Lesson14 ppt

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他直起腰身,用手指快速地从绕线轮上放 出尼龙线。
Around him lay knapsack and jacket, an empty catch-net, his bicycle, and two tins of worms dug from the plot of garden at home before setting out.
他从树后闪身出来跟我打招呼。 I immediately recognized him from among
the crowd. 我一眼从人群中认出他来。
on one's last legs: dying, at one's wit's end, declining 将死;崩溃
He looked like he was on his last legs. 他看起来好像要死了。 Colonialism in Asia is on its last legs. 殖民主义在亚洲已濒临灭绝。 Colony Colonial Colonialist Colonialism
The general’s childhood was tranquil. 将军的童年时代很平静。
keep an eye close to: watch closely 密切 注视
The policemen were ordered to keep an eye close to the house.
He caught sight of a sudden, soundless and slight moving of the water.
他看到河水忽然间冒出一个无声的小小的 水花。
He moved nearer the edge, stood up, and with a vigorous sweep of his arm, cast out the line.
在春天一个星期日的上午,他坐在运河边钓鱼, 在他附近,赤杨树被后面生长着年轻茁壮的橡树 向前推挤垂人水中,像垂死的老人一样。
He straightened his back, his fingers freeing nylon line from a speedily revolving reel.
Will you keep an eye to my hat and satchel while I am out for a while?
我要出去一会儿,你能帮我看着这帽子和 书包吗?
satchel ['sætʃəl] n. 小背包;书包
He drank tea from the flask and ate a cheese sandwich, then sat back to watch the red and white float--up to its waist(腰部) in water under the alder trees-and keep an eye always close to it for the sudden indication of a fortunate catch.
然后你被一家工厂套住,机器吊住你的脖 子。
Then you were roped in by a factory, had a machine slung around your neck , and then you were hooked up by the arse with a wife.
I don't want to get roped in any more of your activities.
I've been roped in the organization of the. whole thing.来自百度文库I wish I hadn't said yes.
dip [dip] vt. 浸,泡,蘸;舀取;把伸入 vi. 浸;倾斜;下降,下沉;舀,掏 n. 浸渍,蘸湿;倾斜;下沉,下降
He sat by the canal fishing on a Sunday morning in spring, at an elbow (close to sb.) where alders dipped over the water like old men on their last legs, pushed by young sturdy oaks from behind.
As soon as you were born you were captured by fresh air that you screamed against the minute you came out .
你一出生就被新鲜的空气给逮住,所以你 一从娘胎里出来就放声大哭。
rope in: persuade to help or join 劝……帮 忙,加入
他拿着瓶子喝茶,吃了一块奶酪三明治, 然后坐回原处看着钓鱼线上的红白色浮 标——浮标一半沉在赤杨树下齐腰深的水 中——他密切注视着浮标,等候着 鱼上钩 的那个幸运时刻的突然到来。
For himself, his own catch had been made, and he would have to wrestle with it for the rest of his life.
从某种意义上说,我没得到申请的那个职 位是件好事,虽然我得承认,当时我是感 到失望。
In a way, I agree with you.
Whenever you caught a fish, the fish caught you, in a way of speaking , and it was the same with anything else you caught, like the measles or a woman. .
Lesson 14 Saturday night and Saturday
morning Sep.30,2012
from behind: Note the use of two preps together. 注意两个介词连用的情况。
He came to greet me from behind the tree.
Everyone in the world was caught, somehow, one way or another, and those that weren't were always on the way to it.
不知为什么世界上每个人都这样或那样地 被钓住,那些未被钓住的人也逐渐地要被 钓住。
他走到水边,站起身,用力挥动手臂,将 钓鱼线抛了出去。
Another solitary man was fishing further along the canal, but Arthur knew that they would leave each other in peace, would not even call out greetings .
像军队里的那位下士所说,坐在马桶上想 到的事情真是太奇妙了。在垂钓的宁静中 想起的事情比在马桶上想起的事情更美妙。
tranquility (n.): quiet state 平静;安宁 tranquil (adj.): calm, quiet 安静的;宁静

I like to enjoy the tranquility of the countryside.
对他自己来说,他已经被钓住了,他不得 不在有生之年同它斗争。
. in a way: seen or considered from a certain respect 从某方面看
In a way it is a good thing that I did not get that post I applied for, though I must admit that I was disappointed at the time.
不远处还有一个人沿着运河边在独自垂钓, 但阿瑟知道他俩可以互不干扰各钓各的鱼, 甚至没必要相互打招呼问候。
You were a hunter, a dreamer, and your own boss, away from it all for a few hours on any day that the weather did not throw down its rain.:
You were a hunter, a dreamer, and our own boss, enjoying yourself for a few hours without any worries on a sunny day.
你是猎人、梦想家、自己的老板,在一个 晴朗的日子远离尘嚣,呆上几个小时。
Like the corporal in the army who said it was marvelous (了不起的)the things you thought about as you sat on the lavatory(廁所). Even better than that, it was marvelous the things that came to you in the tranquility of fishing.
我参与了整件事的组织工作,但愿我不曾 就此事点过头。
sling: be lifted 吊;悬 The soldier's gun was slung over his
shoulder. 那士兵把枪挂在肩上。 They sling up boxes from the cellar. 他们用吊索把箱子从地窖中吊起来。
他周围放着背包、夹克、一个空捕鱼网、 他的自行车和出发前在家里花园里挖出的 两听虫子。
Sun was breaking through clouds, releasing a smell of earth to heaven.
太阳钻出了云层,向空气中散发出泥土的 气息。
A soundless and minuscular explosion of water caught his eyes.:
你不管什么时候钓上了鱼,鱼也同时钩住 了你,可以说,你所捉住的其他任何东西 也是如此,比如说麻疹或女人。
on the way (to): half way to 在途中 Our team is well on the way to winning the
Championship. 我们队很有希望夺冠。 Let's not stop too often on the way. 咱们别老在途中停留了。
For himself, he had already close to work in a factory and was tied to the machine like a fish hooked up by a fisherman. He had to fight with the unpleasant working and living conditions for the rest of his life.
Then you were roped in by a factory, had a machine slung around your neck. :
Then you were persuaded to go and work in a factory. From then on, you were tied to the manual labor of factory and weighed down with overwork.