
从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合-英语论文论文【篇一:从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合-英语论文论文】abstractthe joy luck club is the first novel of amy tan,a famous chinese-american writer. in the novel she mainly describes the relationship between the joy luck club mothers and their daughters and cultural conflicts. the novel is set in the age of globalization and in the multicultural american society; it represents the process of misunderstanding, conflicts, understanding and blending between the mothers and the daughters. globalization not only brings many chances to china but also brings cultural challenges to china. as the degree of globalization is getting deeper, chinese culture faces the danger of being integrated and changed by other cultures. through contextual analysis of the joy luck club and the cultural conflicts and blending embodied in it, this paper demonstrates that in the age of globalization a balance should be kept among different cultures, and a right attitude towards cultural conflicts should be taken, and it suggests that the native culture should not be thrown away when learning from others, and instead, it should be transmitted to others.key wordsthe joy luck club; conflict; understanding; cultural blending摘要《喜福会》是著名美国籍华裔女作家谭恩美的处女作,作者在小说中主要描述了四对移民母女的关系和她们之间由于文化的差异而引起的冲突,小说以全球化时代和美国多元文化社会为背景,呈现了4对母女由误会,冲突到理解的过程。

途中患重病, 以为无法继续生存便遗弃了这对双胞胎。
她哭着离开, 等死。

从《喜福会》看中美文化的冲突与融合承梦姣【摘要】Focusing on four pairs of Chinese mothers and daughters who immigrated to America, The Joy Luck Club described the stories in their families in recent hundreds of years and reflected the new generation of women who grew from their suffering grandmothers to personally and economically independent women. In this novel, the second generation daughters who were born in America almost rejected Chinese culture. They agreed with American values, so they conflicted with their Chinese mothers. They finally understood their mothers, and finished their culture identity. The culture of China and America began to merge.%《喜福会》以旅美的四对华裔母女为中心,分别描述她们几个家庭近百年来的遭遇,从而对比出中国女性从受尽辛酸屈辱的祖母辈逐渐成长为具有独立人格和经济地位的新一代女性。
【期刊名称】《闽西职业技术学院学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】4页(P85-88)【关键词】《喜福会》;中美文化;冲突;融合【作者】承梦姣【作者单位】扬州大学文学院,江苏扬州 225000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I712.074《喜福会》描写了四位性格、命运各异的中国女性解放前移居美国,以及她们各自在美国出生、成长的女儿的生活经历。

干: ”。 另外司 马迁 在《货 殖列传 》中 甚至提 出了 “礼生 于有 而废 于无”,“人富而仁义附焉 ”的命 题,他从 经济现象 解释道德 ,并 且从财富不等看到了社会关 系中人的 地位不等 。 三、小结
司马迁经济思想 的立 论基 础, 来 自于 他对 整个 中国 社 会、 经 济走向的深刻体会,他认为 “货殖” 的繁荣不 是一个 单纯的经 济现 象,其所呈现的特征反而处 处和道 德伦理上 的态度相 互呼应。 其对 “自发秩序”理解与 阐释 是基 于 理性 考量 的。 司 马迁 写《 货殖 列 传》意义不仅是看到 经济 运 行的 规律 ,也 不仅 是 讲述 人们 如何 致 富,更值得注意的是他对 人们面对 财富应该 有的“ 仁义”提 出了自 己的 期望, “不 害于政 ,不妨 百姓; ” ,要行 “仁 义”。 可惜他 的 经济思想犹如昙花开在漫漫 长夜, 一瞬而逝 ,在长时 间内被冷 落, 甚至遭到人们的排斥,而 不显于世 。想其不 显原因有 三:一 则是因 为其思想不符合统治者的 要求;二 则是他 的思想在 农业为主 ,以农 立国的时代难有市场; 另外还有 中国古代 学者治学 的缺陷 ,就是没 有明确 的概念和由之 构建的理 论体系< 。 参考文献:

正如Jing-Mei所说:“My mother and I never really understood one another. We translated each other's meanings and I seemed to hear less than what was said, while my mother heard more.”(Amy Tan, 2002:13)实际上,两代人存在误解的主要原因是她们无法用统一的语言进行沟通,两种语言之间的差异使得交流障碍加深。

1. 喜福会与传统价值观之间的冲突1.1 传统家庭观念与个人主义之间的碰撞喜福会作为一个家庭盛事,通常受到传统家庭价值观念的影响。
1.2 文化观念的差异带来的矛盾喜福会通常涉及不同文化背景的家庭之间的联姻。
2. 文化融合与创新2.1 跨文化交流与文化融合喜福会作为一个重要的家庭盛事也是文化交流的机会。
2.2 创新与个性表达随着时间的推移,喜福会逐渐迈向了创新与个性表达。
3. 喜福会对社会发展的影响3.1 社会认同感的加强喜福会作为一个家庭盛事,有助于加强家族、亲友之间的联系与交流。
3.2 文化保护与传承通过举办喜福会,传统文化得到保护和传承。

喜福会》中的文化冲突与融合《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club) 是著名美籍华裔女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan) 的处女作, 它的出版曾一度在美国掀起了一股华裔文学热, 也为华裔作品进入美国主流文学做出了贡献。
小说描写了四位解放前夕从中国内地移居美国的女性和她们在美国出生的女儿之间特有的“爱爱怨怨” , 该书不仅向美国人展示了来自神秘东方的传统中国文化, 更用四对母女间的感情演绎出了中美文化的巨大冲突,让读者感慨万千, 更为重要的是,作者并没有就此打住,而是让冲突中的母女在爱中包容了对方, 也完美结局了这两种文化的融合。
一、高背景文化和低背景文化理论美国人类学家、空间关系学的创始人爱德华?霍尔经过多年潜心研究,发现世界各国的文化虽然千差万别, 但并不是杂乱无章,大多数文化还是有着明显的倾向性的, 按照“语义依赖对话背景还是对话语言来传达的程度”[1], 他把文化大体划分为高背景文化和低背景文化。
在高背景文化中,人们有着类似的经历和信息渠道, 长期稳定的交流使人们形成了对周围环境比较一致的反应, 因而在交谈中,无需过多的表达,双方就会心领神会, 因为共同的背景知识和想象空间会帮助听者把说话者含糊的意思拼凑出来。
在高语境文化中,人们并不仅仅通过语言来表达意思, 甚至沉默都可以传递信息,他们认为“沉默比语言更有力” [2] 。
” [3] 高背景文化通常有很深的历史渊源, 它变化缓慢, 具有很强的稳定性和凝聚力,中国人世代相传的祭拜祖先的仪式就是很典型的例子。
在低背景文化中,人们的个人经历、信息渠道各不相同,因此当他们彼此交流时,需要详细的背景信息, 在这种文化中,信息主要通过话语来传递, 而极少隐含于语境或对话参与者的默契中。
[4]二、利用高、低背景文化理论, 解读《喜福会》中的文化冲突现象《喜福会》中的母亲们生长在旧中国, 深受高背景文化传统的影响, 而女儿们生活在欧美文化占主流的社会中, 她们不可避免地认同低背景文化。



关键词:《喜福会》中美文化冲突融合中图分类号:i106.4 文献标识码:a《喜福会》是美国华裔女作家谭恩美著名的代表作,在美国文坛上享誉盛名。
一谭恩美和《喜福会》谭恩美(amy tan)是一位颇具声誉的女作家,33岁时开始从事小说创作。

从《喜福会》母女关系中浅析中美文化冲突与融合发表时间:2020-12-30T12:18:21.213Z 来源:《教育学文摘》2020年9月第26期作者:吴婕王露梅[导读] 该文章以《喜福会》中四对母女为切入点,从家庭、婚姻和教育三个方面分析比较中美文化之间存在的差异吴婕王露梅江苏科技大学苏州理工学院江苏苏州 215600摘要:该文章以《喜福会》中四对母女为切入点,从家庭、婚姻和教育三个方面分析比较中美文化之间存在的差异,从母亲和女儿们的对话、生活方式和生存观念中,体会母女关系从冲突到沟通直到最后互相理解中产生的细腻感情变化。
关键词:《喜福会》;中美文化;母女关系;文化冲突融合 Abstract: Analyzing and comparing the differences between Chinese and American cultures, the article takes the four couples of mother and daughter in The Joy Luck Club as the point of penetration. From the dialogues, lifestyles and life values among daughters and mothers, the article describes the exquisite affection changes varying from conflicting、 communicating and then understanding. At the end of The Joy Luck Club, the reconciliation reflects that Chinese-Americans can better acquaint themselves and shape personal character through absorbing the new culture on the basis of inheriting mother culture. Key Words: The Joy Luck Club; Chinese and American cultures; the relation between mother and daughter; cultural?conflict?and?merging; 引言《喜福会》是美国华裔女性作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)的处女作,80年代末出版的《喜福会》于1991年荣获最佳小说奖并连续9个月上榜《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜,小说以母女关系为主线,以母女之间的矛盾和冲突为推动力,通过母女关系变化的心路历程为美国华裔女性文化身份的建构创新了视角。

关键词文化冲突中西方《喜福会》The Conflicts and Reconciliations between the East and theWest Reflected in "The Joy Luck Club"NIU Mengnan(Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University. Xi'an, Shaanxi 710100)Abstract:The novel "The Joy Luck Club1' presents the story of four Chinese mothers and their daughters who grow up in America・ The differences between their cultural backgrounds^ ideology and other aspects cause conflicts and misunderstandings・ This paper will explore the underlying causes of cultural conflicts and fusion of the East and the West, so as to promote cross cultural communication. Keywords: cultural conflict; the east and the west; "The Joy Luck Club1'小说《喜福会》是美籍华裔作家谭恩美的代表作,英1989年一经问世就在美国文学界引起巨大反响。


摘 要:小说《喜福会》作者是美国华裔人谭恩美,她生 活 在 两 种 文 化 中,真 实 经 历 体 验 了 两 种 文 化 间 的 差 异、矛 盾 与 融 合, 作者重点描写了移民母亲与美国女儿间的冲突及最后的沟 通、理 解,从 描 写 故 事 中 阐 述 了 中 美 文 化 存 在 矛 盾 对 立,但 又 存 在 文 化间沟通交 说:“世 上 从 来 只 有 两 种 女 儿:听 话与不听话的 。在我家里,只允许听 话 的 女 儿 住 进 来。”女 儿 听到这句话后激烈地反击,接着还非常残 忍 地 提 到 母 亲 在 桂 林遗失双胞胎的事给予其致命一击。
(二 )中 美 价 值 观 念 文 化 冲 突 中 国 传 统 文 化 中,家 庭 中 家 长 与 子 女 是 相 互 依 赖 关 系, 但是家长对子女又有 着 绝 对 支 配 权 力,中 国 人 更 喜 欢 “有 难 同当,有福同享”。但是低背景文化中,更 加 重 视 鼓 励 自 我 及 独立意识、崇尚个人奋斗,因此美国人 多 数 乐 意 孤 军 奋 战、独 自品尝着前进道路上的成功与失败。龚琳达及薇弗莱母女 正是因此发生了冲突,其母想依靠培养女 儿 成 功 从 而 荣 耀 门 楣,将自身存在价值 通 过 女 儿 体 现,但 是 女 儿 更 多 坚 持 的 思 想信仰是“我就 是 我 自 己 ”,非 常 排 斥、拒 绝 母 亲 的 介 入。 母 亲在发现女儿薇弗莱具有超常的象棋天 赋 之 后,决 定 不 再 让 女儿为家里 做 饭 烧 菜 ,对 其 也 是 百 依 百 顺 让 其 安 心 琢 磨 棋 艺。母亲常常在周六挽着女儿去市场,常 常 向 多 看 她 一 眼 的 人介绍自己的女儿,薇 弗 莱 有 一 天 终 于 忍 无 可 忍,与 母 亲 呛 声 争 辩 起 来 ,质 问 母 亲 如 果 想 出 风 头 ,为 什 么 不 自 己 学 下 棋 。 (三 )中 美 语 言 表 达 方 式 冲 突 高 低 文 化 背 景 下,人 们 的 语 言 表 达 方 式 也 不 相 同,高 背 景文化中,人们年幼 就 开 始 接 受 这 种 教 育,长 时 间 耳 濡 目 染 后,逐渐就学会了察 言 观 色,不 需 要 将 话 讲 得 非 常 清 楚 交 流 双方就能够心领神会。低背景文化与 之 相 反,人 们 更 乐 意 与 那些语言丰富、有意 愿 清 晰 表 达 自 己 的 人 交 流,中 国 人 所 推 崇的“少言寡语”常 常 被 美 国 人 认 为 是 阴 险 狡 诈、难 以 捉 摸。 女儿在面对母亲用 结 结 巴 巴 的 英 语 表 达 时,会 感 到 不 理 解, 认为母亲“脑子不大灵活”,因此女儿们 常 常 认 为 母 亲 缺 少 见 识。具有高背景知识文化的人通常喜 欢 说 话 兜 圈 子,令 人 困 惑,这是低背景文化 的 人 所 不 能 理 解 的,影 片 中 有 一 段 龚 琳 达与吴夙愿对话,非常生动形象地体现了 高 背 景 文 化 人 爱 说 话兜圈子的特点。龚 琳 达 与 吴 夙 愿 聊 天 时 说:“薇 弗 莱 整 天 只顾着下棋,我可 忙 坏 了。 每 天,就 光 擦 拭 她 捧 回 来 的 那 些 奖杯,就够我 忙 的 了。 你 真 有 福 气,你 可 没 这 种 烦 心 事。”吴 夙愿非常清楚龚琳 达 想 要 表 达 的 真 正 意 思,也 不 甘 示 弱,说 自己女儿精妹常常 痴 迷 于 音 乐 、叫 她 洗 盘 子,叫 哑 了 她 也 听 不见,天生一副对音乐失魂落魄的模 样。 两 位 母 亲 同 时 使 用 了“中国式谦虚”夸耀了自己的女儿,但 是 当 龚 琳 达 使 用 这 样 方法与其美国男朋 友 对 话 时,闹 出 了 笑 话,女 儿 薇 弗 莱 邀 请 男友去自己家里做 客,薇 弗 莱 母 亲 盛 情 款 待,将 自 己 的 拿 手 好菜清蒸排骨、腌菜等端上了桌,之后 还 自 我 谦 虚 了 一 番,说 自己做的菜 无 法 入 口 ,实 际 上 这 只 是 龚 家 的 饮 食 因 素 与 惯 例,众人都先吃上一口菜,然后再称赞 母 亲 的 手 艺,正 当 大 家

从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合内容简介:Abs tratTheJo Luk C lub is t he first novel o f Am Tan,a famou s Chines e-Ameria n riter. In thenovel sh e mainldesribes therel ationshi p beteen the JoLuk Club mothers and the ir daugh ters and ultural onflits.论文格式论文范文毕业论文Abstr atThe Jo Luk Clu b is the first n ovel ofAm Tan,a famousChinese-Amerianriter. I n the no vel shemainl de sribes t he relat ionshipbeteen t he Jo Lu k Club m others a nd their daughte rs and u ltural o nflits.The nove l is set in theage ofg lobaliza tion and in themultiult ural Ame rian soi et; itr epresent s the pr oess ofmisunder standing, onflit s,under standing and ble nding be teen the mothers and the daughte rs. Glob alizatio n not on l brings man han es to hi na but a lso brin gs ultur al halle nges toChina. A s the de gree ofglobaliz ation is getting deeper, Chinese ulturefaes the dangerof beingintegra ted andhanged b other u ltures.Throughontextua l analsi s of the Jo LukClub and the ult ural onf lits and blendin g embodi ed in it, this p aper dem onstrate s that i n the ag e ofglo balizati on a bal ane shou ld be ke pt among differe nt ultur es, anda rightattitude toardsulturalonflitsshould b e taken, and itsuggests that th e native ultureshould n ot be th ron XX h en learn ing from others,and ins tead, it shouldbe trans mitted t o others.Ke Word sThe JoLuk Club; onflit; unders tanding; ultural blendin g摘要《喜福会》是著名美国籍华裔女作家谭恩美的处女作,作者在小说中主要描述了四对移民母女的关系和她们之间由于文化的差异而引起的冲突,小说以全球化时代和美国多元文化社会为背景,呈现了4对母女由误会,冲突到理解的过程。



从《喜福会》看中美文化的冲突与融合【摘要】美国华裔女作家谭恩美的小说《喜福会》(The JoyLuck Club,1989)讲述了四个美籍华人家庭母女两代由于生活环境、文化差异而产生的误解、冲突到沟通、理解的过程,艺术地展现了中美两种文化的冲突与对立以及两种文化交流和融合的可能性和必然性。
【关键词】中美文化冲突融合《喜福会》是美国著名华裔女作家谭恩关(Amy Tan)的成名作,小说一经出版,便在广大读者中引起了强烈反响,创造了华裔美国文学作品在销售量上的奇迹。
谭恩美小说《喜福会》中文化冲突与化解过程解读 谭恩美喜福会中文版本.doc

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从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合(1)AbstractThe Joy Luck Club is the first novel of Amy Tan,a famous Chinese-American writer. In the novel she mainly describes the relationship between the Joy Luck Club mothers and their daughters and cultural conflicts. The novel is set in the age of globalization and in the multicultural American society; it represents the process of misunderstanding, conflicts, understanding and blending between the mothers and the daughters. Globalization not only brings many chances to china but also brings cultural challenges to China. As the degree of globalization is getting deeper, Chinese culture faces the danger of being integrated and changed by other cultures. Through contextual analysis of the Joy Luck Club and the cultural conflicts and blending embodied in it, this paper demonstrates that in the age of globalization a balance should be kept among different cultures, and a right attitude towards cultural conflicts should be taken, and it suggests that the native culture should not be thrown away when learning from others, and instead, it should be transmitted to others.Key WordsThe Joy Luck Club; conflict; understanding; cultural blending摘要《喜福会》是著名美国籍华裔女作家谭恩美的处女作,作者在小说中主要描述了四对移民母女的关系和她们之间由于文化的差异而引起的冲突,小说以全球化时代和美国多元文化社会为背景,呈现了4对母女由误会,冲突到理解的过程。
关键词《喜福会》;冲突;理解;文化融合IntroductionIn the novel The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan explores the relationship between mothers and daughters. There are 4 mother-daughter pairs in the novel, mothers are the first generation immigrants, and the daughters are born in America. The Joy Luck Club mothers come from the Chinese traditional families when thedictatorial Chinese power is destroyed by the Japanese insurgents in the 1940s. They escape from the political upheaval of China, but they don't forget their Chinese traditional culture, while their daughters are born in America, they are the second generation immigrants, and they don't understand their mothers' Chinese culture, and their way of thinking, so there are often misunderstandings between the mothers and the daughters. In order to make their daughters know them and the Chinese culture, the Joy Luck Club mothers have made pain- taking efforts to remove their differences. They seize every opportunity to tell their daughters their past experiences, demonstrate their courage to challenge the feudal society and never stop extendingmaternal love to their daughters. Thanks to their great efforts,their daughters gradually understand them and the Chinese culture. Therefore, cultural understanding and blending between the mothersand daughters are achieved.In the context of globalization, China faces many chances to develop its economic power; meanwhile it faces more challenges to its traditional culture. With the development of China's economic power, China plays a more important role in the world. The communication with other countries and areas whosecultural backgrounds are totally different from China's is increasing rapidly. This paper, through the exploration of The Joy Luck Club, mainly discusses the cultural conflicts, understanding andintegration between the mothers and the daughters, and metaphorically between Chinese culture and American culture. I.Amy Tan and HerNovel The Joy Luck ClubAmy Tan was born in Oakland, California. Bothof her parents were Chinese immigrants. Her father, John Tan, was an electrical engineer and Baptist minister. In China, her mother Daisy had divorced an abusive husband but lost custody of her three daughters. She was forced to leave them behind when she escaped onthe last boat to leave Shanghai in 1949. Her marriage to John Tan produced three children, Amy and her two brothers. Amy Tan’s familyis a typical immigrant family, her parents are the first generation immigrants, and she is the second-generation immigrant. She has experienced the same kind of conflicts which she portrayed in the novel. She and her mother were in constant conflict when she finished the high school in Switzerland. She and her mother didn’t speak for six moths after Amy Tan left the Baptist College her mother chose for her to follow her boyfriend to San Jose City College. Tan further defied her mother by abandoning the pre-med course her mother had urged her to pursue the study of English and linguistics.In the novel, Jing-Mei abandoned studying piano her mother hoped her to study, because she was allergic to her mother’s arrangement for he r. AmyTan and the daughters in the novel have something in common. They are the second-generation immigrants. But the mothers, as the first generation immigrants, they don’t totally integrate in the American culture. They cannot speak English with fluency. They never discard the tradition and never forget their lives in China. They show their love for their daughters by planning the daughters’ future and interfering in their activities. To the mothers, they have the compulsory and responsibility to train their daughters to become perfect persons. They want to make their daughters combine the “American Context” with “Chinese Personality” perfectly. Their daughters, however, are often born and grow up in America, and are deeply affected by the American moral standard and acting principles. They cherish their independent spirits and characters, and they arenot willing to be interfered and controlled by others. Their narratives justify the puzzle, and the conflicts between two generations they face, when they span the different cultures. They view their mothers as the fossils of the old society, because they fear and hate their mothers’ interference and negation on their activities. When their mothers tell their stories in China they express their detestation on it, when their mothers want to passtheir Chinese cultural tradition to them, they are against it firmly. With the clash of different cultures, the two generations have difficulties in communicating and understanding each other. But the novel doesn’t e nd with the conflicts; instead, in the process of growing up they understand their mothers’ love and the cultural reasons of the conflicts between themselves and their mothers in a deeper level. Therefore, at the end of the novel, the reconciliation between mothers and daughters forms naturally. Jing-Mei takes her mother’s place to travel back to China which proves the understanding between the two generations.When Amy Tan embarked on her new career her mother was ill, she promised herself that if her mother recovered, she would take her mother to China, to see the daughters who have been left behind almost forty years ago, Mrs. Tan recovered and they departed for China in 1987. The trip was a revelation for Tan, and it gave her a new perspective of her often-difficult relationship with her mother. Ⅱ. The Conflicts Between American and Chinese Cultures Embodied in the NovelThe Joy Luck Club presents many conflicts in the mother-daughter relationship. The conflicts are embodied in 3 aspects. First, the mothers and thedaughters are in different cultural backgrounds, and the daughters cannot understand their mothers. At the beginning, Jing-Mei fearsthat she cannot tell her mother’s story to her half-sisters, which, in fact, reflects the fear of other daughters of the Joy Luck Club members. They have identified themselves with Americans. Jing-Mei’s fear also reflects the mothers’ common feelings. They offer the chance to go to America to their daughters, and make them self-sufficient; they wonder whether they have their daughters away from tradition. So in the story “The Joy Luck Club” Jing-Mei feels puzzled,“What will I say? What can I tell them about my mother? I don’t know anything.”(Tan 26)The way in which the mothers express their love cannot be accepted by the daughters. Jing-Mei believesthat her mother’s constant blame is the embodiment of lacking of affection. However, in fact, the mother’s severity and high expectations are expressions of love and faith in her daughter. Other mother-daughter pairs experience the same misunderstanding. In some ways, this misunderstanding comes from cultural differences. The Chinese traditional concepts such as filial obedience, criticism-enveloped expression of love are all different from the American concepts such as the individualism, freedom, self-esteem and direct expression.The mothers in the The Joy Luck Club hope that their daughters can get close to them as they were so close to their own mothers in China. For instance, Am-mei’s Popo tells her that her mother is a ghost to make Am-mei forget her mother. Although Am-mei hasn’t seen her mother for years, she gets to love her mother when her mother combs her hair, and all these things they do are asnatural as they do them everyday. And Am-mei says,“This is how a daughte r loves her mother. It is so deep it is in your bones.”(Tan 41) when she has seen her mother cutting her flesh to cook soup for her Popo.But in America, children always do not follow all that their parents tell them and behave what they want to. They emphases their individuality and do not think they have so deep relationship with their mothers. So when Lindo asks her daughter Waverly to finish her coffee, Waverly says:“Don’t be so old fashioned, Ma. I’m my own person.”(Tan 227) However, Lindo thinks she is always beside her daughter, and she never gives her daughter up. Perhaps Lindo experiences the largest crisis of cultural identity among the characters. She regrets having given Waverly the American context, at the same time, given her Chinese character, but the two can never be combined. In the story of “Double Face”, Lindo says:“… I wanted my children to have the best combination: American circumstance and Chinese character. How could I know these two things do not mix? I taught [my daughter] how American circumstance work: If you are born poor here, it’s no lasting shame…In America, nobody says you have to keep the circumstances somebody else gives you. She learnt these things, but I couldn’t teach her about Chinese character… How not to show your own thoughts, to put your feelings behind your face so you can take advantage of hidden opportunities…Why Chinese thinking is best.” (Tan 227)She thinks since she gives her daughter the American name (the name of the road they live in), she lets her daughter be too American, and this becomes the barrier between them. But at the same time, she realizes the American character in herself. She knows that she is no longer Chinese. When she travels to China, the Chinese treat her as an oversea traveler. She is very sad, and she wonders, in the process of changing herself, what she has lost. Her strategies of concealing inner powers is like what Waverly says that it is related with her ability to maintain two aspects of character—American and Chinese.Second, in the novel, the communication problems also arise because the mothers are from China, while daughters are born in the United States, their cultural backgrounds are different, and also because they speak different languages. For example, June says, “My mother and I never reallyunderstood one another. We translated each other’s meaning and I seemed to hear less than was said, while my mother heard more.”(Tan 27)June looks for meanings in what is stated and does not understand that her mother omits important information because she thinks that her daughter knows it; Suyuan, on the other hand, looks for meanings in what has not been stated and adds many things to what has been stated and comes up with meanings that surprise her daughterJune.Another example is that Rose cannot find the right English terms to meet with “Hulihudu” and “Heimongmong”. “A mother is best. A mother knows what is inside you,” she said…“A psyche-atricks will only make you hulihudu, make you see heimongmong.” Back home, I thought about what she said… [These] were words I had never thought about in English terms. I suppose the closest in meaning may be “confused” and “dark fog”. (Tan 172) Rose thinks “hulihudu” and “heimongmong” can’t be translated to English because they refer to the sensation only Chinese can have.Third, the mothers and the daughters have totally different experiences. The mothers have been to America during the World War Ⅱ, when China was intruded by Japanese army. They come to America with their American dream. They have suffered a lot before arriving America, and they come to America to search a better life putting all their hope in America, but after living in America for many years, they feel that they lose some of their Chinese tradition and they try to hold fast of the Chinese tradition and pass it to their daughters. The daughters are born in America, they don’t appreciate the Chinese tradition and view their Chinese history as a barrier to their dreams, they resent their mother pouring the Chinese tradition to them and their Chinese way of love, so they do things opposite to what their mother told them to do to disappoint their mothers. In the story “Two Kinds” Jing-Mei says,“It was not the only disappointment my mother felt in me. In the years that followed, I failed her so many times, each time asserting my own will, my right to fall short of expectations. I didn’t get straight As. I didn’t become class president. I didn’t get into Stanford. I droped out of college.”(Tan 124)丁言仁. 新闻英语写作[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2004 冯庆华. 文体翻译论[M]. 上海: 上海教育出版社, 2002. 廖七一. 当代西方翻译理论探索[M]. 南京:译林出版社,2002. 廖七一,等. 当代英国翻译理论[M]. 武汉:湖北教育出版社,2001. 刘其中. 新闻翻译教程[M]. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2004. 刘汉云, 王晓元.文本类型与翻译方法[J]. 华北工业学院学报, 2004, (4) 刘明景. 论英文新闻标题的词汇变异[J]. 湖南师范大学社会科学学报, 2003, (3) 许明武. 新闻英语与翻译[M]. 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司, 2003. 原虹. 论语义翻译和交际翻译[J]. 中国科技翻译, 2003, (5)。