


1 Application of Cooperative Learning to English Reading Instruction in Middle School

2 简论英汉习语翻译

3 The Application of Cohesive Devices in Chinese-English Translation of Chinese Literary Works

4 英汉被动句语义特征对比分析

5 英语外来词和它的翻译

6 商务英语信函中礼貌策略初探

7 商标翻译的方法及其影响因素

8 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 799 75 79 38

9 汉语量词“条”“支”“枝”的认知研究及其英文表达

10 中国英语与中式英语之比较

11 英汉恭维语及其应答的对比分析

12 《新编英语教程》浅析

13 从小说到电影改编的创造性背叛的研究——以《冷山》和《红字》为例

14 中西民间鬼神形象中体现的宗教世俗化的研究

15 《红楼梦》两英译版本中姓名翻译的对比研究

16 Whose Portrait Is This—Exploring Os car Wilde’s Complex Personality

17 约翰.邓恩诗歌艺术陌生化

18 海明威“冰山原理”在《永别了,武器》中的应用及对写作的指导意义

19 中小学辅导机构英语教学模式——一对一教学与小班课堂教学教案的比较分析

20 英汉思维方式差异对英译汉结构处理的影响

21 跨文化交际下汉语四字成语的英译研究

22 中西方空间观对比研究

23 幽默元素在英语电影和电视剧中的翻译

24 The Similarities and Differences between Chinese and Occidental Classical Gardens

25 英汉委婉语的对比及翻译

26 论“韩流”在中国

27 英语政治新闻中委婉语的形式及语用功能研究

28 对比分析中美可乐广告中的文化差异

29 逆成构词的分类及其认知机制和规律

30 《野性的呼唤》中的人性和野性

31 On Emily Bronte's Self-realization Through the Characters in Wuthering Heights

32 文化商务交际中的个人主义与集体主义

33 广告翻译中的语用失误研究

34 宗教禁欲下的爱情-论霍桑的宗教观与道德观在《红字》中的体现

35 浅谈中西体态语的差异

36 《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观

37 从会话含义角度解读《老友记》的言语幽默效果

38 初中英语教学中的跨文化教育

39 中美广告语言文化异同研究

40 文化语境对中西商务谈判的影响

41 广告翻译中的功能对等

42 中学英语教学大纲与课程标准的比较研究

43 小学英语教学中的体态语应用

44 《红字》中女权主义意识探析

45 旅游宣传品的翻译

46 从《汤姆索亚历险记》中分析马克吐温的幽默讽刺手法

47 功能对等理论透视下的影视片名翻译

48 从文本类型角度看企业外宣材料的翻译

49 从功能对等理论看商务合同的翻译

50 论商标名称的翻译对品牌形象的影响

51 小说《鸡蛋的胜利》中扭曲的“美国梦”

52 抽象名词词义内涵及其翻译策略

53 《辛德勒名单》主人公性格分析

54 用言语行为理论分析奥巴马推定总统候选人演讲

55 浅论广告语汉译的美学效果

56 “一只陷入囹圄的小鸟”——苔丝的悲剧命运分析

57 英语中称谓语的性别歧视现象

58 由中国的圣诞节“热”来看中美文化的冲突及融合

59 英语混成新词建构新解:多元理论视域

60 从女性主义角度分析美国女性--《律政俏佳人》

61 Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye

62 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》的主要人物性格

63 “白+动词”的语义及其英译

64 论劳伦斯《儿子与情人》中的“爱”

65 浅析《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中造成苔丝悲剧的因素

66 On Self-destruction of Laura in Flowering Judas

67 英汉歌词衔接手段的对比及翻译

68 欧?亨利《最后一片叶子》解读

69 中西文化心理差异分析—以饮食习俗为视角

70 《灿烂千阳》中女性人物的忍耐,斗争和重生

71 The Transcultural Differences in the Translation of Commercial Advertisements

72 中外青年婚姻观念差异——从《柳堡的故事》和《傲慢与偏见》中进行对比

73 浅析拉尔夫·埃里森《看不见的人》的象征艺术

74 《哈利?波特》的成功销售及其对中国儿童文学营销的启示

75 浅析英语谚语中的性别歧视现象及其成因

76 An Analysis of the Family Membership In Death of a Salesman

77 浅析网络语言翻译中的功能对等

78 从《喜福会》中西文化的冲突与融合中看身份的寻求

79 三星公司营销策略研究

80 跨文化交际在宝洁公司营销战略中的应用

81 欧?亨利短篇小说艺术手法浅析

82 跨文化交际中文化负迁移的原因及其对策研究

83 浅析合作原则在汉英广告语翻译中的运用

84 从心理学的角度论《儿子与情人》中保罗的恋爱模式

85 网络语言风格的性别差异

86 中西方时间观差异分析

87 《远离尘嚣》人物分析及悲剧写法

88 从迪斯尼动画《木兰》看中美文化差异

89 英语公益广告中隐喻的应用及翻译研究

90 Research on the Expression of the Speaker’s Intention in English and Chinese Conversation

91 中美广告创意的文化差异性研究

92 An Analysis of Conversational Implicature In Pride and Prejudice

93 论模糊限制语在广告中的语用功能

94 On t he Ways to Develop Junior Middle School Students’Autonomous Ability

95 中西饮食文化的比较

96 An Analysis of Communicative Language Teaching Method in Teaching Spoken English in China

97 论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格

98 英汉动物词汇隐喻意义的对比研究

99 On English Translation of Chinese Menu and the Connotation of Chinese Culinary Culture 100 学生英译汉翻译中的英式汉语及其改进方式

101 《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的人物性格分析

102 用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩

103 卡森?麦卡勒斯《心是孤独的猎手》福柯式解读

104 On Eliza’s Independent Awareness in Pygmalion

105 论《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中三对人物关系及其象征意义

106 彼得潘--孩子和成人共同的童话

107 论修辞在广告语中的运用和翻译

108 在概念整合理论下探讨英语复合词教学

109 理想与现实的距离——《麦田里的守望者》中主人公霍尔顿的求索之路

110 论报刊语言翻译中的译者主体性

111 从英语演讲的修辞运用看语言性别差异

112 《收藏家》中空间与人物心理关系的解读

113 浅析《老人与海》中人对自然的态度

114 中美饮食文化实体行为与非实体行为的民族差异

115 商务英语写作得体原则

116 从《永别了,武器》与《老人与海》浅析海明威的战争观

117 现代英语新词分析

118 中西文化差异对品牌翻译的影响

119 An Analysis of the Development and Future of Gothic Novel

120 欧洲余烬里飞起的凤凰--Geoffrey Hill诗歌主题与艺术风格

121 An Analysis of Feminism in The Scarlet Letter

122 英汉新闻标题中缩略词对比研究

123 论田纳西威廉斯《欲望号街车》中的逃遁主义

124 An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Contradictory Charact er

125 Secondary School English Teachers’ Self-Development from the Perspective of New Curriculum Reform

126 中英文化背景下的金融英语翻译分析

127 英文商标的汉译

128 The Application of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching

129 从自然主义视角审视《嘉莉妹妹》中小人物嘉莉的命运抗争与幻灭

130 西方节日对中国传统文化的影响

131 论《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中的悲剧之源

132 试论《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征手法

133 《榆树下的欲望》之农场意象--基于生态女性主义的分析

134 中西方茶文化映衬的文化差异

135 暗夜中的精灵——论《寻欢作乐》中的罗西

136 凯瑟琳?曼斯菲尔德《苍蝇》反映的人性创伤分析

137 中英动物习语的文化内涵及其差异

138 《圣经》对英语习语的影响

139 英语委婉语在英语教学中的应用

140 从《唐顿庄园》看一战对英国庄园经济文化的影响

141 广告英语的翻译

142 《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的女性主义形象分析

143 浅析英语委婉语功能

144 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

145 中英诗歌及时行乐主题比较

146 《追风筝的人》中阿米尔的性格分析

147 英语政治委婉语的语用功能

148 A Brief Comparison Between the Two Translation Versions of D.H. Lawrence’s The Woman Who Rode Away

149 从《肖申克的救赎》和《当幸福来敲门》看美国个人主义价值观

150 英汉委婉语跨文化对比研究

151 从女性主义角度解读惠特曼的《草叶集》

152 An Analysis of the Fatalism and Pessimistic View in Tess of the D’Urbervilles

153 任务型教学模式在初中英语课堂教学中的现状分析--以xx学校初一学生为例

154 从花语的不同含义浅析中西方文化差异

155 从福柯的后人道主义视角看赫尔米娜之死——解读赫尔曼黑塞作品《荒原狼》

156 浅析亨利?詹姆斯小说《螺丝在拧紧》中的哥特成分

157 对文化差异引起的误译的研究

158 毛姆《月亮与六便士》中斯特里克兰德的梦想

159 Emerson’s Ideas on Nature and Social Harmony

160 简爱与电影《音乐之声》中玛丽亚冯特拉普性格分析比较

161 对《瑞普凡温克尔》两个汉译本的语言美的比较评论

162 论网络英语的特征

163 论弗吉尼亚伍尔夫《海浪》的人物刻画

164 中英文幽默映射的语言与文化差异

165 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的圣经原型人物解析

166 浅议英语诗歌中的书写变异

167 《围城》英译本中文化负载词的翻译研究

168 论《小镇畸人》中人物的怪诞性

169 辩证论视域下神似与形似的相互关系研究

170 功能目的论视角下的仿拟翻译的应用分析

171 A Research on Frances Burnett’s “Fauntleroy” Writing Style

172 探讨法国葡萄酒营销与中国白酒营销中的民族特色

173 诸神形象折射中西方价值观不同

174 宗教文化与翻译

175 浅谈中西文化中的思维差异

176 交际法在中学英语词汇教学的应用

177 中美文化交际中的礼仪文化差异研究

178 《远大前程》中社会环境对皮普的意识与行为的影响

179 肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用与作用

180 课外作业对高中英语学习的作用研究

181 索尔贝娄的《银碟》中父子关系的分析

182 从女性主义批评看《金色笔记》中的人物描写

183 The Determining Influence of Environment on the Development of Heathcliff’s Character 184 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

185 英文电影字幕中的文化意象翻译研究

186 Developing University Students’ Cross-cultural Awareness in English Teaching and Learning 187 浅谈中西体态语的差异

188 《傲慢与偏见》中简·奥斯汀的婚姻观及其现实意义

189 苔丝和傲慢与偏见中的女性意识之对比研究

190 英语环境的营造对中学生英语学习的影响

191 《远大前程》中皮普成长的心路历程

192 埃德加?爱伦?坡作品中的哥特风格分析

193 乡村音乐歌词的人际意义分析

194 A Study of AP’s News Reports from the Angle of Cooperative Principle

195 从关联理论角度看电影台词翻译—电影“小屁孩日记”的个案研究

196 英汉颜色词“红”的喻意和文化内涵研究

197 双语对认知发展的影响

198 中国传统文化中特色词语的翻译

199 现代叙事艺术与海明威的《永别了武器》

200 On the Narrative Arts of Hemingway's Short Stories----A Case Study of"A Clean Well-lighted Place"


这段精彩对白发生在雨中,伊丽莎白听说姐姐---简的婚事被破坏了,冒雨外出以发泄情绪,达西随后追出,在石亭中,达西抛开世俗向伊丽莎白表露心迹,但是伊丽莎白认为达西破坏了姐姐的婚礼,怀着怒火拒绝了达西,虽然她也同样爱着达西。 Mr Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings only to see you. I have fought against judgement, my family's expectation,the inferiority of your birth, my rank. I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony. Miss Elizabeth: I don't understand. Mr Darcy: I love you.Most ardently. Please do me the honour of accepting my hand. Miss Elizabeth: Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. It was unconsciously done. Mr Darcy: Is this your reply? Miss Elizabeth: Yes, sir. Mr Darcy: Are you laughing at me? Miss Elizabeth: No. Mr Darcy: Are you rejecting me? Miss Elizabeth: I'm sure the feelings which hindered your regard will help you overcome it. Mr Darcy: Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed? Miss Elizabeth: I might enquire why you told me you liked me against your better judgement? If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse. But you know I have other reasons. Mr Darcy: What reasons? Miss Elizabeth: Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined the happiness of a most beloved sister? Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to censure for caprice and my sister to derision for disappointed hopes, involving them both in acute misery? Mr Darcy: I do not deny it. Miss Elizabeth: How could you do it? Mr Darcy: I believed your sister indifferent to him. I realised his attachment was deeper than hers.


《傲慢与偏见》(节选之一)译文分析 Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen (An Excerpt from Chapter One) 第一句:"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of wife."*在本文中"It is a truth universally acknowledged"在七个译文中,大多译为“一条举世公认的真理”。在译文一二三六中,几乎无差;但在译文四中,则直接译为“一条真理”;而在译文五中则译为“这条真理无人知晓”;译文七则为“谁都知道;在其余部分"single man"通常被译为“单身男人”或者“单身男士”。七篇译文各有千秋,译文一和二译为“娶位太太”;三译得颇有文采“娶妻室”;而四中而贫乏无味又显得庸长;五用的是“娶妻”用的不是很妥当,且与“单身汉”不呼应;译文七也是如此。 第二句:"However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters."*在这七则译文中,文字上各有不同的修辞,修饰。在译文二三六七中,译者把"this truth is so well fixed in ...families"这句提放在句首,句式结构很具有逻辑性;而译文一则比较繁杂,啰嗦;在译文四中则把这句放在了句尾,没有起到强调作用;在译文五则译得比较贴切而又不失逻辑。 第三句:"'My dear Mr Bennet',said his lady to him one day, have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?"*在译文一中,译者把“My dear Mr Bennet"译成“我的好老爷”,个人觉得用的不是很恰当,“老爷”这一词太偏中式化了;而在二三四五六七中,则均译为“亲爱的本内特先生”,给人一种太正式化的印象,夫妻之间的谈话更应亲密些;译文五译得比较好些;而在叙述句中,"said his lady to him one day"译文一四五把此译文放在了第一句,其他的则放在原句位置,个人认为放在句首更加贴切。 第四句:"Mr Bennet replied that he had not."*这句简单的译文七句也各不相同。"replied"这词在译文一二三六七中均译成了“回答”,而that从句后后的"he had not"原句应为"he had not heard that",所以则译为“他还没听说”或是“他还没知道”,个人认为这句,在译文一至七都译得比较不错,贴近原文意思。 第五句:"But it is,returned she.For Ms Long has just been here,and she told me all about it."*译文"But it is"一至七中,译文二三译为“的确租出去了”;译文三则“可确是租出去了”’译文四则为“但的确已经租出去了”;文五则为“当真租出去了”;译文六与七则译为“确实租出去了”。在此七句中,我认为译文五译得比较贴切。"returned she"大多数译文则译为“她接着说道”。"all about it"有些译文译得比较繁琐,尤其是译文一;译文二三四六七比较恰当;译文四用了“原委”二字,非常生动形象。


The distance is nothing ,when one has a motive. Mrs.Bennet’s eyes sparkled with pleasure. We must trespass a litter longer on your kindness. Mrs.Bennet was profuse in her acknowledgements. I often tell my other girls they are nothing to her. That is my idea of good breading;and those persons who fancy themselves very important and never open their mouths , quiet mistake the matter. A lady’s imagination is very rapid;it jumps from admiration to love,from love to matrimony . Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves,vanity to what we would have others think of us. He is ate up with pride. Upon my word ! Affectation of candour is common enough –one meets it everywhere.But to be candid without ostentation or design—to take the good of everybody’s character and make it still better , and say nothing of the bad—belongs to you alone Mr. Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humor, reserve, and caprice, that the experience of three and twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character. Everything nourishes what is strong already. She had high animal spirits,and a sort of self-consequence. The day passed much as the day before had done.


《傲慢与偏见》经典语录 不过天下事总是这样的。你嘴上不诉苦,就没有人可怜你。下面是小编为你带来的《傲慢与偏见》经典语录,欢迎阅读。 【1】急躁的结果只会使得应该要做好的事情没有做好。 【2】骄傲多半不外乎我们对我们自己的估价,虚荣却牵涉到我们希望别人对我们的看法。 【3】男女恋爱大都免不了要借重于双方的感恩图报之心和虚荣自负之感,听其自然是很难成其好事的。 【4】恋爱的开头都是随随便便------某人对某人发生点好感,本是极其自然的一回事;只可惜没有对方的鼓励而自己就肯没头没脑去钟情的人,简直太少了。 【5】婚姻生活是否能幸福,完全是个机会问题。一对爱人婚前脾气摸得非常透,或者脾气非常相同,这并不能保证他们俩就会幸福。他们总是弄到后来距离越来越远,彼此烦恼。你既然得和这个人过一辈子,你最好尽量少了解他的缺点。 【6】这么容易被人看透,那恐怕也是件可怜的事吧。 【7】诗是爱情的食量。

【8】要是他没有触犯我的骄傲,我也很容易原谅他的骄傲。 【9】要是一个人把开玩笑当作人生最重要的事,那么。最聪明最优秀的人-------不,最聪明最优秀的行为-------也就会变得可笑了。 【10】可是傲慢------只要你果真聪明过人------你就会傲慢的比较有分寸。 【11】跟人家怨恨不解,的确是性格上的一个阴影。 【12】用最激动的语言把我最热烈的感情想你倾诉。 【13】不过天下事总是这样的。你嘴上不诉苦,就没有人可怜你。 【14】幸福一经拒绝,就不值得我们再加重视。 【15】大凡家境不好而又受过相当教育的青年女子,总是把结婚当作仅有的一条体面的退路。尽管结婚并不一定会叫人幸福,但总算给她自己安排了一个最可靠的储藏室,日后可以不致挨冻受饿。 【16】至于我,我真正喜欢的人没有几个,我心目中的好人就更少了。时事经历的愈多,我就愈对世事不满;我一天比一天相信,人性都是见异思迁,我们不能凭着某人表面上一点点长处或见


《傲慢与偏见》经典语录 itisatruthuniversallyacknowledged,thatasinglemaninpossessionofagoodfort unemustbeinwantofawife.有钱的只身总要娶位太太,这是全球公认的真理。 doanythingratherthanmarryingwithoutaffection.干什么都好,可是没有恋爱可万万不要成婚。 sometimestheperfectpersonforyouistheoneyouleastexpect.偶然辰,最得当你的人,恰好是你最没有想到的人。 sometimesthelastpersononearthyouwanttobewithistheonepersonyoucan’t bewithout.末日中你独一想与之共度的那小我私人,即是你无法分开的人。 我也说禁绝毕竟是在什么时刻,什么所在,望见了你什么样的风韵,听到了你什么样的言论,便使我开始爱上了你。 那是良久早年的事。 等我觉察我本身开始爱上你的时辰,我已经走了一半路了。 卿已亭亭,勿忧亦勿惧,今生总有一个他与你相伴。 女孩偶然应该受到一点爱的煎熬,这使她有了思索的空间,也让她与她的伙伴有了差异。 达西的批注:invainhaveistruggled.itwillnotdo.任我怎样挣扎都无济

于事myfeelingswillnotberepressed.我对你的感情再也抑制不住了youmustallowmetotellyouhowardentlyiadmireandloveyou.请你应承我向你广告我是云云凶猛的倾心和恋慕你 indeclaringmyselfthusi’mawarethatiwillbegoingexpre sslyagainstthewishes ofmyfamily,我知道我的所作所为将与我家人的意愿相悖myfriends,and,ihardlyneedaddmyownbetterjudgement.与我伴侣的观点相斥,更不消说与我本身的理智相左theralativesituationofourfamiliesmakesanyalliancebetweenusareprehensib leconnection.我们的家庭配景会使我们的感情不被接管asarationalmanicannotbutregarditassuchmyself,butitcannotbehelped.我的理智也云云警觉着本身,但统统都只是徒劳almostfromtheearliestmoments.ihavecometofeelforyouapassionateadmira tionandregard从初识你的刹时起,我就已经感受到了心底对你凶猛的钦慕和洽感 whichdespitemystruggles,hasovercomeeveryrationalobjection.固然我频频挣扎,但情绪仍旧逾越了理智 ibegyou,mostfervently,torelievemysufferingandconsenttobemywife.我最为凶猛地请求你,开释我的疾苦,请赞成成为我的老婆


《傲慢与偏见》(节选一) Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (An Except from Chapter One) 译文对比分析 节选文章背景:小乡绅贝内特有五个待字闺中的千金,贝内特太太整天操心着为女儿物色称心如意的丈夫。新来的邻居宾利(Bingley)是个有钱的单身汉,他立即成了贝内特太太追猎的目标。 1.It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. 译文一:凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的道理。译文二:有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。 分析:从译文的准确性来看,译文一和译文二都表达的很准确,担从翻译的句子结构来讲,译文二的“有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太”与译文一的“凡是有钱的单身汉,总想要娶位太太”相比语言更简练,表达意思更清晰明朗。 2.However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. 译文一:这样的单身汉,每逢新搬到一个地方,四邻八舍虽然完全不了解他的性情如何,见解如何,可是,既然这样的一条真理早已在人们心中根深蒂固,因此人们总是把他看作是自己某一个女儿理所应得的一笔财产。 译文二:这条真理还真够深入人心的,每逢这样的单身汉新搬到一个地方,四邻八舍的人家尽管对他的性情见识一无所知,却把他视为某一个女儿的合法财产。译文一中说“这样的一条真理早已在人们心中根深蒂固”译文二“这条真理还真够深入人心的”,译文一的译法比较书面化,使用了“根深蒂固”,译文二“深入人心”,两种译法相比较,我更倾向第一种书面化的译法。

Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见 中英文双语简介

Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London. Though the story is set at the turn of the 19th century, it retains a fascination for modern readers, continuing near the top of lists of 'most loved books' such as The Big Read.[1] It has become one of the most popular novels in English literature and receives considerable attention from literary scholars. Modern interest in the book has resulted in a number of dramatic adaptations and an abundance of novels and stories imitating Austen's memorable characters or themes. To date, the book has sold some 20 million copies worldwide Plot summary The narrative opens with Mr Bingley, a wealthy, charming and social young bachelor, moving into Netherfield Park in the neighbourhood of the Bennet family. Mr Bingley is soon well received, while his friend Mr Darcy makes a less favorable first impression by appearing proud and condescending at a ball that they attend (this is partly explained in that he detests dancing and is not much for light conversation). Mr Bingley singles out Elizabeth's elder sister, Jane, for particular attention, and it soon becomes apparent that they have formed an attachment to each other. By contrast, Darcy slights Elizabeth, who overhears and jokes about it despite feeling a budding resentment. On paying a visit to Mr Bingley's sister, Jane is caught in a heavy downpour, catches cold, and is forced to stay at Netherfield for several days. Elizabeth arrives to nurse her sister and is thrown into frequent company with Mr Darcy, who begins to perceive his attachment to her, but is too proud to proceed on this feeling. Mr Collins, a clergyman, pays a visit to the Bennets. Mr Bennet and Elizabeth are much amused by his obsequious veneration of his employer, the noble Lady Catherine de Bourgh, as well as by his self-important and pedantic nature. It soon becomes apparent that Mr Collins has come to Longbourn to choose a wife from among the Bennet sisters (his cousins) and Elizabeth has been singled out. At the same time, Elizabeth forms an acquaintance with Mr Wickham, a militia officer who claims to have been very seriously mistreated by Mr Darcy, despite having been a ward of Mr Darcy's father. This tale, and Elizabeth's attraction to Mr Wickham, adds fuel to her dislike of Mr Darcy. At a ball given by Mr Bingley at Netherfield, Mr Darcy becomes aware of a general expectation that Mr Bingley and Jane will marry, and the Bennet family, with the


Pride And Prejudice Script (1)Lydia! Kitty! My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard? Netherfield Park is let at last. Do you not want to know who has taken it? As you wish to tell me, my dear, I doubt I have any choice in the matter. Kitty, what have I told you about listening at the door? There's a Mr Bingley arrived from the North. - Five thousand a year! - Really? - He's single! - Who's single? A Mr Bingley, apparently. Kitty! How can that possibly affect them? Mr Bennet, how can you be so tiresome? You know he must marry one of them. That is his design in settling here? You must go and visit him at once. Good heavens. People. For we may not visit if you do not, as you well know, Mr Bennet. - Are you listening? You never listen. - You must, Papa! At once!


傲慢与偏见经典语录 “达西小姐收到这样一封信该有多高兴啊!” 达西没有答理。 “你写得快极了。” “你这话可说错了。我写得相当慢。” “你一年得写多少信啊!还有事务上的信呢!我看这太让人厌烦啦!” “这么说,事情幸亏落到了我身上,没落到你身上。” “请告诉令妹,我很想见到她。” “我已经遵命告诉过一次了。” “恐怕你不大喜欢你那支笔。让我给你修修吧,我修得好极啦。” “多谢——我一向都是自己修理。” “你怎么能写得这么工整?” 达西没有吱声。 3. “伊丽莎白,你面临着一个不幸的抉择。从今天起,你要和你父母中的一个成为陌路人。你若是不嫁给科林斯先生,你母亲就永远不再见你了;你若是嫁给科林斯先生,我就永远不再见你了。” 4. 对不要脸的人,绝不能低估了岂不要脸的程度。 5.霎时之间,贝内特家被公认为天下最有福气的一家人了,殊不知就在几个星期之前,莉迪亚刚刚私奔的时候,大

家都认定贝内特府上倒尽了霉。 不要脸的人,决不能低估了其不要脸的程度 宾利求婚时,简含泪说yes,a thousand times yes! It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. where there is a superiority of mind,pride will always be under regulation. I believe every disposition has a tendency to some evil. You’ve bewitched my body and soul,I love...I love...I love you! lf, however, your feelings have changed... ...I would have to tell you, you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love... I love... I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on. Well, then. Your hands are cold.


傲慢与偏见(求婚段) D:Are you feeling better? E:I am. Thank you. Will you not sit down? D:‘In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.In declaring myself thus I'm fully aware that I will be going expressly against the wishes of my family, my friends, and, I hardly need add, my own better judgement. The relative situation of our families makes any alliance between us. This must be regarded as a highly reprehensible connection. As a rational man I cannot but regard it as much myself, but it cannot be helped. Almost from the earliest moments of the very acquaintance, I have come to feel for you... a passionate admiration and regard, which, despite my struggles, has overcome every rational objection. I beg you, most fervently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife. E:‘In such cases as this, I believe, the established mode is to express a sense of obligation. But I cannot. I have never desired your good opinion, and you have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly. I'm sorry to cause pain to anyone, but it was most unconsciously done, and I hope will be of short duration. D:And this is all the reply I am to expect? I might wonder why, with so little effort at civility, I am rejected.


《傲慢与偏见》英文书评 The comment of "Pride and prejudice" Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by the famous English writer, Jane Austen, who was the sixth children in a family of seven and was born in the village of steventon in Hampshire in 1775 and died of Ad dison’s disease in 1817. Pride and Prejudice is a love story, mainly tells the love between Elizabeth and Darcy. It divided into 2 volumes and is composed of 42 chapters altogether. The major characters are Mr. Darcy, A rich and proud young man. Elizabeth, the second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. Mr. Bingley , A rich young bachelor. Jane, the first daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Bennet. The story begin with Bingley’s arrival. One day when Mrs.Bennet hear Bingley has taken Netherfield, a house near her’s. She is so happy and arranged one of her five daughters marriage with him. At a ball, luckly, Bingley and Jane fall in love at the first sight. Darcy, a friend of Bingley’s , was attracted to Elizabeth, a lively and spirited girl. But Darcy greatly offends her by his supercilious behavior and this dislike is increased by Wickham, a dashing young militia officer of the unjust treatment he has met with at Darcy's hands. One day when Darcy and Bingley’s two sisters disgusted with the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and her two youngest daughters, effectively separated Bingley and Jane. Meanwhile, Collins, a cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, married charlotte, a friend of


《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters. The characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr. Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different. Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion. Mary likes reading classic books. (Actually she is a pedant.) K itty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate. When I read the book, I can always find the same personalities in the society now. That is why I think this book is indeed the representative of the society in Britain in the 18th century. The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s favourite topic. But this little topic can reflect big problems. It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in


05版电影中,伊丽莎白在一个阴沉的雨天拒绝了达西的求婚,两人的对话成就让人难以忘怀的高潮。让我们一起回到两百年前那个敢爱敢恨的伊丽莎白拒绝达西的那一幕。darcy: (cont'd) i came to rosings with the single object of seeing you...i had to see you lizzie: me? darcy: i've fought against my better judgement, my family's expectation. . . (pause) darcy: (cont'd) the inferiority of your birth. . .my rank and circumstance.. (stumblingly) all those things...but i'm willing to put them aside...and ask you to end my agony... lizzie: i don't understand... darcy: (with passion) i love you. most ardently. lizzie stares at him. darcy: (cont'd) please do me the honour of accepting my hand. a silence. lizzie struggles with the most painful confusion of feeling. finally she recovers. lizzie: (voice shaking) sir, i appreciate the struggle you have been through, and i am very sorry to have caused you pain. believe me, it was unconsciously done. a silence. gathering her shawl, she gets to her feet. darcy: (stares) is this your reply? lizzie: yes, sir.


这部电影被评价为原着的最佳拍摄版本。影片中的主人公为原着中的伊丽莎白添光添彩,完美的演绎了简·奥斯汀笔下的人物。原着本身就是一部非常好的作品,这部电影更是让它升华到另一个高度。 提供了电影中的经典台词,希望这些文字能带你走进那光与影的经典故事。 1、乞丐没有权利挑三拣四。 2、我已亭亭,无忧亦无惧。 3、连年怨阔别,一朝喜相逢。 4、对这个世界看得越多,我就越不满。 5、一个人不要起脸来可真是漫无止境。 6、我真心爱的人不多,看得起的人更少。 7、盲目听从并不能说明双方的关系有多好。 8、太受人器重有时候需要付出很大的代价。 9、要是爱你爱的少些,话就可以说的多些了。 10、有心事应该等到单独一个人的时候再去想。 11、跟人家怨恨不解,的确是性格上的一个阴影。 12、美少年和凡夫俗子一样,也得有饭吃有衣穿。 13、偏见让你无法接受我,傲慢让我无法爱上你。 14、用最激动的语言把我最热烈的感情想你倾诉。 15、当我发现自己爱上你的时候,我已经无法自拔。 16、对不要脸的人,决不能低估了其不要脸的程度。 17、如果智慧真的高人一等,傲慢也就不会太过分。

18、幸福一经被拒绝,就不值得我们再去看中它了。 19、急躁的结果只会使得应该要做好的事情没有做好。 20、你必须知道你一定要知道这一切都是为你所做的。 21、女人们往往会把爱情这种东西幻想地太不切合实际。 22、听到了你什么样的谈吐,便是使得我开始爱上了你。 23、自私自利就是谨慎,糊涂大胆就等于幸福有了保障。 24、从不改变主意的人要特别主意,一开始就要拿对主意。 25、要是他没有触犯我的骄傲,我也很容易原谅他的骄傲。 26、不过天下事总是这样的。你嘴上不诉苦,就没有人可怜你。 27、等我发觉我自己开始爱上你的时候,我已是走了一半路了。 28、他不是坏人,就财产而言,他也是适合的对象,是很适合。 29、这种只顾情欲不顾道德的结合,实在很难得到永久的幸福。 30、女人必须找一个自己尊敬的人做丈夫,这样她才能获得幸福。 31、如果不是你戳穿了我的虚荣心,我也许会原谅你的傲自尊大。 32、我们活着是为了什么?不就是给邻居当笑柄,再反过来笑他们。 33、请你老实告诉我,你的心情是否还和四月里一样,我的心愿和情感依然如旧。 34、人生在世,要不是让人家开开玩笑,回头来又取笑取笑别人,那还有什么意思。 35、如果一个女人掩饰了对自己所爱的男子的感情,她也许就失去了得到他的机会。 36、那是在好久以前的事。等我发觉我自己开始爱上你的时候,我已
