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一、引言 (1)

二、财务管理目标概述 (2)

(一)财务管理目标的含义 (2)

(二)研究财务管理目标的重要意义 (2)

三、财务管理目标的现状及对现存的几种主要观点的评价 (3)

(一)财务管理目标现状 (3)

(二)目前关于财务管理目标的几种主要观点 (3)

四、确立企业财务管理目标应考虑的主要因素 (7)

(一)企业财务管理目标的确立应建立在企业目标的基础上,体现企业目标的要求 (7)

(二)企业财务管理目标既要体现企业多边契约关系的特征,又要突出主要方面 (7)

(三)企业财务管理目标应符合市场经济发展的规律,体现一定的社会责任 (8)

(四)企业财务管理目标应考虑我国企业的组织形式,适应我国资本市场的发展状况 (8)

(五)企业财务管理目标的确定应充分考虑影响财务管理目标的各种利益集团 (8)

五、本文所倡导的财务管理目标模式——相关者利益最大化 (9)

倡导的基本理由 (10)

参考文献 (12)

致谢 (13)




The financial management objectives,also known as financial goals,the financial activities to achieve the fundamental purpose is to evaluate whether a reasonable standard of corporate finance activities,which determines the basic direction of financial management.Financial management objectives directly reflect the financial changes in the environment,and make the appropriate adjustments based on changes in the environment,it is the basic elements of financial management in the theoretical structure,is the starting point and end of the financial decision-making in financial management practices.Financial management objectives,will have different financial management mechanism,a correct understanding and scientific setting of financial management objectives,financial management theory,but also the objective needs of the financial management practices.Optimize financial behavior,a virtuous cycle of the reality of financial management is of great significance.

On the issue of financial management objectives,has been a hot research topic in the field of Finance,has been great controversy.So far,a dozen point for discussion. This article intends to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the point of view of several of the most,that is to maximize profits,maximize shareholder wealth, maximize enterprise value maximization and the interests of stakeholders,evaluation. Pointed out that the major factors considered in establishing the financial management objectives should be to coordinate the related interest factors and determine the financial management of the target mode advocated in this article-to maximize the interests of stakeholders.

Keywords:enterprises Financial Management Financial management objectives Influencing factors Stakeholders to maximize the benefit
