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• ensure (vt) ~ sb sth/that : to make sure that sth happens or is definite 保证,担保,确保
• insure(vt) a、~(yourself/sth)(against/for sth):to buy insurance so
Group 5:
刘雯帅、张慕媛 汤丽琴、辛小芳
• assure (vt) a、~sb (of sth)/that : to tell sb that sth is definitely true or is
definitely going to happen,especially when they have doubts about it 使确信,向......保证 eg.I can assure you that if you follow my advice your blood pressure will drop back to normal.
part of your body so as to face or start moving in a different direction. 转身,扭转(身体部位)
eg.She turned/twisted her ankle in the basketball game.她在篮球赛中扭了脚踝。
eg.I know you must have taken every necessary step to ensure that the experiment will not fail. But I want to be reassured.
reassuring(adj) :making you feel less worried or uncertain about sth eg.I was still a bit uncertain about the outcome when my dad came in and patted me on the shoulder reassuringly.
2、twist; distort; turn; wring
• twist (vt) a、to bend or to turn sth into a particular shape 使弯曲,使
扭曲(成一定形状) eg.The iron bridge was only a heap of twisted metal after the earthquake.
• Wring(vt) a、~sth (out) :to twist and squeeze clothes,etc. in
order to get the water out of them 拧,绞,拧出, 绞出(衣服等中的水) b、to hold your hands together,and twist and squeeze them in a way that shows you are anxious or upset, especially when you cannot change the situation(尤指出于焦急或烦恼)扭绞 双手
that you will receive money if your property,car,etc.gets damaged or stolen,or if you get ill/sick or die 投保,给...... 保险 b、to sell insurance to sb for sth 接受投保,承保
eg.The house is insured against fire,and the security of the people living in it is ensured by the local police.
• reassure (vt) ~sb(about sth): to say or do sth that makes sb less frightened or worried 使......安心,打消.....的疑虑
eg.I never said that in my article.They distorted/twisted everything I wrote.
• turn a、(vt)to move or to make sth move around a
central point (使)转动,旋转 b、(usually+adv./prep.)to move your body or
b、~yourself (of sth):to make yourself certain about sth 弄清,查明
c、to make sth certain to happen 确保,使确定
eg.You can rest assured that you will find these books worth reading.你尽管放心,你会发现这些书值得一读。
b、to turn part of your body around while the rest stay still 扭动,转到(身体部位) eg.Two police officers stood on either side of him.They twisted his arms and marched him to the station.
• distort (vt) a、to change the shape,appearance or sound of
sth so that it is strange or not clear 使变形,扭曲, 使失真 b、to twist or change facts,ideas,etc. so that they are no lonቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱer correct or true 歪曲,曲解