A BEAUTIFUL MIND—电影《美丽心灵》英文剧本



纳什之后到MIT研究并从事教 学工作,但他并不满意现状。 自然科学在二战美国的胜利中 发挥着重要作用,而在冷战中, 那时刻网将他的理论和才能应 用于此。他的愿望得以实现, 在神秘人物(幻想者二号)威 廉 帕彻的掩护下,他被征入执 行高级机密的组织中进行密码 破译工作。
A beautiful clever woman ,majoring Physics department in Princeton .She was using her lifetime to help her husband ,never gave up. 一个漂亮,大方,温柔,思维缜密的物理系 学生,最终打动纳什的心,走进了婚姻的殿 堂。当发现丈夫的精神疾患后几近崩溃,但 一直没有放弃对丈夫的帮助和陪伴。
约翰 纳什致力于找出博弈论的原创理论, 而普林斯顿也存在着的巨大竞争压力。 直到一天晚上,他和朋友们在当地一处 娱乐场所看到一位金发美女和她的追求 者们的竞争,受到启发,完成了一篇推 翻了150年来牢不可破经济理论的论文, 因此获得了前往惠勒实验室研究工作的 机会。
This is Nash or pairs of Princeton is very easy. Elegant social activities and he did it simply can not afford school also mentioned what the mood. He spent his indulgence in one thing: to find a truly innovative theories. He was convinced that this is something he should be doing. Department of Mathematics, Princeton wonderful stills competition is very intense, some of Nash's classmates are also very pleased to see Nash's failure. However, they still tolerate him, intentionally or unintentionally, encouraged him as a great man. One night he and some classmates at the local pub entertainment, when they are a warm blonde, blue-eyed woman's response led to his inspiration. When Nash observation of these competitors, it is often in his mind the idea of brewing suddenly became clear. He subsequently wrote a thesis on game theory, mathematical competition boldly the father of the modern economy - Adam Smith (Adam Smith) made a different theory of interpretation. This has been the acceptance of the idea 150 years suddenly become obsolete, and Nash's life was completely changed.

A Beautiful Mind

A Beautiful Mind

A Beauty Mind∙Today I saw a wonderful movie called “a beauty mind”.It‟s said: John Nash,a student just was admitted to Princeton University.Like the other young men,he was supercilious and full of himself.But he was special, he never went to class,he had no friends,he often randomly wrote complicated mathematical formulas in the window glass.Only because he had his own desire,that was his thirst for knowledge,his desired for knowledge,success and identity,but his biggest weakness was that he couldn‟t afford to fail.∙Every day he concentrated his attention to the research,he wanted to be a hero,saved the world by a digital logic,finally he developed the game theory(博弈论),which was he could give the best interests to the team considering the basis of his best interests.This was the only thing he thought and insisted on.∙Later his sensit ive mind couldn‟t afford this heavy pressure,his desire could only make public in his fantasy.This kind of fantasy increasingly developed,finally he pushed himself into schizophrenia. ∙Fortunately,he met his wife,a beautiful woman who he appreciated all his life.Under the help of the doctor Rosen,his illness slowly got better,and in his wife's arrangement,he returned to the familiar Princeton,and thought of all of the past,felt the warmth of endless,then with the help of his friends he stayed the campus,andlater he discussed problems in the library with a student who had a common view with him.From now on,he returned to the real world,and became a respected professor.Although the invisible people would also continue to appear in his life,he no longer ignored them.∙Then one day,suddenly a person told him that he was being considered for the Nobel Prize,he was both exciting and couldn‟t believe it,because once he could only envy those achievers who received people‟s appreciation and affection by a pen.∙There was no doubt that he was lucky,and in his life he met his most important person who gave the biggest help and support to his career and life,just as he got the Nobel Prize,so he said:…I've always believed in Numbers,in the equations or logics that lead to reason.But after a lifetime of such pursuits.I ask myself:What truly is logic?who decides reason. My quest has taken me through the physical,the metaphysical,the delusional,and back.And I have made the most important discovery of my career.The most important discovery of my life.It is only in the mysterious equation of love,that any logical reasons can be found. I am only here because of you,you are the only reason I am,you are all my reasons.‟∙Sometimes genius and crazy,there is a thin line between.John Nash, is a real talent,also a real man.But he can always go on when meetsthe challenge,I admire him.I also believe that you have always been like that,so I'll love you without reservation.Which makes me deeply impression is his wife.Maybe I‟m not great like John‟s wife,paying for his illness,but,I swear,I would be a person that never abandon each other and support you forever.So let us go ahead together for our future,because we'll always be tied to a boat.No matter rich or poor, I will love you as always, no abandoning, no giving up. Educating children, taking care of our parents, and building a most happy family.Let‟s go ahead together to build our home with love, and to work hard together.——Gary。

A Beautiful Mind

A    Beautiful   Mind

A Beautiful Mind(美丽心灵) (田丹丽):Our dialogues are some movie clips .let me introduce the film first .The film is a biography of John Forbes Nash who was an outstanding mathematician in 20th century. He published the famous game theory which had a profound impact on economic and military field .But he was troubled by schizophrenia .With the encouragement and help of his wife Alicia .He was able to fulfill his dream eventually.SCENE 1[Nash asks Alicia to marry him.](谭浩然)Nash: Alicia, does our relationship warrant long-term commitment? Cause I need some kind of proof, some kind of verifiable empirical data.(涂秋霞)Alicia: I’m sorry, just give me a moment…to redefine my girlish notions of romance. A proof? Verifiable data. Um… okay. Well, how big is the universe? (谭):Infinite.(涂):How do you know?(谭):I know because all of the data indicate it. (涂):But it hasn’t been prove yet?(谭):No.(涂):You haven’t seen it. How do you know for sure?(谭):I don’t, I just believe it.(涂):Mmm. It’s the same with love, I guess. Now , the part that you don’t know… is if I want to marry you. SCENE 2[Nash’s acceptance speech](王紫萱):Thank you.I’ve always believed in numbers, in the equations and logics that lead to reason.But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask,“What truly is logic? Who decides reason?”My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional—and back.And I have made the most important discoveries of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found.I’m only here tonight because of you (his wife, Alicia) .You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons. Thank you.。



A beautiful mind
The story begins in the early years of a young schizophrenic(精神分裂症的) prodigy named John Nash. Early in the movie, Nash begins developing paranoid schizophrenia(偏执型精神分 裂症) and endures delusional (妄想的) episodes while painfully watching the loss and burden his condition brings on his wife and friends.
《孙子兵法》不仅是一部军事著作,而且算是最早的一部博弈 论专著 。
players 局中人 Strategies 策略 payoffs 得失 orders 次序 equilibrium博弈涉及到均衡 Nash Equilibrium (纳什均衡)
Nash and game theory
Game theory attempts to mathematically capture behavior in strategic situations, or games, in which an individual's success in making choices depends on the choices of others. Famous examples: 智猪博弈(Pigs’ payoffs) 、囚徒困境博弈
Nash and game theory The creator of Game Theory. Nash Equilibrium (纳什均衡) Great success in math.



美丽心灵"1947年9月普林斯顿大学"Mathematicians won the war.是数学家赢得了世界大战Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes是数学家破解了日本密码and built the A bomb.也是数学家发明了原子弹Mathematicians... like you.就像你我一样的数学家The stated goal of the Soviets is global communism.苏联的终极目标是赤化全世界In medicine or economics,包括医学经济in technology or space,科技太空battle lines are being drawn.战争的界线已经划出To triumph, we need results.为了争取胜利我们需要结果Publishable, applicable results.需要可以发表和应用的结果Now who among you will be the next Morse?谁是未来的摩尔斯?The next Einstein?谁又是下一个爱因斯坦?Who among you will be the vanguard你们当中谁将是of democracy, freedom, and discovery?民主自由和发明的先锋?Today, we bequeath America's future今天我们将美国的未来into your able hands.交到你们的手中Welcome to Princeton, gentlemen.欢迎加入普林斯顿的行列It's not enough Hansen won the Carnegie Scholarship.汉森赢得卡内基奖学金居然还不满足No, he has to have it all for himself.他想要通吃It's the first time the Carnegie prize has been split. Hansen's all bent.这是第一次由两人共享这项奖学金汉森当然不爽Rumor is he's got his sights set on Wheeler Lab,听说他一心想进入惠勒研究室the new military think tank at M.I.T.就是麻省理工学院新的军事智囊团They're only taking one this year.今年他们只收一个人Hansen's used to being picked first.而汉森认为他是第一人选Oh, yeah, he's wasted on math.研究数学实在浪费他的才能He should be running for president.他应该去选总统There could be a mathematical explanation你的领带这样糟for how bad your tie is.一定有数学上的合理解释Thank you.谢谢你Neilson, symbol cryptography.我是尼尔森专攻符号密码学Neils here broke a Jap code.他破解过日本密码Helped rid the world of fascism.也曾帮助世界摆脱法西斯主义At least that's what he tells the girls, Neils?他都是这样对女孩子说的The name's Bender. Atomic physics.我叫宾达专攻原子物理学And you are? Am I late?你是哪位? 我迟到了吗?Yes. Yes, Mr. Sol.是的苏先生Oh, good. Hi.好! 你好Sol. Richard Sol.我是理查·苏The burden of genius.这就是天才的负担There he is. So many supplicants, and so little time. 他来了宴会这么多时间真不够用Mr. Sol. How are you, sir?苏先生您好您好Bender. Nice to see you.宾达很高兴看到你Congratulations, Mr. Hansen.汉森先生恭喜你Thank you.谢谢I'll take another.再给我一杯Excuse me?什么?A thousand pardons. I simply assumed you were the waiter. 真抱歉我以为你是服务生Play nice, Hansen.汉森给他留点面子Nice is not Hansen's strong suit.他才不会替人留面子Honest mistake.我真的是无心之过Well, Martin Hansen.想必你就是马丁·汉森It is Martin, isn't it?你是马丁吧?Why, yes, John, it is.没错我就是I imagine you're getting quite used to miscalculation.我猜你对误估已习以为常I've read your pre prints...我读过你的初稿...Both of them.两份都读过The one on Nazi ciphers,一份是纳粹党的密码文件and the other one on non linear equations,另一份是非线性方程式and I am supremely confident...我确信...that there is not a single seminal不管是哪一份or innovative idea in either one of them.都不具有发展和创新性Enjoy your punch.好好享受你的水果酒Gentlemen, meet John Nash,各位这位就是约翰·纳什the mysterious West Virginia genius.西弗吉尼亚州的神秘天才The other winner of the distinguished Carnegie Scholarship. 也是另一位著名的卡内基奖学金得主Bender. Of course.宾达当然了Oh, Christ.真要命!The prodigal roommate arrives.我就是你的浪子室友Roommate?室友?Oh, God, no.天呀饶了我吧!Did you know that having a hangover is...你知道所谓的宿醉...is not having enough water in your body就是体内没有足够的水份to run your Krebs cycles?去执行克雷布斯循环Which is exactly what happens to you这和因渴至死的情况when you're dying of thirst.完全一样So, dying of thirst...如此说来因渴至死的感觉...would probably feel pretty much like the hangover...可能和宿醉的感觉一样...that finally bloody kills you.反正最后仍逃不过一死John Nash?你是约翰·纳什吗?Hello.哈罗Charles Herman.我叫查尔斯·赫曼Pleased to meet you.很高兴认识你Well, it's official.正式宣布I'm almost human again.我已经恢复正常了Officer, I saw the driver who hit me.警官我看见撞到我的驾驶人His name was Johnny Walker.他的名字是"约翰走路"Well, I got in last night昨晚我去参加in time for...英文系办的...English department cocktails.鸡尾酒会Cock was mine,我当然是那只雄纠纠的鸡the tail belonged to a particularly lovely young thing至于那个美丽可爱的女孩with a passion for D.H...则是情欲大师劳伦斯的崇拜者D.H. Lawrence. You're not easily distracted, are you?你居然不怕被打扰I'm here to work.我是来工作的Hmmm, are you? Right.哎呀那当然I see. Crikey!我明白了Is my roommate a dick?你真是个无趣的家伙Listen. If we can't break the ice...既然打不破我们之间的冰山How about we drown it?干脆大醉一场如何?So what's your story?告诉我你的故事You the poor kid that never got to go to Exeter or Andover? 一个从没出过家门的穷小孩Despite my privileged upbringing,虽然我从小接受高等教育I'm actually quite well balanced.但身心却很平衡I have a chip on both shoulders.我的弱点是人际关系Maybe you're just better人与事比较起来with the old integers than you are with people.你恐怕比较会应付事My first grade teacher, she told me我的小学老师说过that I was born with two helpings of brain,我有两个脑袋but only half a helping of heart.却只有半颗心Really? Yeah.真的? 是呀Wow! She sounds lovely!哇她似乎挺可爱的The truth is that I...其实...I don't like people much.我并不喜欢人们And they don't much like me.他们也不喜欢我But why,怎么可能?with all your obvious wit and charm?你既风趣又有魅力Seriously, John.说真的Mathematics...讲到数学嘛...Mathematics is never going to lead you to a higher truth. 它永远不能领导你找到更高的真理And you know why?想知道原因吗?Because it's boring. It's really boring.因为它太枯燥无味了You know half these schoolboys are already published? 你知道半数以上的学生已经发表了他们的论文I cannot waste time with these classes...我不能在课堂上...and these books.和书本上再浪费时间Memorizing the weaker assumptions of lesser mortals! 去记住那些毫无说服力的假设吧!I need to look through...我必须要为博弈论to the governing dynamics.有所突破Find a truly original idea.找出它的原创理论来That's the only way I'll ever distinguish myself.那是唯一能让我出头的方法It's the only way that I'll ever...是唯一使我能成为...Matter.举足轻重的人物?Yes.是的All right, who's next?下一个是谁?No, I've played enough "go" for one day, thank you.我下够了今天不玩了Come on. I... I hate this game.来嘛我不喜欢围棋Cowards, all of you!你们都是胆小鬼None of you rise to meet my challenge?没人敢向我挑战Come on, Bender.宾达别这样嘛Whoever wins,so does his laundry all semester.谁赢阿苏就替他洗一学期的衣服Does that seem unfair to anyone else?你们不觉得这很不公平吗?Not at all.不觉得Look at him. Nash!你们看他纳什Taking a reverse constitutional?在研究反组织理论吗?I'm hoping to extract an algorithm我想找出一个演算法to define their movement.好替它们的活动下定义Psycho.神经病Hey, Nash, I thought you dropped out.你一直没去上课You ever going to go to class or...我以为你退学了...Classes will dull your mind.上课会使你的脑筋迟钝Destroy the potential for authentic creativity. 也会破坏创造的潜能Oh, oh, I didn't know that.这我倒不知道Nash is going to stun us all with his genius. 有一天纳什的才华会惊倒大家Which is another way of saying但这也可能是he doesn't have the nerve to compete.他不敢和我比赛的藉口You scared?怕了吗?Terrified.我被你吓呆了Mortified. Petrified.惊呆了窘呆了Stupefied... by you.而且是目瞪口呆No starch. Pressed and folded.咱们就一战定英雄Let me ask you something, John.我能不能问你一件事Be my guest, Martin.尽管问Bender and Sol here correctly completed宾达和阿苏已经完全无误的Allen's proof of Peyrot's Conjecture.证明出艾伦的推论Adequate work...尚差强人意啦...without innovation.可惜没有创新Oh. I'm flattered. You flattered?谢谢夸奖你呢? 我很感动你呢?Flattered.感动And I've got two weapons briefs而我有两样武器纲要under security review by the D.O.D.正由国防部审查中Derivative drivel.真叫我垂涎不已But Nash achievements: zero.而纳什的成就却是零I'm a patient man, Martin.我有耐心Is there an actual question coming?你到底想问什么?What if you never come up with your original idea? 假若你永远找不出原创理论How will it feel when I'm chosen for Wheeler...最后惠勒研究室选择了我...and you're not?你会有什么感觉?What if you lose?输是什么感觉?You should not have won.你不应该赢I had the first move, my play was perfect.是我先走的每一步都很完美The hubris of the defeated.这就是所谓的骄兵必败The game is flawed.这个游戏有缺点Gentlemen, the great John Nash.这就是伟大的约翰·纳什You've been in here for two days.你呆在这里已经两天了You know Hansen's just published another paper?汉森又发表了一篇报告I can't even find a topic for my doctorate.而我连博士论文的主题都没有Well, on the bright side, you've invented window art. 可是你却发明了橱窗艺术This is a group playing touch football.这是美式橄榄球队的比赛This is a cluster of pigeons fighting over bread crumbs. 这是一群鸽子在争夺面包屑And this here is a woman而这是一个女人who is chasing a man who stole her purse.在追逐偷她皮包的男人John, you watched a mugging.你居然目击抢劫案That's weird.真不可思议In competitive behavior someone always loses.在竞争的状态下总有人会输Well, my niece knows that, John,这点连我的小侄女都懂and she's about this high.而她只有这么点大See, if I could derive an equilibrium如果我能找出一种均衡where prevalence is a non singular event,在优势可逆的情况下where nobody loses,就会出现双赢的局面can you imagine the effect that would have你想这在有冲突的情况下会有多大的影响on conflict scenarios, and arms negotiations...像武器协商...When did you last eat?你什么时候吃过东西?When did you last eat?你什么时候吃的饭?Currency exchange?像货币交换You know, food.吃东西You have no respect for cognitive reverie, 你一点也不尊重幻想you know that?你知道吗?Yes.没错But pizza...但是说到比萨饼...Now, pizza I have enormous respect for. 我对它可是满腔的尊重And of course beer.当然还有啤酒I have respect for beer.我敬重啤酒I have respect for beer!我非常敬重啤酒Good evening, Neils. Hey, Nash.晚安尼尔森嗨纳什Who's winning? You or you?谁赢这个你还是另一个你Evening, Nash. Hey, guys.晚安纳什你们好Hey, Nash.纳什你好He's looking at you.他在看你Are you sure?你确定?Hey, Nash.嗨纳什Neils is trying to get your attention.尼尔森要你过去You're joking. Oh, no.你一定在开玩笑呢不是吧Go with God.勇敢的去Come back a man.一定要失身哟Fortune favors the brave.幸运与勇者同在Bombs away.炸他个屁滚尿流Gentlemen, might I remind you that my odds of success 各位让我提醒你们dramatically improve with each attempt?每试一次就会增加我一分胜算This is going to be classic.保证绝对精彩Maybe you want to buy me a drink.你是不是要请我喝杯酒I don't exactly know what I'm required to say为了想让你和我上床in order for you to have intercourse with me,我实在不知道该说些什么but could we assume that I said all that?你干脆就当我把该说的都说过了Essentially we're talking about fluid exchange, right?反正我们所谈的是有关液体交流的事So, could we just go straight to the sex?所以何不立刻切入性交的主题Oh, that was sweet.你可真鲜Have a nice night, asshole!再见啦你这个混蛋Ladies, wait!小姐们等一下I... I especially liked the bit about fluid exchange.我最喜欢液体交流那一段It was really charming.真的很棒Walk with me, John.约翰陪我走一走I've been meaning to talk with you.我一直想和你谈谈The faculty is completing mid year reviews.教授们已经完成了期中的审核We're deciding which placement applications to support. 我们正在决定如何分配学生...Wheeler, sir. That would be my first choice.教授到惠勒研究室是我的第一选择And actually, I don't really have a second choice, sir.也是唯一的选择我知道John, your fellows have attended classes.其他的人都按时上课They've written papers. They've published.不但写论文也已经发表了I'm still searching, sir, for my...教授我仍在研究我的...Your original idea, I know.你的原创理论?Governing dynamics, sir.是博弈论It's very clever, John, but I'm afraid很好可惜it's just not nearly good enough.还是不够好May I? Thank you.您的外套? 谢谢I've been working on manifold embedding.我一直在研究 "符合嵌入"My bargaining stratagems are starting to show some promise. 这个理论已经开始见到成效If you could just arrange another meeting,希望你能再次安排if you'd be kind enough, with Professor Einstein...我和爱因斯坦教授会面I've repeatedly asked you for that. Now, John.我曾再三请你替我安排约翰听我说I'd be able to show him my revisions on his...我会让他看修订后的...John.约翰Do you see what they're doing in there?你知道他们在做什么吗?Congratulations. Thank you so much.恭喜非常感谢Congratulations, Professor Max.教授恭喜你It's the pens.那支笔代表着Reserved for a member of the department会员们that makes the achievement of a lifetime.肯定了他的终生成就Now, what do you see, John?告诉我你看到了什么?Recognition.表扬Well done, Professor, well done.做得好教授谢谢Well, try seeing accomplishment.你看到贯彻了吗?Is there a difference?难道还有分别吗?John,约翰you haven't focused.你仍没有集中你的注意力I'm sorry, but up to this point,对不起到目前为止your record doesn't warrant any placement at all. 根据你的记录我不能保证你一定会有工作Good day.再见And my compliments to you, sir.我向你致意多谢Thank you so much.非常感谢I can't see it.怎么就是看不出来呢Jesus Christ, John.约翰你别这样I can't fail.我不能失败This is all I am.这是我的全部呀Come on, let's go out.咱们出去走走I got to get something done.我必须做些成绩出来I can't keep staring into space.光瞪着天空不是办法John, enough!够了我还是向他们屈服吧Got to face the wall,面对墙壁Fine, you want to do some damage? Fine...你想来硬的没问题But don't mess around. Do their classes.别浪费时间了上他们的课...Come on! Go on, bust your head! Kill yourself. 干脆敲破你的脑袋自杀算了John, do it. Don't mess around.好! 去呀别浪费时间了Bust your head!去撞你的脑袋呀Go on,bust that worthless head wide open.去啊把你那个没用的脑袋撞开Goddamn it, Charles!查尔斯你这个混蛋What the hell is your problem?!你到底有什么毛病It's not my problem.我没有毛病And it's not your problem.你也没有问题It's their problem.全是他们的问题Your answer isn't face the wall.面对墙壁不可能找到答案It's out there... where you've been working. 答案在你工作的地方That was heavy.那张桌子可真重That Isaac Newton fellow was right.看来牛顿的理论还挺正确的He was onto something. Clever boy.他可真厉害聪明的家伙Don't worry, that's mine.别担心是我的东西I'll come and get it in a minute.等会儿就去收拾Oh,God.我的天呀Incoming, gentlemen.美女来了Deep breaths.深呼吸Nash, you might want to stop shuffling纳什你最好your papers for five seconds.先休息几秒钟I will not buy you gentlemen beer.我不请你们喝啤酒Oh, we're not here for beer, my friend.我们不是来喝啤酒的Does anyone else feel she should be moving in slow motion? 你们同不同意她最好以慢镜头移动Will she want a large wedding, you think?她会要求一个盛大的婚礼吗?Shall we say swords, gentlemen? Pistols at dawn?要用剑决斗还是在黄昏时用手枪决斗?Have you remembered nothing?你们怎么都忘了Recall the lessons of Adam Smith,还记得现代经济学之父the father of modern economics.亚当·史密斯的理论"In competition...在竞争中individual ambition serves the common good."个人的野心往往会促进公共利益Exactly. Every man for himself, gentlemen.没错每个人都为自己着想And those who strike out are stuck with her friends.被三阵出局的人只能去约她的朋友I'm not gonna strike out.我绝不会被三阵的You can lead a blonde to water,你可以把美女带到水边but you can't make her drink.但你不能逼她喝水I don't think he said that...他好像没说过这句话Nobody move... She's looking over here.别动她在看我们了She's looking at Nash.她在看纳什Oh, God. He may have the upper hand now, 好吧可能他现在占有优势but wait until he opens his mouth.但等他一开口保证完蛋Remember the last time?还记得上次吗?Oh, yes, that was one for the history books. 对那一次可真鲜Adam Smith needs revision.亚当·史密斯需要修订他的理论了What are you talking about?你在说些什么?If we all go for the blonde...如果我们全去追那个美人...we block each other.结果一定全军覆没Not a single one of us is gonna get her.谁也得不到她So then we go for her friends,然后我们去找她的女朋友but they will all give us the cold shoulder 她们肯定会浇我们冷水because nobody likes to be second choice. 因为没人愿意屈居第二Well, what if no one goes for the blonde? 但是若没人去追那个金发美女We don't get in each other's way,那我们之间既互不侵犯and we don't insult the other girls.也没有羞辱到其他女孩That's the only way we win.只有这样大家才能赢That's the only way we all get laid.也只有这样才都有上床的机会Adam Smith said亚当·史密斯曾说过the best result comes...最好的结果...from everyone in the group doing是要能做到what's best for himself, right?分工和专业对不对?That's what he said, right?那是他说的对不对?Incomplete. Incomplete, okay?他的理论不完整Because the best result will come...因为最好的结果是...from everyone in the group团体中的每一个人doing what's best for himself and the group.都做对本身和团体最有利的事Nash, if this is some way for you to get the blonde on your own, 你想拿这套歪理去独占美人you can go to hell.门儿都没有Governing dynamics,gentlemen.各位这就是所谓的博弈论Governing dynamics. Adam Smith...博弈论亚当·史密斯...was wrong.他错了Oh, here we go. Careful, careful.又来啦小心点Thank you.谢谢你"C" of "S" equals "C" of "T".C(S)等于C(T)You do realize this flies in the face你知道这会推翻一百五十年来of a 150 years of economic theory?牢不可破的经济理论Yes, I do, sir.我知道That's rather presumptuous, don't you think?你不觉得太放肆了吗?It is, sir.是有一点Well, Mr. Nash,纳什先生with a breakthrough of this magnitude,由于你做出如此重大的突破I'm confident you will get any placement you like. 我相信你可以去任何你想去的地方Wheeler Labs,惠勒研究室they'll ask you to recommend two team members. 会请你介绍两位组员Yes!太棒了Stills and Frank are excellent choices.史提和法兰克应该很合适Sol and Bender, sir.我要阿苏和宾达Sol and Bender are extraordinary mathematicians. 阿苏和宾达都是非常优秀的数学家Has it occurred to you that Sol and Bender但你可曾想过might have plans of their own?他们俩可能另有打算Baby! Wheeler, we made it!我们终于能进惠勒研究室了Cheers, cheers, cheers!干杯干To...祝...Okay, awkward moment, gentlemen.各位尴尬的时刻来了Governing dynamics.博弈论Congratulations, John. Thanks.约翰恭喜你了谢谢Toast! To Wheeler Labs!干杯为惠勒研究室干杯To Wheeler!为惠勒研究室干杯"1953年五角大楼""五年后"General, the analyst from Wheeler Lab is here.将军惠勒研究室的分析家到了Dr. Nash, your coat?纳什博士你的外套Thank you, sir.谢谢你Doctor.博士General, this is Wheeler team leader Dr. John Nash.将军这位就是惠勒研究室的领导人约翰·纳什博士Glad you could come, Doctor.很高兴你能来Hello.你好Right this way.这边走We've been intercepting radio transmissions from Moscow. 我们截获由莫斯科发出的无线电报The computer can't detect a pattern,电脑无法查出它的模式but I'm sure it's code.但我认为绝对是密码Why is that, General?何以见得Ever just know something, Dr. Nash?就是有那种感觉你会吗?Constantly.经常会We've developed several ciphers.我们研发了几个密码索引If you'd like to review our preliminary data...要不要看看我们的初步资料Doctor?纳什博士?6 7 3 76 7 3 70 3 6...0 3 6...8 4 9 4.8 4 9 49 1 4 0 3 4.9 1 4 0 3 4I need a map.我需要一份地图40 6 13 0 8 67 46 9 0,40 6 13 0 8 67 46 9 0Starkey Corners, Maine.缅因州的斯达基角48 03 01,48 03 0191 26 35.91 26 35Prairie Portage, Minnesota.明尼苏达州的波吉特草原These are latitudes and longitudes.这些都是经纬线There are a least 10 others.至少还有十个They appear to be routing orders across the border into the U.S. 这似乎是进入美国边境的路线顺序Extraordinary.太惊人了Gentlemen,各位we need to move on this.我们需要做更进一步的研究Who's big brother?那位老大是谁?You've done your country a great service, son.你为国家贡献良多Captain! Yes, sir.上尉是的长官Accompany Dr. Nash.替纳什博士带路What are the Russians moving, general?将军俄国人有什么动向?Captain Rogers will escort you罗杰上尉会陪你to the unrestricted area, Doctor.到不受限区Thank you.谢谢Dr. Nash, follow me, please.纳什博士请跟我来It's Dr. Nash.是纳什博士All right.好的"麻省理工学院""惠勒国防研究室"Thank you, sir. Home run at the Pentagon?谢谢你先生在五角大楼打出全垒打了吗? Have they actually taken the word "classified"他们有没有把"机密"两个字out of the dictionary?从字典里删掉Oh, hi. The air conditioning broke again.嗨冷气机又坏了How am I supposed to be in here saving the world 我都快融化了if I'm melting?怎么去整救世界?Our hearts go out to you.约翰我们真替你叫屈You know, two trips to the Pentagon in four years. 四年中五角大楼两度叫我去That's two more than we've had.那你比我们多去了两次It gets better, John.好的还在后面Just got our latest scintillating assignment.我们才接到最新的伟大任务You know, the Russians have the H bomb,你们知道苏俄已经制出氢弹the Nazis are repatriating South America,纳粹的魔爪已伸向南美the Chinese have a standing army of 2.8 million, 中国有两百八十万的常备军and I am doing stress tests on a dam.而我却在替水坝做压力试验You made the cover of Fortune... again.但是你却二度上 "财富杂志"的封面Please note the use of the word "you", not "we". 请注意你用了"你" 而不是"我们"That was supposed to be just me.应该只有我一个人才对So not only do they rob me of the Fields medal,如今他们不但剥夺我得奖的机会now they put me on the cover of Fortune magazine 居然把我和这些小鼻子小眼的文人学者们with these hacks, these scholars of trivia.一起放在 "财富杂志" 的封面上John, exactly what's the difference约翰天才和才气横溢between genius and most genius?到底有什么不同?Quite a lot.差别大了He's your son.反正你总是有道理Anyway, you've got 10 minutes.你只剩下十分钟了I've always got 10 minutes.我的时间多得是Before your new class?你现在得去上课了Can I not get a note from a doctor or something? 能不能请医生开张病假单You are a doctor, John, and no.抱歉这回可不行Now, come on, you know the drill,你知道这里的规定we get these beautiful facilities,学校既然给了我们这些设施M.I.T. gets America's great minds of today就要用当今美国最伟大的脑袋teaching America's great minds of tomorrow.去教未来伟大的脑袋做交换Now, have a nice day at school.好了祝你在学校里过的愉快.The bell's ringing.上课铃要响了The eager young minds of tomorrow.未来饥渴稚嫩的脑袋Can we leave one open, Professor?教授可以留一个窗户不要关吗?It's really hot, sir.实在太热了Your comfort comes second课堂的安静to my ability to hear my own voice.比你舒不舒服重要得多Personally,我个人认为I think this class will be a waste...这堂课不但浪费of your...你们的时间And what is infinitely worse...糟糕的是更浪费了...my time.我宝贵的时间However,不过...here we are. So...既然来了那就说清楚you may attend or not.来不来上课随你们的便You may complete your assignments at your whim.你可以喜欢了就完成你的作业We have begun.课这就开始了Miss.小姐Excuse me!打扰一下Excuse me!打扰一下We have a little problem.我们有点小小的问题It's extremely hot in here with the windows closed关上窗户这里会很热and extremely noisy with them open.开着却又太吵So, I was wondering if there was any way you could,我在想能不能请你们I don't know, maybe work someplace else for about 45 minutes? 先修别的地方大约45分钟就行了Not a problem. Thank you so much!没问题谢谢你们At a break! Got it!休息一下好的As you will find in multivariable calculus,你们会发现there is often...在多变性的微积分中...a number of solutions for any given problem. 往往一个难题会有多种解答As I was saying, this problem here黑板上的这个问题will take some of you many months to solve. 有些人可能会解上好几个月For others among you,更有些人it will take you the term of your natural lives. 可能要花上一辈子的时间Professor Nash.纳什教授William Parcher.我是威廉·帕彻Big brother,你所谓的老大at your service.在此听候你的吩咐What can I do for the Department of Defense? 我能为国防部做些什么?Are you going to to give me a raise?你是来替我加薪的吗?Let's take a walk.咱们散散步Impressive work at the Pentagon. Yes, it was. 你在五角大楼的工作让人钦佩的确如此Oppenheimer used to say,原子弹之父常说"Genius sees the answer before the question." "天才在问题发生前就已找到解答"You knew Oppenheimer?你认识奥本海默?His project was under my supervision.他的计划就在我的监督之下进行的Which project?哪个计划?That project.喔那个计划It's not that simple, you know?其实并不简单Well, you ended the war.可是你们仍然结束了战争We incinerated 150,000 people in a heartbeat. 我们杀死十五万人Great deeds come at great cost, Mr. Parcher. 要有牺牲才能完成伟业Well, conviction, it turns out,可是对旁观者而言is a luxury of those on the sidelines, Mr. Nash. 却不应该随便去断罪I'll try and keep that in mind.我会试着去记住它So, John, no family,据我所知你没家人no close friends...也没好友Why is that?怎么会这样子?I like to think it's because I'm a lone wolf.我宁愿想成自己是个独行侠But mainly it's because people don't like me. 但主要原因是人们不喜欢我Well, there are certain endeavors妙的是由于你缺少人际关系where your lack of personal connection在这里would be considered an advantage.却成为你的一大长处This is a secure area.这里是管制区They know me.他们认识我Have you ever been here?你曾来过这里吗?We were told during our initial briefing在刚来的时候that these warehouses were abandoned.他们说这是一栋废弃的仓库That's not precisely accurate.其实并不正确By telling you what I'm about to tell you,由于要告诉你以下的机密I am increasing your security clearance我特地把你参与机密的资格to top secret.升高至"最高机密"Disclosure of secure information can result in imprisonment. 泄露机密资料会去坐牢的Get it?懂吗?What operation?什么行动?"由战略室制作"Those are a good idea.这东西倒挺好用的This factory is in Berlin.这家工厂位于柏林.We seized it at the end of the war.战后我们把它关闭了Nazi engineers were attempting纳粹工程师to build a portable atomic bomb.原打算制造轻型原子弹The Soviets reached this facility before we did,苏联在我们之前到这里and we lost the damn thing.拿去所有的资料The routing orders at the Pentagon,五角大楼的路线顺序they were about this, weren't they?是不是和这有关?The Soviets aren't as unified as people believe.苏联的内部并没有真正的统一A faction of the Red Army calling itself Novaya Svobga,赤军集团称他们自己为"新自由""the New Freedom" has control of the bomb他们已经控制住原子弹and intends to detonate it on U.S. soil.而且打算在美国本土上引爆Their plan is to incur maximum civilian casualties.他们计划造成百姓们最大的伤害Man is capable of as much atrocity人类是非常as he has imagination.残酷的New Freedom has sleeper agents here in the U.S.新自由在美国派有间谍McCarthy is an idiot,麦卡锡议员是个白痴but unfortunately that doesn't make him wrong.但并不等于他的见解是错的New Freedom communicates to its agents新自由组织是通过报纸和杂志上的密码through codes imbedded in newspapers and magazines, 和他们的间谍传递消息and that's where you come in.所以我们需要借助你的才能You see, John,约翰你明白的what distinguishes you你与别人最大的不同is that you are,在于你是一个...quite simply,简单的说the best natural code breaker I have ever seen.你是我所见过最好的天生破码专家What exactly is it that you would like me to do?你到底要我干什么?Commit this list of periodicals to memory.记住上面所列的所有期刊Scan each new issue,仔细浏览每一期find any hidden codes,只要发现密码decipher them.就去破解它。

A Beautiful Mind台词精选

A Beautiful Mind台词精选

A Beautiful MindSECTION IDr.Rosen :Y ou see them now?John Nash :Y es.Dr.Rosen :Why did you stop your meds?John Nash :Because I couldn't do my work.I couldn't help with the baby.I ...I couldn't respond to my wife.Y ou think that's better than being crazy.Dr.Rosen :We'll need to start you on a higher run of insulin shocks and a new medication.John Nash :No.There has to be a another way.Dr.Rosen :Schizophrenia is degenerative.Some days maybe Symptom-free,but over time,you are getting worse.John Nash :It's a problem.That's all it is.It's a problem with no solution.And that's what I do,I solve problems.That's what I do best.Dr.Rosen :This isn't math.Y ou can't come up with a formula to change the way you experience the world.John Nash :All I have to do is apply my mind.Dr.Rosen :There's no theorem,no proof.Y ou can't reason your way out of it.John Nash :Why not? Why can't I?Dr.Rosen :Because your mind is where the problem is in the first place.John Nash :I can do this.I can work it out.All I need is time.Is that the baby?Alicia :The baby's at my mother's,John.Dr.Rosen :Without treatment,John,the fantasies may take over... entirely.Alicia :Y ou almost ready?Rosen's waiting outside.John Nash : I can't go back to that hospital.I won't come home.Alicia :He said that if you said that, he has commitment paper for me to sign.John Nash :Well,maybe you won't sign them.Maybe you'll just give me some time.I will try to figure this out.Whatever you do,Rosen is right about one thing.Y ou shouldn't be here.I'm not safe anymore.Alicia :Would you have hurt me,John?John Nash :I don't know.Maybe you should let Dr.Rosen drive you to your mother's.Alicia :Rosen said to call if you try and kill me or anything.Alicia :Y ou want to know what's real.This.This.This.This is real.Maybe the part ... that knows the waking from the dream,maybe it isn't here.Maybe it's here.I need to believe ... that something extraordinary is possible.SECTION IINash :Thank you.I've always believed in numbers and the equations and logics that lead to reason.But after a lifetime of such pursuits,I ask,"What truly is logic? Who decides the reason?" My quest has taken me through the physical,the metaphysical,the delusion --and back.And I have made the most important discovery of my career,the most important discovery of my life.It's only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found.I'm only here tonight because of you(his wife,Alicia).Y ou are the reason I am.Y ou are all my reasons.Thank you.Songs(All Love Can be)By Charlotte ChurchI will watch you in the darknessshow you,love will see you through...When the bad dreams wake you cryingI'll show you all love can do,what love can doI will watch through the night,hold you in my arms,give you dreams where none will be.I will watch through the dark,till the morning comes.All the night I'll take you through the night to see the light, showing us all love can be.I will guard you with my bright wings,stay till your heart learns to see all love can be.。



"A Beautiful Mind" is a true genius on a very human drama. Handsome and highly eccentric, Nash made an mathematical discovery, began to enjoy international reputation. But Nash plagued by schizophrenia, and it made him experience tremendous change. After decades of arduous efforts, thank to Nash's wife, in love with him ,he can solve the problem. he finally overcame the unfortunate, and in 1994 received the Nobel Prize by the school.As a movie, "A Beautiful Mind" is absolutely great . Not only does it have a strong point and an importantmessage to the viewer, but the way in which it delivers the character of the figure makes me admired. Therefore, I am willing to express my views of the way which the director uses to describe the figure . First, the drop in the character makes it attractive. Versatile and brilliant, he masters math logic physics and even is awarded by Noble. However, he is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Faced with the fierce battles with his inner, his life suddenly takes a turn for the worse. He transforms from a genius to a mental patient and finally he becomes a winner of the Nobel .Just as some truly shocking moments in A Beautiful Mind .Alicia finds her husband's secret cache of newspaper clippings behind their house,and then remembering Marcee, Nash has a flash of insight, and he finally accepts his illness -- ironically, through his intellect. Until then do I make sure of Nash’s illness. This feeling of uncertainty makes the plot attractive.Second the way he walks, how he talks with others and what he wears makes sence. In the movie, Nash always walks dropping his head. A book in his hand, his steps is fast. These imply his loneliness .Heavoids eye-to-eye communication. He expresses himself directly without thinking about others.This implies his fear of communication and lack of friends. His tone of voice is very low and deep, sometime become abrupt because of tension. He wears suits, never be in sports clothes except when he cures his illness at home . in some degree, he talks humorously, so this can reflect his intelligence. The details lay the basis of his change and the reason why three false people can appear in his imagination.Third by the description of other people , the movie presents Nash’s change indirectly. The most impressive moment is that , when Nash goes back to his university as a librarian in school’s library, on his way home , some students imitate the way he walk and laugh at him. Nash turns his head down, hurriedly going forward. You can realize how hard for him to fight with his illness and what effort he has made to force himself to adjust to society.it delivers it in a touching and sensitive, partly even humourous kind of way, with the help of powerful actors, a great screenplay and even a few special effects to boost it up. Result in the accurate description of Nash and other figure , we can be absorbed in this movie.What’s more, good technique is an essential part of a successful movie, but, there is no doubt that the meaning of it is the most significant. What you can acquire and what you can be moved are the reasons why it is worth watching.Without separation, it gives us a satisfied ending. Finally, standing on the stage of the Nobel ,he said to his wife, Alicia” I'm only here tonight becaus e of you .You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons.” This scene makes the most memorable impression on me. After all, Nash doesn’t overcome Illness. Accompanied with his wife, he attempts to adjust himself inch by inch so that he would adapt this situation and regards them as a part of his life peacefully. The same as our growth, on the way to success, there is no doubt that we will pay the price. Faced with the obstacle, maybe you can defeat them with your effort, or perhaps you will never get rid of it, no matter whatever you cost. Only can you dilute suffering and make it weaker and less effective.。


gonna /ˈɡɒnə/ Gonna is used in written English to represent the words “going to” 将要 例句:Then what am I gonna do?
strike out 打击;删去;开辟新路,想出; If you strike out at someone, you hit, attack, or speak angrily to them. 愤怒地打; 生气地说 If you strike out, you begin to do something different, often because you want to become more independent. 开辟新路
Blonde [blɑnd] adj. 亚麻色的;金色的;白皙的;白肤金发碧眼的 n. 白肤金发碧眼的女人 1.COLOR Blonde hair can be very light brown or light yellow. 浅色的; (头发) 金黄色的 2.N-COUNT A blonde is a woman who has blonde hair. 金发女子
2. V. 为…服务;为…效力;为…效忠
Serve the country
3. V. (尤指在部队)服役;(在政府部门)任职 do useful work for an organization
4. V. 用作;可当…使用;充作
serves as
1.与…交锋;与…争论 argue with sb. about something. 2. 剑;刀
Have the upper hand占上风;取得优势 =make the advantage position Now, in many sectors, employers have the upper hand. 如今,在许多行业,雇主都占据了上风。



A Beautiful MindA Beautiful Mind is a touching, emotionally charged film. I appreciate a movie that can engage me mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. "A Beautiful Mind"is the story of Nash, the genius mathematician, whose life suddenly takes a turn for the worse when he is diagnosedwith paranoid schizophrenia. After fierce battles with his inner self, he overcomes this and returns to win the Nobel Prize in 1994.But at last I understand why he made up such three figures. They represent Nash’s本我(self)小孩,自我(ego)同学,超我(superego)警察.First, he wanted to have a friendship, in which , his friend would never betray him forever. So his roommate, appeared. And it also implied that he wanted to communicate with others . Second , he wanted to rely on a person . In this movie ,we can see that we could not see any families of Nash . So ,a girl , turned up . And she was a orphan . She needed to depend on other people . Nash was the same as the little girl. This implied that he was lonely , and he needed a reliable person to rely on . Third , he wanted to carry out a career for himself . So a military officer , appeared . At this point , he realized his value . And this implied that he aspired tosucceed .Everyone is haunted by his past. Don’t feed them, do nothing to them.I learned from it that love is a kind thing of mind. No matter what you suffer, only be with love can you be truly brave and happy. Alicia was always there with her husband , giving him encouragement and infinite love. Hard work always can be paid. She finally created a terrific miracle. Professor Nash gradually recovered and won the Nobel Prize. They havea happy marriage. You are all my reasons.。



"A Beautiful Mind" is a true genius on a very human drama. The protype is the story ofmathematician John - Forbes - Nash (Jr.John Forbes Nash). Handsome and highlyeccentric Nash made an early age a startling mathematical discovery, began to enjoyinternational reputation. But Nash superior intuition plagued by schizophrenia, made himmarch to the highest level academically brilliant course has undergone tremendous change.The face of this has destroyed many people's challenges, Nash's wife, in love with Alicia(Alicia) to help solve the problem, the no fear, stubborn resistance. After decades ofarduous efforts, he finally overcame the unfortunate, and in 1994 received the Nobel Prizeby the school. This is a true story of the legendary story of today, Nash continued his hardwork in the field.1947 Little John - Forbes - Nash (Russell - decorated Crowe, Russell Crowe) to enter andstudy at Princeton University to study mathematics. This "mysterious genius from WestVirginia," and did not attend the preparatory classes experience, there is no inheritance oraffluent relatives support he entered the "Ivy League" (Ivy League ) but Princeton'smost the reputation of a scholarship to prove that hereally belongs to the Princeton of theteam.This is Nash or pairs of Princeton is very easy. Elegant social activities and he did it simplycan not afford school also mentioned what the mood. He spent his indulgence in one thing:to find a truly innovative theories. He was convinced that this is something he should bedoing.Nash later received at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to conductresearch and teaching work, which everyone but a coveted job, but he was not satisfiedwith them. Science for the United States the victory in World War II played a significantrole. Now, the Cold War, the prevalence of Nash in this new conflict, eager to play theirown advantages. His wish has been realized, shrouded in mystery William - Parcher(William Parcher, Ed - Harris decorated, Ed Harris) he had been recruited to participate in atop-secret task, break the enemy's password.Wonderful stills Nash at MIT work, dedicate themselves to this exhausting work. Here,Nash has been a new challenge, but this time the challenge is from the shiny,Alicia - Radi(Alicia Larde, Jennifer - decorated Connelly, Jennifer Connelly), a Department of Physicsstudent, she introduced a Nash never seriously considered the idea --- love.Soon, Nash and Alicia were married, but he could not tell her he was engaged for theParcher risk of the project. This work had to vent a little lax in secret, the consequenceswould be disastrous. Nash has been quietly in the dry, he was deeply fascinated by thiswork, and eventually lost in the illusion of those unable to resist. After diagnosis, he hadthe paranoid schizophrenia.Alicia Nash is happening to frightened, and she struggled in the destruction of a geniusunder the weight of love. With each day seems to bring them new terror, which is the envyof the original partners have lost people envy them. But Alicia still loves the man she foundhim charismatic, which is supported by the source of her right where he promised. By hersteadfast love and loyalty impressed Nash is considered a final decision and this can onlybe better, can not cure diseases.A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵剧情英文简介本片是关于20世纪伟大数学家小约翰福布斯-纳什的人物传记片。

A beautiful mind 美丽心灵

A beautiful mind 美丽心灵

A beautiful mind英101 陈鸽 101653Maybe genius and psychopath only have one step away,and we can not treat them like a abnormal people. This is my first thought after I watching this film.This film is a biography of Professor John Nash, in other words; it is a real story of a genius. Yes, Nash is a 100% genius, he received the doctor’s degree when he was 27 years old, and when he was 30, and he became a math professor in the Princeton University. He came up with the game theory in his paper, he is a successful person.Unfortunately, along with his success, he suffers from paranoid fantasies. He is a strong person in his work; however, he is a weaker person in his life. He can not communicate with other people very well, and when he meets the girl he like, he usually is insulted and blamed by others because he often say some wrong words. The worst thing is that his mind and feelings has some troubles, appearing illusion, hearing unreal voice and fantasy.On the other hand, he also is a lucky guy, the doctors who are honorable do not give up him, and his lover also does not abandon him, the other teachers and his students help him allthe time and the whole society do not give up him.This is a beautiful thing in the film.Especially, in his love, he is extremely lucky, when his disease is not very serious, he meets Alicia, she is a beautiful woman, and she fall in love with Nash. When Nash has an attack of his illness and he threaten Alicia’s safety, she just send their baby to her mother’s home, and she takes care of her husband in her own home, she has ever said, she won’t leave him. She understand Nash, she know the reason why Nash don not want to go the hospital to cure, so she let her husband stay at home, she support their family under the big pressure.This is another beautiful thing in the film I think.And when Nash is lead to his university to by his fantasy, his colleagues encourage him and support him. And after Nash get ill, except he can not distinguish the real life from his fantasy, he has possessiveness, under the help of his wife, his friends and the medicine, he always has a belief that he must overcome the disease by himself. He don not behave even more badly, and then he always follows the treatment. Although this disease does not get a radical, he still fights with the illness. At last, his colleagues put their pen on the table in front of Nash, this means that Nash gets the high achievementand he also acquires the respectful from them.And in my opinion, this is the third beautiful thing.In 1994, he won the Nobel Prize. And he gains the real success.The power come from heart is strong, so he full of power, he is a great man.And if you want to ask me what makes a genius, I think it is intelligence,I believe that true genius not only involves a high IQ, but requires a vast understanding of all subjects. Foremost, I think that to be considered a true genius; you must be able to comprehend and accept the concept of "infinity". You must be able to accept that the universe has no bounds and be able to wrap your mind around the concept. And it is different between genius and ordinary people,in my opinion, genius has cleverer mind than ordinary people, they are easy to make successful in their work or study, but maybe they are not very happy because they must spare no effort to get high achievement. Just like John, I think he get ill because he is too tired, and he forces him to face many things everyday. And I think success will take the great satisfactions, they will get respectful from other people, and if they are successful, they will find the value of themselves, it is alsoa good thing for them.。

初中英语作文带翻译:美丽心灵 A Beautiful Mind

初中英语作文带翻译:美丽心灵 A Beautiful Mind

初中英语作文带翻译:美丽心灵 A Beautiful MindToday, in the English class, my teacher presented us the movie A Beautiful Mind. The movie told a story about abrilliant professor John Nash’s struggle with the mental illness all his life. The story was written according to areal professor John Nash. He made so many brilliant achievements in his life. At his old age, he won the Nobel Prize, which proved that his great breakthrough had affected people deeply. John had the serious mental illness when hewas young, he refused to take the medicine which could makehis mind think slowly, so he was doing his research while struggling with his delusion. The lucky thing was that hiswife supported him all the time. Because of the support from family, John could work on his job. After winning the Nobel Prize, he thanked his wife in the first time.今天,在英语课上,我的老师给我们放映了这部电影《美丽心灵》。

a beautiful mind美丽心灵

a beautiful mind美丽心灵

Nash and his wife Alicia
The film is an inspiration love story.
John Nash
a famous American mathematician graduated from Princeton invented the "game theory"
Dr. Rosen tells Alicia that Nash has schizophrenia(精神 分裂症) and that Charles, Marcel and Parcher exist only in his imagination.
But Alicia never gives up Nash and insists that the love and family can cure him at last.
Байду номын сангаас
betray Nash at last
William Parcher
(hallucination two)
a mysterious person working in the department of defense(国防部) bring the code-breaking job (密码破译) to Nash
Marcel (hallucination three)
the niece of Charles Herman
John Nash struggles to make a worthwhile contribution to the world but he gives himself so much stress that his behavior is getting more and more abnormal. He fantasized three characters and they makes his life a real mess.

电影美丽心灵 中英剧本全翻译

电影美丽心灵 中英剧本全翻译

美丽心灵是数学家赢得了世界大战Mathematicians won the war是数学家破解了日本密码Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes也是数学家发明了原子弹and built the A-bomb就像你我一样的数学家Mathematicians like you苏联的终极目标是赤化全世界The stated goal of the Soviets is global communism包括医学经济In medicine or economics科技太空in technology or space战争的界线已经划出battle lines are being drawn为了争取胜利我们需要结果To triumph we need results需要可以发表和应用的结果Publishable applicable results谁是未来的摩尔斯?Now who among you will be the next Morse?谁又是下一个爱因斯坦?The next Einstein?你们当中谁将是Who among you will be the vanguard民主自由和发明的先锋?of democracy freedom and discovery?今天我们将美国的未来Today we bequeath America's future交到你们的手中into your able hands欢迎加入普林斯顿的行列Welcome to Princeton gentlemen汉森赢得卡内基奖学金居然还不满足It's not enough Hansen won the Carnegie Scholarship 他想要通吃No he has to have it all for himself这是第一次由两人共享It's the first time the Carnegie prize这项奖学金汉森当然不爽has been split Hansen's all bent听说他一心想进入惠勒研究室Rumor is he's got his sights set on Wheeler Lab就是麻省理工学院新的军事智囊团the new military think tank at MIT今年他们只收一个人They're only taking one this year而汉森认为他是第一人选Hansen's used to being picked first研究数学实在浪费他的才能yeah he's wasted on math他应该去选总统He should be running for president你的领带这样糟There could be a mathematical explanation一定有数学上的合理解释for how bad your tie is谢谢你Thank you我是尼尔森专攻符号密码学Neilson symbol cryptography他破解过日本密码Neils here broke a Jap code也曾帮助世界摆脱法西斯主义Helped rid the world of fascism他都是这样对女孩子说的At least that's what he tells the girls Neils?我叫宾达专攻原子物理学The name's Bender Atomic physics-你是哪位? -我迟到了吗?-And you are? -Am I late?-是的-苏先生-Yes -Yes Mr Sol好! 你好good Hi我是理查·苏Sol Richard Sol这就是天才的负担The burden of genius-他来了-宴会这么多时间真不够用-There he is -So many supplicants and so little time -苏先生您好-您好-Mr Sol -How are you sir?-宾达-很高兴看到你-Bender -Nice to see you汉森先生恭喜你Congratulations Mr Hansen谢谢Thank you再给我一杯I'll take another什么?Excuse me?真抱歉我以为你是服务生A thousand pardons I simply assumed you were the waiter汉森给他留点面子Play nice Hansen他才不会替人留面子Nice is not Hansen's strong suit我真的是无心之过Honest mistake想必你就是马丁·汉森Well Martin Hansen你是马丁吧?It is Martin isn't it?没错我就是Why yes John it is我猜你对误估已习以为常I imagine you're getting quite used to miscalculation我读过你的初稿I've read your pre-prints两份都读过Both of them一份是纳粹党的密码文件The one on Nazi ciphers另一份是非线性方程式and the other one on non-linear equations我确信and I am supremely confident不管是哪一份that there is not a single seminal都不具有发展和创新性or innovative idea in either one of them好好享受你的水果酒Enjoy your punch各位这位就是约翰·纳什Gentlemen meet John Nash西弗吉尼亚州的神秘天才the mysterious West Virginia genius也是另一位著名的卡内基奖学金得主The other winner of the distinguished Carnegie Scholarship 宾达当然了Bender Of course真要命! Christ我就是你的浪子室友The prodigal roommate arrives室友?Roommate?天呀饶了我吧! God no你知道所谓的宿醉Did you know that having a hangover is就是体内没有足够的水份is not having enough water in your body去执行克雷布斯循环to run your Krebs cycles?这和因渴至死的情况Which is exactly what happens to you完全一样when you're dying of thirst如此说来因渴至死的感觉So dying of thirst可能和宿醉的感觉一样would probably feel pretty much like the hangover反正最后仍逃不过一死that finally bloody kills you你是约翰·纳什吗?John Nash?哈罗Hello我叫查尔斯·赫曼Charles Herman很高兴认识你Pleased to meet you正式宣布Well it's official我已经恢复正常了I'm almost human again警官我看见撞到我的驾驶人Officer I saw the driver who hit me他的名字是"约翰走路"His name was Johnny Walker昨晚我去参加Well I got in last night英文系办的in time for鸡尾酒会English department cocktails我当然是那只雄纠纠的鸡Cock was mine至于那个美丽可爱的女孩the tail belonged to a particularly lovely young thing则是情欲大师劳伦斯的崇拜者with a passion for DH你居然不怕被打扰DH Lawrence You're not easily distracted are you?我是来工作的I'm here to work哎呀那当然Hmmm are you? Right我明白了I see Crikey!你真是个无趣的家伙Is my roommate a dick?既然打不破我们之间的冰山Listen If we can't break the ice干脆大醉一场如何?How about we drown it?告诉我你的故事So what's your story?一个从没出过家门的穷小孩You the poor kid that never got to go to Exeter or Andover?虽然我从小接受高等教育Despite my privileged upbringing但身心却很平衡I'm actually quite well-balanced我的弱点是人际关系I have a chip on both shoulders人与事比较起来Maybe you're just better你恐怕比较会应付事with the old integers than you are with people我的小学老师说过My first grade teacher she told me我有两个脑袋that I was born with two helpings of brain却只有半颗心but only half a helping of heart-真的? -是呀-Really? -Yeah哇她似乎挺可爱的Wow! She sounds lovely!其实The truth is that I我并不喜欢人们I don't like people much他们也不喜欢我And they don't much like me怎么可能?But why你既风趣又有魅力with all your obvious wit and charm?说真的Seriously John讲到数学嘛Mathematics它永远不能领导你找到更高的真理Mathematics is never going to lead you to a higher truth想知道原因吗?And you know why?因为它太枯燥无味了Because it's boring It's really boring你知道半数以上的学生已经发表了他们的论文You know half these schoolboys are already published? 我不能在课堂上I cannot waste time with these classes和书本上再浪费时间and these books去记住那些毫无说服力的假设吧!Memorizing the weaker assumptions of lesser mortals!我必须要为博弈论I need to look through有所突破to the governing dynamics找出它的原创理论来Find a truly original idea那是唯一能让我出头的方法That's the only way I'll ever distinguish myself是唯一使我能成为It's the only way that I'll ever举足轻重的人物?Matter是的Yes下一个是谁?All right who's next?我下够了今天不玩了No I've played enough "go" for one day thank you-来嘛-我不喜欢围棋-Come on -I I hate this game你们都是胆小鬼Cowards all of you!没人敢向我挑战None of you rise to meet my challenge?宾达别这样嘛Come on Bender谁赢阿苏就替他洗一学期的衣服Whoever winsso does his laundry all semester 你们不觉得这很不公平吗?Does that seem unfair to anyone else?不觉得Not at all-你们看他-纳什-Look at him -Nash!在研究反组织理论吗?Taking a reverse constitutional?我想找出一个演算法I'm hoping to extract an algorithm好替它们的活动下定义to define their movement神经病Psycho你一直没去上课Hey Nash I thought you dropped out我以为你退学了You ever going to go to class or上课会使你的脑筋迟钝Classes will dull your mind也会破坏创造的潜能Destroy the potential for authentic creativity这我倒不知道oh I didn't know that有一天纳什的才华会惊倒大家Nash is going to stun us all with his genius但这也可能是Which is another way of saying他不敢和我比赛的藉口he doesn't have the nerve to compete怕了吗?You scared?我被你吓呆了Terrified惊呆了窘呆了Mortified Petrified而且是目瞪口呆Stupefied by you咱们就一战定英雄No starch Pressed and folded我能不能问你一件事Let me ask you something John尽管问Be my guest Martin宾达和阿苏已经完全无误的Bender and Sol here correctly completed证明出艾伦的推论Allen's proof of Peyrot's Conjecture尚差强人意啦Adequate work可惜没有创新without innovation谢谢夸奖你呢? 我很感动你呢?I'm flattered You flattered?感动Flattered而我有两样武器纲要And I've got two weapons briefs正由国防部审查中under security review by the DOD真叫我垂涎不已Derivative drivel而纳什的成就却是零But Nash achievements zero我有耐心I'm a patient man Martin你到底想问什么?Is there an actual question coming?假若你永远找不出原创理论What if you never come up with your original idea?最后惠勒研究室选择了我How will it feel when I'm chosen for Wheeler你会有什么感觉?and you're not?输是什么感觉?What if you lose?你不应该赢You should not have won是我先走的每一步都很完美I had the first move my play was perfect这就是所谓的骄兵必败The hubris of the defeated这个游戏有缺点The game is flawed这就是伟大的约翰·纳什Gentlemen the great John Nash你呆在这里已经两天了You've been in here for two days汉森又发表了一篇报告You know Hansen's just published another paper?而我连博士论文的主题都没有I can't even find a topic for my doctorate可是你却发明了橱窗艺术Well on the bright side you've invented window art这是美式橄榄球队的比赛This is a group playing touch football这是一群鸽子在争夺面包屑This is a cluster of pigeons fighting over bread crumbs而这是一个女人And this here is a woman在追逐偷她皮包的男人who is chasing a man who stole her purse你居然目击抢劫案John you watched a mugging真不可思议That's weird在竞争的状态下总有人会输In competitive behavior someone always loses这点连我的小侄女都懂Well my niece knows that John而她只有这么点大and she's about this high如果我能找出一种均衡See if I could derive an equilibrium在优势可逆的情况下where prevalence is a non-singular event就会出现双赢的局面where nobody loses你想这在有冲突的情况下会有多大的影响can you imagine the effect that would have 像武器协商on conflict scenarios and arms negotiations你什么时候吃过东西?When did you last eat?你什么时候吃的饭?When did you last eat?像货币交换Currency exchange?吃东西You know food你一点也不尊重幻想You have no respect for cognitive reverie你知道吗?you know that?没错Yes但是说到比萨饼But pizza我对它可是满腔的尊重Now pizza I have enormous respect for当然还有啤酒And of course beer我敬重啤酒I have respect for beer我非常敬重啤酒I have respect for beer!-晚安尼尔森-嗨纳什-Good evening Neils -Hey Nash谁赢这个你还是另一个你Who's winning? You or you?-晚安纳什-你们好-Evening Nash -Hey guys纳什你好Hey Nash他在看你He's looking at you你确定?Are you sure?嗨纳什Hey Nash尼尔森要你过去Neils is trying to get your attention-你一定在开玩笑呢-不是吧-You're joking -Oh no勇敢的去Go with God一定要失身哟Come back a man幸运与勇者同在Fortune favors the brave炸他个屁滚尿流Bombs away各位让我提醒你们Gentlemen might I remind you that my odds of success每试一次就会增加我一分胜算dramatically improve with each attempt?保证绝对精彩This is going to be classic你是不是要请我喝杯酒Maybe you want to buy me a drink为了想让你和我上床I don't exactly know what I'm required to say我实在不知道该说些什么in order for you to have intercourse with me你干脆就当我把该说的都说过了but could we assume that I said all that?反正我们所谈的是有关液体交流的事Essentially we're talking about fluid exchange right? 所以何不立刻切入性交的主题So could we just go straight to the sex?你可真鲜that was sweet再见啦你这个混蛋Have a nice night asshole!小姐们等一下Ladies wait!我最喜欢液体交流那一段I I especially liked the bit about fluid exchange真的很棒It was really charming约翰陪我走一走Walk with me John我一直想和你谈谈I've been meaning to talk with you教授们已经完成了期中的审核The faculty is completing mid-year reviews我们正在决定如何分配学生We're deciding which placement applications to support教授到惠勒研究室是我的第一选择Wheeler sir That would be my first choice也是唯一的选择我知道And actually I don't really have a second choice sir其他的人都按时上课John your fellows have attended classes不但写论文也已经发表了They've written papers They've published教授我仍在研究我的I'm still searching sir for my你的原创理论?Your original idea I know是博弈论Governing dynamics sir很好可惜It's very clever John but I'm afraid还是不够好it's just not nearly good enough-您的外套? -谢谢-May I? -Thank you我一直在研究"符合嵌入"I've been working on manifold embedding这个理论已经开始见到成效My bargaining stratagems are starting to show some promise希望你能再次安排If you could just arrange another meeting我和爱因斯坦教授会面if you'd be kind enough with Professor Einstein-我曾再三请你替我安排-约翰听我说-I've repeatedly asked you for that -Now John我会让他看修订后的I'd be able to show him my revisions on his约翰John你知道他们在做什么吗?Do you see what they're doing in there?-恭喜-非常感谢-Congratulations -Thank you so much教授恭喜你Congratulations Professor Max那支笔代表着It's the pens会员们Reserved for a member of the department肯定了他的终生成就that makes the achievement of a lifetime告诉我你看到了什么?Now what do you see John?表扬Recognition做得好教授谢谢Well done Professor well done你看到贯彻了吗?Well try seeing accomplishment难道还有分别吗?Is there a difference?约翰John你仍没有集中你的注意力you haven't focused对不起到目前为止I'm sorry but up to this point根据你的记录我不能保证你一定会有工作your record doesn't warrant any placement at all 再见Good day我向你致意多谢And my compliments to you sir非常感谢Thank you so much怎么就是看不出来呢I can't see it约翰你别这样Jesus Christ John我不能失败I can't fail这是我的全部呀This is all I am咱们出去走走Come on let's go out我必须做些成绩出来I got to get something done光瞪着天空不是办法I can't keep staring into space够了我还是向他们屈服吧John enough!面对墙壁Got to face the wall你想来硬的没问题Fine you want to do some damage? Fine-别浪费时间了-上他们的课-But don't mess around -Do their classes干脆敲破你的脑袋自杀算了Come on! Go on bust your head! Kill yourself好! 去呀别浪费时间了John do it Don't mess around去撞你的脑袋呀Bust your head!去啊把你那个没用的脑袋撞开Go onbust that worthless head wide open查尔斯你这个混蛋Goddamn it Charles!你到底有什么毛病What the hell is your problem?!我没有毛病It's not my problem你也没有问题And it's not your problem全是他们的问题It's their problem面对墙壁不可能找到答案Your answer isn't face the wall答案在你工作的地方It's out there where you've been working那张桌子可真重That was heavy看来牛顿的理论还挺正确的That Isaac Newton fellow was right-他可真厉害-聪明的家伙-He was onto something -Clever boy别担心是我的东西Don't worry that's mine等会儿就去收拾I'll come and get it in a minute我的天呀God美女来了Incoming gentlemen深呼吸Deep breaths纳什你最好Nash you might want to stop shuffling先休息几秒钟your papers for five seconds我不请你们喝啤酒I will not buy you gentlemen beer我们不是来喝啤酒的we're not here for beer my friend你们同不同意她最好以慢镜头移动Does anyone else feel she should be moving in slow motion? 她会要求一个盛大的婚礼吗?Will she want a large wedding you think?要用剑决斗还是在黄昏时用手枪决斗?Shall we say swords gentlemen? Pistols at dawn?你们怎么都忘了Have you remembered nothing?还记得现代经济学之父Recall the lessons of Adam Smith亚当·史密斯的理论the father of modern economics在竞争中"In competition个人的野心往往会促进公共利益individual ambition serves the common good"-没错-每个人都为自己着想-Exactly -Every man for himself gentlemen被三阵出局的人只能去约她的朋友And those who strike out are stuck with her friends我绝不会被三阵的I'm not gonna strike out你可以把美女带到水边You can lead a blonde to water但你不能逼她喝水but you can't make her drink他好像没说过这句话I don't think he said that别动她在看我们了Nobody move She's looking over here她在看纳什She's looking at Nash好吧可能他现在占有优势God He may have the upper hand now但等他一开口保证完蛋but wait until he opens his mouth还记得上次吗?Remember the last time?对那一次可真鲜yes that was one for the history books亚当·史密斯需要修订他的理论了Adam Smith needs revision你在说些什么?What are you talking about?如果我们全去追那个美人If we all go for the blonde结果一定全军覆没we block each other谁也得不到她Not a single one of us is gonna get her然后我们去找她的女朋友So then we go for her friends她们肯定会浇我们冷水but they will all give us the cold shoulder因为没人愿意屈居第二because nobody likes to be second choice但是若没人去追那个金发美女Well what if no one goes for the blonde?那我们之间既互不侵犯We don't get in each other's way也没有羞辱到其他女孩and we don't insult the other girls只有这样大家才能赢That's the only way we win也只有这样才都有上床的机会That's the only way we all get laid亚当·史密斯曾说过Adam Smith said最好的结果the best result comes是要能做到from everyone in the group doing分工和专业对不对?what's best for himself right?那是他说的对不对?That's what he said right?他的理论不完整Incomplete Incomplete okay?因为最好的结果是Because the best result will come团体中的每一个人from everyone in the group都做对本身和团体最有利的事doing what's best for himself and the group你想拿这套歪理去独占美人Nash if this is some way for you to get the blonde on your own门儿都没有you can go to hell各位这就是所谓的博弈论Governing dynamicsgentlemen博弈论亚当·史密斯Governing dynamics Adam Smith他错了was wrong-又来啦-小心点-Oh here we go -Careful careful谢谢你Thank youC(S)等于C(T)"C" of "S" equals "C" of "T"你知道这会推翻一百五十年来You do realize this flies in the face牢不可破的经济理论of a years of economic theory?我知道Yes I do sir你不觉得太放肆了吗?That's rather presumptuous don't you think?是有一点It is sir纳什先生Well Mr Nash由于你做出如此重大的突破with a breakthrough of this magnitude我相信你可以去任何你想去的地方I'm confident you will get any placement you like惠勒研究室Wheeler Labs会请你介绍两位组员they'll ask you to recommend two team members太棒了Yes!史提和法兰克应该很合适Stills and Frank are excellent choices我要阿苏和宾达Sol and Bender sir阿苏和宾达都是非常优秀的数学家Sol and Bender are extraordinary mathematicians但你可曾想过Has it occurred to you that Sol and Bender他们俩可能另有打算might have plans of their own?我们终于能进惠勒研究室了Baby! Wheeler we made it!干杯干Cheers cheers cheers!祝To各位尴尬的时刻来了Okay awkward moment gentlemen博弈论Governing dynamics-约翰恭喜你了-谢谢-Congratulations John -Thanks-干杯-为惠勒研究室干杯-Toast! -To Wheeler Labs!为惠勒研究室干杯To Wheeler!"年五角大楼""五年后"将军惠勒研究室的分析家到了General the analyst from Wheeler Lab is here纳什博士你的外套Dr Nash your coat?谢谢你Thank you sir博士Doctor将军这位就是惠勒研究室的领导人约翰·纳什博士General this is Wheeler team leader Dr John Nash很高兴你能来Glad you could come Doctor你好Hello这边走Right this way我们截获由莫斯科发出的无线电报We've been intercepting radio transmissions from Moscow电脑无法查出它的模式The computer can't detect a pattern但我认为绝对是密码but I'm sure it's code何以见得Why is that General?就是有那种感觉你会吗?Ever just know something Dr Nash?经常会Constantly我们研发了几个密码索引We've developed several ciphers要不要看看我们的初步资料If you'd like to review our preliminary data纳什博士?Doctor?--------------------------我需要一份地图I need a map----------------缅因州的斯达基角Starkey Corners Maine--------明尼苏达州的波吉特草原Prairie Portage Minnesota这些都是经纬线These are latitudes and longitudes至少还有十个There are a least others这似乎是进入美国边境的路线顺序They appear to be routing orders across the border into the US 太惊人了Extraordinary各位Gentlemen我们需要做更进一步的研究we need to move on this那位老大是谁?Who's big brother?你为国家贡献良多You've done your country a great service son-上尉-是的长官-Captain! -Yes sir替纳什博士带路Accompany Dr Nash将军俄国人有什么动向?What are the Russians moving general?罗杰上尉会陪你Captain Rogers will escort you到不受限区to the unrestricted area Doctor谢谢Thank you纳什博士请跟我来Dr Nash follow me please是纳什博士It's Dr Nash好的All right"麻省理工学院""惠勒国防研究室"-谢谢你先生-在五角大楼打出全垒打了吗?-Thank you sir -Home run at the Pentagon?他们有没有把"机密"两个字Have they actually taken the word "classified"从字典里删掉out of the dictionary?嗨冷气机又坏了hi The air conditioning broke again我都快融化了How am I supposed to be in here saving the world怎么去整救世界?if I'm melting?约翰我们真替你叫屈Our hearts go out to you四年中五角大楼两度叫我去You know two trips to the Pentagon in four years那你比我们多去了两次That's two more than we've had好的还在后面It gets better John我们才接到最新的伟大任务Just got our latest scintillating assignment你们知道苏俄已经制出氢弹You know the Russians have the H-bomb纳粹的魔爪已伸向南美the Nazis are repatriating South America中国有两百八十万的常备军the Chinese have a standing army of million而我却在替水坝做压力试验and I am doing stress tests on a dam但是你却二度上"财富杂志"的封面You made the cover of Fortune again请注意你用了"你" 而不是"我们"Please note the use of the word "you" not "we"应该只有我一个人才对That was supposed to be just me如今他们不但剥夺我得奖的机会So not only do they rob me of the Fields medal居然把我和这些小鼻子小眼的文人学者们now they put me on the cover of Fortune magazine 一起放在"财富杂志" 的封面上with these hacks these scholars of trivia约翰天才和才气横溢John exactly what's the difference到底有什么不同?between genius and most genius?差别大了Quite a lot反正你总是有道理He's your son你只剩下十分钟了Anyway you've got minutes我的时间多得是I've always got minutes你现在得去上课了Before your new class?能不能请医生开张病假单Can I not get a note from a doctor or something?抱歉这回可不行You are a doctor John and no你知道这里的规定Now come on you know the drill学校既然给了我们这些设施we get these beautiful facilities就要用当今美国最伟大的脑袋MIT gets America's great minds of today去教未来伟大的脑袋做交换teaching America's great minds of tomorrow好了祝你在学校里过的愉快Now have a nice day at school上课铃要响了The bell's ringing未来饥渴稚嫩的脑袋The eager young minds of tomorrow教授可以留一个窗户不要关吗?Can we leave one open Professor?实在太热了It's really hot sir课堂的安静Your comfort comes second比你舒不舒服重要得多to my ability to hear my own voice我个人认为Personally这堂课不但浪费I think this class will be a waste你们的时间of your糟糕的是更浪费了And what is infinitely worse我宝贵的时间my time不过However既然来了那就说清楚here we are So来不来上课随你们的便you may attend or not你可以喜欢了就完成你的作业You may complete your assignments at your whim课这就开始了We have begun小姐Miss打扰一下Excuse me!打扰一下Excuse me!我们有点小小的问题We have a little problem关上窗户这里会很热It's extremely hot in here with the windows closed开着却又太吵and extremely noisy with them open我在想能不能请你们So I was wondering if there was any way you could先修别的地方大约分钟就行了I don't know maybe work someplace else for about minutes? -没问题-谢谢你们-Not a problem -Thank you so much!-休息一下-好的-At a break! -Got it!你们会发现As you will find in multivariable calculus在多变性的微积分中there is often往往一个难题会有多种解答a number of solutions for any given problem黑板上的这个问题As I was saying this problem here有些人可能会解上好几个月will take some of you many months to solve更有些人For others among you可能要花上一辈子的时间it will take you the term of your natural lives纳什教授Professor Nash我是威廉·帕彻William Parcher你所谓的老大Big brother在此听候你的吩咐at your service我能为国防部做些什么?What can I do for the Department of Defense?你是来替我加薪的吗?Are you going to to give me a raise?咱们散散步Let's take a walk-你在五角大楼的工作让人钦佩-的确如此-Impressive work at the Pentagon -Yes it was原子弹之父常说Oppenheimer used to say"天才在问题发生前就已找到解答""Genius sees the answer before the question"你认识奥本海默?You knew Oppenheimer?他的计划就在我的监督之下进行的His project was under my supervision哪个计划?Which project?喔那个计划That project其实并不简单It's not that simple you know?可是你们仍然结束了战争Well you ended the war我们杀死十五万人We incinerated people in a heartbeat要有牺牲才能完成伟业Great deeds come at great cost Mr Parcher可是对旁观者而言Well conviction it turns out却不应该随便去断罪is a luxury of those on the sidelines Mr Nash我会试着去记住它I'll try and keep that in mind据我所知你没家人So John no family也没好友no close friends怎么会这样子?Why is that?我宁愿想成自己是个独行侠I like to think it's because I'm a lone wolf但主要原因是人们不喜欢我But mainly it's because people don't like me妙的是由于你缺少人际关系Well there are certain endeavors在这里where your lack of personal connection却成为你的一大长处would be considered an advantage这里是管制区This is a secure area他们认识我They know me你曾来过这里吗?Have you ever been here?在刚来的时候We were told during our initial briefing他们说这是一栋废弃的仓库that these warehouses were abandoned其实并不正确That's not precisely accurate由于要告诉你以下的机密By telling you what I'm about to tell you我特地把你参与机密的资格I am increasing your security clearance升高至"最高机密"to top secret泄露机密资料会去坐牢的Disclosure of secure information can result in imprisonment懂吗?Get it?什么行动?What operation?"由战略室制作"这东西倒挺好用的Those are a good idea这家工厂位于柏林This factory is in Berlin战后我们把它关闭了We seized it at the end of the war纳粹工程师Nazi engineers were attempting原打算制造轻型原子弹to build a portable atomic bomb苏联在我们之前到这里The Soviets reached this facility before we did拿去所有的资料and we lost the damn thing五角大楼的路线顺序The routing orders at the Pentagon是不是和这有关?they were about this weren't they?苏联的内部并没有真正的统一The Soviets aren't as unified as people believe赤军集团称他们自己为"新自由"A faction of the Red Army calling itself Novaya Svobga 他们已经控制住原子弹"the New Freedom" has control of the bomb而且打算在美国本土上引爆and intends to detonate it on US soil他们计划造成百姓们最大的伤害Their plan is to incur maximum civilian casualties人类是非常Man is capable of as much atrocity残酷的as he has imagination新自由在美国派有间谍New Freedom has sleeper agents here in the US麦卡锡议员是个白痴McCarthy is an idiot但并不等于他的见解是错的but unfortunately that doesn't make him wrong新自由组织是通过报纸和杂志上的密码New Freedom communicates to its agents和他们的间谍传递消息through codes imbedded in newspapers and magazines所以我们需要借助你的才能and that's where you come in约翰你明白的You see John你与别人最大的不同what distinguishes you在于你是一个is that you are简单的说quite simply你是我所见过最好的天生破码专家the best natural code-breaker I have ever seen你到底要我干什么?What exactly is it that you would like me to do?记住上面所列的所有期刊Commit this list of periodicals to memory仔细浏览每一期Scan each new issue只要发现密码find any hidden codes就去破解它decipher them把下巴放在下巴台上Place your chin on the chin rest凝视灯光Stare into the light脉搏跳动正常Pulse regular这个会有点不舒服Okay this may be a little uncomfortable有点痛对不对?That's got a little zap to it doesn't it?他植入一个镭两极真空管He just implanted a radium diode别担心很安全Don't worry it's safe它会渐渐蜕变The isotope decays predictably结果会使这些数字定期变换As a result these numbers change over time那是你进入投信点的密码They're the access codes to your drop spot这么说我是个密探罗So what am I now a spy?进来Come天呀你一定很重要Boy you must be really important迈克没事了It's all right Mike你在做什么?What are you working on?这是机密Classified我们已经等了半个钟头Everyone waited half an hour等什么?For?你的课呀Class你今天没来上课You missed class today我以为I suspect that没人会去的nobody missed me你写在黑板上的问题The problem that you left on the board我已经解决了I solved it不可能no you didn't你连看都没看You didn't even look我并没有说向量场是有理函数I never said that the Vector Fields were rational functions 解答是一流的Your solution is elegant但是在这种特殊的情况下Though on this particular occasion答案却是错误的ultimately incorrect你还在这里You're still here我还在这里I'm still here还有什么事吗?Why?我在想I'm wondering纳什教授Professor Nash能不能请你去吃晚餐if I can ask you to dinner你总要吃饭吧?You do eat don't you?。



美丽心灵内容介绍作文英语"Beautiful Mind" is a remarkable film that delves deep into the complexities of human psychology and the power of the mind. Directed by Ron Howard and starring Russell Crowe as the brilliant mathematician John Nash, the movie is a biographical drama that takes viewers on a journey through Nash's life, his struggles with mental illness, and his eventual triumph over adversity.The story begins with Nash's promising career at Princeton University, where his extraordinary mathematical abilities earn him recognition among his peers and professors. However, beneath his outward success, Nash grapples with the burden of his own mind. He experiences hallucinations and delusions, which gradually escalate and threaten to derail his academic and personal life.As Nash's condition worsens, he is diagnosed with schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder that causes him to lose touch with reality. Despite the challenges he faces,Nash refuses to give up hope. With the support of his devoted wife, Alicia, portrayed by Jennifer Connelly, he embarks on a journey of recovery and self-discovery.One of the most compelling aspects of "Beautiful Mind" is its portrayal of Nash's internal struggle. The film vividly captures the confusion and chaos of his delusions, as well as the profound impact they have on his relationships and sense of self. Through Crowe's nuanced performance, viewers gain insight into the complexity of mental illness and the resilience of the human spirit.Moreover, "Beautiful Mind" explores the theme of love and sacrifice. Alicia stands by Nash's side through the darkest moments of his illness, offering unwavering support and unconditional love. Her unwavering belief in him ultimately becomes a source of strength for Nash as he fights to reclaim his sanity.In addition to its emotional depth, "Beautiful Mind" also offers a thought-provoking commentary on the nature of genius and the pursuit of knowledge. Nash's mathematicalbrilliance is both a gift and a curse, driving him to the brink of madness as he grapples with the elusive concept of truth. The film raises questions about the fine line between genius and insanity, and the sacrifices that are often required in the pursuit of intellectual greatness.Ultimately, "Beautiful Mind" is a testament to the power of the human mind to overcome adversity and find redemption. Nash's journey from the depths of mentalillness to a place of stability and acceptance is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Throughits compelling storytelling and powerful performances, the film leaves a lasting impression on viewers, reminding us of the strength that lies within each of us, even in our darkest moments.。



Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵2002/4/5 Edited By Schoolboy(http://schoolboy.wo.to)Mathematicians won the war.Mathematicians broke the Japanese's codesand built the atom bomb.Mathematicians... like you.The stated goal of the Soviets is the global communists. The medicine or economics.ln techonology or space.Battlelines are being drawn.To try on, we need results.Publishable, applicable results.Now who among you would be the next Morse...the Einstien.Who among you would be the Van Gogh of democracy, freedom...Today we bequeath the Americans future into your able hands.Welcome to Princeton, Gentlemen.ls not enough that Hansen won the Conesky scholarship? No, he has it all for himself.This is the first time the Carniment prize hasn't been split. He has got his sight set on Wheeler Lab.the new military think that he could done it in MlT.They are only taking one this year.Hansen used to be pick first.He is wasted on that. He should be running for president... That could be a mathematic.l bet your tie is.Thank you.Nelson, symbol-creeptography.Nel's here broke the Jap code. Help with the world efficient. These are what he tells the girls things.My name is Bender, atomic physics.And you are...Am l late?Yes, Mr Sow.Hi, Sow. Richard Sow.Ahh... the burden of genius.There he is.So many supplicants in so little time, Mr Sow Bender...Congratulations, Mr Hansen.Thank you.l'll take another.Excuse me.l seem presume you are the waiter.Play nice, Hansen.An honest mistake.Well, Martin Hansen.lt is Martin, isn't it?Oh, it is, John. lt is.l imagine you are getting quite used to miscalculation.l have read your preference.Both of them.One on the Nazish assignment.And one on the non-mainly occasion.And l am supremely confident that there is none of a single seminar innovative.l don't need anyone of them.EnJoy your punch.Gentlemen, meet John Nash.The mysterious West Virginia genius.The other winner of distinguish Conesky Scholarship. Okay...Of course.Oh Christ.The Portogul roommate arrives.Did you know that having a hang over is...is not having enough water in your bodyto run the creep cycles.Which won't happens to you when you're dying thirst.So dying thirst would prbably feellike the hang over that bloody kills you.John Nash?Charles Hermen. Please to meet you.Well, it's official. l am almost human again.Officer, l saw the driver who hit me.His name was Johnny Walker.Well l got in last night.ln time for the English department cocktails.Cock is mine but the tail belong to the particular.with the passion for... T.H. Lawrence.You are not easy distract, are you?l'm here to work.ls my roommate a dig?Listen... we compromise.How about we drown it?So what is your story?You're a poor kid who never go to the exit of Orlando?My parents actually brought me up quite well balance.l have chip on bowl sold.Maybe you're Just battle with the integers anywhile withpeople.My first teacher, she told me l was born with two helping brainsbut only half of a helping heart.Wow... she sounds lovely.But the truth is l don't like people much.And they don't much like me.But why?We are abvious width and charming.Seriously, John. Mathematics...Mathematics is not going to lead you to higher truth.And you know why?Because it is boring. Don't you believe?Now have the school boys to all the publish.l cannot waste time with these classes and these books. Memorize in wicked sums of less immortal.l need to look through to the governance.Find the truly original idea.And see the only way l distinguish myself.lt's the only way l...Math it.Yes...No... l hate this thing.Cowards! All of you!None of you rise to me much chance.Come on, Bender. Who ever wins, Sow does his laundry, all semester.Anyone else?Not at all.Look at himNash, taking your reverse constitutional?l'm hoping to extract them to define their movement.So cool.Nash, l thought you drive out.You haven't got a class or...Classes will dull your mindDestroy the potential for creative.Oh, l didn't know that.Nash is going to stun us all with his genius.lt's Just another way of saying doesn't have the nerve to compete.Are you scared?Terrify, modify, petrify.Stupidfy by you.No starch. Press and folded.May l ask you something, John?Be my guest, Martin.l didn't see that Alan's proof can get you.How it could work, without innovation.l'm flatter. Are you flatter?Flatter.And l've got two weapons briefs under secured of you by the D.O.D.Vanish achievements, Zero.l'm a patient person, Martin.When is the next question coming?What if you never come up with your original idea, huh?lf l were you, l would have chosen the Wheeler.And you are not.What if you lose?You should not have won.l had the first move on.My play was perfect.The hubris are the defeated.The game is float.Gentlemen, the great John Nash.You've been in here for two days.You know Hansen is published for another paper?l came for the top of my Doctor.Well, on the bright side, you have invented the window art. This is the group thing touch for all.This is the plaster of pigeons fighting for bread.And this here is chasing a man who stole a purse. John, you watch the marking.That is weird.And compare to beavers, some of us are always losers. My niece, she challege. She is about this high.lf l don't have any clue to liberate,or prefences to announcing,or no body loses.You imagine how the hell conflict scenarios...When did you last eat?When did you last eat?You know, food?You have no respect for Cariment.Do you know that?Yeah... but for pizza...Now, for pizza, l have enormous respectful.And of course, beer.l have respect for beer.l have respect for beer!Nash, who is winning?You? Or you?Nash, hang there. Hang there.Hey, Nash. Nel is trying to get your attention.Oh no...Go with God.Come back here, man.Unfortune the favours is the braves.Bombs away.John, you are the mathemathically, successful man ever. This is going to be the classic.Maybe you want to buy me a drink.l don't exactly know what l'm require to say in order to let youhappen to course with me .But could we assume that l was a little...l am a bit sensible to talk about photo-exchange, right?So could we go straight to the sex?That would be sweet.Have a nice night, asshole.l... l assume that you like a liitle bit about photo-exchange. That was pretty charming.Walk with me, John.l'll have a minute to talk with you.The faculty has completely meet your reviews.We decide that which application is Just a plot.Sir, that would be my first choose, l won't think a second choice...John... your fellows have attended classes,they are writing inthe papers.Oh... l am still searching, sir.The original idea, yeah.That is very clever, John. But l suppose that is not enough. My begging is try to show some promise.lf you could Just arrange another meeting if you be kind off... Professor Einstein, l would be complete if...No, John.l'm willing to show them. My efficient is...John! John!Do you see what are they doing in there?lt's the pens. Reserve for the member of departmentwho make the achievement for the life time.Now what do you see, John?Well, try seeing an accomplishment.ls there a difference?John, you haven't focus.l'm sorry. But after these point,your record doesn't won any placement at all.Good day.l can't see it....Jesus Christ, John.l can't fail.This is all l have.Come on. Let's go out.John... John, that's enough.Does't mess that out.Come on. Go bust your head.Do it. Go bust your head.Damn it, Charles. What is your problem?lt is not my problem. And it is not your problem.lt is their problem.Your answer... isn't face the wall.lt is out there.What you have being working.lt is heavy.That icy fellow is right...There is something...that we can't weight.Don't worry. lt is mine.lncoming, gentlemen.Nash, can you stop answering your papers for 5 seconds? l will not buy you gentlemen beer.We are not here for beer, my friend.Now l feel a bit slow motion.Would she want a large wedding?Have you remember of nothing?We call the lessons of Adam Smith.Father of modern economics.ln competition. lndividuals and vision serve the common good.Exactly.Every man for himself, gentlemen.Those who strike out would step with their friends.l am not going to strike out.You can lead the blonde water but you can't make a drink. No body move.She is looking over here.She is looking at Nash.Oh, God.l did't have the Abraham awakes until he opens his mouth. Adam Smith needs for pigeon.What are you talking about?For all of you who go for the blonde.They block each other. Not a single one of us could get her. So we go to her friends.But they will all give us a cold-shouder,cause no body like to be a second choice.No one goes to the blonde.We don't get each others way.And we don't insult the other girls.And so we'll win.That's the only way we all get laid.Adam Smith said the best result comes...from everyone in the group doing what is best for himself. Right? ls that what he said?lncompleted... Because the best result would come...of every one in the group doing what is best for himself... and the group.Nash, this is some way that you get the blonde on your own. You can go to hell.Adam Smith is wrong.Here we go...Becareful...Thank you.You do realize that this fliesover the face of economics over 1 50 years?Yes. l do, sir.That is rather presumptuous, don't you think?Yes, sir.Well, Mr Nash, with the breakthrough of this magnitude,l'm confident that you can get any placement that you like. Wheeler's Lab will ask you to recommend two team members.Still in fact got excellent choices.Sow and Bender, sir.Sow and Bender...Extraordinary mathematicians.Sow and Bender, they might have the plans of their own. You have made it.Odd moment, gentlemen.Governing dynamics..Congratulations, John...General, athletics won't allow us in here.Dr Nash, your coat.Thank you, sir.Doctor. General, this is the Wheeler teamleader, Dr John Nash.l'm glad you could come, Doctor.Hello.Right this way.We've been inaccepting radio transmission from Moscow. Computer can't detect the pattern but l'm sure it is code. Have you Just know something, Dr Nash?Constantly.We develop several safers,if you like to review our preliminary data.Doctor?8494...l need a map.46.1 at the corne.r.48.30.1 .91 .26.35.Prairie Portage, Minnesota.These the latitude and longitude.They're at least 1 0 of others.They're plotting to across the borders and come into U.S. Extraordinary.Gentlemen, we need a move on this.Who's that big brother?You give your country a great savor, son.Captain.Yes, sir.Accompany Dr Nash.What about the Russian's move, General?Captain Roger will restore you to a unrestricted area, Doctor. Thank you.Dr Nash, follow me please.A moment in the Pentagon, huh?They usually take the word ''classified'' out of the dictionary. The air-condition broke again.How am l going to safe the world if l am melt?You know, two trip to the Pentagon in 4 years.lt gets better, John.Sign here since it is relating to the assignment.You know, the Russian has the aged-bomb.And NASA is repaying South America.Chinese has outstanding army of 2.8 million.l am doing stress test on a damn.Hey, look. You make the cover of the Fortune again. Please do not use the word ''you'', not ''we''.That was supposed to be Just me.So not only they rob me in the field,now they put me on the Fortune's magazinewith these hats, the scholars of Tribia.What's the difference between genius and most genius? Quite a lot.His your son.You got 1 0 minutes.l always got 1 0 minutes.Before a new class.Can l not getting a ''no'' for a doctor or something? You are a doctor, John. And no.Never mind. You are the drilland we give beautiful facilities.MlT got a lot of great answers for tomorrow.Have a nice day at school.You'll get young minds tomorrow.Can we open one, professor?lt's really hot, sir.Your comfort comes to my second ability to get mourn. Personally, l think this class would bea waste of yours, and what is infinitely worse my time. However, here we are, so...You may attend or not,you may complete your assignment,we have to go.Miss!Excuse me!Hi!We have a little problem.lt's extremely hot with the window close,and extremely noisy with them open.So l was wondering if there is anyway you couldmaybe work some place else for about 45 minutes.No problem.Thank you so much.As you will find they will be multiply severals calculative up, and a number of solutions to get in problem.As l was saying, this problem have will takesome of you many months to solve.And the others among you,take you to determine in the natural lifes.Professor Nash.William Patcher.Big brother... of natural service.What can l do for the Department of Defense?Are you getting me raise?Let's take a walk.lmpressive work at the Pentagon.Yes, it was.l used to see genius see the answer before the question. This proJect was under my supervision.Which proJect?That proJect.lt's not that simple, you know.Were you under the war?We incinerate it. 1 50,000 in a heart-beat.Great dids come with great cost, Mr Patcher. Conviction turn out as the luxuries for those in the sideline l'll try keep that in mind.So, John. No family, no close friends.Why is that?l like to think because l'm alone wolf.But mainly is because people don't like me.Well, there are certain reason thatyou're lack of connection with peoplewould be consider as an advantange.This is secured.They know me.Do you ever been here?l was told this warehouse is abandoned.That's not precisely accurate.lf l'm telling you what l'm about to tell you,l'm increasing your clearance to top secret.Disclose your up-secured information result an imprisonment. You get it?Part of operation.That's a good idea.This factory is in Berlin.We ceased it at the end of the war.Nasty engineers were intended to build portable atomic bomb.The Soviets reached this facility before we didn't.We lost the damn thing.They are running orders in the Pentagon.They are about this, aren't they?The Soviets are unify as people believe.The New Freedom has controlled the bomband intense to dead-netted in the U.S. soil.Their plan is to increase maximum casualties.lt has much capable than imagination.New freedom has slippery agents here in the U.S.McCulty isn't an idiot.Unfortunately that doesn't make him wrong.New freedom communicates to it's agentssend codes to the newspapers and magazine.That's why you come in.You see, John...What distinguish you?ls that you are quite simply the best code breaker l ever seen. What exactly is it that you would like me to do?Commit these articles to memory.Scan each new issue, find the hidden codeand decide for them.You will feel a bit uncomfortable.That's got a little zap to it isn't it?You Just implant the radium.Don't worry. lt is safe.The isotope decays predictably.As a result, these numbers change over time.They are the access code to your Jobs.So what am l now?A little spy?lt must be really important.lt's alright, Mike.What are you working on?Classified.Everyone waited half an hour.For?Class.You miss class today.Well, l suspected...nobody miss me.The problem that you left on the board...l solve it.Oh no, you didn't.You don't even look.l never said that the rest in the field are rational functions. The solution is elegant.Go on with this particular occasion.All of them are correct.You're still here.l'm still here.l'm wondering, Professor Nash...lf l can ask you for dinner.You do eat, don't you?Occasionally... yeah.For me, there is a long chain of rock and the bird circling over the head.You know how it is.l expected that... you would know.You leave your address in my office.l'll pick you up Fridayat 8 and we'll eat.One more thing... Do you have a name?Or should l Just keep calling you miss? Governor, may l present...Miss Alicia Lern.Professor, please.You and the Governor.Sorry, please.l want a copy of this because it is a big date. You boys need a napkin.Which is the day you find yourselves in.All together actually.There better.l surprise him.You Just keep on surprising him.Professor.Oh God, He must be a painter.Who else got so many colours?So you are a painter.lt is not actually what l said.But... yes, l am.Here.Me... your date.l have to see in direction for social component.lt's a plan?Champagne would be lovely.l'll get the champagne.Oh... thank you.Thank you for that.No, keep it.l believe in deciding in things would be good luck. Do you?No.l don't believe in luck.But l do believe in assign you a little things.l once tried to count them all.l actually made it to 4,348.You are exceptionally odd.l bet you are very popular with girls.A pair of Docs do have.Pick a shape.What?Pick a shape.An animal, anything.Okay.An umbrella.Do it again.Do it again.Alright, turn your back.Do... an octopusYou don't talk much, do you?l can't talk it about my work, Alicia.l don't mean work.l have found the portion mind interactsto make them sociable requires tremendous effort.l have the tenancy to expertise thoughts.l have being directed.l have not get a pleasant result.Try me.Alright.l find you attractive.Your aggresive moves make me know that you feel the same way.But still literature requires.That we contimue a little of platonic activities before... we have sex.l'm proceeding with those activities.But in point of actuall fact,all l want to do is intercourse with you as soon as possible. You can slap me now.How was that result?What are you doing?l'm attempting to isolated pattern reoccuranceswith the imperial articles all the time.And you?You talk funny, Mr Nash.Do l know you?My uncle says that you are very smart.But not very nice.So l should pay him money if you mean to me.Who must your uncle be?Portugal roommate... returns.My sister got herself killed in a congested.Not too far, Marcee.That cowboy in house was too drunk.Two night he was too drunk to drive, so...She is so small.Well, she is so young. Hardly calm.l am at Harvard. Doing the great offers workshop. Where the experties lie.l do really think that you should buy yourself a new book. Well l have been reading lot about you.How are you, John?At first time l work here was Tribia, but...A new assignment came up and...l can't tell you any details.Top secret? Black bag? Black tops?Something like that. And...Well, l met a girl.No... a human girl?And many she finds me attractive with a number of levels. God bless... Wonderful.Well, there is no accounted for taste.Should l marry her?l mean... everything is going fine.l have a Job and enough money.A lot seems to add up.How do you know for sure?Nothing is ever for sure, John.That is the only sure thing that l know.Alicia, please don't get angry.l... l Just have to check up a lot of work...... again.l'm sorry.l have no enough time to wrap it.Happy birthday.Reflective at every face of the glass,there are beautiful blinks.So if you look inside, you could see...Every possible colour.Every possible colour...When you said that time that God must be a painter, because of all the colours at the governor's house. You said that.l didn't think that you were listening.l was listening.lt's beautiful.Alicia, is that we should have a long-term commitment? l need some kind of proof. Some kind of verifiable data. l'm sorry to say that.But we define our girl in rasional romance...A proof...Verifiable data...Okay...Well, how big is the universe?lnfinite.How do you know?l know because all the data indicate the same thing.But hasn't have the proven yet. No.- You haven't seen it. - No.How do you know it for sure?l don't. l Just believe it.lt is same to love, l guess. Now... the part that you don't know. ls if l wanted to marry you.Come on.Well done.Congratulations.Hi, how are you?Bye-bye.Get in. Hurry.They are following us.Who's... who's following us?lt drops me comprimising.Get down.Stay down.Take this.l am not going to shoot anybody. Take the god damn gun.No.Silly.You stay right there. Don't move. John?Hi.How are you?Sow...Yeah, l talked to Sow.He said that you left the office hours ago. Why didn't you call me?Are you alright?Honey?John, please. Talk to me.Tell me what happened.John, open the door.Come on. Open the door.Let me in.Talk to me.John? Open the door.John.William...This is not what l ask for all.Every time a car pass by, a door slaps...l understand.Better than you could possibly imagine. You need to calm down, John.Now listen to me.We're closing it on the bomb.And large part due to your work.Don't you think your fear is Just a small price to be pay? William, my circumstances has changed.Alicia is pregant.l told you attachments are dangerous.You choose to marry that girl.l do nothing to prevent it.The best way to ensure everybody's safetyis for you to continue your work.But l'll Just quit.You won't.Why l'll not?Because l keep the Russians from knowing you work for us. You quit working for me, l quit working for you.Patcher!Patcher!John, are you alright?Turn off! Turn off the light!Why would you do that?Why do you turn the light on?What's wrong with you?You have to go to your sister's.l left the car at the back.Stay away from the crowd.John! John, l'm not going anywhere.When you get to your sister's,you wait for me to call you.No, l am not going.Just get your things.l'm not leaving...Stop! Stop it...Please, Alicia.l'll explain to you when l can.Uncle John! Uncle John!Wow... someone needed a hug.l saw you on the slate.Then l talked to myself,''How can l miss a singular lecture by John Nash?'' What's wrong?l get myself into something.l think l'm about to need some help.Now you tell me. What is it?Professor Nash, welcome.After.So... you can see that the zero...of the imams isn't functioning.The singularies in space times...singularies in space times then...and conventional numberic book...it breaks down... the face of realistic exploration. Sometimes our expectations are betray by the numbers. unbearable and impossible to sign any... Rasional... in value...Professor Nash!Hold it!Professor Nash!Professor Nash?Let's avoid the scene, shall we?What do you want?My name is Rosen. Dr Rosen.l'm a psychiatrist.Forgive me if l don't seem persuasive.l like you to come with me, John.Just for a chat.lt appears that l have no choice.Help me! Somebody!Somebody help me!Get off me.l know who you are.Charles, they are Russians...Call somebody, Charles . They are Russians. Stay away from me...Stay away from me...Now... more better.Everything is alright over here.John? John?You hear me.Now, go easy now.The inJects take a while to wear off. Sorry about the restrains.You have got one hell the right hook. Where am l?Arcatic Psychiatric Hospital.l find that l don't like it.For making a mistake.My work is not a military application. Which work is that, John?l don't know anything.lt's no good in keeping secrets, you know. Charles?Charles?l don't mean to get you involve in this.l'm sorry...Charles?The Portugal roommate reveal.You saw my name on the lectures league?You lie, you son of the bitch!Who are you talking to? Tell me who you see.l did see Charles running with the Russians.You people!No one, actually. There is no one there.He was there...Stop! l don't know anything. Stop!l don't know anything!My name is John Nash! l have been held against my will! Somebody tell the Department of Defense!My name is John Nash! l have been held against my will!... What's wrong with him?People with this disorder are often paranoid.But his work... He deals with conspiracies, so... Yes... Yes, l know.And John's behaviours are accepted... Encouraged.As such, his nerve may have gone unfreein far any longer than it's typical.What do you mean? How long?Possibly since graduates schools.At least that is since his halucinations begun.What are you talking about?What the halucinations are?One... so far that l aware.He imagined he has a roommate named Charles Hermen. Charles isn't an imaginary.He and John are best friends since Princeton.Have you ever met Charles?Did he ever come to dinner?He was always in town for several times, lecturing.Was he on your wedding?He...Have you seen a picture of him or talk to him through a telephone?This is ridiculous.l phoned Princeton.According to a housing record, John lived alone.Which is more likely, that your husband...a mathematician with no military training.He is a government spy, flaying the Russians...You are making him sounds crazy.Or... he has his grip of reality.Now the only way l can help him, is to show him the difference.Which is he was real and what is in his mind.Come on.。


第十三页,编辑于星期五:九点 十五分。
Second choice
the choice after best choice e.g. She was our second choice for the job
第十四页,编辑于星期五:九点 十五分。
英 [ɪnˈsʌlt] 美 [ɪnˈsʌlt] vt.辱骂;侮辱,凌辱;损害 n.侮辱,凌辱;损害;无礼 1.VERB 侮辱;辱骂 If someone insults you, they say or do something that is rude or
第十七页,编辑于星期五:九点 十五分。
英 [prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs] 美 [prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs] adj.自以为是的,专横的,冒失的 adv.自以为是地,专横地,冒失地 n.自以为是,专横,冒失
If you describe someone or their behaviour as presumptuous, you disapprove of them because they are doing something that they have no right or authority to do. e.g. It would be presumptuous to judge what the outcome will be.
第十八mæ gnɪtju:d] 美 [ˈmæ gnɪtu:d] n.量级;巨大,广大;重大,重要;(地震)级数 1.N-UNCOUNT 巨大;庞大;重要(性) If you talk about the magnitude of



Go for 追求;主张;拥护 V-T/V-I If someone go for someone that they are attracted to, or chases after them, they try hard to persuade them to have a sexual relationship with them. 追求 (异性)
Not a single one of us = no one ,nobody
Give sb the cold shoulder 冷淡的对待某人 treat sb/be treated in a deliberately unfriendly way
Second choice 第二选择 the choice after best choice e.g. She was our second choice for the job 她是我们这个工作的第二选择人。
Block each other 勾心斗角 intrigue against each other intrigue is the making of secret plans to harm or deceive people. 阴谋 If something, especially something strange, intrigues you, means it interests you and you want to know more about it. 激起…的好奇心
1.=you,只被用于口语. So what do ya wanna do today? 你今天想做些什么?
2.=yes ---will you come? ---ya,I'd 能满足…的需要;符合…的利益 2. V. 为…服务;为…效力;为…效忠 3. V. (尤指在部队)服役;(在政府部门)任职 4. V. 用作;可当…使用;充作



第一场景(需要一位女生作为陪衬)Neilson: Incoming, gentlemenSol: Ay-yi-yi. Deep breaths. Nash, you might want to stop shuffling your papers for five seconds.Nash: I will not buy you gentlemen beer.Bender: Oh, we're not here for beer, my friend.Nash: Oh. Does anyone else feel she should be moving in slow motion? Bender: Will she want a large wedding, ya think?Sol: Shall we say swords, gentlemen? Pistols at dawn?Hansen:Have you remembered nothing? Recall the lessons of Adam Smith, the father of modern economics.Sol: In competitionSol & Bender: individual ambition serves the common good. Hansen: Exactly.Bender:Every man for himself, gentlemen. And those who strike out are stuck with her friends.Nash: I'm not gonna strike outSol: You can lead a blonde to water, but you can't make her drink. Nash: I don't think he said that.Sol: Nobody move. She's looking over here. She's looking at Nash. Hansen: Oh, God. He may have the upper hand now, but wait until he opens his mouth. Remember the last time?Bender: Oh, yes, that was one for the history books.Nash: Adam Smith needs revision.Hansen: What are you talking about?Nash: If we all go for the blonde, we block each other. Not a single one of us is gonna get her. So then we go for her friends, but they will all give us the cold shoulder because nobody likes to be second choice. Well, what if no one goes for the blonde? We don't get in each other's way, and we don't insult the other girls. That's the only way we win. That's the only way we all get laid.Adam Smith said the best result comes from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself, right? That's what he said, right? Right. Incomplete. Incomplete, okay? Because the best result comes from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself and the group.Because the best result comes from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself and the group.Hansen: Nash, if this is some way for you to get the blonde on your own, you can go to hell.Nash:Governing dynamics. Governing dynamics. Adam Smith ………was wrong.Sol: Oh, here we goNeilson: Careful, careful.Nash: Thank you.(根据安排,Sol和Neilson两个人的角色安排到一个人)第二场景Alicia: Rosen said to call if you try and kill me or anythingYou want to know what's real?This.This.This.This is real.Maybe the part...that knows the waking from the dream,maybe it isn't here.Maybe it's here.I need to believe...that something extraordinary is possible.第三场景(1994诺贝尔颁奖典礼)Nash: I've always believed in numbers. In the equations and logics... that lead to reason. But after a lifetime of such pursuits …I ask, what truly is logic? Who decides reason? My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional... and back. And I have made the most important discovery of my career. The most important discovery of my life. It is only in the mysterious equations of love... that any logical reasons can be found. I'm only here tonight because of you. You are thereason I am. You are all my reasons. Thank you!。

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A Beautiful Mind 《美丽心灵》-Professor: Mathematicians won the war. Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes, and built the A-bomb.mathematician: 数学家break: 破译(密码)code: 密码a-bomb: 原子弹是数学家赢得了二次大战。


Mathematicians... like you. The stated goal of the Soviets is global Communism stated: 陈述的,说明的,决定了的goal: 目标Soviet: 苏联global: 全球的,全世界的communism: 共产主义就是……像你们这样的数学家。


In medicine or economics, in technology or space, battle lines are being drawn.medicine: 医学,医药economics: 经济学technology: 科技space: 宇宙,太空battle: 战争line: 线drawn: draw的过去分词,描写,刻画无论在医药还是经济上,在科技或太空技术上,战线已经分明了。

To triumph, we need results- publishable, applicable results.triumph: 得胜,成功result: 结果,成绩publishable: 可发表的,可出版的applicable: 可应用的,实用的想要胜利,我们就需要有成果—可以发表,实用的成果。

Now who among you will be the next Morse? The next Einstein?Morse: 莫尔斯,美国人,1844年发明莫尔斯密码,由点(.)、划(-)两种符号组成Einstein: 爱因斯坦你们当中谁会成为第二个Morse?第二个Einstein?Who among you will be the vanguard of democracy, freedom, and discovery?vanguard: 先锋,先驱democracy: 民主freedom: 自由discovery: 探索你们当中谁会成为民主、自由和探索的先锋?Today, we bequeath America's future into your able hands. Welcome to Princeton, gentlemen.bequeath: 留下;传下Princeton: 普林斯顿大学gentleman: 绅士今天,我们将美国的未来交于你们的手中。


-Neilson: It's not enough Hansen won the Carnegie Scholarship.Carnegie: 卡耐基scholarship: 奖学金Hansen得了卡内基奖学金还不满足。

-Bender: No, he has to have it all for himself.是的,他想要所有奖学金都归他所有。

It's the first time the Carnegie Prize has been split. Hansen's all bent.prize: 奖金,奖品split: 平分bent: 有强烈意向的,执意要的这可是第一次将卡内基奖学金平分。


-Neilson: Rumor is he's got his sights set on Wheeler Lab, the new military think tank at M.I.T.rumor: 谣言sight: 眼光,视野set on: 决心;倾心于lab: 实验室military think tank: 军事智库military: 军事的tank:大容器;箱M.I.T: (美)麻省理工大学听说他已经盯上了Wheeler实验室,那个在麻省理工的新军事技术中心。

They're only taking one this year. Hansen's used to being picked first.used to: 过去常常pick: 挑选今年他们只录取一个。


-Bender: Oh, yeah, he's wasted on math. He should be running for president.waste: 浪费run for: 竞选president: 总统也是,让他学数学真是浪费了。


-Nash: There could be a mathematical explanation for how bad your tie is.mathematical: 数学的explanation: 解释tie: 领带那一定有一个数学上的解释来证明你的领带有多差。

-Neilson: Thank you. Neilson, symbol cryptography.symbol: 符号cryptography: 密码术,密码系统谢了。


-Bender: Neils here broke a Jap code, helped rid the world of fascism. At least that's what he tells the girls, eh, Neils?rid: 消灭,驱走fascism: 法西斯主义at least: 至少这个Neils曾破解了日本的密码,并且帮助去除了法西斯。

至少他总跟女孩这么说,不是吗,Neils?The name's Bender. Atomic physics, and you are?atomic: 原子的physics: 物理学我是Bender。


而你是…?-Richard: Am I late?我迟到了吗?-Bender: Yes, Mr. Sol. Oh, good.嗯?是的,Sol先生。


-Sol: Uh, hi. Sol. Richard.嗯,嗨。

Sol Richard。

-Neilson: The burden of genius.burden: 重任genius: 天才天才的重任。

-Bender: There He is.他来了。

-Neilson: So many supplicants, and so little time. Mr. Sol. How are you, sir? supplicant: 祈求者,恳求者这么多的恳求者,却只有这么点时间。


先生,你好吗?-Sol: Ah, Bender. Nice to see you. Congratulations, Mr. Hansen. congratulation: 祝贺;庆贺啊,Bender。



-Hansen: Ah, thank you. I'll take another.啊,谢谢。


-Nash: Excuse me?你刚说什么?-Hansen: A thousand pardons. I simply assumed you were the waiter.pardon: 原谅,宽恕simply: 仅仅,只不过assume: 设想,想当然waiter: 服务生一万个对不起。


-Bender: Play nice, Hansen.友善点,Hansen。

-Neilson: Nice is not Hansen's strong suit.strong suit: 专长,特长友善不是Hansen的长处。

-Hansen: Honest mistake.honest: 诚实的mistake: 错误我真的是搞错了。

-Nash: Well, Martin Hansen. It is Martin, isn't it?嗯,Martin Hansen。

是Martin,没错吧?-Hansen: Why, yes, John, it is.是的,没错,John。

为什么问这个?-Nash: I imagine you're getting quite used to miscalculation. I've read your pre-prints- both of them.imagine: 想象get used to: 习惯于miscalculation: 错误估计,犯错pre-print: 预印的稿子我估计你对出错已经习以为常了。


The one on Nazi ciphers, and the other one on non-linear equations,cipher: 密码non-linear: 非线性的equation: 方程式,等式一份关于纳粹密码,和另一份关于非线性等式,And I am supremely confident that there is not a single seminal or innovative idea in either one of them. Enjoy your punch.supremely: 极度地,非常地confident: 确信的,自信的single: 一个的,单个的seminal: 有创造力的;重大的innovation: 创新,革新punch: 酒、水、糖等制成的鸡尾酒而我是非常的肯定你两篇里没有一篇有重大或者是创新的想法。


-Hansen: Gentlemen, meet John Nash, the mysterious West Virginia genius, mysterious: 神秘的Virginia: 弗吉利亚(州)genius: 天才先生们,见过John Nash,那个神秘的西维吉尼亚天才。

the other winner of the distinguished Carnegie Scholarship.winner: 优胜者;得奖者distinguished: 卓越的,杰出的也就是著名的卡内基奖学金的另一位得主。

-Bender: Oh, okay.噢,原来如此。
