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连词成句。看三秒钟后连词成句。 a in m othe r kitche nthe I m cooking w ith m y (.) I a m cooking w ith m y m othe r in the kitche n .
共同题: 一分钟内阅读一篇文章,由 主队的成员选择其他答题队答 题,所答题目由主队确定,比 如一队答第三题,二队答第一 题……主队自己选择一题,选 好后开始阅读。主队分值以3分 计算,其他小组以1分计算。
C. fifth
D. three
1.A. head B. read
C. beef D. meat
D. our
2.A. soup B. mouse C. ground
3.A. pass B. hard
C. name
D. class
1.A. flower B. window
2. 选择题:What A. is B the dogs doing?
B. are C. do to pla y 3. 动词填空:Amy want (play) the le a ve s piano. 4. 随机题:leaf的复数形式是
1.连词成句: do like eat what ants to (?) W ha t do a nts like to e a t?
2. 选择题: Mike? A. Do B. Is da nce C. Are in 3. 动词填空:My sister can (dance). C you doing the dishes,
1.连词成句: says the weather it’s to going report rain tomorrow (.) T he w e a the r re port sa ys it’s going to ra in tom orrow . 2. 选择题:What do you do B the weekend ?
套餐题。每组有4道题,答 对几题给几分。答错不得分。
1 2 3 4 5 6
1.连词成句:in winter can I skate becaus B e ca use I ca n ska te in w inte r 2. 选择题:Is his B A. father
T he y ofte n pla y (pla y )
footba ll in the a fte rnoon . B ut it’s
ra inyanow . a ding re re
T he y (re a d ) books in
the room .
M y m othe rlike s (like da ) ncing (da nce ) ve ry m uch . S he wnce a nts to da
(da nce ) on the sta ge (舞台).
D oe s M ike pla y
(pla y ) the .
C. coup D. group
2.A. soup B. cloud
3.A. school B. food
C. book
D. cool
1.A. up B. music
2.A. here
C. much D. umbrella
C. wear D. near
B. hear
3.A. math B. this
A 2. 选择题:Dad, there’n C. to is w riting 3. 动词填空: Look. She (write) an A ug . 1st e-mail. 4. 随机题:Army Day
1.连词成句: elephant the drinking with its is water trunk (.) T he e le pha nt is drinking w a te r w ith its t
2 6 10
3 7 11
4 8 12
每组派一个代表,看中文 意思后拼读出单词,能说出 几个得几分,看中文时间为 3秒。
每组派一个代表,完成音 标题。答对1题得1分。(回 答的同学请说出答案的同时, 说出划线部分的发音。)
W ha t is your m othe r doing in the kitche n? M y m othe r is doing the dishe s in the kitche n .
W ha t ca n the duck do? T he duck ca n sw im in the la ke .
2.A. not
C. now D. how
D. dog
B. nose C. orange
3.A. wear B. bear
C. dear
D. pear
1.A. where B. hair
2.A. day B. rain
C. chair D. here
C. says D. face
1. W ha t da y is it toda y? It’s S unda y . 2.W ha t’s the w e a the r like tha t da y? It’s sunny a nd w a rm . 3.W ha t a re M ike a nd John doing? T he y a re ca tching butte rflie s . 4.W he re is S a ra h? S he is in the w oods . 5.D oe s S a ra h like colle cting le a ve s? Y e s , she doe s . 6.W ha t a re you doing , W u Y ifa n? I a m ta king picture s .
H e llo . I ’m W u Y ifa n . It’s S unda y toda y . It’s sunny a nd wa rm . T he sky is blue . W ha t a love ly da y ! S o m y cla ssm a te s a nd I ha ve a picnic in the pa rk . W e a re ha ving a good
B ra in S torm
Tips:在必答题环节, 派的代表必须是不一样的, 在风险题环节,可重复答题 2次。( 为必答题, 为风险题)
A re you re a dy
每组派两个代表,抽取任何一个数字,每个数字后面 代表不同的课文,看一遍之后背诵。很流利得2分,基 本得1分,背不出不加分。
5 9
Is your m othe r’s birthda y in M a y? Y e s . M y m othe r ’s birthda y is in M a y.
W hich se a son do you like be st? I like w inte r be st.
pia no e ve ryda y? Y e s ,doe he s
he pla ying (pla y ) the
pia no now ? is No , he pla ying
(pla y ) his che ss w ith
fa the r.
(he )
共同题: 一分钟内阅读一篇文章,由 主队的成员选择其他答题队答 题,所答题目由主队确定,比 如一队答第三题,二队答第一 题……主队自己选择一题,选 好后开始阅读。主队分值以2分 计算,其他小组以1分计算。
A. in at 3. 动词填空:She often shopping. goe s se cond(go) B. on C.
1.连词成句: north go and snow in play we up the W(.) e go up north a nd pla y in the snow .
3.A. twelve B. two
C. twenty
D. twin
每组派一个代表,根据答 句说问句,答对加1分,错 不加分。
W ha t do you do on the w e e ke nd? I ofte n go shopping on the w e e ke nd .
W ha t a m I doing ? H a H a ! I a m ta king picture s
for m y cla ssm a te s . T he picture s a re ve ry be a utiful . W e a re ve ry ha ppy ! I like ha ving a picnic .
A re the y pla ying che ss on the gra ss? N o , the y a re n ’t. T he y ’re pla ying che ss on the gra ss .
每组派一个代表,进行英语绕口令 比赛。通过选择一个数字来选择绕口 令,可以练习2次,说的又快又清晰, 单词无错误加3分,速度不够快,单 词错一个加2分;单词错二个加1分; 中间断句酌情给分;单词错三个或三 个以上不给分。
tim e ! Look ! M ike a nd John a re ca tching
butte rflie s . T he butte rflie s a re ve ry be a utiful .Am y is colle cting le a ve s .O h , whe re is S a ra h ? S he is in the woods .S he is picking up le a ve s .S he like s colle cting le a ve s , too .
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
ge t ofte n I up a t (.) I ofte n ge t up a t 7:00.
birthda Is on John ’sN a tiona lD a y y (? ) Is John ’s birthda y on N a tiona l D a y?
birthday in June? B. mother’s
C. John’s
3. 动词填空:My mother likessinging 4. 随机题:I often get up early in
the m
1.连词成句: you go do want to the Children’s Center (?) w a nt to go to the C hildre n ’s C e D to o you
1.A. wait B. say
2.A. air B. hair
C. Mondy D. rain
C. pear D. ear
3.A. boots B. foot
C. food
D. cool
1.A. cry B. fly
C. windy D. try
2. 选择题:Tell A A. him he sw im m ing 3. 动词填空: They often go us. we’re leaving. B. his
(swim) with noon.
4. 随机题:I often eat lunch
风险题分为1分题,2分题 和3分题,各组有两次机会 选择,可以任意选择分值, 但是,风险题如果答错要被 扣去相应的分值。 (每人限回答一次)