机械毕业设计1217汽车废气余能回收利用装置设计 - 副本

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第一章引言 (5)

1.1 、研究背景及意义 (5)

1.1.1、汽车废热利用的空间 (5)

1.1.2、汽车废热利用特点 (5)

1.2、研究进展综述 (6)

1.2.1、涡轮增压技术 (6)

1.2.2、余热制冷技术 (6)

1.2.3、余热发电 (8)

1.2.4、余热采暖 (9)

1.3、小结 (10)

1.4、本文主要工作 (10)

第二章针对ZH4100柴油机及排气系统的涡轮部分设计 (11)

2.1、ZH4100柴油机的相关资料................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.2、排气系统管路图 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.3、涡轮设计................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.3.1、涡轮型式选择 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.3.2、涡轮设计前需确定的参数 (13)

2.3.3、具体计算步骤 (14)

2.3.4、涡轮损失计算和涡轮参数的计算进一步确定 (17)

第三章其他部件的匹配设计 (19)

3.1、轴设计 (19)

3.1.1 、轴的结构设计 (19)

3.1.2 、轴的材料选择 (20)

3.1.3 、轴的强度校核 (20)

3.2、涡壳设计 (22)

3.3、小端涡盖设计 (23)

3.4、大端涡盖设计 (23)

3.5、部分图片预览 (24)

第四章感谢 (24)

参考文献 (25)











From car exhausts to recycle the device design


Energy conservation is one of three big subjects in automobile industry development.Because energy consumption intensifying,the question of automobile energyconservation prepares people’S attention.The related research material indicated,the energy sending oat from automobile fuel burning only has about 1/3 effectively been used,other energies discharge into the atmosphere,not only has created the energy waste,butalso has brought the poor environmental influence.Therefore,adopting the effectivemethod to fully utilize the waste heat discharging from the automobile has to be a research direction.This article has classified the method of the current from a variety of the use of a classification yure means, and comprehensive analysis and comparison, the turbine generation are more likely to exhaust the car, and yure of the preliminary design.

The first to exhaust the energy was analysed and efficiency of energy shall be in a republican way analysis is to exhaust the energy that had to exhaust the energy for the proposed increase in exhaust can use of energy. second, this article analyzes the different systems in the exhaust the energy of differences and energy efficient use of the higher the exhaust system solutions and an engine of the design.

This article has analyzed the difference in the exhaust gas energy utilization of different exhaust system,proposed the exhaust system plan which can bring about higher efficiency of energy utilization,and carried on the design which aims at a diesel engine,

This article for a specific the engine exhaust system design, the turbine, the turbine, bearings, shaft, owing to limited ability, knowledge is limited, and furthermore, the generator design skills are quite ripe, and this is no specific system for electricity generation of design. the specific each component three vitou and cad is a picture of a graph and, in this paper attached to a few parts of the 3d images, and the plane was to design more clear!

Key words:automobile;exhaust gas;waste heat;energy utilization;turbine

