



THE ROMAN ARMY’S IMPACT ON BRITAIN1. 原文in的部分是非主要成分,结构是军队呆在blabla,并且有影响,所以答案是A。

B将原文的非重要成分awake,C将原文的非主要成分fortification变成了主要部分,改变了句子结构,都错;D的economic strength原文没说,错2. 以area和most influence做关键词定位至第四句,说军队一直驻扎的地方,其影响最深远,所以答案是C,作为军事基地的地方。

B和D都明显不靠谱,A的conquer first最先占领并不一定是一直驻扎,军事基地才是3. 以local population做关键词定位至倒数第二句,说军事驻扎剥夺了当地人参加政府的权力,使发展停滞,种下仇恨的种子,然后又说这种仇恨使军事驻扎持续,所以正确答案是B。

A和C原文没说,D与原文相反4. suppress镇压,压制,所以stop by force是正确答案。


原文说仇恨的种子种下,使得军队必须留下怎样反抗,B警告和C避免反抗明显不足,D强力停止,镇压是正确答案5. friction摩擦,所以正确答案是B冲突。

原文说当没有训练或者战事的时候,部队的人必须忙起来,否则就会成为什么的源头A反抗和D犯罪都太过了,军队不可能只要没事做就反抗或者犯罪,neglect完全不靠谱6. 修辞目的题,修辞点所在句子只是单纯说出例子,所以不是答案,往前看,前面这句话上题已经读过,说士兵必须有事做,否则就会闹事儿,紧接着就给出343名士兵做着做那,所以343名士兵做事是士兵必须有事做的一个例子,所以答案是B7. entitle赋予权力,授权,所以正确答案是A。

原句说当地人与军人之间有不正式的婚约,紧接着解释说直到AD 197法律才怎么样他们结婚,既然之前都是不正式的,也就是后来的应该是法律允许的,猜出允许之意,答案是A,B承担得起C鼓励D要求都不靠谱8. 以goods and services做关键词定位至第三句,说远方来的人满足了士兵对于商品和服务的需求,正确答案是D。



¡¡¡¡ÎªÁË°ïÖú´ó¼Ò¸ßЧ±¸¿¼Íи££¬Îª´ó¼Ò´øÀ´Íи£TPO19ÔĶÁPassage3Ô-ÎÄÎı¾+ÌâÄ¿+´ð°¸½âÎö£¬Ï£Íû¶Ô´ó¼Ò±¸¿¼ÓÐËù°ïÖú¡£¡¡¡¡¨ Íи£TPO19ÔĶÁPassage3Ô-ÎÄÎı¾£º¡¡¡¡Discovering the Ice Ages¡¡¡¡In the middle of the nineteenth century, Louis Agassiz, one of the first scientists to study glaciers, immigrated to the United States from Switzerland and became a professor at Harvard University, where he continued his studies in geology and other sciences. For his research, Agassiz visited many places in the northern parts of Europe and North America, from the mountains of Scandinavia and New England to the rolling hills of the American Midwest. In all these diverse regions, Agassiz saw signs of glacial erosion and sedimentation. In flat plains country, he saw moraines (accumulations of earth and loose rock that form at the edges of glaciers) that reminded him of the terminal moraines found at the end of valley glaciers in the Alps. The heterogeneous material of the drift (sand, clay, and rocks deposited there) convinced him of its glacial origin.¡¡¡¡The areas covered by this material were so vast that the ice that deposited it must have been a continental glacier larger than Greenland or Antarctica. Eventually, Agassiz and others convinced geologists and the general public that a great continental glaciation had extended the polar ice caps far into regions that now enjoy temperate climates. For the first time, people began to talk about ice ages. It was also apparent that the glaciation occurred in the relatively recent past because the drift was soft, like freshly deposited sediment. We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift. The drift of the last glaciation was deposited during one of the most recent epochs of geologic time, the Pleistocene, which lasted from 1.8 million to 10,000 years ago. Along the east coast of the United States, the southernmost advance of this ice is recorded by the enormous sand and drift deposits of the terminal moraines that form Long Island and Cape Cod.¡¡¡¡It soon became clear that there were multiple glacial ages during the Pleistocene, with warmer interglacial intervals between them. As geologists mapped glacial deposits in the late nineteenth century, they became aware that there were several layers of drift, the lower ones corresponding to earlier ice ages. Between the older layers of glacial material were well-developed soils containing fossils of warm-climate plants. These soils were evidence that the glaciers retreated as the climate warmed. By the early part of the twentieth century, scientists believed that four distinct glaciations had affected North America and Europe during the Pleistocene epoch.¡¡¡¡This idea was modified in the late twentieth century, when geologists and oceanographers examining oceanic sediment found fossil evidence of warming and coolingof the oceans. Ocean sediments presented a much more complete geologic record of the Pleistocene than continental glacial deposits did. The fossils buried in Pleistocene and earlier ocean sediments were of foraminifera¡ªsmall, single-celled marine organisms that secrete shells of calcium carbonate, or calcite. These shells differ in their proportion of ordinary oxygen (oxygen-16) and the heavy oxygen isotope (oxygen-18). The ratio of oxygen-16 to oxygen-18 found in the calcite of a foraminifer's shell depends on the temperature of the water in which the organism lived. Different ratios in the shells preserved in various layers of sediment reveal the temperature changes in the oceans during the Pleistocene epoch.¡¡¡¡Isotopic analysis of shells allowed geologists to measure another glacial effect. They could trace the growth and shrinkage of continental glaciers, even in parts of the ocean where there may have been no great change in temperature¡ªaround the equator, for example. The oxygen isotope ratio of the ocean changes as a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation and is precipitated as snow to form glacial ice. During glaciations, the lighter oxygen-16 has a greater tendency to evaporate from the ocean surface than the heavier oxygen-18 does. Thus, more of the heavy isotope is left behind in the ocean and absorbed by marine organisms. From this analysis of marine sediments, geologists have learned that there were many shorter, more regular cycles of glaciation and deglaciation than geologists had recognized from the glacial drift of the continents alone.¡¡¡¡Paragraph 1: In the middle of the nineteenth century, Louis Agassiz, one of the first scientists to study glaciers, immigrated to the United States from Switzerland and became a professor at Harvard University, where he continued his studies in geology and other sciences. For his research, Agassiz visited many places in the northern parts of Europe and North America, from the mountains of Scandinavia and New England to the rolling hills of the American Midwest. In all these diverse regions, Agassiz saw signs of glacial erosion and sedimentation. In flat plains country, he saw moraines (accumulations of earth and loose rock that form at the edges of glaciers) that reminded him of the terminal moraines found at the end of valley glaciers in the Alps. The heterogeneous material of the drift (sand, clay, and rocks deposited there) convinced him of its glacial origin.¡¡¡¡¨ Íи£TPO19ÔĶÁPassage3ÌâÄ¿£º¡¡¡¡1. The word ¡°accumulations¡± in the passage is closest in meaning to¡¡¡¡O signs¡¡¡¡O pieces¡¡¡¡O types。



TPO19: THE ROMAN ARMYS IMPACT ON BRITAINThe Roman Army’s Impact on Britain1.遗漏精华信息。

改变重要含义或者遗漏精华信息以下哪⼀项能表达出⾼亮句⼦的精华核⼼精华核⼼含义?错误选项改变重要含义In the wake of the Roman Empire’s conquest of Britain in the first century A.D., a large number of troops stayed in the new province, and these troops had a considerable impact on Britain with their camps, fortifications, and participation in the local economy.罗马帝国在公元⼀世纪征服了⼤不列颠后,有⼤量的驻军留在的新的省份,这些驻军的营地、城防以及对当地经济的参与对⼤不列颠有很⼤的影响。





2.根据第⼀段,罗马军队对⼤不列颠哪些地⽅影响最⼤?(Factual Information Question)a)最先被征服的地区b)⼈⼝中⼼附近地区c)⽤作军事基地地区d)迅速并⼊帝国的地区解析:段落第四句“Where the army remained stationed, its presence was much more influential.”意思是:在军队驻扎的地⽅,军队对当地的影响更⼤。

第五句“The imposition of a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed and exercise he soldiers’ animals.”意思是:军事基地强迫征收当地⼟地⽤来建造城堡以及喂养训练⼠兵的动物。



托福阅读TPO19(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:TheRomanArmy'sImpactonBritain托福TPO是托福备考小伙伴们最重要的参考资料,并且这个是在备考时候一定要认真多多练习,托福TPO是非常重要的希望大家一定要重视起来,小编为广大的托福考生整理了托福阅读TPO19(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:The Roman Army's Impact on Britain,下面就来跟小编一起来看下面精彩内容吧!托福阅读原文【1】In the wake of the Roman Empire's conquest of Britain in the first century A.D., a large number of troops stayed in the new province, and these troops had a considerable impact on Britain with their camps, fortifications, and participation in the local economy. Assessing the impact of the army on the civilian population starts from the realization that the soldiers were always unevenly distributed across the country. Areas rapidly incorporated into the empire were not long affected by the military. Where the army remained stationed, its presence was much more influential. The imposition of a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed and exercise the soldiers' animals. The imposition of military rule also robbed local leaders of opportunities to participate in local government, so social development was stunted and the seeds of disaffection sown. This then meant that the military had to remain to suppress rebellion and organize government.【2】 Economic exchange was clearly very important as the Roman army brought with it very substantial spending power. Locally a fort had two kinds of impact. Its large population needed food and other supplies. Some of these were certainlybrought from long distances, but demands were inevitably placed on the local area. Although goods could be requisitioned, they were usually paid for, and this probably stimulated changes in the local economy. When not campaigning, soldiers needed to be occupied; otherwise they represented a potentially dangerous source of friction and disloyalty. Hence a writing tablet dated 25 April tells of 343 men at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead. Such activities had a major effect on the local area, in particular with the construction of infrastructure such as roads, which improved access to remote areas.【3】 Each soldier received his pay, but in regions without a developed economy there was initially little on which it could be spent. The pool of excess cash rapidly stimulated a thriving economy outside fort gates. Some of the demand for the services and goods was no doubt fulfilled by people drawn from far afield, but some local people certainly became entwined in this new economy. There was informal marriage with soldiers, who until AD 197 were not legally entitled to wed, and whole new communities grew up near the forts. These settlements acted like small towns, becoming centers for the artisan and trading populations.【4】The army also provided a mean of personal advancement for auxiliary soldiers recruited from the native peoples, as a man obtained hereditary Roman citizenship on retirement after service in an auxiliary regiment. Such units recruited on an ad hoc (as needed) basis from the area in which they were stationed, and there was evidently large-scale recruitment within Britain. The total numbers were at least 12,500 men up to the reign of the emperor Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), witha peak around A.D. 80. Although a small proportion of the total population, this perhaps had a massive local impact when a large proportion of the young men were removed from an area. Newly raised regiments were normally transferred to another province from whence it was unlikely that individual recruits would ever return. Most units raised in Britain went elsewhere on the European continent, although one is recorded in Morocco. The reverse process brought young men to Britain, where many continued to live after their 20 to 25 years of service, and this added to the cosmopolitan Roman character of the frontier population. By the later Roman period, frontier garrisons (groups of soldiers) were only rarely transferred, service in units became effectively hereditary, and forts were no longer populated or maintained at full strength.【5】 This process of settling in as a community over several generations, combined with local recruitment, presumably accounts for the apparent stability of the British northern frontier in the later Roman period. It also explains why some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain, at the beginning of the fifth century A.D. The circumstances that had allowed natives to become Romanized also led the self-sustaining military community of the frontier area to become effectively British.托福阅读试题1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 1? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A.Many Roman soldiers remained in Britain after conquering it, and their presence had a strong influence.B.The new Roman province of Britain seemed to awaken in the first century A.D. as the local economy improved.C.Camps, fortifications, and economic change contributed to the Roman conquest of Britain.D.With the conquest of Britain by Roman troops, the Roman Empire gained considerable economic strength.2. According to paragraph 1, the Roman army had the most influence on those areas of Britain that wereA.conquered first.B.near population centers.ed as military bases.D.rapidly incorporated into the empire.3. According to paragraph 1, what effect did military occupation have on the local population?A.It encouraged more even distribution of the population and the settlement of previously undeveloped territory.B.It created discontent and made continuing military occupation necessary.C.It required local labor to construct forts and feed and exercise the soldiers’ animals.D.It provided local leaders with opportunities to participate in governance.4. The word “suppress” in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning toA.respond to.B.warn against.C.avoid the impact of.D.stop by force.5. The word “friction” in the passage (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning toA.rebellion.B.conflict.C.neglect.D.crime.6. The author mentions “343 men at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead”in paragraph 2 in order toA.describe the kinds of tasks soldiers were required to perform as punishment for disloyalty or misdeeds.B.illustrate some of the duties assigned to soldiers to keep them busy and well-behaved when not involved in military campaigns.C.provide evidence that Roman soldiers had a negative effect on the local area by performing jobs that had been performed by native workers.D.argue that the soldiers would have been better employed in the construction of infrastructure such as roads.7. The phrase “entitled to” in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning toA.given the right to.B.able to afford to.C.encouraged to.D.required to.8. According to paragraph 3, how did the soldiers meet their needs for goods and services?A.Their needs were met by the army, and all of their economic transactions took place within the fort.B.Most of their needs were met by traveling tradespeople who visit the forts.C.During their days off, soldiers traveled to distant towns tomake purchases.D.They bought what they needed from the artisans and traders in nearby towns.9. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true of Britain’s auxiliary regiments of the Roman army?A.Membership in these regiments reached its highest point during the region of the emperor Hadrian.B.Most of the units recruited in Britain were sent to Morocco and other stations outside Europe.C.Soldiers served in the regiments for many years and after retirement generally stayed where they had been stationed.D.Most of the regiments stationed on the frontier were new units transferred from a neighboring province.10. According to paragraph 4, all of the following changes could be seen in the frontier garrisons by the later Roman period EXCEPT:A.Membership in the units passed from father to son.B.Fewer soldiers were stationed at the forts.C.Soldiers usually were not transferred to different locations.D.Frontier units became more effective and proficient.11. Why does the author mention that “some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain”in paragraph 5 ?A.To emphasize the degree to which the stability of the British northern frontier depended on firm military control.B.To suggest that the Romans continued to occupy Britain even after they had formally given up the right to do so.C.To support the claim that forts continued to serve an import economic function even after they ceased to be of any military use.D.To describe one of the things that resulted from frontier garrisons’ becoming part of the local community over a long period.12. The word “circumstances” in the passage (paragraph 5) is closest in meaning toA.experiences.munities.C.conditions.ws.13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? One solution was to keep them busy as sources of labor.Paragraph 2: Economic exchange was clearly very important as the Roman army brought with it very substantial spending power. Locally a fort had two kinds of impact. Its large population needed food and other supplies. ■【A】Some of these were certainly brought from long distances, but demands were inevitably pla ced on the local area. ■【B】 Although goods could be requisitioned, they were usually paid for, and this probably stimulated changes in the local economy. ■【C】When not campaigning, soldiers needed to be occupied; otherwise they represented a potentially dangerous source of friction and disloyalty. ■【D】 Hence a writing tablet dated 25 April tells of 343 men at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead. Such activities had a major effect on the local area, in particular with the construction of infrastructure such as roads, which improved access to remote areas.14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summaryof the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentence do not belong to the summary because they express ideas that are no presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Th e Roman army’s occupation of Britain influenced and changed the local population.A.Although the presence of the army in certain areas caused resentment among the local population, it provided important services such as building infrastructure.B.By recruiting unemployed young men for its auxiliary units, the army made it possible for them to stay in their home towns and provide financial support for their families.rge quantities of cash from soldiers’ pay stimulated development, but also drove up prices, making it hard for local residents to afford goods and services.D.Though the army appropriated land and some goods, it also paid for many supplies, stimulating local economic growth.E.The forts contributed to the quality of local crafts by bringing in artisans from distant places who brought with them new skills and techniques.F.Roman soldiers started families with local inhabitants, and over the generations, the military community became a stable part of British society.托福阅读答案1.原文in的部分是非主要成分,结构是军队呆在blabla,并且有影响,所以答案是A。



Toefl iBT Practice Test TPO 19 WritingNo. of Questions: 2Time: approx. 60 minutesBegin TestNow put on your headsetClick on CONTINUE to go on CONTINUEBegin readingYou have 3 minutes to read the passage.Click to begin reading now .Many consumers ignore commercial advertisements. In response,advertising companies have started using a new tactic, called 'buzzing."The advertisers hire people —buzzers —who personally promote (buzz)products to people they know or meet. The key part is that the buzzersdo not reveal that they are being paid to promote anything. They behaveas though they were just spontaneously praising a product during normalconversation. Buzzing has generated a lot of controversy, and manycritics would like to see it banned.First, the critics complain that consumers should know whether a personpraising a product is being paid to praise the product. Knowing thismakes a big difference: we expect the truth from people who we believedo not have any motive for misleading us. But with buzzing what youhear is just paid advertising, which may well give a person incorrectinformation about the buzzed product.Second, since buzzers pretend they are just private individuals,consumers listen to their endorsements less critically than they should.With advertisements in print or on TV, the consumer is on guard forquestionable claims or empty descriptions such as "new and improved."But when consumers do not know they are being lobbied, they mayaccept claims they would otherwise be suspicious of. This may suit themanufacturers, but it could really harm consumers.And worst of all is the harmful effect that buzzing is likely to have onsocial relationships. Once we become aware that people we meetsocially may be buzzers with a hidden agenda, we will become lesstrustful of people in general. So buzzing will result in the spread ofmistrust and the expectation of dishonesty.You may have to wait a few seconds for the audio to load and play.Directions:You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.Question:Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific points made in the reading passage.Write your response here.换行请按Ctrl+Enter Many consumers ignore commercial advertisements. In response,换行请按Ctrl+Enteradvertising companies have started using a new tactic, called 'buzzing."The advertisers hire people—buzzers—who personally promote (buzz)products to people they know or meet. The key part is that the buzzersdo not reveal that they are being paid to promote anything. They behaveas though they were just spontaneously praising a product during normalconversation. Buzzing has generated a lot of controversy, and manycritics would like to see it banned.First, the critics complain that consumers should know whether a personpraising a product is being paid to praise the product. Knowing thismakes a big difference: we expect the truth from people who we believedo not have any motive for misleading us. But with buzzing what youhear is just paid advertising, which may well give a person incorrectinformation about the buzzed product.Second, since buzzers pretend they are just private individuals,consumers listen to their endorsements less critically than they should.With advertisements in print or on TV, the consumer is on guard forquestionable claims or empty descriptions such as "new and improved."But when consumers do not know they are being lobbied, they mayaccept claims they would otherwise be suspicious of. This may suit themanufacturers, but it could really harm consumers.And worst of all is the harmful effect that buzzing is likely to have onsocial relationships. Once we become aware that people we meetsocially may be buzzers with a hidden agenda, we will become lesstrustful of people in general. So buzzing will result in the spread ofmistrust and the expectation of dishonesty.Write your response here.Question:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In order to be well-informed, a person must getinformation from many different news sources.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write,and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain aminimum of 300 words.换行请按Ctrl+EnterYou have completed this practice test.Review answerRestart testVisit/s/articlelist_1665013953_2_1.htmlfor sample answer。

TPO19-2 Succesion,climax and ecosystems

TPO19-2 Succesion,climax and ecosystems

TPO 19-2 S uccesion, climax, andecosystems1. Clements and other early ecologists saw almost lawlike regularity in the order of succession, but that has not been substantiated.解析:regularity 规律succession演变but that...其中的that指代前面的lawlike regularity。


2. The final stage of a succession, called the climax by Clements and early ecologists, is likewise not predictable or of uniform composition.解析:主语是the final stage of succession, 谓语是is,两个逗号之间的部分是同位语,解释说明前文,likewise同样地,(说明本句逻辑和前句可能一致)翻译:演变的最后阶段被Clements和早期生态学家称为顶峰群落。


3.An ant colony may be legitimately called a superorganism because its communication system is so highly organized that the colony always works as a whole and appropriately according to the circumstances.解析:legitimately 合理地,正当地so...that...太...以至于... 。

托福阅读 19-3 Discovering the Ice Ages

托福阅读 19-3 Discovering the Ice Ages

Discovering the Ice AgesIn the middle of the nineteenth century, Louis Agassiz, one of the first scientists to study glaciers, immigrated to the United States from Switzerland and became a professor at Harvard University, where he continued his studies in geology and other sciences. For his research, Agassiz visited many places in the northern parts of Europe and North America, from the mountains of Scandinavia and New England to the rolling hills of the American Midwest. In all these diverse regions, Agassiz saw signs of glacial erosion and sedimentation. In flat plains country, he saw moraines (accumulations of earth and loose rock that form at the edges of glaciers) that reminded him of the terminal moraines found at the end of valley glaciers in the Alps. The heterogeneous material of the drift (sand, clay, and rocks deposited there) convinced him of its glacial origin.The areas covered by this material were so vast that the ice that deposited it must have been a continental glacier larger than Greenland or Antarctica. Eventually, Agassiz and others convinced geologists and the general public that a great continental glaciation had extended the polar ice caps far into regions that now enjoy temperate climates. For the first time, people began to talk about ice ages. It was also apparent that the glaciation occurred in the relatively recent past because the drift was soft, like freshly deposited sediment. We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift. The drift of the last glaciation was deposited during one of the most recent epochs of geologic time, the Pleistocene, which lasted from 1.8 million to 10,000 years ago. Along the east coast of the United States, the southernmost advance of this ice is recorded by the enormous sand and drift deposits of the terminal moraines that form Long Island and Cape Cod.It soon became clear that there were multiple glacial ages during the Pleistocene, with warmer interglacial intervals between them. As geologists mapped glacial deposits in the late nineteenth century, they became aware that there were several layers of drift, the lower ones corresponding to earlier ice ages. Between the older layers of glacial material were well-developed soils containing fossils of warm-climate plants. These soils were evidence that the glaciers retreated as the climate warmed. By the early part of the twentieth century, scientists believed that four distinct glaciations had affected North America and Europe during the Pleistocene epoch.This idea was modified in the late twentieth century, when geologists and oceanographers examining oceanic sediment found fossil evidence of warming and cooling of the oceans. Ocean sediments presented a much more complete geologic recordof the Pleistocene than continental glacial deposits did. The fossils buried in Pleistocene and earlier ocean sediments were of foraminifera—small, single-celled marine organisms that secrete shells of calcium carbonate, or calcite. These shells differ in their proportion of ordinary oxygen (oxygen-16) and the heavy oxygen isotope (oxygen-18). The ratio of oxygen-16 to oxygen-18 found in the calcite of a foraminifer's shell depends on the temperature of the water in which the organism lived. Different ratios in the shells preserved in various layers of sediment reveal the temperature changes in the oceans during the Pleistocene epoch.Isotopic analysis of shells allowed geologists to measure another glacial effect. They could trace the growth and shrinkage of continental glaciers, even in parts of the ocean where there may have been no great change in temperature—around the equator, for example. The oxygen isotope ratio of the ocean changes as a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation and is precipitated as snow to form glacial ice. During glaciations, the lighter oxygen-16 has a greater tendency to evaporate from the ocean surface than the heavier oxygen-18 does. Thus, more of the heavy isotope is left behind in the ocean and absorbed by marine organisms. From this analysis of marine sediments, geologists have learned that there were many shorter, more regular cycles of glaciation and deglaciation than geologists had recognized from the glacial drift of the continents alone.Paragraph 1: In the middle of t h e n i n e t e e n t h century, Louis Agassiz, one of the first scientists to study glaciers, immigrated to the United States from Switzerland and became a professor at Harvard University, where he continued his studies in geology and other sciences. For his research, Agassiz visited many places in the northern parts of Europe and North America, from the mountains of Scandinavia and New England to the rolling hills of the American Midwest. In all these diverse regions, Agassiz saw signs of glacial erosion and sedimentation. In flat plains country, he saw moraines (accumulations of earth and loose rock that form at the edges of glaciers) that reminded him of the terminal moraines found at the end of valley glaciers in the Alps. The heterogeneous material of the drift (sand, clay, and rocks deposited there) convinced him of its glacial origin.1.The word “accumulations” in the passage is closest in meaning toO signsO piecesO typesO deposits2.The word “heterogeneous” in the passage is closest in meaning toO remainingO variedO familiarO layered3.According to paragraph 1, what persuaded Louis Agassiz that glaciation in the pasthad been widespread?O Geologic differences between mountain valleys and flat plainsO The presence of similar glacial material in many different regionsO Geologic research on mountain glaciers in the AlpsO Evidence of regional differences in the drift caused by glacial erosionParagraph 2: The areas covered by this material were so vast that the ice that deposited it must have been a continental glacier larger than Greenland or Antarctica. Eventually, Agassiz and others convinced geologists and the general public that a great continental glaciation had extended the polar ice caps far into regions that now enjoy temperate climates. For the first time, people began to talk about ice ages. It was also apparent that the glaciation occurred in the relatively recent past because the drift was soft, like freshly deposited sediment. We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift. The drift of the last glaciation was deposited during one of the most recent epochs of geologic time, the Pleistocene, which lasted from 1.8 million to 10,000 years ago. Along the east coast of the United States, the southernmost advance of this ice is recorded by the enormous sand and drift deposits of the terminal moraines that form Long Island and Cape Cod.4.The word “enjoy” in the passage is closest in meaning toO experienceO resembleO expectO dominate5.It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that Agassiz and other geologists of his timewere not able to determineO which geographic regions had been covered with ice sheets in the last ice age O the exact dates at which drifts had been deposited during the last ice ageO the exact composition of the drifts laid during the last ice ageO how far south along the east coast of the United States the ice had advanced during the last ice ageParagraph 3: It soon became clear that there were multiple glacial ages during the Pleistocene, with warmer interglacial intervals between them. As geologists mapped glacial deposits in the late nineteenth century, they became aware that there were several layers of drift, the lower ones corresponding to earlier ice ages. Between the older layers of glacial material were well-developed soils containing fossils of warm-climate plants. These soils were evidence that the glaciers retreated as the climate warmed. By the early part of the twentieth century, scientists believed that four distinct glaciations had affected North America and Europe during the Pleistocene epoch.6.According to paragraph 3, what did geologists conclude as a result of finding well-developed soils containing warm-climate plant fossils between layers of glacial drift?O There had been only one warm period before the Pleistocene epoch.O There had been multiple periods of mild weather between ice ages.O Several glacial periods occurred after the Pleistocene epoch.O Some earlier epochs were warmer thant the Pleistocene.Paragraph 4: This idea was modified in the late twentieth century, when geologists and oceanographers examining oceanic sediment found fossil evidence of warming and cooling of the oceans. Ocean sediments presented a much more complete geologic record of the Pleistocene than continental glacial deposits did. The fossils buried in Pleistocene and earlier ocean sediments were of foraminifera—small, single-celled marine organisms that secrete shells of calcium carbonate, or calcite. These shells differ in their proportion of ordinary oxygen (oxygen-16) and the heavy oxygen isotope (oxygen-18). The ratio of oxygen-16 to oxygen-18 found in the calcite of a foraminifer's shell depends on the temperature of the water in which the organism lived. Different ratios in the shells preserved in various layers of sediment reveal the temperature changes in the oceans during the Pleistocene epoch.7.According to paragraph 3 and 4, scientists modified their theory about the exactnumber of glaciations because of evidence obtained fromO ocean sedimentsO interglacial soilsO glacial depositsO air samples8.The word “reveal” in the passage is closest in meaning toO result fromO vary withO showO preserve9.According to paragraph 4, scientists use foraminifera shells to learn about Pleistocene ocean conditions byO measuring the amount of calcium carbonate present in the shellsO determining the proportion of shell in each layer of sedimentO comparing shells deposited during the Pleistocene with those buried earlierO calculating the relative quantity of two oxygen isotopes in the calciteParagraph 5: Isotopic analysis of shells allowed geologists to measure another glacial effect. They could trace the growth and shrinkage of continental glaciers, even in parts of the ocean where there may have been no great change in temperature—around the equator, for example. The oxygen isotope ratio of the ocean changes as a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation and is precipitated as snow to form glacial ice. During glaciations, the lighter oxygen-16 has a greater tendency to evaporate from the ocean surface than the heavier oxygen-18 does. Thus, more of the heavy isotope is left behind in the ocean and absorbed by marine organisms. From this analysis of marine sediments, geologists have learned that there were many shorter, more regular cycles of glaciation and deglaciation than geologists had recognized from the glacial drift of the continents alone.10.In can be inferred from paragraph 5 that foraminifera fossil shells containing calcitewith high percentages of oxygen-16 were deposited at times whenO polar ice extended as far as equatorial regions of land and seaO extensive glaciation was not occurringO there were no great increases in ocean temperatureO there was heavy snowfall on continental glaciers11.In paragraph 5, why does the author include the information that the “oxygenisotope ratio of the ocean changes as a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation and is precipitated as snow to form glacial ice” ?O To explain how scientists were able to calculate how frequently the continental ice sheets expanded and contractedO To explain how scientists have determined that there was no great change in ocean temperatures at the equator during past glaciationsO To provide evidence that oxygen-16 has a greater tendency to evaporate than does oxygen-18O To suggest that equatorial marine organisms absorb more heavy isotopes than do marine organisms elsewhere12.According to the passage, when did scientists begin to realize that more than oneice age had occurred ?O In the mid nineteenth centuryO In the late nineteenth centuryO In the early twentieth centuryO In the late twentieth centuryParagraph 1: In the middle of the nineteenth century, Louis Agassiz, one of the first scientists to study glaciers, immigrated to the United States from Switzerland and became a professor at Harvard University, where he continued his studies in geology and other sciences. For his research, Agassiz visited many places in the northern parts of Europe and North America, from the mountains of Scandinavia and New England to the rolling hills of the American Midwest. ■In all these diverse regions, Agassiz saw signs of glacial erosion and sedimentation. ■In flat plains country, he saw moraines (accumulations of earth and loose rock that form at the edges of glaciers) that reminded him of the terminal moraines found at the end of valley glaciers in the Alps. ■ The heterogeneous material of the drift (sand, clay, and rocks deposited there) convinced him of its glacial origin. ■1.Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could beadded to the passage.In his view, there could be no other explanation for the composition of such drift.Where would the sentence best fit ?2.Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage isprovided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answerchoices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentencesdo not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are notpresented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question isworth 2 points.Louis Agassiz was the first to note signs of glacial erosion and sedimentation in diverse regions of Europe and North America.●●●Answer ChoicesO Evidence of a pattern of glacier-like deposits eventually convinced most geologists that an enormous continental glacier had extended into thetemperate zone.O Glacial research showed that many layers of ice were deposited, with each new period of glaciation extending farther south than the one before.O Isotopic analysis of marine sediments showed that periods of glaciation and deglaciation were more frequent, shorter, and more cyclic than previously thought.O Nineteenth-century geologists came to accept the idea that the areas covered by polar ice had reached as far as the equator, a far larger area than Agassiz had thought.O Nineteenth-century geologists studying the layers of drift concluded that during the Pleistocene epoch, several glaciations had occurred with warm periods between them.O Research involving foraminifera fossil shells show that ocean temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere varied greatly during the most extensive periods of glaciation.参考答案:1. 42. 23. 24. 15. 26. 27. 18. 39. 410. 211. 112. 213. 4th square14. Evidence of a ...Nineteenth-century geologists studying…Isotopic analysis of...。

TPO-19 Reading 3解析

TPO-19 Reading 3解析

Q1正确答案:D解析:accumulation“沉积,聚集”,所以答案是D deposit。

Q2正确答案:B解析:heterogeneous“由很多种类组成的”,所以正确答案是B varied“多样的”。



D的regional difference与原文相反;A 的geologic difference原文未提及,C答非所问。






Q6正确答案:B解析:以warm-climate plant fossils做关键词定位至第三段第三句,但这句没提到结论是什么。



Q7正确答案:A解析:以modified their theory做关键词定位至第四段第一句,提到改变了idea 的原因是他们看了oceanic sediment里面的化石,所以证据是来自ocean sediment 的,答案是A。

Q8正确答案:C解析:reveal“揭示,揭开”,所以C show正确。

Q9正确答案:D解析:根据关键词foraminifera shells定位到第四段后三句,说到这个壳是什么,另外壳的普通氧(氧16)和重氧同位素(氧18)的比例不同,比例取决于生物居住的水域的温度,这种比例差异能反映出海洋气温变化。

托福阅读 19-2 Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems

托福阅读 19-2 Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems

Succession, Climax, and EcosystemsIn the late nineteenth century, ecology began to grow into an independent science from its roots in natural history and plant geography. The emphasis of this new "community ecology" was on the composition and structure of communities consisting of different species. In the early twentieth century, the American ecologist Frederic Clements pointed out that a succession of plant communities would develop after a disturbance such as a volcanic eruption, heavy flood, or forest fire. An abandoned field, for instance, will be invaded successively by herbaceous plants (plants with little or no woody tissue), shrubs, and trees, eventually becoming a forest. Light-loving species are always among the first invaders, while shade-tolerant species appear later in the succession.Clements and other early ecologists saw almost lawlike regularity in the order of succession, but that has not been substantiated. A general trend can be recognized, but the details are usually unpredictable. Succession is influenced by many factors: the nature of the soil, exposure to sun and wind, regularity of precipitation, chance colonizations, and many other random processes.The final stage of a succession, called the climax by Clements and early ecologists, is likewise not predictable or of uniform composition. There is usually a good deal of turnover in species composition, even in a mature community. The nature of the climax is influenced by the same factors that influenced succession. Nevertheless, mature natural environments are usually in equilibrium. They change relatively little through time unless the environment itself changes.For Clements, the climax was a "superorganism," an organic entity. Even some authors who accepted the climax concept rejected Clements' characterization of it as a superorganism, and it is indeed a misleading metaphor. An ant colony may be legitimately called a superorganism because its communication system is so highly organized that the colony always works as a whole and appropriately according to the circumstances. But there is no evidence for such an interacting communicative network in a climax plant formation. Many authors prefer the term "association" to the term "community" in order to stress the looseness of the interaction.Even less fortunate was the extension of this type of thinking to include animals as well as plants. This resulted in the "biome," a combination of coexisting flora and fauna. Though it is true that many animals are strictly associated with certain plants, it is misleading to speak of a "spruce-moose biome," for example, because there is no internal cohesion to their association as in an organism. The spruce community is not substantially affected by either the presence or absence of moose. Indeed, there are vast areas ofspruce forest without moose. The opposition to the Clementsian concept of plant ecology was initiated by Herbert Gleason, soon joined by various other ecologists. Their major point was that the distribution of a given species was controlled by the habitat requirements of that species and that therefore the vegetation types were a simple consequence of the ecologies of individual plant species.With "climax," "biome," "superorganism," and various other technical terms for the association of animals and plants at a given locality being criticized, the term "ecosystem" was more and more widely adopted for the whole system of associated organisms together with the physical factors of their environment. Eventually, the energy-transforming role of such a system was emphasized. Ecosystems thus involve the circulation, transformation, and accumulation of energy and matter through the medium of living things and their activities. The ecologist is concerned primarily with the quantities of matter and energy that pass through a given ecosystem, and with the rates at which they do so.Although the ecosystem concept was very popular in the 1950s and 1960s, it is no longer the dominant paradigm. Gleason's arguments against climax and biome are largely valid against ecosystems as well. Furthermore, the number of interactions is so great that they are difficult to analyze, even with the help of large computers. Finally, younger ecologists have found ecological problems involving behavior and life-history adaptations more attractive than measuring physical constants. Nevertheless, one still speaks of the ecosystem when referring to a local association of animals and plants, usually without paying much attention to the energy aspects.Paragraph 2: Clements and other early ecologists saw almost lawlike regularity in the order of succession, but that has not been substantiated. A general trend can be recognized, but the details are usually unpredictable. Succession is influenced by many factors: the nature of the soil, exposure to sun and wind, regularity of precipitation, chance colonizations, and many other random processes.1. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is a criticism of Clements’ view ofsuccession?O The principles of succession are more lawlike than Clements thought they are.O More evidence is needed to establish Clements’ predictions about succession.O The details of succession are affected by random processes.O Many of the factors that determine which plants will grow in an environment, such as the nature of the soil and the exposure to sun, do not change at all.2.The word “substantiated” in the passage is closest in meaning toO confirmedO noticedO definedO publicized3.The word “trend” in the passage is closest in meaning toO probabilityO pictureO lawlike regularityO tendencyParagraph 3: The final stage of a succession, called the climax by Clements and early ecologists, is likewise not predictable or of uniform composition. There is usually a good deal of turnover in species composition, even in a mature community. The nature of the climax is influenced by the same factors that influenced succession. Nevertheless, mature natural environments are usually in equilibrium. They change relatively little through time unless the environment itself changes.4.The word “likewise” in the passage is closest in meaning toO sometimesO similarlyO apparentlyO consequentlyParagraph 4: For Clements, the climax was a "superorganism," an organic entity. Even some authors who accepted the climax concept rejected Clements' characterization of it as a superorganism, and it is indeed a misleading metaphor. An ant colony may be legitimately called a superorganism because its communication system is so highly organized that the colony always works as a whole and appropriately according to the circumstances. But there is no evidence for such an interacting communicative network in a climax plant formation. Many authors prefer the term "association" to the term "community" in order to stress the looseness of the interaction.5.The word “legitimately” in the passage is closest in meaning toO commonlyO broadlyO properlyO officially6.According to paragraph 4, why do many authors prefer the term “association” to“community” when describing a climax plant formation?O Because the term “association” does not suggest the presence of a tight network involving interactive communication.O Because the term “association” indicates that the grouping is not necessarily beneficial to all members.O Because the term “community” indicates continuing dynamic development thata climax formation does not have.O Because the term “community” suggests an organization that has been designed for a specific purpose.Paragraph 5: Even less fortunate was the extension of this type of thinking to include animals as well as plants. This resulted in the "biome," a combination of coexisting flora and fauna. Though it is true that many animals are strictly associated with certain plants, it is misleading to speak of a "spruce-moose biome," for example, because there is no internal cohesion to their association as in an organism. The spruce community is not substantially affected by either the presence or absence of moose. Indeed, there are vast areas of spruce forest without moose. The opposition to the Clementsian concept of plant ecology was initiated by Herbert Gleason, soon joined by various other ecologists. Their major point was that the distribution of a given species was controlled by the habitat requirements of that species and that therefore the vegetation types were a simple consequence of the ecologies of individual plant species.7.In paragraph 5, the author challenges the idea of a “biome” by noting thatO there are usually no very strong connections among the plants and animals living in a placeO plants and animals respond in the same way to the same circumstancesO particular combinations of flora and fauna do not generally come about purely by chanceO some animals are dependent on specific kinds of plants for food8.Why does the author make the statement, “Indeed, there are vast areas of spruce forest without moose” ?O To highlight a fact whose significance the ecologist Herbert Gleason had missedO To propose the idea that a spruce forest is by itself a superorganismO To emphasize that moose are not limited to a single kind of environmentO To criticize the idea of a spruce-moose biome9.The word “initiated” in the passage is closest in meaning toO approvedO identifiedO startedO foreseen10.According to paragraph 5, Gleason’s opposition to the Clementsian views of plantecology was based on the claim that plant species grow in places where O they can enter into mutually beneficial relationships with other speciesO conditions suit them, regardless of whether particular other species are present O habitats are available for a wide variety of plant and animal speciesO their requirements are met, and those of most other species are notParagraph 6: With "climax," "biome," "superorganism," and various other technical terms for the association of animals and plants at a given locality being criticized, the term "ecosystem" was more and more widely adopted for the whole system of associated organisms together with the physical factors of their environment. Eventually, the energy-transforming role of such a system was emphasized. Ecosystems thus involve the circulation, transformation, and accumulation of energy and matter through the medium of living things and their activities. The ecologist is concerned primarily with the quantities of matter and energy that pass through a given ecosystem, and with the rates at which they do so.11.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in thehighlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.O Unlike the terms “climax”, “biome,” and “superorganism,” which refer to the particular association of plants and animals at a given location, the term“ecosystem” refers specifically to the physical factors within an environment.O The terms “climax,” “biome,” “superorganism,” and “ecosystem” all refer to the system of plants and animals in an associated environment, but some are morecontroversial than others.O When the older terms of ecology became too technical, they were replaced by the more popular and more widely used term “ecosystem.”O The term “ecosystem” gradually replaced discredited terms for the combination of a physical environment and the plants and animals living together in it.12.According to paragraph 6, what did ecologists mainly study when the ecosystemconcept was the dominant paradigm?O The physical factors present in different environmentsO The typical activities of animals and the effect of those activities on plantsO The rates at which ecosystems changed from one kind to anotherO The flow of energy and matter through ecosystemsParagraph 7: Although the ecosystem concept was very popular in the 1950s and 1960s, it is no longer the dominant paradigm. ■ Gleason's arguments against climax and biome are largely valid against ecosystems as well. ■Furthermore, the number of interactions is so great that they are difficult to analyze, even with the help of large computers. Finally, younger ecologists have found ecological problems involving behavior and life-history adaptations more attractive than measuring physical constants. ■Nevertheless, one still speaks of the ecosystem when referring to a local association of animals and plants, usually without paying much attention to the energy aspects. ■13.Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could beadded to the passage.They may be more interested in researching, for example, the adaptations that some aquatic animals undergo to survive in dry desert environments.Where would the sentence best fit ?14.Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is proviedbelow. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.The study of the combination of plant species that inhabit a particular locality became a scientific discipline toward the end of the nineteenth century.●●.●Answer ChoicesO Areas that are recovering from serious disturbances like volcanic eruptions and heavy floods provide special opportunities to observe the development of plantcommunities.O Whether a given species will be found in a given ecosystem strongly depends on what other species it would interact with in that ecosystem.O Computer-aided studies of entire system of associated organisms together with their environment provide a solid basis for current studies of specific ecologicalproblems.O According to the earliest theories of ecology, the development of plant communities proceeds in lawlike fashion and results in stable climax communities.O The idea of associations of plants and animals that function as “superorganisms” was later rejected by biologists who saw no strong evidence in support of that idea.O The once popular idea of communities as integrated ecosystems has been largely rejected by modern ecologists, who are more interested in problems involving behavior and adaptations.参考答案:1. 32. 13. 44. 25. 36. 17. 18. 49. 310.211.412.413. 3rd square14. According to the...The idea of....The once popular...。



¡¡¡¡ÎªÁË°ïÖú´ó¼Ò¸ßЧ±¸¿¼Íи££¬Îª´ó¼Ò´øÀ´Íи£TPO19ÔĶÁPassage1Ô-ÎÄÎı¾+ÌâÄ¿+´ð°¸½âÎö£¬Ï£Íû¶Ô´ó¼Ò±¸¿¼ÓÐËù°ïÖú¡£¡¡¡¡¨ Íи£TPO19ÔĶÁPassage1Ô-ÎÄÎı¾£º¡¡¡¡The Roman Army's Impact on Britain¡¡¡¡In the wake of the Roman Empire's conquest of Britain in the first century A.D., a large number of troops stayed in the new province, and these troops had a considerable impact on Britain with their camps, fortifications, and participation in the local economy. Assessing the impact of the army on the civilian population starts from the realization that the soldiers were always unevenly distributed across the country. Areas rapidly incorporated into the empire were not long affected by the military. Where the army remained stationed, its presence was much more influential. The imposition of a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed and exercise the soldiers' animals. The imposition of military rule also robbed local leaders of opportunities to participate in local government, so social development was stunted and the seeds of disaffection sown. This then meant that the military had to remain to suppress rebellion and organize government.¡¡¡¡Economic exchange was clearly very important as the Roman army brought with it very substantial spending power. Locally[1] a fort had two kinds of impact. Its large population needed food and other supplies. Some of these were certainly brought from long distances, but demands were inevitably placed on the local area. Although goods could be requisitioned, they were usually paid for, and this probably stimulated changes in the local economy. When not campaigning, soldiers needed to be occupied; otherwise they represented a potentially dangerous source of friction and disloyalty. Hence a writing tablet dated 25 April tells of 343 men at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead. Such activities had a major effect on the local area, in particular with the construction of infrastructure such as roads, which improved access to remote areas.¡¡¡¡Each soldier received his pay, but in regions without a developed economy there was initially little on which it could be spent. The pool of excess cash rapidly stimulated a thriving economy outside fort gates. Some of the demand for the services and goods was no doubt fulfilled by people drawn from far afield, but some local people certainly became entwined in this new economy. There was informal marriage with soldiers, who until AD 197 were not legally entitled to wed, and whole new communities grew up near the forts. These settlements acted like small towns, becoming centers for the artisan and trading populations.¡¡¡¡The army also provided a mean of personal advancement for auxiliary soldiers recruited from the native peoples, as a man obtained hereditary Roman citizenshipon retirement after service in an auxiliary regiment. Such units recruited on an ad hoc (as needed) basis from the area in which they were stationed, and there was evidently large-scale recruitment within Britain. The total numbers were at least 12,500 men up to the reign of the emperor Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), with a peak around A.D. 80. Although a small proportion of the total population, this perhaps had a massive local impact when a large proportion of the young men were removed from an area. Newly raised regiments were normally transferred to another province from whence it was unlikely that individual recruits would ever return. Most units raised in Britain went elsewhere on the European continent, although one is recorded in Morocco. The reverse process brought young men to Britain, where many continued to live after their 20 to 25 years of service, and this added to the cosmopolitan Roman character of the frontier population. By the later Roman period, frontier garrisons (groups of soldiers) were only rarely transferred, service in units became effectively hereditary, and forts were no longer populated or maintained at full strength.¡¡¡¡This process of settling in as a community over several generations, combined with local recruitment, presumably accounts for the apparent stability of the British northern frontier in the later Roman period. It also explains why some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain, at the beginning of the fifth century A.D. The circumstances that had allowed natives to become Romanized also led the self-sustaining military community of the frontier area to become effectively British.¡¡¡¡Paragraph 1: In the wake of the Roman Empire's conquest of Britain in the first century A.D., a large number of troops stayed in the new province, and these troops had a considerable impact on Britain with their camps, fortifications, and participation in the local economy. Assessing the impact of the army on the civilian population starts from the realization that the soldiers were always unevenly distributed across the country. Areas rapidly incorporated into the empire were not long affected by the military. Where the army remained stationed, its presence was much more influential. The imposition of a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed and exercise the soldiers' animals. The imposition of military rule also robbed local leaders of opportunities to participate in local government, so social development was stunted and the seeds of disaffection sown. This then meant that the military had to remain to suppress rebellion and organize government.¡¡¡¡¨ Íи£TPO19ÔĶÁPassage1ÌâÄ¿£º¡¡¡¡1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.¡¡¡¡O Many Roman soldiers remained in Britain after conquering it, and their presence。

TPO-19 Reading 1解析

TPO-19 Reading 1解析



in the wake of 意为“随着”,与awaken意义不同,B偷换概念,错误;C将原文的非主要成分camps, fortification变成了主要部分,改变了句子结构,意义也错误;D选项错在经济只是影响的一方面,不是全部,这里以偏概全了。

Q2正确答案:C解析:以area和most influence做关键词定位至第一段第四句,提到军队一直驻扎的地方,其影响最深远,所以答案是C,作为军事基地的地方。


Q3正确答案:B解析:以local population做关键词定位至第一段倒数第二句和最后一句,提到军事驻扎剥夺了当地人参加政府的权力,使发展停滞,种下仇恨的种子,然后又说军队只好继续驻扎,镇压叛乱、组织政府,所以正确答案是B。


Q4正确答案:D解析:suppress“镇压,压制”,所以D stop by force是正确答案。

Q5正确答案:B解析:friction“摩擦”,所以正确答案是B “冲突”。


Q7正确答案:A解析:entitle to“赋予权力,授权”,所以正确答案是A。

原句提到当地人与军人之间有不正式的婚约,紧接着解释直到AD 197年法律才_____他们结婚,既然之前都是不正式的,说明后来的应该是法律允许的,猜出“允许”之意,答案是A,B“承担得起”C“鼓励”D“要求”都不合文意。


A与第三段第二句相反,原文是说在fort gates之外形成了繁荣经济,而不是within the fort;B偷换概念,原文第三句说的是有部分贸易是旅商完成的,而不是most;C信息未在原文体现,未提是否是士兵放假时去周边购买。



DISCOVERING THE ICE AGES1.accumulation沉积,聚集,所以答案是D的deposit。



原文说什么样的物质使他相信这些东西是冰川起源的,括号内说了沙、石和粘土,因为括号是解释前文的,猜出前面应该是有多种物质,A剩下C熟悉D 分层都不对3.人名多次出现,所以单纯使用人名作为关键词不好,配合glacial冰川做关键词。


D的regional difference说反;A的geologicdifference原文没说,C答非所问4.enjoy享受,经历,所以experience正确。



A的last ice age做关键词定位至倒数第二句,说last glaciation的沉积时间,往下看就看到美国东海岸,所以沉积的地区是能确定的,不选;B的date做关键词定位至倒数第三句,说现在知道了冰川的年龄,根据时间对比,也就是以前不知道,恰恰是答案,所以B正确;C的composition成分做关键词定位至最后一句,说drift是morain,所以成分是知道的;D的how far south做关键词定位至第二句的temperate climate,所以D也是错的6.以warm-climate plant fossils做关键词定位至第三句,但这句没说结论是什么,往下看,下句说这些土壤是冰川后退的证据,所以正确答案是B。

托福TPO19阅读原文 题目 答案解析-Succession,Climax,andEcosystem

托福TPO19阅读原文 题目 答案解析-Succession,Climax,andEcosystem

托福TPO19阅读原文题目答案解析-Succession,Climax,andEcosystemsThe McMillan PlanAs the city approached its centennial; there was a call to develop a comprehensive park system for the As early as 1898, a committee was formed to meet with President William McKinley to propose the erection of a monument to commemorate the centennial of the A joint committee formed by Congress held its first meeting in February 1900 with Senator James McMillan of Michigan as chairman, and Charles Moore as At the same time, plans were put forward for the development of a Mall which would include the newly reclaimed Potomac As the bureaucracy planned for the centennial, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) joined the AIA leaders envisioned the nation's capital as the perfect place for the group to express the ideals of the City Beautiful movement promoted by the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in The architect of this pivotal fair designed Beaux Arts Classical architecture in a grand and ordered civicWhen the Senate Commission was formed in 1901 to explore and plan the design of the city, the project then encompassed the historic The illustrious committee was comprised of Daniel Burnham, a visionary of the World's Columbian Exposition, as well as landscape architectFrederick Law Olmsted, , architect Charles , and sculptor Augustus Foremost in the minds of these men was the amazing foresight and genius of Pierre L' The committee lamented the fragmented Mall marred by a railroad station and focused upon restoring it to the uninterrupted greensward envisioned by L' In total, the forward-looking plans made by the McMillan Commission called for: re-landscaping the ceremonial core, consisting of the Capitol Grounds and Mall, including new extensions west and south of the Washington Monument; consolidating city railways and alleviating at-grade crossings; clearing slums; designing a coordinated municipal office complex in the triangle formed by Pennsylvanian Avenue, 15th Street, and the Mall, and establishing a comprehensive recreation and park system that would preserve the ring of Civil War fortifications around theTo protect the new goals introduced by the McMillan study, the AIA appealed to President Theodore Roosevelt to form a fine arts Established by Congress in 1910 during the Taft Administration, the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) was created as a consulting organization to the government on the design of bridges, parks, paintings, and other artistic matters; an executive order later that year added the design review of all publicInfluenced by the designs of several European cities and 18th century gardens such as France's Palace of Versailles, the plan of Washington, DCwas symbolic and innovative for the new Only limited changes were made to the historic city-bounded by Florida Avenue on the north and the waterways on the east, west and south-until after the Civil The foremost manipulation of L’Enfant plan began in the 19th century, and was codified in 1901 when the McMillan Commission directed urban improvements that resulted in the most elegant example of City Beautiful tenets in the L’Enfant plan was magnified and expanded during the early decades of the 20th century with the reclamation of land for waterfront parks, parkways, an improved Mall and new monuments and Two hundred years since its design, the integrity of the plan of Washington is largely unimpaired-boasting a legal enforced height restriction, landscaped parks, wide avenues, and open space allowing intended Constant vigilance is needed by the agencies responsible for design review, it their charge to continue the vision of L'。




托福TPO19口语Task3阅读文本: The university administration today announced a $25 increase in the student fee for using the campus recreation center. The higher fee, which all students are required to pay, will provide funds to upgrade the facility and provide newer, more modern exercise equipment at the center. “We expect the improvements to increase student use of the facility,”explained David Smith, director of the student activities office. Mr. Smith also noted that the decision was approved because “we feel that $25 is a reasonable increase that will be affordable for individual students.” 托福TPO19口语Task3听力文本: Now listen to two students discussing the article. (man) Did you see this announcement in the newspaper? It sounds like a great idea. (woman) You really think so? Not many people even use the place. (man) I know, that's the point, people don't go there because the facilities are old and the exercise equipment breaks down. I think the director is right that they get more use out of it this way. Right now, the place is usually empty and that's too bad. Students can get pretty stressed out if they don't get some exercise. (woman) That's a good point. But doesn't it seem like a lot of money? (man) It's really not all that much, if you figured a lot of people spend that kind of money on a CD or when they go out to the movies, this is just one charge for the whole year. (woman) That's true, and instead of some little thing we get a recreation center people might actually use. (man) Right, so considering the benefits, it's really not that much to pay. (woman) Yeah, I guess you’re right. 托福TPO19口语Task3题目: The man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. 托福TPO19口语Task3满分范文: Well, the man agrees with the university's plan for two main reasons. Firstly, he points out that students don't go to the recreation center mainly because the facilities there are old and excise equipment breaks down, but yet they need to get some exercise or they will get stressed out. The second reason from the man is that he thinks that the increased fee is not at all that much, compared with the money students spend on CDs or movies. This one-year-charge is really worth it considering the benefits. So based on the reasons stated above the man agrees with the university's plan. (101 words) 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO19口语Task3阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。

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Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems
In the late nineteenth century, ecology began to grow into an independent science from its roots in natural history and plant geography. The emphasis of this new "community ecology" was on the composition and structure of communities consisting of different species. In the early twentieth century, the American ecologist Frederic Clements pointed out that a succession of plant communities would develop after a disturbance such as a volcanic eruption, heavy flood, or forest fire. An abandoned field, for instance, will be invaded successively by herbaceous plants (plants with little or no woody tissue, shrubs, and trees, eventually becoming a forest. Light-loving species are always among the first invaders, while shade-tolerant species appear later in the succession.
Clements and other early ecologists saw almost lawlike regularity in the order of succession, but that has not been substantiated. A general trend can be recognized, but the details are usually unpredictable. Succession is influenced by many factors: the nature of the soil, exposure to sun and wind, regularity of precipitation, chance colonizations, and many other random processes.
The final stage of a succession, called the climax by Clements and early ecologists, is likewise not predictable or of uniform composition. There is usually a good deal of turnover in species composition, even in a mature community. The nature of the climax is influenced by the same factors that influenced succession. Nevertheless, mature natural environments are usually in equilibrium. They change relatively little through time unless the environment itself changes.
For Clements, the climax was a "superorganism," an organic entity. Even some authors who accepted the climax concept rejected Clements' characterization of it as a superorganism, and it is indeed a misleading metaphor. An ant colony may be legitimately called a superorganism because its communication system is so highly organized that the colony always works as a whole and appropriately according to the circumstances. But there is no evidence for such an interacting communicative network in a climax plant formation. Many authors prefer the term "association" to the term "community" in order to stress the looseness of the interaction.

