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鉴于茬口及种植方式本身的特点, 与传统手栽及 抛秧稻相比, 上述 2 种种植方式下水稻播种期均有 所推迟, 相应地, 其生育期也有较大程度的变化[1], 在生育期改变的情况下, 水稻产量及品质如何变 化, 水稻在什么样的生育期条件下可获得高产和 优质?值得深入研究, 但迄今为止, 有关作物生育 期与产量及品质关系的报道不多[2-6], 其在水稻上 的研究更少。
在水稻品种的诸多特性中, 生育期因其直接决 定着光合生产及物质积累时间的长短, 并间接地决 定了灌浆期环境因素和籽粒的灌浆进程, 因而, 对 产量与品质无疑具有至关重要的作用。
我国在建国后数十年间, 由于大部分水稻种 植区域种植制度与水稻种植Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu式相对固定, 因而 虽然其产量增长迅速, 但生育期一直较为稳定。然 而, 近年来, 水稻机插及直播的种植方式发展迅速,
作物学报 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2012, 38(3): 528-534 ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2012.00528
http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/ E-mail: xbzw@chinajournal.net.cn
Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province / Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
Abstract: It is important to clear the relationships of growth duration with rice yield and quality in determining the breeding objectives and cultivation strategies. In this paper, plants of japonica rice varieties Ning 111 and Chunjiang 302 with different growth durations resulted from short-day treatment were used to investigate the changes of yield and rice quality. The results showed that, the growth duration of more than 152 d had little effect on yield, but when less than 152 d, there was a significant positive correlation between growth duration and yield or dry matter accumulation; the smallest length and width of rice, as well as the lowest protein content and setback of amylum were observed in the treatments G2 or G3, which had moderate growth duration of 131-132 d, the growth duration more than or less than 131-132 d would both increase the values of these rice quality indices; amylose content also showed a similar trend, and the minimum value in two species all appeared in treatment G3 (132 d or 137 d), while for breakdown of amylum, the trend was just opposite. The percentage of chalky grains, chalkiness and gelatinization temperature in two varieties rose with shortening growth duration; the effects of growth duration on milling quality were generally lower. Keywords: Rice; Growth duration; Yield; Quality
Effects of Growth Duration on Grain Yield and Quality in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
LANG You-Zhong, DOU Yong-Xiu, WANG Mei-E, ZHANG Zu-Jian, and ZHU Qing-Sen
郎有忠 窦永秀 王美娥 张祖建 朱庆森
扬州大学 / 江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室, 江苏扬州 225009
摘 要: 明确水稻生育期与产量、品质的关系, 对水稻高产优质育种和合理栽培措施的制定具有重要的意义。本文 以晚粳宁 111 和春江 302 经遮光(短日照)处理后获得的不同生育期水稻植株为材料, 分析其产量和米质指标。结果表 明, 生育期 152 d 以上时, 对产量无显著影响, 而生育期短于 152 d 时, 产量与生育期间呈极显著正相关; 成熟期群体 干物质积累量随生育期变化的趋势与产量表现基本一致。不同稻米的长度、宽度、蛋白质含量以及淀粉消减值, 均 以中等偏短生育期(131~132 d)最小, 大于或小于 131~132 d, 均会使上述指标值增加; 两品种直链淀粉含量亦有相似 的趋势, 只是其最低值分别对应 132 d 和 137 d 的生育期; 各处理稻米淀粉的崩解值变化与消减值趋势相反。对垩白 粒率、垩白度及糊化温度, 各处理均呈随生育期延长而降低的趋势; 生育期变化对碾米品质影响总体上较小。 关键词: 水稻; 生育期; 产量; 品质