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2. Some people advocate that 描述观点1. From their point of view, 阐释观点1. Others hold the opposite opinion/ adopt a totally different view/ take an opposite side. They believe 描述观点2.
㈡ 原因列举 万能框架—第二段
1. There are plenty of/ a number of/ numerous reasons explaining this phenomenon. First and foremost, 解释原因1. Secondly, 解释原因2. Last but not the least, 解释原因3.
have been taking place in 2005.
2. From the above table it can be seen that 描述图 表中的趋势.
3. As it is shown in the table, 描述图表中的趋势.
㈡图表描述 (注意时态) 4. In 2001, it increased/ decreased/ rose/ fell
2. The merits of 某物/某现象 are obvious. As we all know, it brings us benefits and convenience… Despite these advantages, some people claim, we should not lose sight of its adverse effects on people/ environment, etc.
㈠观点对比 1. Those who are in favor of 现象 maintain that 描
述观点1. In their view, 阐释观点1. On the contrary, those who are against 现象 hold/ point out that 描述观点2. Besides, 阐释证实观点2 .
㈠观点对比 3.Those who criticize 现象 argue that 描述观点1
They believe that 阐释观点1 But people advocate 现象 , on the other hand, claim that 描述观点2. In their eyes, 阐释观点2 .
Judging from all evidence offered,
conclusion that…
㈠归纳结论 (结尾) 3. It is high time that we placed great emphasis
4. It is high time we put an end to the undesirable phenomenon of…(虚拟)
㈣举例论证 1.To illustrate this point, I can think of no better 段 首 example than the following example. 2. Numerous examples can be given, but this/ these will suffice. (v.足够)
2. There are many reasons that may account for/ contribute to / be responsible for 现象. To begin with, 解释原因1. Then, 解释原因2. Moreover, 解释原因3.
3.Three major elements/factors would be taken into consideration when analyzing 现象. First of all, …
㈢利弊分析 5. There is no denying that every thing has one
more face and 某物/某现象 is no exception. On the one hand, …. On the other hand, …
6. The advantages of 某物/某现象 far outweigh the potential disadvantages.
㈡ 原因列举 4. The reasons of 现象 briefly/ roughly lie in two
aspects. For one thing, 解释原因1. For another, 解 释原因2.
5. The reasons that caused changes are diverse. On the one hand, 解释原因1. On the other hand, 解释 原因2.
段 末 3. This case effectively clarify the fact that… 4. This story tells that…
㈠归纳结论 (段首)
From my perspective,
I approve of…
In my opinion,
I stand on the side of…
As far as I am concerned, proper measures should be
Personally speaking,
taken to (do sth.)…
From what has been discussed above, we may safely
Taking into account all those features, + draw the
㈠现状说明 1. Now people in growing numbers are beginning to
realize that 描述现状 . As to whether or not…, there is no consensus of opinions/ there are some controversies/ there is no agreement. (Some people claim that…, while others believe that….)
from…to… 5. By comparison with 1999, it increased/
decreased by… 6. The figure has nearly doubled, compared with
that of last year. 7. It accounts for/ takes up…percent of the total.
2. There is a nationwide/ extensive/ general discussion today about the issue of 现象. People’s opinions differ greatly concerning/ regarding this phenomenon.
㈠现状说明 3. These days 现象 often hits the headlines of
newspapers and has been brought into focus of the public. Indeed, it is widely accepted / acknowledged that it has gained increasing popularity among people in all walks of life/ college students.
5. There is no doubt/ no denying that further attention must be paid to the problem of…
㈡建议措施 1. It is necessary that effective actions should be
6. Recently, there is a tendency that 描述现状. For instance, 举例说明现状, especially 现状出现的范围
㈡图表描述 (注意时态) 1. As can be seen from the table, great changes
4. Along with the advance of the society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that 描述现状 .
㈠现状说明 when asked about
4. Although a lot of people believe that 描述观点 1, others doubt/ wonder whether the argument bears much analysis. 经得起分析 hold water. 经得住考验 They consider/ insist that 描述观点2 .
大学英语四级考试 ——写作策略与方法
Li You
总 述 真题回顾 应 用 文 议 论 文 高分策略
一、真题分析 二、万能框架 Exercise
现状说明 原因列举
图表描述 利弊分析
归纳结论 建议措施
注:对于某一个段落,我们可以单独运用某一种 写作方法,也可以将以上方法相互融合
㈢利弊分析 3. Good/ Convenient /Beneficial/Useful as A is, it
has its own disadvantages. For one thing, 解释原 因1 ; for another, 解释原因2.
4. Admittedly, they(it) might benefit us in a short term. Unfortunately, they will do us harm in more than one way/ lead to a number of problems.
6. The phenomenon/ change in 某方面 mainly results from/ arises from the fact that 解释原因.
㈢利弊分析 1. 某物/某现象 undoubtedly plays an essential/
significant role in modern life.
㈡图表描述 (注意ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ态) twice
8. The number is 4 times as much as that of 2003. half half
9. The number was…, less than a third of more than quarter
the 1997 total.
5. when it comes to 现象 , faced with
people’s ideas/ views vary from person to person. The vast majority of/ Most people believe that 描述 观点一 , but other people regard 现象 as 描述观点 二 /consider… differently.