



TOPSPro操作使用说明TOPS Pro操作使用说明TOPS Pro由美国TOPS'〕工程公司研制。



TOPS Pro包装设计及运输优化软件使用户根据产品特性,从设计理念、纸盒包装、中包装、纸箱包装、托盘堆码方式、纸箱强度分析到运输器具装载的一系列设计步骤中,使包装结构大小和形状达到最优化,运输空间最大利用,总费用最小。

目前,除TOPS Pro外,还有下列3个相关模块载软件:Mix Pro是TOPS Pro的一个新模块并与之无缝接口。



MaxLoad Pro是一个运输器具(卡车、火车车辆、船只、飞机货舱戴自定义器具)的包装产品装载的策划及优化软件。


TOPSepAC是TOPS Pro的一个附加特性。



用户随时随地用任何阅览器都可使用TOPS Pro软件进行专业设计。

1.TOPS Pro主要功能a.被包装产品。










TOP八旋翼用户手册目录警告和免责声明 (2)产品简介 (2)使用注意事项 (3)技术参数 (4)操作 (5)警告和免责声明感谢您购买本产品,请在使用之前仔细阅读本声明,一旦使用,即视为对本声明全部内容的认可和接受。








使用注意事项1、开机顺序:先开遥控器,后接飞机电池2、校准罗盘:直接拨动 gps、姿态、手动、三档开关来回7次左右,等指示灯变蓝拿起飞行器水平往右转一圈,指示灯变绿,拿起飞行器垂直转一圈,等待30秒后绿灯闪烁记住起飞点再起飞3、飞行之前检查监视器的电池电量和各项资料参数,切记开关拨到 gps模式起飞4、电池电量低于22.1v后应该立刻返航,电压低于21.5不能再飞充满电显示25.6v左右5、自动返航注意:检查监视器卫星信号需要达到6颗星以上才可以失控返航6、当监视器显示角度在160-180度时,此时飞机为对尾状态,当监视器显示菱形标识在中间时飞机为对头状态7、关机顺序:先断开飞机电源后关遥控器8、飞直线方法:起飞时先把飞行器机头朝向目的地,然后开通电源等待30秒,起飞后稳定油门高度,拨动左上角三档开关到航向角位置(中间位置)然后直推左手前进后退即可。



自动测量 八、 八、自动测量
1.测量 进入就绪界面后,手持面积仪平放,按下<确认>键可开始进行测量,显示如图 7 所示:
图7 围绕测量区域行走,测量点不断增加,测量仪自动记录测量数据,按<↑>键可清 除已测测量点,重新开始测量,测量完毕回到起点位置,按 <确认>键,显示被测区域 的面积,显示如图 8 所示:
仪器区别 三、 三、仪器区别
型 号 TMJ-I 功 能 区 别 普通型:可测量面积、距离、高度、坡面 在普通型的基础上带充电功能 TMJ-II 在普通型基础上带上位机软件 在普通型基础上带充电功能且带上位机软件
� 注:只有带充电功能的仪器才可以进行充电。
按键说明 四、 四、按键说明
七、 测量界面 七、测量界面
� 注:在每次开机测量时最好先删除仪器原有的数据!具体可参照第十 一步删除记录!
选择测量功能,搜索到卫星信号后(首次搜索可能需要数分钟的时间) ,进入主菜
单如图 6 所示:
图6 “就绪” —测量仪状态; 就绪:已定位准备测量; 测量:正在测量; 搜索:搜索卫星; “000” “12:18” “MZR08” —记录已测量的点数; —实时时钟,12 时 18 分; —设置参数及卫星数量; “M” :测量参数,M 为测量面积,J 为测量距离; “Z” :记录方式,Z 为自动记录,S 为手动记录; “R” :内存开关标志; 经度:12011.5005 纬度:3016.2080 120 度 11.5005 分; 30 度 16.2080 分;




该产品专为智能手机的音视频录播需求而设计,采用全架构数字音频处理技术,具有信号传送稳定可靠,音质清晰无电流噪声等显著特点,可广泛应用于短视频拍摄、视频直播、教学培训以及其它无1产品使用说明:一拖一无线麦克风,配置一个发射器一拖二无线麦克风,配置两个发射器接口一拖一无线麦克风,配置一个发射器接口一拖二无线麦克风,配置两个发射器接口一拖一无线麦克风,配置一个发射器接口一拖二无线麦克风,配置两个发射器射器①充电指示灯,充电时亮,充满停止后不亮DC-5V 充电输入插座,输入规格为:DC-5V,0.3A-2A ③信息显示屏④麦克风输入插座LINE IN 输入插座⑥信道按键,待机状态下可调节信道;短按一次电源键后进入音量界面, 可调节麦克风音量大小⑦电源开关,长按1秒开机或关机;短按一下显示屏进入音量界面,通过 信道按键可调整音量大小⑧开关机指示灯1/4波长天线24Product Instructions⑨⑧⑦⑥⑤④③②①①音频输出插座,用于连接手机或相机的麦克风插座;连接不同设备时使用的音 频线有区别,使用时请注意区分②DC-5V充电输入插座,输入规格为:DC③固定夹,用于夹持各种附着设备;或固定在相机的热靴上④耳机监听输出插座⑤充电状态指示灯,充电时亮红色,充满后亮蓝色⑥麦克风收音指示灯,动态指示麦克风收音的状态⑦信息指示灯:接收器连接发射器后显示;(连接接B通道发射器成功后亮红色,两个通道连接时指示灯为紫色)接收器低电量时 指示灯闪烁提示⑧开关机指示灯⑨电源按键,长按Exceeding the specified operating temperature will affectthe Li battery performanceThe battery performance will decrease after more than 500charging cycles. Please replace with fresh batteriesCheck whether the microphone windscreen is put onDo not use the microphone in the windward position or infront of the fanWhile recording by cell phone, please set the phone at flightmode to avoid interference noiseWhen the transmitter is under charging, it may be affectedby electric signal and generate noiseNoise generated by interference from other radio equipment,please change the transmit to a different channelInterfered by high-powered electrical equipment, such asinduction cooktops, microwave ovens, distribution boxes,etc., please keep away from these equipmentWhen using it near a computer or 220 V cable, it may beaffected by internet and electric signal and generate noise.Please keep away from these facilities1. This product is a precise electronic device, which should avoid watering or heavy fall; if it gets wet, please dry it in time, and hand it up to professional technician for2. When not using for a long time, the built-in rechargeable Li-battery should be fully charged every three months to maintain the high performance of the battery.3. When plugging and unplugging the receiver, please make sure you aim at the socket of the smart device straightly. Do not apply excessive force on the receiver in wrong223①充电状态指示灯:充电时亮红色,充满后亮蓝色②LIGHTNING 连接插头③电源开关,拨至“ON”为开机④接收天线A ⑤开机指示灯,开机后亮⑥信息指示灯:电池低电时闪烁;连接A 通道发射器时亮蓝色,连接B 通道发射器 时亮红色;AB 发射器同时连接时亮紫色⑦麦克风收音指示灯:动态指示麦克风的收音状态223LR 接收器 (LIGHTNING 接口)3USB TYPE-C 连接插头②③④⑤⑥TYPE -C 接口)①No sound /small sound Short operating distance 产品使用说明⑧⑦⑥⑤④①②③2147、优良的无线频率范围:音频频率响应:信道数量: 信道群组)无线发射功率:≤信噪比:≥接收器插头类型:3.5MM-TRS USB-C 发射器供电:DC3.7V 发射器充电输入规格:三、技术参数Product Instructions If you need more sets, just repeat the above steps to set up. Make sure not to use the same frequencies, if it gets interference, please change the transmitter to a different All smart series wireless microphones can support 4 transmitters to be operated ST 发射器电池充电时间:接收器电池充电时间:接收器电池使用时间:5DC3.7V (内置聚合物锂电池),DC-5V/0.3-2A 外置电源输入(2R ) USB-C 插座设备供电(3UR) DC3.7V, 内置聚合物锂电池 (3LR)发射器和接收器功耗:低于1W(微功耗)55 ℃55 ℃发射器: 87(长)*57(宽)*14(厚)mm 接收器: 61(长)*29(宽)*13(厚)mm 接收器: 75(长)*24(宽)*12(厚)mm 接收器: 72(长)*15(宽)*10(厚)mm 发射器: 90克 2R 接收器: 30克接收器: 15克 3UR 接收器: 8克ST 发射器x1,2R接收器x1,领夹麦克风x1,充电线x2,说明书x1。



多普达领航者Windows Mobile版Design For T8288使用手册请您在操作【多普达领航者】前先行阅读本手册后再依说明操作上海研亚软件信息技术有限公司Maction Technologies,Inc在线客服:Copyright®2010WM-X5–UG目录特别声明 (3)简介 (4)第一章界面说明 (6)第二章菜单功能简介 (7)第三章设目的地 (8)3.1兴趣点 (10)3.2交叉路口 (12)3.3回家 (14)3.4单位 (15)3.5收藏夹 (16)3.6历史记录 (20)3.7沿途兴趣点 (22)3.8门址搜索 (23)第四章规划选项/路径规划 (25)4.1规划选项 (25)4.2路径规划 (26)第五章三维导览 (28)第六章旅游景点书 (29)6.1按区域显示 (30)6.2按距离显示 (31)6.3景点查询 (32)第七章高级 (33)7.1系统状态 (34)7.2导航信息 (34)7.3导航画面 (35)7.4轨迹记录 (35)7.5语音设定 (36)7.6位置信息 (36)第八章导航画面说明 (37)8.1未设定目的地时 (37)8.2已设定目的地时 (38)8.3导航画面显示的图标说明 (41)第九章范例说明 (42)9.1如何利用已知道路名称设定目的地 (42)9.2如何利用已知兴趣点名称设定目的地 (44)9.3如何设定家 (45)附录 (48)特别声明本系统所提供的电子地图数据,仅提供查阅参考,使用者须依照实际状况决定实际位置。





TOPS Pro——一个功能强大的包装优化设计软件

TOPS Pro——一个功能强大的包装优化设计软件

TOPS Pro——一个功能强大的包装优化设计软件
【摘要】介绍了在美国包装界十分流行的TOPS Pro软件。




1.TOPS Pro:美国包装结构全面优化设计软件 [J], 陈满儒
2.TOPS Pro:美国包装结构全面优化设计软件 [J], 陈满儒
3.包装结构设计软件TOPS Pro中的堆码强度分析 [J], 陈满儒
4.美国包装结构优化设计软件TOPS Pro的CASY功能 [J], 陈满儒;山静民
5.TOPS Pro软件在液态乳品包装优化设计中的应用研究 [J], 王颖;孔繁迪;刘美华;温芮;计宏伟

苹果iPad Pro怎么使用指南

苹果iPad Pro怎么使用指南

苹果iPad Pro史上最全使用指南作为一款定位生产力设备的平板电脑,iPad Pro在搭配SmartKeyboard键盘保护壳、Apple Pencil手写笔后,也多了一些特有的使用方法和技巧。

IT之家现特别为大家带来了iPad Pro完全使用指南,以供新手朋友参考。

相关技巧和方法也将持续保持更新,熟悉iPad Pro的朋友,不妨帮大家一起查缺补漏,将你的最酷使用技巧与大家一起分享。

Smart Keyboard1、如何连接将iPad Pro有金属触点(Smart Connector)的一侧,靠近键盘保护盖转轴处的三个触点,两者会在磁力的作用下自动吸附并完成配对,此后即可使用。

2、键盘连接到iPad Pro后,机器不时唤醒怎么办?如果遇到该问题,请将iPad Pro从SmartKeyboard上取下,然后重新连接,当屏幕上出现“是否想要更新SmartKeyboard”时,选择“更新”即可解决问题。

3、两种支架模式将键盘放在iPad Pro前面,转轴处放置到键盘上的磁性凹槽,保护壳之后的部分折成三角形即可形成正常的输入模式;将键盘放置到iPad Pro后面,然后将保护壳其余部分反向折成三角形,之后再将iPad Pro向后折起即可形成方便欣赏视频的观看模式。

4、如何使用键盘快捷方式和Mac一样,iPad Pro的键盘上也带有Command、Control和Option键,因此也可以使用众多的快捷方式,具体的快捷键列表如下,也可在使用应用时,按住Command、Control和Option中的任意一个,来显示当前应用下的全部快捷键指令。

Command + Tab:在桌面下,同时按这两个按键即可看见全部已打开的iOS应用。


•书写操作:Option +左(右)箭头:将光标向前或向后一个单词移动Command +左(右)箭头:将光标移到一行字的开端或结尾Command +上(下)箭头:将光标移到全文的开头或结尾Shift + Command +左(右)箭头:将一行文字转移到光标的左边或右边Shift + Option +左(右)箭头:选择行文中的下一个词放到光标的左边或右边;连续点击可选择更多词语Shift +左(右)箭头:选择字母放到光标的左边或右边;连续点击可选择多个字母Command + C:复制内容Command + V:粘贴内容•在邮件中:Command + R:回复邮件Reply to an emailCommand + Shift + R:回复全部Reply to allCommand + Shift + J:标记为垃圾邮件Command + Shift + U:标记为未读Command +上下箭头:在信息中上下移动Command + N:发新信息•在Safari浏览器里:Command + R:重新加载页面Command + [:返回上一个页面Command + Shift + R:在阅读模式中打开当前页面Command + T:打开新选项Command + W:关闭当前选项Control + Tab:显示下一个选项Control + Shift + Tab:显示前一个选项如果没有SmartKeyboard键盘保护壳也不要紧,在iPad Pro自带虚拟键盘上同样可以使用。

SYRP Magic Carpet PRO操作手册说明书

SYRP Magic Carpet PRO操作手册说明书
release the Flywheel.
To maintain optimal smooth movement regularly wipe the Carriage Wheels and Track clean with a soft cloth to remove dirt. Avoid over tightening the Tension Wheel, doing so could damage the track.
! IMPORTANT Do not lift the Track by your camera or attached accessory.
Pull the Thread Release to swap between 1/4” & 3/8” Camera Screws.
Adjust the Legs
4 Lift open the Leg Locks to release the legs
and set the leg angle.
Install the Carriage
2 Slide the Carriage on to the Track Rails.
End Caps. Close the Track Locks securing the End Caps in place.
Remove Track Joiners
1 Lift open both Track Locks and pull out the
Track Joiners. The Track Joiners are only required when joining multiple tracks together.

BESTOP 77301 Supertop 教程:用于2005年至现在的托亚塔朵马车说明书

BESTOP 77301 Supertop 教程:用于2005年至现在的托亚塔朵马车说明书

Manuals+— User Manuals Simplified.BESTOP 77301 Supertop for Trucks Instruction Manual Home » BESTOP » BESTOP 77301 Supertop for Trucks Instruction ManualContents1 BESTOP 77301 Supertop for Trucks2 Product Information3 Tips4 Installation Tips5 Parts List6 Assemble Side Rails7 Warranty Information Supertop forTrucks8 Documents / Resources8.1 References9 Related PostsBESTOP 77301 Supertop for TrucksProduct InformationWEAR SEAT BELTS AT ALL TIMESSupportWe’re here to help! Go to:https://. and click on Need Help? https:///video-library.Assemble Side RailsSection 1 Assemble Side Rails; Remove Paper Backing from Foam TapeSection 2 Attach Front & Rear Rails; Attach Side Rail Assemblies (Part 1) Section 2 Attach Front & Rear Rails; Attach Side Rail AssembliesSection 3 Adjust RailsSection 5 Install Upper & Lower Rear Clamp Assembly Section 6 Assemble BowsSection 7 Install Bow AssemblySection 8 Unfold Bows; Attach Pivot Arm Braces; Engage Locking LeversSection 9 Lay Folded Top Fabric on Bows; Unfold Top Fabric Section 10 Install Side CurtainsSection 11 Secure Top Fabric to Bows Section 12 Slide Front Rail into Front WindowSection 13 Tuck Plastic Tabs into RailsSection 14 Install Center High Mount Stop LightSection 15 Feed Wire Harness Through the SleevesSection 16 Install 29’ Wire Harness & Splice Into Existing WiringSection 17 Attach Wire Harness Wires to the Tail Light Wires Section 18 Plug CHMSL Wire Harness Connector TogetherSection 19 Opening and Storing the TopSection 20 Store Rear Rail When Top is Folded DownSection 21 Storing the Rear Window; Rolling Up Side CurtainsWarranty Information Supertop for TrucksWHAT BESTOP WARRANTSSubject to the terms and conditions of sale, including any terms and conditions set forth by Bestop, Inc. (“Bestop”or “us” or “we”) in our then-current terms of sale on our website (collectively, the “Terms”), Bestop represents and warrants that: the covered products listed in the “Covered Products and Warranty Periods” section (a “Product”) will substantially be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the specified warranty periods set forth in that section.THE WARRANTY IS LIMITED AND CONDITIONALThis warranty applies to the original purchaser of the Product only. The warranty is valid only as long as the original retail purchaser owns the vehicle upon which the Product is installed.The warranty expires should the Product be removed from the original vehicle or if the original vehicle is transferred to another owner.BREACH OR REPUDIATION OF CONTRACT, TORT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, OROTHERWISE, WHETHER OR NOT THE COMPANY WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGES.Some states do not allow exclusion or limitation, so this may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.EXCLUSIONS TO THE WARRANTYThe Limited Warranty excludes, and Bestop is not liable in any way for any warranty claims, damages, or defects related to:Misuse, abuse, accidents, vandalism, negligence, fire, improper installation or modification, or improper or inadequate maintenance;Failure to comply with any Product documentation, Bestop instructions, or applicable law or regulations; use in extreme conditionsForce Majeure including but not limited to, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, flooding, or other disasters natural or man-made, civil unrest, strikes, declared or undeclared war, or lack of performance by, or discontinued product of, supply chain partners whose products, software, operations or management is beyond the control of Bestop;Damage resulting in breakage (including without limitation, spontaneous breakage, accidental breakage, or breakage by any other means) of a Product or any component part;Damage to vinyl windows due to misuse, or cracking due to varying weather conditions.YOUR SOLE REMEDYDuring the applicable warranty period, Bestop shall, at its option, either repair or replace any Product that it confirms, at its discretion, is non-compliant with the warranties herein.Bestop will not pay for labor charges associated with the installation or removal of the Product.Should a specific Product be discontinued, Bestop may, at its option, replace the discontinued Product with a current product or like product.Please retain your proof of purchase. Original proof of purchase for the Product must accompany any warranty claim. If you have a warranty claim, first you must email Bestop Customer Service at csbestop@.for instructions.All claims must be emailed to csbestop@. within 30 days of discovery of a defective Product, but in no event later than thirty days after the end of the applicable Warranty Period (the “Warranty Notice Period”).Warranty claims made after the Warranty Notice Period are null and void and Bestop shall have noresponsibility with respect to such claims.THIS SECTION SETS FORTH BESTOP’S SOLE OBLIGATION & YOUR SOLE REMEDY WITH RESPECT TO ANY DEFECTS OR OTHER PRODUCT ISSUES.ANY PRODUCTS REPLACED UNDER TERMS OF THIS WARRANTY WILL BE COVERED UNDER TERMS & BALANCE OF THE DURATION OF THE ORIGINAL LIMITED WARRANTY FOR SUCH PRODUCT.COVERED PRODUCTS AND WARRANTY PERIODS: The warranty time periods are as follows for Products manufactured by Bestop:BESTOP® LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTYTrektop® Pro Twill Fabric Top Sunrider® for Hardtop Twill Fabric TopTrektop® NX Glide Twill Fabric Top Replace-a-Top™ Twill Fabric TopTrektop® NX Twill Fabric Top Supertop® NX Twill Fabric TopEZFold™ Soft Tonneaus Floor & Cargo LinersZipRail™ Soft Tonneaus Pet BarriersEZRoll™ Soft TonneausBESTOP® 5-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYTrektop® NX Glide™ Top (non-Twill) Sunrider® for Hardtop (non-Twill)Replace-a-Top™ Top (non-Twill) Trektop® NX Top (non-Twill)Sailcloth Replace-a-Top™ Supertop® NX Top (non-Twill)Tigertop™ and Halftop™ Supertop® Classic Soft Top Sunrider® Complete Soft Top Supertop® for Truck EZ Fold Hard TonneauBESTOP® 3-YEAR/100K MILES LIMITED WARRANTYPowerboard® & Powerboard® NXTrekstep®, Side MountTrekstep®, Rear MountBESTOP® 3-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYPavement Ends Sprint TopBESTOP® 2-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYTrektop® Classic Soft TopRoughRider™ Soft StorageBESTOP® 1-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYAll other Bestop® & Pavement Ends™ products not specified above.For further information or request for warranty work, please contact:Bestop Inc. Customer ServiceToll-Free: (800)845-3567E-mail:csbestop@.Website:.Vehicle Application: Toyota Tacoma 2005-Current 6’Part Number 77301P28 – 77301Rev. E 0122This product may be covered by 1 or more patents or pending applications, information can be found at /patents. © 2021 Bestop, Inc.Documents / ResourcesBESTOP 77301 Supertop for Trucks [pdf] Instruction Manual77301 Supertop for Trucks, 77301, Supertop for Trucks, Trucks ReferencesBestop® | #1 Rated Jeep Bronco Tops & AccessoriesPatents - Bestop | Leading Supplier of Jeep Tops & AccessoriesBestop® | #1 Rated Jeep Bronco Tops & AccessoriesManuals+,。

TOPS Pro操作使用说明

TOPS Pro操作使用说明
a.菜单条( Menu Bar):由8个菜单构成,每个菜单由若干下拉式菜单组成。这8个菜单分别是:文件(File)、编辑( Edit)、显示(View)、定义(Define )、工具(Tools输出(Export )、监视
( Supervisor)和帮助( Help)。
b. Windows工具条(Toolbar):含若干图标,可完成常用的标准操作:新分析、基于预定义模板新分析、打开、保存、打印、前步、后一步、取消、自设计内包装、自设计运输包装、MixPro修改内包装、修改中包装、修改运输箱、修改托盘集装、修改卡车装载、扁空纸箱运输、包装箱分析和显示自设计包装等。



角的拓普康图标,选择下拉 菜单中的“切换菜单模式”, 可实现将主菜单界面转换到 更为简洁的下拉工具栏式界 面。反之,也能切换回图标 式界面。
用触笔点击编辑里的点,进入 已知点的输入界面。目的是先输入 测站点和后视点的坐标值。 点击增加,输入测站点的坐标 以及对应的点名,然后点击确定返 回。同理,再输入后视点的坐标值。
在操作键盘上,点击★号键, 进入温度气压以及棱镜常数的设置。 点击 ,可以根据实际温度
算出PPM改正值。也可以直接输入 PPM值。如不需要气象改正,温度可 输入15℃,大气压1013.3hpa,此时 PPM为0,即不对结果进行改正。最 下端两项分别为棱镜常数和无棱镜 常数。可根据不同厂家的棱镜输入 棱镜常数,无棱镜常数一般情况下 都为零。

连接好电脑与全站仪后,数据 导出分两步进行: 第一步,在TopSURV主界面里,
继续点击到文件,数据可根据选择, 这里以点为例,格式也有多种选择, 常用的是“文本(用户格式)”。
第一步 测量准备工作
准备工作包括全站仪常规测量 和星号键内的参数设置,具体操作 步骤如下: 按全站仪右侧开机键,进入此 界面。 双击常规操作图标,或在选中 常规测量图标后,按ENT键,选择打开,进入常规测量 界面。
第二步,将导出的文本文件,复制到电脑相应文件夹中。 在电脑与全站仪连接后,全站仪的内存相当于一个电脑的移动硬 盘,可以通过复制、粘贴进行文件交换。在找到导出的文件后,复制

包装结构设计软件TOPS Pro中的堆码强度分析

包装结构设计软件TOPS Pro中的堆码强度分析

包装结构设计软件TOPS Pro中的堆码强度分析[摘要] 在介绍如何用TOPS Pro包装结构设计软件TOPS Pro中的堆码强度分析进行运输包装设计中堆码强度分析的基础上,详细阐述了计算外包装瓦楞纸箱抗压强度的McKee公式及其在TOPS Pro堆码强度分析中的应用。

关键词:瓦楞纸箱运输包装;McKee公式;抗压强度中图分类号:TIM82;TP391 文献标识号:B文章编号:1001-3563(2004)05-0030-031 TOPS Pro概述TOPS Pro是美国TOPS公司推出的世界范围内广泛使用的包装结构优化设计软件。


用户在完成瓦楞纸箱和集装托盘的相关参数的输入后,选择“Stacking Strength”(堆码强度)界面,计算堆码强度的参数对话框立刻弹出(图1)。



图2由两部分构成:1) 所有码垛方案堆码强度分析结果列表。


2) 所选码垛方案的堆码强度分析结果统计。





TOPS Pro软件利用McKee公式计算0201型瓦楞纸箱的堆码强度。

2 McKee公式简介0201型瓦楞纸箱(即常规开槽容器RSCs)是最简单、最常用的运输包装容器。

TOPS Pro操作使用说明

TOPS Pro操作使用说明

TOPS Pro操作使用说明TOPS Pro由美国TOPS'〕工程公司研制。



TOPS Pro包装设计及运输优化软件使用户根据产品特性,从设计理念、纸盒包装、中包装、纸箱包装、托盘堆码方式、纸箱强度分析到运输器具装载的一系列设计步骤中,使包装结构大小和形状达到最优化,运输空间最大利用,总费用最小。

目前,除TOPS Pro外,还有下列3个相关模块载软件:Mix Pro是TOPS Pro的一个新模块并与之无缝接口。



MaxLoad Pro是一个运输器具(卡车、火车车辆、船只、飞机货舱戴自定义器具)的包装产品装载的策划及优化软件。


TOPSepAC是TOPS Pro的一个附加特性。



用户随时随地用任何阅览器都可使用TOPS Pro软件进行专业设计。

1.TOPS Pro主要功能a.被包装产品。









2.1.1 mysql-5.1.6-alpha 安装............................................................................................................ 7 2.1.2 mysql-connector-odbc 安装................................................................................................... 14 2.2 TopView Server 软件安装................................................................................................................ 16 2.3 TopView Client 软件安装......................................................................................................19 2.4 数据库连接...................................................................................................................................... 22 2.5 添加全景相机参数文件................................................................................................................... 24 2.6 本地电脑 IP 设置..............................................................................................................................25 3 Topview 的服务配置................................................................................................................................ 27 3.1 中心服务.......................................................................................................................................... 28 3.1.1 基本信息部分....................................................................................................................... 28 3.1.2 网络(NET)部分................................................................................................................ 28 3.1.3 数据库部分........................................................................................................................... 28 3.1.4 其它部分............................................................................................................................... 28 3.2 流媒体服务...................................................................................................................................... 29 3.2.1 基本信息部分........................................................................................................................ 29 3.2.2 网络设置............................................................................................................................... 29 3.2.3 协议部分............................................................................................................................... 29 3.2.4 录像存储............................................................................................................................... 30 3.2.5 其它部分............................................................................................................................... 30 4 Topviewr 客户端使用.................................................................................................................................. 31 4.1 登录/退出......................................................................................................................................... 31 4.2 系统主界面...................................................................................................................................... 32 4.3 站点管理.......................................................................................................................................... 32 4.4 设备管理........................................................................................................................................... 33 4.4.1 增加/修改/删除设备组.........................................................................................................33

Folding Electric Bike BIKEeb5 Pro Plus用户手册说明书

Folding Electric Bike BIKEeb5 Pro Plus用户手册说明书

USER MANUALIn order to continue serving our customers and providing the best products, our product information including our user manuals may receive updates from time to time. Please check our website for the latest user manuals and product materials.Ver. 1.0 8/6/19F O L D I NG E L E C T R I C B I K Ee b 5 p r o p l u sPROTECT YOUR DOME HELMETS SA VE LIVESHelmets can reduce 85% of critical head injuries.Elbow pads can reduce 82% of elbow injuries.Knee pads can reduce 32% of knee injuries.From https:///pubmed/2716781Always wear proper protective gear when riding. This includes knee and elbow pads and an age-appropriate helmet.• Helmets should fit comfortably and snugly, covering the forehead butnot hindering your field of vision.• The helmet should have a chin strap and buckle to keep the helmet inplace.• The helmet should be made out of a hard, protective outer shell andan impact-absorbing inner layer at least 1/2-inch thick.• The helmet should be approved by the U.S. Consumer Product SafetyCommission (CPSC), the Snell Memorial Foundation, or the AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials (ASTM).Thank you for your purchase of the EB5 Pro Plus eBike by SWAGTRON®!You’re about to take the next step in the evolution of transportation. The EB5 Pro Plus takes the fun of a traditional bike, adds an electric boost, and tops it off with an extra bit of swag.To ensure your safety and the safety of others, please read and follow the guidelines in this user manual carefully and thoroughly before riding.If you have any questions regarding your eBike, contact us at 1-844-299-0625 for further assistance.Happy Riding!-The SWAGTRON® TeamTable of ContentsPRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE (1)Section 1. General Information (3)1.1 About the SWAGTRON® EB5 Pro Plus eBike (3)1.2 What’s In the Box? (4)1.3 Diagram (5)Section 2. Assembling the Head (6)Section 3. Folding, Unfolding & Adjusting Your EB5 Pro Plus eBike (7)3.1 Unfolding the Head Tube & Frame (7)3.2 Unfolding & Folding the Pedals (8)3.3 Folding the Head Tube (8)3.4 Folding the Frame (9)3.5 Adjusting the Handlebars (9)3.6 Adjusting Handlebar Height (10)3.7 Adjusting Seat Height (10)Section 4. Charging Your EB5 Pro Plus eBike (11)Section 5. How to Ride (14)Section 6. Safe Riding Techniques & Tips (15)6.1 Disposal at End-of-Life ....................................16Section 7. Maintenance . (17)7.1 Tire Inflation (17)7.2 Cleaning (18)7.3 Storage (18)7.4 Transportation (19)Section 8. Specifications (20)1 Year Limited Hardware Warranty (21)PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICEThe SWAGTRON® EB5 Pro Plus eBike has been designed with the utmost safety in mind for its riders. Extraprecautions have been taken to protect the user from product hardware malfunctions through our meticulous designand engineering.However, like any mode of transportation, the SWAGTRON® EB5 Pro Plus eBike has inherent hazards associated withits use (e.g.: losing control, falling off, or riding into a hazardous situation). Be sure to read and follow all instructionsand safety recommendations in this user manual prior to and when riding your eBike.Before each ride, especially if you may travel a long distance, inspect your bike. First, check the tires for properinflation and cracks on the walls of the tires. Keeping the tires properly inflated and maintained will help preventflats and damage. Second, check all cables and cable housings for fraying, breaks, rust, or corrosion and replace if necessary. Lastly, inspect the brakes to make sure they are working properly. Additionally, check the brake pads forany damage as they will wear over time and eventually need replacement.If a replacement of the brake pads or any other part is needed, please contact customer support for replacement service. In general, it is recommended to make sure all nuts and bolts are taut and properly fastened to preventinjury and unnecessary wear and tear on your eBike.1ENGLISH SWAGTRON EB5 Pro Plus Electric Bike2SWAGTRON EB5 Pro Plus Electric BikeBy riding the SWAGTRON ® EB5 Pro Plus eBike, the user acknowledges and accepts personal responsibility of all risks associated with the use of the SWAGTRON ® EB5 Pro Plus eBike, which may include, but are not limited to, muscle injuries, broken bones, lacerations, or serious injury that may be sustained while using the SWAGTRON ® EB5 Pro Plus eBike.Section 1. General InformationThis user manual will guide you through the functions and usage of your SWAGTRON® EB5 Pro Plus eBike. Before operating this device, read all the instructions for safe assembly, charging, and usage.Please inspect your EB5 Pro Plus upon unpacking for any signs of physical damage or defects. Additionally, ensure that the eBike is fully charged before calibrating and using. For charging instructions, see Section 3. If you have questions, contact SWAGTRON® customer service.1.1 About the SWAGTRON® EB5 Pro Plus eBikeThe EB5 Pro Plus Folding Electric Bike is a compact, zero-emissions, personal transportation device that feels like a bike but rides like a moped! It's environmentally-friendly and uses only the highest quality components and industry-leading safety features.• Riding speeds up to 15.5 mph• Rechargeable, portable, and reliable•Eco-friendly and all-electric with zero emissions3ENGLISH SWAGTRON EB5 Pro Plus Electric BikeUser Manual x 1SWAGTRON ®EB5 Pro Plus Electric Bike x 1Charging Cable & Adapter x 14SWAGTRON EB5 Pro Plus Electric Bike1.2 What’s In the Box?• 1 x SWAGTRON ® EB5 Pro Plus eBike • 1 x Charging Cable & Adapter •1 x User Manual1.3 Diagram5ENGLISH SWAGTRON EB5 Pro Plus Electric BikeSection 2. Assembling the Head ArrayStep 1. Pull the head tube upright, and fold the latch upand use the lock to close it. It will snap into place(1).Step 2. Open the head clamp on top of the head tube.Step 3. Insert the stem into the head tube, pull it upor down to adjust the height of the head to adesired place.Step 4. Close the head clamp to fix the stem onto thehead tube (2).6SWAGTRON EB5 Pro Plus Electric BikeSection 3. Folding, Unfolding & Adjusting Your EB5 Pro Plus eBike Be careful not to position your fingers between the latch and the frame. Doing so may result in injury.3.1 Unfolding the Head Tube & FrameStep 1. Unfold the rear wheel / section and hold your eBike upright with the kickstand.3.2 Unfolding & Folding the PedalsHolding the crank arm vertical, fold or unfold the pedal. Repeat with the otherpedal as needed (6).3.3 Folding the Head TubeWith the latch undone, fold the head tube and handlebars down against the front wheel (8).3.6 Adjusting Handlebar HeightFor more comfortable riding, handlebar height may be adjusted.•Open the clamp on the head tube (11). Pull up or push down the stem to adjust the height, then close the latch to secure the tube andhandlebars.3.7 Adjusting Seat HeightFor better pedaling, safety, and overall comfort, positioning the seat at the right height is key. The rider’s leg length is used to determine the seat’s position. During pedaling, your hips should remain level and your legsshouldn't over-extend. To determine the right seat height, sit on the eBikeIf your knee bends slightly at this position, the seat is at the right height. Additionally, when placing your heel on the pedal, your leg should be nearly straight.First, open the clamp under the seat post. Pull the seat up or push it down tothe head of the seat is parallel with the frame. Lastly, close the clamp to secure the seat in place (12).Section 4. Charging Your EB5 Pro Plus eBikeEnsure the eBike is turned off before charging and remains off while charging.Step 1. Connect the charging adapter and cable together then remove the rubber stopper covering the charging port.Step 2. Insert one end of the charging cable into the charging port and connect the other end to a wall outlet.Step 3. Allow at least 5 hours when charging for the first time. After this initial charge, average charging time is 4-5 hours.Step 4. While the eBike is charging, the adapter's indicator light will turn red.Step 5. When the eBike is fully recharged, the adapter's indicator light will turn green. You may then disconnect the eBike from the charger.Safety tips for charging your battery:•Fully charge the battery before your first use, this may take up to 5 hours.•To maximize the life of the battery, you must charge it after each riding session.•When not in active use, please charge at least once a month to maintain optimal battery levels.•Perform periodic visual inspection of the charging ports and charger cables.•When the battery is fully charged, please STOP CHARGING and unplug the unit.•Keep your charging environment clean and dry at all times.•If the charging port is damp or has any liquid on it, do not charge your eBike.•In order for the battery to operate at maximum efficiency, avoid charging your eBike in extremely hot or extremely cold environments.•Use only the battery and charging cable provided to you by SWAGTRON®, use of third party products may compromise the battery and damage the eBike. If a replacement is needed, please contact SWAGTRON® directly.DO NOT charge the battery in the following cases:•There is excessive odor or heat.•Leakage or physical damage.•the power is on.••••Section 6. Safe Riding T echniques & TipsFollowing these techniques and tips can ensure you have a safe, fun riding experience on the EB5 Pro Plus Electric Bike. Check to make sure your brakes are fully intact, pedals are securely installed, and handlebars are locked in place.• Always wear an ASTM F1492 approved helmet and protective gear to avoid possible injury.• Make sure your feet are always on the pedals. Taking your feet off the pedals while riding is dangerous.• Ensure the battery is fully charged especially if you plan to travel long distances.• Ensure your tires are intact with no punctures.• Ensure the vehicle speed is safe to yourself and others, and be ready to stop at any time.• When riding with friends, keep a safe distance from fellow riders to prevent collisions.• Be aware of your surroundings at all times to ensure a safe ride. Your eyes are your best tools for safely avoiding obstacles and slippery surfaces.• Stay in open spaces and flat areas. Avoid steep slopes or high-traffic areas until you're familiar and comfortable with riding the EB5 Pro Plus.• Only ride the eBike where permitted. You MUST comply with local laws and give way to pedestrians.• Never ride at high speeds, uneven terrain, or steep slopes.• Never perform stunts with the EB5 Pro Plus.• Never turn abruptly without first checking your surroundings.• Never carry passengers on the eBike with you.• Never carry heavy items while riding.• Never ride in the rain.•Never use the eBike to do anything that may cause personal injury or property damage.•Never get off the eBike when it is in motion.FAILURE TO USE COMMON SENSE AND HEED THE ABOVE WARNINGS INCREASES THE RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY OR, IN VERY RARE CASES, DEATH. USE WITH APPROPRIATE CAUTION AND SERIOUS ATTENTION TO SAFE OPERATION.For more safe riding tips or information, visit .6.1 Disposal at End-of-LifeThis product must not be disposed of by incineration, landfilling, or mixing with household trash. Improper disposal of the battery contained within this product may result in the battery heating up, rupturing, or igniting which may cause serious injury. The substances contained inside the battery present chemical risks to the environment. The recommended disposal for any SWAGTRON® product at its end-of-life is to dispose of the entire unit at or through an e-waste recycling center, program, or facility. Local regulations and laws pertaining to the recycling and disposal of lithium-ion batteries and/or products containing them will vary according to country, state, and local governments. You must check laws and regulations corresponding to where you live in order to properly dispose of the battery and/or unit. It is the user’s responsibility to dispose of their waste equipment properly with accordance with local regulations and laws.For additional information about where you should drop off your batteries and electrical or electronic waste, please contact your local or regional waste-management office, your household waste disposal service, or your point-of-sale.Section 7. Maintenance•Do not perform any kind of maintenance while the eBike is charging.• Attempting to repair or modify your eBike can void all warranties. Only authorized repair centers may open and service the eBike.If you need assistance, please contact SWAGTRON®*****************************.7.1 Tire InflationStep 1. Ensure the eBike is powered off and stable, so it doesn’t move during inflation.Step 2. Visually inspect the tires for damage, scuff, or puncture marks. If the tire is damaged, DO NOT INFLATE IT.Contact customer service immediately.Step 3. Find the valve located on the inside of the wheel and remove the cap.Step 4. Use a standard bicycle pump to pump air to the tires slowly.Step 5. Use the pressure gauge periodically to check PSI.Step 6. When the tire reaches 35-45 PSI/2.4-3.1BAR, stop inflating and replace the valve cap.Step 7. Repeat with other tire.•Any PSI marking on the tires indicates a maximum. DO NOT inflate the front tire to this value, only inflate it to 45 PSI as directed above.•Under inflation is strongly recommended if you intend to ride outdoors in temperatures above 90°F. In such conditions, bring the EB5 Pro Plus indoors and deflate the tires by 3-5 PSI. If the PSI is too high andthe tire are exposed to excessively high temperatures, riding outdoors may cause serious damage to thetire including but not limited to stretching and/or rupturing.7.2 CleaningProper cleaning of your eBike can guarantee a longer lifespan and a smooth riding experience.•Wipe the outer body of your eBike with a soft, dry microfiber cloth.•Check around the wheels and ensure there is no blockage.•The eBike meets IPX4 water-resistance, meaning it can withstand splashes; however, do not submerge the eBike in water.•Do not let water and liquids get into the eBike’s electric parts or battery.7.3 StorageBelow are some tips to consider when storing your SWAGTRON® EB5 Pro Plus Electric Bike.•Before storing, fully charge the eBike to prevent battery over-discharge due to non-use.•If storing the eBike for more than one month, discharge and recharge the battery at least once a month.•Cover the eBike to keep dust out. Do not store in a dusty environment as this may cause damage over time.7.4 TransportationBefore moving, lifting, or otherwise transporting the eBike, turn it off and fold it. Note, the eBike weighs approximately 37 lbs. Lift the eBike with both arms or otherwise gain the assistance of someone who may handle the weight without trouble.Lithium-ion batteries are considered hazardous materials; therefore, transportation is governed by federal, state, and local laws.International law prohibits the shipping of bare lithium-ion batteries. If you are shipping yourSWAGTRON® EB5 Pro Plus Electric Bike, you must ship it with the battery installed.Section 8. Specifications1-Year Limited Hardware WarrantyYour SWAGTRON® EB5 Pro Plus E-Bike (“Product”) includes a One-Year Limited Hardware Warranty (“Warranty”). The Warranty covers product defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. This Warranty is limited to residents of the United States and Canada only and is available only to original purchasers. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.This Warranty starts on the date of your purchase and lasts for one (1) year (the “Warranty Period”). The Warranty Period is not extended if the Product is repaired or replaced. We may change the availability of this limited warranty at our discretion, but any changes will not be retroactive.Warranty services are provided by SWAGTRON®. If a hardware defect arises and a valid claim is received withinthe Warranty Period, at its option and to the extent permitted by law, SWAGTRON® will: (1) repair the hardware defect by using new or refurbished parts that are equivalent to new in performance and reliability; or (2) exchange the Product with a product that is new or refurbished which is substantially equivalent to the original product.This Warranty is for one replacement only of like-items and does not cover items out of production if the productis no longer made or stocked. This Warranty is not assignable or transferable. The original purchaser may call SWAGTRON’s toll-free number at 1-844-299-0625 for service request.When a product or part is exchanged, any replacement item becomes your property and the replaced item becomes SWAGTRON®’s property. This warranty only covers technical hardware defectiveness during the warranty period and under normal use conditions. SWAGTRON® does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of this Product. Return shipping shall only be provided for Products dead on arrival (“DOA”) within thirty (30) days of purchase only. All other returns/repairs shall require payment of shipping cost at discounted rate to be determined as follows:SWAGTRON® E-bikes shall be Twenty Dollars ($20)****shipping prices are subject to change without further notice.This Warranty does not cover any damage due to: (a) transportation; (b) storage; (c) improper use; (d) failure to follow the product instructions or to perform any preventive maintenance; (e) modifications; (f) unauthorized repair;(g)normal wear and tear (including but not limited to wearables and other consumable parts such as tires); or (h) external causes such as accidents, abuse, or other actions or events beyond our reasonable control.Important: Do not disassemble the Product. Disassembling the Product will void this Warranty. Only SWAGTRON® or a party expressly authorized by SWAGTRON® should perform service on this Product.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: THE REMEDIES DESCRIBED ABOVE ARE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND OUR ENTIRE LIABILITY FOR ANY BREACH OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. OUR LIABILITY SHALL UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES EXCEED THE ACTUAL AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THE DEFECTIVE PRODUCT, NOR SHALL WE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OR LOSSES, WHETHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT.SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.COPYRIGHT © 2019 SWAGTRON.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.。

Topper 车载遥控器操作手册说明书

Topper 车载遥控器操作手册说明书

7th International Conference on Social Network, Communication and Education (SNCE 2017)Intersubjectivity in Pragmatic Texts Translation—A Case Study on English to Chinese Translation of Topper OwnersManualChun Zhang and Qi ZhangRoom 701, Unit 5, Building 2, Phase 1, Qingjiao Huayuan, Qingshan District, Wuhan, HubeiProvince, ChinaNo.10 South Dormitory, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Qingling Street, HongshanDistrict, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China*****************,****************Keywords: Intersubjectivity; Pragmatic T exts Translation; Translation Strategies and T echniques; T opper Owners ManualAbstract. Pragmatic texts translation has become increasingly important. By adapting to the shift from subjectivity to intersubjectivity, this paper discusses intersubjectivity in pragmatic texts translation by taking Topper Owners Manual as an example, analyzing the translation of terminologies, sentences and paragraphs, along with translation strategies and techniques adopted accordingly. It stresses that the author, the translation initiator, the translator and the target reader actively involved in pragmatic texts translation should be treated equitably.IntroductionBased on the theory of communicative rationality developed by Jürgen Habermas in The Theory of Communicative Action, recent researches on translation studies have begun to place emphasis on intersubjectivity, which refers to different subjects of equal value involved in the activity of translating interacting with one another. Many Chinese scholars believe intersubjectivity has exerted a positive influence on translation studies. But their researches mostly explore intersubjectivity in translation theoretically. Thus, this paper discusses intersubjectivity in pragmatic texts translation, aiming to apply intersubjectivity to translation practices and avoid overemphasizing the role of a certain subject, such as the author, texts or the translator.This paper focuses on analyzing intersubjectivity in pragmatic texts translation with examples drawn from Topper Owners Manual, a translation material that gives a brief introduction of a type of sailboats and its operation, mainly involving translations of terminologies, sentences and paragraphs. It is divided into three parts: the introduction, the body and the summary. The body includes three chapters. Chapter one is intersubjectivity in translation, which introduces the origin, development and achievement of translation studies on intersubjectivity. Moreover, it highlights the significance of the shift from subjectivity to intersubjectivity in translation studies. Chapter two gives a brief introduction of pragmatic texts translation and Topper Owners Manual. Chapter three illustrates intersubjectivity in the English-Chinese translation of Topper Owners Manual, which contains consistency and specification of terminologies, word order in sentences, and translation of paragraphs.In short, this paper tries to define the role of the author, translator, translation initiator, target reader played in the translation of Topper Owners Manual. It is worth mentioning that the four subjects who exert an effect on the selection of translation strategies and techniques are equally important in the translation process and reached an agreement on the translation. Therefore, intersubjectivity in pragmatic translation ensures translation may become more accurate and readable.Intersubjectivity in TranslationPhilosophical research always exerts an effect on the study of translation studies, such as the linguistic turn and the cultural turn in western philosophy. In the long process of development, translation studies have gone through three main phases and realized their three major turns. Each major turn reflects the change of research paradigm. The transformation of translation paradigms changes the perspective, method and focus of translation studies [1]. Chinese scholars first introduced intersubjectivity into translation studies and attempts to develop a new way of thinking. Jürgen Habermas proposed communicative rationality, aiming to have rationality shift from subjectivity-oriented to intersubjectivity-oriented[2]. His theory provides a theoretical basis for translation studies on intersubjectivity in China.At current, translation studies still center on subjectivity, especially the subjectivity of the translator. Compared to subjectivity, intersubjectivity in translation places emphasis on all subjects and their involvement in the translation process. The future of translation studies as a field may lie precisely in making a similar shift from a subjectivity-based to an intersubjectivity-based mode of thinking [3]. The activity of translating can be regarded as a dialogue among different subjects instead of translating a source-language text into a target-language text only [4]. Translation is a complex communicative action. The author, the translator and the target reader are an interactive relationship [5]. The author of the source text is the creative subject, the translator the translating subject, the audience the receptive subject, and the sponsor the sponsoring subject [6]. A good translator is able to overcome linguistic and cultural barriers, manage the relationship among the subjects and reconstruct a text faithful to the original in terms of contents and spirit. Only a translation that faithfully and harmoniously reproduces the original messages is known to have greater chance to maintain its vitality at book market [7]. Translations are the rational communicative actions among translators, writers and readers, in which they understand each other successfully in the way of communicating equally and restraining each other rationally [8]. Xu Lina applies the theory of intersubjectivity to explore the interactive relationship between translators and original texts, translators and target language readers, translators and translation initiator, as well as translation techniques [9]. It is necessary to make a shift from subjectivity to intersubjectivity in translation studies and translators should attach great importance to the interactions among texts, authors, target readers and translators [10]. There are three research paradigms concerning pre-subjectivity, subjectivity and intersubjectivity, and although the development of intersubjectivity in translation studies is in its early phase, it can break the boundaries of two disciplines and achieve the integration of two research paradigms [1]. However, domestic scholars only describe intersubjectivity in translation theoretically and outline a vision for the future, so intersubjectivity cannot be completely put into translation practice [11].To sum up, intersubjectivity in translation lays its stress on dialogues between the translator and other translating subjects, who make concerted efforts to work on accurate translation. It is vital that translation studies adapt to the shift from subjectivity to intersubjectivity and apply intersubjectivity to translation practices.Pragmatic Texts Translation and Topper Owners ManualPragmatic texts translation plays an important role in the translation market and can be classified into business translation, technical translation, news translation, political translation, tourism translation, advertisement translation and translation of other texts. It is characterized by informativeness, persuasiveness, anonymity and timeliness [12]. Topper Owners Manual gives an account of details of the sailboat, the equipment supplied or fitted, its systems and information on its operation and maintenance, which can be defined as general technical texts of technical translation. This document is given by a sailing company who is dedicated to expanding sailing business and attracting new customers, whose target readers cover all kinds of people, such as instructors, amateurs and professionals ranging in age from 7 to 60. For this reason, translating this document is required to take all factors into account so as to meet goals of translation.Intersubjectivity in the English to Chinese Translation of Topper Owners ManualIn the process of translating Topper Owners Manual, intersubjectivity represents the interactions among the translator, the author, the translation initiator and the target reader who come to an agreement on translation. Before the final draft was finished, the translator had sought opinions from the author, the translation initiator, the target reader and made adaptations. This chapter analyzes the translation of terminologies, sentences and paragraphs in order to illustrate intersubjectivity in pragmatic texts translation, demonstrating what translation strategies and techniques are employed under the guidance of the theory of intersubjectivity.Consistency and Specification of Terminology. The consistency and specification of terminology are the priority of pragmatic texts translation. It is essential for translators to determine the meaning of a term which may appear many times in a text. The meaning of general terms largely depends on context. Contrary to technical terms, which account for a small proportion in a passage and are characterized by precise meanings that cannot be affected by context, semi-technical terms with a wide range and a large quantity, will go through the processes of terminologization because of different semantemes. The meaning of semi-technical terms depends on the specific field, context, hyponymy, synonymy, etc. More importantly, terminology translation should be accurate, comply with the industry norms and adapt to certain specific contexts [13]. Topper Owners Manual is full of semi-technical terms and technical terms, such as owner, painter, trolley, traveler, control line (refer with: Table 1). Due to lack of specialist knowledge about sailboats, the translator had to revise the translation of terms after communicating with the translation initiator and the target reader. For example, according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, owner refers to someone who owns something. In Topper Owners Manual, owner means someone who owns a sailboat. Owners manual and owners are both present in this document, so it is the translator’s job to ensure the meaning of terms are consistent on condition that the translator, the translation initiator and the target reader agree on the meaning of terms.order in a sentence is required to adjust in the translation process. Sentences are the main focus of translation and the translator often organizes and arranges the information unit by taking a sentence as a unit. If the word order in a sentence makes sense, the relationship and the meaning will be clear, and vice versa. Time sequence, logic sequence, information center, collocation and structure are major factors in making adjustments to word order in a sentence [13]. In Topper Owners Manual, there are numerous sentences describing operating instructions which contain a large amount of technical terms. In addition, as mentioned before, the translator lacks sailing experience who must seek professional help from people engaging in sailing. Thus it is significant to communicate with the author, the translation initiator and the target reader to adjust the word order for clarity and provide useful guides for learners who are interested in assuming the control of sailboats. For example,In very light airs, beating to windward, it may help to push the boat round from one tack to another if the blade is raised two notches.In this sentence, the real subject is “to push the boat round from one tack to another if the blade is raised two notches”which should be put at the beginning of a sentence in Chinese. But the translator mistook “it” for “beating to windward”. After checked by the translation initiator and the target reader, the translator revised this sentence. Therefore, if other subjects, like the translation initiator, the author and the target reader, cannot be treated equally in the translation process, or the role of the translator is greatly exaggerated, the translation may be full of mistakes.Translation of Paragraphs. If a paragraph is regarded as a translation unit, the translator is expected to take the paragraph of the original text as a whole and consider it to be a logic unit in the translation process. Accordingly, the translation should correspond to the paragraph of original text. The translations of words, phrases and sentences are subject to the equivalent translation of the whole paragraph. In practice, it should be noticed that logical relation, the centrality of a paragraph’s meaning, word matching and the adjustment of structures [13]. Topper Owners Manual was translated on , an online computer-aided translation platform which divided this document into many segments. Hence the translator has to check the original text before translating. The translation initiator suggested the first draft needed further modification and the target reader thinks the translation was rough and difficult to understand. For instance,In order to do this correctly - yet not allow the blade to come up during normal sailing - the friction at the joint between the tiller and rudder must be adjusted correctly. This is done by adjusting the spring nut on the tiller pivot bolt. Y ou must get this right by trial and error.This paragraph above consists of three sentences and is divided into two segments on the translation platform. The translator integrated it into one sentence in the end after reading the original text and taking opinions of the translation initiator and the target reader into consideration.In a word, intersubjectivity in Topper Owners Manual is reflected in the translation process of terminology, sentences and paragraphs whose translations should be accurate,comply with the industry norms and adapt to certain specific contexts. It is the translator, the author, the translation initiator and the target reader involved in the translation process that determine what translation strategies should be adopted. By engaging in dialogues, the four subjects accept the translation they all agree on.SummaryThe shift from subjectivity to intersubjectivity in translation studies has become the main topic for discussion in recent years. Due to the characteristics of pragmatic texts translation, the theory of intersubjectivity can provide a broader perspective for pragmatic translation studies. This paper tries to establish a connection between intersubjectivity and pragmatic texts translation and illustrate intersubjectivity in pragmatic texts translation from three aspects, including consistency and specification of terminology, word order in sentences and the translation of paragraphs. Under the guidance of the theory of intersubjectivity, translators, authors, translation initiators and target readers take an active part in the translation of Topper Owners Manual through dialogues and discussions.With examples taken from Topper Owners Manual, this paper analyzes translation strategies and techniques used in translating terminology, sentences and paragraphs which are considered to be the focus of translation. The translator, the author, the translation initiator and the target reader are indispensable for translating Topper Owners Manual. It is necessary to define their role played in the translation process and figure out how the four subjects interact with each other. However, it is a pity that the translation cannot be present in this paper because it is in Chinese. Otherwise examples will be more representative. Thus, this paper fails to clearly illustrate how the author, the translator, the translation initiator and the target reader interact with each other. It is expected that this problem will be resolved in future researches.In conclusion, this paper emphasizes that the translator, the author, the translation initiator and the target reader of equal importance should be actively involved in the translation process. It isinevitable that the focus of translation studies will shift onto intersubjectivity instead of subjectivity, although intersubjectivity in translation is at the early stage which needs to be further developed. Acknowledgements2017 Teaching Research Project of Wuhan University of Science and Technology: A Study of Intercultural Competence of Translation Undergraduates under the B&R Initiative.References[1] T.S. Hu. Journal of Xi’an International Studies University. V ol. 25 (2017). No.1, p.115-120. (InChinese)[2] H. Jurgen. The Theory of Communicative Action (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A,1984).[3] D.L. Chen. Chinese Translators Journal. V ol. 26 (2005). No. 2, p.3-9. (In Chinese)[4] J. Xu. Foreign Language Teaching and Research (Bimonthly). V ol. 35 (2003). No.4, p290-295.(In Chinese)[5] C. Nord. Translation as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained (ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press, China, 2001).[6] C. Zhao. Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology (Social Science). V ol. 29(2012). No.4, p73-78.(In Chinese)[7] L.N. Xu. Oriental Forum. (2016). No.4, p.94-99.(In Chinese)[8] G. Gao. Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education. V ol.34 (2015). No.2, p116-119.(InChinese)[9] Z.S. Wei. Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Social Science). V ol. 26 (2012).No.10, p88-93.(In Chinese)[10] C.J. Tang. Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education. V ol. 35 (2016). No.1, p.116-117.(InChinese)[11] J.S. Wan. Contemporary Literary Criticism. (2014). No.2, p.67-70.(In Chinese)[12] M.Z. Fang. A Textbook of Pragmatic Translation (Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,China, 2015).(In Chinese)[13] M.Z. Fang. Pragmatic Translation Studies: Principles, Strategies and Techniques(ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press, China, 2013).(In Chinese)。


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TOPS Pro操作使用说明TOPS Pro由美国TOPS'〕工程公司研制。



TOPS Pro包装设计及运输优化软件使用户根据产品特性,从设计理念、纸盒包装、中包装、纸箱包装、托盘堆码方式、纸箱强度分析到运输器具装载的一系列设计步骤中,使包装结构大小和形状达到最优化,运输空间最大利用,总费用最小。

目前,除TOPS Pro外,还有下列3个相关模块载软件:Mix Pro是TOPS Pro的一个新模块并与之无缝接口。



MaxLoad Pro是一个运输器具(卡车、火车车辆、船只、飞机货舱戴自定义器具)的包装产品装载的策划及优化软件。


TOPSepAC是TOPS Pro的一个附加特性。



用户随时随地用任何阅览器都可使用TOPS Pro软件进行专业设计。

1.TOPS Pro主要功能a.被包装产品。




















2 TOPS Pro主要界面TOPS Pro控制面板(Control Panel)如图I所示,是系统的主要操作区域。



a.菜单条( Menu Bar):由8个菜单构成,每个菜单由若干下拉式菜单组成。

这8个菜单分别是:文件(File)、编辑( Edit)、显示(View)、定义(Define )、工具(Tools输出(Export )、监视( Supervisor)和帮助( Help)。

b. Windows工具条(Toolbar):含若干图标,可完成常用的标准操作:新分析、基于预定义模板新分析、打开、保存、打印、前步、后一步、取消、自设计内包装、自设计运输包装、MixPro修改内包装、修改中包装、修改运输箱、修改托盘集装、修改卡车装载、扁空纸箱运输、包装箱分析和显示自设计包装等。




c.按钮式菜单(Button-Style Menus:建立包装设计的次序,以及在该次序下选择某一分析所采用的各个步骤。



d.包装设计次序( Package Design Sequence):它构成某一分析的一系列步骤。




这表明TOPS Pro经过这样一个包装设计次序,能找到该分析中各个步骤的最佳解:即使产品装入袋中,再依次装入盒、箱、托盘和卡车里。

e.模板工具条(Tanplate Toolbars)不通过按钮式菜单通过模板直接选定设计次序。

f.快捷按钮(Shortcut Buttons):包括显示分析记录和计算。

3 TOPS Pro 4. 0包装设计与分析实例问题:假定要为某公司设计一种油瓶,并将它们托盘堆码,通过卡车运输。




瓶子参数:瓶身直径114. 3mm,瓶颈直径50. 8mm,瓶高203. 2mm,瓶颈高12. 7mm,瓶肩高63. Smm,净重0. 907kg,瓶身为圆形。


运输箱参数:瓦楞纸板(C楞)材料,0201(RSC)箱型,中包装件数目4,最大箱重11一34kga托盘集装参数:托盘型式选GMA(带槽),最大高度(包括托盘)1422. 4mm,最大承载重量(包括托盘)4535kg,最大超出托盘量(长度/宽度方向)25. 4mm,最大不超出托盘量(长度/宽度方向)152. 4mm运输车辆〔卡车)参数:车箱长度为12m的卡车,最大净重量20412kgo 逐次点击包装设计次序中代表各步骤的图标,按照图形用户界面的形式输入上述各参数。

点击计算按钮,TOP Pro根据已定义的瓶子、浅盘、运输箱和卡车参数,求出该分析所有可能的解。









图3分析结果四分屏图:浅盘包装、运输包装、托盘集装及浅盘包装方案表图4分析结果四分屏图:运输包装、托盘集装、卡车装载及运输包装方案列表也可以点击图3、图4 9},图5中强度(Strength )按钮输入有关环境因子(湿度、存储期限、集装样式、计算方法等)进行包装件堆码强度分析(包括所有可能的箱纸板结构、纸箱性能、安全因子、堆码极限高度和价格等数据)。

图5分析结果四分屏图:托盘集装、卡车装载及托盘集装方案列表图6分析结果四分屏图:卡车装载(图)、卡车装载(统计)和卡车装载方案列表4.TOPS Pro 5. 0包装设计与分析实例求出将已知运输纸箱进行托盘堆码的最佳方案。

已知条件:1)运输箱参数:瓦楞纸板(C愣)材料,0201(RSC)箱型,尺寸为×254×203.2mm, 最大箱重11. 34kg2,托盘集装参数:CMA(带槽)标准托盘型式,最大高度(包括托盘)1524mm最大承载重量(包括托盘)4535.45kg最大超出托盘量(长度/宽度方向)25. 4rnm最大不超出托盘量(长度/宽度方向)38lmm。




图3包装设计次序运输包装一堆码图4运输箱参数对话框图5托盘参数对话框点击计算按钮,TOP Pro根据已定义的运输箱和集装参数,求出该分析所有可能的解(见图6)。



图7堆码强度分析参数对话框图8堆码强度分析结果5.利用TOPS Pro的CASY功能进行内包装与中包装结构设计除了数据库中已有的包装结构形式外,TOPS Pro还提供了CASY(Create A Shape Yourself即自己创建包装形式)功能让用户自定义内包装(即一次包装)结构和浅盘/箱中包装(即二次包装)结构。
