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84 82 80 Percent 78 76 74 72 70
D e or lta th w es t U ni te d U S A ir TW nt A in en t ut al hw es t n m er ic a
SW = 25 minute turnaround Others = 55 minutes
– Yielded an average 35% annual return to investors – The nation’s fourth-largest domestic carrier
• “Less-for-much-less” positioning
– Average flight time = 1 hour & one-way fare = $84 – only major short haul, low-fare, high-frequency, point-to-point carrier – Low prices by not serving meals (just peanuts), not assigning seats (first come, first served), and not using travel agents.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Employee Satisfaction
外部服务 价值
External Service Value
Customer Satisfaction

Customer Loyalty
Employee Productivity
workplace design job design employee selection and development employee rewards and recognition
Rankings of Eight Largest US Airlines for Revenue, Profit, 9 On-Time Arrival, and Customer Service Complaints (1995)
Revenue (in billions)
16 14 12 D ollars 10 8 6 4 2 0
The Performance Trinity 绩效三位一体
Leadership and management
Values and culture
Vision and Strategy
“We expect that good-to-great leaders would begin by setting a new vision and strategy. We found instead that they first got the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats – and then they figured out where to drive it.” (Jim Collins)
• Customer value and employee satisfaction
– Dependable, frequent, and friendly service at a low price – Its e-mail-based click ‘n save program has 2.7 million subscribers for receiving special fare offers – It’s easier to get into Harvard than to be hired by SWA (4% acceptance rate) – Awards for best on-time service, best baggage handling, and best customer service – Cheerful employees go out of their way to amuse, surprise, or entertain passengers (e.g., introducing themselves to one another, then hug, then kiss, then propose marriage) – ProfitSharing and Stock Purchase Plan for SWA Employees – “Southwest Airlines gives security to its employees, and security breeds loyalty”
Satisfied, Loyal and Productive Employees
Customer Satisfaction
向顾客提供的 服务价值
Value of Services Provided to Customers
Drivers of Service-Profit Chain
Retention service concept: results for customers Repeat business referral
service designed and delivered to meet targeted
Case 1: Southwest Airlines 西南航空
• Customer loyalty and commitment are the primary drivers of growth and profitability. • Customer loyalty and commitment emanate from customer satisfaction compared to competition. • Customer satisfaction results from the realization of high levels of value compared to competition. • Value is created by satisfied, committed, loyal, and productive employees. • Employee satisfaction results from several factors:
ServiceService-Profit Chain
Professor Jianmin Jia
Customer & Employee Focus
以顾客和员工为中心 顾客和员工为
如何把一个企业做强? 如何把一个企业做强?
员工和顾客应该成为管理层考虑问题的核心所在。 员工和顾客应该成为管理层考虑问题的核心所在。 In the new economics of service, frontline workers and customers need to be the center of management concern. 既强调市场也强调运营的组织几乎是战无不胜的。 既强调市场也强调运营的组织几乎是战无不胜的。 Organizations that achieve both market and operating focus are nearly unbeatable. Powerful service firms employ a quantifiable set of relationships that directly links profit and growth to not only customer satisfaction and loyalty, but to employee satisfaction, loyalty, productivity.
1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
Customer Complaints Per 100,000 Passengers
D e or lta th w es t U ni te d U S A ir TW nt A in en ta l ut hw es t
m er ic a
T o n WA t in en S ta ou l th w es t
– Now expanded to serve 58 cities
“Fun loving, casual airline”
• Started by concentrating on serving intrastate, no-frills commuters in Texas. • Experienced 30 straight years of profits
– – – – – – the “fairness” of management, the quality of one’s peers in the workplace, the opportunity for personal growth on the job, capability, the latitude within limits to deliver results to customers, levels of customer satisfaction achieved in customer-facing job, and monetary compensation.
te d ni U
Service-Profit Chain 服务利润链
Profit and Growth
高质量支持 服务和政策
High-Quality Support Services and Policies
Customer Loyalty
Customers顾客 Employees员工
满意、 满意、忠诚及 生产率高的员工
P ro fit a s a % o f R e ve nue
5 4 Percent 3 2 1 0 -1
D N elta or th w es t U ni te d U S A ir TW C on A tin en ta S ou l th w es t
A m er ic an
On-Time Arrivals
Intangible Assets 无形资产
In recent years, physical assets accounting for most of the book value of corporations have fallen to around one-third of market value. 大多数公司的有形资产占它们市场价值的1/3. 大多数公司的有形资产占它们市场价值的1 有形资产占它们市场价值的 These intangibles comprise such factors as brands, information, technology, customer relationships, the quality of employees, and quality of an organization’s leadership and administration. 无形资产包括品牌、信息、技术、客户关系、员工质量 无形资产包括品牌、信息、技术、客户关系、 包括品牌 组织领导和管理的质量. 、组织领导和管理的质量
Links in the Service Profit Chain
Operating Strategy and Service Delivery System
Employee Retention
Revenue Growth
Internal Service Quality