



Leave out periods in standard abbreviations. cf = compare e.g. = example dept = department etc. asap
Use only the first syllable of a word. pol = politics dem = democracy lib = liberal cap = capitalism
6. 笔记的要领
1. 纵写式(vertical arrangement) 口译笔记应避免横向书 写,以免影响传译的顺畅。 2. 重叠法 (superposition) 把一些相关的字词组合在一起, 使译员一眼就知这一系列字词间的关系。 3. 内缩式 (indention)利用笔记的上下前后位置,来显 示出不同位置语言间的关系,例如从属关系,或逻辑上的 关系。 4. 分隔法 (division)在一篇讲话中语气和意义结束的地 方,以 “//”或横线等分开以免和下面的句子和要点混淆。 用这种分隔线来显示语气和意义的完结。译完一段后,最 好将笔记划去,这样接着译时很容易找到该从何处开始译。
1. 口译记忆的方法:脑记
1) 由于口译包括对原语进行转换和重新表达的环 节,口译记忆必须是理解性的记忆。经过理解以 后,口译记忆就是对原语意义的记忆。 人脑的意 义记忆的容量是很大的。比如一部一个半小时的 精彩电影,看完后,大部分的内容都会记得很清 楚,还可讲述出来。因此,口译记忆是以脑记忆 为主。特别要注重捕捉原语的逻辑关系和主要意 逻辑关系和主要意 思,不能让字词牵着鼻子走。
Omit vowels, retain only enough consonants to give a recognizable skeleton of the word. ppd = prepared prblm = problem estmt = estimate bkgd = background gvt = government



技巧:使用符号、 缩写、图表等方 法快速记录信息
技巧:注意听辨、 理解、记忆、表达 等环节的协调配合
应用:适用于会议、 谈判、演讲等场合 的口译工作
应用:有助于提高 口译质量和效率, 提升口译人员的专 业素养
口译笔记法的应用:在现代口译中,口译笔记法已经成为不可或缺的工具,帮助口译员快速、 准确地记录和翻译信息
口译笔记法的未来:随着科技的发展,口译笔记法也在不断更新和完善,未来可能会更加智能 化和高效化。
口译笔记法的技 巧
笔记符号:用于 快速记录信息, 如箭头、圆圈、 方框等
缩写:将长词或 短语缩写为短词 或字母,如 “and”缩写为 “&”
《口译笔记法》PPT 课件
01 添加目录标题
02 口译笔记法概述
03 口译笔记法的技巧
04 口译笔记法的实践 应用
05 口译笔记法的注意 事项
06 口译笔记法的训练 方法
07 总结与展望
定义:口译笔记法是一种在口译过程中使用的笔记方法,可以帮助口译员快速记录和整理信 息,提高口译质量。
口译员在口译过程中,要注意观察听众的反应,及时调整口译策略,避免因为过度依赖笔记 而影响口译的效果。
避免使用过于复 杂的词汇和句子 结构
保持语句的简洁 性和连贯性
注意语气和语调 的协调性



非常感谢谁与争锋还保留着咱们的笔记讨论的帖子,无疑是对我们最大的鼓励相信我们一定可以做得更好!!ricotetaking 1去年春天,我国遭遇了一场非典疫情重大灾害。


将非典列为法定传染病管理,如实公布疫情,在全国范围内防治非典指挥部,统一调度人力物力财力,充分发挥城乡基层组织的作用,确保预.China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Ce ave top priority to protecting people's health and lives and promptly inves nd treat it. We enforced the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Pre iseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Response, isease. We reported the facts of the SARS situation exactly as they we hroughout the country to control the outbreak. The State Council and loc eadquarters to coordinate human, material and financial resources and rganizations in both urban and rural areas, so as to ensure that preventio nd orderly.分析:要说明的一点是这个版本完全是我自己的版本,最终出来的结果也绝对和英文版的不一样。



在口译过程中,根据听众和主题选择适当的语言非常重要。对于专业术语或特定领域的 词汇,应该使用准确、专业的语言进行记录。同时,根据听众的背景和需求,可以使用 更为通俗易懂的语言进行解释和记录。在选择语言时,还应该考虑到口音、语速等因素
笔记法是一种有效的辅助记忆手段, 可以帮助口译员更好地理解和记忆源 语言信息,并在翻译过程中更加准确 、流畅地传达信息。
通过笔记法,口译员可以记录下关键信息和细节,避免遗漏或误 解源语言信息,从而提高翻译的准确性和流畅性。
笔记法可以帮助口译员更好地记忆源语言信息,减轻记忆负担,使 口译员能够更加专注于理解和传达信息。
口译笔记的布局和格式非常重要,它关系到后续阅读和理解的速度。在记录笔记时,应该合理安排信 息的层次和结构,使得笔记整洁、有序。可以使用标题、段落和列表等方式,将信息进行分类和组织 。同时,注意留出适当的空白,以便于补充信息或进行注释。
遇到专业术语、长句或复杂逻 辑结构时,可以利用笔记的提
陪同口译的场景多样,笔记法 需根据实际语境进行调整,记
在陪同口译中,需要注意对话 的互动性和交流性,合理运用 笔记法来辅助表达和理解。
对于即兴发言或交谈,笔记法 能够帮助口译员迅速记录要点 ,提高口译的及时性和准确性 。



eve / 北大 / Dr Green&Mrs
I/代 /staff

& NZ 宾: 迎
→ 友合/ 重贡
明/→ 南 & 上
愉 trip//
Example 2
中国虽然取得了很大的发展成就,但中国人 口多、底子薄、生产力不发达,发展很不平 衡,生态环境、自然资源与经济社会发展的 矛盾比较突出。虽然中国人均国内生产总值 在去年已经突破了1000美元,但仍排在世界 第一百位之后。中国要实现现代化,使全体 人民都过上富裕生活,还需要进行长期不懈 的艰苦奋斗。
Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟(东盟)
Example 4
China’s reform and opening-up is exactly aimed at promoting human rights in China. The two are mutually dependent and reinforcing. Reform and opening-up creates conditions for the advancement of human rights, and the advancement of human rights invigorates the former. If one separates the two and thinks that China only goes after economic growth and ignores the protection of human rights, such a view does not square the fact.
China’s per capita GDP, though reaching the record high of 1000 dollars last year, still ranks behind the 100th place in the world. To make China’s modernization program a success and deliver a prosperous life for all the Chinese people still requires a long and uphill battle.



第15讲实战口译笔记示范(企业管理)Passage 1: Three traits of a successful manager (成功管理者的三大特质)Words and Expressionscoach教练fan forward在失败中吸取教训,在失败中前进entrepreneur创业家mindset思维Oprah Winfrey奥普拉·温弗瑞(美国著名脱口秀主持人)divergent不同的convergent相似的,相近的,趋同的Passage 2: How to be a good corporate citizenWords and Expressionscorporate citizen企业公民solid可靠的retain留住worthwhile cause有价值的事业nonprofit非营利机构或组织animal shelter动物收容所youth soccer league青少年足球联赛increase exposure提高知名度board of directors董事会business expertise经营专长fund-raising筹款usher引导员parking attendant泊车员press release新闻稿media outlet新闻单位,新闻机构Good morning. Today's topic is "corporate citizen". As we know, earning a reputation as a solid company means going beyond selling a good product at a good price and standing behind it. Being a good corporate citizen earns you a reputation as a valuable member of your professional or local community, helping you in a variety of ways, including creating customer loyalty, helping you attract and retain workers and improving the quality of life in the areas where you do business. Here are a few things you can do as a good corporate citizen: //First, develop a plan. You'll improve your image in your community if you create a well-thought-out corporate social responsibility campaign rather than writing a check here or there as charities knock on your door. You can only spend so much of your money doing good deeds, andthere's no crime in choosing worthwhile causes that also maximize your benefits. Meet with your marketing department to create an annual plan that helps you impress your target customers with repeated acts of giving or other good deeds. //Second, work actively with nonprofits. Don't just write a check to a local animal shelter or youth soccer league. Get involved to maximize the good you can do for them and to increase your exposure. Consider serving on a board of directors of a local nonprofit that can benefit from your business expertise. Offer to lend your website developer to a charity to help redo its website. Have your marketing people offer suggestions for nonprofits' fund-raising and event materials. Get involved with their promotion of your business, negotiating contracts that get your banners and links on their websites, or permission to use their logo on your website and packaging. // Third, get your staff involved. In addition to having your staff work with your nonprofit partners on company time, give them a chance to donate time or money. Ask your employees to volunteer at charity events as ushers, parking attendants and registration desk helpers while wearing your company logo. //Lastly, create a public relation campaign. Work with your nonprofits or local media to get coverage for your activities on a regular basis. Send press releases to media outlets where you advertise and have your nonprofit partners send their releases to their contacts. Use your packaging, website and marketing materials to let consumers know that when they buy from you, they support a charity. //参考译文:如何成为优秀的企业公民早上好!今天我要讲的是企业公民这个话题。




The tremendous wealth created by、China in the past quarter of a century has not only enabled our 1.3 billion countrymen to meet their basic needs for food,clothing and shelter and basically realize a modestly comfortable standard of living but also contributed to world development.2.中国信息产业既是信息化建设的基础,同时也是信息化的重要组成部分。

The information industry in China forms the basis for information .It is also part of the process.3.13亿人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展,对促进亚太地区和世界的稳定与发展,具有极其重要的意义。

China is a country with 1.3billion people. It stability and rapid development are of vital importance to the stability and development in Asia-Pacific Region and the world at large.4.只要双方有诚意,这类问题完全可以通过平等协商和扩大合作来加以妥善解决。

So long as the two sides act in good faith ,such problems can be properly resolved through consultations on equal terms and the expansion of bilateral cooperation .5.所以有些地方官员确实不重视农业,确实是口号农业。



林超伦实战口译笔记实例详解时间:2008-10-06 16:02来源:实战口译网站作者:林超伦点击:8322次在这里,我将举实例介绍我的笔记方法,以及我如何以笔记与大脑短期记忆互动的方式保证译文的精确度。












讲话原文Following the 1997 election, in which the Labour Party came to power, the macroeconomic policy framework has been reformed.第一层次:一个箭头,加97,再加"选",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"1997年大选之后"。











1. 符号:→

2. 符号:↑

3. 符号:↓

4. 符号:=

5. 符号:≠

6. 符号:+

7. 符号:-

8. 符号:△

9. 符号:√

10. 符号:×

11. 符号:□

12. 符号:▲

13. 符号:▼

14. 符号:○

15. 符号:∆






-ism 简写为m 如:socialism Sm -tion 简写为n 如:standardization stdn -cian 简写为o 如:technician techo -ing 简写为g 如:marketing MKTg -ed 简写为d 如:accepted acptd -able/ible/ble 简写为bl 如:available avbl -ment 简写为mt 如:amendment amdmt -ize 简写为z 如:recognize regz -ful 简写为fl 如:meaningful mnfl

° 中° u I h/sh □ □/□ γ π U Λ Λ
人 中国人民 你 我 他/她 国家/区域 国家之间 政府 政治/政策/决策人 协议/合同/祝酒 上面 /高高在上/优越 领导人

下面 ° 下属 v > 优于/期待 < 次于/回顾 >< 冲突/针锋相对 << 波折/波浪 ⊥ 分歧/不同点 ㄣ 椅子/主持 ㄣ° 主席 ⊙ 会议/讨论 ○ 国际/全球/世界 ⊕ 红十字会/护士 /医院 ∞ 渔业/鱼/渔夫

If you answered “NO” to any of these questions, you may need to develop some new note-taking skills!
Guidelines for Taking Notes

1.Concentrate on the lecture or on the reading material. 2.Take notes consistently. 3.Take notes selectively. Do NOT try to write down every word. Remember the average note-taker writes at a rate of about 25 words per minute. 4.Translate ideas into your own words. anize notes into some sort of logical form. 6.Be brief. Write down only the major points and important information. 7.Write legibly. Notes are useless if you cannot read them later! 8.Don't be concerned with spelling and grammar.
















要点是:1. 少写多划。





? 表示因果或前后关系的词句。


(注:个人觉得用“∵”、“∴”这两个符号表示因果较易哦)2. 少字多意。










数学符号“+”: 表示“加上,另外,除此之外”;“-”:表示“减去,缺乏等”;“×”表示“不对的,错的,坏的,臭名昭著的”;“∵”表示“由于,因为”;“∴”则表示“所以,因此,结果”等。











UN:联合国;APEC:亚太经合组织;UNESCO:联合国教科文组织;CPC:中国共产党;CPPCC:政协;PICC:中国人民保险公司;FDI:外国直接投资;IT:信息产业实际上,从1971年到1998年,由于中国实行计划生育政策,中国减少了 3.38亿人口。








口译笔记法(Note taking in interpretation)Note taking in interpretation (1) 2007, Sunday, 04, 22, 17:00To directly talk about my notes by the use of experience.On some websites, I have seen suggestions from foreign interpretation teaching circles for many interpreters:1) See to it that the notes are logical and legible.2) To write as few words and symbols as possible.3) Better take notes in the target language.The first point of personal feeling is the most important, because interpretation notes should try hard to present the concept and structure of source language messages. (interpreter must convey a complete and logical message, including the tone, meaning, etc.) of the speaker Therefore, note taking in interpreting must have the characteristics of "Structurally-complete". Macro requirements as a wholeAs for the second point, I think it must be implemented on the premise of meeting the first point. It is not necessary to record information as little as possible, and ignore or even affect the basic requirements of interpreting notes -- structure. Micro detail requirementsAt third, I don't really agree. I think we should use the relatively good and relatively well identified language to record the source language and the target language. In addition,interpretation notes can be used in two languages. For example: the record of the concept of "I", "me" in Chinese and English "I", it is easy for us to choose the latter, because of its small strokes, fast and easy to distinguish; record, record "China", you can choose "" can also be written as "cn", because the two are to identify and record. Micro detail requirementsIn short, there are no special rules for the recording language of interpretation notes. As long as it conforms to the principles of "quick record and easy identification", my colleagues and I usually use two languages in interpreting.My interpretation note method (two) 2009-12-03 16:48 note is the key to advanced interpretation. The use of note is to supplement the short-term memory and endurance of the brain to ensure the accuracy of the translation and to ensure that it is not affected by the duration of the speaker.If it is completely dependent on memory and no unusual talent, even energetic young people are not qualified for advanced interpretation in terms of accuracy and endurance. As a practical example, I've met many times in my work. Senior interpreters don't have to rely on notes. However, the notes used in advanced interpretation are not consistent with the general concepts.Please note that each person's memory, thinking, and response have their own characteristics. There's no need to copy my way. The best way to take notes is to develop your own, suitable for their own system. My introduction is to give you a head, a direction, open the role of ideas.For example, the simpler the notes, the faster the record. But the notes are simple, and the requirements for short-term memory are relatively high. So, how much is the best note, easy because of people, need to find out for their own balance.The main point is:1. write fewer strokes. The line is faster than the writing. Line image, equivalent to the translation of "semi-finished product", helps the interpreter to see notes, speak out the translation. Two cases should use lines as much as possible:Words that express actions and movements. For example, the rising diagonal represents "development", "increase", "progress", "further", and "slash", "decrease", "deterioration" and so on with descending diagonals.Words and phrases indicating causality or pre and post relations. For example, a line represents "because / so"","... After "," in... "Before", in order to reflect the relationship between up and down.2. little words and more meanings. Develop a habit of taking notes of no more than one word. There are a large number of words in Chinese that are composed of two or more than two words. As long as you see one of them, your short term memory should be able to fill in the rest of the word. No need to write more. For example,"China" at most write a "medium"". "Beijing" writes "North" atmost". English words are also treated in the same way. "Politics" writes "poli", "government", "gov", and so on. In addition, it is necessary to develop the ability to interact with notes and memory; to see the ability of a word to speak a few words, or even a string of words. In context, it's not difficult. For example, talking about China's current situation, listening to "reform, opening up", remember a "change" word, it is not difficult to tell the original text from short-term memory. When you hear "British Prime Minister Tony Blair", remember "PM", also can say the original text.3. little lines and more fingers. Generic small line / mark. Otherwise, in their own familiar Chinese and English, and compiled a set of unfamiliar with the use of code, will lead to need to think about what symbol to use, counterproductive.4. less horizontal more vertical. Take the ladder structure from the top down and record the horizontal record as little as possible when you write it. The ladder structure vividly reflects the logical structure of the context, simplifies the thinking process of the interpreter, and facilitates the translation.5. fast writing. We must develop our own Chinese character fast writing system. Note taking is entirely self - observation, and it only takes a few minutes to read. Many strokes of Chinese characters are reduced without affecting recognition. I speak of here is not sloppy, but in addition to the actual interpretation often have to scribble, take some time to practice or work in interpreting word ponder, can look at how to reduce stroke or stroke, straighten out a word.6. clear end. In interpreting, the speaker says a paragraph, stops, makes an interpreter, and then goes on. In this way, there must be definite boundaries between the previous paragraph and the next paragraph. At the end of the last time, it became the beginning of the next translation. Its importance is that, if the notes are started from the 1/3 book, the next paragraph may write a 2-3 page, turn back when interpreting, eyes cannot determine which line the top of the page, or is the starting point of the symbol translation content. So you need to mark it. When I first started, I learned that every speaker made a line at the end. Later found, from the speaker opening, to that time I had to speak as an interpreter is very valuable, are often used to supplement notes, reluctant to draw the line to end. Later, I just put off the procedure until I finished the translation. As I finished speaking, and the speaker started this time within my grasp, so when I finished, I made a line, and then motioned the speaker to continue.Besides, I don't think the line is clear enough, so now turn it into a circle and a line.Finally, talk about the equipment you need.I suggest you use a notebook with a loose ring, see the following photos. It's easy to flip back and forth with a loose ring. The size of your laptop is comfortable. I like to use A5 made in england. I lay in my hand, just right. It's just British notebooks that are designed for shorthand. Blank pages are more ideal.Finish a page, turn over a page. The speaker after closing, grabbed all turn back, left eye is at the beginning of this piece of. Then, translate a page, turn over a page. After the translation, the pages of the past are pressed into the palm of the hand. This is a clear separation of the past and the next paragraph with the palm of the hand. That's important. Otherwise, it is prone to the speaker after the closing, the home page for your back and forth embarrassment.If you're sitting at your desk, your laptop is on the desk, and you're finishing a page, turning over a page. Don't forget to press the completed notes page to your notebook before the speaker speaks.Pen, I suggest using a press type. In this way, a handheld book, the other hand can always take out a pen, a press began to remember. If the pen is rotated, it needs two hands to operate. If the cap is not tight, but also from time to time off, a distraction. Generally I am used to bring two pens,Too many times to avoid the exhaustion of inkNote taking symbols 32009-08-25 22:25 two, letters and images Z represent "human" people/person, because "Z" looks like a head, and it is usually written in the upper right corner of a word or symbol. For example: Japanese: JZ. C stands for government, rule: government, govern, Greek letter C, /ga:ma/, approximate government, so C is used to represent govern, government. Governmental official can be expressed as CZ P representing Politics: politics, political, Greek alphabet P, /pai/, approximate politics, political. Then politician can beexpressed as PZ E representing the total number: total, totally, entire, entirely, on the whole, all in all, to sum up, ect. E mathematical notation representing the total value. G represents efficiency: efficient, effective. G is the symbol of efficiency. Q stands for inflation: inflation, because the sign resembles a rising balloon. A means agriculture: agriculture. agriculture is often used, so use initial letters instead. B represents business: business. C X represents conflict and contradiction: "X" in conflict, confrontation "C X" stands for opposition, and the letter "C" reduces the concept of opposition to conflict and confrontation. W means work, profession: work, employ, etc.. It's the first letter of work. So WZ can be used to represent worker, and W (Z is employer above the letter, employee below the letter). I stands for Industry: industry, industrial letter I is like a chimney, so it can be used to represent industry. U U looks like a goblet, and says in the note that the Treaty (agreement) is generally expressed only after successful negotiations and agreements". If it is filled with 2 x x in U, it can be expressed as bilateral (two-sided), and 3 is expressed as trilateral (three sides). Fill in U, fill in 1, say: Unilateralism (unilateralism), fill in M (multiple) to express multilateralism.Note the symbol 52009-08-25 22:29 said: ups and "twists and turns" downs, twists and turns, etc. four, said that "more" + mathematical symbols: many, lots of, a great deal of a good, many of, etc. + + (+2) said "comparative" more +3 said: "the most advanced multi" Most said: "little": little, few, lack, in short of/ be in shortage of etc. * said "error", "error" and "bad" concept: wrong/incorrect something, bad, notorious, negative, etc. > said "more than" bigger/larger/greater/morethan/better than etc., the concept of "high the concept of" superior to, surpass, etc., "said" less than "concept:less/smaller etc. said," low "concept: inferior to, etc. =" equal "concept: means that, is to say, in othe R words, the same as, be equal to etc., said the "rival" concept: a match, rival, competitor, counterpart, etc. () said "... Between...": among, within, etc. and said "different" concept: be different from etc., said the "invincible" concept: matchless, peerless etc. said, "about" concept: about/around, or so, approximately, etc. / said "no", "eliminate" concepts such as: cross out, eliminate, etc.Five, punctuation, etc.: a variety of verbs that say "say", "speak", "talk", "marks", "announce", "declare", "etc.", "", "question", and "issue", for example: "TW"(DOT) the position of this "." point is different. The concept of ".D" means "yesterday", ".Y" means "last year", ".2m" means two month ago. "Y" this year, "y2." two year later "next week", "wk." can be expressed as a representation of "good" when turning said state, right/good, famous/well-known etc., said "agree", stand up for, support agree, with sb, certain/ affirmative, etc. said, "" state: important, exemplary (model) best, outstanding, brilliant, etc. n, said the "communication" state: exchange, mutual, etc. & said "and", "and" and together with, along, with, accompany, along, with, further, more, etc., said "the end": end stop, halt, bring, sth to a standstill/stop etc., six, a long word processing method -ism - M for example: socialism Sm -tion - N Standardization: Jane (for example Standard) stdn -cian Jane - O for example: technician techo -ing - G for example: Marketing (Marketing) MKTg -ed - D acceptedacptd -able/ible/ble for example: for example: available avbl - BL - MT -ment amendment amdmt -ize for example: Jane wrote for the Z example: recognize regz -ful - FL for example: meaningful mnflA collection of shorthand symbols for interpretation! (1) 2007-01-04 19:09:04, medium and small. Abbreviations:Abbreviations in Note takingUse only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that time. you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a1.Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references.S = sumF = frequencyLeave out periods in standard abbreviations.CF = compareE.g. = exampleDept = DepartmentUse only the first syllable of a word.Pol = politicsDEM = democracyLib = liberalCap = capitalismUse entire first syllable and only 1st letter of 2nd syllable.Pres = presentationSubj = subjectInd = individualCons = conservativeEliminate final letters. Use just enough of the word to form abbreviation. a recognizableAssoc = AssociateBIOL = biologyInfo = informationACh = achievementChem = chemistryMax = maximumIntro = introductionConc = concentrationMin = minimumRep = repetitionOmit vowels, retain only enough consonants to give a recognizable skeleton word. of thePPD = preparedPrblm = problemEstmt = estimateBkgd = backgroundGVT = governmentUse an apostrophe in place of letters.Am't = amountCont'd = continued政府=政府educat'l =教育形成一个符号或缩写词的复数加schpts =章EGS =实例FS =频率介绍:介绍用g表示ing结尾。



口译笔记范例100篇口译笔记范例1. Event: Conference on Climate ChangeSpeakers:- Dr. John Smith, expert on climate modeling- Ms. Sarah Johnson, representative from environmental NGO Key Points:- Dr. John Smith discussed the latest findings on the impact of climate change on weather patterns.- He emphasized the urgent need for global cooperation in addressing climate change.- Ms. Sarah Johnson highlighted the role of NGOs in advocating for climate action.- She urged governments and businesses to take immediate steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Vocabulary:- Climate modeling: 气候模拟- Global cooperation: 全球合作- Greenhouse gas emissions: 温室气体排放2. Interview: Economist on Global TradeInterviewee: Professor James Thompson, renowned economist Main Points:- Professor Thompson discussed the potential impact of trade tensions between major economies.- He emphasized the need for multilateral trade agreements to promote economic growth.- He highlighted the benefits of globalization, such as increased productivity and consumer choice.- However, he also warned about the challenges of income inequality and job displacement.Vocabulary:- Trade tensions: 贸易紧张局势- Multilateral trade agreements: 多边贸易协议- Globalization: 全球化- Income inequality: 收入不平等- Job displacement: 就业流动3. Press Conference: Company Announcement Spokesperson: Mr. David Williams, CEO of XYZ Corporation Announcement:- Mr. Williams announced the company's acquisition of a competitor.- He explained that this acquisition would strengthen the company's market position and expand its customer base.- He assured employees and stakeholders that the acquisition would not lead to any layoffs or major changes in the company's operations.- He expressed optimism about the future growth prospects of the company.Vocabulary:- Acquistion: 收购- Market position: 市场地位- Customer base: 客户群- Layoffs: 裁员- Operations: 运营4. Panel Discussion: Education ReformPanelists:- Dr. Susan Lee, education policy expert- Mr. John Davis, school principal- Ms. Lisa Chen, parent and education advocateKey Points:- Dr. Susan Lee discussed the need for education reform to better prepare students for the digital age.- Mr. John Davis shared his experiences in implementing innovative teaching methods at his school.- Ms. Lisa Chen emphasized the importance of parental involvement in shaping education policies.- The panelists agreed on the need for more funding and resources for schools.Vocabulary:- Education reform: 教育改革- Digital age: 数字时代- Teaching methods: 教学方法- Parental involvement: 家长参与- Funding: 资金5. Lecture: Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceLecturer: Professor Emily Adams, AI researcherKey Points:- Professor Adams provided an overview of the major applications of artificial intelligence.- She explained the concepts of machine learning and neural networks.- She discussed the ethical considerations surrounding AI, such as privacy and job displacement.- She emphasized the need for responsible AI development and regulation.Vocabulary:- Artificial intelligence: 人工智能- Machine learning: 机器学习- Neural networks: 神经网络- Ethical considerations: 伦理考虑- Job displacement: 就业流动以上是一些口译笔记范例,希望对你有所帮助。


invt (investment), respon (responsibility), memo (memorandum), demo (demonstration), Ad (advertisement), TQC (total quality control全面 质量管理), CI (corporate image企业形象), Attn (attention),
The negotiation held between the UN and rebel forces in Afghanistan broke down. (谈UN+阿反) X use abbreviations, symbols, acronyms;
“Prof” for “professor”, “dept” for “department”, “std” for “standard”. “ref” for “reference”, “eg” for “for example”, “ie” for “that is”, “esp” for “especially”, “min” for “minimum”, “max” for “maximum”, and “usu” for “usually” “cf” for compare "SH" for shanghai
The total cost of building the whole college town will be 2.5 billion Yuan.
A:6W(何人、何事、何时、何地、何物、如 何) B:数字与专有名词 C:讯息内容之间的关系。
1. 核心
China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world today. The development of our cooperative relations with China is a wise and necessary approach, because a strong and stable China agrees with the strategic interests of the EU. key words: fastest growing economy/ cooperation/ wise and necessary/ strategic interests


act of interpreting.
•improve concentration • facilitate analysis of the
speech •activate memory • improve the accuracy of
Note –taking
• It is accepted that notes are helpful to the interpretation, but its help is only secondary. In fact, the whole message




大于 >
小于 <
小于或等于 ≤
大于或等于 ≥
等于、意味着 =
不等于 ≠
约等于 ≈
遗憾、悲哀 ;
高兴、荣兴 (

导致、结果 →
对立、冲突 ><
波折 <<
会议、会面 ⊙
进入 ∩
接触、交往 ∞
分歧 ⊥
非常、十分重要 **
• 不同意 N 同意 Y
automobile industry.
— — ————————————— — — ———————/——————
/ — — ——————————/
——————————————— —————————/——————
/ ————————————/
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口译笔记训练——笔记法实例解析(配图片)Notetaking 1去年春天,我国遭遇了一场非典疫情重大灾害。




China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Central Com mittee and the State Council gave top priority to protecting people's health and live s and promptly investigated SARS and took steps to prevent and treat it. We enforc ed the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Res ponse, and classified SARS as a communicable disease. We reported the facts of th e SARS situation exactly as they were and mobilized the general public throughout t he country to control the outbreak. The State Council and local governments establi shed anti-SARS headquarters to coordinate human, material and financial resources and to make full use of primary-level organizations in both urban and rural areas, s o as to ensure that prevention and treatment work was done quickly and orderly.分析:要说明的一点是这个版本完全是我自己的版本,最终出来的结果也绝对和英文版的不一样。





1st表示首位Rea后面是一个我的发散性的符号,表示展开,也可表示普及def. defineepd. epidemicpub. publicize方框国家人人p&t prevention and treatment圆圈+ H 圆圈本来用作表示会议,这里+H表示HEADQUARTER圆形方孔钱Financialfunc. function LG - local gov. 这里的句子就需要自己变化了,因为不要放弃了,精力放在记忆上—〉.....继续进行尽管这篇是英文到中文,个人习惯了多数的东东都更多的使用英文来做note.有的认为笔记做好是做成target language的。




cheersoutbreak用的是一个炸弹的符号生命健康选择saf而非听到的livesimm=immediatelylegi = legislate下面是把那一些烈的措施作了一个并列的处理。



象整篇应为都是在这个context下面所以不必一直都写sars后面可以直接用S.三角形加横线我代表平衡,协调,当然可以表示正义,司法等等哦还有,在第三段))我的这个符号表示讲话,关于,表示,又是相当于ON 后面我使用了汉字快反POL我通过前面的formulate判断是policy但后来察看应该是Reg更合适另外用到汉字的是‘基’像这种很容易中文判断是这个。

保=保护Notetaking 2(选自BUSH清华的演讲)During the 30 years since, America and China have exchanged many handshakes of friendship and commerce. And as we have had more contact with each other, the citizens of both countries have gradually learned more about each other. And that's important. Once America knew China only by its history as a great and enduring ci vilization. Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, s cholarship, and honor. And we see a China that is becoming one of the most dyna mic and creative societies in the world -- as demonstrated by the knowledge and p otential right here in this room. China is on a rising path, and America welcomes th e emergence of a strong and peaceful and prosperous China.分析:总体上感觉这个段落在一些语句上不好处理,特别是在后半部分。



建议大家的笔记不要太密集))表示在某一方面,在这里使用了)))表示特别,更多,许多trad. 一般有不同的表示,尽管这里原文是commerce,这里的trad=trade 来代替commerc e当然在使用的时候要小心,别弄混了。

后面还使用了trad.=traditionContact 使用了一个算是半圆来表示,这个纯属个人用法。

那个半圆表示隐形眼镜=contac t lens [好像是大一的时候美国朋友告诉了我这个词并非隐性,而是contact从此就记住了,所以就在着用了]另外特别强调的是在办原上边有一条横线,哪个我是用来表示完成时,大家可以参考我前面发过的一些符号。






一般叹号表示警惕危险...hwr. =however 通常一种速记的方法是拆头拆尾,来凑一个词。

蛮有用的那个拐弯的箭头ing表示正在改变,转变人下面架一个R表示room房间太阳升起笑脸,欢迎,欣喜看到,同意.....倒数第二部分,就是那块knowledge, potential那块不好处理。




希望听听大家建议Notetaking 3世界的发展很不平衡,一些国家的贫困人口仍在上升,实现联合国千年发展目标面临严峻挑战。











挑战嘛,还没想好:)另外我注意到了你使用了箭头来表示‘因此' ,要小心箭头的使用,这个地方表现的连接就不清晰。



Notetaking 4我们也清醒地看到,在扫除文盲这方面我们还有很多的工作要做。






Notetaking 5解放以后新疆和全国一样发生了翻天覆地的变化,尤其是改革开放的二十多年里,新疆的发展很快。



