



译林版三年级英语上册知识点道客巴巴全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hi everyone! I'm super excited to share with you all the awesome stuff I learned from my new English textbook this year. It's called the Yilin Press Grade 3 Volume 1 and it's packed with so many cool words and lessons. Get ready, because I'm about to drop some serious knowledge on you!First up, we have unit 1 which taught us how to greet people and introduce ourselves. Those are like the building blocks of any conversation, right? We learned basic greetings like "hello", "hi", and "good morning/afternoon/evening". Then we moved on to introducing ourselves by saying "My name is..." and asking "What's your name?". Stuff like that might seem basic, but it's so important to get those foundations down.In unit 2, we tackled the world of numbers. I'm talking counting from 1 to 100, asking "How old are you?", and stating your age with "I'm __ years old." We also covered ordinal numbers like first, second, third etc. Mastering numbers in English opens up so many possibilities for the future!Next up was unit 3 which focused on colors. We learned the names of basic colors like red, blue, yellow, green and more. But it gets better - we also picked up phrases to describe colors, like "What color is this/that?" and "It's __ color." Being able to talk about colors in English is such a vibrant skill to have!Unit 4 blew my mind with all the awesome words for different family members. From "mother" and "father" to "sister", "brother", "grandma" and "grandpa" - we covered them all. We can now introduce our family members in English, which is so handy. Family is everything, after all!Are you ready for the fun of unit 5? We explored words for different pets and animals! I'm talking "dog", "cat", "bird", "fish", and so many more. Describing them with phrases like "I have a __ " and "It's a __" was the icing on the cake. We even acted out making animal sounds which was hilarious.Moving right along to unit 6, which taught us vocabulary around the house. Living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom - you name it, we learned it! Asking "Where is the __?" and responding with "It's in the __" lets me give directions like a pro now.You'll never guess what unit 7 covered - clothes! From "shirt" and "pants" to "skirt", "hat" and "shoes", we built篇2My 3rd Grade English Textbook - Fun and Games!Hello there! My name is Lily and I'm a 3rd grader at Sunshine Elementary School. I love learning English and this year we have a brand new textbook from Yilin Press. It's called "Go for it!" and it's packed with fun stories, games, and activities to help us learn.Unit 1 was all about greeting people and introducing ourselves. We learned how to say "Hello, I'm..." and ask "What's your name?" in English. My favorite part was the cute conversation between Andy and his pet dog Rody. Andy was telling Rody about his new English class and I thought it was so funny how the dog was "answering" him with barks!In Unit 2, we moved on to talking about our families. There were pictures of different family members like mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, and grandpa. We practiced using possessive adjectives like "my" and "your" to describe our relatives. I really liked the story about Andy's big family reunion. It looked like such a lively party with so many aunts, uncles, and cousins!Unit 3 was focused on colors and numbers. We sang songs to learn the names of colors in English like red, blue, green, andyellow. For numbers, we played lots of fun counting games up to 20. My best friend Tina and I would quiz each other during recess to see who could count higher!Next up was Unit 4 about body parts. This one was kind of funny because we had to do silly things like "Touch your nose!" or "Clap your hands!" I kept getting mixed up between "eyes" and "ears" but eventually got the hang of it. The chant about "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" was my favorite from this unit.In Unit 5, we learned how to describe different objects using simple phrases like "It's a..." or "I have a..." We read a story about Andy's schoolbag and all the interesting things inside like pencils, books, and even a yo-yo! Our teacher also brought in random objects from home and we had to guess what they were.Unit 6 was probably the most fun - it was all about hobbies and activities we enjoy doing. There were pictures of kids playing sports, reading, painting, and even dancing. I loved the poem about the girl who likes "Running, jumping, skating too!" Because that's just like me - I'm always running around and can't sit still!The final unit, Unit 7, focused on places around town. We talked about common places like schools, parks, hospitals, and grocery stores. There was an amusing dialogue where Andykeeps asking his mom "Where are we going?" and she'd reply with places like "To the bookstore" or "To the zoo." My personal favorite was the park because I go there every weekend to play on the swings and slides.Overall, I've had a blast learning English this semester! The textbook makes it really easy by using simple words, lots of pictures, and silly stories to keep us engaged. My parents have even noticed how much my English has improved. I'm already looking forward to the second semester textbook and discovering what new adventures Andy and Rody will go on. Learning English is fun and games!篇3School's Out for Summer, Finally!Phew, what a year it's been! I'm so glad the school year is finally over and we can enjoy our summer break. This past year in 3rd grade was a lot of work, but I have to admit that I learned a ton of new things in our Yilin English textbook.It still feels like just yesterday that we kicked off the new school year by learning how to properly greet each other and introduce ourselves. Simple phrases like "Hello, I'm..." and "Niceto meet you" were critical basics to get down pat. Looking back, it's crazy how far we've come!One of the earliest challenges was mastering the different personal pronouns like I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. Using the wrong pronoun could really mess up the meaning of what you're trying to say. But once we locked those down, we could start describing people using "he/she has" or talking about belonging with "'s".Verbs were another key focus, starting with the simplest present tense ones like "like", "want", "have", etc. We spent so much time doing mad libs and other activities to drill those into our brains. Who could forget all those silly sentences we had to unscramble?Then we leveled up to the present continuous "-ing" form for actions happening now, like "I'm reading" or "They're playing". Keeping the helping verbs like "am, is, are" straight was tricky at first. And don't get me started on irregular verbs like "go-going"!Speaking of verbs tenses, that's when we started tackling the past tense too. Adding "-ed" for regulars like "walked" or using different forms for irregulars like "went" or "saw" really put our brains to the test. But being able to talk。



含a的单词a carton ['kɑːtn] of 一(纸)盒 4B9a cup [kʌp] of 一(茶)杯 4B7a glass [ɡlɑːs] of 一(玻璃)杯 4A9a lot [lɒt] of 许多,大量 5A1a pair [peə(r)] of 一双(条,副…) 4A6a, an 一(个,件)an 用于元音音素开头的词前 3A1 about [ə'baʊt] 大约;关于 4B3absent ['æbsənt] 缺席 5B2accordion [ə'kɔːdiən] 手风琴 3B10address [ə'dres] 地址 6B7Africa ['æfrɪkə] 非洲 6B6after ['ɑːftə] 在…以后;在…后面 5A7after school [skuːl] 放学后 5A7afternoon [ˌɑːftə'nuːn] 下午,午后 4A7again [ə'ɡen] 又,再 4A8ago [ə'ɡəʊ]以前 6A3airport ['eəpɔːt] 机场 4B6Aladdin 阿拉丁6A2album ['ælbəm(用以粘贴照片、邮票等的)粘贴簿 3B3 all [ɔːl] 所有的;全部 5A1, 8all right [raɪt] 好;行;不错 3A4, 4A1along [ə'lɒŋ] 沿着 6B3also ['ɔːlsəʊ] 也,还 6A6always ['ɔːlweɪz] 总是 6A1am 3A11America [ə'merɪkə] 美国 5B9American [ə'merɪkən] 美国人;美国的;美国人的 5B 9and [ənd] 然后;加;和;[用于句首] 还 3A1; 4A 7, 8, 6 animal['ænɪml] 动物 5A4answer[ˌɑ:nsə] 回答,答复 3B6; 6A7ant [ænt] 蚂蚁 5B8any ['eni] 任何的;一些 5A1anything ['eniθɪŋ] 什么事(物);任何事(物) 4B7Anything else [els]? 还要别的东西吗? 4B7 apple ['æpl] 苹果 3A3; 4B4April ['eɪprəl] 四月 6A2are 3A5; 4A1aren’t = are not 4B3arm [ɑːm] 手臂 5B6art [ɑːt] 艺术;美术 5A9as [æz]作为,当做 6A2as … as 和…一样 6B1ask[ɑːsk] 问 6A1at [æt] 在 4A7at home[həʊm] 在家 5A6at once[wʌns] 立刻, 马上 5B1at school 在学校;在上课 5A1at the back of 在…后部;在…后面 6A7August['ɔːɡəst] 八月 6A2aunt[ɑːnt] 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨 3B3; 5B3 Australia[ɒ'streɪlɪə] 澳大利亚 5B9Australian[ɒ'streɪliən] 澳大利亚人 5B9 autumn['ɔːtəm] 秋季 6A5away[ə'weɪ] (离)开 6A1back[bæk] 回(原处) 5A1backache['bækeɪk] 背痛 5B2bad['bæd] 坏的;严重的 3A5bag ['bæg]包;袋 3B1ball game[ɡeɪm] 球类运动 3B10ball pen[pen] 圆珠笔 3A5ball[bɔːl] 球 4B6balloon[bə'luːn] 气球 4A4banana[bə'nɑːnə] 香蕉 3A3; 4B4bar[bɑː] 块;条 3B8baseball['beɪsbɔːl] 棒球运动;棒球 3B10 basket['bɑːskɪt] 篮;筐 3A9basketball['bɑːskɪtbɔːl] 篮球运动;篮球 3B10 bathroom['bɑːθruːm] 浴室,盥洗室 3B7;be good[ɡʊd] at 善于 6B2be late[leɪt] for 迟到 4B2be[bi:] 是;成为;变成 4A8beach[biːtʃ] 海滩 6A6bear[beə(r)] 熊 4A2beautiful['bjuːtɪfl] 美丽的,漂亮的 5B3 beautifully['bjuːtɪfli] 美地 5B4because[bɪ'kɒz] 因为 4B1; 6B5bed[bed] 床 3A4; 3B7behind[bɪ'haɪnd] 在…后面 5A2Beijing Opera['ɒpərə] 京剧 6B6beside[bɪ'saɪd] 在…旁边;靠近 6A7big[bɪɡ] 大的 3A11; 4A6bike[baɪk] 自行车 3A8; 3B5bird[bə:d] 鸟 3A1; 6A1birthday[ˌbə:θdei] 生日 6A2black [blæk]黑色的 3A2blackboard[ˌblækbɔ:d] 黑板 4B8blanket[ˌblæŋkit] 毛毯,毯子 5A8blouse [blauz](女式)衬衫 3A7blow out[aut] 吹灭 6A2blow[bləu] 吹 6A2blue[blu:] 蓝色的;蓝色 3A2book[buk] 书 3A5bookcase[ˌbuk-keis] 书架;书橱 3A4bookmark[ˌbukmɑ:k] 书签 4A1bottle[ˌbɔtl] (盛液体的)狭颈小口瓶 4B9; 4A3box[bɔks] 盒子;箱子 3A9; 4B8; 4A2boy [bɔi]男孩 3A11; 3B3boys and girls 孩子们 4A8 bread[bred] 面包 3B8 breakfast[ˌbrekfəst] 早餐 4A7bright [brait] 明亮的 3A8; 4B8brother[ˌbrʌðə] 兄;弟 3A3; 4B2brown[braun] 褐色的,棕色的;褐色,棕色 3A2; 4A4 building[ˌbildiŋ] 大楼;建筑物 5A1bus[bʌs] 公共汽车 3A8; 3B5but[bʌt] 但是 3A8; 4A3butterfly[ˌbʌtəflai] 蝴蝶 5B8buy[bai] 买 4B4by the way[wei] 顺便地;附带说说 6B6by[bai] [表示交通等的方式] 乘 3A8; 4A7; 4B6bye[bai] [ 多用于熟人之间 ] 再见,再会 3A5;4A7cage[keidʒ] 笼子 6A1cake[keik]蛋糕;糕;饼 3A10; 3B8calculator[ˌkælkjuleitə] 计算器 6A7call[kɔ:l] 通话;(一次)电话 ;打电话(给) 5B2 camera[ˌkæmərə] 照相机 3B2; 6A3camp[kæmp] 野营;营地 6A5camping site[sait] 野营营地 5A8camping trip[trip] 野营旅行 5A8Can I help you?我能为你效劳吗?(服务员等常用的招呼语) 3A3; 4B4can[kæn] 能;可以 4A2can’t = cannot 不能;不可以 4A2candle [ˌkændl] 蜡烛 6A2cannot = can’t 5B4cap [kæp] 便帽 3B9car [kɑ:] 汽车;小汽车 3A8; 3B5card [kɑ:d] 贺卡;卡片;纸牌 4A1; 5A7carefully [ˌkeəfuli] 小心地,仔细地 5B4carrot [ˌkærət] 胡萝卜 6A5carry [ˌkæri] 搬,运,带 5B8carton [ˌkɑ:tən] (纸)盒 3B8cartoon [kɑ:ˌtu:n] 动画片,卡通 5B8cat [kæt] 猫 3A1; 4A2catch [kætʃ] 捉住;抓住 5B8CD Walkman[ˌwɔ:kmæn]光盘随身听(一种带耳机的多功能光盘播放机) 6A3chair [tʃɛə] 椅子 3A4; 3B7changetʃeindʒ] 找头;零钱 5A4chess[tʃes] 棋 5A7chicken[ˌtʃikən] 小鸡,鸡;鸡肉 5A4child[tʃaild] 孩子,儿童 6B1children[ˌtʃildrən] [复数]孩子们,儿童 5A8Children’s Day 儿童节 6A6China['tʃainə] 中国 4B8Chinese[ˌtʃaiˌni:z]中国的;汉语,中文;中国人3A11; 5B1chocolate [ˌtʃɔkələt] 巧克力 4B7Christmas Day 圣诞日,圣诞节 6A7Christmas[ˌkrisməs] 圣诞节 6A6cinema [ˌsinimə] 电影院 3A8; 4A7circle[ˌsə:kəl] 圆;圆圈 5A9class[klɑ:s] 课 4A8classmate[ˌklɑ:smeit] 同班同学 5B3classroom[ˌklɑ:sru:m] 教室 4A3clean[kli:n] 把…弄干净;擦干净 4A4climb [klaim] 攀登;攀爬 4B1close[kləuz] 关,闭 3A9; 4A8clothes [ˌkləuðz] [复数]衣服 5A6coat [kəut] 外套;上衣 3A7coffee[ˌkɔfi] 咖啡 3A10; 4B7cold[kəuld] 冷的 4A9colour[ˌkʌlə] 给…着色;颜色 4A4comb [kəum] 梳子 6A7come here 来这里 4A3come home 回家 4A7come in 进来 3B2; 4A1come up 上来 6A1come[kʌm] 来 3B1; 4B9; 4A1computer room[ru:m] 计算机房 4A3cook [kuk] 炊事员;厨师;烹调,做饭 3B8; 4B3; 5A4copy [ˌkɔpi] 抄写 4A8copybook ['kɔpibuk] 抄写本 3B1; 4A1costume [ˌkɔstju:m] 全套服饰;戏装 6A2countryside [ˌkʌntrisaid] 农村地区,乡下 6B5cousin [ˌkʌzən] 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 6A1cow [kau] 母牛,奶牛 6A5crayon [ˌkreiən] 蜡笔 3B1; 4A3cry [krai] 哭;喊叫 5A7cupboard [ˌkʌbəd] 碗橱;(放食品等的)小橱 4B9Dad [dæd]<口语> 爸爸,爹爹 3A4dance [dɑ:ns] 跳舞 5A3danger [ˌdeindʒə] 危险 6A1date [ˌdeit] 日期 6A2daughter [ˌdɔ:tə] 女儿 3B3day [dei] (一)天;白天 3A2; 5A1dear [diə] 亲爱的 4B7December [diˌsembə] 十二月 6A2delicious [diˌliʃəs] 美味的,可口的 6A6desk [desk] 书桌 3A4; 3B7diamond [ˌdaiəmənd] 菱形;菱形的 5A9diary [ˌdaiəri] 日记;日记簿 6A3did [did] do的过去式 6A5didn’t = did not 6A6dining[dainiŋ]-room 餐厅 3B7; 5A2dog [dɔg] 狗 3A1; 4A2doll [dɔl] 玩具娃娃 4A4don’t = do not 4A4Don’t worry [ˌwʌri]. 别担心。



三年级英语三年级英语上册Unit one 一. 26个英文子母以及读写二. 新词预习Hi [haɪ]嗨;你好(表示问候)Hello[həˈləu] 喂,你好(用于打招呼或唤起注意)Morning [' mɔrnɪŋ] 早上,早晨;上午good morning 早上好Afternoon [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n] 下午Good [ɡʊd] 好的Good morning 上午好早上好good afternoon 下午好goodbye 再见goodnight 晚安Miss 美[mɪs] 小姐,女士对应词Mr 先生首字母大写,用在姓之前例如Miss Li 李小姐Class [klɑ:s] 同学们I /ai/ 我(第一人称单数主格) am 是(只和连用)I’m=I am 我是自我介绍我是.... I am Miss Li我是李小姐Hi, I am Liu Tao. 你好,我是刘涛三. 易错题1.你上午遇到李老师,你会说:A.Good morning, Miss LiB.Good morning. I’m Miss Li2.上学路上和同学打招呼,你会说:A.Hi, Liu TaoB.Hello, I’m Liu Tao3.A:B: Hi, DavidA.Hi, Yang LingB.Hi, I’m Yang Ling4.A. Hello, I’m Liu TaoB.A.Hello, I’m TomB.Hello, Tom5. A , MikeB: Hello, SamA.Hello B Good morning C Hi6. A. Hello, SamB. Hello, SamA IB HeC I’m7. A. Hi, I Liu Tao.B. Hi, Tiu TaoA.amB. Is C are8. A. GoodB. Good afternoon, TomA.morningB. Afternoon9.连词成句,并写出其中的中文意思1)class, afternoon, good(, .)2) I, Liu Tao, hello, am(, .)Unit Two一.新词预习Are [ɑ:r] 是(一般与复数或you连用)Be动词:am is are 口诀:我(I)用am, 你(you)用are, Is用于她他它以及单数复数主语用areI am Mike. 我是麦克改成一般疑问句:Are you Mike? 你是麦克吗?Yes, I am 是的,我是No, I am not 不,我不是He is Mike. 他是麦克改成一般疑问句:Is he Mike?Yes, he is 是的,他是No, he is not 不,他不是You [ju:] 你;你们He [hi] 他she 她we我们Yes [jes] 是反义词no [nəʊ] 不,不是not [nɒt] 不( 在有be动词am, is, are的句式中,用于其后面,表示否定)Is not=isn’t 缩写Are not=aren’t 缩写Am not 没有缩写例句:1. I am Mike. 我是麦克改为否定句:I am not Mike.我不是麦克2. He is Mike. 他是麦克改为否定句:He is not Mike. 他不是麦克二,语法例句1. 猜测对方的名字时句型以及回答Are you....?Are you Mike? 你是麦克吗?Yes, I am. 是的,我是No, I am not. 不,我不是拓展:Is he Mike? 他是麦克吗?Yes, he is No, he is not Is she Yang Ling? Yes, she is No, she is not2. 改错1) A: Are you Sam?B: Yes, I’m not2) Hi, I Mike.3. I’m Mike. 改为一般疑问句()Are you Mike? 请作肯定回答()I’m Mike. 请改为否定句()Goodbye, Mike 请作答()4. 选择题练习1)Hello! ------Mike.A. Are youB. I’mC. I2) -------------Mike?A. Are youB. I amC. Is you3). No,---------------.A. I amn’tB. I’m notC. I am4). 当别人问你是不是迈克时,如果不是,你应该说:---------------A. Yes, I amB. No, I’m notC. No, I am5). 当你不知道对方不是不刘涛时,你应该说:-------------------A. Hi, are you Liu Tao?B. Hi, I’m Liu TaoC. Hi, I’m not Liu Tao6). 当别人问你是不是杨林时,如果是,你应该说:-------------A. Yes, I amB. No, I’m notC. Yes, I’m not5. 单词排队,并写出中文意思。

译林版英语三年级上册3AUnit1-8知识点总结大全 精心整理

译林版英语三年级上册3AUnit1-8知识点总结大全 精心整理

1,Miss 小姐2,class 同学们3,I 我4,I’m= I am 我是5, Mike 迈克6,Liu Tao 刘涛7,Yang Ling 杨玲8,Su Hai 苏海9,Wang Bing 王兵10,hi 你好11,morning 早上12,afternoon 下午13,Miss Li 14,hello 你好15,good 好16,Bobby 波比17,Sam 山姆18.my dear 我亲爱的二句型。

1,Good morning, Miss Li. 早上好,李老师。

2,Hi, Mike. 你好,迈克。

3,Hello,Mike. 你好,迈克。

4,Good afternoon,class. 下午好,同学们。

5,Good afternoon,Miss Li. 下午好,李老师。

6,Hi,I’m Bobby. 你好,我是波比。

7,Hi,I’m Sam. 你好,我是山姆。

8,Good evening. 晚上好。

9,Good night. 晚安。

10,Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

11,Nice to meet you,too. 也很高兴见到你。

12,This is my teacher. 这是我的老师。

13, How are you? 你好吗?14,I’m fine. Thank you. 我很好。


1,are 是2,you你3,yes 是;对5,am 是5,no 不;不是;没有6,not 不;没有7, name名字8,you’re=you are你是9,right 对的10,what’s=what is 是什么二句型。


2,Hello,Yang Ling.你好,杨玲。

3,Are you Su Hai? 你是苏海吗?4,Yes,I am. 是的,我是。

5,Are you Wang Bing?你是王兵吗?6,No,I’m not.不,我不是。

7,I’m Liu Tao. 我是刘涛。



苏教译林版三年级英语上册A知识点Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】三年级英语上册期末知识点梳理●各单元知识点(要求必须读熟,背出)Unit1 Hello!一、单词hello你好 hi你好 Miss小姐 class同学们 I 我 I?m=I am我是二、词组good morning 早上好 good afternoon 下午好三、句型1.Good morning, Miss Li. 早上好,李老师。

2.Hi/Hello,Mike. 你好,麦克。

3.Good afternoon, class. 下午好,同学们。

4.Hi, I?m Bobby. 你好,我是波比。

四、知识点1.Names: Helen海伦 Mike 麦克 Tim 蒂姆 Sam 萨姆 Bobby波比2.morning 和afternoon 的区分。

Morning, morning. 12点之前。

Afternoon,afternoon. 12点之后。


1.()当你看到新朋友,想打招呼时,可以说:A.What?s your name B. Hello. Nice to meet you. C. Goodbye.2. ()早上起床,对准备早餐的妈妈说:A.Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.3. ()下午老师进班上课,对同学们说:A.Good morning, class. B. Good afternoon, class. C. Good evening, class.4. ()当你介绍自己是迈克时,你说:A. Hello, Mike.B. Hi, I?m Helen.C. Hi, my name is Mike.二、连词成句。

1. hi, I?m,Bobby (.) ___________________________________2. morning, Mike, good(, .)___________________________________Unit2 I’m Liu Tao一、单词are是 am是 you 你 yes是 no 不 not不 goodbye再见二、句型1. Are you Su Hai Yes, I am./ No, I?m not.你是苏海吗是的,我是。






2、打招呼并介绍自己:A:Hi/Hello,I’m Bobby.你好,我叫鲍比。

B:Hi/Hello,I’m Sam.你好,我叫山姆。










2、能正确地听懂、会读、辨认卡通人物,并能正确写出他们的汉语名字:YangLing杨玲SuHai苏海WangBing王兵LiuTao刘涛John约翰Moe摩尔Joe乔3、认读以下词语,并能正确写出中文意思:are是you你yes是;对am是no不;不是;没有not不;没有goodbye再见二、重要句型能听懂、会读、会说以下句型,能正确进行对话交流和问答:1、介绍自己:I’m LiuTao.我是刘涛。



一、四会单词:good 好;好的I我and 和he 他cap 帽子;便帽it它am 是are 是is是orange橙色的;桔子green绿色的red红色的black黑色的a一个an一个blue蓝色的brown棕色的white白色的sister姐姐;妹妹meet遇见;相遇cake蛋糕;糕饼no不;不是;没有this这;这个egg蛋;鸡蛋look看;瞧happy高兴的new新的year年for给you你hat那;那个car小汽车yes是;对二、单词分类元音字母:Aa、Ee、Ii、Oo、UuBE 动词有三个:am ,是is,是are 是人称代词有五个:我你他她它I 我,you 你,he 他,she 她,it它Family (家人类): father父亲mother母亲brother 哥哥/弟弟sister 姐姐/妹妹grandma祖母/外祖母grandpa祖父/外祖父uncle 叔叔/舅舅aunt阿姨clothes(服装类):T-shirt T-恤衫skirt短裙cap帽子jacket夹克衫colour (颜色类):red 红色的yellow黄色的blue 蓝色的green绿色的black 黑色的white白色的orange橙色的brown 棕色的其他:morning早上afternoon下午evening晚上goodbye再见Miss小姐class同学们friend朋友yes 是/对no不是/没有not 不/没有my我的me 我(宾格)too也this 这/这个that那/那个look 看,瞧good好的nice好看的great好极了new 新的now现在what什么and 和/与/又or 或/还是a一个an 一个(orange, egg, ice cream等以元音字母开头的单词前用)三、句型:1.不知道、不确定对方是谁:Are you …?回答:Yes, I am ./ Yes , you are right ./ No , I’m not.2. 介绍自己的朋友:She’s …She’s my friend.He’s …He’s my friend.This is…He/She is my friend.★注:too表示也,加在句子的最后。




答案:E, e元音字母与辅音字母的识别:例题:从A, B, C, D中选出元音字母。


答案示例:cat, dog, book, pencil等单词的分类(动物、食物、颜色等):例题:将下列单词分类:cat, apple, red, dog, banana, yellow。

答案:动物类:cat, dog;食物类:Apple, banana;颜色类:red, yellow二、句子结构基本句型:主语+ 谓语(+宾语)例题:将“我喜欢吃苹果”翻译成英文。

答案:I like eating apples.特殊疑问句:疑问词+ 一般疑问句例题:用“what”提问“你叫什么名字?”答案:What's your name?一般疑问句:助动词/be动词/情态动词+ 主语+ 谓语(+宾语)例题:将“你有一只猫吗?”翻译成英文。

答案:Do you have a cat?陈述句:肯定句与否定句例题:写出“我有一个好朋友”的否定句。

答案:I don't have a good friend.三、时态一般现在时:描述经常发生的动作或状态。


答案:I get up at 6 o'clock every morning.现在进行时:描述正在发生的动作。


答案:He is watching TV.四、词汇拓展同义词与反义词:例题:写出“happy”的反义词。


答案:on the table动词短语:例题:写出“去游泳”的英文。

答案:go swimming五、语法点详解动词的第三人称单数形式:例题:写出“run”的第三人称单数形式。





A:1. and(连词):表示“和”的意思。

例如,“I like apples and oranges.”(我喜欢苹果和橙子。

)2. apple(名词):苹果。

例如,“I want to eat an apple.”(我想吃苹果。

)3. are(动词be的现在时第二人称复数形式):是。

例如,“You are my friend.”(你是我的朋友。

)B:1. banana(名词):香蕉。

例如,“I like eating bananas.”(我喜欢吃香蕉。

)2. balloon(名词):气球。

例如,“Look at the colorful balloons!”(看那些五颜六色的气球!)3. bird(名词):鸟。

例如,“There is a bird in the tree.”(树上有只鸟。

)C:1. cat(名词):猫。

例如,“I have a pet cat.”(我有一只宠物猫。

)2. cap(名词):帽子。

例如,“I wear a cap to keep the sun out of my eyes.”(我戴帽子遮住阳光,防止晒到眼睛。

)3. chair(名词):椅子。

例如,“Please have a seat on the chair.”(请在椅子上坐下。

)D:1. dog(名词):狗。

例如,“The dog is barking at the mailman.”(狗对邮递员吠叫。

)2. duck(名词):鸭子。

例如,“The duck is swimming in the pond.”(鸭子在池塘里游泳。

)E:1. elephant(名词):大象。

例如,“Elephants are very big animals.”(大象是非常大的动物。

)2. egg(名词):蛋。



苏教译林版三年级英语上册A知识点Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】三年级英语上册期末知识点梳理●各单元知识点(要求必须读熟,背出)Unit1 Hello!一、单词hello你好 hi你好 Miss小姐 class同学们 I 我 Im=I am我是二、词组good morning 早上好 good afternoon 下午好三、句型1.Good morning, Miss Li. 早上好,李老师。

2.Hi/Hello,Mike. 你好,麦克。

3.Good afternoon, class. 下午好,同学们。

4.Hi, Im Bobby. 你好,我是波比。

四、知识点1.Names: Helen海伦 Mike 麦克 Tim 蒂姆 Sam 萨姆 Bobby波比2.morning 和afternoon 的区分。

Morning, morning. 12点之前。

Afternoon,afternoon. 12点之后。


1.()当你看到新朋友,想打招呼时,可以说:A.Whats your name B. Hello. Nice to meet you. C. Goodbye.2. ()早上起床,对准备早餐的妈妈说:A.Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.3. ()下午老师进班上课,对同学们说:A.Good morning, class. B. Good afternoon, class. C. Good evening, class.4. ()当你介绍自己是迈克时,你说:A. Hello, Mike.B. Hi, Im Helen.C. Hi, my name is Mike.二、连词成句。

1. hi, Im,Bobby (.) ___________________________________2. morning, Mike, good(, .)___________________________________Unit2 I’m Liu Tao一、单词are是 am是 you 你 yes是 no 不 not不 goodbye再见二、句型1. Are you Su Hai Yes, I am./ No, Im not.你是苏海吗是的,我是。



三年级英语上册字母、词汇和重点句型归纳:(阅读、背诵归类)Unit 1 Hellobd DB dbdad 爸爸bed 床BC 公元前AD 公园CD 光盘BBC 英国广播公司ABC 基础知识,入门,中国农业银行CBA 中国篮球协会CAAC 中国民航I 我class 同学们hello 你好Miss 小姐Mike 迈克Sam 萨姆Bobby 博比Miss Li 李老师I’m= I am 我是Good morning。


Good afternoon 下午好。

Hi/ Hello你好!Unit 2 I’m Liu Taogf bg db af ae ac DG AE GB EF BE CGbag包egg 鸡蛋age年龄cage 笼子bee 蜜蜂beef 牛肉face 脸 e.g.例如are是you 你yes是,对am 是no 不,不是,没有not 不,没有goodbye 再见right 正确的John 约翰Moe莫伊Joe 乔Liu Tao 刘涛Yang Ling杨玲SuHai 苏海Wang Bing 王兵you’re=you are 你是I’m =I am 我是Are you Su Hai ? Yes, I am.你是苏海吗?是的,我是。

Are you Wang bing? No, I’m not.你是王兵吗?不,我不是。

I’m Liu Tao.我是刘涛。

Are you John? 你是约翰吗?No, I’m Sam.不我是萨姆。

Good bye.再见。

You’re right.你是对的。

Unit 3 My friendsgj gf ai hf ij bdh JG EF DG FE BDG IKHhi 你好head头ice 冰he他Jack 杰克ID 身份证KFC肯德基HK 香港ICBC 中国工商银行FBI 美国联邦调查局kg千克my 我的friend 朋友she 她he 他too也this这,这个is 是sister 姐妹Tina 蒂娜she’s=she is 她是he’s=he is 他是Miss Li 李老师my friend 我的朋友my sister 我的姐姐,妹妹Goodbye, Miss Li.再见,李老师。



Unit 1 Hello一、基础单词1. 基础词汇class hello higood morning afternoonam evening nightMiss Mr Mrs 太太、夫人Bobby Sam dear2. 拓展词汇meet 见面name 名字fine 好的二、基础短语I’m=I am 我是my dear friend 我亲爱的朋友三、句型。

基础句子1.Good morning,Miss Li.早上好,李老师。

2. Good afternoon,class.下午好,同学们。

3. Hi,I’m Bobby.你好,我是波比。

4.Good night, my dear.晚安,我亲爱的。

拓展句子1.----How do you do?你好。

(初次见面)----How do you do?你好。

2.---- Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。

(初次见面)---- Nice to meet you,too我也很高兴见到你。

3.----How are you?你好吗?(重逢时)----I’m fine.我很好。

4.----what’s your name?你叫什么名字?----My name is Mike.我的名字叫麦克。

Unit 2 I’m Liu Tao一、单词1. 基础词汇are you yesam no notgoodbye John Moeright正确的2. 拓展词汇night 夜晚my我的name名字or或者evening夜晚what 什么二、句型。


1.----Are you Su Hai?你是苏海吗?----Yes ,I am.是的,我是。

(这里的I am不可以连写成I’m)----No, I’m not=No, I am not.2. I’m Liu Tao.我是刘涛。


1.----Are you a doctor?你是一名医生吗?---- Yes , I am./ No, I am not.是的,我是。

牛津译林苏教版三年级上册3A Unit7 Would you like a pie教案

牛津译林苏教版三年级上册3A Unit7 Would you like a pie教案

教学课题3上Unit7 Would you like a pie?(story time)教学课时第一课时主备集备教学目标1. The students can listen, say and read :Nice to meet you. Would you like…? No, thank you. What about…? Yes, please.2. The students can listen, say and read :pie, ice cream, sweet, hot dog.3.The students can chant: For you and me.教学重点 1. 句型:Would you like…? Yes, please. No, thank you. What about…?2. 词汇:ice cream, sweet, cake, pie, hot dog.教学难点课前准备1. 多媒体、挂图,本单元学习的食品类单词卡片2. 本课学习的食物或食物图片课堂活动个性修改Step1 Presentation and practice.a. Show the food pictures.T: Look at the picture. Can you guess?Teach and practice “a cake”T: Look, this is a cake. Cake.Ss: Cake.T: Would you like a cake?Ss: Yes, please.Guide students to say :No, thank you.Ss: No, thank you.The same way with an ice cream, an egg, a sweet, a pie, a hot dog Step2 A chant.1. Listen and repeat:A cake ,a pieI can see.A cake ,a pieFor you and me.2.Make a chant.你能用今天学的词句,编新儿歌吗和同桌合作,试试看吧!3.Listen and repeatA cake ,a pieI can see.A cake ,a pieFor you and me.An egg ,an ice creamI can see.An egg , an ice creamFor you and meStep3 Story time1. Show the picture of StoryT: (出示Mike头像)Look, who’s this?Ss: This is Mike.T: Look, who’s this?Ss: This is Su Hai.: Look, who’s this?Ss: This is Yang Ling.T: Who’s she ?(出示Helen头像)Ss: She’s Helen. She’s Mike’s sister.T :Helen is my new friend. 和Helen打个招呼吧Ss:Hello, Helen./Hi, Helen./ Nice to meet you, Helen.Learning tip:Nice to meet you.用于第一次见面时说的话,一般的场合都可以,比较正式回答是:Nice to meet you, too.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.2.Watch and tick.观看卡通片,想想Helen想要哪种食物()()()3.Watch and say.认真观看卡通片,同桌讨论:苏海和杨林是如何与Helen分享食物的?理解Would you like a pie? No, thank you. What about a cake? Yes, please.4.Read and choose.(1).你想邀请Helen吃馅饼,你会说( )A.Would you like a pie,Helen?B.Nice to meet you,Helen.(2).Helen说她不想吃馅饼,接下来你会怎么说:( )A .Would you like an ice cream?B. What about a cake?5.Read loudly in pair. 播放动画,学生跟读,要求模仿语音、语调6.Show time.Sam饿了演一演Sam和帮助者吧!A:Hello./Hi/Good morning.B:Hello,I’m Sam.A:Nice to meet you.Would you like a/an…?B:No, thank you.A:What about a/an…?B:Yes, please.Step 4 Summary.T:当我们询问别人是否需要某种食物时,可以说什么呢Ss: Would you like…/ What about…?T:表示“你想要一个馅饼吗”的句子是什么Ss: Would you like a pie?T:“来块蛋糕怎么样”应该怎么说Ss: What about a cake ?T:“不用,谢谢”怎么说Ss: No, thank you.Homework.听读Story timeBlackboard designUnit7 Would you like a pie?(story time)a cake 一块蛋糕 a hot dog 一块热狗an egg 一个鸡蛋an ice cream 一块冰淇淋,a pie 一个派 a sweet 一块糖A: Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你B: Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你A: Would you like a pie? 你想要一个派吗B: Yes, please,/ No. thank you. 好的,太感谢了/不用,谢谢What about a cake ? 来块蛋糕怎么样教学后记及典型错题:教学课题3上Unit7 Would you like a pie? (Fun time, Rhyme time)教学课时第二课时主备戴集备教学目标1. Revise:ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie, hot dog.2.Revise:Would you like…? Yes, please. No, thank you. What about…?3. Revise the rhyme: For you and me教学重点Woul d you like…? Yes, please. No, thank you. What about…?教学难点课前准备1. 多媒体、挂图、生词卡片,食物图片,句子条卡2. 学生绘画或收集本单元学习的食物图片课堂活动个性修改Step1 Revision1. Show the food pictures,students say out the words.2. Show the food words , students read them out.3. Show the sentences of story time, students read them out.4. Show the pictures of story time, students imitate Mike, Su Hai, Yang ling and Helen.Step2 Rhyme1. 多媒体播放歌谣For you and me,2.让学生替换单词改编歌谣Step3 Fun time1.学生拿出各种食物图片,运用Would you like…? Ye s, please./ No, thank you. What about…?分组游戏,3人一组仿照课本Fun time的内容游戏2. 师生游戏T:(教师做饥饿状) I’m hungry. I want this.(拿出一张食品图片藏于身后)S1:(猜测老师手中的图片)Would you like a cake?T: No, thank you.S2: What about…?T: No, thank you.… …让猜中的学生接着游戏Step 5 Consolidation教师进行场景提示:1)你和同学们在公园野餐,这时遇到了你朋友2)Su Yang邀请朋友们去家做客3)你生病了,卧床休息,妈妈问你想吃什么学生分组自选一项,用食物图片编排对话表演,教师巡视指导Step 5 Summary.T: 我们这节课复习巩固了哪些招呼吃东西用语Ss: Would you like…/ What about…?T: 大家都掌握了这些句型的用法了吗Ss: 掌握了T: 我们这节课复习了哪首歌谣Ss: For you and meT: 大家都会唱了吗Ss:会了Step 6 Class work.《练习与测试》P37 A B,P38 C, P38 DHomework.1.读Fun time 的句子2.练读歌谣,并创编新歌谣Blackboard designUnit7 Would you like a pie?(Fun time)Would you like…?What about…?教学后记及典型错题:教学课题3上Unit7 Would you like a pie?(cartoon time)教学课时第三课时主备戴集备教学目标1.Revise:ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie, hot dog.2.Revise:Would you like…? Yes, please. No, thank you. What about…?3. The students can understand and ask and answer “What’s this It’s…”教学重点1.Revise:ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie, hot dog.2.Revise:Would you like…? Yes, please. No, thank you. What about…?教学难点3.The students can understand and ask and answer “What’s this It’s…”课前准备1. 多媒体、挂图,生词卡片,食物图片,字母卡片2. 在黑板上画好四线三格课堂活动个性修改Step1 Revision1. T:你能跟新朋友Helen打招呼吗Revise “Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.”2. Play the tape of Story for students to listen and repeat.3. Retell the story in groups of four.4. Let’s learn:T: What’s thi s?(guide students to understand “Wh at’s this?”) Ss: It’s an egg.Revise:a pie, an ice cream, a sweet, a hot dog.5. Let’s chant: For you and me.6.Let’s help:Sam饿了演一演Sam和帮助者吧!A: Sam, Sam, Would you like a/an…?B: No, thank you.A: What about a/an…?B: Yes, please.Step2 Cartoon timeT: Who’s this?S1: This is Sam.T: Who’s this?S2: This is Bobby.T: Look, this is Mr. Dog.(领读,帮助学生理解dog的意思)2学生自己阅读故事,理解语篇意思3. 检测学生的理解情况1)Bobby would like an egg? (Yes)2)Dog Would like a hot dog? (No)4. Play the cartoon, Ss listen and repeat.让学生仔细观察最后一幅图,想一想,Dog听说A hot dog 是什么表情它心里是怎么想的帮助学生体会故事的幽默Learing tip:热狗的由来德国人将香肠改良成用手就可以吃的方式,就是把香肠夹入面包中,这样既卫生又方便,所以很受欢迎当时有一位漫画家,觉得面包中露出的香肠很像小狗的舌头于是HOT DOG由此得名5.Read in roles.6.Act it out.Step 3 Summary.T:这节课学习了询问某种东西是什么的句型是…Ss: What’s this?T:“它是一块蛋糕”应该怎么说Ss: It’s a cake.T:很好“你想吃一个馅饼吗,Bobby.”怎么用英语表达Ss: Would you like a pie, Bobby?T:“不,我不想吃”怎么说Ss: No, thank you.Step4 Class work.《补充习题》P31--33Homework.听读Cartoon timeBlackboard designWhat’s this? 这是什么It’s …这是……教学后记及典型错题:3上Unit7 Would you like a pie?(Letter time, Checkout time and 教学课题ticking time)教学课时第四课时主备戴集备教学目标1.Revise:ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie, hot dog.2.Revise:Would you like…? Yes, please. No, thank you. What about…?3.Listen,say.read and write: Uu, Vv, Ww教学重点Listen,say.read and write: Uu, Vv, Ww教学难点课前准备多媒体、挂图、生词卡片、字母卡片,食物图片,小狗像的头饰课堂活动个性修改Step1 Revision教师头戴小狗的头饰, 出示食物图片和生词卡片,与学生对话T: Hello, I’m your new friend, Dog. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: (出示食物图片)What’s this?Ss: It’s a sweet.T: Yes.T: Good. Would you like a sweet?S1: No, thank you.T: Would you like a sweet?S2: Yes, please.… …Step2 Letter time.1. 认读字母出示字母卡片Uu, Vv, Ww. 让学生在教材插图中找出这三个字母教师示范读音,学生注意观察老师的口型2. 学习书写1)教师在黑板上示范书写字母Uu,Vv, Ww. 学生观察字母在四线三格中的位置2)师生“书空”练习字母的书写笔顺3)学生在书上描写字母4) 复习字母Aa-Ww.Step3 look and say1. 教师把食品类图片贴在黑板上,请两名学生上台一名学生根据老师指的图片用Would you like…?提问,另一名根据老师做摇头或点头作出回答2. 学生分组,小组内根据图片编对话,教师巡视请几组上台表演,看哪一组的对话长而好Step4 Ticking time1. Ask one of the students to talk about food, using“Would youlike…? Yes, please. No, thank you. What about…?”and say andwrite the letters U,V and W.2. T gives him assessments.3. Ask other students to talk about food, using “Would you like…? Yes, please. No, thank you. What about…?and say and write the letters U,V and W on the copy books. Then their partners give them assessments.Step 5 Summary.Step 6 Class work.《练习与测试》P39A B,P40 C D, P41 A B, P42C D《补充习题》P34Homework.抄写字母Uu,Vv, Ww 每个四遍Blackboard designUu, Vv, Ww教学后记及典型错题:。



Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd 的正确读写E. g. ①Hello! / Hi!②Good morning. / Good afternoon. / (补充)Good evening. / Goodbye.Ee, Ff, Gg 的正确读写E.g. ①I’m...②My name is...E.g. What’s your nam e?E.g. -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you too.Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk 的正确读写E.g. -Are you....? -Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.E.g. -What class are you in? -I’m in Class 1/2/3...Ll, Mm, Nn 的正确读写E.g. This is... / He’s/She’s my friend.①打招呼:!②自我介绍:③询问他人的姓名:④确认对方的身份:⑤介绍朋友:Oo, Pp, Qq 的正确读写E.g. ①This is my mother/father...②This is... He’s /She’s my...E.g. -Who’s he/she? -He’s/She’s my...Rr, Ss, Tt 的正确读写E.g. He’s/She’s my ...E.g. -Is he/she/it your ...? -Yes,he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t.Uu, Vv, Ww 的正确读写E.g. -How old are you? -I’m...E.g. -What do you want? -I want...E.g. How lovely!E.g. ①-Can I help you? -Yes, please.②-Here you are. -Thank you. -You’re welcome.E.g. Happy Birthday!Xx, Yy, Zz 的正确读写E.g. ①I can...②Sb. can...①家庭成员词汇⑥表达我会做什么:。



三年级英语上册期末知识点梳理●各单元知识点(要求一定读熟,背出)Unit1 Hello!一、单词hello你好hi你好Miss小姐class同学们I我I?m=I am我是二、词组good morning清晨好good afternoon下午好三、句型1.Good morning, Miss Li.清晨好,李老师。


3.Good afternoon, class.下午好,同学们。

4.Hi, I?m Bobby.你好,我是波比。

四、知识点1.Names: Helen 海伦 Mike麦克Tim蒂姆Sam萨姆Bobby波比2.morning和afternoon的划分。

Morning, morning. 12点以前。

Afternoon , afternoon. 12点以后。


1.()当你看到新朋友,想打招呼时,能够说:A.What?s your name? B. Hello. Nice to meet you. C. Goodbye.2.()清晨起床,瞄准备早饭的妈妈说:A.Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.3.()下午老师进班上课,对同学们说:A.Good morning, class. B. Good afternoon, class. C. Good evening, class.4.()当你介绍自己是迈克时,你说:A. Hello, Mike.B. Hi, I?m Helen.C. Hi, my name is Mike.二、连词成句。

1.hi, I?m ,Bobby (.) ___________________________________2.morning, Mike, good (, .)___________________________________Unit2 I ’m Liu Tao一、单词are 是 am 是 you你yes是no不not不goodbye再会二、句型1. Are you Su Hai? Yes, I am./ No, I?m not.你是苏海吗?是的,我是。



1. 形容词:大小、颜色、形状等基本形容词的研究。

2. 名词:常见物品、动物、人物等的名称研究。

3. 动词:日常生活中常用的动词研究。

4. 介词:表示位置、方向、时间等的常用介词研究。

1. 主谓结构:研究如何使用主语和谓语构成简单的句子。

2. 否定句:研究如何用“不”字构成否定句。

3. 疑问句:研究如何用疑问词或倒装构成疑问句。

4. 助动词:研究如何在句子中使用助动词。

1. 课文:认真阅读课本中的故事和对话,理解其中的词汇和句子结构。

2. 练册:按照练册的要求进行词汇、句子结构等练,巩固所学知识。

3. 研究卡片:使用研究卡片进行词汇和句子的复,以提高记忆

1. 多听多说:多听英语故事和对话,多进行口语练,提高听说

2. 多读多写:多读课文和阅读材料,多进行书面练,提高阅读

3. 多练:通过课本、练册和研究卡片进行针对性练,巩固所学





译林苏教版三年级英语上册U1-U8语法知识点归纳1.be动词(am,is,are)的用法:2.thank谢谢thank you=thanks谢谢你!3、对应词、反义词sister(对应词)——brother grandpa(对应词)——grandma father(对应词)——motherI(对应词)——youshe(对应词)——hemy(对应词)——your black(黑色的)——white(白色的)yes(是的)——no(不是)right(对的,正确的)——wrong(错的,错误的)this(这个)——that(那个)4、同音词too(也)——to\twoI(我)——eye(眼睛)write(写)——right(对的)C——see(看见)U——you(你)5、词形变换:friend(复数)——friends are(单数)——is\amI(物主代词)——my I(宾格)——mesee you(同义词)——goodbye6、当近距离介绍人或事物用:This is...距离远的人或事物用:That is...7、完整形式和缩略形式I’m=I am(我是)you’re=you are(你是)he’s=he is(他是)she’s=she is(她是)it’s=it is(它是)they are=they’re(他们是)what’s=what is(是什么)that’s=that is(那是)who is=who’s(是谁)is not=isn’t(不是)8、对所看到的物品进行赞美,用It’s….How…!。

例如:It’s nice/new/great/neat.How nice/new/great/neat.9、Look!...和Look at….的区别。

look是一个动词,意思是看啊!如:Look,this is a lovely monkey.look at是一个词组,表示看什么东西,后面一定要加看的具体事物,如:Look at my cap..10、定冠词a和an的用法区别a和an都是冠词,a一般意为‘一’,an也是这个意思,只是用于元音开头的单词前。



三下知识点汇总第一单元知识点In class 在上课能使用简单的祈使句表达一些上课时交际用语一、词汇In class 在上课please 请open 开反义词close 关上the 这、这个door 门sorry 对不起come in 进来window 窗户blackboard 黑板rubber 橡皮parrot 鹦鹉listen to 听don ’t=do not 不要二、句型及语法1、习惯搭配/短语Good morning ,class. 早上好,同学们。

Stand up. 起立Sit down, please. 请坐Open the door. 开门open/close the book 打开/合上书Close the window. 关窗Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。

Come in. 请进off we go 我们一起走I ’m sorry. 对不起(用于表达歉意)Listen to …听…Listen to me/him/Liu Tao/the parrot/the teacher...(听我/他/刘涛/鹦鹉/老师...)2、the 的用法The 是定冠词,用来特指人或事物。



例:the apple 这个苹果(许多的苹果中,特指这一个苹果,而不是其他苹果。

)a 和an 是不定冠词。

3、Mr 的用法对男士的尊称为Mr …(…先生)Mrs 太太、夫人(是对已婚妇女的称呼)Miss 小姐(是对未婚妇女的称呼)4、询问“这/那是什么?”的句型及其答句What ’s this/that ?It ’s a/an …5、Don ’t 引导的祈使句结构:①Don ’t + 动词原形+其他。

Don ’t listen to the parrot.不要听鹦鹉的。

②Don ’t be +其他。

Don ’t be late. 不要迟到。

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三年级英语上册期末知识点梳理●各单元知识点(要求必须读熟,背出)Unit1 Hello!一、单词hello你好 hi你好 Miss小姐 class同学们 I 我 I?m=I am我是二、词组good morning 早上好 good afternoon 下午好三、句型1.Good morning, Miss Li. 早上好,李老师。

2.Hi/Hello,Mike. 你好,麦克。

3.Good afternoon, class. 下午好,同学们。

4.Hi, I?m Bobby. 你好,我是波比。

四、知识点1.Names: Helen海伦 Mike 麦克 Tim 蒂姆 Sam 萨姆 Bobby波比2.morning 和afternoon 的区分。

Morning, morning. 12点之前。

Afternoon,afternoon. 12点之后。


1.()当你看到新朋友,想打招呼时,可以说:A.What?s your name? B. Hello. Nice to meet you. C. Goodbye.2. ()早上起床,对准备早餐的妈妈说:A.Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.3. ()下午老师进班上课,对同学们说:A.Good morning, class. B. Good afternoon, class. C. Good evening, class.4. ()当你介绍自己是迈克时,你说:A. Hello, Mike.B. Hi, I?m Helen.C. Hi, my name is Mike.二、连词成句。

1. hi, I?m,Bobby (.) ___________________________________2. morning, Mike, good (, .)___________________________________Unit2 I’m Liu Tao一、单词are是 am是 you 你 yes是 no 不 not不 goodbye再见二、句型1. Are you Su Hai? Yes, I am./ No, I?m not.你是苏海吗?是的,我是。


2. You?re right. 你答对了。

三、知识点1. be动词:am, is, are2. 完整形式和缩略形式I?m= I am(我是) you?re = you are(你是) he?s= he is(他是) she?s= she is(她是) it?s = it is(它是) they are= they?re(他们是)what?s =what is(是什么) that?s= that is(那是)3. 当询问你是不是某人时可以问:Are you…? 回答用:Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 练习:一、选择1.()-Hello, are you Liu Tao? –No,______________.A. I amB. I?m notC. I?m Liu Tao2.()____________ Su Hai?A. are youB. Are youC. I?m3.()____________ your name?A. what?sB. What?sC. what4.()初次见面,可以说:__________.A. Goodbye.B. Nice to meet you.C. Hello!二、口头翻译句子1. ——你好,你是王兵吗?——是的,我是。

2. ——你是约翰吗?——不,我是萨姆。



Unit3 My friends一、单词my 我的 friend 朋友 too 也 this 这个 is是 sister姐;妹 she 她 he他she?s =she is她是 he?s=he is他是二、词组my friend 我的朋友 my sister我的姐姐三、句型1.Goodbye, class. 再见,同学们。

2. She?s Yang Ling. She?s my friend. 她是杨玲。


3.He?s Mike. He?s my friend. 他是麦克。


4.This is Tina. She?s my sister. 这是蒂娜。


5.See you next time.下次见。

四、知识点1. 对应词I(我)——you(你) she (她)——he(他)this(这个)——that(那个)2. 同音词too (也)——to \two I(我)—— eye(眼睛)3. Am is are 口诀我用am,你用are;is紧跟她他它;单数is, 复数are.4. he与she的区别男的用he, 女的用she.5. 当近距离介绍他人用This is…6. friends是friend的复数练习:一、选择括号内合适的单词填在横线上。

(am is are)1. She_____my friend, Helen.2. How old are you? I ______ten.3. What are these? They _______ants.二、用He?s和She?s填空1. _________ Mike. __________ my friend.2. _________Tim. _________my brother.3. This is Helen. _________my good friend.Unit4 My family一、单词family家 father 父亲 mother母亲 brother兄;弟 me我 grandpa祖父grandma祖母二、词组good evening晚上好 my family 我的家庭 my father我的父亲 my mother我的母亲 my brother我的哥哥三、句型★This is… He?s/She?s…1.This is my family. 这是我的家庭。

2.This is Tim. He?s my brother. 这是蒂姆。


3.This is me. 这是我。

四、知识点sister(对应词)——brother grandpa(对应词)——grandma friend(复数)—— friends are(单数)—— isI(物主代词)—— my I(宾格)——mesee you(同义词)——goodbye练习:一、中译英1.早上好____________________2.早上好。


_______________________二、根据上下文补全对话A:Good __________, Helen.B:Good afternoon, Liu Tao.A:_________he?B:He?s my ________, Tim.A:Nice to ______ ______, Tim.B:________ to meet you, ________.Unit5 Look at me!一、单词T-shirt T恤衫 skirt 裙子 cap帽子 jacket夹克衫 nice好看的 great 好极了 new新的 red 红色的 it它 it?s=it is二、词组look at 看 my new skirt我的新裙子 a nice jacket一件漂亮的夹克衫 nice clothes漂亮的衣服What colour?什么颜色?三、句型1.Look at my T-shirt. 看我的T恤衫。

2.It?s nice. 它很漂亮。

3. How nice! 真好看! 4.It?s great. 它好看极了。

5.What colour is my T-shirt? 我的T恤衫是什么颜色的? 6.They all look great! 他们都看上去很棒!四、知识点:1.用It?s ….How …! 对所看到的物品进行赞美。

例如:It?s nice/new/great/neat. How nice/new/great/neat. 2.Look!...和Look at ….的区别。

look 是一个动词,意思是看啊!如:Look, this is a lovely monkey. look at 是一个词组,表示看什么东西,后面一定要加看的具体事物,如:Look at my cap.. 练习:一、选出不同类的词,并将其序号填入括号 ( )1. A. cap B. morning C. sweater ( )2. A. am B. are C. an ( )3. A. shirt B. red C. skirt ( )4. A. my B. he C. you ( )5. A. nice B. great C. look 二、中译英1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Unit6 Colours一、单词colour颜色 orange橙色的 green绿色的 yellow黄色的 black黑色的 blue 蓝色的 brown棕色的 white白色的 now现在 and和 an一个 egg蛋 or 或二、词组a green skirt一条绿色的裙子 an orange skirt一条橙色的裙子this T-shirt这件T恤衫 Would you like?? 你想要??吗?三、句型1.What colour is this T-shirt? 这件T恤衫是什么颜色的? 2.It?s red and yellow. 它是红黄相间的。

3.Would you like an egg?你想要个鸡蛋吗? 4.Yes, please.好的,太感谢了。

5.Who is wearing yellow today?今天谁穿了黄色的衣服?四、知识点1.a 和 an 的区别a和an都是冠词,a一般意为?一?,an也是这个意思,只是用于元音字母开头的单词前。

例如: a cap an egg an apple an orange 2.用所学的颜色类单词来描述物品,例如: an orange cap a brown egg a red apple3. colour除了可作为名词“颜色:,还可以作动词用“给……涂色”,例如:colour it blue 把它涂成蓝色练习:一、中译英1.a blue shirt ______________ 2. an orange orange ______________ 3.look at my cap______________4. 给它涂成绿色______________Unit7 Would you like a pie?一、单词pie馅饼 cake蛋糕 ice cream冰淇淋 sweet糖果 hot dog热狗 a一个 look 看 what什么 what?s=what is是什么二、词组nice to meet you 很高兴认识你 thank you谢谢What abou t…? ...怎么样? for you and me 给你和我三、句型1. This is my sister Helen.这是我的妹妹海伦。
