
学校名称:_____学校地址:_____联系电话:_____学校盖章:__________年_____月_____日三、英文学位证明书模板Degree CertificateCertificate Number: _____Name: _____ Gender: _____ Date of Birth: _____ ID Number: __________ studied in the major of _____ at our university from _____ to _____, completed all the courses of the undergraduate/master/doctoral program with qualified grades, passed the thesis defense, and was awarded the degree of _____ by the Degree Evaluation CommitteeHereby certifyUniversity Name: _____University Address: _____Contact Number: _____University Seal: _____Date: _____四、中文模板各部分的详细说明1、编号:这是为了便于学校对学位证明书进行管理和查询而设置的唯一标识符。


学位证明书中英文模版学位证明书degree certificate一、证明目的i.Purpose ofthe certificate本证明书旨在确认某人完成学业并获得特定学位,进一步证明其在相关领域的学术成就和资格。
This certificate is intended to confirm tha t an individual has successfully completed a program of study and has been awarded a specificacademic degree, further attesting totheir academicachievements and qualifications in the relevant field.二、颁发机构信息ii.issuing institution information1.机构名称:[学院/大学名称]Name of institution: [Name of college/University]2.机构地址:[学院/大学地址]institution address: [addressof college/University]3.机构[方式号码、电子邮件]institution contact: [Phone Number, eml address]三、学位信息iii.degree information1.学位名称:[学位名称]degree Title: [Title of degree]2.学位领域:[学位领域]field of Studyfor the degree:[field of Study]3.学位等级:[学士/硕士/博士]Levelof degree: [bachelor's/Master's/doctorate]4.学位授予日期:[日期]date of degree award: [date]5.学位证书编号:[证书编号]degree certificate Number: [certificate Number]四、毕业生信息iV.graduate information1.毕业生姓名:[毕业生姓名]graduate Name: [Name of graduate]2.毕业生学号:[学号]Student id: [Student id]3.毕业生:[]date of birth: [date of birth]4.毕业生[联系地址、方式号码、电子邮件]graduate contact: [address, Phone Number, eml address]五、学业成果V.academic achievements1.需修满的学分要求:[学分要求]creditRequirements tofulfill: [credit Requirements]2.已修获得的学分:[已修学分]credits Obtned: [credits earned]3.学业成绩:[成绩信息]academic Performance: [grade information]六、学校认证Vi.institutional accreditation本证书由[学院/大学名称]颁发,该机构是一所经过认证的学术机构,依法设立并具备颁发学位的合法资格。

厦门大学研究生学位证明(英文)第一篇:厦门大学研究生学位证明(英文)CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that(Name),(Male/Female),born on(Month Day,Year),has passed the course examinations required and completed a qualified thesis and the oral defense thereof of(Discipline)in Xiamen University.In accordance with(Name)“The Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the People’s Republic of China”,has been conferred upon the(Master/Doctor)Degree of(Category).(President Name)President No.(Diploma No.)(Chairman Name)Chairman of Committee for Awarding Academic Degrees Date.(Month Day, Year)第二篇:厦门大学研究生专业学位证明(英文)CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that(Name),(Male/Female),born on(Month Day, Year),has passed the course examinations required, and completed the professional degree graduate program of(Discpline)in Xiamen University.In accordance with(Name).“The Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the People’s Republic of China”,has been conferred uponthe(Master/Doctor)professional degree of(Discpline)(President Name)President No.(Diploma No.)Date.(For Professional Degree)(Chairman Name)Chairman of Committee for Awarding Academic Degrees(Month Day, Year)第三篇:厦门大学研究生学历证明(英文)CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that(Name),(Male/Female), born on(Major)in(Month Day, Year),having specialized in Xiamen University between(Month, Year)a qualified(Master/Doctor)Graduation.and(Month, Year), and completed the required courses,thesis and the oral defense thereof,hereby granted this Certificate of isIssued on(Month Day, Year)No.(Certificate No.)(PresidentName)President of Xiamen University第四篇:厦门大学研究生学位论文答辩审批程序厦门大学优秀博士学位论文培育与评选办法厦大研〔2008〕25号优秀博士学位论文是博士生培养质量的一个重要标志,做好这项工作是促进我校研究生教育,提高博士生培养质量的一个重要环节。

中国科学技术大学研究生院2005-4-29Certification of Ph.D studentXXXXXX XXXX, male, born on Oct.14th, 1977,is a Ph.D candidate /Master student specializing in Computer science at University of Science and Technology of China from Sept.2002 to present.His Student ID No.is BA02011010.Graduate School of University of Science and Technology of China2005-4-29第二篇:在读证明(格式)中英———————————————————————————————————————在读证明颜飞,男,出生于1991年4月1日,学号:20096834。
特此证明重庆大学化工学院2011年12 月1 日———————————————————————————————————————CERTIFICATIONThis is to certify that Mr./ Miss, male/female, born on xx, Student ID:XXXXX, has been studying in the XXX, Chongqing University for the Bachelor’s degree with a specialty of XXX since XXX.The length of schooling is 4 years.Now he/she is a XXX.His/Her current GPA is XX.Academic Affairs Office Chongqing UniversityOct 10, 2009第三篇:留学在读证明(中英)在读证明兹证明:xxx(女(男),19xx年x月x日出生),于20xx年9月被xxx大学xxx学院录取,主修xxx专业,普通全日制本科,学制四年,该生学号为xxx。

毕业证明书中英文模板篇一:学历证明书中英文模版】学历证明书** 同学,*** (性别),**** 年** 月生。
自**** 年** 月至****年** 月在我校****专业完成了**年制本科/专科/研究生教学计划规定的全部课程,成绩合格,于**** 年**月取得毕业证书。
************证书编号:苏州大学教务处(盖章)年** 月**日education certificationthis is to certify that student***** ( name ) , ***(gender), bornin **(month), ****(year), studied a **-year undergraduate/junior college/ postgraduate course at soochow university from**(month), ****(year) to **(month), ****(year) ,majoring in******. having passed all courses stipulated in the teaching program, the above student received a graduation certificate in **(month), ****(year) . (certificate serial number:***********)academic affairs officesoochow university date: year-month-day【篇二:毕业证书英文翻译模板】今天老师给我们留了个作业,让我们把本科毕业证书翻译成英文的,怎么翻译啊~所以请大家帮帮忙吧~谁能给我提供一个毕业证书的英文模版啊~本科毕业证书的啊~越快越好,如果老师满意,多少钱我都不在乎~包括专升本证书,能有工商管理硕士的最好!学生学位证书英文翻译模板bachelor ' s degree certificatethis is to certify that ms. wang danli, born in october 1977, has studied in the department of law, xxx university with a specialty of law from september 1996 to june 2000. upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. in accordance with the academic degree act of the pe ople ' s republic of china, the aforesaid student is awarded the bachelor ' sdegree in law. xxx chairman of degree appraising committee ofxx university june 30, 2000 certificate no.: 103354003888 本科毕业证书翻译模板diploma this is to certify that ms. wang lan, born on february 29, 1980, has studied in the department of foreignlanguages,xxxuniversity with a specialty of english from september 1997 to june 2000. upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.xx president of xx university registration no.: 298168015 date issued: june 30, 2000 本科毕业证书英文翻译样本graduation certificate graduation certificate certificate no. ____in the specialty of _______________ at ouruniversity/institute from september to july_________ . upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teaching programme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.(signature) president university (seal) xx july xxxx 学士学位证书翻译样本bachelor certificate certificate of bachelor ' s degreecertificate no.:this is to certify that , male / female, native of _________ ,born on _________ , has beenmajoring in the specialty of at our university/ institute from september to july _____ . upon completion of all the courses specified bythe four-year undergraduateteaching programme with qualified score, he/she is qualifiedfor graduation. in conformity withthe articles of the regulations regarding academic degrees ofthe people ' s republic of china,he/she has been conferred to the degree of bachelor of__________ . (signature)chairmancommittee of degree accreditationuniversity (seal)xx july xxxx 如果学校要求寄学位证书复印件的话,可以复印一份中文的。

学历证明中英文版第一篇:学历证明中英文版Education CertificationThis is to certify that Zhang San,male,born on January 1 1987,was matriculated by Hubei University of Technology in September 2007 through Chinese University Entrance Examination/upgrade from junior college student to university student Examination, majoring in Electrical Engineering and Automation.The length of schooling is four/five years Bachelor Degree course.His student number is 0710235212 and his ID number ***031.He is expected to graduate from our university in June, 2011, and to be granted a Bachelor’s degree if he can complete the required curriculum, reach the requirements of the graduation and qualify for the degree.It is hereby to certify.Academic Affairs Office(stamp)Hubei University of TechnologyMay 1, 2011学历证明学生张三,性别男,一九八七年一月一日生,2007年9月通过(普通高等学校招生全国统一考试/ 湖北省普通高等学校专科升读本科考试)进入我校,现属我校电气工程及其自动化专业07电气2班学生,学制四年(专升本学生不写学制,建筑学专业学制为五年),学号为0710235212,身份证号为***031,为在籍在校2007级学生,2011届毕业生。

硕士研究生毕业证书英文翻译件格式第一篇:硕士研究生毕业证书英文翻译件格式硕士研究生毕业证书英文翻译件格式CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATIONCertificate No: **********XXX, male, born on March 3rd, 1966, was enrolled in the Department of Electronics & Information Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology in September, 1995, majoring in Communication and Electronics System, having passed all the examinations and thesis required by the three-year graduate program, graduated in May, 1998.Date of Issue: June, 1998Zhou jiPresident Huazhong University of Science and Technology第二篇:学位+毕业证书英文翻译Bachelor’s Degree CertificateThis is to certify that Han Sijing, male, born on July 6th, 1988, has studied in Shanghai Jianqiao University from September 2008 to July 2012, majored in digital media art.He has completed the requirements as stipulated in a 4-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and hereby granted graduation.Having passed the examination in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degree of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s degree in Engineering.Certificate No.:***1Proof is hereby given.Shanghai Jianqiao UniversityOffice of Academic AffairsDate Issued: July 6th, 2012Graduation CertificateThis is to certify that Han Sijing, male, born on July 6th, 1988, has studied in Shanghai Jianqiao University from September 2008 to July 2012, majored in digital media art.He has completed the requirements as stipulated in a 4-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and hereby granted graduation.Certificate NO.***.Proof is hereby given.Shanghai Jianqiao UniversityOffice of Academic AffairsDate Issued: July 6th, 2012第三篇:毕业证书扫描件毕业证书扫描件DIPLOMAFOR UNDERGRADUATE’S STUDENTSCertificate No.102***0He Yingying, male, born on February 10, 1984, entering the major of Bioengineering in the school of Marine Resources and Environmental Engineering at HIT in September 2002, has finished all the prescribed four-year subjects and passed the examinations and qualified for graduation in July 2008, is therefore permitted to graduate.Wang ShuguoPresident of Harbin Institute of TechnologyJuly 5,2008学士学位证书扫描件CERTIFICATEFOR BACHELOR’S DEGREECertificate No.102***0He Yingying, male, born in February 1984, entering the major of Bioengineering in the school of Marine Resources and Environmental Engineering at HIT in September 2002, hasfinished all the prescribed four-year subjects and passed the examinations and qualified for graduation in July 2008, According to the Regulations of Academic Degree Conferment of the People’s Republic of China, she is hereby awarded the Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering.Wang ShuguoChairman of Academic Degree Conferment CommitteeJuly 5,2008第四篇:新版驾照英文翻译件Driving License of the Peopl e’s Republic of ChinaNo.[驾照号,一般就是身份证号] Name: [拼音姓名,对应护照] Gender(M/F): [男Male或女Female] Nationality: China Address: [住址] Birthday: [生日] Issue Date: [初次领证日期] Class: [C1驾照类型]Valid From: [有效起始日期] Valid For: [有效期限 6 Years](Seal)Traffic Police Corps of [Shanghai] Public Security BureauDriving License of the People??s Republic of China(Counterpart)No.[驾照号,一般就是身份证号]Name: [拼音姓名,对应护照] File No.[档案编号] Record: Please apply to renew your driving license 90 days before [过期时间] CODES OF LICENSE CLASS A1: coaches and A3, B1, B2 A2: Tractors and B1, B2, M A3: Public buses and C1 B1: Medium-sized buses and C1, M B2: Large-sized trucks and C1, M C1: Cars and C2, C3 C2: automatic cars C3: Low-speed trucks and C4 C4: Tricars D : Three-wheeled motorcycles and E E : Two-wheeled motorcycles and F F: Scooter M: Moped N: Trolleybus P: Tram No organizations or individuals but the traffic authority of the public security bureau may detain this driving license.第五篇:高中毕业证书英文翻译[最终版]CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATION This is to certify that……(male)born on January of 1991, native of …… ,…… Province, has been studied in the secondary school, and has passed all the exams necessary for graduation.He is awarded the diploma.……Secondary SchoolPrincipal ……Certificate number(2009)***30th May, 2009SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION EXAMINATION RESULTS。
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Certificate of Doctor's Degree (2)
Certificate of Master's Degree (3)
Graduation Certificate for Doctoral Students (4)
Graduation Certificate for Postgraduate Students ................. 错误!未定义书签。
Certificate of Doctor's Degree
This is to certify that Mr. /Ms Lili Zhang born on 25th Mar., 1978, has been majoring in the specialty of Botany at our university towards Doctor’s degree. He/She has completed all the courses with qualified score and passed the dissertation defense. In conformity with the articles of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees of the People's Republic of China, he/she has been awarded the Doctoral degree of Science .
Ke Bingsheng
Chairman, Academic Degree Appraisal Committee of China Agricultural University
Certificate Number: 10019××××× Date:
JUNE 30, 2013
Certificate of Master's Degree
This is to certify that Mr. /Ms Lili Zhang , born on 25th Mar., 1978, has been majoring in the specialty of Botany at our university towards Master’s degree. He/She has completed all the courses with qualified score. In conformity with the articles of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees of the People's Republic of China, he/she has been awarded the degree of Master of Science .
Ke Bingsheng
Chairman, Academic Degree Appraisal Committee of China Agricultural University
Certificate Number: 10019××××× Date:
JUNE 30, 2013
Graduation Certificate for Doctoral Students
This is to certify that Mr./Ms Lili Zhang, female/male, born on 25th Mar., 1978, has been majoring in the specialty of Botany at our university from September 2010to June 2013.Having completed all the courses with qualified score and passed the dissertation defense, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.
Ke Bingsheng
President, China Agricultural University
Date: JUNE 30, 2013
Certificate Number:
Graduation Certificate for Postgraduate
This is to certify that Mr. /Ms Lili Zhang, female/male, born on 25th Mar.,1978, has been majoring in the specialty of Botany at our university from September 2011 to June 2013. Having completed all the courses with qualified score and passed the graduation thesis, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.
Ke Bingsheng
President, China Agricultural University
Certificate Number: 10019×××××。