainty n.确信;必然的事certificate n.证(明)书certify vt.证明;颁发证书给change v.改变;兑换 n.替代;找给的零钱exchange n.交换;汇兑 vt.调换;交流character n.特征;性格;角色;(汉)字characteristic a.典型的 n.特征characterize vt.是…的特征;描述特性charming a.令人着魔的charm vt. 迷住;使…受魔法保护n.魅力;符咒chief n.酋长;首领 a.主要的achieve vt.完成 vi.成功achievement n.完成;成就child n.孩子;儿童childhood n.童年childish a.孩子的;幼稚的childlike a.天真的Word List 05choose vt.选择;情愿choice n.选择(权) a.精选的chop v.砍 n.排骨chip vt.削下 n.碎片;炸土豆条;缺口Christmas n.圣诞节Christ n.基督Christian n.基督徒 a.基督教的city n.城市citizen n.市民citizenship n.公民权;国籍civil1 a.公民的;平民的;民事的civilian n.平民civil2 a.文明的civilize,-ise vt.使文明civilization,-isation n.文明claim vt.声称;要求;夺去 n.索赔exclaim v.呼喊proclaim vt.宣告;显示class n.阶级;种类;班级classic a.最优秀的;典型的 n.名著classical a.古典的classify vt.把…分类classification n.分类;类别classmate n.同班同学mate n.伙伴;配偶 v.(使)交配match1 n.对手;比赛 v.匹配match2 n.火柴matchless a.无敌的clean1 a.清洁的;公正的;熟练的clean2 ad.彻底地cleanly ad.清洁地;干净利落地clear a.清楚的;确信的 vt.清除;证明…无罪;批准clearance n.清除;间隙;兑现;批准clearing n.林中空地clarify vt.澄清clarity n.清楚declare v.宣布;宣称;申报declaration n.宣布;宣言;申报close1 v.关闭;结束 n.结束closet n.贮藏室 vt.把…引进密室会谈 a.秘密的disclose vt.揭露enclose vt.围住;随函附上include vt.包括inclusion n.包括inclusive a.包括一切的exclude vt.不包括exclusion n.除外exclusive a.高级的;独有的;不包括…的 n.独家新闻conclude v.结束;缔结;推断出conclusion n.结尾;缔结;推论close2 a.接近的;亲密的;不通风的close3 ad.接近地closely ad.接近地;紧密地cloth n.布料;抹布clothes n.衣服clothe vt.给…穿衣服;给…提供衣服clothing n.服装cock n.公鸡;龙头cocktail n.鸡尾酒;餐前开胃小吃;混合物peacock n.孔雀chick n.小鸡chicken n.小鸡;鸡肉chuck vi.咯咯叫chuckle v.咯咯地笑colony n.殖民地;聚居区;群体colonial a.殖民的colonialist a./n.殖民主义者(的)colonist n.殖民地定居者combine v.联合n.联合企业(或团体);联合收割机combination n.联合(体)come vi.来到;发生;实现income n.收入outcome n.结果become vi.变成vt.适合overcome vt.克服;压倒welcome vt./n./int.欢迎 a.受欢迎的comfort n.舒适;安慰vt.安慰comfortable a.舒服的comforting a.令人安慰的command vt.命令;控制;俯瞰 n.命令;掌握commander n.指挥官demand vt./n.强烈要求;需求(量) demanding a.要求高的committee n.委员会;委员commit1 vt.使承诺;花(钱或时间) commit2 vt.犯(罪),干(坏事) commitment n.奉献;承担责任;承诺commission n.委托;佣金;委员会common1 a.通常的common2 a.共有的;共同的commune n.公社communism n.共产主义communist n.共产主义者 a.共产主义的community n.团体;社区;群体communicate v.交流;传播communication n.交流;通讯telecommunications n.电信immune a.有免疫力的;免除的Word List 06company n.公司;同伴;(一)群accompany vt.陪伴;伴随;为…伴奏companion n.同伴pan n.平底锅panel n.嵌板;控制板;专家咨询组compare vt.比较;把…比作 vi.相比comparison n.比较;比喻comparable a.比得上的;可比较的comparative a.比较的compel vt.强迫expel vt.驱逐;排出;把…开除propel vt.推进impulse n.冲动;动力;推动力pulse n.脉搏 vi.搏动compete vi.竞争competition n.竞争;比赛competitive a.竞争的;有竞争力的competent a.有能力的competence n.能力complain v.抱怨complaint n.抱怨;疾病complete a.完整的 vt.完成incomplete a.不完整的complement vt.补充;与…相配n.补充;补语complementary a.补充的supplement vt.增补 n.增补(物);增刊supplementary a.增补的supply vt.供给 n.供应(量);补给品accomplish vt.完成implement vt.执行 n.工具computer n.计算机microcomputer n.微型计算机computerize v.用电脑处理compute v.计算dispute n./v.争论 v.对…表示异议deputy n.副职reputation n.名声concern vt.涉及;使担心n.关心;重要的事concerning prep.关于concerned a.有关的;关切的confidence n.信心;秘密confident a.确信的,自信的confidential a.秘密的connect vt.联系;连接 vi.联运connection n.联系;接通;熟人consider v.认为;考虑;关心considerable a.相当大的considerate a.体贴的consideration n.仔细考虑;体贴contain vt.包含;控制container n.容器content1 n.含量;内容contents n.所含之物;目录content2 a.满意的 vt./n.(使)满意contented a.满足的continue vt.继续 vi.延伸continual a.频频的continuous a.连续的continuity n.连续(性)cool a.凉的;冷静的v.(使)变凉;(使)冷静下来chill vt.使很冷;使恐惧n.风寒;寒冷chilly a.寒冷的copper n.铜;铜币cop n.警察copy n.复印件;(一)本 vt.复印;模仿copyright n.版权cope vi.处理cord n.(细)绳;灯芯绒裤cordless a.无电线的chord n.和弦;弦cost n.成本;代价vt.价钱为;使付出(代价)costly a.昂贵的count1 vt.计算;包括;认为account n.账户;叙述;报告 vi.说明;占accountant n.会计accounting n.会计(行业)countdown n.倒计时counter1 n.柜台;计算器;筹码discount vt.打折扣;漠视 n.折扣count2 n.伯爵county n.郡;县country n.农村countryside n.农村country n.国家counter2 vt.对抗 ad.对立地encounter vt./n.遭遇contradict vt.反驳;相矛盾contradiction n.矛盾;反驳contrary a.相反的 n.相反(事物)contrast vt./n.对比;悬殊差别vi.形成对比control vt./n.克制;控制(能力);控制(装置) controversy n.争论controversial a.引起争论的courage n.勇气discourage vt.使泄气;阻止encourage vt.鼓励;鼓动encouragement n.鼓励course n.课程;过程;(一)道(菜) intercourse n.交际;性交excursion n.集体远足curriculum n.全部课程current a.流行的;现在的n.流;电流;潮流currency n.货币;流行incur vt.招致occur vi.发生;存在于;被想到occurrence n.发生的事情;出现concur v.同时发生;同意recur vi.再发生court n.法庭;球场;院子courtroom n.法庭courteous a.有礼貌的courtesy n.谦恭有礼;有礼貌的举止cover n.盖子;封面;覆盖(物)vt.包括;行;报道coverage n.覆盖范围;新闻报道;包括discover vt.发现uncover vt.揭露;揭开盖子recover vi.恢复 vt.寻回;弥补recovery n.痊愈;寻回cow1 n.母牛cowboy n.牧童cow2 vt.恫吓coward n.胆小鬼cowardly a.胆怯的crack n.裂缝;噼啪声 v.(使)破裂clash n.撞击(声) vi.冲突;不协调crash v.撞击;倒闭 n.碰撞(声) crush vt.压碎;镇压Word List 07create vt.创造;引起creative a.创造(性)的creation1 n.创造;创造的作品creator n.造物主;创造者creature n.生物creation2 n.天地万物recreate v.(使)消遣recreation n.娱乐concrete n.混凝土 a.具体的credit n.信用;贷方;荣誉;学分vt.相信;把…记入贷方;把…归功于credible a.可信的incredible a.难以置信的;极好的creep vi.爬行;蹑手蹑脚地走cripple n.跛子 vt.使跛;严重削弱crime n.罪criminal a.犯罪的 n.罪犯discriminate v.区别;歧视discrimination n.歧视;辨别力critical a.批评的;决定性的critic n.批评家crisis n.危机criticism n.批评;评论(文章)criticize/-ise vt.批评;评论cross v.穿越;(使)交叉;(使)杂交n.十字架 a.易怒的across prep.穿过;在…对面ad.在对面;从一边到另一边crossing n.十字路口;横渡crossroads n.十字路口crucify v.把(耶稣)钉在十字架上;折磨crucial a.决定性的cruise n.航游 vi.巡航;缓慢巡行custom n.习惯;海关;光顾accustomed a.习惯于…的;通常的customary a.习惯的customer n.顾客costume n.服装;戏装cut vt.切;削减 n.伤口;削减haircut n.理发shortcut n.捷径damn int.讨厌 vt.该死;严厉批评condemn vt.谴责;宣判danger n.危险(事物)dangerous a.危险的endanger vt.危害dare vt.敢;向…挑战 aux.v.竟敢daring a.勇敢的date n.日期;约会vt.注明日期;(和…)约会 vi.追溯(到) out-of-date a.过时的outdate vt.使过时up-to-date a.最新的;包含最新信息的update v.更新 n.最新信息December n.12月decade n.十年decimal a.十进位的 n.小数dean n.学院院长;教长decide v.决定;判决decision n.决定;决断(力)decisive a.决定性的;果断的decided a.明确的insecticide n.杀虫剂suicide n.自杀;自取灭亡concise a.简洁的precise a.精确的;严谨的precision n.精确scissors n.剪刀decorate vt.装饰decoration n.装饰;装饰品decent a.尚好的;得体的deep a.深的;浓的;深奥的 ad.深深地deeply ad.深深地;非常depth n.深(度);渊博dip vt.浸 vi.落下 n.衰退defend vt.保卫;为…辩护defence/-nse n.防御;答辩defensive a.防御的 n.防势offend v.冒犯;使厌恶;违犯offence/-nse n.犯罪;冒犯offensive a.冒犯的;攻击性的 n.进攻delight n.快乐;令人高兴的东西vt.使高兴delighted a.高兴的delightful a.令人愉快的democracy n.民主政体;民主国家democrat n.民主主义者;民主党人democratic a.民主的epidemic a.传染性的 n.流行病;泛滥dense a.密集的;密度大的condense v.浓缩;压缩density n.密集;密度deny vt.否认;拒绝给予denial n.否认;拒绝depend vi.依靠;决定于dependent a.依靠的;取决于…的dependence n.依靠independent a.独立的;公正的;不相关的independence n.独立describe vt.描述;画出description n.描写;类型prescribe v.开(处方);规定prescription n.处方manuscript n.手抄本;手稿script n.剧本;笔迹scrape v.刮掉 n.刮desire vt.渴望 n.愿望desirable a.值得向往的;可取的desirous a.渴望的develop v.发展;开发development n.发展;研制;事态发展;新建住宅区develop v.患病;显现envelop vt.包住envelope n.信封devote vt.献身,致力于vote v.投票 n.选票;选举dialog(ue) n.对话catalog(ue) n.目录 vt.编入目录logic n.逻辑(学)logical a.符合逻辑的;合乎常理的psychology n.心理(学)psychological a.心理(学)的apology n.道歉apologize/-ise vi.道歉apologetic a.道歉的Word List 08dictation n.口述;听写dictate v.口授;命令 n.规定dictator n.独裁者dictionary n.词典diction n.措辞addict n.吸毒成瘾的人;对…入迷的人addicted a.上了瘾的contradict vt.反驳;相矛盾contradiction n.矛盾;反驳predict vt.预言dedicate vt.把(一生等)献给;题献辞于(著作等)上indicate vt.指示;表明indication n.指示;迹象index v.指示 n.索引;指数die vi.死亡;消失dead a.死的;无感觉的deadly a.致命的;极度的;不共戴天的ad.非常death n.死亡;终止different a.不同的difference n.差别;差额;分歧differ vi.不同于;发生分歧differentiate vi.区别;区别对待vt.表明…间的差别indifferent a.冷漠的;一般的confer v.商讨; 授予某人conference n.会议;讨论infer vt.推论inference n.结论;推论offer vt.给予;提议 n.提供(物);报价prefer vt.更喜欢preferable a.更可取的preference n.喜爱;偏爱的事物(或人);优先(权) refer v.(引…去)参考;提交(…仲裁)referee n.裁判;仲裁者;介绍人reference n.提到;参考;介绍信suffer vt.遭受;承受 vi.受痛苦;受损suffering n.疼痛;苦恼transfer v./n.转移;调动;转车transference n.转移;调动difficult a.困难的;不易相处的difficulty n.困难;困境facile a.易做的facilitate vt.促进facility n.便利;设备dig n.戳;挖苦 v.挖;探究ditch n.沟direct a.直接的;坦率的;正好的vt.针对;指示;指导directly ad.直接地;立即;正好地indirect a.间接的;婉转的direction n.方向;用法说明(书);指引;管理director n.导演;董事;主管directory n.公司名录;号码簿erect vt.竖立;建造 a.直立的dirty a.肮脏的;下流的 v.弄脏dirt n.尘土disappoint vt.使失望;破灭disappointing a.令人失望的disappointment n.失望;令人失望的人或物discuss vt.讨论discussion n.讨论dismiss vt.解散;解雇;消除;驳回missile n.导弹;发射物emit vt.发出emission n.射出;散发物omit vt.省略;遗漏omission n.省略submit vt.提交;主张 vi.听从submission n.提交;服从transmit v.播送;传送;传染transmission n.播送;传送;传染distinguish v.区分;看清;使杰出distinction n.差别distinct a.截然不同的;清楚的distinctive a.与众不同的distinguishable a.可辨别的distinguished a.卓越的extinguish vt.熄灭;消灭extinct a.已废弃的;灭绝的extinction n.灭绝instinct n.本能;直觉disturb vt.打扰;使不安disturbance n.骚乱;干扰;烦恼divide v.分开;分配;使产生分歧n.分歧;分界线individual n.个体 a.单独的subdivide v.再分division n.分开;分配;分歧;部门widow n.寡妇do vt.做;引起;学习 vi.进展;适合undo vt.解开;取消deed n.行为;契约indeed ad.真正地;实际上dog n.狗dog-eared a.卷角的door n.门indoor a./ad.(在)室内(的)outdoor a.户外的 ad.在户外 n.野外double a.双重的;双人的n.两倍;双打 v.加倍;折叠duple a.双重的diploma n.(毕业)文凭diplomatic a.外交的;有手腕的multiple a.多种多样的 n.倍数multiply v.(使)倍增;乘doubt n.疑惑 vt.怀疑doubtful a.怀疑的;未定的undoubtedly ad.必定drama n.戏;戏剧dramatic a.戏剧性的;引人注目的dramatics n.夸张的行为draw vt.画;拉;提取;吸引 n.抽签drawer n.抽屉drawing n.图画;绘画draw n.平局 vi.打成平局draft n.草图;汇票;征兵 vt.起草;征募drag vt.拉;迫使dragon n.龙dress n.衣服;女装v.(给…)穿衣;包扎;给…加作料dressmaker n.裁缝hairdresser n.理发师undress v.脱衣服 n.裸体Word List 09drink v.喝 n.饮料,酒drunk a.(酒)醉的;陶醉的drunken a.(酒)醉的drive v.驾驶;驱 n.驱车旅行;大道;干劲driver n.驾驶员drift vi.漂流n.水流;吹积物;趋势drop v.(使)落下;(使)降低;(使)停止n.下降;(一)滴;微量drip vi.滴n.滴水声;滴下的液体dry a.干(燥)的;口渴的 vt.使干dryer,drier n.脱水机drought n.旱灾during prep.在…期间durable a.耐用的duration n.期间endure vi.持续 vt.忍受dust n.尘土 v.擦去dustbin n.垃圾箱dusty a.布满灰尘的;陈旧的duty n.责任;职责;关税dutiful a.尽职的;孝顺的due a.应到的;应给的;适当的earth n.地球;陆地;土earthquake n.地震east n.东(方)ad.向东方 a.东方的north n.北(方)ad.向北方 a.北方的south n.南(方)ad.向南方 a.南方的west n.西(方)ad.向西方 a.西方的northeast n./a.东北(方)(的) ad.向东北northwest n./a.西北(方)(的) ad.向西北southeast n./a.东南(方)(的) ad.向东南southwest n./a.西南(方)(的) ad.向西南eastern a.东方的northern a.北方的southern a.南方的western a.西方的westerner n.西方人;西部人easy a.容易的easy a.舒适的uneasy a.担心的disease n.疾病;弊端ease n.容易;悠闲 v.缓和economy n.经济;节约economist n.经济学家economics n.经济学;经济情况economic a.经济(学)的economical a.节约的edit vt.编辑;剪辑;主编edition n.版本editor n.编者editorial a.编辑的 n.社论either det./pron.任一 ad.也(不) neither conj./ad.也不det./pron.两者都不neutral a.中立的;中性的negative a.否定的;负面的n.底片;负数elect vt.选举;选择election n.选举elector n.选民collect vt.收集;取 vi.聚合a./ad.(打电话)由对方付费(的) collection n.收集;收藏品;聚集collective a.集体的 n.集体select vt.选择 a.精选的selection n.选择;被挑选的人(或物) delegate n.代表v.选举…为代表;授(权)delegation n.代表团elegant a.优美的;简洁的neglect v.忽视;疏忽 n.忽略negligible a.微不足道的intellect n.智力;才智非凡的人intellectual n.知识分子 a.智力的intelligible a.可理解的intelligence n.智力;情报intelligent a.聪明的electricity n.电electric a.电的electrical a.用电的electron n.电子electronic a.电子的electronics n.电子学;电子设备element n.成分;元素;基础elementary a.基本的;初级的emphasis n.强调emphasize/-ise vt.强调phase n.方面;(月)相;阶段empire n.帝国emperor n.皇帝empress n.皇后imperial a.帝王的;英制的imperialism n.帝国主义imperialist n.帝国主义者employ v./n.雇用;使用employer n.雇主employee n.雇员employment n.雇用;职业unemployment n.失业(人数)energy n.精力;能量energetic a.精力充沛的erg n.尔格allergic a.过敏性的engine n.发动机;火车头engineer n.工程师 vt.策划;设计engineering n.工程(学)enter v.进入;参加;登记entrance n.入口;进入entry n.入口处;进入;登记entertain v.使欢乐;招待entertainment n.娱乐;招待envy vt./n.妒忌jealousy n.妒忌envious a.羡慕的jealous a.妒忌的;精心守护的equal a.相等的;胜任的n.同等的人 vt.等于;比得上equality n.平等inequality n.不平等unequal a.不相等的adequate a.足够的;胜任的inadequate a.不充足的equate v.(使)相等equation n.等式;相等equivalent a.等价的;相等的 n.相等物equip vt.装备;使有准备equipment n.装备essence n.本质;精髓essential a.绝对必要的;本质的n.要素;必需品estimate vt.估计 n.估量overestimate vt./n.高估underestimate vt./n.低估event n.事件;比赛项目eventual a.最终的eventually ad.终于exam n.考试examine vt.调查;测验example n.例子;榜样sample n.样品 vt.从…抽样;品尝exemplify vt.是…的榜样或典型;举例证明excellent a.优秀的excellence n.优秀excel v.胜过;突出except prep.除…外 conj.除了;只是exception n.例外exceptional a.例外的;卓越的excite vt.使兴奋;引起exciting a.令人兴奋的excitement n.兴奋;令人兴奋的事exercise n./v.锻炼;运用exert vt.尽(力);运用exhibition n.展览exhibit vt.展览;显示 n.展览品prohibit vt.阻止prohibition n.禁止Word List 10exit n.出口;退出 vi.离开circuit n.环形道;环行;电路initial a.开始的 n.首字母initially ad.最初initiative n.主动性;倡议;主动权expand v.扩大;膨胀expanse n.广阔expansion n.扩大;膨胀expect vt.预料;盼望expectation n.期待;希望unexpected a.意外的aspect n.面貌;方面;朝向inspect vt.检查perspective n.透视法;远景;观点prospect n.前景;前途;有望获胜者prospective a.预期的spectacle n.眼镜;壮观的景象;演出spectacular a.壮观的n.壮观的演出spectator n.观众suspect v.推测;对…表示怀疑n.嫌疑犯 a.可疑的speculate v.投机;推测speculator n.投机者suspicious a.猜疑的;可疑的suspicion n.怀疑;一点儿experience n.经验;经历 vt.经历experienced a.有经验的expert n.专家 a.熟练的expertise n.专门知识experiment n.实验 vi.做实验experimental a.实验(性)的experimentation n.实验explain v.解释explanation n.解释explode v.(使)爆炸;发怒;激增explosion n.爆炸;激增explosive a.易爆炸的;极易引起冲动的n.炸药applaud v.(向…)鼓掌;称赞applause n.鼓掌face n.脸;外貌;表面 vt.面向;面临facet n.一个方面;琢面facial a.面部的surface n.表面;外表 vi.浮出水面;浮现superficial a.表面的;肤浅的fact n.事实factual a.真实的factor n.因素affect vt.影响;感动effect n.影响;效果affection n.喜爱effective a.有效的defect n.缺陷 vi.背叛perfect a.完美的;完全的;完成时的v.使完美perfection n.完美infect vt.传染infection n.传染(病)infectious a.传染(性)的;有感染力的factory n.工厂manufacture vt.制造manufacturer n.制造商fail vi.失败;不及格;出故障vt.没有通过;使失望failure n.失败;故障fair a.公平的;相当大的;金发的n.露天游乐场;博览会unfair a.不公平的fairly ad.公平地;相当地faith n.信心;信仰faithful a.忠诚的;可信任的;如实的faithfully ad.忠诚地fall vi.落下;跌倒;变成;倾斜n.下降;瀑布;垮台fall n. 秋季spring n.春天spring n.弹簧;跳;(源)泉vi.突然行动;涌现 vt.突然提出family n.家;家属;语族familiar a.熟悉的;随便的familiarity n.亲密;熟悉famous a.著名的fame n.(好)名声fancy v./n.想象;幻想a.别致的;昂贵的 n.喜爱fantasy n.想象;想象的产物fantastic a.异想天开的;奇异的far ad.久;很大程度上 a.遥远的farther ad.更远地;进一步 a.更远的further ad.进一步;而且;更远 vt.促进fare1 n.票价fare2 vi.过日子;进展farewell int.再会 n.欢送会welfare n.福利;福利救济fascism n.法西斯主义fascinate vt.迷住fascinating a.迷人的fashion n.方式;流行款式fashionable a.流行的fast a.快的 ad.快;紧紧地fasten vt.扎牢fastener n.扣件fate n.命运;厄运fateful a.命运攸关的fatal a.致命的fault n.过失;缺点;故障 vt.挑剔faultless a.无缺点的faulty a.有缺点的favo(u)r n./vt.喜爱;赞同 vt.有利于favo(u)rite a.特别喜爱的 n.最喜欢的人favo(u)rable a.有利的;赞许的fear n.害怕 vt.担心fearful a.担心的;可怕的fearless a.无畏的feel vi.感觉;摸索 vt.摸;认为 n.手感feeling n.感情;感觉figure n.体形;人物;肖像;数字vt.计算;认为figment n.虚构的事物fiction n.虚构的事;小说find vt.找到;认为;判决 n.发现物finding n.调查的结果;裁决fine a.美好的;细微的;晴朗的;健康的refine vt.精炼;使优美refinery n.精炼厂Word List 11fire n.火 vi.开枪 vt.射出;解雇fireman n.消防队员fireplace n.壁炉firewall n.防火墙firewood n.木柴firework n.烟火;烟火表演firm1 a.结实的;稳固的;坚决的 v.使坚固confirm vt.使确信;证实;批准confirmation n.证实,确认infirm a.病弱的firm2 n.公司fix vt.固定;安排;修理fixture n.固定装置;固定在某位置的人flat1 a.平坦的;平淡的;固定的ad.平直地;直截了当地flat2 n.一套房间inflation n.充气;通货膨胀deflation n.放气;通货紧缩flex v.弯曲flexible a.易弯曲的;可变通的flexibility n.灵活性;弹性flex(i)time n.弹性工作时间(制)。

balcony bamboo bang banner flag banuet barber bargain bark barn barren beam beauty belong belongings bench bet beverage bias prejudice (bias toward/for against) (be biased/in favour of) Bible bibliography bill bin bingo biscuit bishop biscuit bishop bizarre blackmail blade blame blaze bleak blink bloc blouse blunt blur blush boast boastful bolt bonus boom boost booth bore boring botanical botany bottle bottom bottomless bounce bowel bowling boycott boyhood brain branch brew brewery bribe bribery bride bright brighten brilliant brim bring brink brisk brittle broker brook broom brown browse browser bruise brunch brush bubble (bubble economy ) buck (buck up) bucket buffet snack bug bulletin notice bully burden load tax burdensome burglar burial burst bury bush beat about the bush business on business no holiday bust but button buzz

英语星火式巧记速记系列新大纲大学英语词汇星火式巧记速记(1~6 级)马德高卢福林主编无绪制作世界图书出版公司西安. 北京. 广州. 上海=================================================acquaintance 认识,了解Make the acquaintance of sib.与某人结识。
=Make sb’s acquaintanceHave a nodding acquaintance with sb.与某人有点头之交。
vt 使了解,使认识,介绍acquaint 搭配有二:1.用反身代词oneself 2.用被动形式。
I’ve acquainted myself with their customs.I’ve been acquainted with their customs.Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于空谈。
注:act 与action 常可替换,act 不过常指具体的动作,action 而却常指抽象的行为。
act 与action 在与下类似的短语中不能换用。
in the act of stealing 在偷窃时take action 采取行动。
advantageous 有利的。
Nothing venture, nothing gain.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
记住:生命危险或经济风险大时就用venture; 想使人心振奋,寻求刺激性的冒险就用adventure.prophecy 预言civilization 多指物质文明;culture 多指精神文明。
agree with 持有相同的意见agree to 愿意接受某事或允许某事发生。
acre 英亩:the building stands in twelve acres of ground.. 该建筑物占地12 英亩。
agronomy n.农学astronomy n.天文学aultivate 培养,陶治,耕种,种植,栽培One’s land 耕种田地aultivate roses 栽培玫瑰One’s mind 修身养性。

Word List 1able 能干的ability 能力n.disable 丧失能力enable 使能够unable 不能的absorb 吸收, 吸引absorbent 能吸收的absorbing 吸引人的absorption吸收abundant 丰富的abundance 丰富abound 多, 大量redundant多余的acquaintance 相识, 熟人acquaint 使熟知, 通知act 行动action 行动n.active 积极的activate 刺激vt. activist 激进主义分子activity 行动n. transact 交易, 谈判transaction办理, 处理action 行动, 举动interact 互相作用interaction 交互作用n. react 起反作用reaction 反作用n.act表演actor 男演员actress 女演员enact 扮演actual 实际的actually 实际上exact 精确的act 法令enact 制定法律agency 代理处agent 代理(商)agenda 议程adapt 适应改编adopt 采用apt 恰当的切题的opt 选择option 选项optional 可选择的optimum 最适宜optimism 乐观optimist 乐观者optimistic乐观的add 增加 v.addition 加n. additional 附加的advanceadvanced 先进的advantage优势advantageous 有利的disadvantage不利adventure 冒险v. venture 冒险n.advice 建议n.advise 建议vt.advisable 明智的可取的age 年龄aged 年老的teenager 十几岁的青少年agree 同意vt.agreeable 惬意的agreement 同意disagree 不一致agriculture 农业acre 地产agronomy 农学cultivate 耕作culture 文化air 空气aircraft 航行器airplane 飞机airfield 飞机场airport机场航站airline 定期航线airway 空中航线aerial 航空的aeroplane飞机allow 允许vt.allowance 允许n.ally 结盟v.alliance 联盟n.annoy 困扰rally集会alphabet 字母表n.alphabetic 照字母次序的alphabetical依字母顺序的alter 改变v.alternate 交替的alternative 二中择一alien 背道而驰的alienate 疏远v.ambulance 救护车ambition 野心ambitious 野心勃勃的ambassador 大使amberseed琥珀种子ambiguous 含糊的among(st) ...之一mingle (使)混合mix 混合v.mixture 混合物ample 充足的amplify 放大vt.amplifier 放大器n.analyse 分析vt.analysis 分析n.analyst 分析家analytic 分析的analytical 分析的analytically 分析的paralyse 使麻痹ancient 古代的ancestor 祖先ancestry 家系anterior较早的anticipate 预期vt.antique 古董angle [数]角rectangle 长方形triangle三角形ankle 踝关节anchor 锚angry 生气的anger 愤怒animal 动物animate 生机勃勃的animated 活生生的unanimous 无异议的answer 答案swear 发誓ant 蚂蚁antenna 天线anxious 担忧的anxiety 忧虑appear 出现vi.appearance 出现n.disappear 消失vi.apparent 显然的表面的appearance外貌露面transparent 透明的显然的坦率的Word List 2apply 申请appliance 设备applicable 适当的applicant 申请者application申请表approach 接近n.approximate 近似的approximately 近似地proximate 紧接的proximity 邻近arc 弧,弓形arcade 拱廊arch拱形argue 争论vi.argument 争论n.army 陆军arm 武器disarm 放下武器vi.armor 装甲alarm 警报arrange 安排v.arrangement 安排n.range 山脉ranger 闲荡者rank 茂盛的arrive 到达vi.arrival 到达 n.art 艺术artist 艺术家artistic艺术的artificial 人造的craft 工艺handicraft 手工艺aircraft 航行器statecraft管理国家的本领article 文章articulate 表达清楚的astonish 使惊讶stun 使惊吓atmosphere 空气sphere 球体hemisphere半球atom 原子atomic原子能的attack 进攻tack 行动方针attach 系上detach 分开attend 出席vt. attendance 出席n. attendant 服务员attention 注意august 威严的inaugurate 就职argument 争论n.auction 拍卖author 作家authority 权威authoritative 权威的authorize/-ise 批准authentic 可信的authenticate 鉴别auto 汽车automatic 自动的automation 自动操作automobile 机动车autonomy 自治autonomous自治的avenge 报仇vt.revenge报仇n.avoid 避免vtvoid 空的无效的devoid缺乏的全无的back 后面的background 背景backward 相反地bad 坏的badly 严重地worse 更坏的worst最坏的bag 袋子baggage 行李handbag 手提包bake 烘焙baker 面包师bakery 面包店batch (面包等)一炉ball 球balloon 气球ballot 投票belly 腹部bullet 子弹basketball 篮球baseball 棒球volleyball 排球ball 球ballet芭蕾舞bank 银行banker 银行家banking 银行业bankrupt 破产者bankruptcy 破产bar 棒barrack 军营barrel 桶barrier 栅栏barricade 路障embarrass 阻碍barrister 律师bare 赤裸的barely仅仅base 底部basis 基础basic 基础的basically 基本上basement 地下室bath 沐浴bathe 洗bebeing 存在bear 熊born 天生的birth 出生bearing 举止beat 敲打bat 球棒battle 战争batter 击球手battery 电池combat 战斗debate 争论beautiful 美丽的beauty 美because 因为cause 原因accuse 控告excuse 借口bed 床embed 使插入Word List 3before在...之前for前部n.former以前的foremost首先最重要的foreground前景forehead前额forecast预测n.foresee预知vt.forward向前地forth往前adv.straightforward坦率的forthcoming即将来临的henceforth今后adv.beg乞求v.beggar乞丐n.begin开始v.beginner初学者n.beginning开始n.end结束ending结束endless无止境的behind在...之后hind后边的hinder阻碍V.hindrance妨碍n.believe相信v.belief信任n.below在...下面,low低的lower①较低的lower②降低vt.beneath在...之下underneath在...的下面bible《圣经》bibliography参考书目bicycle自行车cycle①周期cycle②循环cyclone飓风recycle再循环encyclopedia百科全书cylinder圆筒circle圆形物n.circular圆形的circulate(使)循环circulation循环n.circuit一圈circus马戏团circumstance环境biology生物学biochemistry生物化学antibiotic抗生素biography传记autobiography自传bit少量bite咬bait饵biting刺痛的bitter痛苦的blackboard黑板board木板aboard在船(飞机、车)上cupboard食橱keyboard[计] 键盘board木板border边界blanket毯子blank空白的blind瞎的blend混和blunder跌跌撞撞地走blood血bloody血腥的bleed使出血blow②风吹v.blast一阵(风)body身体anybody任何人nobody谁也不somebody某人embody包括boil沸点boiler煮器book书booklet小册子handbook手册notebook笔记簿textbook教科书bow①鞠躬v.bow②弓n.elbow肘rainbow彩虹bracket支架brace支柱bracelet手镯embrace拥抱bracket支架brace支柱brandy(夹心)糖果brand商标breakbreakdown崩溃breakthrough突破outbreak突然发生brake刹车broken坏掉的breach违背 vtbreath呼吸breathe呼吸v.breed(使)繁殖brood(动物中鸟或家禽的)一窝brief大纲abbreviate缩写v. abbreviation缩写n.brevity(讲话, 文章等)简短bring拿来upbringing教养broad宽的abroad往国外broadcast广播broaden变宽v.breadth宽度n.build建造v.building建筑物rebuild重建v.shipbuilding造船bureau办公署bureaucracy官僚机构bureaucrat官僚主义者bureaucratic官僚政治的burn烧burner火炉sunburn晒斑bury埋葬vt.burial埋葬n.burrow洞穴busy忙碌的business商业calculate计算v.calculator计算机calculation计算n.calendar日历calculus微积分学calcium钙call喊声recall回忆vt.so-called号称的challenge挑战reconcile使和解reconciliation和解council理事会会议counsel 商议建议n. VtWord List 4camp露营campaign 竞选运动campus大学教育champion冠军champagne香槟酒canal运河channel海峡candle蜡烛kindle着火candidate候选人candy糖果cane藤条sugarcane甘蔗canesugar 蔗糖canoe独木舟cannon大炮capable有能力的capability能力incapable无能力的capital首都cape披肩captain队长caption标题chapter(书籍)章precipitate沉淀物escape逃capture捕获captive俘虏capacity容量capsule胶囊cabbage卷心菜cabin小屋cabinet橱柜car汽车carry携带carrier邮递员career职业carpenter木匠carriage客车cart大车caravan大篷车van有篷货车cargo(船)货物charge费用discharge清偿(债务)chariot战车card卡片discard丢弃vt.postcard明信片cartoon卡通片chart图表charter租,包(船、车等)care注意careful小心的careless粗心的chary谨慎的charity慈善cherish珍爱vt.cure治愈accurate精确的accuracy精确性n.curious好奇的curiosity好奇心secure安全的security安全case①事briefcase公文包suitcase手提箱cassette盒子cash现金cashier出纳员case②事casual偶然的casually偶然地casualty伤亡n.occasion场合occasional偶然的occasionally有时候cast投掷broadcast广播forecast预测n.telecast电视广播catch捕捉chase追赶purchase买cautious谨慎的caution谨慎precaution警惕cave洞穴cavern大洞cavity洞concave凹的excavate挖掘cell单元cellar地窖conceal隐藏cent分币century世纪percent百分比percentage百分数centigrade分为百度的centimetre/ter厘米center/tre中心central中心的concentrate集中v. concentration集中n. eccentric古怪certainly的确certain确定的ascertain确定vt.certainty确定n.certificate证书certify证明chair椅子armchair扶手椅子chairman主席change改变exchange交换vt.character特征characteristic特有的characterize/ise刻画的...性格charming迷人的charm吸引力cheer欢呼cheerful愉快的chemistry化学chemist化学家chemical化学的chief首领achieve完成vt.achievement成就child孩子childhood孩童时期childish幼稚的孩子气的childlike 天真烂漫的Word List 5choose选择choice选择chop v.砍 n.排骨chip vt.削下 n.炸土豆条;芯片Christmas圣诞节Christ基督Christian基督教cigar雪茄cigaret(te)香烟(te)city城市citizen公民citizenship国籍civil民事civilian平民civil民事civilize/ise教化/伊势civilization/isation文明/isationclaim索赔reclaim回收exclaim惊叫exclamation感叹proclaim宣告proclamation公告class类mate伴侣match①①匹配classic经典classical古典classify分类classification分类classmate同学match②匹配②matchless无比的clean清洁cleanly干净利落地clear清晰的clearance间隙clarify澄清clarity清晰declare声明declaration宣言climb爬clamp夹clasp扣clip①夹①clip②夹②cling抓住clutch离合器clock时钟o'clock点clockwise顺时针方向close①①密切closet衣柜disclose披露enclose附上enclosure外壳include包括inclusion包含inclusive包容exclude排除exclusion排除exclusive独家exclusively只conclude得出这样的结论conclusion结论In conclusion,总之,preclude排除preclusion排除close②②密切close③③密切closely密切cloth布clothes衣服clothe穿clothing服装cloud云cloudy多云的coat外套overcoat大衣raincoat雨衣cock旋塞cocktail鸡尾酒peacock孔雀chick小鸡少妇胆小的chicken 鸡肉胆小鬼chuck 咯咯笑丢弃chuckle轻笑coffee咖啡cafe咖啡馆cafeteria自助餐厅colony殖民地colonial殖民colonialist殖民主义者的colonist殖民者colour颜色colo(u)rful科罗拉多州(u)快乐combine结合combination结合come来income收入outcome结果become成为overcome克服welcome欢迎comfort安慰comfortable舒适的comforting令人欣慰的command命令commander指挥官demand需求mandate授权mandatory强制性的committee委员会commit①提交①commit②②提交commitment承诺commission委员会common常见的commonplace司空见惯的事平凡的commonsense常识common常见的commonwealth英联邦commune公社communism共产主义communist共产主义community社区communicate沟通communication沟通telecommunications电信immune免疫的immunize使免疫Word List 6company陪伴n.accompany陪伴vt.companion同伴pan平底锅panel面板compare比较v.comparison比较n.comparable可比较的comparative比较的compel强迫vt.compulsion强迫n.compulsory必需做的expel驱逐v.propel推进vt.repel击退impulse推动n.pulse脉搏compete比赛vi.competition竞赛n.competitive竞争的competent 有能力的competence能力complain抱怨v.complaint抱怨n.concern涉及vt.concerning关于concerned关心的discern辨别v.discerning有辨识能力的condition条件airconditioning n. airconditioned adj.装有空气调节器的conditional有条件的, unconditional无条件的confidence信心confident自信的confidential秘密的conflict冲突afflict折磨vt.inflict造成connect连接v.connection/exion连接n. conquer征服vt.conqueror征服者conquest征服n.consider考虑vt.considering考虑prep. considerable值得考虑的considerate考虑周到的consideration考虑n.contain包含vt.container容器content①容量content②目录contempt轻视n.contemptible可鄙的contemptuous轻蔑的continue继续v.continual连续的continuous持续的continuation继续n. continuance持续n.continuity连续性cook烹调cooker炊具cool凉爽chill寒意chilly寒冷的copper铜, 警察cop警官copy副本copyright版权cope(善于)应付cord绳索chord弦, 和音, 情绪corps军团corpse尸体corporate社团的corporation公司社团incorporate合并的incorporated合成一体的correct正确的rectify矫正vt.rectification纠正n.cost价钱costly昂贵的count①计算v.account计算accountant会计师accounting会计学counter①计算器discount折扣compute计算v.computer计算机dispute争论deputation代表团deputy代理人count②计数county县, 郡viscount子爵country国家countryside乡下地方country国家counter②计算者counterpart副本encounter遭遇v.contradict同...矛盾vt.contradiction矛盾n.contrary相反的contrast使与...对比vt.control控制n.controversy论争n.controversial争论的courage勇气courageous勇敢的discourage使气馁encourage鼓励vt.course过程intercourse交往excurse短程旅行vi.excursion短程旅行n.curriculum课程current流通的currency流通incur招致v.occur发生vi.occurrence发生n.recur复发vi.court法院courteous有礼貌的courtesy谦恭n.cover盖子coverage覆盖discover发现vt.uncover揭开recover恢复vt.recovery痊愈n.cow①母牛cowboy牛仔cow②威吓vt.coward懦弱的人cowardly胆怯地crack裂缝n.clash冲突crash碰撞n.crush压碎vt.Word List 7create创造vt.creative创造性的creation创造n.creator创作者creature创造物动物creation创造n.recreate(使)得到休养recreation消遣concrete具体的discrete不连续的credit信用credible可信的incredible难以置信的credulous轻信的incredulous怀疑的creep蹑手蹑脚cripple跛子crime犯罪criminal犯罪者discriminate歧视v.discrimination歧视n.critical评论的critic评论家crisis关键时刻criticism批评n.criticize/ise批评v.criterion标准cross十字across横过crossing横越v.crossroads十字路crucify十字架上钉死crucial至关紧要的cruise巡游cruiser巡洋舰custom习惯accustom使习惯于VT. accustomed习惯的customary惯例的customer消费者costume服装cut切(割、削) haircut理发shortcut捷径damn谴责v. condemn判刑vt. damage伤害n. indemnify赔偿v. danger危险n. dangerous危险的endanger危及vt. dare挑战n.daring大胆的date日期out-of-date 过时的up-to-date 新近的update更新day天,daily每日的everyday每天的diary日记dial刻度盘daze眼花缭乱n. dazzle(使)眼花v. dizzy(指人)晕眩的doze瞌睡dozy想睡的deaf聋的deafen使聋vt.dear亲爱的darling亲爱的December十二月decade十年decimal十进的dean(大学)院长decide决定v. decision决定n. decisive决定性的decided确定的, insecticide杀虫剂suicide自杀concise简明的precise精确的precision精确scissors剪刀decorate装饰v. decent得体的deep深的deepen加深v.deeply深深地depth深dip浸defeat战胜n. feat功绩n.defence防卫fence 栅栏; 剑术defend防卫vt.defendant被告defence/nse防卫n.defensive自卫的offend犯罪v.offence/nse犯罪n.offensive讨厌的delicious美味的elicit得出vt.dense密集的condense(使)浓缩density密度democracy民主政治democrat民主党人democratic民主的epidemic流行性的dentist牙科医生dental牙齿的indent(书写)缩进deny否认v.denial否认n.depend依靠dependent依靠的dependence依靠independent独立自主的independence独立describe描写vt.description描写n.ascribe归咎于vt.ascription归属n.prescribe指示v.prescription指示n.subscribe签署(文件)v.subscription签署n.manuscript原稿script原本scrabble乱写vi.scrub洗擦v.scrape刮, 擦n.scrap废料desert① n. 沙漠desert② v. 应得的赏罚assert断言insert插入vt.desire希望vt.desirable合意的desirous渴望的develop发展vt.development发展n.develop发展vt.envelop包围envelope信封devote奉献vt.vote投票dialog(ue)对话catalog(ue)目录n.monolog(ue)独脚戏prolog(ue)序言epilog(ue)收场白n.analogy类似n.logic逻辑n.logical合乎逻辑的colloquial通俗的eloquent雄辩的apology道歉n.apologize/ise道歉vi.apologetic 道歉的Word List 8dictation听写n.dictate口述v.dictator独裁者dictatorship专政dictionary字典diction措词addict使沉溺vt.addicted沉溺于某种嗜好中的contradict同...矛盾predict预知v.verdict裁决n.dedicate奉献vt.indicate指明vt.indication指出n.indicative(~ of) 指示的index指数die死亡vi.dead死的deadly致命的death死亡n.different不同的difference差异n.differ不同vi.differentiate区别v.indifferent无关紧要的confer授予(称号、学位等)vt.conference会议infer推断v.inference推论n.offer提供vt.prefer更喜欢vt.preferable更好的preference偏爱n.refer涉及vi.referee调解人reference提及n.suffer遭受vt.transfer转移transference移动n.difficult困难的difficulty困难n.facile易做到的facilitate使容易facility容易n.dig挖v.ditch沟n.dignity尊严indignant愤怒的indignation愤慨n. dinner正餐dine就餐vi.dining-room餐厅direct径直的directly直接地indirect间接的direction方向director主管directory通讯录erect笔直的rectangle长方形rectangular矩形的dirty肮脏的dirt肮脏disappoint使失望vt. disappointment失望n. disappointing令人失望的discuss讨论vt. discussion讨论n.dish盘disk圆盘disc唱片disco小舞厅discus铁饼dismiss解雇vt.missile导弹emit放射vt.emission放射n.omit省略vt.omission省略n.submit(使)顺从submission屈服transmit传输vt. transmission传输n. distinguish区别v. distinct不同的distinction区别extinguish扑灭extinct已经灭绝的extinction灭绝instinct本能disturb打扰disturbance干扰perturb扰乱turbine涡轮turbulent动荡的divide分dividend股息individual个人subdivide细分division部门divisor除数widow寡妇do做undo撤销deed契约indeed事实上doctor医生doctrine学说document文档door门indoor室内outdoor户外double双duple二倍的duplicate重复的diploma文凭diplomat外交官diplomatic外交dual双triple三倍multiple多个multiply繁殖multiplication乘法multitude许多doubt怀疑doubtful怀疑doubtless毫无疑问undoubtedly毫无疑问dubious可疑的drama戏剧dramatic戏剧性的dramatics戏剧draw画drawback缺点drawer抽屉里drawing画withdraw撤回draw画draft草案overdraw透支overdraft透支drag拖draggle拖dragon龙dread恐惧dreadful可怕的dreadfully极其dress衣服dressing穿衣dressmaker裁缝hairdresser理发师undress脱掉衣服Word List 9drinkdrunk 醉的; 陶醉的drunken 酒醉的;酒醉地drunkard n. 醉汉,酒鬼eat t vt. & vi. 吃, 喝; 吃饭edible adj. 可以吃的, 可食用的inedible adj. 不能吃的,不适合食用的drive vt. 驱赶;驱使, 促使;敲,击driver n. 驱赶动物或人的人;驾驶员, 车夫drift [drift]vi. n.漂, 漂流;漂泊, 流浪drop [drɔp]vt. & vi. (使)落下,投下;(使)降低,drip [drip]vt. & vi. (使)滴下vi. 滴出, 漏下dry [drai]adj. 干的, 干燥的,无雨的;缺水的, 口渴的, vt. &vi. 变干, 把…弄干drought [draut]n. 干旱(时期)during典['djuəriŋ]prep. (表示时间)在某情况的一段时间;(表示时间)在…期间, 当…之时durable ['djuərəbl]adj. 持久的,耐用的duration [djuə'reiʃən]n. 持续,持续的时间, 期间endure [in'djuə]vt. & vi. (长时间地)忍受, 忍耐, 容忍vi. 持续, 持久, 坚持下去endurance [in'djuərəns]n. 忍耐力duty ['dju:ti]n. 职责;义务, 本分;税收due [dju:]adj. 应支付[给予]的;应有的, 应得到的;到期的;预定,预期;适当的, 正当的, 适宜的earn [ə:n]vt. & vi. 赚得; 挣钱earnings ['ɜ:nɪŋz]n. 薪水,工资;收益,利润earth [ə:θ]n.世界, 地球;大地, 陆地, 地面;泥土;尘世, 人间earthquake ['ə:θkweik]n. 地震;动乱, 大震荡east [i:st]n. adj. adv.东, 东方north [nɔ:θ]n.adj. adv.北;北方;北部south [sauθ]n. adj. adv.南,南方, 南面;南部west [west]n. adj. adv.西, 西部, 西方northeast [nɔ:θˈi:st,nɔ:rˈi:st]n. adj. adv.东北,东北方向;东北部northwest [nɔ:θˈwest,nɔ:ˈwest]n. adj. adv.西北, 西北方向;西北部southeast [ˌsauθˈi:st]n. 东南,东南方, 东南部adv. 向东南adj. 东南的, 东南部的southwest [ˌsauθˈwest]n. 西南,西南方, 西南部adv. 向西南adj. 西南的, 西南部的eastern ['i:stən]adj. 东方的,东部的, 来自东方的northern ['nɔ:ðən]adj. 北方的,北部的southern ['sʌðən]adj. 南方的,南部的western ['westən]adj. 西方的, 西部的; 在西方的, 在西部的easy ['i:zi]adj. 容易的, 不费力的;舒适的, 安心的, 安逸的uneasy [,ʌn'i:zi]adj. 心神不安的;不稳定的;不舒服的disease [di'zi:z]n. 疾病, 病害ease [i'kɔnəmi]n. 节约, 节省;经济体制, 经济状况economy [i'kɔnəmi]n. 节约, 节省;经济体制, 经济状况economics [,ɪkə'nɔmiks]n. 经济学;经济状况, 经济意义economic [,ɪkə'nɔmik]adj. 经济的, 经济学的;合算的, 有经济效益的economical[,ɪkə'nɔmikəl]adj. 节约的,节俭的, 经济的edit ['edit]vt. & vi. 编辑vt. 剪辑(电影、录音磁带、无线电或电视节目、书等)edition [i'diʃən]n. 版次, 版本editor ['editə]n. 编辑, 编者, 校订者editorial[,edi'tɔ:riəl]adj. 编辑的,主笔的either ['aiðə]pron. (两者之中)任何一个adj. (两者中)任一的adv. (否定句中)也adj. 非此即彼的, 两者择一的neither ['ni:ðə]adj. (两者)都不的neutral ['nju:trəl]adj. 中立的, 不偏不倚的;中立(国家)的;暗淡的; 非彩色的;(化学中)中性的;不带电的negative ['neɡətiv]adj. 拒绝的; 怀疑的; 不同意的;消极的, 非建设性的;无预期结果的;〈数〉负的; 〈电〉阴的, 负的n. 否定词语, 否定的观点; 拒绝; 否认elect [i'lekt]vt. (进行)选举, 推举;选择, 决定(做某事)election [i'lekʃən]n. 选举,当选, 推举collect [kə'lekt]vt. 收集, 采集;vi. 聚集, 集合vt. & vi. 征收; 募集collection [kə'lekʃən]n. 收集; 收取, 领取;收藏品collective [kə'lektiv]adj. 集体的, 共同的, 共有的select [si'lekt]vt. 选择; 挑选adj. 精选的;限制性的, 选择严格的selection [si'lekʃən]n. 选择,挑选;被挑选的人[事物]; 选萃,选集;可供选择的东西delegate ['deliɡit]n. 代表, 代表团成员vt. 任命或委派…为代表;托付elegant ['eliɡənt]adj. 优美的,文雅的; 讲究的;简洁的, 简练的eligible ['elidʒəbl]adj. 有资格当选的, 有条件被选中的;合适的, 适当的neglect [ni'ɡlekt]vt. n.疏忽;忽略; 遗漏negligible['neɡlidʒəbl]adj. 可忽略的,无足轻重的intellect ['intəlekt]n. 智力,理解力;才智非凡的人; 知识分子intelligible[in'telidʒəbl]adj. 可理解的,明白易懂的, 清楚的intellectual[,ɪnti'lektjuəl]adj. 智力的;理智的, 善于思维的n. 知识分子intelligence[in'telidʒəns]n. 智力, 智慧;理解力;情报, 消息;情报人员intelligent[in'telidʒənt]adj. 聪明的; 理解力强的electricity[ilek'trisiti]n. 电, 电流;热情, 紧张情绪electric [i'lektrik]adj. 电动的, 电的;使人震惊的electrical[i'lektrikəl]adj. 用电的; 与电有关的, 电学的electrician[ilek'triʃən]n. 电工, 电气专家electron [i'lektrɔn]n. 电子electronic[ilek'trɔnik]adj. 电子的; 电子器件的email [ˈi:meil] n. 电子邮件vt. 给…发电子邮件electronics[ilek'trɔniks]n. 电子学element ['elimənt]n. (化学)元素;成分, 要素, 原件;一伙人;基础, 纲要, 原理elementary[,eli'mentəri]adj. 基本的, 初级的, 基础的, 小学的;简单的,容易的emphasis ['emfəsis]n. 强调, 重点emphasize/ise['emfəsaiz]vt. 强调; 加强语气;重读emphatic [im'fætik]adj. 不容置疑的; 明确强调的phase [feiz]n. 阶段, 时期;(月亮、行星的)位相vt. 分阶段计划[安排]empire ['empaiə]n. 帝国;帝权,绝对支配权;大企业组织emperor ['empərə]n. 皇帝, 君主empress ['emprɪs]n. 女皇;皇后imperial [im'piəriəl]adj. 帝国的, 帝王的;英制的(度量衡)imperialism[ɪm'pɪəri:ə,lɪzəm]n. 帝国主义,帝国主义政策imperialist[ɪm'pɪərɪəlɪst]n. 帝国主义者employ [im'plɔi]vt. 雇用;使用, 利用employer [im'plɔiə]n. 雇主employee [,emplɔi'i:]n. 雇工,雇员employment [im'plɔimənt]n. 雇用, 就业;职业, 工作;使用, 运用;有益的活动unemployment[,ʌnim'plɔimənt]n. 失业;失业(人数), 失业率empty ['empti]adj. 空的;空闲的, 空虚的, 寂寥的exempt [iɡ'zempt]vt. 使免除[豁免]adj. 被免除…的, 被豁免的exemption [ɪg'zempʃən]n. (义务等的)免除;免(税);(收入中的)免税额energy [,enə'dʒetik]adj. 精力充沛的, 充满活力的energetic [,enə'dʒetik]adj. 精力充沛的, 充满活力的engage [in'ɡeidʒ]vt. 吸引, 占用;雇, 聘;答应, 保证vt. &vi. (使)从事于, (使)忙于engagement [in'ɡeidʒmənt]n. 订婚, 婚约;约会, 约定gage [ɡeidʒ]n. 厚度, 直径;测量仪表;规格, 尺度mortgage ['mɔ:ɡidʒ]n. 抵押借款;抵押债款的利息vt. 抵押mortgagor[,mɔ:ɡi'dʒɔ:,'mɔ:ɡidʒə]n.抵押人mortgagee [,mɔ:ɡə'dʒi:]n. 承受抵押人engine ['endʒin]n. 发动机, 引擎;火车头, 火车机车engineer [,endʒi'niə]n. 工程师, 机械师; (火车)司机engineering[,endʒi'niəriŋ]n. 工程(学),工程师行业enter ['entə]vt. & vi. 进入, 进去;参加, 加入;登记, 登录entrance ['entrəns]n. 入口, 大门口;进入; 登场; 入学entry ['entri]n. 进入;入场权;入口处;entertain [,entə'tein]vt. &vi. 款待, 招待entertainment[,entə'teinmənt]n. 款待, 请客;娱乐, 文娱节目, 表演会enthusiasm[in'θju:ziæzəm]n. 热情, 热心;巨大兴趣, 热衷的事物enthusiastic[in,θju:zi'æstik]adj. 满腔热情的, 热心的; 极感兴趣的envy ['envi]n. 妒忌; 羡慕vt. 妒忌; 羡慕jealousy ['dʒeləsi:]n. 妒忌;妒羡envious ['envi:əs]adj. 满怀嫉妒的adv. 满怀嫉妒地jealous ['dʒeləs]adj. 妒忌的, 猜疑的;妒羡的; 羡慕的;精心守护的, 珍惜的equal ['i:kwəl]adj. 相等的, 同样的;平等的;equality [i:'kwɔliti]n. 同等, 平等inequality[,ɪnɪ'kwɔlɪti:]n. 不平等,不均等,不等量unequal [ʌn'i:kwəl]adj.不同的, 不相等的;不均匀的;不平衡的adequate ['ædikwit]adj. 充分的, 足够的;适当的, 胜任的equate [ɪ'kweɪt]把(一事物) 和(另一事物)等同看待equation [i'kweiʃən]n. 方程式, 等式;相等, 平衡equator [i'kweitə]n. 赤道equivalent[i'kwivələnt]adj. 相等的, 相当的equip [i'kwip]vt. 装备, 配备;使有能力, 使胜任equipment [i'kwipmənt]n. 设备; 装备; 配备;(工作必需的)知识,技能error ['erə]n. 错误;过失, 失误erroneous [i'rəunjəs]adj. 〈正〉错误的, 不正确的essence ['esns]n. 本质, 实质,要素;(植物, 药物等)精髓, 精华essential [i'senʃəl]adj. 必不可少的, 绝对必要的; 非常重要的;本质的, 实质的, 基本的essentially[i'senʃəli]adv. 本质上;根本上;必需的estimate ['estimeit] 估计, 估价;报价;判断overestimate[,əʊvə'estə,meɪt]vt. 对…作过高的评价underestimate[,ʌndər'estimeit]vt. 对…估计不足, 低估esteem [is'ti:m]vt. 尊敬, 敬重;认为, 以为n. 尊敬; 好评evening ['i:vniŋ]n. 傍晚, 黄昏, 晚上;晚会, 晚上娱乐活动eve [i:v]n. 前日, 前夕前一刻even ['i:vən]adv. 甚至, 即使;双数的, 偶数的vt. & vi. (使)平; (使)相等event [i'vent]n. 事件, 大事;运动项目eventual[ɪ'ventʃu:əl]adj. (事件)最终发生的;结果的eventually[i'ventjuəli]adv. 终于, 最后exam/examination[iɡ,zæmi'neiʃən]n. 检查, 调查;考试; 考查; 试题;讯问examine [iɡ'zæmin]vt.仔细检查;考试, 对…进行考核;审查, 审问example [iɡ'zɑ:mpl]n.例子, 实例;样本, 范例;榜样, 楷模;警告sample ['sɑ:mpl]样品, 标本, 样本exemplify[iɡ'zemplifai]vt.是…的典型;例示, 举例证明exemplary[ɪg'zempləri:]adj. 杰出的;值得效仿的except [ik'sept]vt. prep. 把…除外; 免除exception [ik'sepʃən]n. 例外exceptional [ik'sepʃənl]adj. 优越的, 杰出的;例外的;独特的, 异常的excite [ik'sait] vt. 使兴奋,使激动;激发, 引起exciting [ik'saitiŋ] adj. 使人兴奋的, 令人激动的excitement [ik'saitmənt] n. 兴奋, 激动;令人兴奋的事exercise ['eksəsaiz]运动, 锻炼exert [iɡ'zə:t] vt. 用(力); 尽(力);运用, 发挥, 施加exhaust [iɡ'zɔ:st] vt. 弄空,取出;用尽, 耗尽;使非常疲倦exhausted [ɪg'zɔ:stɪd]adj. 耗尽的,用完的;筋疲力尽的;精疲力竭的exhausting [ɪgˈzɔ:stɪŋ]adj. 使耗尽的;使人精疲力竭的exhaustive [ɪg'zɔ:stɪv]adj. 全面的, 彻底的, 透彻的exhibition [,eksi'biʃən]n. 展览exhibit [iɡ'zibit]陈列; 展览inhibit [in'hibit] vt. 阻止;抑制prohibit [prə'hibit] vt. 禁止;阻止prohibition [,prəʊə'bɪʃən]n. 禁令,禁律;禁酒Word List 10exit ['eksit]n. 出口, 通道, 安全门;退出, 退场vi. 离开; 退场circuit ['sə:kit]n. 电路, 线路;环行, 环行道initial [i'niʃəl]adj. 最初的,开头的initially[ɪ'nɪʃɵlɪ]adv. 开始,最初initiate [i'niʃieit]vt. 开始,着手;传授; 使初步了解;接纳新成员, 让…加入initiative [i'niʃiətiv]n. 主动性, 首创精神;主动的行动, 倡议;主动权transit ['trænsit]n. 搬运; 载运; 运输transition [træn'ziʃən]n. 过渡; 转变; 变迁expand [iks'pænd]vt. & vi. 使…变大, 扩大, 扩张;伸展, 伸开,张开, 展开expanse [ɪk'spæns]n. 广阔的区域expansion [iks'pænʃən]n. 扩大,扩张, 扩展, 膨胀;扩张物, 膨胀物expect [iks'pekt]vt. 预料; 预期;认为(某事)会发生; 认为(某人)会来; 预计;理应得到; 期望, 期待; 期盼;猜想; 认为某事是真实的expectation[,ekspek'teiʃən]n. 预料; 期望;有信心的指望unexpected[,ʌnik'spektid]adj. 没有料想到的, 意外的, 突如其来的aspect ['æspekt]n. 方面;方位, 朝向;面貌, 模样, 神态inspect [in'spekt]vt. 检查, 检验;视察perspective [pə'spektiv]n. 远景, 景;前途; 希望;透视;透视图;观点, 想法prospect ['prɔspekt]n. 景象, 景色;前景; 前途;可能成为主顾的人; 有希望的候选人vi. 勘探; 勘察prospective[prəs'pektiv]adj. 预期的; 未来的; 可能的retrospect ['retrəspekt]n. 回顾, 回想spectacle ['spektəkl]n. 壮观的场面或景象;可笑的事物; 愚蠢的景象;眼镜spectacular[spek'tækjulə]adj. 壮观的, 雄伟的, 引人入胜的spectator [spek'teitə]n. 观众, 旁观者spectrum ['spektrəm]n. 光谱;波谱;范围, 系列suspect [sə'spekt]vt. 猜疑(是), 怀疑(是), 觉得(是);怀疑; 不信任;怀疑…有罪n. 嫌疑犯adj. 可疑的speculate ['spekjuleit]vt. & vi. 思索; 猜测, 推测vi. 投机speculator[ˈspekjəˌleɪtə]n. 投机倒把者, 投机商conspicuous[kən'spikjuəs]adj. 显眼的, 明显的suspicious [sə'spiʃəs]adj. 猜疑的, 疑心的;可疑的;表示怀疑的suspicion [səs'piʃən]n. 怀疑, 嫌疑;疑心, 猜疑;一点儿, 少量despise [dis'paiz]vt. 鄙视, 看不起某人(某事)experience [iks'piəriəns]n. 经验, 体验;经历; 阅历; 感受, 体会vt. 经历, 体验; 感受, 遭受experienced[ɪk'spɪəri:ənst]adj. 有经验的, 老练的, 经验丰富的expert ['ekspə:t]n. 专家, 能手adj. 专家的, 内行的, 熟练的expertise [,ekspə'ti:z]n. 专门知识或技能empirical [em'pirikəl]adj. 以观察或实验为依据的perilous ['perələs]adj. 危险的;冒险的perish ['periʃ]vi. 丧生; 消亡;死亡;损坏, 腐烂experiment[iks'perimənt]n. 实验, 试验vi. 做试验; 试验experimental[iks,peri'mentəl]adj. 实验(性)的, 试验(性)的experimentation[ɪkˌsperəmenˈteɪʃən]n. 实验,实验的方法explain [iks'plein]vt. & vi. 讲解, 解释vt. 说明…的原因; 辩解explanation[,eksplə'neiʃən]n. 解释, 说明;能说明某事缘由的言语、事实、情况等explode [iks'pləud]vt. &vi. (使)爆炸vi. 爆[突]发, 发怒;激增, 迅速扩大explosion [iks'pləuʒən]n. 爆炸;爆发;激增, 扩大explosive [iks'pləusiv]adj. 爆炸的, 爆发的;极易引起争论的n. 爆炸物, 炸药applaud [ə'plɔ:d]vt. 鼓掌;称赞, 赞许applause [ə'plɔ:z]n. 热烈鼓掌,喝彩face [feis]n. 脸, 面孔;面容,面部表情;外表, 外貌;表面, 正面;面子, 威严vt. & vi.面对, 面向…;正视; 承认vt. 面临…facet ['fæsit]n. (宝石或首饰的)小平面, 面;(事物的)面, 方面surface ['sə:fis]n. 面, 表面;水面, 液体的表面;外表, 外观superficial[,sju:pə'fiʃəl]adj. 表面(上)的; 表皮的;肤浅的, 浅薄的; 缺乏深度的fact [fækt]n. 事实, 真相;真实factual ['fæktʃuəl]adj. 事实的, 真实的, 确凿的factor ['fæktə]n. 因素, 要素;〈数〉因子, 因数affect [ə'fekt]vt. 影响;感动;假装effect [i'fekt]n. 结果, 效果,影响;感受, 印象;个人财产, 财物vt. 实现, 使生效, 引起affection [ə'fekʃən]n. 喜爱,爱;〈心〉感情effective [i'fektiv]adj. 有效的; 生效的;事实上的, 实际的;给人印象深刻的perfect ['pə:fikt]adj. 完美的,完善的, 理想的;完整的; 完好无损的; 无缺陷的;完全的, 绝对的;正确的, 精确的vt. 使…完美;改善perfection [pə'fekʃən]n. 完美;完善defect [di'fekt]n. 缺点, 过失,瑕疵vi. 变节, 叛变, 脱离defective [dɪ'fektɪv]adj. 有错误的,有缺陷的;不完美的,有瑕疵的infect [in'fekt]vt. (受)传染;污染;影响infectious [in'fekʃəs]adj. 传染的, 有传染性的;有感染力的office ['ɔfis]n. 办公室, 办公处; 事务所;(政府部门的)部, 局,厅;有特定用途的房间[建筑物]; …处;公职, 官职, 公务office ['ɔfisə]n. 军官;(政府,会社等的)高级官员[职员]official [ə'fiʃəl]n. 行政官员adj. 公务的, 公职的, 职权的;官方的, 正式的, 官方认可的efficient [i'fiʃənt]adj. 有能力的, 效率高的efficiency [i'fiʃənsi]n. 效率,效能sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]adj. 足够的; 充足的sufficiency[sə'fɪʃənsi:]n. 充足suffice [sə'fais]vi. 足够vt. 满足…的需要deficient[dɪ'fɪʃənt]adj. 有缺点的,有缺陷的;缺乏的, 不足的deficiency [di'fiʃənsi]n. 缺乏, 不足, 短缺deficit ['defisit]n. 不足额;赤字, 亏空, 亏损proficient[prə'fɪʃənt]adj. 精通的, 熟练的proficiency[prəˈfiʃənsi]n. 熟练, 精通benefit ['benifit]vt. & vi. 有益于, 得益n. 益处, 好处;救济金, 保险金profit ['prɔfit]n. 利润, 收益,赢利;益处, 得益vt. & vi. 获益;得利于beneficial[,beni'fiʃəl]adj. 有益的, 有利的profitable['prɔfitəbl]adj. 有利可图的;有益的feasible ['fi:zəbl]adj. 可行的,可能且合理的。

1. 制定学习计划,做好时间规划,合理安排每天的学习任务。
2. 多听多说多练习,提高英语口语能力。
3. 阅读英语原版书籍,增加阅读量,并学习其中的词汇和表达方式。
4. 刷题是提高英语能力的有效方法之一。
5. 利用科技手段辅助记忆和复习,例如使用英语学习软件、在线词典、背单词App等。
6. 注册参加英语考级考试,如托福、雅思等,这样可以给自己设立一个具体的目标,同时通过考级的准备和复习来提高自己的英语水平。
7. 多参加英语听力和口语的训练,可以通过听英语新闻、播客、听力原文等方式锻炼听力和口语能力。
8. 在学习中保持积极的态度和信心,遇到困难不要轻易放弃,要持之以恒地坚持学习下去。
9. 利用节假日或学习间隙,参加英语培训班或考研英语学习班,通过系统的学习和培训来提高自己的英语能力。
10. 最重要的是要保持良好的学习习惯,不断反思和总结自己

变动情况:2012版英语大纲重新更换了英语知识运用\阅读理解PART A 和翻译部分的样题,难度和选材上要求更加明确,如英语知识运用更注重词汇的辨析和句际关系题,出题方式将更灵活,难度更大.阅读本身更注重英语语言本身的材料,兼顾经济生活和社会热点,英译汉新换的样题则更注重翻译方法\技巧的考查。
目录Ⅰ.考试性质Ⅱ.考查目标Ⅲ.考试形式、考试内容与试卷结构Ⅳ.题型示例及参考答案附录1 词汇表附录2 常用的前缀和后缀,部分国家(或地区)、语言、国民及国籍表,洲名及常见缩写词附录3 200982011年英语(一)试题分析②《2012年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试:英语1考试大纲解析(非英语专业)》(作者全国硕士研究生入学统一考试辅导用书编委会编出版社高等教育出版社)由考研命题专家根据全面调整后的2012年考研《英语考试大纲》编写,以权威、精准、实用为目标,帮助考生全面了解、准确掌握英语大纲对词汇,语法和各种题型的考查要求,并例举大量真题和模拟试题对考研英语知识运用、阅读理解,新题型、翻译和写作等部分进行深入分析,给出考查要点和解题思路及答题方法。
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academic a.学院的,大学的;学术性的;理论的
academy n.(高等)专科院校;学术社团,协会,研究院
accelerate v.使加速,使增速,促进 vi.加快,增加
accent n.口音,腔调;重音(符号)vt.重读
above a.上述的 ad.在上面 prep.在..之上,高于
abroad ad.到国外,在国外;在传播,在流传
abrupt a.突然的,出其不意的;(行为等)粗鲁无礼的
absence n.缺乏,不存在;缺席,不在;缺席的时间
absent a.缺席的;缺乏的,不存在的;心不在焉的
a art.一(个);每一(个);(同类事物中)任一个
abandon vt.离弃,丢弃;遗弃,抛弃;放弃
abdomen n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)
abide vi.(abode,abided)(by)遵守;坚持
ability n.能力;本领;才能,才干;专门技能,天资
able a.有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事,有本事的
acquaint vt.(with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉
acquaintance n.认识,相识,了解;相识的人,熟人
acquire v.获得;学到(知识等);养成(习惯)
acquisition n.取得,学到,养成(习惯);获得的东西
acre n.英亩;田地;地产
acrobat n.特技演员,杂技演员
abnormal a.反常的,不正常的,不规则的
aboard ad.&prep.在船(飞机、车)上;ad.上船(飞机)
abolish vt.废除(法律、习惯等);取消
abound vi.大量存在;(in,with)充满,富于
about ad.在周围;大约 prep.关于;在周围 a.准备
adjacent a.(to)(时间上)紧接着的;邻近的,毗邻的
adjective n.形容词 a.形容词的,用作形容词的
adjoin v.临近,靠近;贴近,毗连
adjust vt.调节;整顿,调整 vi.适应(to);使调节
administer v.施行,实施;掌管,料理...的事务;给予
accidental a.偶然的;意外的;无意中的
acclaim v.向…欢呼,公认 n.欢呼,喝彩,称赞
accommodate vt.向…提供住处;对...予以照顾性考虑
accommodation n.(accommodations)住宿,留宿;膳宿供应
accompany v.陪伴,陪同;伴随,和...一起发生,伴奏
addict v.使沉溺;使上瘾 n.沉溺于不良嗜好的人
addition n.加,加法;附加部分,增加(物)
additional a.额外的,附加的,另外的
address n.住址;致词 v.向...致词;在信封上写姓名
adequate adj.充足的,足够的;适当的,胜任的
adhere vi.(to)粘着;坚持,遵守;依附,追随
across prep.横过,越过;在的对面 ad.横过,穿过
act v.表演;举动;起作用 n.行为,法令;一幕
action n.行动,动作;作用;运转;行为;战斗
activate vt.启动,激活;驱动,驱使;使开始起作用
active adj.活跃的,敏捷的,积极的;在活动中的
account a.叙述,说明;账目,账户 vi.说明,解释
accountant n.会计人员,会计师
accumulate vt.堆积,积累,积聚vi.累积,聚积
accuracy n.准确(性);精确;准确度
accurate a.正确无误的;准确的,精确的
accuse vt.控告,指责 vi.指控,指责
administration n.经营,管理;行政,行政机关,管理部门
admire vt.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕;称赞,夸奖
accustomed a.惯常的;习惯的,适应的(一般作表语)
ache vi.痛;哀怜 n.(指连续)疼痛、酸痛
achieve vt.实现,完成;达到,得到vi.达到预期目的
acid n.酸,酸性物质a.酸的,酸味的;尖刻的
acknowledge vt.承认;接受;告知(信件等的)收到;答谢
absolute a.绝对的,完全的;确实的,肯定的
absorb vt.吸收(水、光、蒸汽等);使全神贯注
abstract a.抽象的 n.摘要,梗概 vt.提取;摘录要点
absuundance n.丰富,充裕,大量
abundant a.大量(充足)的;(in)丰富(富裕)的
accomplish v.实现(计划等);达到(目的);完成(任务)
accord vt.给予(欢迎、称颂等) vi.&n.符合,一致
accordance n.一致,和谐,符合
according to prep.据/照…(所说、所写);按…,视…
accordingly ad.相应地,照着办,按照;于是,因此
accept vt.接受,领受;认可,同意 vi.同意,认可
acceptance n.接受,接收,验收,接纳;承认,认可
access n.进入;接入;到达;享用权;入口 vi.存取
accessory n.附件,附属品;(为全套衣服增加美感的)服饰
accident n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素)
activity n.活动;活力;能动性;
actor n.男演员;演员,行动者
actress n.女演员
actual a.实际的;现实的,真实的,目前的
acute a.剧烈的;敏锐的;成锐角的;尖的,高音的
adapt vt.使适应,使适合;改编;改写 vi.适应
add vt.加;增加(进);进一步说/写 vi.(to)增添