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本文中分析了剑杆织机的引纬工艺要求,得到了剑杆织机引纬时主轴转过不同角度的时候剑杆应该有的位移、速度以及加速度。并以此为依据设定了剑杆的加速度运动曲线为一等腰梯形的形状的曲线,经过进一步计算后得到了剑杆的运动学模型。本文设计的非圆齿轮行星轮系剑杆引纬机构的作用是将主轴的匀速转动转换成剑杆的有规律的往复运动,根据这一模型的传动规律建立运动学分析模型,结合其中非圆齿轮的特性得到节曲线方程。再基于Visual Basic 6.0这个平台编写引纬机构反求设计与仿真软件,利用该软件可以反求出机构中各个参数的值,之后根据仿真的结果调整机构参数,最终得到符合引纬规律的合理的参数,证明本文设计的引纬机构是合理可行的。



The weft insertion mechanism is one of the key mechanism of the rapier loom. Its athletic performance has a lot of impact about the rapier rooms’performance and its level. So, a weft insertion mechanism of the rapier rooms with reasonable structure can improve a lot of working efficiency, the quality of the product of the rapier rooms and the economic benefit. This paper comes up with a new weft insertion mechanism, named the planetary non-circular gears trains weft insertion mechanism.

Some research about the technological requirements of the rapier loom has been done in this paper. The displacement, velocity and acceleration of the rapier was obtained when the spindle has different angle. And the motion curve of acceleration of the rapier has been designed as a isosceles trapezoid curve based on the research. Then the kinematics model of the rapier was worked out. The planetary non-circular gears trains weft insertion mechanism is used to change the uniform rotation of the spindle to reciprocating motion of rapier. According to the transmission rule of the planetary non-circular gears trains weft insertion mechanism the kinematics analytical model was finished. Combining with the character of non-circular gear its pitch curve was obtained. Meanwhile a reverse design and kinematic simulation software was compiled based on Visual Basic 6.0. The parameters of mechanism can be obtained by the software. Then these parameters were adjusted based on the result of simulation. The reasonable parameters which fit the law of weft insertion will be obtained at last, which proved that this weft insertion mechanism was reasonable and can be used. Keywords: Non-circular Gear; Weft Insertion Mechanism; Reverse Solution; Rapier Loom


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1 课题的研究背景与意义 (1)

1.2 国内外剑杆引纬机构的研究现状及发展趋势 (2)

1.2.1 剑杆引纬机构的简介 (2)

1.2.2 国内外剑杆引纬机构的研究状况及发展趋势 (2)

1.3 非圆齿轮的发展及研究情况 (5)

1.3.1 非圆齿轮的介绍 (5)

1.3.2 非圆齿轮的研究状况 (5)

1.4 本设计的主要内容 (6)

第2章非圆齿轮行星轮系引纬机构运动分析模型的建立 (8)

2.1 剑杆织机的引纬工艺要求 (8)

2.2剑头的理想运动学曲线方程的建立 (9)

2.2.1 剑头理想运动曲线的构造 (9)

2.2.2 剑头运动学曲线方程的建立 (10)

2.3 非圆齿轮行星轮系引纬机构的模型简介 (13)

2.4 非圆齿轮行星轮系引纬机构反求模型的建立 (15)

2.4.1 反求设计思想的简介 (15)

2.4.2 非圆齿轮行星轮系放大轮系的运动模型的建立 (15)

2.4.3 第一级非圆齿轮行星轮系运动模型的建立 (17)

2.4.4 第二级非圆齿轮行星轮系运动模型的建立 (18)

第3章非圆齿轮行星轮系引纬机构反求设计与运动仿真软件的设计 (20)

3.1 计算机辅助设计的简单介绍 (20)

3.2 非圆齿轮行星轮系引纬机构反求设计与仿真软件的介绍 (20)

3.2.1 引纬机构反求设计软件的开发思路 (20)

3.2.2 引纬机构反求程序的关键性思想 (20)

3.2.3 引纬机构参数的设定 (22)

3.2.4 引纬机构反求软件的界面介绍 (23)

3.2.5 引纬机构反求软件各个控件的介绍 (24)

3.2.6 引纬机构反求软件的功能特点 (28)

第4章引纬机构三维模型的建立与仿真 (29)

第5章总结 (33)

参考文献 (34)
