



1.It is in the little farm my mother used to work I spent my whole childhood.

A. what; that

B. which; that

C. where; that

D. where; where

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:就是在我母亲工作的那个小农场里,我度过了我的整个童年。第一个空是定语从句中的先行词,the little farm 被一个定语从句修饰,the litte farm是先行词,在从句中作状语,如放在从句中应该是 my mother used to work in the farm。因此,要用in which或where。第二个空是一个强调句型,强调句型It is +被强调部分+that+剩余。去掉it is that句子完整,因此第二个空填that。在本句中强调我就是在我母亲工作的那个小农场度过我的整个童年。故选C。


2.__________was Mary who picked up the wallet.

A. He

B. She

C. They

D. It

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意为:是Mary捡到了钱包。此处为强调句it be sb. who…故选择D.【点评】本题考查强调句,考生应注意平时多积累知识点,掌握固定句型的用法。

3.She found her lost car._______ she had!

A. What a good luck

B. What good luck

C. How good luck

D. How good the luck


【解析】【分析】句意“她发现了她丢失的小汽车,她多么幸运啊。”此处为强调句典型句型,这种句型中what+名词,how+形容词\副词,luck此处表示名词单数“一次好运”,what a good luck=how lucky。故填A。


4.Mike likes playing basketball.

A. so does he.

B. So he is.

C. So she does.

D. So he does.

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:迈克喜欢打篮球。他的确如此。本句是表达“……的确如此”,用半倒装句“so+主语+be/助动词/情态动词”,上句是实义动词,且为一般现在时,主语是he,第三人称单数,因此助动词用does,即So he does,故选D。


5.—Who was calling you on the phone just now?

— _______.

A. That's him

B. It was Tom

C. This was someone

D. Maybe Jim's

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——刚才谁在电话里叫你?——他是Tom。根据题意可知,答句为强调句,完整形式为It was Tom that call you on the phone just now. 缩写形式为It was Tom. ,故选B。


6.It is very interesting ___________ snowmen in winter.

A. making

B. building

C. to make

D. to build

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:冬天堆雪人很有趣。It's+形容词+to do sth,做某事怎样,固定句型结构,故选C。


7.—Taian is a really comfortable city to live in.

—________, and it's world-famous for Mount Tai.

A. So it is

B. So is it

C. So it does

D. So does it

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——泰安是一个生活非常舒适的城市。——的确如此,它以泰山而闻名于世。A、的确如此,B、它也是,C、的确如此,D、它也一样,根据句意,可知是固定句型so+主语+be动词/助动词/情态动词,意为“的确如此”;再根据上文 Taian is a really comfortable city to live in,可知强调的是表语,所以用so it is,故答案为A。


8.I never doubt .

A. whether this song is worth listening to

B. if this song is worth listening

C. that this song is worth listening

D. that this song is worth listening to

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:我从来没有怀疑这首歌值得去听。根据句子结构分析,本句是宾语从句,根据主句I never doubt,可知从句是陈述句,故排除A 和B,又因为listen to为固定搭配,故选D。


9.I found _______ convenient to shop on line at home.

A. it's

B. that

C. it

D. that was

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:我发现在家网购和方便。固定句式:主+find+it+adj+to do,主语发现做某事是……的,故选C。

【点评】考查it做形式宾语,熟练掌握固定句式:主+find+it+adj+to do。

10.It was in the Bird's Nest______many wonderful events were held in the year of 2008.

A. Where

B. Which

C. that

D. in which


【解析】【分析】考查强调句。强调句型的基本结构式it is/was +被强调部分+that/who+句子的其他部分。此处强调的是Bird's Nest。句意为正是在鸟巢里,2008年举办了许多精彩的活动。故选C。

【点评】陈述句的强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+that/who (当强调主语且主语指人)+ 其它部分。一般疑问句的强调句型:同上,只是把is/ was提到it前面。特殊疑问句的强调句型:被强调部分(通常是疑问代词或疑问副词)+ is/ was + it +that/who+其它部分?构成强调句的it本身没有词义;强调句中的连接词一般只用that, who,即使在强调时间状语和地点状语时也如此,that, who不可省略;强调句中的时态只用两种,一般现在时和一般过去时。原句谓语动词是一般过去时、过去完成时和过去进行时,用It was…,其余的时态用It is…。

11.It was _________he came back from Africa that year_________he met the girl he would like to marry.

A. when; then

B. not; until

C. not until; that

D. only; when

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:直到那年他从非洲回来,他才遇到他想要结婚的女孩。本题考查强调结构的特殊形式:It is/was + not until … that从句。故C正确。

【点评】考查not until在强调句型中的使用,牢记强调句型的基本结构和not until句型。

12.I just wonder that makes him so excited.

A. why it does

B. what he does

C. how it is

D. what it is


【解析】【分析】本题题干相当于I just wonder what makes him so excited.的意义, 所以该题实际上为强调句型的特殊疑问句式, what为宾语从句的连接词且在从句中作主语。

13.It was with his iron-fist approach crimes in the southern state _______the 70-year-old man built a political name.

A. to fighting, where

B. of fighting, that

C. of fighting, where

D. to fighting, that


【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词和强调句式。approach to doing sth.做某事的方法。句意:这位70岁的老人在南方打击犯罪的铁拳方法使其确立了自己的政治名声。此句是强调


【点评】强调句型。1.在英语中,我们常用It is/was… who/that结构来突出强调句子的某一



成分,则一律用that来连接。It is my mother who/that cooks every day.是我的妈妈每天做饭;It was yesterday that Tom passed in the maths exam.是昨天汤姆通过了数学考试。2.被强

调成分是主语,who/that之后的谓语动词应该在人称和数上与原句中的主语保持一致。It is

I who am right.It is he who is wrong. It is the students who are lovely.3.被强调部分既包括人又

包括物,用that不用who。lt was the things and people that they remembered that they were talking about.

14.I _____ you can finish the exam in two hours.

A. does believe

B. do believe

C. did believed

D. do believed

【答案】 B



【点评】本题考查强调句型。以及does believe;do believe;did believed;do believed四种


15.Lily said that it was because of her strong interest in medicine _____ she chose the course.

A. how

B. what

C. that

D. why

【答案】 C


强调句型:“it is+被强调部分+that+其他…”。根据题意,故答案为C。


16.Some great people said it was their primary school teachers and their lessons _______ they were fond of ________ influenced their whole lives.

A. which; that

B. that; which

C. which; which

D. that; that

【答案】 D


第一个that引导定语从句,修饰先行词primary school teachers 和lessons,且在从句中作fond of的宾语;第二个that是强调句型it is/was…that…中的引导词that,被强调对象是句

子的主语their primary school teachers and their lessons that they were fond of.故选D。


17.You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the entrance your mother will meet you.

A. where

B. that

C. which

D. how

【解析】【分析】句意:你是在一个错误的地方等待。你母亲会在入口接你。分析句子可知,本句强调地点状语at the entrance,强调句型的结构为I t is +被强调部分+that+其它。去掉It is …that…。句子 at the entranceyour mother will meet you完整,可知选B项。

【点评】考查强调句型,掌握其结构:I t is +被强调部分+that+其它。

18.It is not until all the fish died in the river ________how serious the pollution was.

A. did the villagers realize

B. that the villagers realized

C. the villagers did realize

D. didn't the villagers realize

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:直到河里的鱼都死光了,村民们才意识到污染是多么严重。此处是It is not until ...that...,的强调句型,故答案为B。

【点评】考查强调句型,本题涉及It is not until ...that...的应用。

19.________ you picked up the watch?

A. Where it was that

B. Where was it that

C. Where was it there

D. It was where that 【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:你是在哪里捡到这块表的?把句子改为陈述句It was where that you picked up the watch.可知选B。


20.Do you have any idea computer plays so important a part in our daily life?

A. how is it that

B. what is it that

C. how it is that

D. what it is that

【答案】 C



21.It was back home after the experiment.

A. not until midnight did he go

B. until midnight that he didn't go

C. not until midnight that he went

D. until midnight when he didn't go


【解析】【分析】句意:直到半夜实验后他才回家。not until的强调句必须写成it was/is not until +陈述语序。所以选C。

【点评】考查强调句,本题涉及not until的强调句型。

22.It was years later, with years of training behind her, ________ Yang Yang won the first gold medal in the 2002 winter Olympics.

A. as

B. which

C. when

D. that

【解析】【分析】考查强调句型。句意:几年后经过多年的训练,杨洋赢得了2002年冬季奥运会的第一枚金牌。with years of training behind her为独立主格结构,把it was 去掉后,该句为一个完整的句子,所以可以判断该句为强调句,强调句的结构为it is/was……that/who……,故答案选D。


23.It was the hard work and determination of the generation had changed the opinion of people towards Chinese.

A. why

B. that

C. when

D. which

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:正是这一代人的努力和决心改变了人们对中国人的观点。本题考查的是强调句型,强调的是句子的主语the hard work and determination of the generation;强调句型的基本结构为It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其它成分;其最大的特点就是去掉it is/was…that/who…句子仍然成立。但要注意强调句型能强调除谓语动词以外的所有的句子成分。分析句子可知,本句中去掉强调句型的结构后句子完整。故第二个空是that,故选C。

【点评】考查强调句型,掌握其结构It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其它成分。

24.It was in 1969 ______ two Americans went to the moon by spaceship.

A. when

B. that

C. at that time

D. just then

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】】句意:是在1969年两个美国人乘宇宙飞船到了月球。这是强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that+句子的其他部分。故答案为B。


25.It was when we were returning home _____ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.

A. that

B. which

C. how

D. where

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:就在我回家的时候,我才意识到帮助处于困境中的人是一种多么美好的感觉。强调句型的基本结构是:It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其他成分;本句强调的是时间状语从句when we were returning home,所以选A。

【点评】考查强调句型,掌握其结构It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其他成分。

26.It was in that house he used to live the secret meeting was held.

A. where, where

B. that, that

C. what, where

D. where, that 【答案】D

【解析】【分析】句意:秘密会议是在他曾经住过的那所房子里举行的。分析句子结构可知,第一空为定语从句,先行词为house,从句中不缺主宾表,缺少地点状语,所以用where,去掉it is和第二空,结构依然完整,所以第二空为强调句型,强调会议举行的地点,其基本结构为“it is+被强调部分+that+其余部分”,所以用that,故选D。

【点评】考查定语从句和强调句型,本题涉及where引导的限制性定语从句,掌握强调句型的结构“it is+被强调部分+that+其余部分”。

27.— It was hard work that won Frank the best scores on each test, ?

— Yes. When it comes to study, hard work counts.

A. was it

B. wasn't it

C. did it

D. didn't it

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:—正是努力地学习,使得Frank每次考试都得最高分,不是吗? —是的。说到学习,努力学习很重要。反意疑问句由“陈述句+简略疑问句”两部分组成,疑问部分与陈述部分的动词时态和动词性质应保持一致,而且肯定和否定形式彼此相反。题目含有一个强调句型的反意疑问句,主句是was引导的肯定句,疑问部分则是wasn't,故答案选B。


28.— Do you know _________ made him successful in his career?

— Yes. His hard work and strong will, of course.

A. what it was that

B. what was it that

C. it was what that

D. was it what that 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道是什么使他在事业中成功吗?——知道,当然是他的他的努力和决心。据所给选项分析可知本题考查强调句型it is…that,该句型的特点是去掉it is…that句子的主体部分仍然完整。本题中know后面接的是宾语从句,而宾语从句最重要的一点就是必须是陈述句语序(即满足最基本的主谓结构)。而B、D选项分别是特殊疑问句和一般疑问句,故直接排除;C选项没有将宾语从句的引导词what提前,故排除,故选A。


29.It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village _____ the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.

A. where

B. that

C. when

D. which

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:正是女主人用她在村庄里购买的一些必需品才烹调出这么美味的晚宴。被强调部分是from only a few supplies,句中的” that she had bought in the village”是定语从句,句子主干为the hostess cooked such a nice dinner。故选B.

【点评】考查强调句型,掌握其结构“It is/was+被强调部分+that+其余部分”。

30.—Where did you come across our Chinese teacher?

—It was in the supermarket ___________ I purchased mooncakes.

A. that

B. where

C. which

D. when


【解析】【分析】考查定语从句。句意:——你在哪里遇到我们的语文老师的?——这是在我购置月饼的超市。the supermarket是先行词,在后面的定语从句中做地点状语。可知答案为B。其实此句是一个强调句型,that部分省略。故选B。



一般疑问句的肯定回答 与否定回答 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

一般疑问句的肯定回答与否定回答 1. 主语一致 IsheTomYes,,heisn’t. Aretheygood friendsYes,,theyaren’t. 注意①:问句用you,回答改用I或We AreyouJackYes,,I’m not. AreyouChineseYes,,wearen’t. 注意②:问句用this/that或these/those,回答改用it或they Isthisyour bookYes,,itisn’t. Arethoseyour books Yes,,theyaren’t. 练一练 Are you Gina Are those his erasers Are you 12 years old Is she a good teacher Are these his books 含be动词的句子变疑问和否定句变法 Be动词包含:am is are 否定句: eg:It is a goat. It is not a goat. You are a teacher. You are not a teacher. 总结:含be动词的句子改否定句就是在be动词后面加not 疑问句: 1一般情况把be动词提前,其余成分照抄 2句子中出现I am 或We are 是将它们改成Are you其余成分照抄 3句子中出现My 或our时,先将句子改成一般疑问句再将my或our变成your

一、将下列句子改为一般疑问句 1、This is my handbag. 2、That is his pencil. 3、It is his house . 4、This is your car. 5、That is her pen. 二、看下列句子做肯定回答和否定回答 1、Is this his book 2、Is that your watch 3、Is it a skirt 4、Is he a teacher 5、Are you happy 三、将下列句子改为否定句 1、This is my shirt. 2、That is your car. 3、He is a doctor. 4、It is her dog. 5、We are Chinese.


英语一般疑问句: 一般疑问句是疑问句的一种。它是指用yes或no来回答的句子。其结构是: 系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分? 如: Is this your pen? Yes it is./No it isn't. 注意: 1.将陈述句变为一般疑问句时,如句中有be 动词(am is are …)时,可直接将它们提至主语前。如主语为第一人称,应将其改为第二人称。如: I'm in Class 2Grade 1.→ Are you in Class 2Grade 1? We're watching TV.→ Are you watching TV? 2.陈述句中有情态动词(can may must …)时,也可直接将它们提至主语前,即可成为一般疑问句。如: He can swim now.→ Can he swim now? The children may come with us.→ May the children come with us? 3.陈述句中只有一个实义动词作谓语且其时态为一般现在时,变为一般疑问句时要在句首加do或does 主语后的实义动词用原形。如: I like these animals.→ Do you like these animals? She wants to go to the movies.→ Does she want to go to the movies?4.一般疑问句一般读升调(↑) 5.一般疑问句有时不用yes或no 回答。 一、一般疑问句 一般疑问句也可称为“yes /no questions”,因这种问句通常用yes /no 来回答,相当于汉语中的“……吗?”其语序是:系动词be /助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分?如: Are you from Japan? Yes I am./No I'm not. Is her sister doing her homework now? Yes she is./No she isn't. Does he work in a bank? Yes he does./No he doesn't. Do you live near your school? Yes I do./No I don't. Can you speak French? Yes I can./No I can't. May I go home now? Yes you may./No you mustn't.


英语中的强调句型 王珂 1. It is +被强调部分+ that ... 该句型是强调句型。将被强调的部分放在前面,其它部分置于that之后。 被强调部分可以是主语,宾语,表语或状语。强调的主语如果是人,that可以由who换用。如果把这种句型结构划掉后,应该是一个完整无缺的句子。这也是判断强调句型与其它从句的方法。 It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. It was they that (who ) clea ned the classroom yesterday. It was in the street that I met her father. 2. It is n ot un til + 被强调部分+ that ... 该句型也是强调句型。主要用于强凋时间状语,译成汉语"直 到...才.可以说是not ... until ...的强调形式。 It was not un til she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star. =Not un til she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star. =I didn ' t realize she was a famous film star until she took off hrergteses. 3. It is clear ( obvious, true, possible, certa in....) that ..... 该句型中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that弓I导的主语从句,常译为"清 楚(显然,真的,肯定...)"是主语从句最常见的一种结构。 It is very clear that he 's round and tall like a tree. =That he ' s round and tall like a tree is very clear. 4. It is importa nt ( n ecessary, right, stra nge, n atural...) that ...


小五英语个性化辅导 第二讲一般疑问句 【知识点:一般疑问句概述】 用Yes或No作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。其基本结构为:be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语/表语+(其他) 。一般疑问句还有下列特点: 1、以be动词、助动词或情态动词开头; Eg::Is your father a teacher Does Catherine like animals Can Jenny speak French 2、往往读升调; 3、译成汉语,都可以带上“吗”,例如上面三句可分别译为:你父亲是老师吗凯瑟琳喜欢动 物吗詹妮会说法语吗 【重点】 一、将陈述句变成一般疑问句 要将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以遵循下列步骤: 1.看句中有没有be动词(am、is、are、was、were)、助动词(do、does、did、 have、had)或情态动词(can、must、will、may等),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号可。 eg:It was rainy yesterday. →Was it rainy yesterday Tom's father can play the piano. →Can Tom's f ather play the piano I have finished my homework. →Have you finished your homework 2.如果句中没有be动词、助动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词的形式借助do的相应形式放在句首。具体方法是:如果谓语动词是原形,则借do;如果谓语动词是一般现在时第

三人称单数形式,则借does;如果谓语动词是过去式,则借did. 需要注意的是,借does 或did后,原句的谓语动词要变回原形。 例:They go to school by bike. →Do they go to school by bike Bill gets up at 6:30 every day. →Does bill gets up at 6:30 every day The students saw a film yesterday. →Did the students see a film yesterday 二、一般疑问句的回答 一般疑问句往往采用简短回答,共由三部分(三个单词)组成,对这三部分(三个单词)的确定可以概括例下: 1.第一个词:不是Yes就是No。(有时根据语气的不同,Yes可由Sure, Certainly, Of course,no 可用never,not at all等代替) eg: (1)—Can you help me你能帮个忙吗 —Certainly.当然。 (2)—Have you been there 你到过那里吗 —Never.从来没有。 2.第二个词:问谁答谁。即答语中的主语须与问句的主语一致(但必须用主格代词)。eg:Does she clean her room every day Yes, she does. Is Anna′s father a doctor No,he isn′t. 如果主语是this that,回答时用it 代替,如果问句中主语these, those,回答时用they 代替。 3.第三个词:用什么问,用什么答。即沿用问句中的引导词。 Can Jim play soccer Yes, he can. Does Mr Bean speak English Yes, he does. 需要注意问题:用may 引导的问句,肯定回答用may,否定回答用c an′t 或mustn′t,用must 引导的问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn′t. eg:May I go to the park now Yes, you may. /No, you mustn′t. Must I wash my clothes now Yes, you must. /No, you needn′t.


精品文档 小学英语一般疑问句练习题及答案 一、将下列句子改成一般疑问句:并做肯定回答和否定 回答 is a lovely Yes,___________ No,____________ is lovely Yes,___________ No,____________ is my Yes,___________ No,____________ are Lily’s cousins. ___________________________________ Yes,___________ No,____________ are classmates. ______________________________________ Yes,___________ No,____________ 6.I am a doctor. ________________________________________ Yes,___________ No,____________ is a bird in the tree. 2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作–独家原创 1/14

精品文档 ________________________________ Yes,___________ No,____________ are many stars in the sky. ___________________________ _ Yes,___________ No,____________ are good friends. ____________________________________ Yes,___________ No,____________ 10.I love my parents. _______________________________________ Yes,___________ No,____________ 11.I play computer games every night. _________________________ Yes,___________ No,____________ 12.There are many books on the shelf. __________________________ Yes,___________ No,____________ 13.There was an ostric h in the zoo. _______________________________ Yes,___________ No,____________ 14.We have a pleasant home. __________________________________


将下列句子改成一般疑问句:并做肯定回答和否定回答 令狐采学 1. It is a lovely dog. 2.She is lovely girl. 3. He is my father. 4. They are Lily’s cousins. 5. We are classmates. 6. I am a doctor. 7. There is a bird in the tree. 8. There are many stars in the sky. 9. They are good friends. 10. I love my parents. 11. I play computer games every night. 12. There are many books on the shelf. 13. There was an ostrich in the zoo. 14. We have a pleasant home. 15. We like to climb the mountain. 16. They go to church on Sunday. 17. They walk to school every morning. 18. It is a beautiful park. 19. It is a big map.

20. You were a singer. 有be(is , am, are)的就be+not 没有Be的就在主语的前面+do not或does not 把肯定句改为疑问句就是有be的就把be提到前面来, 没有be的就在句首加do或 does Eg: I am a teacher. ----I am not a teacher. She likes singing.------She does not like singing. You are ten.-----Are you ten? They get up at seven o’clock.---- Do they get up at seven o’clock? 以be 开头的一般问句用yes , I am / No I’m not ….根据主语回答 Eg: Is He a doctor? Yes ,he is./No he isn’t. Are they /you/ we late? Yes ,they/ you/we are No,they /you/we are not.英语陈述句变一般疑问句练习题 1. His father is an English teacher. 2. These cats are crying. 3. They can swim. 4. I like to read English. 5. I go to school on foot. 6. He likes English. 7. His father goes to work by bus.


(英语)英语强调句专项含解析 一、初中英语强调句 1.________ you picked up the watch? A. Where it was that B. Where was it that C. Where was it there D. It was where that 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:你是在哪里捡到这块表的?把句子改为陈述句It was where that you picked up the watch.可知选B。 【点评】考查强调句型,掌握其结构。 2.It's a long time ago ______ I saw you last time. A. when B. since C. for D. that 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】句意:我上次见你是很久以前了。考查强调结构It is……that……,本句中it没有实际含义,做形式主语指代下文that从句内容,故选D。 【点评】固定句式的考查也是英语考查的一个重点,熟记这些句式可以减少答题中的分析判断时间,所以平时加强句式记忆也是学好英语的关键环节。 3.— It was ___________ who helped us out of danger. — What brave and helpful children! We should learn from them. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】根据题干,这是一个强调句,强调主语!英语中为了表达的正式,这时应用主格的代词。本句的意思是“就是他帮我们脱离的危险。”所以本题选A。 【点评】对于强调句中强调主语时应注意,如果不加分析可能会选择them。这在平时的学习中一定要注意分析。 4.It's his brother ________ never been to Australia. You'd better take him with you. A. that is B. who is C. that have D. who has 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:是他的弟弟从没去过澳大利亚,你最好带他跟你去。have been to 去过……。强调句型是:It is+被强调部分+that(指人时用who)+句子的其他成分。此处强调句子的主语his brother,故谓语用has。因此选D。 【点评】考查强调句型。


英语一般疑问句和回答 Prepared on 22 November 2020

一般疑问句和回答 一、内涵:由be动词,助动词do/does,情态动词can等引导的问句,并可由Yes或No 进行回答的问句。 二、结构: Be(Am/Is/Are) Yes,主语人称代词__ Do/Does +主语+其他+-- Can No,主语人称代词__ 三、题型 (一)、把陈述句改为一般疑问句: is a pen. Is this a pen are my parents. Are they your parents is a good student. Is he a good student is clever. Is she clever can play football. Can you play football can sing English songs. Can Lily sing English songs Sum up:陈述句中有be动词的,改为一般疑问句的解题步骤: 一提(把be动词提到句首并大写其首字母) 二变(I变you,my变your,we变you) 三照抄加问号(剩余部分直接照抄下来) have a pen pal. Do you have a pen pal has a soccer ball. Does he havea soccer ball likes reading storybooks. Does she like reading storybooks wants to be a singer. Does Mike want to be a singer


小学英语一般疑问句及特殊疑问句专项练习 一、一般疑问句 1、定义: 用Yes或No作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。 2、特点:①以be动词、助动词或情态动词开头;例:Is your father a teacher? Does Tom like apples? Can Jenny speak English? ②往往读升调 3、陈述句变成一般疑问句的方法: 1> 看陈述句中有没有be动词(am、is、are、was、were)或情态动词(can),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号即可。 例:It was rainy yesterday. →Was it rainy yesterday? Tom's father can play the piano. →Can Tom's father play the piano? 2>如果句中没有be动词或情态动词,句首加do的相应形式(do、does、did),且原句的谓语动词要变回原形。 1.They go to school by bike. →Do they go to school by bike? 2.Bill gets up at 6:30 every day. →Does bill gets up at 6:30 every day? 3.The students saw a film yesterday. →Did the students see a film yesterday? 注: 1.如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时要变为第二人称。 I usually have lunch at school. →Do you usually have lunch at school? 2.如果陈述句中有some, 则变问句时往往要变成any 。 There is some water on the playground. →Is there any water on the playground 4、一般疑问句的回答。


(英语)初中英语强调句试题(有答案和解析) 一、初中英语强调句 1.It was in 1969 ______ two Americans went to the moon by spaceship. A. when B. that C. at that time D. just then 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】】句意:是在1969年两个美国人乘宇宙飞船到了月球。这是强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that+句子的其他部分。故答案为B。 【点评】考查强调句型。 2.I never doubt . A. whether this song is worth listening to B. if this song is worth listening C. that this song is worth listening D. that this song is worth listening to 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:我从来没有怀疑这首歌值得去听。根据句子结构分析,本句是宾语从句,根据主句I never doubt,可知从句是陈述句,故排除A 和B,又因为listen to为固定搭配,故选D。 【点评】考查宾语从句。注意识记宾语从句的用法。 3.I found _______ convenient to shop on line at home. A. it's B. that C. it D. that was 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:我发现在家网购和方便。固定句式:主+find+it+adj+to do,主语发现做某事是……的,故选C。 【点评】考查it做形式宾语,熟练掌握固定句式:主+find+it+adj+to do。 4.I just wonder that makes him so excited. A. why it does B. what he does C. how it is D. what it is 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】本题题干相当于I just wonder what makes him so excited.的意义, 所以该题实际上为强调句型的特殊疑问句式, what为宾语从句的连接词且在从句中作主语。 5.It was with his iron-fist approach crimes in the southern state _______the 70-year-old man built a political name. A. to fighting, where B. of fighting, that C. of fighting, where D. to fighting, that 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词和强调句式。approach to doing sth.做某事的方法。句意:这位70岁的老人在南方打击犯罪的铁拳方法使其确立了自己的政治名声。此句是强调句式,所以第二空填that,故选D。 【点评】强调句型。1.在英语中,我们常用It is/was… who/that结构来突出强调句子的某一


小学英语讲义一般疑问句 一般疑问句 一般疑问句:它是指用yes或no来回答的句子。其结构是: 系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分? 一、含有be动词的陈述句转化为一般疑问句 1、be 动词提前,主语第一人称改为第二人称,句号改问号,读升调。 2、my变成your our变成your I am / We are 变Are you 3、注意人名不论放在什么位置都要大写 如Tom is a student. Is Tom a student? 4、一般疑问句翻译成汉语都有"吗"? 例如1)This is my English teacher. Is this your English teacher? 这是你的英语老师吗? 肯定回答Yes,it is. 否定回答No,it isn’t. (注意:主语为单数的指示代词如this,that,应该用it替代。 主语为复数的指示代词如these,those,应该用they替代。)2)It is our school. Is it your school? 它是你的学校吗? 肯定回答Yes,it is. 否定回答No,it isn’t. 3)We are students. Are you students? 你们是学生吗? 肯定回答Yes,we are. 否定回答No,we aren’t. 4) I am a student. Are you a student?你是学生吗? 肯定回答Yes,I am. 否定回答No,I am not. (注意:一般疑问句有时也不用yes和no回答。) 相应练习 一、将下列陈述句变为一般疑问句。 1、she is a doctor.(用肯定回答) ________________________________________________________________________ 2、I am a boy. ________________________________________________________________________ 3、we are students.(用否定回答) ________________________________________________________________________ 4、He is my father. ________________________________________________________________________ 二、含有情态动词(can,may,should……)的陈述句转化为一般疑问句。 1、be 动词提前,主语第一人称改为第二人称,句号改问号,读升调。 2、my变成your our变成your I can变成Can you 3、其它的与be动词相同。


一般疑问句 用Yes be动词(am /is 主语+其他成分 主语+提问的词. 否定:No,+主语+提问的词+not. Are you from Japan﹖Yes ,I am. / No, I'm not. Is her sister doing her homework now﹖Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. Does he work in a bank﹖Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.Can you speak French﹖Yes, I can. / No, I can't. 一: 般疑问句还有下列特点: 1、以be动词、助动词或情态动词开头;例:Is your father a teacher Does Catherine like animals Can Jenny speak French 二: 如何将陈述句变成一般疑问句 1.如句中有be 动词(am、is、 are、 was、 were can、may、must …)或助动词(do、does、did、 have、 had(完成时中))时,可直接将它们提到句首,句末打上问号即可。主语为第一人称,应将其改为第二人称。 例: It was rainy yesterday. →Was it rainy yesterday Tom's father can play the piano. →Can Tom's father play the piano I have finished my homework. →Have you finished your homework 2.如果句中没有be动词、助动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词的形式借助do的相应形式放在句首。具体方法是:如果谓语动词是原形,则借do;如果谓语动词是一般现在时第三人称单数形式,则借does;如果谓语动词是过去式,则借did. 需要注意的是,借does 或did后,原句的谓语动词要变回原形。 例:They go to school by bike. →Do they go to school by bike Bill gets up at 6:30 every day. →Does bill get up at 6:30 every day The students saw a film yesterday. →Did the students see a film yesterday


英语中英语强调句的几种强调方式 我们在说话或写文章时,为了要突出句子中的某一部分,我们通常会使用某种方法或手段使它突出,以便能引起他人的注意,这就是强调,与此相关的句子就是强调句。英语表示强调的方法很多,比如在口语中可以用重读来强调,在书面语中则可通过使用表示强调意义的词语来强调,也可以通过将被强调成分置于句首这样的“显要”位置来强调,还可以使用专门的强调句式来强调。 一、用助动词do来强调 当句子中没有其他的助动词时,我们可以在动词前使用助动词do 表示对该动词的强调。如: Do be careful with that vase! 务必小心那个花瓶!

I do hope you'll stay for lunch. 我真的希望你留下吃午饭。 用于表示强调的do可以有时态的变化,但其后的动词要用原形。如: He does look tired. 他确实显得很疲倦。 He did come but soon went back. 他的确来过,但很快就回去了。 She did write to say thank you. 她的确写信向你道谢了。 注意,这样用的do只用于现在时或过去式(即只有do, does, did 这样的形式),不能用于进行时、完成时等形式(如不用于is doing, has done等)。

二、用某些形容词来强调 英语中用于强调的形容词比较多,比如那些表示“极端”和“完全”概念的形容词通常就可以用于表示强调,这类形容词主要的有: mere 仅仅的very 极端的 outright 完全的thorough 十足的 plain 完全的complete 彻底的 pure 完全的perfect 全然的 Jim looked a perfect fool. 吉姆看起来像一个十足的傻瓜。


一、一般疑问句1.Yes或No作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。 2、特点:1、以be动词、情态动词(can,could,should),助动词(do,does)开头;例:Is your father a teacher? Does Tom like apples? Can Jenny speak English? 2、往往读升调. 3、陈述句变成一般疑问句的方法: 1> 看陈述句中有没有be动词(am、is、are、)或情态动词(can,could,should),只需要将其提到句首,句末打上问号即可。 例:It is rainy. →Is it rainy? Tom's father can play the piano. →Can Tom's father play the piano? 2>如果句中没有be动词或情态动词,句首加do、does、的相应形式。 实义动词是原型时,用Do提问,实义动词不变。实义动词是单三形式时,用Does 提问,再把实义动词变为原形,句末加问号。 1.They go to school by bike. →Do they go to school by bike? 2.Bill gets up at 6:30 every day. →Does bill gets up at 6:30 every day?注:1.如果陈述句中有第一人称(I,We)要变为第二人称(you) I usually have lunch at school. →Do you usually have lunch at school? 2.如果陈述句中有some, 则变问句时往往要变成any 。 There is some water on the playground. →Is there any water on the playground 4、一般疑问句的回答。(用什么提问就用什么回答)


初中英语一般疑问句及练习 1:定义:疑问句的一种,并以“Yes,…”,或“No,…”回答的句子。其结构是系动词 /be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分 回答:肯定:Yes+主语+提问的助动词 否定:No+主语+提问的助动词+not 2:陈述句变一般疑问句的技巧:陈述句和一般疑问句的一大区别就是句子中系动词和助动词位置的区别,所以要首先了解英语中动词分为三类动词: A:情态助动词(can,could,may,would,must等) Eg: I can do my homework on my own. Can you do your homework on your own? He should say thanks to the helper. Should he say thanks to the helper? She may pass the final exam this time. May she pass the final exam this time? I would miss you when you are away. Would you miss me when I am away? B:系动词(be,smell, taste,look,sound,seem等) Are your father a policeman? The cake tastes good Does the cake tastes good? Does the river over there look clear? C: 行为动词即实意动词(动词本身就是来描述行为的) Eg: I like to play basketball. Do you like to play basketball? 3:陈述句变一般疑问句的方法 A: 含be动词或情态动词的句子: 秘诀:一调二改三问号 一调:即把句中的be动词或者情态动词调到句子主语前 二改:改换主语称谓,即将句中的主语I/My/mine/we/our/ours等第一人称分别改 为相应的第二人称you/yous/your等 三问号:在句子末尾加问号 Are you an English teacher? We can speak English fluently Can you speak English fluently? Is she beautiful and nice? Those books are ours Are theses books yours? 此类问答:肯定:Yes,主语+be动词或者情态动词 否定:No,主语+be动词或者情态动词+not 注意:be动词或者情态动词与not连用有缩写形式,主要有isn’t, aren’t, wasn’t, weren’t,can;t,mustn’t,needn’t等 Eg: Is this your English book? 肯定:Yes, it is 否定:No, it is not/it isn’t Are these your English book?


一般疑问句及回答练习 题 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

将下列句子改成一般疑问句:并做肯定回答和否定回答 1. It is a lovely dog.________________________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 2. She is lovely Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 3. He is my Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 4. They are Lily’s cousins. ___________________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 5. We are classmates. ______________________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 6. I am a doctor. ________________________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 7. There is a bird in the tree. ________________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 8. There are many stars in the sky. ____________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 9. They are good friends. ____________________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 10. I love my parents. _______________________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 11. I play computer games every night. _________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 12. There are many books on the shelf. __________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 13. There was an ostrich in the zoo. _______________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 14. We have a pleasant home. __________________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 15. We like to climb the mountain. ______________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 16. They go to church on Sunday. ______________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 17. They walk to school every morning. __________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 18. It is a beautiful park. ______________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 19. It is a big map. ______________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________ 20. You were a singer. ______________________________ Yes, ___________ No, ____________
