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作文第一段:介绍现象(3句,主题句(时间+事件+地点) + 支撑句(数据or 举例 or 两者结合) + 自然收尾(第三句若没有把握,也可酌情省略)

时间:当前,最近 Recently,Presently,Currently,Nowadays

过去,Over/In the past decades , In the past (此时的事件里可用 used to do)

事件:好事:受到青睐。XXX has gained more and more popularity

坏事:引起关注。XXX has aroused more and more people's concern

the phenomenon that ... has aroused more and more people's concern

中性:成为普遍现象 XXX has become a very common phenomenon

地点、人物:在国内大学里at domestic universities and colleges

在人们的日常生活里in people‘s daily life

在我们的社会里in our society

在青年人中 among young people 在家长中间 among parents

尤其是白领和大学生especially white collars and college students

数据支撑:根据最新的一个调查 According to a latest survey

根据一个最新的在1000名大学生中所做的调查 According to a latest survey of 1000 college students

相关数据显示:Related statistics show that ...

举例支撑:XXX 涵盖了很多方面,从……到……

It covers a lot of aspects ranging from ... to ...

其他备用表达:各种各样的,a variety of,a diversity of 一系列,a series of 丰富大量的,an abundance of 包含很多方面,aspects 领域 fields 给人们提供了很多方便和

娱乐 provide a lot of convenience and entertainment for us. …在人们的生活中占据重要的地位 play a profoundly important role in people's life



(时间)Recently,(事件)XXX(university rankings) have gained more and more popularity (地点)in our society,especially among parents and high school students.

(举例法)These rankings cover a variety of aspects ranging from teaching facilities to the job prospects of graduates.

(数据法)According to a latest survey in 1000 parents, around 80% of them say they would take related rankings into consideration before they decide which school their children should enter.



More and more parents are allowing their pre-teen children to join social media platforms despite age restriction and danger of being exposed to objectionable content. According to a poll of 1,000 adults conducted by Liberty Mutual's Responsibility Project, around 17 percent of parents claimed that they had no problem with their pre-teen child using social media platforms, compared to 8 percent of the parents a year ago.

第二段:分析原因,利弊(6-7句,主题句 + 观点1 + 支撑 + 观点2 + 支撑。也可酌情写三个观点)

1. “某人做某事”是出于以下三个原因。(真题:学生不重视拼写的原因,学生出于不同的原因选择选修课)



1. People do sth for the following three reasons. First, Second, Third (Last but not the least)

Students would take the following three factors into consideration when they…

We can benefit a lot from … First, it has a positive influence on our study. It helps us broaden/widen our horizon, enrich our life and knowledge, lay a solid foundation for our future work, make our college life more colorful and wonderful, helps to improve people’s work efficiency. Second, we can have opportunities / chances to contact and communicate with others and improve our social skills.(promote, strengthen, enhance)

2. ****可能会引起一些列的问题。(预测:过度上网可能引起一些列的问题。)

首先,它对我们的健康有极其不好的影响(威胁到我们的健康)。其次,它影响我们的效率,让我们无法集中精力在工作和学习上。再次,它影响了我们和他人交际的能力。(这里只有主题 + 观点123,没有支撑的部分,大家自己酌情补充)

***may cause a series of problems. ***may give rise to a series of unpleasant / undesirable consequences. First, it has an extremely negative effect on our health, both physical and mental.(threaten) Second, it affects our efficiency and make us fail to concentrate on our work and study. Third (Last but not the least,) it undermines our ability to communicate with others.

3. 任何事物都有两面性,****也不例外。(或者:***是一把双刃剑,它既有好处,也有坏处)一方面(好处,有助于),另一方面(坏处,影响了)
