










1. 引言1.1 背景介绍英美文学作品中的双关语是一种常见修辞手法,通过巧妙地运用语言中的歧义性,达到文学作品意境的丰富和情感的深刻表达。





1.2 研究意义通过分析英美文学作品中双关语的运用,可以帮助我们更深入地理解作品背后的意义和作者的写作意图。








英文名著修辞手法赏析作文英文:When it comes to analyzing the rhetorical devices used in classic English literature, there are countless examples to choose from. As a literature enthusiast, I have come to appreciate the unique ways in which writers use language to convey their messages.One of the most common rhetorical devices used in literature is imagery. This technique involves the use of descriptive language to create vivid mental images in the reader's mind. For example, in "The Great Gatsby," F. Scott Fitzgerald uses imagery to describe the opulent parties hosted by the title character. He writes, "The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun, and now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music, and the opera of voices pitches a key higher." This description paints a picture of a lavish party atmosphere, complete with music and conversation.Another popular rhetorical device in literature is metaphor. This technique involves comparing two seemingly unrelated things to create a deeper understanding of the subject being discussed. For example, in William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," the character Romeo compares his love for Juliet to a religious devotion, saying, "Juliet is the sun." This metaphor not only conveys the intensity of Romeo's feelings, but also elevates Juliet to a divine status in his eyes.Finally, personification is another rhetorical device commonly used in literature. This technique involves attributing human characteristics to inanimate objects or animals. For example, in George Orwell's "Animal Farm," the pigs who take over the farm are given human-like qualities, such as the ability to speak and think critically. This personification helps to convey Orwell's message about the dangers of authoritarianism and the corrupting influence of power.Overall, the use of rhetorical devices in Englishliterature adds depth and complexity to the stories being told. By using techniques such as imagery, metaphor, and personification, writers are able to create more engaging and memorable works that continue to captivate readers for generations.中文:当谈到分析经典英文文学中使用的修辞手法时,有无数的例子可供选择。














格的运用是必不可少的。修辞格多种多样,可借助语音、语法或词汇几种手段,这里仅介绍使用词汇手段的几种主要的修辞格。先谈表示类似或关系的修辞格。这一类包括英语中一些最主要的修辞方式,如明喻、暗喻、转喻、提喻等。明喻(simile)明喻是用来表达两种不同事物之间的相似关系,一般用like或as连接。如:(1) o my luve is like a red,red rosethat’s newly sprung in june,o my luve is like a melodythat’s sweetly played in tune.(robert burns)(2) the young hunter was as strong as a lion and as keen-eycd as an eagle.类似as…as的用法很普遍,有的成了习惯用语,如:as timid as a mouseas white as snowas black as pitchas busy as a bee暗喻(metaphor)又称隐喻,暗喻的结构不同于明喻,没有as或like之类的比较关系词,它是隐含的比较。英语词义通过暗喻方式可以产生转义:when the curtain fell,there was a storm of applause.he was so angry that he stormed about the house.暗喻多用to be结构来联系相比较的两个不同事物的:the society was his college.the guest is god of us.he is one of the dogs of the rich.children are flowers of the motherland.拟人(personification)比喻可以使无生命的事物具有生命,或者赋予














来说 ,
象征 、比喻 、拟 人 、幽默 以及夸 张等属于重 要的
修 辞手法 ,
每一种修辞 手法 ,其 艺术特 色和艺术 风格都
是 独一无二 的

能真实 传递人 物的 内心世 界 。所 以作者
必 须要加强 修辞手法 的应用

增 强作 品的文化底 蕴和 知
识 内涵

对 于英语 文学作 品水 平 的提 升起着蕈要 的推动
目前 ,修辞手 法住英语 文学作 品 得 到了广泛 的应
用 与推广 ,发 挥着不可 比拟 的作 片J和优势 , 经得 到 r
众 多英 语文学作 者 的高度 重视 关注 。一部 优秀 的文学
作品 ,
可 以将作 者 自身 的思想情感 表达 …来 ,让渎者从
中有所 领悟 和感 触 ,
与作 者产生 相同 的思 想共鸣 。
说明了女性低下 的奴性地位。 以 珊德拉 为例 。卡珊德 拉曾是特洛伊 城邦 国王最
宠爱的女儿 。她梦想通过成 为女祭祀来分享 参与公众生 活 ,拥有 话语 权 。然 而 ,具 有讽 刺意 味 的是 ,作 为 先
知 ,她 的一切关 于特洛伊 未来的正确预 言却不为人们所
信 ,反 而骂 她是 “特洛伊 的疯女 人 ”。当特洛伊 城沦 陷
郑 州财经学院
【摘 要】英语 文学作 品有着属 于 自己j虫特 的修辞 手 法, 可 以将作 者 的 思想 感 情和 所 要描 写 的 意境进 行 充 分表 达 ,达 到融情于 景的效果 .、在 英语 文学作 品中,通过修 辞 手法 的应用 ,可以使作 品更具韵味 性和耐读 性 ,将作 者 的思 想感 情表达 得淋漓尽 致 ,充分 彰显 出修 辞手法 的 作 用。本 文主要针 对英语 文学作 品中修 辞手 法展开深 入 研 究,重点 阐述 几种修辞 手法 的具体 直用 ,希望 为相 关 研 究人 员提供帮助。 f关键词】英语文 学作 品;修辞手法 ;应用 【中图分类号】H0—0 【文献标识码1 A 【文 章 编 号 】1009—6167(2018)06—0032—03



修辞手法的英语作文Title: Exploring Rhetorical Devices in English Composition。

Rhetorical devices are essential tools that writers employ to enhance the effectiveness and impact of their writing. From ancient rhetoric to modern literature, these devices have been utilized to captivate, persuade, and engage readers. In this essay, we will delve into various rhetorical devices, exploring their definitions, functions, and examples.1. Simile: A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as." It serves to create vivid imagery and enhance the reader's understanding. For instance, in Shakespeare's "Sonnet 18," the speaker compares his beloved to a summer's day, stating, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate."2. Metaphor: Similar to a simile, a metaphor also compares two different things but without using "like" or "as." Instead, it asserts that one thing is another. An example of a metaphor is found in Emily Dickinson's poem "Hope is the thing with feathers," where hope is metaphorically described as a bird.3. Personification: Personification attributes human qualities to non-human entities, making them more relatable and engaging. In George Orwell's "Animal Farm," animals are personified to represent different political ideologies and societal structures.4. Hyperbole: Hyperbole involves exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally but to emphasize a point or evoke strong feelings. Mark Twain's famous line, "I could eat a horse," exemplifies hyperbole to express extreme hunger.5. Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in close proximity. It adds rhythm and musicality to the writing.For example, in Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven," the repeated "r" sound in "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary," creates a haunting atmosphere.6. Assonance: Assonance involves the repetition of vowel sounds within words to create a melodic effect. In T.S. Eliot's poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," the repetition of the short "i" sound in "In the room the women come and go, talking of Michelangelo," contributes to the poem's lyrical quality.7. Onomatopoeia: Onomatopoeia refers to words that imitate the sounds they describe. It adds sensory detail and vividness to writing. For instance, in Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky," words like "slithy" and "galumphing" create a sense of whimsy and playfulness.8. Irony: Irony involves expressing the opposite of what is expected or intended, often for humorous or dramatic effect. In Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal," the speaker suggests solving poverty in Ireland by selling children as food, using irony to critique societalattitudes towards the poor.9. Repetition: Repetition involves the repeated use of words or phrases for emphasis. In Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, the phrase "I have a dream" is repeated to underscore the vision of racial equality and justice.10. Parallelism: Parallelism involves the repetition of grammatical structures for balance and rhythm. In Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, the famous phrase "government of the people, by the people, for the people" exemplifies parallelism, emphasizing the democratic ideals of the United States.In conclusion, rhetorical devices are powerful tools that writers utilize to convey their message effectively and engage their audience. By understanding and incorporating these devices into our writing, we can elevate the impact and resonance of our words, creating memorable and compelling compositions.。



英语作文使用修辞手法的范文English Essay Using Rhetorical DevicesWriting a compelling and engaging essay requires the strategic use of rhetorical devices.Personally,I have found that incorporating similes,metaphors,and personification can truly elevate my writing to a new level.By comparing two seemingly unrelated things using a simile,I am able to create vivid imagery in the minds of my readers.Metaphors, on the other hand,allow me to draw parallels between different concepts,adding depth and complexity to my stly,personification helps me bring inanimate objects to life,making my writing more engaging and relatable.Overall,mastering the use of these rhetorical devices has significantly improved my writing skills.运用修辞手法来撰写一篇引人入胜的文章是非常有必要的。





北京师范大学珠海分校本科生毕业论文论文题目:An Analysis of Argot in A Rose For Emily from Three Rhetorical Devices:Metaphor, Euphemism and Symbolism学院外国语学院专业英语专业学号1115010169学生姓名杨宇萍指导教师姓名张玲指导教师职称讲师指导教师单位北师大珠海分校外国语学院2015 年 4 月 10 日An Analysis of Argot in A Rose For Emily from Three Rhetorical Devices: Metaphor, Euphemismand SymbolismSubmitted by Y ang yuping (杨宇萍)T o Lecturer ZhangIn partial fulfilment of the requirementsFor the degree ofBachelor of ArtsEnglish DepartmentSchool of Foreign LanguagesBeijing Normal University at Zhuhai (April, 2015)北京师范大学珠海分校学位论文写作声明和使用授权说明学位论文写作声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。


















英语文学作品中,通常会用一些列如“like”“as if”“such as”等的标志词。

伟大文学家莎翁《十四行诗》一文中有这样一句话:“ So are you to my thoughts as food tolife .”文意为:“你对我的思想就像食物对于生命一样重要。


另一种是文中并不出现“like”“such as”这样的象征词。

如wrence作品中一句:“with the quickness of a long cat,she climbed up into the nest of cool-bladed foliage.”暗喻即隐喻。








[关键词]英语写作;修辞手法;运用[Abstract]Writing is the reflection of one’s English integrating skills. Besides profound thought and plentiful content, a good composition should also attach more importance to rhetorical figures. The use of suitable rhetorical figures can make the sentences lively and vivid. In this way, it is necessary to master and make use of rhetorical figures to make your composition surprisingly fresh and special.[Key words]writing; rhetorical figures; make use of作为一种语言艺术,修辞格的运用是必不可少的。






英文名著修辞手法赏析作文1. In the classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the author uses the literary device of symbolism to represent the innocence and purity of childhood through the mockingbird. The mockingbird is a symbol of innocence because it does no harm and only brings joy with its song, much like the innocence of childhood.2. The author also employs the technique of foreshadowing to create a sense of anticipation and tension in the story. For example, when Atticus gives Jem and Scout air rifles and tells them that it's a sin to kill a mockingbird, it foreshadows the later events in the novel and builds suspense for the reader.3. Lee utilizes the setting of the small town of Maycomb, Alabama to create a sense of nostalgia and a microcosm of society. The town represents the social and racial tensions of the time, and by placing the story in this specific setting, the author is able to explore thesethemes in depth.4. The use of flashback is another prominent literary device in the novel, as the story is told from the perspective of an adult Scout looking back on her childhood. This allows the author to provide insight into the characters and events from a more mature and reflectivepoint of view.5. Dialogue is also a key element in "To Kill a Mockingbird," as it reveals the personalities and relationships of the characters. Through the use of dialect and colloquial language, the author brings the charactersto life and adds authenticity to the narrative.6. Harper Lee employs the technique of irony tohighlight the hypocrisy and injustice present in thesociety of Maycomb. For example, the trial of Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman, is an ironic commentary on the racial prejudices of the time.7. The author's use of imagery in describing the Radleyhouse and Boo Radley creates a sense of mystery and intrigue, adding to the overall atmosphere of the novel. The vivid and detailed imagery helps to bring the story to life and engage the reader's imagination.8. Throughout the novel, Lee uses the literary device of allegory to address larger social issues, such as racism and prejudice, through the microcosm of Maycomb. By using allegory, the author is able to explore complex themes and make a broader commentary on society.。



对比修辞手法英语作文Title: A Comparative Analysis of Rhetorical Devices in English Composition。

Rhetorical devices are essential tools for writers to effectively convey their ideas and engage their audience.In English composition, various rhetorical devices are employed to add depth, clarity, and persuasiveness to the text. In this essay, we will compare and contrast several common rhetorical devices, exploring their uses and effects.1. Simile and Metaphor:Similes and metaphors are both figures of speechused to make comparisons. However, they differ in their degree of directness. A simile explicitly compares twounlike things using "like" or "as," while a metaphorimplies the comparison without using these words.Example of simile: "Her laughter was like music tohis ears."Example of metaphor: "Time is a thief, stealing moments from our lives."Similes tend to create vivid imagery by drawing parallels between disparate concepts, while metaphors often evoke deeper meanings and associations, enriching the text with layers of symbolism.2. Alliteration and Assonance:Alliteration involves the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words, whereas assonance involves the repetition of vowel sounds within words.Example of alliteration: "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."Example of assonance: "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain."Both techniques contribute to the rhythm and musicality of the language, enhancing the text's auditory appeal. Alliteration can also emphasize key words or phrases, while assonance can create subtle connections between ideas.3. Hyperbole and Understatement:Hyperbole exaggerates or overstates something for emphasis or effect, while understatement deliberately downplays the significance of something.Example of hyperbole: "I've told you a million times."Example of understatement: "It's just a flesh wound," said the knight with a missing arm.Hyperbole is often employed for dramatic or humorous effect, while understatement can create irony or highlight the speaker's restraint or modesty.4. Parallelism and Antithesis:Parallelism involves the repetition of grammatical structures or patterns within a sentence or across sentences, while antithesis juxtaposes contrasting ideas within a parallel grammatical structure.Example of parallelism: "She likes hiking, swimming, and biking."Example of antithesis: "To err is human; to forgive, divine."Parallelism creates a sense of balance and symmetry, reinforcing the coherence and flow of the text. Antithesis, on the other hand, heightens the contrast between ideas, inviting the reader to ponder the relationship between them.5. Anaphora and Epistrophe:Anaphora involves the repetition of a word or phraseat the beginning of successive clauses or sentences, while epistrophe involves the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses or sentences.Example of anaphora: "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets."Example of epistrophe: "Where now? Who now? When now?"Both devices lend rhythm and emphasis to the text, emphasizing key points and creating a sense of unity and coherence.In conclusion, rhetorical devices play a crucial rolein enhancing the effectiveness and impact of English composition. Whether used to create vivid imagery, enhance rhythm and musicality, or emphasize key points, these devices enrich the text and engage the audience on multiple levels. By understanding and utilizing a variety ofrhetorical devices, writers can craft compelling and persuasive compositions that resonate with readers.。



英语作文中运用修辞手法写In the realm of English composition, the art of rhetoric can elevate the prose to a more poetic and persuasive level. Metaphors, similes, and personification breathe life into the mundane, allowing readers to see the world through adifferent lens.For instance, when describing the tranquility of a summer's evening, one might say, "The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden blanket over the world," rather than simply stating the sun set. This use of metaphor not only paints a vivid picture but also conveys a sense of warmth and comfort.Similes, on the other hand, draw comparisons to familiar experiences, making abstract concepts more tangible. For example, "Her voice was as sweet as honey," helps the reader to immediately grasp the pleasantness of her tone.Personification, the attribution of human characteristics to non-human entities, can also add depth to writing. "The wind whispered through the trees," personifies the wind, giving it a gentle and secretive quality that engages the reader's imagination.In addition to these, rhetorical devices such as alliteration, repetition, and parallelism can enhance the rhythm and flow of a piece, making it more memorable andimpactful. Alliteration, the repetition of initial consonant sounds, can create a musical quality to the language. Repetition, when used strategically, can emphasize a point and make it more resonant. Parallelism, the use of similar grammatical structures, can provide balance and clarity to an argument.Moreover, the use of irony can add a layer of complexity and depth to a narrative. It allows the writer to convey a meaning opposite to what is said, often for humorous or critical effect.Lastly, the effective use of rhetorical questions can engage the reader, prompting them to think more deeply about the topic at hand. It can also serve to emphasize a point without directly stating it.In conclusion, the strategic application of rhetorical devices in English composition can transform ordinary writing into an engaging and powerful piece of literature, capturing the reader's attention and leaving a lasting impression.。









例如: The front garden was a gravel square ;four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner,where they struggled to survive the dust,and fume from a busy mainroad. (前庭是一个被铺满沙粒的四方形,其四周都种有一丛常青灌木,他们常年忍受着从繁忙街道上吹来的尘烟,坚强地生存下来。


(二)移就修辞移就( Transferred epithet)修辞也常常被应用于文学作品中,其作用是将描写事物A的词语或者段落用于事物B的描述,用于描写事物 B 本身的词语或段落存在着很大的别扭。



隐喻修辞手法英文作文英文:Metaphor, as a rhetorical device, is a powerful toolthat adds depth and vividness to writing. It allows writers to convey complex ideas in a concise and imaginative manner. Metaphors are not only ubiquitous in literature but alsoplay a significant role in everyday language and communication.One common metaphor is "time is money." This metaphor implies that time, like money, is a valuable resource that should be managed wisely. For example, when someone says, "Don't waste your time, it's like throwing money down the drain," they are using this metaphor to emphasize the importance of using time efficiently.Another metaphor frequently used is "love is a battlefield." This metaphor suggests that love can be as challenging and intense as a physical battle. When someonesays, "Our relationship has been through many battles," they are metaphorically describing the conflicts and struggles they have faced as a couple.Metaphors often provide a fresh perspective on familiar concepts. For instance, the metaphor "life is a journey" encourages people to view life as a series of experiences and adventures, with its ups and downs, detours, and destinations.Moreover, metaphors are not limited to verbal communication but are also prevalent in visual arts. For instance, in paintings, artists often use metaphors to evoke certain emotions or convey specific messages. A painting depicting a lone tree in a barren landscape may metaphorically represent loneliness or resilience.In conclusion, metaphors are versatile linguistic devices that enrich both written and spoken communication. They enable writers and speakers to convey abstract ideas vividly and evoke emotional responses in their audience.中文:隐喻作为一种修辞手法,是一种强大的工具,可以为写作增添深度和生动性。



运用修辞的英文小说作文I stood at the edge of the cliff, the wind whipping through my hair and the sun casting long shadows across the rugged landscape. It felt as if the world had been frozen in time, every detail etched into my memory with a sharpness that bordered on painful.The city sprawled out before me, a chaotic jumble of buildings and streets that seemed to pulse with a life of their own. Lights flickered on and off, like the heartbeat of a sleeping giant, while the distant hum of traffic and the occasional wail of a siren added to the symphony of urban sounds.The air was heavy with the scent of rain, a promise of storms to come that sent shivers down my spine. I could almost taste the electricity in the air, feel the crackle of energy that danced along my skin like a lover's caress.I closed my eyes and let myself be carried away by themusic, the rhythm of the city weaving its way into my soul. It was a wild, untamed dance, a celebration of life and all its messy, chaotic beauty.As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city camealive in a blaze of neon and electric lights. It was as if a switch had been flipped, transforming the mundane into the magical, the ordinary into the extraordinary.I felt a surge of adrenaline, a thrill that pulsed through my veins and set my heart racing. In that moment, I was alive in a way I had never been before, a part of something bigger and more powerful than myself.And as the night stretched out before me, full of promise and possibility, I knew that I would never be the same again.。



英文小说修辞赏析作文The sun was a blazing ball of fire in the sky, casting its golden rays across the endless expanse of the desert. The heat was oppressive, suffocating, as if the very airwas on fire. The sand dunes undulated like waves frozen in time, their peaks and valleys a testament to the relentless power of nature.Her eyes were like two pools of liquid sapphire, shimmering with a depth that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. Her laughter was like music, a symphony ofjoy that filled the room with its infectious melody. Shewas a force of nature, a whirlwind of passion and energythat swept everyone in her path along for the ride.The old house creaked and groaned as if it were alive, its timbers settling and shifting with the weight of years. The air was heavy with the scent of dust and memories, each room a treasure trove of forgotten moments and faded dreams. It was a place frozen in time, a relic of another era thatrefused to be forgotten.The city was a living, breathing organism, pulsing with the energy of millions of souls intertwined in the tapestry of urban life. The streets were a maze of concrete and steel, a labyrinth of endless possibilities and hidden secrets. Each building was a monument to human ambition, reaching for the sky in a never-ending quest for greatness.His words were like daggers, sharp and cutting, leaving wounds that festered long after the conversation had ended. His smile was a mask, hiding the darkness that lurked behind his eyes. He was a master of deception, a puppeteer pulling the strings of those around him with a skill that bordered on the supernatural.The storm raged outside, the wind howling like a banshee and the rain lashing against the windows with afury that seemed almost personal. The sky was a maelstrom of black clouds and jagged lightning, a symphony of chaos and power that seemed to defy the very laws of nature. It was a sight that filled the heart with both terror and awe.。



094《名家名作》·杂谈[摘 要] 修辞作为文学作品语言表达不可或缺的工具形式,不仅可以提升文学作品的趣味性与优美性,也可以丰富文学作品的艺术内涵。




[关 键 词] 英语文学作品;修辞手法;语言鉴赏英语文学作品的修辞应用吴志刚任何一部优秀的文学作品都需要具备丰富的艺术内涵与阅读价值,才能够流芳百世。











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英语中的修辞手法(figures of speech),是英语文学作品中最为常见的一种表达形式。






英国诗人艾略特的长诗《荒原》(waste land)是一部典型的象



“april is the cruellest month, breeding ……
what are the roots that clutch, what branches grow
out of this stony rubbish? son of man……
a heap of broken images, where the sun beats
and the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief and the dry stone no sound of water. only ……
i will show you fear in a handful of dust.”





莎士比亚在他的文学作品就多处使用到双关语修辞,例如《针锋相对》(measure for measure)中的:“……but if he be a married man, he’s his wife’s head, and 1can never cut off a woman’s head.”(……可是他要是个有老婆的,那么人家说丈夫是妻子的头,叫我杀女人的头,我可下不了这个手。



又如莎士比亚在《亨利五世》中的一句话:“to england will steal, and there i will steal.”(我偷偷溜回英格兰,到那儿偷去)“steal”的字面意思是“偷”,但在这句话中还有另外一层意思,即“溜回”,也起到一语双关的作用,并且使得文章更具有讽刺色彩和幽默效果。





明喻是直接比较两种特点相同的事物或现象,常用的比喻词“as, like, as if, as though”进行连接。

斯蒂芬妮梅尔在《暮光之城》中描写到:“you could never see the sky here; it was like a cage.”(这儿就像个笼子似的,根本看不到天空)这句话中it是本体, cage是喻体,like是比喻词。




例如:“……for the sweetest music to lovers is the sound of each other’s tongue at night.”(……对于情人来说,最甜蜜的音乐就是他们在夜间互吐衷肠的声音。

)这里直接将“the sound of each other’s tongue”比喻成“the sweetest music”,抓住了二者的共同点,即动听且甜蜜。




[1] 李莹.袁超.赵静.英语文学作品中的修辞欣赏[j]
[2] 刘杰.英美文学作品中英语语言的应用[j]。
