thermo fisher scientific的实验条件 -回复
thermo fisher scientific的实验条件-回复Thermo Fisher Scientific是全球领先的科学仪器和实验室设备供应商之一。
在本文中,我们将一步一步回答关于Thermo Fisher Scientific的实验条件的问题。
无论实验目的是什么,Thermo Fisher Scientific都提供了各种不同的实验条件来满足不同需求。
Thermo Fisher Scientific提供了各种不同类型的细胞培养培养基、CO2培养箱和恒温恒湿箱,以满足不同实验的需求。
Thermo Fisher Scientific提供了各种不同类型的实验设备,如实验室培养皿、离心机、PCR仪器等。
Thermo Fisher Scientific提供了各种不同类型的试剂和溶液,以支持不同实验的需求。
Thermo Scientific Quattro SEM说明书
Quattro SEM具有独特环境功能的超通用高分辨率 SEMThermo Scientific Quattro SEM 在一种独特的环境模式 (ESEM) 下结合了成像和分析方面的全面性能,可以在自然状态下对样品进行研究。
如今的研究实验室希望使用能够适应各种样品,同时提供出色图像质量并且样品制备工作量最少的现代 SEM 。
Thermo Scientific ™ Quattro SEM 内的场发射电子枪 (FEG) 确保出色的分辨率,同时可通过可供选择的探测器(包含定向背散射信息、STEM 和阴极射线发光)提供可调的对比度。
Quattro SEM 的三种真空模式(高真空、低真空和 ESEM ™)适应任何可用 SEM 的最广泛的样品,包括释气样品或与真空不相容的样品,因此操作非常灵活。
此外,ESEM ™ 还支持在现实条件下(例如潮湿、高温或反应性环境)对样品进行原位研究。
Quattro SEM 的分析室适应对元素和结晶样品数据越来越高的需求,同时支持相对双能量色散 X 射线光谱仪 (EDS) 探测器、共面 EDS/电子背散射衍射 (EBSD) 和平行电子束 X 射线波长色散谱仪 (WDS)。
无论样品是什么类型,处于高真空状态还是与 Quattro SEM 支持的独特实验条件相结合,即使是对于导电、绝缘、潮湿或高温样品,也能获得可靠的分析结果。
Quattro SEM 的独特硬件通过一种帮助功能(用户指南)提供支持,该功能不仅可以指导,而且还直接与显微镜交互。
Quattro SEM 支持扫描预设、镜筒预设、基于摄像头的轻松导航、SmartSCAN ™ 和漂移补偿帧积分 (DCFI) 以进一步提升工作效率、数据质量和易用性。
Thermo Fisher Scientific HAAKE Viscotester iQ 高压测量
HAAKE Viscotester iQ – Portable rheometer configuration for measurements at higher pressuresAuthorsCornelia Küchenmeister-Lehrheuer and Klaus OldörpThermo Fisher Scientific, Karlsruhe, GermanyKeywordsHAAKE MARS Rheometer, HAAKE Viscotester iQ Rheometer,Pressure cell, Vane rotorBased on the ThermoScintific™ HAAKE™ Viscotester™ iQRheometer a portable setup is available for rheologicalmeasurements at higher pressures and higher temperatures.The instrument head has been combined with a special stand,designed to hold the cylindrical temperature control units,needed for a pressure cell. The whole setup can easily bedisassembled and packed into an optional set of transportcases. Including its content, each case weighs less than 20 kg,which allows shipment by plane without problems. After arrivalon site, the instrument can be unpacked and assembled within minutes without requiring any adjustments before running tests.For the temperature control of the pressure cell different temperature modules are available. With the liquid temperature module TM-LI-C connected to a circulator, a precise temperature control at a constant temperature can be achieved. The powerful electrical temperature module TM-EL-C is suitable for temperatures up to 300 °C. Different pressurecell models made of Titanium are available for standard applications up to 600 bar. For tests on chemically aggressive samples, Hastelloy pressure cells up to 175 bar complete the portfolio. Homogeneous samples can be tested, using one of the cylindrical rotors available. For samples with low viscosities, a double gap geometry can be selected. In case the samples contain larger particles one of the vane rotors available could be the right choice.One of this instrument’s core characteristics is its intuitive operation. The pressure cell model is automatically recognized by the software. After the pressure cell model has selected Figure 1: HAAKE Viscotester iQ configuration with pressure cell, electrical temperature module TM-EL-C incl. the necessary controller box.using a “dial“, the lower lift position corresponds to the optimum gap for that model. When the lift is released, the measuring head smoothly slides down to the measuring position. At the end of the measurement, the head is cranked up to the top position and the pressure cell can be removed for cleaning.For the operation of this setup the Thermo Scientific HAAKE RheoWin™ Software is available. With this software measuring procedures including data evaluation and quality control criteria can be defined, stored and used. For testing low viscous samples, calibration routines can be performed to increase thesensitivity of the instrument.For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. For current certifications, visit /certifications © 2022 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. P054 0722F or more information, please visit /rheometersFigure 2: Viscosity curve at 20 °C and atmospheric pressure measured with pressure cell D400/300 and double gap geometry using a Newtonian liquid E7, measurement between 100 s -1 and 1500 s -1 within ± 5 %.Ordering information ProductOrder no.HAAKE Viscotester iQ Rheometer with stand for pressure cell262-0052Liquid temperature module TM-LI-C for temperature range -40 °C up to 180 °C, necessary accessory: circulator222-1862Electrical temperature module TM-EL -C for temperature range up to 300 °C, necessary accessory: controller box 222-1991222-1857HAAKE RheoWin Software222-5062Optional accessories (see Figure 3)Transport case for stand (a)082-7916Transport case for instrument head, temperature module and related accessories (b)082-7917Transport case for pressure cell including accessories (c)082-7918Transport case for UTMC box, required in combination with electrical temperature module TM-EL -C (d)082-7919With the portable rheometer configuration described above, the pressure and/ or temperature dependency of the sample – preferentially from the range of oil production – can easily be monitored in the field, like e.g. to determine the rheologicalbehaviour of crude oil, drilling fluids and fracturing fluids.Figure 3: Set of transport cases: (a) for stand; (b) for instrument head, temperature module and related accessories;(c) for pressure cell including accessories; (d) for UTMC box.。
X射线通过物质时部分被洗手,其强度被衰减,经衰减后的强度按指数曲线下降,其吸收关系式为:(1)式中:I为探测器上探测到的被衰减后的射线强度;I0为X射线源发射的初始辐射强度; 为被测材料的密度;为材料对X射线的质量吸收系数; 为被测材料的厚度。
XRF 与XRD 的组合用于监测熟料质量变化更为普遍,并帮助分析替代燃料的使用效应,使这种效应与生料入窑自身的变动区别开来。
水泥工艺控制中XRD 的使用随着集成式XRF-XRD X 射线设备的发展而与日俱增,X 射线仪器为备受关注的特定物相可靠快速的定量分析而设计,如熟料中的游离氧化钙。
可以分析化学成份和特殊物相的全水泥分析仪的使用,在过去的十年中也显著增多,使得水泥实验室不仅获得受益于XRD 的信心,而且优化了物相分析的范围。
除了集成式XRF-XRD 仪器的显著创新,基于Rietveld 法的可靠而精细的定量物相分析程序也有助于过程控制环境中X 射线衍射的广泛应用。
这篇文章讨论了X 射线仪器的最新发展和与水泥工业需求对应的分析技术。
突破性技术工艺与质量控制环境中一个关键需求是可靠的一体化XRF 和XRD 在线分析能力,此系统可确保高灵敏度,稳定性和精确性。
第一代集成式XRF-XRD 仪器是已有十余年的历史,使用单一铑靶的X 光管激发样品进行XRF 分析,同时,对同一样品中出现的不同材料进行衍射分析。
为了进行更广泛的物相分析,Thermo Scientific 开发了一体化的全XRD 和XRF 分析仪器。
这种突破性技术是基于样品分析表面的几何学而设计,样品分析表面向上,而XRF 和XRD 系统均位于样品上方。
Thermo Fisher Scientific 生物科学产品说明书
Nantong ShanghaiDarmstadtIrvineLenexaSt. LouisSongdoLiquid Centers St.Louis, MO USA Irvine, Scotland, UK Nantong, ChinaDry Powder Media Centers Lenexa, KS USAIrvine, Scotland, UK Darmstadt, GermanyimMEDIAte ADVANTAGE ® Centers Lenexa, KS USA St.Louis, MO USA Nantong, ChinaSongdo, South KoreaManufacturing plant Redundant supply facility New manufacturing facility R&D centers for cell culture media & related productsMANUFACTURING LOCATIONSKnowing your cell culture mediaLack of consistency in cell culture media can create significant variation in your upstream process. Our supply chain experts are committed to providing you with the highest quality and most consistent cell culture media — regardless of manufacturing site location.Understanding Trace Element VariabilityGLOBAL QUALITY MANAGEMENTRAW MATERIALSMANUFACTURING CAPABILITIESThe role of trace elements and the impact on protein and product quality is well documented. We offer the right data to begin understanding this variability.• Quantitative testing by ICP-MS • Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Ni, V, Al, Se, Cr, Co • Results reported on the CofAGlobal Raw Materials VendorManagement ProgramMaterial QualificationSupplier QualificationChange NotificationGlobal ManufacturingNetworkGeneration of Qualified Raw Materials List Procurement from Qualified Raw Materials ListA cornerstone of our focus, our global program for the control, management, and procurement of raw materials provides theconfidence you need for consistent, quality product.High-quality products, comprehensive documentation, and superior customer support for qualification, risk assessment, and process optimization. Now available for a range of cell culture media.Quality ControlStandard testing with options to add customized quality testing.Finished Product Testing MethodologyNA EU ChinaAppearance Uniformity/color • • •pHUSP 791 • • • OsmolarityUSP 785 • • •Bioburdon (Powder) USP 61 • • •Sterility (Liquid) USP 71 • • •Endotoxin USP 85 • • •(Kinetic, Chromogenic, Gel clot LAL)Redundant Supply FacilitiesWe know the challenges global biopharma companies can have with securing dual source of cell culture media. We provide the solution by offering two sister sites-same technology, single source of raw materials and global quality management to deliver dual sourcing from one supplier.Irvine, UKLenexa, KS, US Custom Capabilities Small Scale imMEDIAte ADVANTAGE ® Services• Pre-GMP product intended for bioprocess development studies • Liquid; 1-200L batch sizes• Powder: 0.5 - 20kgs batch sizesCustom Capabilities Large Scale• Clinical to commercial supply • Liquid: 50 - 10,000 L batch sizes • Dry powder: 25-6000 kg batch sizesRaw MaterialsOption to use unique,non-qualified raw materialsfor your experimentsRight Technology & ProcessesEquivalent liquid and dry powder manufacturing methods as compared to large scale facilitiesDocumentation to SupportCertificate of analysisand safety data sheet with each batch Quality Services: Customer InquiriesGlobal Quality Management SystemOur cell culture media sites are certified as ISO 9001:2015 * Voluntarily comply to the Joint IPEC-PQG Guide on GoodManufacturing Practices for Excipients and applicable sections of Annex 1of the EU Guidelines to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products. Apply to Lenexa, St. Louis-Broadway, Irvine, Darmstadt, and Nantong (liquid) sites.NEW! IPEC-PQG compliance*Design SupportLet one of our R&D teams or our designs specialist help you develop your customcell culture media.Our global network of manufacture sites are specifically designed and operate to exceed industry standards for cell culture media intended for bioprocesses.Front Line ContactProduct documentation,Q&A TIER1Technical & Quality Workflows Appropriate team support TIER2Expert SupportScientific or site expert supportTIER3NEW! Emprove ®Cell Culture MediaPharma & Biopharma Raw Material SolutionsThe life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.Merck, SAFC, Emprove, imMEDIAte ADVANTAGE, and the Vibrant M are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly accessibleresources. © 2020 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.Lit. No. MK_FL6630EN Ver 1.0 10/2020/emproveLearn more/ccmsupply。
构 成 、主 要 技 术性 能 、应 用范 围。
能 量 值 ,利 用 M l 型 X 射 线 检测 2 P 5
X 线 ; 凸度 仪 射
在 检 测 任 一 特 殊 厚 度 时 , 系 统 将 号 电 压 输 出 值 。
型号 : 7 毫 米光 电倍增 管 5
台闪烁探头接收到 X 射线 ( 经
2 x射线 凸度仪原理
X 射 线 凸度 仪 的 原 理 是 : 测 量 制 其转 为最 大 的 检测 信号 电压 输 出 值 。 与 辐 射 强 度 成 比 例 的 电压 信 号 。一 台 品所 吸 收 的 X 射 线量 ,根 据 该 X 射 线 D et 0r: 探 头 X — R aY ect 闪 烁 探 头 由 一 套 导 光 组 件 组 成 , 在该 的能 量值 ,确 定 被测 件 的厚 度 ,并 结 合 So c ur e:X 射 线源 Ma e i l t ra :被 测 组 件 上 ,涂 有 一 种 将 辐 射 转 化 为 光 的 行 走轨 迹 ,得 到板 带 的 凸度形 状 。
将 其 固 定 一 个 X 射 线源 和 探头 的便 捷 方 法 。 在 “ ” 型 架 的 上 部 和 下 部 之 C 间的 间距称 为空 气缝隙 。
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被 测 件 吸收 衰 减 后 )后 ,将 输 出一 个
9 一 3
Thermo Scientific Finnpipette Focus 使用指南说明书
Thermo Scientifi cFinnpipette® FocusErgonomic Solutions forPrecise Pipetting Part of Thermo Fisher Scientifi cThermo Scientific Finnpipette Focus StandardComfortable Liquid HandlingThe Finnpipette Focus Standard has a long, slender tip cone for pipet-ting from test tubes, bottles, fl asks and other narrow and long necked vessels. Finnpipette Focus Standard and Finnpipette Focus Short fea-tures super blow-out technology for accuracy and precision. The whole pipette is fully autoclavable. Practical Ergonomic Features Finnpipette Focus Standard has the same ergonomic features as the Finnpipette Focus short range. Its light weight and grippy fi nger rest, make Finnpipette Focus Standard more comfortable to use, and reduce strain during repetitive pipet-ting tasks from narrow and long necked vessels. Finnpipette Focus Fixed Volume Single Channel PipettesFixed volume pipettes are idealfor repeated pipetting of single volumes. Finnpipette Focus Fixed Volume pipettes are now available in short and long tip-cone format. The Finnpipette Focus Standard Fixed Volume pipettes have a long, slender tip cone for repeated pipetting of a fi xed volume from narrow and long necked vessels. All Finnpipette Focus Fixed Volume pipettes have the same ergonomic advantages as the adjustable volume Finnpipette Focus range, including soft-touch tip ejection, the and super blow-out.Finnpipette Focus Fixed Volume pipettes are available in a range of volumes, and are provided with darkblue handles.Thermo Scientific Finnpipette Fixed VolumeThermo Scientific Finnpipette Focus Multichannel PlusImproved Accuracy and PrecisionFinnpipette Focus Multichannel Plus speeds up repetitive dis-pensing. The improved design and new mechanical solutions of Finnpipette Focus Multichan-nel Plus improves accuracy and precision. Finnpipette Focus Multichannel Plus models are available in 1-10 µl, 5-50 µl and 30-300 µl volume ranges with 8-, 12- or 16- channels. In the low volume multichannel pipettes, the super blow-out function ensures accurate delivery of microsized drops.Ergonomic Multichannel PipettingFinnpipette Focus Multichannel Plus models have a new redesigned light weight tip cone module for improved ergonomics. The grippy fi nger rest enables the optimum pipetting angle, improving pipetting results. Finnpipette Focus Multichannel Plus is more comfortable and less tiring over periods of repetitive pipetting. The soft-touch tip ejection is more effi cient and requires less effort, which is especially important with multichannel pipettes.Improve your work with Thermo Scientific FinntipsPipette tips must meet the requirements of the pipette. To obtain the greatest accuracy, tips must be of the best quality and be designed for the pipette.Finntips are tested to meet our strict production standards andcustomer needs.Special Features of Thermo Scientific Finnpipette FocusColor codingImprovedfi nger restShort and standardtip cone• Quick volume setting and fiwheels• Increased accuracy with super blow-out• Well placed soft-touch tip ejection button• Improved grippy fipipetting• Ergonomic design to minimize repetitivepipettingFinntip Flex 300Finntip Flex 1200Finntip Pipette Tips Tip-top qualityHigh-quality Finntip pipette tips have always been an essential part of our world leading family of Finnpipettes. Our advanced molding techniquesensure that all Finntips provide the very best dispensing accuracy.Finntip Flex 300, 1000 and 1200 μl Flexible in every wayOur new Finntip Flex system is the latest breakthrough in pipette tip technology that offers fl exible, soft and sophisticated high-end tips for discern-ing users. The new rack is very easy to use and it does not slide on the lab bench.Finntip Flex 300 and 1000 Refi ll Kits Speed up your assaysThe new innovative Finntip Flex 300 refi ll system is very easy to use. Just place the refi ll tower on top of empty Flex rack and with a single click the new tip matrix plate is placed. Finntip Flex 300 Refi lls can be used with Finntip Flex racks.Finntip 0.2 μl-10mlEnsure the success of your applica-tion with FinntipsWe offer an extensive range of Finntips for you to choose from, so that you can get reliable pipetting results, for any application. All the Finntips are available as sterilized versions and they are fully autoclavable.Finntip 250 universal and Finntip 10 Refi ll Kits Easy to useThe kits contain two refi ll towers of 10 matrix plates each. Finntip 250 Universal can be used for a volume range of 0.5 – 250 µl whilst Finntip 10 can be used for 0.2 -10 µl. Finntip 250 and Finntip 10 Refi lls can be used with standard Finntip racks.Finntip Filter 0.2 μl-10mlPrevent cross-contaminationFinntip Filters are ideal for PCR and other amplifi cation methods, or for any work where aerosol contamination might occur. Finntip Filters effectively eliminate carry-over contamination,ensuring the success of the application. Finntip Filters 0.2 - 1000 µl are certifi ed to be free of DNA, DNase and RNase.Thermo Scientific Finntip ®Thermo Scientific Finntip pipette tips complement the Finnpipette product range to make a complete optimized pipetting system. Finntips are fully compatible with all Finnpipettes, providing optimal liquid handling results. All Finntips are avail-able in easy-to-open, fully autoclavable hinged tip racks with color-coded matrix trays.Thermo Scientific Finntip - Standard Pipette TipsConvenient packagingA range of packaging options is available, including racks, bags, boxesand bulk. To reduce waste, convenient refi ll packs are available for Finntip racks.Thermo Scientific Finntip - Special Pipette TipsThermo Scientific Finntip Flex - Standard Pipette TipsFinntip Flex 10 mlFinntip Flex 1000 Refi ll Starter KitFinnpipette Focus Multichannel Plus**Cat. no. Channels Range Increment Volume InaccuracyImprecisionColor code Finntipμl % s.d.* μl CV%*4610 100 8 1-10 µl 0.1 µl 10 µl ±0.24 ±2.4 0.16 1.6 pink10, 20, 50 1 µl ±0.12 ±12 0.08 8.0 4610 110 12 1-10 µl 0.1 µl 10 µl ±0.24 ±2.4 0.16 1.6 pink 10, 20, 501 µl ±0.12 ±12 0.08 8.0 4610 120 8 5-50 µl 0.1 µl 50 µl ±0.75 ±1.5 0.35 0.7 yellow 250 Univ.,200 Ext. 5 µl ±0.25 ±5 0.10 2.04610 130 12 5-50 µl 0.1 µl 50 µl ±0.75 ±1.5 0.35 0.7 yellow 250 Univ.,200 Ext. 5 µl ±0.25 ±5 0.10 2.04610 140 8 30-300 µl 1 µl 300 µl ±3 ±1 0.9 0.3 orange 300 30 µl ±1.5 ±5.0 0.6 2.04610 150 12 30-300 µl 1 µl 300 µl ±3 ±1 0.9 0.3 orange 300 30 µl ±1.5 ±5.0 0.6 2.04610 170 16 5-50 µl 0.1 µl 50 µl ±0.75 ±1.5 0.35 0.7 turquoise 505 µl ±0.25 ±5.0 0.10 2.0* s.d. = Standard Deviation, CV = Coeffi cient of Variation ** Factory calibration limitsFinnpipette Focus Fixed Volume**Cat. no. Cat. no. Volume Inaccuracy ImprecisionFinntipStandard tip Cone Short tip Coneμl %s.d.* μlCV %*4601 160 4601 000 1 µl ±0.04 ±4.0 0.04 4.0 10, 20, 504601 170 4601 010 2 µl ±0.05 ±2.5 0.04 2.0 10, 20, 504601 180 4601 020 5 µl ±0.07 ±1.4 0.07 1.4 10, 20, 504601 190 4601 030 10 µl ±0.09 ±0.9 0.08 0.8 10, 20, 504601 200 4601 040 20 µl ±0.12 ±0.6 0.10 0.5 250 Universal, 300, 200 Ext.4601 210 4601 050 25 µl ±0.15 ±0.6 0.13 0.5 250 Universal, 300, 200 Ext.4601 220 4601 060 50 µl ±0.3 ±0.6 0.2 0.4 250 Universal, 300, 200 Ext.4601 230 4601 070 100 µl ±0.4 ±0.4 0.3 0.3 250 Universal, 300, 200 Ext.4601 240 4601 080 200 µl ±0.8 ±0.4 0.6 0.3 250 Universal, 300, 200 Ext.4601 250 4601 090 250 µl ±1.0 ±0.4 0.8 0.3 250 Universal, 3004601 260 4601 100 500 µl ±1.5 ±0.3 1.5 0.3 1000, 1000 Ext.4601 270 4601 110 1000 µl ±3.0 ±0.3 3.0 0.3 1000, 1000 Ext.4601 120 2000 µl ±6.0 ±0.3 4.0 0.2 5 ml 4601 130 3000 µl ±9.0 ±0.3 6.0 0.2 5 ml 4600 140 5000 µl ±15.0 ±0.3 10.0 0.2 5 ml 4600 15010 ml±30.0±0.320.00.210 ml* s.d. = Standard Deviation, CV = Coeffi cient of Variation ** Factory calibration limitsFinnpipette Focus Variable Volume**Cat. no. Cat. no. Range Increment VolumeInaccuracy ImprecisionColorFinntipStandard tip Cone Short tip Coneμl % s.d*.μl CV%* code4600 150 4600 100 0.3-3 µl 0.01 µl 3 µl ±0.075 ±2.5 0.060 2.0 pink 10 0.3 µl ±0.030 ±10 0.024 8.0 4600 160 4600 110 0.5-5 µl 0.01 µl 5 µl ±0.05 ±1.0 0.040 0.8 pink 10 0.5 µl ±0.018 ±3.5 0.015 3.0 4600 170 4600 080 1-10 µl 0.01 µl 10 µl ±0.10 ±1.0 0.05 0.5 pink 10 1 µl ±0.025 ±2.5 0.02 2.0 4600 180 4600 010 1-10 µl 0.01 µl 10 µl ±0.10 ±1.0 0.05 0.5 yellow 250 Univ., 200 Ext. 1 µl ±0.035 ±3.5 0.03 3.0 4600 190 4600 120 3-30 µl 0.1 µl 30 µl ±0.24 ±0.8 0.12 0.4 turquoise 50 3 µl ±0.105 ±3.5 0.09 3.0 4600 200 4600 130 3-30 µl 0.1 µl 30 µl ±0.24 ±0.8 0.12 0.4 yellow 250 Univ., 200 Ext. 3 µl ±0.105 ±3.5 0.09 3.0 4600 210 4600 090 5-50 µl 0.1 µl 50 µl ±0.30 ±0.6 0.15 0.3 turquoise 50 5 µl ±0.15 ±3.0 0.125 2.5 4600 220 4600 020 5-50 µl 0.1 µl 50 µl ±0.30 ±0.6 0.15 0.3 yellow 250 Univ., 200 Ext. 5 µl ±0.15 ±3.0 0.125 2.5 4600 230 4600 030 10-100 µl 0.1 µl 100 µl ±0.80 ±0.8 0.20 0.2 yellow 250 Univ., 200 Ext. 10 µl ±0.30 ±3.0 0.10 1.0 4600 240 4600 040 30-300 µl 1 µl 300 µl ±1.8 ±0.6 0.6 0.2 orange 300 30 µl ±0.45 ±1.5 0.108 0.6 4600 250 4600 050 100-1000 µl 1 µl 1000 µl ± 6.0 ± 0.6 2.0 0.2 blue 1000, 1000 Ext. 100 µl ±1.0 ±1.0 0.6 0.6 4600 400 0.5-5 ml 0.01 ml 5000 µl ±25.0 ±0.5 10.0 0.2 green 5 ml 500 µl ±10.0 ±2.0 4.0 0.84600 410 1-10 ml 0.01 ml 10000 µ l±50.0 ±0.5 20.0 0.2 red 10 ml 1000 µl ±20.0 ±2.0 8.0 0.8* s.d. = Standard Deviation, CV = Coeffi cient of Variation ** Factory calibration limits151 6330-04 T h e r m o F i s h e r S c i e n t i fi c /S u o m e n P a i n o t u o t e /B R O -L C P -P I P F O C U S -0307 -04。
赛默飞世尔科学 Cytomat
Thermo ScientificCytomat®Automated Incubatorsand Storage ModulesThe only incubator and storagesystems that combine provenreliability and environmentalstability with worldwide support.Our Cytomat support increases yourproductivity via higher uptime,reduced costs, and optimizedsystems performance.Thermo ScientificCytomat 6000Automatic Incubators Thermo ScientificCytomat 44Automated PlateStorage ModuleAccessing the Industry’s Most Intensive SupportThermo Scientific Cytomat service and support are backed up by the global network of ThermoFisher Scientific, the world leader in serving science. Like all of our services, Cytomat supporthelps increase your productivity via higher uptime, reduced costs, and optimized systemsperformance.If Cytomat’s standard solutions don’t fit your requirements, our Engineering and R&D teams candesign and develop customized products that meet the most demanding needs. Our in-housemechanical, software, and application experts work closely with our production and develop-ment facility to offer assistance around the globe. Whatever your concern, you get fast,dedicated local support virtually anywhere.Software IntegrationOur experts will help your system operate seamlessly with any automated assay solution. We minimize and simplify robotic teaching and programming for fast imple-mentation and start-up. Software commands are easy and intuitive. And Cytomat’s single loading and unloading point cuts down on robotic programming time and effort.Customized SolutionsDefine the configuration ofyour robotic system or work-station through a choice ofmicroplate, T-flask, or Petri-dish handling, temperature,and humidity ranges, and gasenvironment options to pro-vide the right atmosphere fordifferent screening or samplestorage applications.Whatever your Cytomat sys-tem configuration, we providefull documentation and certi-fication of quality. As aservice, we also offer IQ, OQvalidation.Field ServiceIn addition to phone oremail-based technical help,you can access experiencedfield service specialists dedi-cated to Cytomat systems.More than 100 trained serviceengineers are available tominimize mean time to repair.Thermo Scientific Cytomat Linear HotelThermo Scientific Cytomat 600X System StackedThermo Scientific Cytomat HotelReaping the Benefits of Proven ReliabilityWhen valuable assay samples are properly stored and accessed, research laboratories can achieve significant strides in productivity and efficiency.That’s why laboratory equipment manufacturers andresearchers worldwide depend on highly reliable Thermo Scientific Cytomat automated incubators and microplate storage systems. The robot-accessible Cytomat line is the established leader in the field:•Provides continuous operation and maximum sample protection •Incorporates more than 40 years’ experience in CO 2incubator technology •Offers the industry’s broadest and deepest range of automated incubators and storage modules •Integrates seamlessly with all automated assay systems •Furnishes superior conditions for automated cell-based assays, cell cultures, bacterial assays, microarraying,compound libraries, and other applications requiring precise environmental control •CE & CSA approval•Operates laboratory for calibration of temperature according to EN ISO/IEC 17025 (DKD certification)Relying On Trusted Environmental ExpertiseThe Cytomat system accommodates all standard microplate formats, and provides a choice of temperature (–20°C to 70°C)and humidity ranges, as well as gaseous atmospheres.Cytomat incubators create ideal environmental conditions for cell-based assays. Cooled storage systems ensure an extremely dry climate with an inert atmosphere, minimizing DMSO water absorption. By contrast, primer hybridization systems create hot and humid conditions to minimize evaporation.Both types emphasize reliable, stable environmental condi-tions for microplates. Results: reduced assay variance,excellent parameter uniformity, and virtual elimination of recovery times.Superior Cytomat design and manufacturing quality provide incubation and storage with ISO 9001 quality certification.Thermo Scientific Cytomat ®Automated Incubators and Storage ModulesProgressive Plate Shuttle SystemUnique Swap StationWireless Barcode ReaderStackerTaking Advantage of Our Innovative DesignWith Cytomat, users get the industry’s most advanced technology for automated storage and retrieval within a precisely controlled environment.Our internally automated Thermo Scientific Plate Shuttle ™system opti-mizes microplate handling. It comprises a lift system, a handler for X/Y/Z movement axes, and a heated automatic access door. Plate access won’t disturb inner chamber conditions. Integration is a snap with any automated assay system.Capacity can reach from 40 to 1,008 shal-low-well plates (capacity can vary depending on plate type). Random access of individual plates optimizes workflow.And easy-to-use, Windows ®-based software allows onsite system reconfiguration and testing.Ease of IntegrationThe Cytomat system delivers itsmicroplates to a single point of integra-tion — a transfer station, normally configured for portrait format — during unloading. It retrieves plates from the same point during loading.This creates an extremely robot-friendly design. On system implementation, the robot needs to be taught only one position for plate pickup. You save significant time during both installation and minute-to-minute operation.Choosing the Right OptionsT ransfer StationsThe highly flexible Cytomat offers a variety of ways to present plates to the system.The standard Cytomat configuration fea-tures rear presentation. For top-of-counter presentation, a lifter is available. Other choices include 90°turning for presenta-tion in landscape format, a 180°turntable Swap Station with two positions, and a Linear Transfer Station.StackersThe ultra-flexible Thermo ScientificCytomat Stacker System accommodates all standard microplate formats (includ-ing deepwell plates) as well as tip boxes.Stackers are easily removed for manual loading and unloading, and can be auto-claved and sterilized with dry heat at 180°C.ShakerAn orbital shaking option is ideal for applications requiring sample agitation,such as insect cell growth and gene expression. The software makes it easy to control the shaking commands and parameters.Wireless Barcode ReaderAll Cytomat models are available with a robotically controlled, wireless barcode reader that can scan barcodes at any plate position — inside and outside the controlled environment. This highly flexi-ble inventory scanning capability allows information retrieval at any position,even when plates are manually loaded.This highly desirable feature minimizes plate movement and eliminates the process inefficiencies of fixed barcode scanners. With the wireless reader,Cytomat can provide data sets for sam-ple and plate tracking, functioning as both databank and compound store.~~-80 -20 -101020 30 40 50 60 70437T A (ambient)Temperature [°C]421895049241008984Standard MicroplatesCytomat 2C4Cytomat 2C70Cytomat 2C425Cytomat 2C450Cytomat 2C470Cytomat 6002D Cytomat 6003DCytomat 6000Cytomat 6001Cytomat 6001 C4Cytomat 6070Cytomat 2Hotel (ambient)Cytomat 6004 (ambient)Cytomat 24 CCytomat 24 C10Cytomat 24 C4Cytomat Hotel (ambient)Cytomat 24 Hotel (ambient)Cytomat 24 Linear Hotel (ambient)Cytomat 48 Linear Hotel (ambient)BioBankCytomat 44D/HC/HCytomat 48 CCytomat 48 C10Cytomat 48 C4Cytomat 2CCytomat 2C15CAPACITYSTORAGEINCUBATION HYBRIDIZATIONSelecting theRight Solutionfor Your AssayChoose from a wide range of Cytomat modelsto match your laboratory mission and desired environmental conditions. It’s easy to find pre-cisely the right Cytomat, whatever your requirements.Thermo Scientific ServicesWe are committed to helping your laboratory achieve success.Our solutions ensure that your automation systems are optimizedfor accuracy, productivity, and performance. We offer flexiblesolutions:•Service agreements•Preventative maintenance plans•Software upgrades•Software application support•Technical support•Integration services•Relocation services•TrainingContact a Thermo Fisher Scientific representative to tailor theservice solution that best meets your needs.Email:***********************************+49 6184 906940Email:**************************************+852 2885 4613Email:****************************************/automate0717030。
Thermo Scientific Revco PLUS -86°C Freezers 产品介绍说明
NEW!Thermo Scientific Revco®PLUS -86°C FreezersProtecting Your Life’s WorkYour life’s work. What is it worth to you?Y our life’s work.What is it worth to you?Revco Ultima ®PLUS: Advanced Performance, Controls and Monitoring Revco Elite ®PLUS: High Performance and Controls Revco Value ®PLUS: Basic Functionality and Controls689You spend countless lab hours developing valuable samples. Many are irreplaceable. Protecting the integrity of your work is not just important, it’s immeasurable.For more than 50 years, Thermo Scientific Revco cold storage products have been trusted by theworld’s leading global biotechnology, pharmaceutical,academic, government, and clinical laboratories.More than two billion samples are stored in Thermo Scientific cold storage equipment worldwide – more than any other brand. Recognized for our dependability and quality, our cold storage solutions cover the broadest spectrum of temperature needs from +4°C to -196°C.Thermo ScientificRevco PLUS -86°CFreezers* based on internal performance dataIntroducing the new Thermo Scientific Revco PLUS -86°C upright freezers, combining the highest reliability and superior performance with cost-effective operation and innovative features.Leveraging years of R&D expertise, our newRevco PLUS freezers are designed with a patented refrigeration system and new robust electronics platform to deliver:Maximum Temperature Recovery20% more heat removal capacity over other leading freezers, ensuring faster temperature recovery after door openings.*Operational EfficiencyUses 15% less power to maintain cabinet tempera-ture compared to other leading freezers.* In addition,the Revco PLUS emits 15% less heat into the lab environment, minimizing air conditioning costs.*Comfortable Lab EnvironmentQuiet, comfortable operation allows our -86°C freezers to reside directly in the lab, creating amore productive and efficient work environment.Our life’s work is safeguarding your life’s work.1Our Revco PLUS -86°C upright freezers include three models, with varying levels of monitoring, reporting and alarms. Whatever controls your environment requires,we have a Revco PLUS model to meet your needs.Revco Ultima PLUS :Advanced, eye-level control platform designed for applications requiring very detailed, sophisticated monitoring,alarm and communication functions.Revco Elite PLUS :Mid-range, knee-level control platform designed for applications requiring a moderate level of monitoring, alarm and communication functions.Revco Value PLUS :Basic, knee-level control platform designed for applications requiring basic monitoring, alarm and communication functions.Advanced Technology, Exceptional QualityOur Revco PLUS freezers meet the sample storage and protection needs of different lab environments.All Revco PLUS models feature the same technologyplatform with the advanced refrigeration, microprocessor controls and high-quality construction.for quieter, comfortable lab surroundingsMinimized Noise Output Featuring advanced noiseabatement technology and insulation, our Revco PLUS -86°C freezers are 40% quieter so theycan reside right in your lab.speeds sample preparation and minimizes sample exposure toambient air.3Washable Filter:protection fromdust build-up on condenserPLUS Power Management System:low voltage surge protection, voltage Advanced Compressor Deck:superior heat removal and energy efficiency; excellent insulation for a very quiet work environmentCFC-Free Refrigerants:DuPont Suva 95 in low stage models Door-Mounted Pressure Equalization Port (PEP): maintenance-free PEP allows for quick re-entries after door openings and eliminates the need for ice removal(PEP is hidden from view)4Stainless Steel Interior Shelves:Quality-Built for Maximum ReliabilityFor optimized performance and operation, our Revco PLUS -86°Cfreezers feature robust, high-quality construction with advancedinsulation, flexible storage and precision controls.Ensure the easy retrieval of precious samples and minimize sampleexposure to ambient conditions with our Revco rack solutions.Your sales representative can suggest the optimalrack configuration for your storage needs.56Thermo Scientific Revco Ultima PLUS -86°C Upright Freezers7Revco Elite PLUS High Performanceand ControlsOur Revco Elite PLUS -86°C freezer is available in 17, 21 and 25 cubic feet capacities.Alarm Test: simulates tempera-ture alarm conditionTouchpad Data Entry:adjustable in 1°C increments Alarm Reset:mutes audible alarmand sets A.I.M.Value PLUS:Basic Performance and ControlsOur Revco Value PLUS -86°C freezer is available in 17, 21 and 25 cubic feet capacities.Touchpad Data Entry: adjustable in 1°C increments; alarm setpoint in 5°C incrementsstandard knee-level locationPower Failure:automatically activates in eventWarranty InformationUnited States and Canada:Standard Revco PLUS models carry a 2-year warranty on parts and labor and a total 3, 4, or 5 year warranty on compressor parts for the Value PLUS, Elite PLUS, and Ultima PLUS, respectively.International (Outside of U.S. and Canada):Standard Revco PLUS models carry a 16-month full warranty for parts and a total 60-month warranty on compressor parts for the Value PLUS, Elite PLUS, and Ultima PLUS.Certification information and Line Cord Info • Meets NEMA, UL61010-1, UL471, CUL, CE,TUV, IEC60335-2-89/Climate Class T (Tropical) criteria• Calibration Certification Available • Validation Testing Program AvailableThermo Scientific Revco Elite PLUS -86°C Upright FreezersLine Cord Plug ReferenceFreezers supplied with line cord plugs (P) require corresponding receptacles illustrated in the Line Cord Plug Reference. Catalog selection charts list each standard model with voltage, rated amperage,recommended circuit breaker size and NEMA electrical plug information.。
凸度检测系统厚度测量精度分析苗积臣;吴志芳;张玉爱;邢桂来;刘锡明【摘要】Instantaneous profile gauge technology has been widely used in metallurgy industry because it can on-line get the profile of steel strip. It has characters of high measure precision and wide measure range. The factors of thickness measure precision were analyzed and the system noise was simulated. Based on the analysis the system measure precision was estimated and validated in an experiment profile gauge system. The theory results fit experiment data very well.%凸度检测技术可在线测量板带材的断面轮廓,并实时反馈到连轧控制系统中,实现凸度控制,在冶金工业中得到广泛应用.该项技术有厚度测量范围大、测量精度要求高的特点.本文从理论上分析了厚度测量精度的影响因素,建立了系统信号涨落模型,并在建成的凸度检测系统样机上进行了实验验证,理论与实验符合较好.【期刊名称】《原子能科学技术》【年(卷),期】2011(045)008【总页数】4页(P983-986)【关键词】X射线凸度检测;信号涨落模型;厚度测量精度分析【作者】苗积臣;吴志芳;张玉爱;邢桂来;刘锡明【作者单位】清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院,北京 100084;清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院,北京 100084;清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院,北京 100084;清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院,北京 100084;清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院,北京 100084【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TL99随着钢铁行业的迅速发展,对板带材的几何尺寸与板形等的精度要求越来越高,已不再局限于中心厚度等纵向精度的要求,而对凸度等横向精度提出更高的要求,目前凸度检测系统已在现代钢铁企业中得到广泛应用[1]。
thermo fisher scientific的实验条件 -回复
thermo fisher scientific的实验条件-回复研究领域及背景热电科学公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific)是一家全球领先的科学研究和实验室技术解决方案提供商。
Thermo Fisher Scientific公司在提供各种实验条件方面具有丰富的经验和专业知识。
本文将围绕着Thermo Fisher Scientific的实验条件展开讨论,引导读者一步一步了解如何设定实验条件以获得准确、可重复的实验结果。
设定实验条件的步骤1. 确定实验目的和研究问题:在开始设定实验条件之前,研究人员应明确实验的目的和研究的问题。
2. 选择合适的仪器和设备:根据实验的性质和需要,选择适合的仪器和设备。
Thermo Fisher Scientific公司提供了各种高质量的实验仪器和设备,可以满足不同实验的要求。
3. 控制环境条件:实验的环境条件对于实验结果的准确性和可重复性至关重要。
4. 设定实验参数:包括时间、温度、浓度等参数。
5. 选择合适的实验材料和试剂:实验材料和试剂的质量和纯度对于实验结果的准确性至关重要。
Thermo Fisher Scientific公司提供了高质量的实验材料和试剂,可以满足各种实验需求。
Applied Research Laboratories, ARL, Thermo ARL元素分析Baird 元素分析Baker CAC/Envirotech Controls 散装材料处理Barnant离心机;密度、流量和物位测量;流体处理; 加热设备;材料表征及测试;样品制备;水质分析Barnstead冷水机,循环器,水浴;色谱;冷藏设备;加热设备;组织学设备;培养箱及环境控制箱;实验室耗材及移液器;分子光谱仪;样品制备;水纯化Bicron 辐射测量和保护BioImage 高内涵筛选与分析仪器Brandt, Brandt Instruments, Thermo Brandt 流量, 物位和密度测量Cahn, Thermo Cahn 材料表征Carlo Erba, CE Instruments 色谱, 质谱Cellomics 高内涵筛选与分析仪器CIDTEC, Thermo CIDTEC CID 摄影机及成像技术Clinical Labsystems, Thermo ClinicalLabsystems临床化学及自动化系统Consolidated Technologies 临床化学试剂CRS Robotics, Thermo CRS 实验室自动化及一体化Cryonix 样品储存和运输Cytomat 实验室一体化Damon/IEC, IEC, Thermo IEC 离心机Data Medical Associates, DMA, Thermo DMA 临床化学试剂Denley, Thermo Denley 冷藏设备Detection, Thermo Detection 散装材料处理Dharmacon RNA 干扰(RNAi)研究EC, Thermo EC 样品制备Eberline, ESM Eberline, Thermo Eberline 辐射测量和保护EFM 流量、物位和密度测量, 气体测量EGS Gauging, Inc. Web 测量Environmental Instruments, ThermoEnvironmental Instruments空气质量EnviroTech Measurement and Control 散装材料处理EPD, Siemens EPD 辐射测量和保护EPM Environmental 空气质量Erie Scientific临床化学试剂;细胞学设备, 实验室自动化及一体化;实验室耗材和移液器Euroglas, Thermo Euroglas 元素分析Eurotherm Web 测量Eutech Eutech 电化学水质分析仪器Finnigan, Finnigan MAT, Thermo Finnigan 色谱, 质谱Fisher Diagnostics 临床化学试剂Fisher Scientific International生命科学, 食品安全诊断, 化学药品, 自然科学, 科学教育, 卫生保健, 保险, 国家安全Flow Automation, Thermo Flow Automation 流量, 物位和密度测量, 气体测量Fluid Data 流量, 物位和密度测量, 气体测量Forma Scientific, Thermo Forma 冷藏设备Galactic, Thermo Galactic LIMS 和实验室软件Gamma-Metrics, Thermo Gamma-Metrics 核反应堆检测系统GasTech, Thermo GasTech 工业卫生Gebruder Haake, Haake, Thermo Haake 温度控制, 材料表征Gerhard Menzel, Menzel-Gl?zer 细胞学设备, 组织学设备Goring-Kerr, Thermo Goring-Kerr 散装材料处理H + P 振荡器, 搅拌器, 反应器, 灭菌锅, 蒸汽罐, 蒸汽发生器Haake, Gebruder Haake, Thermo Haake 温度控制, 材料表征Harris 冷冻柜, 冰箱Harshaw 辐射测量和保护Heraeus 离心机, 培养箱和冷藏柜Heto 样品制备Holten 生物安全柜Houston Atlas 分析仪Hybaid, Thermo Hybaid 分子生物HyClone 细胞培养与生物反应器Hydril PTD 流量, 物位和密度测量, 气体测量Hypersil, Hypersil-Keystone, ThermoHypersil-KeystoneHPLC 色谱柱IEC, Thermo IEC, Damon/IEC 离心机Innaphase LIMSInteractiva, Thermo Interactica 分子生物Ionalytics FAIMSJarrel-Ash, Thermo Jarrel-Ash, TJA Solutions 元素分析Jewett 冷冻柜, 冰箱Jouan 样品制备LabSystems, Thermo LabSystems LIMS 和实验室软件Labsystems, Thermo Labsystems 微孔板仪器或者实验室耗材和移液器LabVision/Neo Markers 临床化学试剂LFE Corporation Web 测量Life Sciences, Thermo Life Sciences 生命科学和实验室科学Lindberg Blue M 水浴, 马弗炉, 烘箱LMSi LIMS 和实验室软件MAT 振荡器, 空气净化系统Matrix Technologies临床化学及自动化系统;实验室自动化及一体化;实验室耗材及移液器;微孔板仪器Mattson, Thermo Mattson 分子光谱Measure Tech, Thermo Measure Tech 流量, 物位和密度测量Menzel-Gl?zer, Gerhard Menzel 细胞学设备, 组织学设备Metrika Systems 在线元素分析MF Physics, Thermo MF Physics 中子发生器MIE, Thermo MIE 工业卫生或者空气质量Moisture Systems, Thermo Moisture Systems 过程仪表Napco 加热设备National Nuclear 辐射测量和保护NERL Diagnostics 临床化学试剂NESLAB, Thermo NESLAB 温度控制Nicolet Instrument Corporation, NicoletIndustrial Solutions, Thermo Nicolet, ThermoNicolet Industrial Solutions分子光谱NITON LLC 便携式元素分析仪NORAN Instruments, Thermo NORAN 微区分析及成像ONIX, Thermo ONIX 分析仪Orion, Thermo Orion 水质分析Owl Separation Systems 样品制备Peek Measurement 流量, 物位和密度测量Pierce 蛋白质研究Polysonics, Thermo Polysonics 流量, 物位和密度测量Precision 加热设备PRISM, Thermo PRISM 材料表征Puffer Hubbard 冰箱Quest, Thermo Quest 色谱, 质谱Queue 培养箱和冷冻柜Radiometrie, Thermo Raidiometrie 平板测量Ramsey, Thermo Ramsey 散装材料处理Ranger 数据采集与管理Reactor Experiments 辐射测量和保护Reax, Thermo Reax 辐射测量和保护Revco 冰箱, 培养箱和冷冻柜Rhombix 蛋白质结晶Richard-Allan Scientific 临床化学试剂Rupprecht & Patashnick 环境监测Russell, Thermo Russell 水质分析Sarasota 流量, 物位和密度测量Savant, Thermo Savant 样品制备Scintag 元素分析Sentron, Thermo Sentron 检重秤,金属检测及 X 射线检测Seradyn 临床化学试剂Shandon, Thermo Shandon 解剖病理学Siemens EPD, EPD 辐射测量和保护Sorvall 离心机Spectrace Instruments 元素分析Spectra-Tech, Thermo Spectra-Tech 分子光谱Spectronic, Thermo Spectronic 紫外-可见分光光度计, 荧光TC Tech 细胞培养及生物反应器Teleshake 振荡器Texas Nuclear 元素分析, 流量, 物位和密度测量Thermedics Detection 散装材料处理Thermo Automation Systems 水质分析Thermo Detection 散装材料处理Thermo Elemental 元素分析Thermo Environmental Instruments 空气质量Thermo Flow Systems 流量, 物位和密度测量Thermo Jarrel-Ash, TJA Soultions 元素分析Thermo Measurement 流量, 物位和密度测量Thermo Optek 元素分析Thermo Quest, TMQ 色谱, 质谱Thermo Rheo 材料表征Thermo Separation Products 色谱, 质谱Thermo VG Scientific 微区分析及成像Thru-Put Systems LIMS 实验室软件Tokheim 流量, 物位和密度测量, 气体测量, Gas Measurement TN Technologies 流量, 物位和密度测量Trace Scientific, Thermo Trace 临床化学Tracor Northern 微区分析及成像Tracor, Tracor Westronics 数据采集和管理Tremetrics 色谱, 质谱Unicam 分析仪USCS LIMS 和实验室软件Vacuum Generators, Thermo VacuumGenerators真空和超高真空组件VG Elemental 元素分析VG Gas Analysis 分析仪VG Scientific, Thermo VG Scientific 微区分析及成像Westronics, Thermo Westronics 数据采集和管理。
Thermo Scientific SIPRO瞬时多功能凸度仪世界顶尖水平的凸度测量厚度凸度轮廓凸度楔形宽度温度凸度曲线平直度带钢单向皱纹热轧带钢热轧铝板带节省原材料厚薄不均和超差的产品将被降级,甚至整卷报废。
正常运行时间的重要性为满足生产需求,仪器需要具备持久的正常运行时间,其检修停机时间应控制在每年少数几天 SIPRO 的传感器工作稳定可靠。
抵御恶劣环境SIPRO 的设计使其持久耐用,构建材料为坚固的不锈钢C 型架。
产品特点• 合金补偿• 横截面分辨率达 5mm • 快速中心线厚度输出通道( 用于自动厚度控制AGC )• 精确的宽度测量• 温度凸度曲线数据• 全长轮廓• 板带位置• 可选板带平直度优势• 节省原材料• 减少废料• 对当前卷的凸度控制• 世界级水平的质量保证• 工艺优化SIPRO 展现了卓越的非接触式全板带测量。
SIPRO 拥有精准的横截面测量和快速的采集时间,十分适用于自动凸度、平直度控制系统、质流计算和其他控制系统。
平直度测量SIPRO 提供了最高分辨率的板带横截面测量,任何其它在线热轧凸度仪都无法与之相提并论。
世界级的品质 = 高收益精度和可靠性的背后蕴含着SIPRO 令人折服的测量技术。
Thermo Fisher Scientific Thermo Scientific Forma -
Thermo Scientific Forma®-86°C Ultra-Low TemperatureChest and Upright FreezersProven reliablity and performancefor your peace of mindPart of Thermo Fisher Scientificimproving temperature recovery•Optional CO2and LN2safety back-up systems areCFR Part 820, and Electronic Records 21 CFR Part 11. Full compliance requires user training.Sturdy, solid stainless steel shelving to support a full(700 Series controls are in the base.)•Convenient position of an optional recorder ordatalogger on 8600 and 900 Series freezersensures easy monitoring and paper changes. uprights is mountedScroll for Program Parameters Settings– Set Cabinet TempSetpoint, Overtemp Alarm,Undertemp Alarm, and Back-UpSystem Temp Setpoint (optional)Calibrate– Calibrate ControlProbe Temp and Sample ProbeTemp (optional)Temperature DisplayAudible/Visual Alarm Alarm Silence Set High Alarm and Set Low Alarm–define overtemp and undertemp setpoints– Monitor freezer conditionsTemperature DisplayAudible/Visual Alarm Alarm Silence Set High Alarm and Set Low Alarm–define overtemp and undertemp setpoints– Monitor freezer conditions (i.e., power failure, high or low temperature, probe failure, doorNorth America: USA/Canada +1 866 984 /coldEurope: Austria +43 1 801 40 0, Belgium +32 2 482 30 30, Finland +358 9 329 100, France +33 2 2803 2000,Germany national toll free 08001-536 376, Germany international +49 6184 90 6940, Italy +39 02 95059 1, Netherlands +31 76 571 4440,Russia/CIS +7 095 225 11 15, Spain/Portugal +34 93 223 09 18, Switzerland +41 44 454 12 12, UK/Ireland +44 870 609 9203Asia:China +86 21 6865 4588 or +86 10 5850 3588, India +91 22 5542 9494, Japan +81 45 453 9220,Other Asian countries +852 2885 4613Countries not listed:+49 6184 90 6940 or +33 2 2803 2000BRO-CECSFULT-INT-0307© 2007 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.Dataloggers and Evaluation software are manufactured by ELPRO Switzerland. Sensaphone is a registered trademark of Phonetics Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative for details.Want to Take Full Advantage of Your -86°C ULT freezer?Before ordering, request the Thermo Scientific Forma -40°Cand -86°C Freezer Accessories brochure to learn about ourfactory and customer installed options and inventorymanagement systems.Unmatched Laboratory ServicesOur support continues after the point-of-purchase.A worldwide network is ready to support your specificand unique needs. Some of the laboratory servicesoffered include the following:ConsultationExtended WarrantiesPreventive MaintenanceReplacement PartsRepair ServicesTrainingCalibrationInstallationTemperature MappingProof of PerformanceQualification/ValidationDatalogger SystemsThermo Fisher Scientific is the world leader in serving science,enabling our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer.With an annual revenue rate of more than $9 billion, we employ 30,000people and serve over 350,000 customers within pharmaceutical andbiotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, universities,research institutions and government agencies as well as environmentaland industrial process control settings. Serving customers through twopremier brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific, we help solveanalytical challenges from routine testing to complex research anddiscovery. Thermo Scientific offers customers a complete range of high-end analytical instruments as well as laboratory equipment, software, services,consumables and reagents to enable integrated laboratory workflow solutions. Fisher Scientific provides a complete portfolio of laboratory equipment, chemicals, supplies and services used in healthcare, scientific research, safety and education. Together, we offer the most convenient purchasing options to customers and continuously advance our technologies to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, enhance value for customers and fuel growth for shareholders and employees alike.。
Thermo Fisher Scientific携手复旦大学资助优秀人才
Thermo Fisher Scientific携手复旦大学资助优秀人才佚名
【摘要】日前,复旦大学生命科学院Thermo Fisher奖学金颁奖典礼在复旦大学光华楼隆重举行。
1.Thermo Fisher Scientific正式启用中文名称 [J],
2.艾默生先进的高准科氏流量和密度测量技术荣获2006年Frost & Sullivan技术领导奖/科学仪器公司Thermo Fisher Scientific正式起航/适用于多款世伟洛克球阀的ISO5211标准的执行器正式推出 [J],
3.Thermo Scientific和Fisher Scientific同台亮相Analytica China 2008 [J], 无
4.Thermo Fisher Scientific公司收购FEI公司 [J], 赵晓凤
5.Thermo Scientific和Fisher Scientific同台亮相 [J],
Thermo Scientific粒子技术说明和参考指南
Thermo Scientific粒子技术说明和参考指南粒子优化方法和步骤我们分享知识,帮助您走向成功这些技术说明指南提供了根据您的特定需求和应用的不同类型粒子的基本使用方法。
免责声明Thermo Fisher Scientific“按原样”提供本手册,不提供任何明示或暗示的、但不限于适销性或特定用途适用性的暗示保证。
Thermo Fisher不对客户和非客户承担责任。
目录聚苯乙烯基微粒(PS-MPS) (3)其他单体 (4)清洗方法 (5)蛋白质吸附:PS-MPS (6)粒子技术说明 (8)推荐吸附共价偶联程序 (8)超声混合 (16)粒子处理一般指南 (21)影响蛋白质与微粒共吸附和共价偶联的因素 (23)为诊断应用程序选择粒子表面属性 (34)粒子结合蛋白质分析快速洗脱技术 (36)从固体百分比推导每毫升计数 (42)用荧光微球评价生物膜的孔径 (46)质量控制/校准技术说明 (51)仪器校准和方法验证中测量组件的重要性 (51)用光学显微镜改进单分散球形颗粒尺寸校正的阵列方法 (53)光散射法校准球形颗粒 (60)用电子显微镜校准亚微米球形颗粒尺寸的内标法 (66)折射率 (71)0.05至0.5微米膜过滤器的颗粒保留测试 (72)粒子试剂的历史1956年Singer和Plotz首次提出用于类风湿因子检测的乳胶凝集试验(1)。
赛默飞 液相 峰纯度
赛默飞(Thermo Fisher Scientific)是一家全球领先的科学仪器和服务提供商,提供各种液相色谱系统和相关的分析软件。
赛默飞的液相色谱系统可以通过以下几种方式评估峰纯度:1. 光谱纯度:利用色谱柱后连接的紫外-可见(UV-Vis)或二极管阵列检测器(PDA)获取色谱峰的光谱信息。
2. 保留时间一致性:观察色谱峰的保留时间是否与预期的纯物质保留时间一致。
3. 峰形状分析:评估色谱峰的形状和对称性。
4. 多波长检测:使用多个波长同时检测色谱峰,可以提供更多的信息来评估峰纯度。
5. 色谱图比较:将待分析物的色谱图与已知纯物质的色谱图进行比较,观察峰的相似性和差异。
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Thermo Scientific SIPRO
为满足生产需求,仪器需要具备持久的正常运行时间,其检修停机时间应控制在每年少数几天 SIPRO 的传感器工作稳定可靠。
SIPRO 的设计使其持久耐用,构建材料为坚固的不锈钢C 型架。
• 合金补偿
• 横截面分辨率达 5mm • 快速中心线厚度输出通道( 用于自动厚度控制AGC )• 精确的宽度测量• 温度凸度曲线数据• 全长轮廓• 板带位置
• 可选板带平直度
• 节省原材料• 减少废料
• 对当前卷的凸度控制• 世界级水平的质量保证• 工艺优化
SIPRO 展现了卓越的非接触式全板带测量。
SIPRO 拥有精准的横截面测量和快速的采集时间,十分适用于自动凸度、平直度控制系统、质流计算和其他控制系统。
SIPRO 提供了最高分辨率的板带横截面测量,任何其它在线热轧凸度仪都无法与之相提并论。
世界级的品质 = 高收益
精度和可靠性的背后蕴含着SIPRO 令人折服的测量技术。
SIPRO 系统是为对产品全长进行分析而设计的,它能提供包括板带边缘位置、横截面厚度和温度曲线在内的全方位描绘。
宽度测量与板带横截面厚度测量同时进行,与其他凸度仪不同的是,SIPRO 的宽度测量可以直接与横截面厚度测量相关联,从而不受板带倾斜或跳动的影响。
每秒钟执行 40 次横截面温度测量,其标准测量精准度为±5℃ (±9℉)。
楔形、凸度、边降和板带的位置(相对于辊道)每隔 100 ms 计算并显示一次。
设备的一大特点是其内置于 X 射线源和探测系统的冗余性。
在另一个单独的页面上可实现对 X 射线源、高温计和探头阵列的监控。
Thermo Scientific 产品由合格的应用工程师提供广泛的网络支持,他们将会和您紧密协作以了解和评估您特定的生产工艺参数。
我们提供多级维保协议,具有多种访问和响应程度,包括:• 系统标定• 现场维修• 返库维修• 预防性维修• 系统调试
我们将开发集成所有 Thermo Scientific 系统以及第三方组件的实施计划,包括:
• 系统布局和连接性• 软件实施、配置和支持• 现场修改
我们的课程包含以下内容:• 基本操作• 标定• 日常维护• 故障检修• 检定认证
我们的备件是为您的 Thermo Scientific 系统而特别设计的。
厚度 凸度 轮廓 凸度 楔形 宽度 温度曲线 平直度 带钢单向皱纹
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赛默飞世尔科技(纽约证交所代码:TMO )是科学服务领域的世界领导者。
借助于Thermo Scientific 、Fisher Scientific 和Unity:trademark: Lab Services 三个首要品牌,我们将创新技术、便捷采购方案和实验室运营管理的整体解决方案相结合,为客户、股东和员工创造价值。